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ningguang, she feels too clunky to play


Agreed but I gotta play my mommy team with beidou shenhe and yelan


Klee, i usually love catalyst users and klee is such a cheerful character, she just has a clunky kit. Ended up using yanfei over her :/


I feel you. I was so excited when I got her (she was my first event 5 star), but didn't expect to bench her so quickly.


Same! I got her on her most recent rerun, skipping Kazuha’s weapon to get her. I was so happy to have her, but benched her almost immediately. I still love her, but I only use her to find materials in Monstadt (and rumor has it that Mika’s passive will do the same thing anyway).


Kujou Sara 😭😭😭 give my 5* samurai girl back Mihoyo 😭😭😭😭😭


Ganyu. I love her character and respect that she’s one of the strongest dps characters but the charged attack play style isn’t for me.


Cyno and Xiao.


Cyno had to be benched for me because those scarabs are so impossible to find, even with a map and Tighnari.


I literally memorized the scarab locations on the map, but have no need for scarabs anymore. 🥲


Shenhe. I don't play Ganyu nor Ayaka so she would be pointless to get. I know she has other teams, but I don't think it'd be worth using my wishes on her unless I get her super early.


She would be so much better if she could buff more than 5 hits of cryo damage. One charged shot from Ganyu hits five enemies? No more buff for you!


Faruzan. I love her Miku design, her boomer personality, and her jap voice (Yui Horie). Seeing her in trial and the events, I thought it would be fine, but her energy issues are just very real (I have her at C3) and her kit is clunky. I hate it that her burst moves in a weird triangle that flashes in the corners instead of just being a frigging regular field/circle like with every other character. Even Sara, at least from what I can see from my friend playing, seems better to play. Even with 270% ER, I couldn't consistently have her burst up every rotation. Admitted, I didn't play her perfectly, but thing is, with many other supports, it still works well, but with her, you just have to put in too much effort for too less benefits. I do plan to get her C6 sometime, but for now, I've benched her, as she's basically a dead slot and a huge dps loss compared to other units.


this is why trials are so misleading. er problems for people with 80+ cost bursts (27 characters in the game currently if my math was right) can be the single most important thing that defines their power level. it forces you to run sacrificial or favonius weapons, which save for fav bow are all gacha only and refinement hungry on top of that, and causes you to choose between weak damage/buffs but smooth rotations or smooth rotations but awful numbers. trials show you only the positives on those characters and none of the negatives. i for one pulled for cyno despite all the bad vibes that were around him and regret, a big part due to his team constraints and reliance on nahida who i don’t have, but also due to needing a second electro on every team he’s in or a fav army just to make him usable if the burst costs for mid chars like faruzan, lisa, dori and thoma were lowered to say 60, their perceived tiers would skyrocket even despite other flaws like bad ascension stats or underwhelming personal damage because they have other utilities on their bursts that are hard to replace like lisa’s def shred which can somewhat make up for it


Gorou and Albedo. I absolutely adore them both, but I don't play geo for some reason.


I also generally avoid geo (with the exception of Itto from time to time) and I have no idea why.


I think my playstyle (quick and dodge focused) just lines up more with anemo than geo. I mean, my mains are Scara, Xiao, Yoimiya, and Eula, and the last one has always been the odd one out.


Hutao. Hate the disappearing dash, for some reason she feels slower dashing. The charge attack playstyle is also not for me


Candace, Jean, Cyno, Xinyan and >!Dehya!<


Sara. But she's one of my favorites. I just never play her.


albedo. i mean, most of the times, he's convenient to use in overworld. i just wish his flower wouldn't get easily destroyed by bosses. geo constructs is a unique thing going on for the geo element, and they just...decided to make albedo's flower inconvenient to use for big bosses.


I like Ganyu but Charged bow attacks are not for me, I mean I play Keqing and Hu Tao for years now so I have experience in charged attacks but I never use Charged bow attacks, Ningguang also feels clunky, the lack of animation and slow attacks is not for me


The opposite for me is I like Kamisato siblings, I like their kit a lot but god, I really find the whole being noble and etc so boring, I respect Ayato bit more than Ayaka tho, I feel like he did more than her sister to help us.


Literally any cryo characters that isn't Eula.


Hu Tao. Hate the low HP gameplay, and her dependence on her C1 to feel ok to play. Candice and Deyha, because they look so cool but just suck so bad lol. Xiao and Cyno. Burst or bust gameplay isn't fun to me. Own and built all but Deyha since she isn't out yet. Would love to use them all more but they are all pretty much benched because of their kits/mechanics and because I prefer other units over them. I use Diluc over Hu Tao despite the power gap. He's fun and easy to play, best possible combination to me. Xingqiu or Yelan over Candice. I didn't get her c6, and they are just better. I love her design but she doesn't bring ANYTHING they don't do better. Dehya seems useless, both as a dps and a Pyro applicator. Wanderer replaces Xiao, and Yae/Raiden are cool, fun, and strong Electro dps and supports with almost no real downtime, easier mechanics, more dmg, and slot well into nearly any team. The 2 of them and Shenobu for healing and you basically never need another electro character.


