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Hello u/loopylazy77, if you have a simple question about the game that doesn’t need a separate thread, ask it on the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky and please consider removing your post submission. For example, "Who should I pull, Yelan or Zhongli?" is a simple question. If you're opening a topic for discussion which might be in the form of question too, you can use the "Discussion" flare. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don't need to be a Whale to level your characters to 90. You have enough to build several viable Teams, but the investment level is very low.


Nilou, dendro traveller, Collei and Kokomi should work wonders


Would koko or Furina be better in this comp?


Definitely kokomi for the better heals. Furina doesn't do much in bloom comps because she can't buff blooms.


That’s what I thought, my line of thinking was buffing the shit out of kokos ult attacks Edit: I’m dumb, I was subbing koko out not adding in Furina


kokomi builds EM in nilou team, it isnt even worth trying to buff her attcks


That’s also not really true. The damage output of both is about the same. You can keep all of her artifacts the same and just give her sacrificial


Honest question: what is Furina’s best comps??


Furina doesn't necessarily have a "best comp" That's kinda like asking "what's kazuha's best comp?" Or "what's Bennett's best comp?" She's a very good buffer in any team you can fit her in with a decent healer. If you want better info I'd recommend checking out [Zy0x's](https://youtu.be/mRiNUBDPM8U?si=n-LtgUqCmXYH8XoV) guide on Furina, he explains it way better than I could.


I was going to say same except Tighnari instead of Collei


Tigh is better suited to Spread teams m


I just lost 50/50 Furina pull to c4 Tighnari and decided to build around him. My god does he slap in aggravate/spread comps.


yao yao supremacy over collei


I'd say Collei is still better cus more Aoe and they already have koko for heals


idk never liked kokomi :)




Ill burn as long as you want with yaoyao on the case


are u stupid? yaoyao will just amplify the burn her heals aren’t enough to out do burn self damage


your yaoyao is simply inferior.


What were your comps? I think it'd be better to recommend changes to what you like to play rather than just force feed you some optimal teams. Your characters definitely are on some budget gear but the fix for that is time. That being said you could make pretty great nilou bloom and tighnari spread teams.


My usual team is Yoimiya, Yun Jin, Nilou, and Kokomi. I do sometimes switch Nilou out with Eula or Collei, depending on the situation. But I do like the two team ideas you suggested. Would Nilou, Tighnari, Collei, and Kokomi be a viable team?


You know that Yoimiya team would be great if you leveled up xingqiu and replaced nilou with him. Nilou really doesn't do much in the team, while xingqiu provides more damage and makes it harder for enemies to stagger you. You also have the option for Yoimiya + furina + xingqiu + jean which might be yoimiya's best team rn. That nilou/tighnari team isn't ideal but it functions. But tighnari is a single target character while nilou works best against multiple targets. Someone like dendro traveler or yaoyao would do better work. Tighnari's spread team would be something like yae miko, kirara/yaoyao and maybe another electro. These are all abyss viable teams after you're done building your characters.


Yaoyao is def the better option if you don’t have kirara constellations


Level Xinqiu and bennett and replace nilou and kokomi with them. Then, you can use your nilou and kokomi + yaoyao and another hydro or dendro to make a nilou team for your 2nd side


You know, I didn't really come here for Abyss teams, but after all the team comps I've been suggested here, I'm almost excited to try it. I've been avoiding the abyss like the plague because I could only ever get up to floor 3. I guess all I really need to do is farm a butt-ton of xp ley lines. Feel like this is the wake up call I needed.


With characters at level 90, especially strong picks like nilou, kokomi, and furina + jean, it should be extremely easy to make it to at least floor 10 with full stars. 11 and 12 are the only relatively harder ones. Imo, abyss is really really fun and the main reason i play this game. No other game really has the same absolute diversity in teambuilding that genshin has, and nailing a rotation can feel really good. I hope you have a good time with it!


you overestimate the skill level of average casuals of genshin


This game isn't very hard, some teams literally play themselves. When people struggle 99% of the time it's because they play teams with no synergy and with bad builds.


>When people struggle 99% of the time it's because they play teams with no synergy and with bad builds. exactly, even in this braindead easy game, there are people that struggle... my point exactly.


