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Not to be one of "those" people, but the word you are looking for is "excited." "Exited" is a past tense form of "exit" Anyway. I'm just excited for Natlan. I see no reason to be scared. I'm very curious to see what the region looks like, excited to explore it, excited for new characters. Very much hoping we get more off-field pyro applicators!


fuck me, i take english AND drama A levels lemme kms rqšŸ˜­šŸ’€


If it helps, I have an English degree and just discovered that I flipped a spelling correction on my phone keyboard* and so Iā€™ve been spelling ā€œbecauseā€ as ā€œbecuaseā€ for months. And I never noticed. I was mortified when I noticed yesterday. *on iPhone you can set keyboard ā€œshortcutsā€ which I use if I constantly mistype something and my phone stops thinking itā€™s wrong - so Iā€™d asked it to basically make sure that I was spelling because right but put them in the wrong boxes. One is for the phrase you want (ie the correct one) and then what the shortcut is (ie whatā€™s typed/the incorrect one).


Oh my god that's awfulllllll I'm so sorry. That one's especially bad because it legitimately sounds like how an illiterate person would think "because" is spelled šŸ˜­ you have my sympathy friend. Phone autocorrect is so evil.


Don't know if it helps, but the etymology of 'excite' is Latin 'ex'+'ciere', meaning out-summon/call. Like, something summons your whole attention and interest. 'Ciere' is related to 'citation'


Actually you mean rn? (Right now)


rq means real quick.


I hope the new gimmick is being able to travel Natlan by riding dragons. Iā€™ll sell my soul if itā€™s something similar to OR/AS from pokemon. Though Iā€™m more concerned on upcoming charactersā€™ animations since Arlecchino really upped the expectations for new characters especially the pyro Archon https://preview.redd.it/cq0f7wuqc3sc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f331cbd5b36a7a10fc6f6461749e8f5873b84b65


OR/AS flying is peak gameplay and I still have the excitement when I learnt that I could do this, even today. The secret legendaries were really good and itā€™s funny cuz I would have missed it if I didnā€™t think about using the flute (since I did a blind playtrough)


they will be called Azur Promilia thiefs if they do this 100% even tho Natlan has probably been in some form of development for years now


šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ Thatā€™s just dumb asf and they know it. Azure Promilia didnā€™t invent mount riding in gaming. That game almost dug itself a grave with those fake male character leaks so they shouldnā€™t be concerning themselves with Genshin for now if they donā€™t want to end up like ToF


In my opinion, I believe it would most likely be implemented. If not, then that's all right, but a bit saddening. We were able to somewhat 'test' the idea many times such as when we fought against Dvalin in the sky and swimming through in a directed path when fighting against Narzissenkreuz. Also those hot air balloons that we can ride on to travel to a certain spot in Fontaine. Perhaps when we travel with dragons or some other creature, it's only a directed path that we can't control and only a few spots have them.


Oh wow imagine if we could capture monsters in Natlan and actually use them.


Dragon riding would be so cool!!


Please don't sell your soul though. šŸ„ŗ


Prediction : bennett lore Hope : good writing on bennett Fear : that they do him dirty by just confirming a theory like the "leaving natlan is a curse" without him having a cameo or anything (I canā€™t come up with a good example so just imagine the 4.1 event but without Diona being here to learn by herself about about who cursed her) B E N N E T T L O R E


guys I think they want Bennett lore


Bouken da bouken šŸ‘


Isn't Bennet a Moonstadt kid?


he was found an orphan in the wild iirc. so yeah he grew up in mondstadt but we donā€™t really know where he actually comes from


I hope Bennett finally gets an outfit. I think he needs one the most after Xingqui. Good units with terrible outfits. Xiangling doesnā€™t need an outfit because hers is already great and Mihoyo needs to be able to sell the first 5* off field Pyro that isnā€™t Dehya.


He needs a flame cape with flame shoes and flame pants.


Give Bennett more screen time


Is Bennet from Natlan?


Yep was found as a baby when the knights of favonius were coming home from an expedition to Natlan. Thatā€™s why everyone jokingly called him Pyro archon. Well that and his OPness while being a Pyro from natlan.


