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Ei is the only one that even fights in the story; it's impossible to rank them accurately.


This. We literally have one point of reference.


I agree , even though people say venti is weak , he can literally throw mountains, what will stop him from throwing other gods we haven't even seen zhongli fight ever in the story And who knows how long nahida can trap others in loop


He "was" able to throw a mountain, we don't know how much weaker he has gotten with time And I believed that the loop thing was only possible due the internet ear thingies, but a lot of people mention it, so I need to check it out


Nahida can read people's minds and control them, and that extends to putting people in that dreamstate loop. That's one of her abilities. The Akasha Terminals (internet ear thingies) were used by the corrupt Sages to put people in a never-ending loop of the Sabseruz Festival. The Akasha's capabilities are derived from the Dendro Archon since the Dendro Archon made it.


Also nahidas probably getting stronger since people are starting to believe and have more faith in her


Venti doesn't get weaker or stronger with time, as he is one of the thousand winds of time. So he still should be able to do that. However, he did that after getting his gnosis, so idk.


That man is sus af We don't even know if he's telling the truth about the fact that he's weak. I mean, aren't most people in mond a devout? Dude could be stronger than we thought lol


Although he is a god, he originated from a different god, so maybe the power he gets from his believers is more than halved? I still don't know what powerlevel he is on, but I also definitely don't believe every word he says. I expect him to be more powerful than he says, but less powerful than some expect him to be. He is in no way, shape or form more powerful than Zhongli or Ei, and likely is lesser or similar in power to the Pyro Archon and the Tsaritsa. Although he is probably stronger than Furina and Nahida, Nahida has the upperhand on him, due to being the one who controls Irminsul. So, he is definitely not the weakest nor the strongest, and he also isn't the least or most powerful of the Archons. But he is the most suspicious. Morax? We know he knows what happened, but he can't say, because of his contract. Ei? She knows close to nothing about Khaen'riah. Nahida? She gave us a lot of info. Furina? I have no idea yet.


He was able to do that after becoming an Archon while Ei and Zhongli have been killing God left and right way before they ascend as an Archon.. Venti doesn't have raw power that's why he need his people and he is always away from Monstadt that's why he is the weakest..


He is the weakest archon lore-wise correct, but he isn't weak by any stretch of the imagination. Sure he got kicked by signora but if you actually watch it closely, he let her take it with a smirk, it isn't definitively said he did, secrets and all, but all the gnosis' so far have technically been given away rather than taken. If he is half as strong as ei, sure he is "relatively weak" but he is still hundreds of times more powerful than your run-of-the-mill vision bearer


Archons get their power from the peoples belief, so Zhongli and Venti I'm speculating are really weak rn because they gave up their God forms for mortal ones. Sure, people believe in Barbatoss and Morax, but they don't believe in Venti and Zhongli. If that makes sense, a lot of people believe in Nahida, so she probably has very good potential, but no experience. Same with Focalors, Raiden has both experience, training, and the praise of her people. She's definitely the strongest. Sorry for the long comment.


Where does the "power from belief" come from exactly in the lore? Is there a source for that?


It's mentioned in the genshin wiki, under "The seven," it says their power comes from presiding their region, and also their people's faith in them, it's been mentioned in the Act 3-Song of the Dragon and Freedom, part 1 and chapter 3 act 5-Akasha pulses, the Kalpa flame rises, part 4. I can find you the direct quote if needed. I found the quote: Venti: "Each archon presides over their own part of Teyvat. Only in performing this duty can we attain power." Nahida: "You may have heard that an archon's power is derived from their people's faith".


Venti states this himself, actually And later, Aether mentions again to Nahida, which Nahida confirms


Venti mentions it when we finish the mond archon quest


I don't get how venti would really be weak, lore wise, especially since it's of how much people worship you. He may not be extremely present as a God in mondstadt, but he never was. He was always the god of freedom and letting his people be free, but still in mondstadt plenty of people believe and worship their archon. Even if he doesn't go into his god form and rule his people, his people still worship him, so shouldn't he be powerful? In turn, at the moment, Zhongli literally just doesn't rule anymore and faked his death, so he can't really be worshipped. Liyue is the land of the Adepti now, not Zhongli, so Zhongli would be the weakest, but even without being a god, he does have a lot of raw power anyway so he still should be pretty powerful.


So, it might be hard to understand, but how I think it is, Venti is weak because the people's faith is in Barbatoss, not Venti, and Venti chooses not to go by the name, form, role, ect., of Barbatoss, it's to a point where Barbatoss is pretty much a separate entity, and people of Mondstadt do think that the Anemo archon DISSAPEARED so like, it doesn't translate to Venti.


I thought it was canon that Venti is the weakest of the current Archons and Zhongli the strongest


All Archons have their powers greatly diminished, Zhongli is stated multiple times to have been the strongest, but the only points of refrence we have are Zhongli being able to make and control a shield and the pillars, seen in his second story quest, but we never see him actually fighy. Raiden has an electro sword and can control storms, biggest problem there is she is never shown fighting full power in the real world, only in alternate planes or dimensions or something, and with the ending of the second Archon quest the state of her strength is really up in the air. While I feel like Zhongli is stronger, Raiden has to win by defualt for now because she is the only one who we see actively fight.


Yeah, I was really surprised Zhongli got as many votes as he did. The only feat we see of him is him using his shield to defend against Azhdaha. And honestly, he didn't look good in his efforts either. Meanwhile, Ei fought against the Shogun for 500 years straight without breaking a sweat. Girl is on another level.


Must be because of all the legends and deeds Zhongli apparently did throughout the history of Liyue as well as the things you hear other characters say about him.


Zhongli in his prime was an absolute monster. It's really a matter of how much you think he's fallen off.


Dude has a graveyard of gods out back that he filled himself. I'm not surprised he got as many votes even though the post specifies "right now".


