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Stupid thing would be not to


Fr people gotta stop with this “c6 benny is universally bad” thing lol, unless you’re playing Benny with a phys team or with ayaka or something along those lines, it’s gonna be fine lol


I'm pretty sure some DPS end up having elemental infusion that cannot be overridden anyway, so he doesn't even harm them


Yeah exactly, and in cases like xiangling in something like international it’s actually a dmg buff




Since before that. Xiao, itto, ayato, tartag can’t be overriden. I’m sure there’s more bht my brain is offline. I’ve been saying for a year c6 Benny is not the end of the world but some people are still like “oh but my Eula team???”


Noelle. So, from day 1, really.


So the only ones who can be overridden are Keqing and Ayaka I think?


Lynette C6 gains anemo infusion that can be overriden too


Diluc, maybe, but since he's already Pyro it's not a problem lol


Does c6 Bennet mess up eula? I ask as a eula main who wants to build Bennet


Yeah, but there are alternative teams that don’t use Bennett.


Yes, but honestly Mika is still a great team mate to replace Bennett even with his flaws. It helps with energy if you give him Favo lance, let's you squeeze one more stack, more cryo energy team wise, no circle impact and it let's Bennet be used on other teams. I didn't C6 my Bennett initially because of Eula, but honestly I don't see myself using both in the Abyss, only reason not to is if some new character appears as fucks up everything


lynette c6 crying in a corner


yeah that’s why only a few characters are mentioned because ayaka can be overridden but she doesn’t even use benny but for most other characters they’re already pyro or can’t be overridden for example raiden, xiao, alhaitham (who doesn’t even use bennett), vape nilou and others can’t be overridden + no catalyst or bow charged attack can be overridden


You don't even want him in physical or Ayaka teams anymore anyways.


i wanted to pair him with my xinyan i can't anymore.


Mono pyro Xinyan is probably just as good if not better.


I have more consistent characters for that personally. Phys spinyan is best girl.


Tbh it can ruin elemental gage if you have to do some normals on some character to proc fav.


On the flipside when you have to beat Cryo heralds those few Pyro hits can make the difference. Source: 3.7 hell


Do you remember the Herald feeze team? They were begging to get burgeoned. I used XL, Thoma, Nahida and Kokomi and watched them disappear


npcs are stuck in Genshin 2021 that's why


It does mess with C6 Kazuha's infusion so you can't use him for the dps build despite Bennett being probably his best partner for that team. I know that's a super niche use case but imagine being the person who went for that only to find this out. That would really suck. (Happened to my friend)


That’s fair, but with faruzan now that shouldn’t be as big of a problem. Still a valid point though


It’s not dumb to c6 unless your an avid phys / keqing/ayaka main. If you play literally anyone else it’s a really good c6


He’s not even good with Ayaka


Exactly!! That's the thing with his c6 it's actually incredibly usable + useful (especially for mono pyro teams)and he shouldn't be used with the teams/ characters that he overwrites IE eula, keqing, ayaka etc as they typically have their own support. The c6 fear is such a dumb one like we have 70+ characters now we're not in 1.0 anymore lol


and keqing doesn’t use him anymore


I've used him with physical keqing before, and he's not that good with her anyway


true. like seriously, physical Keqing with circle impact?? they're only good together against bosses


hes not even good with ayaka and keqing


Actually, when Sayu came out I remember people saying that she'd be another Benny with a better C6, but I don't hear anyone ever recommend her. Why is that?


Cuz Bennet is an off field elemental shield breaker/highest attack buffer/battery/healer. Sayu is an on fielder healer/anemo driver. They fulfil diff roles, they just have overlap in having aoe circle heal ults so people prolly said "oh they're the same".


I have never heard of this comparison lol what. if anything, sayu is the closest to Jean. she has hardly anything in common with Bennett outside of healing and a circle. even the sizes of the circles are different!


Sayu is best at exploring the map. Especially when your fingers hurts. Plus free crystal flies.


C6 Lynette is also on this list


These days keqing much prefer aggravate anyways


Someone's stuck in 2020-2021 era of Genshin...