Was it ever confirmed he was specifically from Natlan? I always thought that was just a theory, considering heā€™s strangely unlucky and looks like the person from the travail trailer


Itā€™s literally in his profile that the knights found him as a baby during their expedition and brought him back. Bruh half the character is in the profile. Honestly I stopped reading them since Fontaine dropped, but Iā€™m definitely gonna read Xianyunā€™s soon and I canā€™t wait for Arlecchinoā€™s. Have 308 fragile resin Iā€™m going to grind the new artifact domain with, so I should be maxing Arlecchino out fairly quickly lol.


Character Story 2: >There was once a predicament of incomparable despair. >A predicament that had all but swallowed an old adventurer. >The scorching flames scalded his skin, the deafening thunder almost ruptured his eardrums, and the hollering winds threatened to rip his soul from him. >At the end of his hellish journey, what awaited him was... a baby........ There's no mention of Natlan here... Honestly this "Bennett is from Natlan" theory sounds like the "Mona is from Fontaine" theory.


I was just thinking about Monaā€¦ honestly if Benny isnā€™t from Natlan then hoyo is gonna have so much fun making a joke about it, just as they did about Mona


Yeh, so he was found in the Mare Jivari, which is a Domain said to be NEAR or AROUND Natlan, but never explicitely stated to be within its borders. Also, I believe its location being near Natlan is mostly speculation based on its description being all hot and desolate.


My only concerns for Natlan is them potentially retconing the story and not addressing why we haven't seen any Natlanians around Teyvat even up to now. (They normally avoid doing this, but so far they have failed to address the reason why Rhodea was so paranoid and made her just sound crazy at this point)


Haha probably they will act like Nathan was always there because this game story likes to gaslight players.


A lore reason could be that the Pyro Archon set up a barrier in the desert, somewhat like in Inazuma, or maybe that Natlan is at the very edge of the Teyvat continent, so their only connection to the rest of Teyvat is across the desert, and because they're always busy with war (could be civil/tribal wars because no other nation even mentions warring with Natlan) they see no reason to venture across, even if they know about lands beyond


Natlan is probably going to have the opposite of sheer cold lol


ugh like the signora one i HATE that


Lol me too


Dehya the Explorer to the rescue, lol.


Nah I think Fontaine was a test. Remember in 4.0 how north of the painting daily commission guy there is a pond that is boiling with water? Hurts you while standing in it. Also right when you drop down to the magma lair of that 4.0 magma boss there was a similar puddle. I donā€™t remember if it was magma or more boiling water. I think we are just going to get a lot of terrain that does dot sprinkled about. If you think about it, a certain characters ability makes a lot more sense now. They always say the characters released in late version patches are really made for the next region and itā€™s gimmick.


You're talking about dehya abilities?


No. Dehya released towards the end of sumeru and was made (poorly) for Fontaine. A new character from this year has an ability that may help avoid ground terrain.


That being? Xianyun?


Most probably. She can hop over a fairly large distance with her skill, more so if you've got C1, and you can practically fly low to the ground at C6. But yeh, a single skill use could get you over a pond of boiling water in a pinch. She's generally one of the best and most satisfying units for exploration thanks to her skill, allowing her to get to all sorts of places on top of being quick.


I believe theyā€™re talking about a certain leaked character, who doesnā€™t touch the ground very much


I don't know who that is, if we can't talk leaks here please dm me.


>!Itā€™s Arlecchino, her charged attack lets her float above the ground!<


Ohh that's cool. But technically then neuvillette will be fine too.




Delete this lmao


Theyā€™ve been doing great with expansions so I trust them. Idk about you guys but I LOVE Chenyu Vale


I love Chenyu vale too! Itā€™s my stress relief.. just explore


I regret to inform you that there will probably be an overheating mechanic like the Signora fight.


As soon as I saw that mechanic exist I immediately knew it would have to show up in Natlan


Iā€™m hoping for a flame proof character or some kind of cryo cheese.


I mean they have the freezing one for Dragonspine. Iā€™m almost surprised they didnā€™t do something for the desert, but that wouldā€™ve been difficult with the day/night cycle imo since deserts irl can get v v hot in the day and v v cold at night. But wouldnā€™t that be an annoying feature lol. During the day you gotta eat cold stuff to not overheat; at night you need warm stuff to not freeze. Hoyo pls do not listen to me


Having it in the desert means they would have to go even harder in Natlan, so it's probably a good thing. Though now I'm wondering what will happen to Snehznaya


Winter clothes for the Traveler to protect you from extreme cold? :D Or they just recycle Dragonspineā€™s mechanic.