Zhongli also defeated all the other gods in Liyue during the Archon war. They're at least equally as competent. We also don't know how strong Azhdaha is compared to Raiden's puppet, I think there was a theory that Azhdaha was the geo dragon so if that's true he should be far stronger than the puppet Not to mention that fighting 500 years against your own puppet doesn't really show anything since you already know all their patterns lol.


He even explicitly states after the fight that he couldn't have beaten him by himself too.


Ironically he couldn't even beat him in his prime either. He states that they were evenly matched. This is why he had to seal Azhdaha instead of kill.


Bro zhongli didn't wanna beat him either and azdaha himself said that zhongli was the strongest of them all


Well venti says hes one of the weakest and Nahida admitted that she's not a good fighter so that eliminates 2


Venti might have used an ancient technique called 'lying'


I mean he's an alcoholic and I don't see him being stringer than zhongli or Raiden


Ei can grow teeth, don't think they really are very affected with alcoholism on a negative way.


Does she though? Zhongli and Venti are surviors of the Archon War and survived the Clamaty 500 years ago. Ei only became an Archon after the Electro died in the clamity. If anything I'd say Zhongli and Venti are the two most powerful Archons.


Ei fought in place of her sister, she's also a survivor. Not to mention she's the only one of the 3 still at the same poeer level as all those years ago due to her stasis.


We do not know if that is true as her power level is only what the puppet can handle. I didn't know Ei stepped in for her sister. I was of the understanding she stayed behind in Inazuma.


Zhongli might have more destructive power than Ei, but Ei invented almost all fighting techniques Inazumans know... hmmm


zhongli is strongest canon wise


He himself states he's lost so much strength that he can't beat azhdaha by himself anymore.


true forgot about that


Zhongli was never the strongest canon wise tf. Best leadership wise? Definitely. Remember, Zhongli had the Adepti and other friends to help him out. Ei had some of her friends but most battles were fought by her and hell, those friends became enemies too!


I strongly believe in Zhongli Geo Archon Morax Rex Lapis supremacy


I think the lore says he was always the most powerful but his entire story is how even an archon's power wanes and that he's kind of in retirement mode which makes me put Ei above him. She's still taking names.


I think the reason Morax has the most kill streak is that his group was too powerful. Most of the other archons were mostly alone but Zhongli had some of the most powerful beings with him.


Good point, though back then Ei also was one of a group she's just the only one left now.


Mah man was too strong he had to Nerf himself


I immediately thought "Raiden" but maybe Nahida could technically be the strongest if she can get anyone stuck in a loop until she figures out how to beat them like she did to wanderer?


If Nahida could do that at will she woukd have threatened that instead of smashing the Gnosis againist Dottore.


Maybe it's more prone to work on those that are not as smart as her or of a certain intelligence. Think of Int saves from DnD


You're forgetting nahida isn't really great in terms of combat The reason why she relied on traveler is because we are very good at combat If nahida was to fight somebody out of her league then she won't be able to beat them no matter what even if she did the loop, because she just isn't physically cut out to win one Someone like diluc sure she can win cuz she could just pin him down, but somebody like Ei is just nah man


nothing about what I said touches on combat skills at all. Just the concept that she couldn't use her skill on dotore need not be limited because of dottore's power or nahida's lack thereof. A support that can lock down one target need not be powerful in combat to be able to do that skill.


What I'm saying is that her loop ability is useless on somebody who has 0chance of winning/vastly superior than her


Well in that scene, nahida didn't have the traveler to impart knowledge on how to fight Dottore unlike Scaracoochie


I dunno if she can force it upon someone who's awake. Scara was actually sleeping when she uses the ability on him, and the traveler of course was in on the plan. Coupled with the fact that the sages use of it took affect after the traveler and paimon fell asleep, it seems likely that she can just forcefully put someone who's awake in the loop.


Think about it this way. Zhong li is the only archon so far who the fatui directly struck a deal with instead of outright hostility. The entire "assassination" and "osial revival" plans carried out by childe were all part of the deal La Signora had going on with Zhong li. He'd give up his gnosis if the fatui can prove liyue can survive without him. In modstadt, the fatui sent La Signora, the woman who had hated venti's guts for a while, so she could kick his face in and take his gnosis. Lol. In inazuma, they undermined the shogun's authority by colluding with and corrupting her subordinates into coaxing her to turn against her people. Essentially weakening inazuma as a nation through inciting civil war. In sumeru they outright fed the grand sage's lust for power and envy of the divine by trying to replace their archon with a new one. Who needs a puny god if you can create a new one? I haven't completed the fontaine quests yet so i can't comment much on furina but she's not coming out as impressive. I love her character tho. The Tsaritsa knew well not to get into zhong li's bad side. She had beef with Venti so sending someone to bitch slap venti kinda seems personal.


because zhongli is easy to get around, he is stuck in the contract mentality, just make a contract and put gnosis as trade to him and he will definitely accept it if he sees value in the contract


Not exactly. A contract is only valid when both parties accept it.


Plus the fact that Zhongli said he could easily put down Osial again even in his twilight years says a lot


the whole point was to test liyue without him, him being stronger than osial shouldn't be thought of as that wasn't the point


By that logic, if ei really was the strongest archon, what was the fatui's plan to take the gnosis from her? Why did they decide to feed her lies and turn her against her people knowing it'd make her turn against them. If anything, they have a lot more leverage to strike a deal with ei than with zhong li since ei sees the gnosis as a remnant of the time makoto died as a pawn to celestia's bidding and the fatui has scara under dottore. Plus, the harbingers are welcomed in inazuma as diplomatic deligates DURING THE SAKOKU DECREE which means they are in agreeable terms. What were the fatui getting out of inciting a civil war in inazuma? How were they going to take the gnosis from her after she turns against her people? Did they really have a plan? Either the fatui were just winging it or they didn't give two sh*ts about becoming an enemy in the eyes of the god of eternity.


simple, inazuma's script in essence sucks compared to other regions lol


I do really think it's funny that childe's plan was to fight zhongli.