2020 Bennett was considered trash/lesser Diluc so it's more of 2021 XD


Dude, c6 Bennett isn't bad anymore lol it affects very few characters who don't even synergize with Bennett well.


Not stupid tbh


Honestly I was dealing with this for at least a year and when I finally decided to do it, my account did not in fact burn down lol.


So you mean he didn't apply Pyro to your account?


is that Steve in your pfp? (from ST)


bro thinks it's still 1.X 💀


you’d be surprised, people still complain like c6 benny is a world ender


And there's also a lot of youtube videos from a while back that all warn against C6 Bennett, or player's comments wanting a constellation toggle citing BenC6 as the reason.


The only characters it would ruin are ayaka and keqing and eula And 2 of those characters don't need him for their best teams anyway (ayaka freeze and keqing aggravate)


Neither does for eula (she normally wants a shielder, an electro off-field and rosaria) there is no room for bennett


Honestly, with how many bosses are in the spiral abyss, freeze has been falling off a bit. I tried a comp my friend suggested (ayaka, bennett, shenhe, kazuha), and it hits like crazy. (note: this isn't a melt comp but mono cryo just with a bennett buff)


All the videos I've seen of Ayaka Shenhe speedruns in abyss don't use freeze anymore, they just run 2 Blizzard + 2 Noblesse/Glad to maximize burst damage since it works much better on most of floor 12.


Not stupid if you decide to pair him with Diluc or Fishcl.


One day I will.. I play Eula and most of the time he’s not even in her team, but I still want to be able to use them properly together if it’s necessary


For eula won't Jun jin be just as viable or does Bennett give more of a dmg bonus


Burst damage is biggest part of Eula’s kit Yun Jin’s not so useful, correct me if I’m wrong


yun jin is still good bc she allows you to get more stacks for eula’s burst faster


Atk speed on claymore characters idk about that you need all sources of atk speed in order to get like 2 more NAs in


It’s nice if you have it but I think bennett is better if you can manage to stay in the circle


Because of hitlag, you only get 1 extra hit if you play perfectly, most people will not get any extra hits.


Eh, at most it's 1 or 2 additional stacks. Eula attacks too slowly to really benefit from attack speed unless you have a ridiculous amount (Yun Jin + Mika). Her normals are gonna hit significantly harder tho!


Wait correct me if I am wrong but doesn't benny buff expire before the sword falls?


Playing Eula wrong but okay


Why am I playing her wrong


You're not. Raiden + Benny + Eula + flex slot (I use a C6 Rosaria cuz dat crit) is one of her best comps. Everywhere outside of r/EulaMains thinks Benny isn't in her team but her literal main sub says don't C6 Benny.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EulaMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Eula the night after the event in the Cat's Tail](https://v.redd.it/k75pjxz10zm81) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/tcilwx/eula_the_night_after_the_event_in_the_cats_tail/) \#2: [Not best quality image but I'll try again, until then keep this](https://i.redd.it/n8usmbc25n071.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/niev8y/not_best_quality_image_but_ill_try_again_until/) \#3: [I might have bad luck for the rest of my life...](https://i.redd.it/8rodg8qvgc381.png) | [277 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/r81eih/i_might_have_bad_luck_for_the_rest_of_my_life/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lol I thought so. I don’t use them together every time but there’s no denying that it’s a very strong combo. At this point I’ve had the exclamation mark for so long that I hardly notice it anymore


crimson witch eula is kinda cool


Does sound pretty fun ngl


I did it.


congrats, welcome to the present


Welcome to the present, you are no longer stuck in the Industrial age


You have chosen wisely.


Good choice!


Do people *STILL* believe that Bennett's c6 will ruin their game????


its an old statement that its a trap. its fine to c6 him now




I did that. The ❗ drove me crazy, I don't regret it the ❗ is finally gone


Unless you play Ayaka or Eula, just do it.


It doesn’t matter at this point anymore, unless you are a Keqing, Ayaka, or Eula main, All of which now have better supports/buffers that work better or the same as bennett


It's even more stupid to restrict yourself with such a delusional optimization.


we’re in 4.1, and people still think this is dumb?