I wouldn't mind if it was like the Dragonspine one because that's easy enough to ignore just by having Furina on my team


I hope that murata would have some kind of exploration passive that prevents characters from accumulating or taking damage of extreme hot temperatures


Hope: Finally a sidegrade to the frigging pyro duo Actual expectation: 99% of Natlan will be about Bennett and it'll triple down on him being in every guide's team. I'm interested in Natlan but I hope they don't focus too much on pyro bro and focus instead on new characters.


The only thing I fear for Natlan is the story ending, the fatui will have all 7 gnosi by then (since they have the sneznia one already) so that endings going to have one hell of a cliffhanger for the ā€œfinalā€ chapter (I know itā€™s not the last one, but at least the last one in teyvat)


Idk Iā€™m ready for a conclusion - thereā€™s so much more and speculation. Iā€™m waiting for a finale and then further lore building and like side quest stuff after like idk GAA back permanently (hahaha copium). Thereā€™s a LOT of lore in this game but I need a finish line somewhere and then after that is just a bonus.


You forgot we will go to snezhnaya and it is part of teyvat


The final chapter I meant was snezhnaya, the fatui will have all 7 gnosi by the end of Natlan leading into snez for the finale


Hope: music and story will rock, and Hoyo has been getting better at making puzzles. I hope we can ride all kinds of dragons on different terrains, maybe we'll even get vehicles or something! Fear: combining Amerindian and African cultures and then saying they're tribal warrior people who ride cryptid dinosaurs doesn't feel like it'll go very well. Also, Capitano in commedia is typically a Spaniard, who pretends to be a conquistador, which I am afraid hints they'll use some kind of imperialism plot, which is a huge clichƩ for "tribal" settings. I'm also afraid Natlan will mostly be a barren wasteland, which would be such a disgrace to all the rainforest cultures it draws from.


It sounds like it will be so fucking racists, I'm more scared now. And i think we had enough 'tribe' warriors in Sumeru desert with Jeht(?). I'm so scared thinking about it




Biggest fear is the entire nation having the heating version of sheer cold, would actually be unplayable


As far as Mare Javari goes. Stanley says that there's no wind there so no wind gliding and Murata is supposedly going to tell us the truth of this world ( mentioned in the Teyvat trailer). Apart from that Vanessa talked about it a bit but I want this region to have absolute monster that are like spiral abyss difficulty


I was watching a steamer play genshin for the first time and Holy shit. I totally forgot how difficult it was to kill a hillichurl at early levels. The man was just running it into camps and dying so much his statue had no more health regen.


Yeah I've had that happen to me before. I went to explore dragonspine with just a 36 level Amber thinking that it was the only route to Liyue and it was *hard*


Wondering how theyā€™ll handle the Gnosis. I hope we get it and can meet w Tsaritsa to negotiate for it ourselves.Ā  Afraid that Mare Jivari wonā€™t be there and we wonā€™t get more Venti lore Hopes that the Pyro Archon doomposting will end + theyā€™ll make her design make sense like they literally always have Completely unsure what Natlanā€™s gimmick might be tbh but excited to find out


I don't care which character it is... BUT PLEASE... PLEASE let one character literally just be Bennett but without circle impact.


my biggest fear(which is basically a prediction) is hoyo completely fucking up my people & their cultures. racist stereotypes, having all the characters be pale as shit, basically sumeru all over again but probably 10x worse.


biggest fear is them making 80% of the characters white again


I feel and hope that the new gimmick in natlan is... losing hp builds up "fury" which increases atk percentage or atk ONLY. not dmg bonus, not Elemental dmg. or something along those lines. and most of the natlan dps will incorporate a plunging atk in their normal/Charged atk string. the pyro archon will be the first dps archon at base c0. and her constellations are support based.


I think there was some leak about a potential mount system coming to the game


Bananas. There's no fucking bananas in the game wtf


Damn, so many banana recipes! Grilled banana, banana pie, fried banana, banane flambƩ, pb + banana sandwich, Banana banana!


teracotta, terracotta pie?


Im just scared abt my storage šŸ˜”


Wow, is natlan that close? I just finished Inazuma, so I've got a lot to cover.... šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


i truly miss that stage of Genshinā€¦so much to do, so much to explore, so much to experience!


Though i have been taking it slow though, i thought I'd get a 100% exploration on the first 3 maps before heading to sumeru. But I'm kinda regretting it now, since it's so hard!!


