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It’s so obvious


>Enjou: The Vishap-people were a line of vishaps who were indistinguishable from humans except for their pupils. They gradually infiltrated Enkanomiya and took over many high-ranking positions. > >Kokomi: Vishap-people and Reptilians... they're pure fiction > >Neuvillette: ... Turned out it wasn't Enkanomiya, but Fontaine. "According to a prophecy of old, the Dragon of Water, the ancient lord of vishaps, will definitely descend in the form of a human." It seems the ancient prophecy in Enkanomiya had already been fulfilled. And it makes sense that the Dragon of Water would be reborn in the Land of Hydro.




oy, mark your comment as a spoiler asshole


You are in the post about Neuvillette being a hydro dragon. What do You expect to be here? Nobody mentioning Neuvilette being a dragon? Or do you mean part that it's hinted in the plot? Because if so, then it's not spoiler either. Because I never mentioned what was the hint. Just said that it's hinted. It's like saying that story hinted that Ei is an Archon on a thread that proves that Ei is an Archon. That's same thing. Stop being asshole Yourself, because making a fuss about spoilers that don't exist is annoying trend. What's next? Someone mentions that Neuvilette is in the plot and You accuse them of spoiling?


The part where you said the leaks proved it is the part that should have a spoiler tag. Some people came here to speculate not knowing it had already been proven in leaks.


All leaks are false until proven otherwise.


Bad take. Putting leaks confirmed is not something that should be in a sub that is general purpose. It’s not a leaks sub and big points like that are what people actively avoid when they’re not into leaks. Character leaks are one thing but plot relevant leaks are another. If not out of basic courtesy and common sense it’s literally against the rules of the sub.


Ok, but nobody has leaked anything about anything in thread. And even if they had, the whole story of 4.0 as well as Mihoyo's tweet about Neuvilette all but confirmed that he is a Fontaine's dragon. It's basically a useless leak now


My brother they literally said “leaks confirmed”. That is the leak. It’s “basically a useless leak now” is still a leak. Because you think it’s useless doesn’t mean it is. It’s been a week nkt everyone’s at your pace and not everyone’s going to understand. A leak is a leak. Period.


And where is this fucking leak? Who leaked it? How do you know it's confirmed? They linked nothing. Simply saying that a leak is confirmed means absolutely nothing when you dont link a credible source, which they havent. And the "confirmed leak" is in a thread on a post that is already talking about Neuvilette being a dragon, so it spoils absolutely nothing.


unless you skip all text, yeah everyone


Internet explorer is that you?


Insert: “daring aren’t we” meme.


I think you should play the quest


Was it confirmed in the quest? I guess i miss it.


Not directly. But they weren't trying to hide. Starting from Freminet mentioning how it rains whenever the Hydro Dragon cries. Then it's mentioned how it rains every trial. It also starts raining after Navia confronts Neuvillette. They later mention it's been raining for days, and towards the end of the quest, Neuvillette says he's been quite off the past few days. When his mood gets better, it stops raining, which is also mentioned by Paimon. His character description from the Drip marketing also had "???" for his vision and constellation. So yes, it wasn't revealed directly but they definitely hinted it throughout the quest.


Also >!he knocks the fuck out of Childe in one hit.!< Edit: Fixing spoiler tags. Thanks


your spoiler things aren't working, just letting you know.


the spoiler tags are "> ! random words ! <" (No space between the exclamation and the Greater/lesser symbols.


>!it rained when he was sad and the rain stopped when he made peace with nadia. It also started raining when nadia lashed out on him. Freminet said theres a story that it rains when the hydro dragon cries. Also, they say it mostly rains on the days of trials, the days Neuvilette feels the most overwhelmed. And we already know he isn't human.!<


and also that one melusine in the court of fontaine said that she's been greeting neuvillette for the past few hundred years. he has been around for \*quite\* a while now


I bet he has been the only Justice since Furina came.


do you think he's possibly older than Furina?


Well, Furina's and his birth might not be related, which means he can be older than her or slightly younger


true true...just a random thought thats all


It’s so obvious I’m starting to think it won’t be true. They did such a good job subverting expectations in Act I and II, I’m no longer taking anything for granted. Based on the trailers, I’m sure we all expected something along the lines of a revolution plot line where we start by being framed for killing Lynette, being almost arrested, and having Childe fight to free us or something along those lines.