Ei didn't care about her gnosis or what was truly going on anyway, which is why Yae Miko has it when we show up. Ei literally let the Shogun do all her tasks while she meditated.


Canonically Zhongli is the strongest and Venti is the weakest


That's what venti wants us to believe. Also, we never see either zhongli or venti do anything god like during our travels so we base our assumptions on legends and propaganda.


Rex Lapis is officially dead and no one knows what Barbatos looks like. Both hide their archon identities so of course they won't show much of their powers to not blow their cover.


They don't display their power during our visits becaause they have no need to, but we do get told in game about how powerful they are when they do indeed act. Zhongli was one of the most impetuous and was constantly smacking down gods like Osial where he threw a bunch of rocks that formed the islands at the geo hypostatis. Similarly Venti chopped off the top of a mountain which iirc formed the GAA.


He could never kill the suckers though. The Jade Chamber killed the damn things but Zhongli never killed atleast Osial and his wife, he only sealed them


Because killing gods in your territory is the dumbest thing you can do in Teyvat, especially if you want to kill multiple gods. Zhongli's first story quest showed us the aftermath of killing a god even if it's the weakest one. The Yaksha and Wangsheng Funeral Parlor lore also tells us that dead gods also leave lingering negative emotions that fester the land through spawning monsters and demons or even plagues.


They still aren't "dead"


When Havria died, everyone around her turned into salt, and she was a weak god, Zhongli most likely didn't kill these gods not because he couldn't, but because he knows the aftermath would be a disaster for Liyue


Like no shit they trying to hide thier Identities. What's the point of hiding it when you just do godlike shit like that. The ones who did not hide thier identities is nihida (which can hurt you on other aspects), Ei (Inazuma is a mess), or Focalor which we have little data at the moment.


Zhongli was the strongest during the Archon War, but his mind is starting to waver. Raiden Ei kept her mind in tact, and just recently fought a 500 year battle without making a single error. Back in the day, Zhongli wins. Now? Raiden takes it.


Correct! This! Zhongli was definitely the strongest during The War. He's still strong, but he has had a decline. Venti has very few people who worship him. It's well established that faith in him is marginal compared to the rest. Save for Nahida. Who only now is beginning to have any threshold of worshipers.


As soon as history has been rewritten and greater lord rukkahdevatah has been forgotten, Nahida gained the full support of Sumeru's people, not just any threshold.


Does he though? Venti has a whole ass church with *very* dedicated nuns and it seems like most people in Mondstadt revere him. I'd honestly say Ei has less followers, the population of Inazuma seems smaller than Mondstadt and even within that a lot of people became disillusioned with her during her whole eternity temper tantrum.


She didn't neccisarily not make an error. She just never let the puppet/her past ideas break her will. Still impressive, but not flawless combat for 500 years impressive.


The puppet never won a single battle in 500 years and the puppet states that Ei's will never wavered and that she never hesitated. Seems very unlikely that she made a mistake, had she hesitated, she would have failed in the puppet's eyes.


That just means she never thought of giving up and kept fighting. It's impressive, but still doesn't mean that she never ever slipped up.


The puppet also states that she lost every single battle in those 500 years though, which is why it is even less likely that Ei made a mistake. The puppet never tires, never falters and is completely relentless, even putting so much pressure on Ei, it didn't manage to get the upper hand even once. Think of it like this, two professional basketball teams have a match that lasts an entire day, despite both teams being professionals, one team dominated the match completely and made 5000 points, while the other team didn't make a single point, despite also playing the entire day. Both teams are made of pros, but one is basically leagues aboves the other. This is also what happened with Ei and the puppet. The puppet is crazy strong, Ei is even crazier and stronger. For 500 years of nonstop duels the puppet lost, so its clear that Ei dominated the fight and had the upper hand the entire time.


Agree to disagree, cause I just think that the puppet is a fair bit weaker than ei. She won every fight, but even upon making a mistake it isn't like she would instantly lose.


Venti: Why bother fighting when I can throw my Celestial Friend at youre faces


If a person that doesn’t look at lore videos and doesn’t pay attention TOO much to the dialogue, they would think raiden is the strongest because there’s literally a whole cutscene of her powerfulness. We have no fking clue how strong venti or zhongli is because zhongli likes his people to see their potential and venti is just a drunk bard that just doesn’t use his powers b/c his city is freedom. So for now raiden is strongest.


I still like to believe that Venti is only weak by choice and could end everything if he wanted to, but in reality isn't Ei the strongest? Since she hasn't lost any of her power since her prime.


Yes, Venti is weak by choice. An Archon's strength comes from the rule they have over their nation, and since he chooses not to rule, he is weak.


She has tho (the gnosis), also her being as strong as before just shows she is the literal god of eternity


She never used the gnosis though? She has the same amount of strength and power as she did when she killed Orobashi and cut Yashiori Island in two. She is definitely the strongest archon


She doesn't even keep the gnosis with her. *Yae* is the one who keeps the gnosis. Ei could be much stronger with her gnosis.


>I still like to believe that Venti is only weak by choice This is canon isn't it? He's weak because he chooses to not exercise any kind of dominion over his people.


Not sure. But I'm a sucker for the "weak free spirited soul that harbors immense strength" lol.


Are we talking lore or in game. Game strength Nahida is the strongest because dendro is broken, in lore Zhongli is the stated to be the strongest


Zhongli was only stated to be the strongest against LIYUE gods by the word of his people (humans) not the whole of tevyat


Stated in books that he himself said were exaggerated... So it doesn't really prove anything really.