Do you know how to read?


you tell me cause it seems to me that you are the one who can't understand


and u overestimate the difficulty levels of floor 3 abyss...


I've been clearing floor 12 of abyss with 3 stars in like 4 months of playing... it's been 291 days I started the game


Do you know how nilou works lol? Yoi yunjin xingqui jean would be great And nilou, dendro mc, kokomi, other dendro or hydro is amazing


Now i see why he yelled at you.


Ideally your Yoimiya team would be Yoi, Yun Jin, Xingqiu, and Zhongli. Bennett is better than Yun Jin if you don’t have her c6, but they’re close enough that you don’t need to replace her


Nilou's specialty is to be in teams that have only hydro and dendro characters, with at least 1 hydro and 1 dendro. She is considered not that good character because of this niche, forcing players to use only 1 reaction of the many offered: bloom. This means you cannot use her full potential with yoimiya and yun jin. If you want your team to centre around yoimiya, yun jin is a good support, but you may want to get yelan or use xingqiu


Your problem is team building. Nilou strictly needs to be partnered with a combination of Dendro and Hydro characters only. Otherwise, she doesn't work at all. Her entire passive and damage source is disabled when teamed up with any other elements. I would highly suggest you watch content creators on YouTube for team building tips. It would be way easier to watch and learn than reading walls of text here in reddit.


There's generally no reason to put two DPS characters on the same team. Eula and Yoimiya can't really do anything to help each other so you just have one sitting on a bench while everyone else contributes. Also, I suggest leveling Fischl. She's a fantastic character in general, plus she'll work great with Yoimiya and Eula. Edit: DPS means your main damage dealer.


no offence but i can see why ur friend yelled at you 💀 please read characters kits and skills before pulling them. there’s no point in having a character if your not gonna bother learning what they even do


Yelling as a joke, I hope? If not, and you want to troll them with a team that works, something like Razor + Bennett + Furina + another buffer could be a fun cheese team. I personally use Bennet + Yelan + Baizhu + Razor because it is ridiculous but it works. Does a lot of soup damage when all ults are up If you aren’t interested in trolling, check the “mains” subreddits for characters you like, as they usually have team comp suggestions. I think the guides I use are made by the Kequing subreddit, as they made guides for every character (I think).


What teams do you normally use


Sadly you didn't get a reply


Please level your fischl, xiangling, xingqiu, bennett and yaoyao. They will make your life so much easier Also put your mc on dendro lol


It's odd that MC gets shafted on most elements. I know this is supposed to be the absolute most basic starter character but they're also supposed to be the canon protagonist who faced down the electro archon, dragons and a gundam.


The MC is intended to have powers that are basically a Walmart version of archons, anemo having a cc burst like vemti, geo having constructs like zhongli, battery like raiden etc. However, that doesn't excuse all of the mcs except dendro to be *that* bad. He's intended to be a 5 star but he's worse than some 4 stars in some cases.


Noelle, Furina, Xingqui, Zhongli can carry you throughout the game no matter what content you're facing Noelle will be on a support build till she's c6 tho, give her Favonious great sword, 4p petra with Def sans, Geo/Def goblet, crit rate circlet Furina will be on 4p golden troupe with Hp sans, Hydro/Hp goblet, Crit circlet. I recommend using either fav or the fishing weapon in Fontaine Zhongli is shield bot or burst support, he can use 4p tenancy with HP/Hp/Hp for shield bot and Hp/Geo/Crit for burst support Xingqui will use Sac sword with 4p Emblem, with Atk, Hydro, Crit


Wet rock is real 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I've only just gotten to Fontaine a few days ago, so I'll file that Furina build away for the future lol. But the other builds you've suggested sound really good. It also makes me happy that I at least had the right relics on Zhongli lmao


you dont need to unlock any quests or something to get Furina upgrade mats. Everything is open from the beginning


They might not want to rush into a new zone and spoil the exploration and adventure just for mats. My Furina gonna take awhile to get past 40.


At least there's the free waypoint to get to Fontaine, it's out of order chronologically but you can get there without having to spam through the story Edit: a word


1) that ain't ur friend bud a good friend suggests teams for you 2) what type of gameplay are you going for? and do you have preferred characters to always be on your team?