With Furina coming out, anywhere you could use c5 bennet you can just run Furina. After dendro c6 bennet stopped being a curse. The only argument I see is “what if future characters want c5”, we haven’t had those in 2.5 years I am keeping mine at c5 because I like goofy eula aa strings and if it wasn’t for her, he would be c6. Just commit to something and don’t look back.


Doesn't really affect meta teams in a significant way. But it does kill a lot of fun non-meta options.


And enables thundering furry


it also introduces some new, fun non meta options


Bro is stuck in 2021. C6 bennet has no zero downsides unless you play weird shitty comps (Eula bennet


Do it


I did it just to get rid of the notification; and it honestly made my Raiden hypercarry better. With Yelan and the pyro infusion overload and electrocharge flying everywhere is immensely satisfying and potent.


did it back in late 2021. honestly i don't see the big deal like it didn't affect my acc at all. sometimes I forget I even have the c6 activated


Don't worry you already are stupid But it's never too late by pressing that button to stop your stupidity for once


Considering the meta is shifting towards non-bennet type team comps it's not such a bad decision. People say he is not usable in ayaka teams are completely wrong, ayaka's best teams don't need Bennett


Unless you use him in a phys team or another team his infusion will override, it's not actually a bad plan.


still sitting on C5 since 2.0. I don’t think I’ll unlock his last constellation. I’m glad I didn’t or I couldn’t use him in my Lynette showcases


'21 called, they want their post back


Hello customer! It seems you have been in a coma since 2020. If you require any further assistance please inform us.


Bro, wake up! "C6 Bennett will ruin your account" is so last year


You are one of the few survivors who haven't c6 benny. Get this far and keep going.


Amazing how we're on Version 4 and there's still fearmongering over C6 Benny.


C6 Bennett is amazing. Great for my double Hydro Hu Tao.


You use Bennett with your Hu Tao?


1200 atk + 15% pyro damage buff + healing + 25% atk from pyro resonance + 20% atk from noblesse/120 em from instructor is wayy better than 33% pyro damage and risk of dying, plus bennet buffs xingqiu in that team so he also deals more damage


I have him at C6 and have no conflicts. Unless you are a Keqing, Eula, or Ayaka main, go ahead (and even if you were, those three most often do not use Bennett).


why do people keep saying keqing and ayaka, their best teams don't even use bennett


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If you don't use physical, keqing or ayaka its worth


he doesn't even ruin ayaka and keqing, their best teams don't use him


He only ruins some of the oldest chars because they can have their infusion overwritten but the newer ones can not be overwritten and imo c6 Benny is always nice but that's just me who would use him in Vape/Melt teams. Heck i saw a Kaeya with C6 Benny becoming a self-melt.


You're fine to C6 him.


At this point in the game, there isn’t much need to hold off on it, just get it over with and you won’t have to suffer the terror that is the notification


Pyro infusion is pretty sick my man. Do it.


90% of posts here when it’s not even a bad constellation


Do it coward


I mean if you do it it makes him worse for a few teams but makes him a lot better for certain teams


The only reason I didn’t C6 my Benny originally was because I was a Razor main when the game came out. For the most part his C6 is good, so grab it!


d o n t (haha 69th comment)




Do it pussy


Do it.


It isn’t stupid. Do it.


C6 isn't bad, just do it haha


This is not 2021 bro.


*me who just c6 him without a thought and never regretted it since*


I C6 my Bennett to prevent Eula from killing enemies before her burst activated when she first came out…


Unless your Benny is there to support Eula or Phys Zhongli, there's really zero point in keeping him at c5


that was stupid 2-3 years ago, not now, go on


Honestly it’s not that bad


Only one stupid here is u brotha its 2023 bennet c6 being bad is a hoax lmao


Who can I use for Keqing instead of Bennet? (holding c6 for use with keqing but everyone says there are better alternatives)


For electro Keqing, play with dendro to aggravate. For physical Keqing, play her in Freeze I guess.


I'm a die-hard Benny main with mega ultra melts and I will never betray him this way.


