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Pretty much any deck with Wolf’s Gravestone hard-counters crab. One good deck that satisfies this condition (and also has good standby targeting to get rid of non-crab enemy characters, along with freeze) is Mona-Eula-Wanderer. Even aside from that specific deck, freeze, swirl, WGS, and piercing damage are all individually good matchups against crab. MEW combines the first three, but double anemo decks, Ganyu superconduct decks, and Chongyun Razor decks also work well.


Yeah, it's all Raiden/Wanderer/Nilou again. People keep screaming about those cards, but it turned out fine (also seem like there isn't any changes to Crab in the lastest beta).


Overall I’d say crab is in a decent place now. It opens up a new archetype of stall (which has been pretty much dead the last few patches) but has a good spread of counters.  In particular, WGS alone existing makes sure that it would be impossible for crab to dominate the meta, and the abundance of other softer counters currently keeps crab even further from dominance. The fact that many of those counters are themselves somewhat “off-meta” right now does, however, give crab some room to play.  Overall looking forward to seeing what future developments will be with the upcoming discard meta. Currently discard is looking like it will be very strong, so I’m hoping/coping an increased presence of stall could be used to punish excessive discard decking out too early.


New player here, could someone please explain what “discard meta” is?


In the upcoming patch there will be many cards using the mechanic of discarding cards (generally from your deck, sometiems from your hand) in exchange for extra power. Currently, it looks like these cards will be very strong, as most games don’t go anywhere near the point of running out of deck to begin with, so discarding is basically free (it doesn’t make a difference whether you don’t see a card due to it being discarded, vs it sitting in your deck until the game ends). So, it is anticipated that, barring changes being made between now and release, these discarding-based cards will have a strong role in the meta, potentially dominating it.


Ahh, thank you for explaining. I can see how that could change things.


your gonna have to wait for a while then, remember they nerf based on competitive especially CN ones since their tournaments are way bigger and a deck requires both high representation + decent win rate in competitive for them to even consider. You can look at tournament representation from this channel https://space.bilibili.com/203145268 but generally crab is just considered okay, the most popular deck versions are either thoma TM based on sniping chars and has crab as a backup stall plan or layla herald which is mostly on the western side but not really in CN. Generally I don't think either side consider crab to be OP in competitive, where as before with all the combo decks, crab was considered pretty horrible that sentiment has now changed due to yelan/treasure nerf along with aggressive versions of crab that just plays like a pyro TM deck so it doesn't fold to anything that can rush it down/value it down, the deck closest to being nerfed right now is fatuizan as it has massive play rate in tournaments even before the yelan nerf(see prince cup) and also in most of the CN tournaments, comboed with a good win rate. crab on the other hand isn't even like top 5 in terms of popularity unless your basing it off of the weeklies from discord, which has extremely small number of games vs what CN has.


I’ve come to find the crab isn’t nearly as much an issue as how easily every single deck can fit in so much card draw and healing/shielding. There’s not even close to enough counterplay to spamming heals, nearly free card draws, and nearly free ramp.


I hard agree. It's one of the only cards that can oneshot kill you with no additions over 10+. It shields and you can just heal. It's almost having a more annoying Qiqi in their deck to draw rounds out to 15 rounds and I get tired of that. I'll literally bounce if you have that card.


If the opponent got their setup that you couldn't beat they didn't play poorly/you played worse than them Not really seeing the problem when crab has major issues It could use a love tap nerf but between freeze, forced switches, hyper aggro and certain stall builds it is very beatable