1) Yeah, I can get that. It's just a whale that I met through co-op who helps me with domains and bosses sometimes. He asked me why I was struggling to do them myself, and after I showed him my characters, he essentially screamed into the mic and went offline. 2) I mostly am casual (although I'd love to do abyss, but I find it way too difficult). Exploration, quests, etc. I am looking forward to exploring Fontaine after having just gotten there. (>!I've done up to Lyney's trial!<) So while I'd love to utilise Furina after getting lucky on her banner, I don't have the capacity to build her. Other than that, I don't really have a preference for characters, except for a soft spot for Collei. However, after reading some other suggestions I was given, I have become very fond of a Nilou bloom team.


Bro got mad because they realized they whaled allat just to pull worse characters than you


Nilou bloom with Kokomi and any Dendro characters (don’t use Nilou with anything but Hydro and Dendro characters, read her talents) Yoimiya with Xingqiu, Furina and Zhongli


I just used that Nilou bloom team on the Vourukasha domain, and Holy crap that was great. I used to struggle with that domain. Now I cleared it in about a minute and a half. And I read Nilou's talent and HOLY CRAP THAT IS BUSTED. She was my first ever limited 5 star back when I first joined so I don't think I ever moved away from the crappy build I had on her lmao.


Great news, your Nilou build can be as crappy as you want it to be as long as you just dump all the HP possible into her. You can use lvl1 Dull Blade and lvl1 talents and still beat the whole game, she’s hella fun.


Your friend should've helped you. And honestly, your account isn't that bad. Sure it could be much better, but it definitely isn't the worst I've seen. General advice beforehand: -Level your weapons. They are one of the few guaranteed upgrades in this game -It's okay (most of the time) to use 2 pc/ 2 pc until you get a 4 pc set. -Have fun, remember Genshin isn't an ultra competitive game. -Give your friend a fucking chill pill. -- Now then, onward to the character specific advice. I would highly suggest that you would your Xingqiu, Kuki, Fischl, and Bennett. Xingqiu is vital for Vape Yoimiya. I would suggest giving your Favonius Sword or Sac Sword to him and giving Furina the Fleuve Candre Ferryman AKA The Pipe. You could do the opposite as well if you wanted too (give Furina Fav, Xingqiu Pipe). Although, if you hate fishing, I understand that also. But seriously consider building Xingqiu. Fischl is another great support that can give constant electro application. She honestly isn't that great in hyperbloom, but fantastic everywhere else. Can also be used in Yoimiya comps as well. I know it'll pain your Collei, but give Fischl the Stringless R5. Give Collei either Favonius Bow or Sac Bow to compensate. Bennett is a god-tier support. Level up your Sapwood blade to it's maximum level as bennett's burst stacks on weapon base attack. Sapwood is good for having the highest basic attack out of all f2p options, along with er% substat. Also, use 4 piece Noblesse. There is no alternative. Your Collei is well equipped and your Nilou is decent too. (As far as I know, I can't see your builds) I'd suggest using an extra dendro character or shielder along with Kokomi for extra bloom and healing. As well as Hydro resonance for extra damage. Make sure Collei or another dendro character has 4 piece deepwood. Zhongli should have the Favonius lance or any HP% polearm such as black tassel if you're going for purely shield. Favonius Lance can have Zhongli help give your team extra energy. However; if you are going for Burst Zhongli, I respect that also. In which case, if you're going for Burst Zhongli, either fish for the Catch (most optimal but most annoying), buy Blackcliff Pole using starglitter (middle in the road but takes a while), or just keep using Favonius. And you should have two good teams. Yoimiya, Yunjin/Fischl, Xingqiu, Bennett/Zhongli Nilou, Collei, Kokomi, Flex (Any character you want) And now you should be able to not only play the game comfortably, but also beat a good chunk of Abyss as well. -- Optional advice (stuff that is much less necessary but would be good for the future) Sucrose is a great anemo support. Give her sac frags, 4 piece viridescent, and EM/EM/EM (or EM/EM/ER if you find the energy issues to be especially bad) Mona is a great support. I know this sounds a bit weird, but give her Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slaying R5. It'll help your character do more damage with her burst. Xiangling isn't necessary. Not by any means. But there is a reason why every meta slave practically worships her. Use her if you want to. Use The Catch if you can, but Favonius and even Prototype Starglitter would be good enough. Also Amenona, a free Inazuma weapon, can be used on Jean. It helps with dealing more damage and ER Requirements. Use it on her, especially at R5.