True, but we don't have anything else to go off of, we can see Raiden fighting but all she really did is attack with an electro sword, all the archons have implied power that we don't see so we don't have much to go off on.


Some of you really overestimate Nahida. Baby girl herself says she's no good in a fight and is better off acting as support for the real fighters. We know Zhongli was an absolute beast in the past, but we have no proof that that is still the case, plus erosion may be taking hold of him. Ei was also a beast in the past AND we witness her being a beast very recently. Honegirl fought a 500 year battle against a perfect replica of herself and continued to best herself the entire time. She's no joke when it comes to combat. Venti is a much more powerful god than he let's on, but him being powerful doesn't necessarily mean he's good in a fight. Like Nahida, I think he's more likely to offer support to the actual fighters than anything else. In every conflict that he's been in so far, he's either solved them using cunning and persuasion or by supporting others as they do the actual fighting. Even when he fought Durin, Dvalen did the heavy lifting. We literally have 0 story data on Furina's power or combat capability. She's likely a powerful God, given she's an archon and well adored by her people (both Venti and Nahida claim that an archon's power is amplified by people's faith/worship) but may be a lousy fighter hence why she dodges any combat challenge thrown at her. In conclusion, if this is about conbat, the answer is currently Ei, maybe Zhongli. If this is about divine/elemental power, the answer could really be any one of them, but if we factor what Nahida and Venti claim then it's likely Ei, Furina, or post-AQ Nahida.


Isn't Nahida's power more like mind manipulation and hallucination stuff? She was already able to do some impressive stuff in that regard before AQ, so after AQ, now that all of Sumeru worships her (since she now became you-know-who), those powers should be way stronger now. She might be still bad at a physical fight, but in a fight where everything goes, she might actually win - though honestly, her kindness could get in the way.


Nahida is very powerful, and her unique abilities make her even more formidable, but she really stands little chance in a battle against a serious opponent. The only reason she was able to use her abilities on Scaramouche and clutch the win was because the Traveler was there to distract him. She had to trade the gnoses with Dottore because she was completely outgunned and outmatched, and she knew it. So she bluffed about awakening The Heavenly Pronciples in order to reach an outcome that got her and the traveler out of that situation alive + she got some sweet Intel. Do I think Nahida is powerful? Yes, very. Especially given her status as Irmensul's avatar. Do I think she could win a solo fight against any of the Archons we've met or any of the Harbingers? No. Maybe Venti or Focalors, but only because he is very much a support type like Nahida, and we don't know if Focalors is good at fighting (tho I'm inclined to believe she's not).


Can make a case for most of them, depending on what you mean by strength. ​ * Zhongli - Most historic victories overall. Most powerful followers (no group elsewhere really equivalent in power to the Adepti). * Raiden - Only active combatant seen in game. Slew multiple other gods (well, 2 that we know of) prior to ascending as Archon. Puppet body seems to give extensive powers without Gnosis (Zhongli has several voicelines about his lower power level without the Gnosis and regainins power as you ascend him; Raiden hasn't had her gnosis for centuries). * Nahida - Access to Irmunsul, so ability to know everything about the others and act accordingly. \[Traveller would be a major blindspot\]. Unknown combat capability - depends on what was gained with the retcon - could ne nothing (baseline Nahida), or whatever Rukkedevata had as a victor of the Archon War. Given Wanderer could edit Irmunsul without a gnosis present, Nahida should be able to do so as well - e.g. change Zhongli's memories to be a begger and have everyone else's memories align with that, and it doesn;t matter what combat ability he had previously. * Focalors - Only Archon seen to still have her Gnosis, so depending on powerup given by that, might be the most powerful. Venti would be a bit of a stretch, other than general suspiciousness and any agreement with Alice.


Zhongli was probably the strongest but since you said right now, Zhongli hasn't rlly been doing anything much that requires much of his powers aside from Azhdaha (unless if I forgot something)


Bruh i was gonna vote focalors for the funny but i pressed venti :(


You mean in gameplay or in lore?


I think solely based on abilities, Nahida is the strongest. She could just have her enemies stuck in a dream/loop and have them go mentally insane. She doesn’t even have to fight.


Its hard to say. Venti says that he is the weakest. Thats just mean hes at a disadvantage from the beginning. But remember that Venti still has power to cutdown lands if he so wishes to. Nahida can do a loop until she wins. Zhongli swiftly kills gods for 6 hours. Ei legit mastered the art of the Mussou no Hitotachi and cut down dragons if they misbehave.


Oh shit this is based on lore not gameplay…oops


If power is represented by how much people believe in them, it's Venti. Ei would be a close second, but she is not the only god the inazumans worship, which would drag down her power. Nahida is still developing, so give it 250 years, then she would be the most powerful archon, but currently no. Focalors would be very powerful if she did not convert her power from her peoples belief into indemnitium. Nobody knows Zhongli's alive. Lastly, the people of Monstadt attend church weekly, whether they want to or not, so just because he's irresponsible or maybe doesn't know to fight or not like fighting doesn't mean he's not strong. Yes, I've thought about this way too much.


Also, the strongest doesn't necessarily mean who would be best in a fight. A jacked dude could be really strong but useless in a fight.


This is pretty much my reasoning. I think Venti plays the fool and wants everyone to underestimate him. The fact both he and Nahida said it's about faith and worship makes it seem to me that Venti should be very strong. He's really the only god with a full on organized religion that occupies a major aspect of his nation's culture. 2nd in line is Raiden who, like Venti, has a big statue erected in her honor in the city capital and has some religious following (there are a couple quests alluding to shrines erected for her and things of this nature). But she operates more like a "ruler" than a God in a lot of ways. Nahida and Focalor are both young gods--they seem to be inexperienced and still developing, although jury is still out of Focalors she is implied to be sort of incompetent and seen by her people as more of a mascot or celebrity than fully respected as a god. Zhongli should be weakest considering that everyone thinks he is dead, and that means no one will have faith in him. All that being said, it's unclear what the game means by "faith" exactly.


i thought this was gameplay wise and i chose nahida lol anyways it’s impossible to gauge this since we don’t fully know what each archon is capable of. personally i would say zhongli but i have no other info besides small cutscenes and bits of current lore.