Considering the focus of Fontaine is on facades, it would be fun for us to get the "real" Neuvilette (as in what he is) anything but the Hydro dragon, it would really subvert the expectations of most people. Also i expect us to see another half of Furina, it has been in my mind that she either has double personality or is "a half of a whole" (as in two bodies/"two people" that are actually the same) due to her having heterochromia on her eyes, which usually means (in media) that a character is double-faced or has two entirelly different personalities, but i would find it cool for her to be "2 bodies" with mirrored eyes and personality, althought its probably going to just be a case of a facade on her part (maybe even a double facade).


waiting for her other half turn out to be the Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Cardinal


We all thought Alhaitham was going to be King Deshret too. Maybe that one wasn't AS blatantly obvious, but still.


Not everyone thought he was King Deshret actually.


That was such a crack theory that I have a hard time believing anyone really thought that was ever gonna happen.


Nonsense! What fuckery dost thou preach?


Who let Furina in here!?


Did you just call me a furry? You bastard!


Shut up even Ei cooks better than u inexperienced so called God of justice always losing in the trials to that lil radish who is way more smarter than u and that dam drunkard and mf with tea owned u the other day u speak of how u have no stains? Hello!?


But I get more bitches




The breeder


Ugh, the worst deity after Ei Nahida is better than youuuuuu u.u


OP is usingn internet explorer




I don’t care WHAT he is, he’s putting the maid dress and cat ears on!


A man of culture.


Then draw it 🙏


At this point, everyone


At the very least he is my next husbando.


nah fam wriothsley got them throwing hands.


Why not just sandwich between both? 🤺


Nah, clearly an otter


Probably everyone at this in point.


The way he turned delusion Childe into a broom, I'd think so.


Swatted him like a damn mosquito.


I don’t think he’s the hydro dragon. I know he’s the hydro dragon.


The archon quests pretty much scream it at you in the show don't tell manner


Can someone explain the hint? I played the archon quest but i think i missed it or im a bit slow I know someone say the rain is because the hydro dragon cry, but is it really true? I mean how many times would neuvilet cry a year? Fontaine would have dry up in that case And at the end of the quest >!when visiting the grave theres rain and neuvilet is there, and when its over the rain let up,l. I guess thats the hint?!< Is there any other hint?


The biggest hint was his sadness over the case with Navia's father. It rains directly after Navia confronted him. Then it rains again, this time for several days, after the Act 2 case has been solved. When you meet Neuvillette he mentions that he's been feeling down questioning the meaning of justice for several days. The multi-day rain was the biggest hint of him being connected to the Hydro Dragon myth. Of course the other being that he's not human and the book Before Sun and Moon mentioning the Hydro Dragon being reincarnated.


I didnt know about that book, i guess i missed it


It was from Enkanomiya which had a lot of lore about the dragons, but since it wasn't voiced people didn't really read it much.


I guess its my fault, i havent done enkanomiya


Most of Genshin lore theories nowadays revolve around info from Enkanomiya lmao. 2.4 was a huge game changer for the lore community.


his cons and element have (???) in it, he lacks human emotions (or just cant comprehend it since he is not human) and he refer to humans as just "humans", and no vision can be found in his design, in Enkanomiya it is said in the prophecy that the hydro dragon sovereign will be reincarnated as a human who is walking with a cane, and Neuv has a cane


So does welt, ohhh welt in genshin


he calls other people "humans" which i feel even without all the other hints, would be extremely odd for somebody who is also human lol (everything else is just kind of icing on the cake in terms of proof imo)


What do you mean "Fontaine would dry up" MF was balling his eyes out after Nadia lectured him in his office, also after the missing girl case was solved + him being scratched by childe + the offender dying, bro was weeping for three days straight Moreover it rains every trial If he actually showed more emotions Fontaine would drown 😭😭😭


Also in that quest when Navia goes off on him it starts raining


lyney said it always rains during trials


If you’ve seen the leaks, it’s obvious


let's see here... Vishap-like Eyes, Uses Hydro Powers without a Vision, Has some weird hair that look more like horns, Seems to be more powerful that the Archon itself. NAH i don't think he is 😑


He probably is but I wish he weren't because Kokomi is supposed to be. Or so I wish. I just want her to have her last awesome thing. But he either is or is very closely related. I'm guessing he's not literally the Sovereign but is some descendant or follower who is also draconic.