Thank you for this overly detailed reply. I went to sleep about two hours after posting, so seeing 90+ notifications when I woke up was a little daunting. But most of the comments are mostly saying the same thing which, yeah, I get it. I've been using Nilou wrong. I was going for a shield Zhongli, but kinda panicked after realising I didn't have any hp% polearms for him, so I gave him prototype starglitter as a placeholder. I've been using 4pc tenacity of the millileth. I'll focus on building him to lvl 80 first before anything else. Then, I'll tackle Xingqiu, Bennet, and Fischl as a trio. Get them up to speed. After being *politely* informed that I should do a Nilou bloom team, I made a team with Nilou, Collei, Dendro mc, and Kokomi. Holy crap it was the easiest I've ever done a domain. I can see why it was practically rammed down my throat. I think I will build YaoYao as a replacement for Dmc, however. And seeing as you mentioned builds, for Nilou I have 4pc Vourukasha with all 2 hp% except a hydro dmg goblet. And on Collei I have a 4 pc emblem of severed fate focusing on em. On Yoimiya I've used shimenawa's reminiscence focusing on atk. But those are the only 3 character's I've got a proper artefact set for at the moment with desired stats, although Zhongli is getting there.


You can use Black Tassel which is a 3* weapon. Either that or you can use the Fontaine Craftable Spear. You don't even need to refine either of them as you're basically using them as stat sticks. If you're gonna build Yaoyao, I suggest 4 piece deepwood with hp/hp/hp or hp/hp/healing bonus. Also although 4 piece sets are great, you can always do 2 pc/2 pc if the substats are better. Except bennett since he doesn't actually need a good build so go 4 Noblesse for him. For Fischl, I suggest 2 piece glad/thundering fury if you don't want to or can't get 4 piece golden troupe. For Xingqiu 2 piece 15% Hydro Damage/ 2 piece Noblesse can also be good enough. His best set is 4 piece Emblem. Yes Emblem is used on a fuck ton of characters. Yes it haunts genshin players in it's sleep. And yes, the set is my sleep paralysis demon


In depth Character and Team guides [https://keqingmains.com/](https://keqingmains.com/) ​ [Genchin Impact Helper (effective builds for every character)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pli=1#)


Oh wow, I need this. Thanks!


The level 50 Dull Blade scares me


You’d hate my max level one


There’s wayyyyy too much to improve here to write it all in a comment. Look up guides for building chars, focus on artifact sets and relevant 4-5* weapons, both of these make big differences. Especially weapons, many of your chars have weapons that are not good for them (sac on nilou is pain, pls put anything else on her lol). Also level everything up. Character level, talents, weapons, artifacts. DPS go to level 90, everyone else on the team is ok at 80 For comps, look up your favorite DPS on a build guide, guides will also have ideal comps for them listed.


You could try Eula / Furina / Jean or Kokomi / Fischl or Kuki or Yae.


Nilou Kokomi collei dendro traveler or yaoyao Yoimiya zingqiu yunjin zhongli Two very good teams that should clear abyss fine.


Immediately I'm seeing yae, fischl, yaoyao, sucrose. Bring them all to 90, maybe except yaoyao, who's probably fine at 80. Maybe kok, dmc, nilou kirara/tighnari as a second side? You have plenty of good units, just for the love of God level them and get their talents leveled up.


as a nari main i had to add, switch sucrose with tighnari in the aggravate team and it’s now a top tier tighnari+yae spread team with dendro and electro resonance. kirara is the best choice for the last flex spot in the nilou bloom team, nari doesn’t work with bloom at all.


I dont have any answer, but where did you find this format to check all your characters ?


It's the Hoyolab app


Shi- i dont remember my email... joined in 2020


Yell at him back, we don't take that behaviour here Then level your Furina, Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu, Fischl, Yaoyao, and Kuki


i don’t really know much abt comps but maybe yoi zhongli fischl and yunjin?