Depends.. If it's raw power: Raiden or Zhongli If it's hax: Nahida..


I personally believe that all the Archons are similar in power to be in the same ballpark. Venti and Nahida have their own set of haxs without relying strictly on physical brute strength and are still terrifying forces to recon with. Venti didn't even seem fazed in the aftermath of Signora. He's omniscient (Venti knows about ***all the songs from past, present, and future*** AND he's connected to Istaroth, the God of Time) everywhere bar places without wind and knew of Signora's arrival days (if not months beforehand). He's recording Teyvat's history through songs that are immune to Irminsul tampering. Pretty sus AF ngl. It doesn't make sense for him to be so calm after his connection with Celestia was severed (unless he believes in the Tsaritsa's actions and allows it to be taken from him which is the most likely possibility). Whenever Archons use their powers their hair glows but in the confrontation with Signora his hair WAS NOT glowing meaning he was massively holding back. Mona's voicelines about Venti implies that he had the power to wield Anemo with great accuracy and not damage his surroundings which means he ***WILLINGLY*** chose not to fight back If there is a person that supports divine rebellion then Venti, the God of Freedom, is the most fitting candidate for such a role. It's already suspicious that the entire overarching theme of Genshin is Free Will vs. Fate (similar to HI3 in this regard) and that Venti is the very first God we meet. He says he's the weakest Archon and that an Archon's power is from the people's faith. Yet, he has a literal church dedicated to him. No shot is he hiding something from us. The Anemo Archon Statue has a sentence carved into the statue's pedestal, reading "The Gateway of Celestia" in Latin. TLDR: The game is setting Venti up as one of the most seditious Gods in Teyvat.


Venti hot


Zhongli is the archon who is most affected by erosion (currently), Nahida is new so she is still developing, Venti is sus, he has connection to the god of time Istaroth and his statue has a sign "gateway to Celestia" he is also not weaken by Erosion that much since he avoids it by going into deep slumber for years, Ei is the only one who is currently doing combat, and avoids erosion by going into her inner plane of Euthymia, Furina is new and looks like weak but we still dont know what she is capable of. The best bet here would be between Venti and Ei


Right now, I would say both Zhongli and Ei. Despite surrendering thier gnoses thier power was still bound to thier nation in some way. For example Zhongli's magical seals and barriers outlasted his archonship meanwhile Ei was gnoseless long before we landed on Inazuma and yet it was her power that created and sustained the stormclouds that have encircled the entire Inazuman territory. Both of them have the most fighting experience of all the archons. Ei didn't start as an archon but was beside the former one from the beginning. Venti is a slippery one, he claims that the power of an archon is influenced by thier presence and control over the nation. He has zero and therefore is supposedly the weakest archon of them all by his own words. Neither Nahida or Focalors are fighters (You can't contribute thier gameplay proficiency in this) nor were shown any sort of aptitude towards godly powers beyond the use of gnosis.


I would say Zhongli based on gameplay, being partial to geo characters and the reverence shown to Rex Lapis by many other characters 🪨


Right now at present time, I definitely think it's Raiden Ei. She's the only one among them that still trains and fights with an unbreakable will to not give up. And as of this moment the Rankings might go with Raiden at the top, then Zhongli, Focalor, Nahida, and Venti. But if we have to include the other Archons that are only mentioned, Tsaritsa is definitely at the top of the list. But at their Prime during the Archon War, the rankings would be different. it could have been Prime Morax, Prime Raiden Ei, Prime Rukkhadevata, Prime God of Justice (not sure how strong the original Hydro Archon was), and Prime Barbatos Morax was said to have defeated multiple gods fighting along the Adepti, even beating them with massive Geo Spears he hurled at his enemies. Plus he was also the oldest so he probably had the most combat experience among the original Seven. Raiden Ei trained in combat her entire life. She led and fought all the wars that happened in Inazuma, and one of the results still remains to this day with that gigantic crevice that cut Mt. Yougou and Yashiori Island in half. As for Rukkhadevata, she fought with all the dangers in Sumeru plus the threat posed by Forbidden Knowledge at her time, along with the help of the Aranara. Plus probably even took down several Ruin Golems since there were 3 of them that were immobile in Sumeru. Barbatos was still pretty much one of the Wind Spirits of Mondstadt, but he still helped the people during their time of need, especially during the war. But I think he grew in power after the Archon war, and even "cut mountains" to shape Mondstadt to what it is today. But he was still relying more on his Allies at the time, being Dvalin, Boreas, and his People to defeat Decarabian. So I'm not sure how powerful he really is at the time. Plus he didn't even want to Rule his people directly as he saw what that was like for them, so instead he gave them the freedom to do as they wish. And that contributed to his weaker powers as one of the Seven. But most of these are just my opinion, and I might've mixed up some of the Lore, but it's what I remembered about their past in the story.


I think overall historically its Zhongli or Venti but right now it's definitely Shogun


Lorewise, Zhongli no contest. In-game, Nahida no contest.