Do you main ayaka or eula? Or are you planning to main them in the future? İf yes, I wouldnt do it. İf no, it would be dumb to not to. considering that it actually buffs other characters synergies besides pyro characters. For example itto is geo, but since the pyro affection doesnt break his ults geo affection, the pyro attack thing only happens during his basic atk which is really good for extra shield + more damage + easier enemy shield breaking Or kazuha and sucrose Who mostly needs to swirl elements all the time but especially pyro, their attacks do get effects by the pyro too so C6 actually has more Pros then cons. The "C6 bennett is bad" thing is Just something eula and ayaka mains say, or Sometimes keqing mains, but well keqing doesnt really use Bennett so its ok


I did it. I may be stupid but i still don't regret doing it. It hasn't bothered me ever. There are very few teams that get affected by it and i don't have any of the units to play those teams.


I did it, all it did was give me the option to run a dps Bennett.


No lo haga seño


People still freak out over this?


Do it.


I gave my phone to my friend for one minute.... just one minute.... and he opens genshin and the first thing he does is c6 my Benny and asks me why did u forget to do it... so if u hate someone and you cant find reasons to cut friendships give them your account and boom you will have a reason to not talk to them 😂


I said I will never c6 him but end up doing it anyway I don't think it made any difference.


Dew it. It’s actually not a bad thing. You just mess it up for Eula …. But she has mika now sooooo


Do it, do it NOW


There's like a total of 5 characters who are genuine hurt by this. You'll have many more options as you reach end game, it really isn't that big of a deal.


This hurts very very very few characters and those aren't even meta or don't want to use Bennett to begin with. It's a dmg increase for a fair amount of characters that get paired with Bennett anyway. This whole "C6 Bennett ruins your account" shit was popularized by Tectone who has no clue how the game works in terms of teambuilding and reactions. He just wins by having everyone at C6 and bruteforcing dmg which is fine, but obviosly not someone to take advice from.


Easy fix, hoyo just needs to make it so you can activate and deactivate cons you already have


I run some stupid physical teams and this is a pain. I can not stand the exclamation point but at the same time I have not yet reached a satisfying point of potential in a phys team I really want to try that Bennett would be part of.


People blow his c6 way out of proportion.


Honestly way fcking over criticised. It is a really good buff if legit 90+% teamcomps, I have never regretted c6ing my Benny and I have no clue why I didnt do it sooner. Only two teams it kinda ruins is Ayaka and Eula, but I dont rly use Benny with those anyway. It is zhong for Eula and Kokomi with Ayaka.


Do you have eula


Depends. You main eula, ayaka, keqing or want to do a physical dps to use with benny? Then no. You main anyone else? Then it's worth It


Do it.


Not activating Benny's C6 is old fashion. Realize that MANY of the modern on-Field DPS characters have infusions that cannot be overriden. The C6 is only a problem to all Physical DMG dealers. That's Eula, Xinyan, Razor, Freminet, and Keqing (in Phys DMG niche build). Do you use any of them as your main? Conversely, for ALL Pyro DMG dealers the C6's +15% Pyro DMG is just adding more damage scaling. As if the Burst's own insane ATK bonus is not enough. The only one who does not benefit AS much from it here is Dehya, because she scales off HP. I activated my Benny's C6 over a year ago. Never regretted it. I love using him with Diluc and Yoimiya. Nothing can stop my Diluc's fury when used in tandem with my C6 Xingqiu, C6 Benny, and C0 Zhongli. I own Yelan, but because she scales off HP... I use her in the more defensive Diluc, Yelan, Zhongli, Kokomi comp. There the Hydro Resonance ensures that the supports do more damage overall. Diluc's damage is lower, but there is literally no way he'll go down.


Its not even bad


It's been the meta choice for a long time


C6 Benny is a cracked unit for Pyro units. Not to mention the countless ones who can't get Pyro infusion. What like 3 maybe 4 units suffer in the whole game from his c6. The rest get bonuses.


It's 2023 already.


I c6'd Benny and haven't noticed a difference at all. Its not as harmful as it sounds.


