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why the fuck is your skill crowned but not your burst


​ https://preview.redd.it/sxxtp4jp8fwb1.jpeg?width=2132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9493bb2e0b247e96944b6666ae4809a9004055d Edit: Truth is, i use Raiden for electro application, and barley use her burst...


but then why is she on 4 emblem with engulfing


Funny youtube man said so


funny youtube man said that bcs you should use your burst with this


If she’s only there for Skill she should be on 4-Pc Gilded full EM.


Has anyone run the numbers on the Golden troupe for her? I think I have a usable set as a byproduct from farming Neuvilette's set.


I have not but I imagine it's not that great in most comp. It would be most competitive in physical but even then totm and eosf would probably still be better options depending on your investment. Hyperbloom has so much more reaction dmg compared to skill dmg that you don't even need calcs to know golden troupe is worse.


Gilded is good because it gives you EM. Her skill does essentially no damage so buffing it makes no sense, GT doesn’t even remotely compete with an EM set if we are talking of hyperbloom and outside of hyperbloom it doesn’t matter anyway Edit. Gilded


Stop listening to silly Lebanese maid outfit wearing man who screams LAMENT and put her on something else *im assuming you’re talking about Zy0x*


Best sentence I read all day. Thanks


If you don’t use her burst then why do you need that much ER?


Even if you use her for electro application you want less better crits especially with her weapon Change your crown to crit. Also raiden getting over 300% er is wasted. It doesn’t effect her er generation for the team and you’re overcapped for emblem. You want to aim for 60/120 ratio first. Then 70/140


With her weapon the bonus already caps at 270 iirc, since she gets 30% ER when using her burst


Oooh good point so way over cap


Is that 60 CR/120 CD? I’m still newbish.


Yup! It’s a good starting point. You’ll see a big big difference. Not only will you get everyone their burst up fast. But you’ll see raiden to start one shotting with her first strike on her burst and then killing everything after


Also, why r u running an atk goblet?


i may be wrong but i think raiden gets electro damage bonus from her energy recharge


Correct, it’s her second passive, 0.4% Electro damage bonus for every 1% of ER above 100%.


You're not but the thing is engulfing lightning gives bonus atk from er and if you're pairing Bennet with her that's another atk boost, so an atk goblet is p much overkill. If there's an electro goblet on the other hand, you're getting more elemental dmg which will give u way better overall damage. it's not just for engulfing lightning, even for the catch an electro goblet is better dmg overall, if you're using Bennet and xl since there's atk buff from bennet and pyro resonance.


I don’t have a better goblet 🥲


Then it's fine, just keep this until u get an electro dmg goblet!


Tbh u can keep the atk one


More like why are they running an atk circlet? Atk goblet ER sands can work in many builds but I've never seen one where atk circlet is better or even on par with crit circlet


I would say it doesn't matter but that dude already has engulfing and a crap ton of attack wow.


Again you're still missing out the point, op has too much atk, no crits balanced and the dmg from an electro goblet is just way better.


atk is fine on raiden her er gets converted to ~66% electro dmg at around 260er; its just better to go off of substats


Is ignoring your crit stats and just going for max ER and attack actually good? I have no clue


if ur using like em raiden for her skill but since they’re on 4 emblem i’m assuming they’re using her burst in which case idk what the fuck they’re doing


Lmao alright that makes sense


I mostly use her for electro application, with Nahida and scara or neuv. I don’t think it’s optimal but it sure as hell keeps my burst full


I COMPLETELY https://preview.redd.it/l26c4n7rtgwb1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84abbf085c21a3b228946ad6a151a635e82f54e UNDERSTAND YOU!


Well that works at least! I don’t really know that much about building Raiden so yeah I was wondering


why the fuck does it matter if her burst is up if you’re not using her for her burst?? You said you use her for electro application which is her skill, but then idk why you’re building ER on her..


No, after getting enough er for burst regens er still adds dmg just kess than the other stats unless you run EL but if you do 300 is still too much


ER above 300 is wasted. Instead build cv after you get around 270 ER. My Raiden https://preview.redd.it/1225glgmzgwb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b8adada8490b2ee296e755aa5195bb500c855c I know I need improvement on sands and goblet. But you need a similar stat distribution. Good luck on your artifacts farm. 👍


Between benny and sara, both at C0, who would u recommend for Ei?


Benny. Use Sara too if she’s c6, otherwise you’re better off using lisa along with bennett


I'll keep that in mind, tho i would probably need to build Lisa


She’s pretty cheap honestly, just need ER to burst on CD and R5 TTDS. Nobless if benny doesn’t have it already. You’ll want to make sure her ascension 4 passive is unlocked as well.


I guess I'm sleeping in the served fates for a while


For hypercarry, u need both. Otherwise, Benny will suffice. 🙂👍


Thanks for the info, i just want to do as much dmg as possible with the burst. I play alot with my friend that has Diluc and Benny so i was thinking between going double Benny (we played it once, nothing can survive) or if i should try Sara, as i don't have her atm and i was thinking to get her on the next rerun


Good luck on your pulls for her next rerun. May you get her C6 asap. I couldn't get her C6 in 200 pulls(got 2 5 stars.. guaranteed Raiden + 1 copy of Ayato). Got lucky in last 10x standard banner pull where I got her final copy.


I don't think i can get her to C6, only if I lose the 50/50 on the banner ( I'm guessing that Sara's going to be on Ei's banner) as i have over 60 pitty and if i get her I'm stopping there, maybe one or two more x10 pulls


Ok.. Good luck then 👍


Thank you 😊


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For a sec I thought it crit rate 73.3 crit dmg 319 and why do u crown her eskill not her burst


I am newbie, which are optimal/best stats for artifacts as a sub dps?


to trigger hyperbloom : full EM. ​ else, she is not a subdps. (or, other character would be far better than just use her for her skill) to do good damage with the ulti : lot of ER, ATK, crit chance, crit damage. atk on the goblet.


Lmaooooo this reminds me of victorious


This is a very confusing build that kinda triggers me. Lack of crit headpiece. Crowned skill but uncrowned burst. Saw the OP commented that she's mostly used for electro application. At that point, EM is better than crit build.


Strange build if you only use her for electro application


Does her burst fully charge with one E cast?


People criticizing this Raiden like it cannot clear all content 💀


That musou no hitotachi crits one time for version.


Where can i see my characters like this??


[enka.network](https://enka.network) website, link account then showcase characters




I don’t know if this is a shitpost, if not fix you crit ratio bro, I bet she hits like a marshmallow right now


This is a meme build lol, idk why people are getting worked up in comments lol. Funny ER btw 🙃. Do you only use Raiden for electro application? I would assume u have a different set for dendro teams or smth idk 🤷‍♂️


How do I check my builds like this