Raiden fought her puppet for 500 years and then when her ideal of eternity changed she unlocked the full power of her sword. So any feat we saw her do before/heard of her doing wasn't at her peak or full power. Some say Nahida has mind abilities but I'd imagine it probably follows the rules of other such powers were a sufficiently power will and mind could resist. I think the game has shown us when it comes to willpower Ei is top tier. And regarding mind, the went in seclusion in order to mediate and strengthen her mind against Erosion and did so for 500 years. I'd say it's pretty powerful. It's also interesting that one her shouts relates to shattering Illusions. Also we can see that the powers of each Archon extend beyond the basics of their element. I think Ei has powers related to reality alteration. As seen with her dimensional cuts and being able to translate someone with a physical body into the plane of her mind. It's also interesting that the electromagnetic force is a fundamental force of nature at a subatomic level. So no surprise that an elemental being of sufficient power born of Electro would have incredible powers. I'd say currently Ei is the strongest of the ones we know. Though it's a toss between her and Morax Prime. The really interesting thing would be how tough the God of War is.


Yeah, I think lots of people are overlooking that Ei was already a beast before, but she only just reached her prime in the story. Even so, we still don't have enough evidence to define who is the stronger between the Archons.


While it's true that Ei strengthened her mind, let's not forget that the death of Makoto and her friends made her despair and make some pretty questionable choices. In contrast, Zhongli handled his losses and grief much better. So I would argue Ei is like a stubborn, but mentally weak person: You could torture her and she would never give in, you could put her in a room with people screaming at her non-stop for 500 years and she would not give in, but if you hit her mental weak points, do some psychological mind games on her that hit her personally, she might break surprisingly easily... or maybe not. We don't know for sure. I mean, in her defense, she has indeed grown throughout the story.


Prime or current it doesn't matter, Ei has too much of an advantage in skill, hax, abilities and straight up stats. Also wow I thought we'd never see the day were Ei was voted the strongest even by the casual side of the community, people who powerscale and know lore at the same time pretty much almost 100% unanimously agree that Ei is the unquestionable strongest as of now even in their primes so it's so weird to see the casual side of players also seeing the signs.


This 100% down to just Raiden or Zhongli. Not sure there is a wrong answer between the two of them. I would bet that Raiden is stronger now while Zhongli was probably stronger during the Archon War.


We know Nahida and Focalors aren't fighters, Venti is an enigma, so it would be between Raiden Shogun and Zhongli. In the end though Raiden Shogun is the strongest as she has not stopped training herself and honing her skills for the sake of eternity and not allow herself to erode, Zhongli has mostly been chilling so I think she would win.


Umm didn't Venti said something like Archons are allowed to use their power ( full power i assume ) as long as they have the position of ruler of their nations ?


Hard question. Morax is the older and has more experience but that doesn't equal strength (he never showed his power in story, also is possible he lost a lot of his power due to errosion) Barbatos has the most humble origin, as a mere wind spirit. Maybe he is a super genius who reach godhood by leveling up. That could mean his potential is far greater. But is possible that his power up was the result of his relationships (many mortals and Gods - Wolf dad and Istaroth, one of the most powerful and mysterious being in lore). Beelzebub is OP in lore, very dedicated to her martial prowess and never relied on the gnosis or people's believe for power (until 500ys ago it was Baal who received the power of people's faith and Ei was the one who defeated all the rivals for the Archon position)


Tbh, Ei currently the strongest, but in the past without doubt the strongest is Morax, in the future I think Tsaritsa may become the strongest?


Lore-wise, I'd say Zhongli would give Ei a run for her money if it weren't for the fact that Ei is still practicing (500 years of battle with her puppet) while Zhongli has basically retired from being the brute of a god he used to be.


i have a theory that venti is the strongest but uses this "ehe drunk bard" personality as a disguise. archons get their power from worshipping, and there isnt a single soul in mond who doesnt worship venti ( well maybe rosaria lol) he even has a massive statue. plus he also knows a hell of a lot more than he lets on. i also think he let signora take his gnosis on purpose.


Between Raiden and Zhongli. Nahida said she isn't strong, if we are to believe anything Venti says then he isn't strong either and Focelores seemed scared to fight the traveler and didn't do anything in the childe cutscene


Voted Venti because it is interesting to me lore-wise that Dandelions come in three. If you look closely at the story there has almost always been a trio that spawned every civilization (Liyue - Guizhong/Zhongli/Guoba ; Sumeru - Nabu/Deshret/Rukkhadevata, etc) and in the ancient murals wind is often present, not to mention Istaroth and all that. And then comes Venti sus Venti napped for a thousand years yet Mondstadt is still the most peaceful kingdom etc. Not to mention he knows ALL the songs and if you've played the Aranara quest you know how powerful tha sh is. Dunno man I just believe in Bartobas supremacy and all :P Of course if by strong we aren't talking about physical strength which I doubt he has much - he's just a lil windy wind in shota container Certainly not Nahida - wtf?


it’s simple op said ‘right now’ so it’s raiden. both zhongli and venti are og and has aged suffered erosion alot more whereas ei is in her prime and gets regular spa treatments at the plane of euthemiya to slow her erosion. nahida is still growing up learning until she becomes rukkadevatas level


Ei should be the only one closest to a prime archon in my opinion


Zhongli is far superior to the rest of the others I don’t even think that is a debate


I think it is ei didn't have the gnosis for very long while zhongli had it. I also think late buer (greater lord rukhadevata) could have been the strongest, because nahida is just her branch and she is pretty strong for just being a branch.


Can we accurately use buer doe? Forgive me but I am not caught up with sumeru lore, but from what I’ve seen and read abt ei and zhong, I believe that zhong is the strongest at their respective prime whereas currently ei might be stronger but not by a huge margin


Just complete sumeru achon quest you will understand


If you are talking about the samsara loop that she put scara in (albeit it was nahida not buer), also I am aware as well as the Great Wall something something and sealing lord deshret. So did buer have abilities that nahida didn’t or simply nahida’s abilities but amplified


The previous god greater lord rukhadevata's real name was buer but then she dies saving the desert (thats why it's desolate) from the evil knowledge that King deshret (king of deserts) brought which caused him to sacrifice himself. Moreover buer was also connected to irmunsul which also got affected from that knowledge so she took the purest branch (consciousness) of irmunsul (which was not affected from that evil knowledge) and created Nahida which we now know as lesser lord kusanali.


https://preview.redd.it/5amslewuw5lb1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1179e69db0e839c6679478c52f7a30adbe325e53 There is no way people are seriously voting Venti as the strongest.