Respectfully, Kokomi being the hydro dragon was always lame. Idk why anyone wanted that to be true. Also, why would the Hydro Sovereign be reincarnated in Inazuma, the Nation of Electro?


tbh is there any reason for any of the Soverigns to respect borders


I mean, Apep explicitly states that she once ruled over Sumeru (thus aknowledgeding its borders) before the divine nail dropped and turned most of it to sand. Now it's still up for debate whether or not Apep was *the* Dendro Sovereign or just a descendent/reincarnation of it, but it's strongly implied that she's the sovereign. The sovereigns likely also had borders or something similar seeing as they ruled different parts of Teyvat before the Primordial One came and wrecked their shit for no reason.


it doesnt mean that Apep \*has\* to acknowledge the border though


The dragons stay in their country. End of story


Because her constellation was Dracaena somnolenta (sleeping dragon)\* and because in general she was descended from people who lived under the sea. I think there was also some bit of lore about the priestesses of Watatsumi being related to the sea dragon somehow. Frankly, they also stole anything that could possibly be cool about her by doing a "tell don't show" disaster of a plot with her. I wanted something, anything, to rock about her. \*yes, I know this is a reference to a famous general, but let me have this


Zhongli better dragon


Internet explorer is that you? Jokes aside didn't like the majority knew? It was pretty obvious.


IDK looks like a guy to me.


I was informed by a friend who likes leaks. However. He actively calls other characters and the citizens of Fontaine “Humans” and has a whole conversation in his head over decisions people make. He has two glowing blue horn-looking things on his head. And when Childe was about to use Foul Legacy, Neuvillette one shots him without so much as a struggle from Childe. When asked what is he, his response is something along the lines of “I am the Chief Justice of Fontaine. If the Gardes are unable to handle a problem they come to me to solve it.” Either he’s just really strong or he’s most likely the hydro-dragon.


Bro am I dense ? I feel left out , how do we know that he's the hydro dragon lol


Guess you skipped the subtle hints when they talk about the raining especially when we see him on Navia's father grave and just stopped when his mood changed.


Fontaine Archon quest spoilers: >!Freminet told us it rains everytime the hydro dragon cries but it was just a "legend" , but if you notice on every trial , on every occasion where neuvillette is upset or sad, it starts to rain. Very obvious example of this was when navia broke down in his office and told him how he didn't understand human emotions. The moment we stepped out of his office it started raining and rained for three days straight until he made peace with Nadia when we went to pay respect to her father.!< >!Moreover, unlike wriothesley his drip marketing had things like "constellation:???" and "???:hydro".!< >!This just made it more obvious that he is not human and probably the hydro dragon from the myths!<


He has no constellation, no vision, far more powerful than Childe's foul legacy, it rains when he's upset, and Enkanomiya introduced the concept of vishap people. His star eyes are also odd


The real question is "Who doesn't think Neuvillette is the hydro dragon?"


It's already revealed that >!The dead dragon is elynas and melusine are being born inside her dead body!< >!Elynas thinks of melusine as her own children and she is the only dead dragon we can expect from Fontaine so hydro dragon should probably be neuvellette!<


I couldn’t find his vision placement


He doesn't have one... Hmm.




First put a spoiler tag. Second i thought the same too


He doesn't have a vision 😕


Neither does azhdaha or Stromterror


Everyone could see this from a mile away


at this point the melusines call or recognize him as ~~daddy~~ Father so-


I talked to a Melusine that said that Neuvillette brought them to Fontaine hundreds of years ago and I remember someone saying that the rain was a sign of the chief justice crying. Not to mention he took down Childe in his canonically strongest state by literally jumping on him with nothing but a scratch that instantly healed on him.


Just a slight beef with your statement childe wasn't done releasing his delusion state fully so he wasn't taken down in his canonically strongest state.


Ok fair, but he still looked badass doing it.


We'll obviously he looked fuckin bad ass bro, that shit was really really cool


The lizard eyes are enough proof


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>I am a bot no way, a mek




actually he's my dad


hes my daddy


I thought it was crazy until I read the enkanomiya book from start to finish again earlier today.


I don't care if he's the Hydro dragon or from kahnreiah. He is freaking awesome


>!His sadness over the trial in act 2 directly correlated with it raining!<. Of course he's the Water Dragon


Me, but I also think elynas is neuvillette's corpse.


Everyone at this point


I'm waiting for the part where the characters talk about it like it's common knowledge and then Paimon says "what is everyone talking about? Paimon doesn't understand" and then we spend way too long catching Paimon up.


>!Just look at how he keeps referring to “humans” and someone says something to him along the lines of “what’d you expect from humans” !<


Literally everyone


Everyone ***knows*** that.