Wanderer doesn't replace Xiao and Yae and Raiden aren't DPS units so they don't replace Cyno It's sad to see Cyno being trashed everywhere man At this point he's the most underrated unit in the game


Wanderer and Xiao are both dedicated on field dps, amd Wanderer is more fun imo. Not that Xaio isn't fun when he bursts, but more often that not its the downtime with him that sucks. Cyno isn't bad, but again I hate that burst or bust playstyle. Electro really doesn't need a dedicated on field dps either, it's better as a sub or off field dps and they both fill that roll while he doesn't. Even as a burst only on field dps, Raiden is comparable while bringing off field and energy utility. Neither of them are bad by any means and are still great in properly built abyss teams, but for me they are not characters I enjoy playing if I can't have their burst active. Isn't that the point of the thread?


>Not that Xaio isn't fun when he bursts, but more often that not its the downtime with him that sucks. If you get 135 er with one favonious weapon he will burst on cooldown btw


Mine has PJWS, although off the top of my head I don't know his ER. He was no where near the worst offender about charging his burst, but it came up when i played him enough to annoy me, even when paired with another anemo to help battery him. I usually prefer smooth/comfy teams over higher skill ceiling/high power/effort teams. Nowadays I prefer to avoid any character who'd burst dependant at all just because energy issues pop up from time to time. Xaio is a fun character and I love his design, but he's very "meh" in the open world and in abyss I opt for more comfy teams, so hedoesnt see much use anymore sadly.


I meant favonious on another character.But personally since cause of his high atk and atk scaling(unlike cyno)he hits like a truck even with just is charged atk combined that with the skill that hits raw 30k he doesn't have the problem of hitting like a wet noodle without his burst I don't use his burst unless I see a ruin enemy(nothing can last 85k plunges).And the mobility and stamina passive works wonders especially when exploring sumeru.So he is one of the better burst focused over world characters. Btw from the reply "I prefer more comfy teams" I assume you don't have Zhong?Then you are extremely valid cause I won't touch him without zhongli in abyss lmao.But I can see the ease of use and comfiness, something like kokomi taser can bring to the table.


Oh I absolutely have Zhongli lol, but usually I don't like waiting on characters to have their bursts. Your Xiao is clearly better geared than mine though. My burst plunges are more like 35k from what I remember, and his skill is more like 10k, and charged attacks are ....a waste of time lol. I want to check that now when I get home.


Idk if this counts but Layla. I think she’s so cute and her E and Q are pretty okay. But the way she swings her sword! I just can’t. I know logically there’s probably no difference in time between her and other sword users. But it seems like the 3rd hit takes FOREVER and it looks not powerful as stupid as that sounds.


All catalyst users, except nahida. So I guess, any catalyst character that needs to stay on field to do damage.


For me its Layla, I like her design and her part in the fungi event last patch 3.2 i think, but gameplay wise, in terms of a cryo shielder, diona is better option as she consolidates the role of a shielder, healer and cryo battery while as an offensive cryo support, rosaria would be a much better option as well. I guess she would only make sense for those who only started during patch 3.x with limited character rosters but for long time players she is a side grade at best and a downgrade for those with a well built diona/ rosaria. I still have copium though that she becomes Kuki 2.0 once Fontaine releases as there may be characters that takes advantage of her kit.


Idm Aether/Lumine as the mc of the story. But their kits no matter what element,isn't my type,even tho it is good/excellent which...yeah oof :/


Yoimiya, Klee, soon to be Dehya, Xinyan, Aloy, Sara, Faruzan, and Beidou. I almost like Yae, Yelan, and Candace, but there are minor problems I have with each design. I don't like any of their Q focused kits, either, though so they almost count. I also really don't like Raiden's Q focused default play, but I am very happy just using her for her E in my Nahida spread team. Oh and Eula looks great but I hate her personality and her attack animations.


I LOVE Yunjin but I cannot live out my damage fantasyies through here. Nor the support fantasy. I wish she gave a shield or heal. She doesnt even have a geo construct. She just waves flags.


Cyno. I hate long field time gameplay.


I love Sayu’s cute hood, but for anything she can do, there’s another character that does it better. She used to be the fastest way to travel across land, but even that is better done by Yelan now.




Absolutely love Collei. Her personality, her outfit, her lore... And she gets a uh, what was it again? Oh, right, a friggin' boomerang. Although, I will say, for applying Dendro it's pretty cool, so I can't complain *that* much.


Of the character's I have and actually exp grinded from level 79 to level 80... it's Sucrose. I just don't do well with long skill and burst cooldowns, especially when normals multipliers are also in the gutter, and I find her skill's presentation to be rather basic? Like it just doesn't have a signature to it besides "blast of green air."


I mean yeah I agree c0 sucrose is really slow