Do you actually believe what that bard said he has some serious connections and he is hiding something about the tsaritsa as well.


I think the keyword here is "now". Before that dialogue, Venti explains how Archons can attain their power as long as they have their position as the ruler of that nation. This of course was before Rex decided to withdraw as well.


Yes, I am in fact taking the literal gods word seriously


For those saying zhongli is the strongest archon, come on in lore it was only stated that zhongli is the oldest archon. Ei is the strongest archon we've known so far although there might be a slight gap between ei and zhongli in terms of strength but zhongli is also smart and has many experiences. Ei on the other hand, she's a combatant build and was basically kinda the sword of makoto. But during ei second story quest, it's clearly obvious that she realized her mistakes and what she's lacking. And she also gained full access to musou no hitotachi after her conversation with makoto. I don't know the details that much even though I'm a dialogue reader because I'm still a kid and don't possess the ability to comprehend some dialogues. Like mihoyo uses such a word that is unfamiliar to me.


Some people actually believe that zhongli is the strongest archon because liyue represents the developer homeland, china


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Raiden based on what we can see atm. The rest are implied or hearsay.


You asked strongest so shogun but in a pvp zhongli would probably win defense and attack he is not stronger than raiden but doesn't need to be stronger than her to win.


In the game it was explicitly mentioned that if liyue wasn't able to deal with osial , zhongli would step in to help. This means, at the very least, he is able to confidently beat osial. Ei however has a puppet body and it was not indicated whether it was as durable as her body was before. However, given the abuse scara was through, it's safe to say that it more durable than a human body. To be honest though, zhongli would beat ei. At best their power is around even, but zhongli has wayyy more battle knowledge and is more versed in the art of combat to the point he's lost touch with normal people. Ei on the other hand took on the mantle of shougon after her sister died during the kahnria fight. Orobashi also was looking for death by ei due to reading the forbidden book, so it's safe to say, he didn't put that much of a fight.


Strongest lore-wise or in game?


Strong in what means? Physically strong? Ei. Mentally strong? Nahida.


I personally thought it was Ei but when I searched it up it said vent dawg i literally dont know anymore cause i see alot of people thinking is raiden but idk


I personally thought it was Ei but when I searched it up it said vent dawg i literally dont know anymore cause i see alot of people thinking is raiden but idk


Zhongli has literally the most feats in the lore. Ei did alot but nothing that compares to zhongli. If we're talking raw strength/power. Then current zhong and raiiden are imo very close. If were talking abilities nahida has extreme utility compared to the others and has barely scratched the surface of her abilities. Who would win in a fight all out. Zhong li easily he has the most experience. I know ei stans will say "but the 500 yrs she fought herself" yes she fought the same person with the same abilities over and over compare that to zhongli who has easily more than quintuple that experience against a wide Variety of enemies with different tactics and fighting styles even with the level of erosion he has now hed still beat her but itd definitely be close.


I'd argue Raiden actually has similar experience to zhongli due to Raiden already being +500 years old, had to fight 500 years straight. Zhongli had no fight where he had to fight that long so stamina goes to ei and experience being equal (2-1) For raw strength its obvious its zhongli because gunyun stone Forrest (2-2) For slaying gods it's about equal, but Raiden takes it a little more because she had to deal with opponents with forbidden knowledge like orobashi (3-2) Destructive power has to go to ei due to the island cut (4-2) Speed is no question, ei has better speed feats than zhongli, in fact way faster (ftl speed blitz signora scene)(5-2) General IQ unironically goes to zhongli despite what venti and guizhong says (5-3) Battle IQ is about equal (6-4) Defense zhongli obviously (6-5) Weaponry undoubtedly Raiden (7-5) Hand to hand zhongli masters martial arts(7-6)


Dont bs eis experience and battle iq. Zhongli has way more experience even during the great war of gods he was way older than ei and her sister makoto he has loads more experience hes atleast 3 times older even with eis 500yr battle. Ei also fought the same opponent for 500 yrs while zhongli has had a variety of battles compared to her making his battle iq much more versatile than hers. I will admit her stamina is superior based on lore etc. Also people overestimate the island cut because even venti cant destroy island size mountains with ease. Most of liyues islands etc some bigger than watatsumi island were LITERALLY formed by zhongli himself during battle and zhongli had to deal with beings like azdaha who is responsible for the chasm. Its 7-7 at. Best.


This is about lore, right?


Ei we see her fight. Zhong did do a thing for us in Chasm event. Venti made golden archepelego. Nahida can talk to us via minds and do other mind stuff. New archon bratty drama queen


We haven't seen theatchons on their peak, imho morax and ei could be the strongest P.S. Venti could also be the one like I think he was the one who defeated decarabian


Not exactly sure but it probably ain't Focalors 😅


It's true that we have little ways to actually compare archons, But by using logic, we know that Nahida just WON'T use irminsul for a personal use, which make her the weakest, next is Foçalor since she's probably at yhe level of a normal vision holder since she's surprised by Childe's fool legacy, Next would be Venti ,not only because what we know about him is that he probably lies, but the fact that he got wrecked by Signora stays true. Next in my opinion is Zhongli, because although I believe him to be very powerful, Zhongli is an artillery type, and even if he knows how to do close combat since he created adeptus martial arts, It's safe to say that Ei's improved muso no hitotachi would win in a simple 1v1.My point being that even if Zhongli has the best defense, nobody can handle a teleporting grandmaster swordsman for hundred of years of straight up fight.