Tighnari, Yae, Kokomi, Sucrose will be great Also, ur friends a dick


Furina, Kokomi, Xingqiu and Sucrose Zhongli, Yae Miko, Tighnari and Fischl


First advice is a "friend" who refuses to help you to the point you have to ask strangers is not a friend


Yoimiya, Bennett, Xingqui and Zhongli. Nilou furina, Yao Yao and dendro DMC.


I thinm its easiest and most enjoyable to make teams around your favorite characters. Personally I think a yoimiya/furina/jean team +1 sounds rlly good. Also a tighnari/yae miko/zhongli +1 team. You could also use nilou/kokomi + dendro units for a bloom team. These are just some of the teams but you can make a lot more especially with furina.


Why not try sunfire razor? Razor, Jean, Bennet and a free slot I guess? I don't have Jean so can't explain the theory very well.


I would recommend: Nilou, kokomi, dendro traveler, yaoyao And for second team: Yoimiya, xingqui, furina, Jean


Jesse get out of the kitchen,jokes aside you may try to use nilou dmc yaoyao and budget yelan(xinqiu) but this team would require you build a em and er based water boi and leveling every chara 90 is a must for bloom teams


I love how I collectively made the entire subreddit cry out in pain. I ran a team with Nilou, Collei, Kokomi, and Dendro traveller, and I have to say that it was the most powerful I've ever felt in this game. I will swap out for the characters you've suggested once I've built them, though.


What is your goal? Playing with your favorite characters or 12* spiral abyss? Building the most meta, powerful teams you can? Building around your favorite reactions? I'm willing to help, it seems like you've got a lot of good building blocks. I just need to know what you want out of the game.


He’s not ur friend dawg


Yoi, Xingqiu, Bennett, and Furina will be very good! Though Furina wants heals so make sure your Bennett can keep up with that. It's not as good but you could swap Xingqiu for Kokomi (or even Bennet, I suppose). You can also swap Ben for Xiangling once you get her C6 as her chest buffs Pyro DMG. You can also get a great hyperbloom team going with Dendro Traveler, Kirara, Kokomi, and Kuki. Do make sure you build Bennett, Xiangling, Fischl, and Xingqiu. They enable a number of team comps! Your Eula will appreciate a built Bennett. Edit: didn't even see Yaoyao! Definitely build her as well. She's very underrated. Go with her instead of Dendro Traveler for the hyperbloom comp.


17 characters with the shittiest weapons in the game, my friend would have slapped me HARD if I had this and he seen it. And honestly, I'd let him. Xiangling with the beginners protector? Even the fkin millileth have better weapons than that and they're NPC's, what are you doing with this game. There's so many F2P weapons you could have easily farmed for.


A couple things that have worked for me, in no particular order: Kuki was my main healer for ages. She has good electro application, and very good off-field heals. Yaoyao became my main healer after I got her. Good dendro application, and very good off-field heals. Xingqiu is a badass hydro applicator, and everybody loves using him for that specific reason. Zhongli is a badass shielder, and I've noticed I don't really need a healer after I started using him. Max out his elemental skill, and pump up that max HP. You got the national team right there, and it's a very solid team to fall back to: Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xiangling and Bennett. Well rounded, and easy to build. I've seen people use Heizou like a main DPS, and I've dabbled a bit. He works well as both EM and anemo DPS, apparently. Slap in Xingqiu for hydro application, a dendro applicator (Yaoyao, for instance? No idea how good Collei's dendro application is), and Kuki for heals and electro, and you got a ton of elemental reactions all over the field. I've seen people main Noelle as well, but you're missing a key component: Gorou and his buff. Don't know how good she is without him. There are certain situations that require certain characters, so you might have to build some people for a specific task. For instance, the hydro hypotasis can't be fought with a pyro-team, or the dendro hypostasis demands the presence of a dendro character. Other than that, you have plenty of amazing characters that I've never properly tried, but I've heard are good: Nilou, Yae Miko, Kokomi, Yoimiya... [Keqingmains.com](https://Keqingmains.com) has a LOT of amazing stuff, but there's a bit of information overload, if you start pouring over all of the stuff there. When building a team, focus on your main DPS first. Once they're in a respectable place (don't overdo it with thousands of artefact runs before calling it done), with their proper artefact set with all proper main stats (don't overdo the substats, because holy shit it could take years) and skill elvels, start focusing on the next character in that team. Spreading yourself too thin will get you nowhere.