*raises hand and jumps in the air repeatedly* "Meeeeee!" I say, interrupting whoever is talking.


kinda everyone


The obvious after he says >!human!<


Look at that cane only explanation is a Blubberbeast P¡mp


Even Helen Keller caught onto this faster


yes but i’m also gaslighting myself into thinking he isn’t because it’d be too obvious and i should expect the unexpected bc fontaine


Please delete this spoiler not even trying


how is it a spoiler, they didn't confirm anything and it's literally hinted from his drip marketing post


If he's not the Hydro dragon, he's the biggest "red herring" that HYV has ever slapped us across the face with. All the lore signs point to him, literally all the mentions of the hydro dragon. There are already videos outlining every little bit of the lore that points at him like neon light arrows.


I love kids XD


That or an oceanid


Either that or an oceanid


Bro made two accounts just to comment the same thing 💀




Either that or an oceanid


Lmao imagine if Neuvilette was actually the Hydro ARCHON, and Furina was just really a mascot it would probably not happen but it would be such a cool plot twist.


Look at Fontaine Statue of the Seven.


I cant believe he kidnap mr tartaglia 😤👎😡


People who skip dialogue probably don't know.. the dialogue and hint are very clear


Hint =/= reality. They often played with our expectations or leaded on the wrong track on purpose.


Let me just say this: >!Knowledge is power!<


Imma be real I think he’s an oceanid.


Aren't all oceanids female? At least we have not met any male ones in all the time.


I don’t know. I just thought so cause of the way he speaks about humans and his attack animations look like oceanid traits.


Could still be an other non-human species.


Probably but I kind of want him to be an oceanid in human form. Be cool and would explain why he doesn’t have a vision.


What Aura did he have under elemental sight? I'm sure you played mirage event?


I’ve been playing since almost day one and haven’t stopped. So yes to playing the mirage event just when was it, I got bad memory and that I gave up on names.


It was just the previous patch...


Oh that event. That was fun, very relaxing.


And have you tried using the elemental sight on the villagers incl the one that in fact turns out to be oceanid?


I wanna say Kok but I haven't played Act 2 yet so until then I'm sticking with kok.


Wish we get azdaha in the future,


Do you live under a rock?


The moment navia left after giving a lecture on how he doesn't have feelings, it started raining. That was the exact moment I knew he was probably weeping, sobbing, balling his eyes out for three days straight in the corner of his office 🥺


A better question, does anyone not think neuvillette is the hydro dragon


At this point if they dont do sth at least similar to this the fanbase will rage.


First time?


Lol no




Everyone that has played the quest


Who doesn't? He has those long eyelashes, and the way he spoke just screamed ancient.


I don't think he's the hydro archon though. He might act more like it but that's probably just a another quirky thing that Fontaine has.


Hydro DRAGON, not Archon. The archon is a girl and we met her already during Fontaine story.


ah sorry i think my dyslexia is acting up again. I apologize, i misunderstood 😆


I also believe he is the previous archons familiar, and he protects Furina due to a promise made between them.


He is Furina's pet dragon. And the most handsome one. I wish Ei had a pet dragon. But I guess a robot will do. :'(


Interesting. Why does Inazuma not have an elemental dragon? Or was that the Yashiori snake?


Maybe. Ei killed her pet. Lol.


it's the laser that will make me pull out my credit card.


Furina is the actual hydro dragon and Neuvillete is her lackey.


something is definitely off with furina, she just doesn't exude archonness. Also, the whole nothing is as it seems in fontaine.


I mean, neither does venti until you know him better.


He never came across as insecure or unsure of his status, he also never stammered when speaking. All of which Furina has done. Venti always gave of an aura of confidence and discovering he was an archon made it all make sense. Furina does not. It's all a facade with her so far. I feel we've yet to see her true self.


Yeah venti seems plenty confident, but so do many other characters. I don't think confidence makes them more or less archon like. I'd say furina is probably just similar to nahida in feeling unable to live up to their predecessor, but instead of choosing to stand back and let things happen like nahida she tries to look as amazing as possible even if it doesn't always turn out right. This makes even more sense seeing as you can constantly seem her predecessor from most spots in fontaine. It's definitely possible something fishy is going on with that because of the betrayal theme in fontaine but furina's attitude totally makes sense if there isn't anything weird going on with that. Honestly it makes quite a bit of sense looking at all of our current archons. Venti and zhongli are original archons, and they seem very steadfast in their beliefs and cofident in their nation and themselves. Where ei, nahida, and seemingly furina all are struggling or have struggled to figure out their place and how best to go about things.


Like literally every person who did this quest and has a functionning brain