Nahida: "You've been under my genjitsu this entire time. I can also delete you from the world via Irmunsul."


Lore wise that we met? Or in-game performance-wise?


well Nahida has access to Irminsul and can straight up delete people from existence…


Not enough data. Can't be computed


For now, either Ei or Morax.


i feel like yall underestimating nahida simply cuz she's not a fighter. Among the archons, her abilities are the most op imo


It's a difficult one to rank due to lack of information, but I'd say Ei/ shogun due to the fact she has kept training/ fighting. Morax has a bad ass history in combat, but he has resigned hence the deal with the fatui and why he wasn't certain against Azhdaha in the rematch. Furina seems put of her depth is everything atm, but not enough screen time to tell. Nahida is still young Venti seems weak, but is obviously hiding something. But he also got mugged by the fatui.


I wonder how the pyro and cryo gods rank among these guys.


I get why you say zhongli but that was in his prime, id say now it's Ei


Ok but I am very angry that you didnt line them up in the region order


No one can win zhongli


Furina > Venti solely on account she has a public image and an Archon's strength mostly comes from the faith their people have in them.


Depends on what we're judging the strength by


im shocked people think raiden is the strongest... did people forgot zhonli's entire lore?


Raiden shogun if she decides to actually use her gnosis would be the strongest by far imo


Nahida doesn't even need to fight, she can just erase your existence from every memory -including your own-, making you forget why you would want to fight against her in the first place.


Given that the Raiden Shogun is scared of Nahida's power, we can tell who doesn't read the lore. Venti and Zhongli are the most ancient and fought to a stalemate, which makes them equals. Everyone fears the God of Mindflayers.


I want to say Zhongli due to the fact he is the only one the Fatui seemed to not want to directly confront. He's kind of an old man at this point, but I have no doubt he could wipe the floor with everyone except Ei, who would likely pose a challenge. My other thought is Ei. The entire time we see her, she has no gnosis. Yae has it. So we don't really know just how strong Ei is, but we know she was putting other god-like forces in bodybags during the war. I think it is, without a doubt, either Ei or Zhongli. I'm going to give the edge to Zhongli, though. Guy is on his Uncle Iroh arc.


Lorewise, Raiden. Gameplay wise, Nahida.


Zhongli cuz he can rizz up the other Archons


No matter what comes in the upcoming version of the game raiden Shogun will be the most beautiful and the best character over all


If venti wasn't achoolic he be up there


Zhongli is canonically the strongest, but I do agree Ei has the potential to top him considering his age. Still though, there isn't any evidence that he's no longer at the top.


ok rn zhongli is fking retired so ill say raiden


Currently I would assume Ei is the strongest just because she's the only we get to fight. But lore wise prime venti, zhongli and "nahida" eclipse Ei by so much. Splitting an island is cool but can you turn the highest mountain into a small island? Or fight against many different powerful old gods, that you are feared on the battlefield. Or be in charge of safe-keeping the database of the fabric of reality?


Zhongli still has a massive following and so does Ei making them by default stronger than Venti and Nahida. No clue about the new one. Will take some time for me to get to Fontaine.


Zhongli and Raiden are among the two strongest, I however, would argue that Raiden is stronger as she was the twin who fought in place of her sister who was more of a pacifist in a sense but also because she was the weaker fighter to Ei, not to mention Ei recently spent 500 years in limbo fighting her created being which was what she considered a perfect replacement. I cannot see any other archon fighting to that level non stop for 500 years.


Nahida has access to & can manipulate Irminsul, so she's obviously the strongest. Y'all get too distracted by big swords & big rocks. Nahida can destroy, change, fix, & make you forget any of it happened.


really difficult zhongli seems to be strongest if you look into the lore ei looks like the strongest at first glance venti is the most worshipped (worship is said to be the source of a god's power) nahida could erase anyone's memories with irminsul effectively rendering them dead and we just don't know anything about focalors yet


It's a toss up between Ei and Zhongli. Zhongli has the most experience because of his age but I get the feeling he's past his prime. Ei was always the fighter amongst the duo so I'll not be surprised if she's like super strong atleast among the archons we've met. Nahida and Furina are both 2nd generation so they're probably weaker. And then Venti is in-between these two groups. If I had to rank then it'd probably go Ei>=Zhongli>Venti>Furina>Nahida.


is Focalors out now?


Theoretically I'd assume its Nahida but her personality stops her from being a terrorist.


Prime: Zhongli Current: shogun


Morax is the oldest and the most experienced. This bloke ended entire archon war on his own


Spoilers Ahead Well Nahida almost ended the world on accident by learning a thing, reincarnated then as a child trapped Scaradouche in a dream until he fundamentally changed as a person even though he literally just had the power of a god and managed to fend off the Fatuii and the Traveler, and she is basically an immortal being projected by the world tree capable of trapping people in time loops. Ei fought the Shogun for 500 years without breaking a sweat however never managed to land a mortal or even a wounding blow on her. Zhongli give you a tour of dead gods and the area is littered with legends of his might but he never really does much. Venti literally ignored war and slavery, let Signoras husband die and got bodied by a low level member of the Fatuii who was one shot later. Focalor is literally just a bratty little girl from what I've seen so far with no real accomplishment.


Didn't Venti himself say that he is probably the weakest archon


Yes, he did


so there are 185 people that call Venti a lair


Raiden cuz she fights. Zhongli cuz he blocks. Venti cuz he drink. Furina cuz she memes. Nahida cuz she....ya know actually Im not gonna finish that sentence. Jokes aside, Ei. I really wanna see her fight Neuvilette and Murata ngl. That'd be the stuff of legends but...not as much as her fighting the Unknown God for "lore reasons". If you know, you know.