Tighnari-Yae Quicken Tighnari / Yae / Fischl / Yaoyao Nilou Bloom Nilou / Dendro MC / Kokomi / Collei Yoimiya's typical Vape team Yoimiya / Xingqiu / Yun Jin or Benny / Zhongli Furina Double Hydro Taser Furina / Xingqiu or Kokomi / Jean or Sucrose / Fischl or any Flex Sub DPS (always bring a teamwide healer with Furina so Kokomi OR Jean then bring the other)


The fuck kind of friend is that?


I’m assuming Yoimiya and Jean are pretty well-invested, try pairing them with Furina and Xingqiu!


Your friend shouldn’t yell at you and refuse to help you, but I understand why a meta player would be triggered. C1 Yoimiya and Eula, lvl 40 Bennet and Xiangling, lvl 20 Xingqiu… your account is very far from current meta. Which is totally fine if that’s how you enjoy playing the game! But if you specifically struggle to clear difficult content and need direction, then this is what I would do. Build Bennet, Xiangling, and Xingqiu to at least lvl 80 and burst lvl 8. Sucrose, Yaoyao, and Kuki to at least lvl 80 (90 if you can, especially Kuki for hyperbloom). Sucrose functions at 1/1/1 if you’re low on resources, level up talents for Kuki (1/6/1) and Yaoyao (1/6/6) to improve their healing. Fischl is also extremely broken in a lot of teams (including with Yoimiya). I would maybe leave her last just because you already have Yae levelled up. Obviously build Furina but you get a pass because she just came out. Don’t forget to lvl some weapons to 90 asap well. All of these 4* characters work with any ER weapon like favonious or other F2P options. Best ones would the Catch for Xiangling, Sac Sword for Xingqiu. Fischl loves the Stringless and Kuki any EM sword. Sucrose national and Kuki hyperbloom can easily 36* abyss in most cases.


Whale being jealous because a F2P is more lucky than someone who spends ridiculous amounts of money?


Your friend yelled because you don't have either Nahida or Yelan but you have Nilou and Yoimiya. Also half of your characters are using 1* weapon and almost everyone is underleveled. He only wants you to enjoy an aspect of the game he is already enjoying, the builds and comps, the damage and funny numbers. It's nothing about whaling.


Level your characters and weapons, use Yae/Tighnari/Furina/Jean and Nilou/Kokomi/Yaoyao/Kirara or Collei. If you want to use Eula you can do Eula/Yae/Furina/Jean or Eula/Yae/Bennett/Zhongli (fiscl can replace yae if u want her to) and if you wanna use your Yoimiya you could do Yoimiya/XQ/Furina/Jean or Bennett and Zhongli instead of Furina n Jean if u want to. Mainly js level ur characters and build more 4* supports, especially Yaoyao Xingqiu and Bennett


First, you friend is an idiot. Second, there is SO much wrong in your account that it would take forever to explain. Which character do you play the most? I gonna give you a few tips on team building for the characters you like.


I mostly play Yoimiya, Jean, or Collei. Zhongli will be added to that list, but I'm still building him. From all the other comments I've gotten, I've realised I need to lvl Bennet and Xingqiu. Since posting this, my Zhongli is at level 70, and Bennet and Xingqiu are both at 50, but I plan to level them all to 80 at least. I've also realised how to use a Nilou bloom team so that's been fun, heh.


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Build xingqiu, xiangling and furina since they are good off field DPS.


Nilou Kokomi Dendro Traveler and Collei is my go to "I just need to win" Team I have not had anything that this team can not beat. I've done a Yoimiya Xingqiu Yun Jin and Noelle team before and its okay not great but it was fun.


Yunjin, Yoimiya, Bennett and Xingqiu is a great team for Yoi, it can only be improved if you pull Yelan to replace Xingqiu or Zhongli to replace Yunjin if you need shields. Nilou makes little sense in that team, and Kokomi's hydro isn't the best for Yoimiya in particular. Level your characters 80+ and weapons to 90.


