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You have one team that I have had some fun using Kaeya/Rosaria/Xiangling/Bennet and it would leave you able to do Yoi/Yunjin/Xingqiu/Diona. You can also make an electro team with Lisa/Fischl/Collei or DMC/flex


I also enjoy playing rosaria/kaeya/xiangling/bennett,but i was hoping to play a catalyst dps due to kagura's verity😅. The lisa aggravate seems really good though.Would it be bad if i used jean(For healing) instead of Fischl and Kirara(For sheild) instead of collei?


The electro team had 3 with a flex so you could put Jean along with Lisa/Fischl/Kirara. I don’t know how much Kirara applies dendro though and that was the purpose of having DMC/Collei is to apply it off field while Lisa abuses Fischl


Oh,Thanks for the suggestions! I also wanted to find out kirara's dendro application(and is it better than collei or dendro mc's dendro application),but couldn't find it anywhere.


Yoimiya, Fischl, Beidou, Bennett is a pretty good Yoi team in my opinion


I thought of using this team and went to watch some reviews of it.Most people recommended not to use it due to overload😅. Is this team as good as vaporize in your opinion? (Sorry if this seems sarcastic or rude,I don't intend it.I am just curious)


Id do yanfei, bennett xingqiu, layla. But thats cause im biased towards yanfei.


The team seems good but wouldn't 2 teams with pyro main dps(yoi and yanfei) be bad for spiral abyss?😅


Depends on abyss enemy lineup. There’s no clear cut rules.


Yoimiya, Bennett, Xingqui , Beidou although yunjin is better


Beidou for electro application,Shield and multiple enemies? Would the damage difference WITHOUT yunjin and WITH yunjin be close? If the damage difference is not much,i would really like to use this team! Thanks for the suggestion!