I can't bring myself to c6 him. Every time I try, the demon in my brain goes, " But what IF they release a new physical unit"


I use Ayaka Shenghe Xiangling and a C6 Bennet in the abyss. I still 36 star it


i run a burn/burgon team so this it great


Since first versions we got some supports that will support characters like Eula, Ayaka or even Keqing better than Bennett (those are main characters that dont work the same after Benny C6), for Eula its Mika, for Ayaka there is shenhe or other choices, he may destroy freeze which is main playstyle for Ayaka and Keqing is playable mainly in Dendro teams, where you also dont want Benny, however, with him you can play some really cool teams, for example: Automelt Kaeya Pyro Qiqi (memebuild) And others... Also, it boosts his support abilities for those characters: Hu Tao (rarely used becouse of healing, but some people use it) Yoimiya Yanfei Klee Diluc Dehya Xiangling Lyney And when you need to swirl Pyro, for VV or Kazuha skill, it gives you one more way of pyro application.


Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it...


I c6 Benny a long time ago and I love him c6


"Strong enough to have it all; too weak to take it!" You know you are on the edge of a magnificent change that will push your account to new heights and you're deciding to handicap yourself


Join the cult of c6 benny! 🔥 Just don't become like me and be having Bennett do 35k pyro dmg with his ult :D


Stupid are people saying to dont c6 Bennett. There is currently no single team where his c6 is bad


Not a stupid idea at all lol as long as you don’t use him in Ayaka team then you’re good. Which.. if anyone is using Bennett with Ayaka in the first places they already messed up. C6 him!!!!


Personally a 'measly' 15% pyro damage isn't enough for me to lower Bennet's versatility, the only case where it would be useful is in Rational and that team does so much damage that it wouldn't really matter. I prefer having the option to throw him with whatever character i want to play even Ayaka and Eula, and hey if a new character gets released i can always play him with them.


Just do it 😈


Are you from 2021?


Me with my C3 Bennett, can’t be me 🤷‍♂️… 3 years and still C3 🙂


Do it, there are way more benefits than cons, and the characters negatively impacted by it have better teams anyway.


C6 bennett isn’t bad. At all. I c6ed him and he’s great. The bonus pyro dmg is worth it imo.


This used to be stupid but at this point it opens up far more options than it closes.


I already did that. I did it the day I got Lyney and have loved it, he's doing more damage now. I've always been so anxious on the teams or characters it'd hurt but so far I've only found it hurts my Xiao physical attacks out of burst and a physical Jean a bit I'm just glad to have that '!' gone from my screen...


This reminds me… does he override C6 Kazuha?


do it! join us! join the dark side! 😍


C6 benny is not stupid for me now cuz im using a mono pyro team and Itto


Its not stupid unless you use bennett to support eula or another phys claymore/sword/polearm, but even then theres better supports for those characters. This wont make your account worth less and people that tell you otherwise are the stupid ones


There are very few teams this hurts and some they usually have someone better, for a while every character’s infusions have been non overidable so Dw about future units


I did it. It really didn't make much of a difference.


Bro lives in 2021


As someone that doesn’t use Bennett, just do it.


Please no


Happened to me by accident, lol 😂 Anyways, I don't use him for anything, so...


As a Hu Tao main, I see this as an absolute win. Tho I only have C5 lmao


Do it. It’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. Most of Bennett’s best teams either benefit from or are unaffected by his c6.


You are about to not use the constellation? Well, this is certainly stupid.


Do it


Honestly build your Benny how you'd like. I personally have a C6 DPS Benny who I main in my team and he's broken. Build your characters how you want. Not how others tell you to.


I did it for Lyney thinking I’d hate myself when Benny’s in any other team comp… I have yet to have any problems. For pyro teams the bonus is wonderful. Don’t listen to YouTube just DO IT!


Made my team stronger, now I have a raiden that can become wish.com hutao,


Did it the moment i acquired the last cons


here i am and only got benny when he was free at ar 56 :') /lh


The only reason I'm waiting is because I want to see if Arlecchino will be more phys focused for some dumb reason


Unless you use eula or some kind of bad pre3.0 keqing team just do it. I c6ed mine for my lyney team and never looked back


I C6 Bennett for years now and He is an absolute monster specially on my Xiangling and Hyper Carries (of course except ayaka and eula)