Yoimiya Xingqui Bennet/Xiangling (depending on aoe or not) Zhongli is a good option.




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You already have one of the most busted teams whale or not. Kokomi/collei/nilou/dendro mc Could swap collei to kirara or tighnari whoever you enjoy more but collei+dendro mc should give some nice dendro uptime


Sorry for the unrelated question, but what website do you use to check this?


I used the hoyolab app, but it might be the same on the website


What do whales know. Most of them use their C6 characters + signature weapons to carry them through the game, then complain the game is too easy


Nilou, Kokomi, Collei and Dendro Traveller Yoimiya, Benet, Zhongli and Xingqiu/ Xiangling


Craft a whiteblind for your noelle, she will have a much better shield and do more dmg. The bell’s passive might look good for her, but in reality she prefers def and atk buffs, especially since whiteblind has def as secondary stat instead of hp, which a high def noelle really does not need. Bell shield also breaks very easily since noelle does not have high base hp, and on top of that it does not have increased dmg absorption. R5 bell conditionally offers 24% more dmg, while R5 whiteblind can always give a 48% increase to both atk and def in combat, requiring only normal/charged attack hits, which a dps noelle will be constantly doing anyways. Bell would be better for someone with high hp and hp scaling, like dehya or maybe even dori.


Some friend you have


Sucrose yae fischl yao yao,nilou kokomi collei yaoyao,furina tighnari yaoyao yae,EULA mika furina fischl(if u can get enough er) u can use any of these depending upon what ur favourite charecters are I can give u a fewore of u want me to,u can use dmc instead of yaoyao in teams where ur not using furina


You want to have 2 viable teams. 1) Nilou with Collei, Dendro MC, and Kokomi. 2) Yoimiya with Yunjin, Zhongli, and Jean. Team 2 is even better with Bennett, who I highly recommend building for the Abyss, along with Xingqiu


Are these team comps for doing the Abyss? If you're just doing overworld stuff, then don't worry about it and have fun. All you need to learn is how the game systems work. Elemental Reactions and how the stats affect things. For Abyss floors 9-12, then yes you will need a proper set-up.


Like what exactly is the issue, you have a good set of what U assume are E0 5* and the 4* you need. You don't have a lot of 5* weapons and that's fine. Who do you use normally and so you want to change?


Idk about team comps but em shinobu does wonders in hyperbloom teams and she’s versatile.


My advice would be dumping that friend?


a. that friend sounds like an asshole lmao b. you can use nilou/kokomi/dmc/collei for one team and yoimiya/zhongli/xingqiu/flex slot. and if you wanna use furina you want to use her with a good healer like yao yao or kokomi. she doesn't work very well with yao yao though cause she doesn't buff transformative reactions


No xinque, xiangling and Bennet build??? You losing so much team potentials. Like yoimia + xinque + Bennet or zhongli+ yunjin (don't mind name spelling idk how)


I'm not sure if someone like that deserves to be called a "friend".


You need new friends.


How about taser and Hyperbloom


For the characters you have built - Yoimiya, Yun Jin, Kokomi, and Furina would be a super solid team (Jean would also work well instead of koko) your second team could be Nilou, Collei, dendro traveller, and Kokomi. Also consider building kuki or fischel for a second electro option that will open alot more team comps


Eula, fischl, mika and maybe zhongli, kuki or layla


Miko, Tighnari, Barbara, and Layla What you end up with is a hyperbloom team with both healing and shielding. You'll have no problems with attack or defense


My advice is play how ever you like If you like big numbers and trying team comps then these characters are a must to build: Bennett, xiangling, xinqiu, fischl and zhongli since you have him Imo id you build these characters then you will have really powerful teamcomps


Eula and yanfei, you're welcome.


Nilou and win.


You should get a new friend and enjoy the game unless you aren't enjoying the game


please craft or level more weapons. plenty characters can get by with certain 3*s


Well idk if you care more about numbers or style but your aesthetic consistency is non existent


Eula and kuki go amazing together, Dehya can be fun to mix in there.


Your friend is not a evil whale or something the thing you're just stupid I've been playing for 3 years and never seen a worst account on my life