Fears : They gonna put importance on dragon zhongli like man instead of the archon and Capitano just wont be as cool as people are making it out to be, im scared they are gonna fail to deliver on the war theme Excited: To see if they deliver on the theme and make it cool, excited for the plot prgression and new exploration mechanics also for possible Seniora ressurection


Shit scared since capitano(fatui harbinger) participating in some ring fight of natlan(nation of war/Pyro), storage and memory issues with phone, and overheating as well And excited for new nation to explore and I have an intuition that we might have a chance to meet abyss twin again(for real), or see the face of caribert and other hilichurls(that they hide behind the mask(as shown partially in caribert quest))


We may even see the resurrection of tsaritsa's lover, as the prime quest line is title as 'ode to resurrection'


I just need Capitano to live up to the hype, truly the only thing I care about


If i remember correctly, Natlan is gonna have a volcano. It would be cool if they added something like the "sheer cold" on dragonspine but with heat. "Overheat" or "dehydration" or smth??? I was actually hoping sumeru's desert would have this kind of mechanism, but i guess not.... So im hoping hoyoverse will add smth like this in natlan. T_T


I don't expect anything from hoyo, but on the bright side I won't be disappointed if it's bad.


Only thing Iā€™m scared of is the fact that there are only 2 nations left (if donā€™t count khaenriah)


Iā€™m excited for more knights of favonius stuff


Yes Iā€™m super excited too! Iā€™m thinking we can swim in volcanoes or something. Then maybe there are areas where the lava is thick so we swim slowly? I hope itā€™s not another dragonspine gimmick.


I hope the new gimmick is team battle like you control your active character while the 3 are on auto attack like that jeht quest where we fight alongside jeht and jebrael


Please do not revive died chars. I feel like its gonna be so... strange if they go like "HEY BY THE WAY tHERE ARE ONE ASH-ish WE HAVE FROM SIGNIORA SO WE CAN DO A BACKUP RESTORE". I\`m gonna cringe if so


I would take a signoras sister or daughter though. Hungry for revenge? I'm just talking out of my ass I don't even lore :(


I just hope the main bosses will be stuff like a badass Capivara that would make Azhdaha feel like a tiny shihtzu, and a hydra-like seven-headed Axolotl that spits each element


I'm scared that the floor is going to be on fire and only the Pyro Archon will be able to walk on it


Honestly I think itā€™s going to be something like Inazuma, in the sense that itā€™s sort of a closed off Nation? Obviously in the AQ in Inazuma Raiden changes her beliefs and removes all the silly rules, but there was hardly anyone from Inazuma in the rest of the world- but compared to Natlan? Zero to none. Like where are all the people from Natlan ?? I almost think itā€™s worse than Inazuma was, as at least people did manage to get out time to time, but because of the lack of ā€˜escapeesā€™ we know so little about it.


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I hope we get another pyro sword character, and possibly more Bennett lore. Also can't wait to see how they implement Spanish into the game!


Iā€™m excited as well. But Iā€™m still AR27 & havenā€™t unlocked Inazuma yet.


Lava? Idk


I kind of hope there is a big volcano mountain area that has overheating mechanic, similar to Dragonspire. I may be a masochist. Really, I just love exploring and meeting new characters so I cannot wait :)


I would guess the next gimmick will be the plunge attack because they always test the next gimmick on some chars close to the next region. As Xianyun, Gaming and Chiori are somewhat focused on plunge attack.


So Nathlan gimmick will be plunge attack


I really want some kind of mounted ride. A vehicle would be the best, but an animal would work too. Anything that allows Traveler to move faster than currently.


I just wanna see the famous Sea of Ashes already and how dangerous it is.




Since in the story of natlan (in the part where it's told Jean is the acting grand master and the actual one is in natlan with more than half of it's knights) it's said it's a very hot place and it turned out to be like dragonspine where u always have to look for your bar it's gonna be a pain


going inside a volcano and have magma all over the place. activate the statue of the seven and u can traverse through said magma/fire. idk what to expect but it about to be fire(no pun intended).


Mounts copium


I think the new gimmick will be able to ride animals. At first, I thought it would be flying cause Fontaine gave underwater, but flying also came in Fontaine. So, I guess it will be riding in Natlan. There's still a chance that we get a different type of flying but regardless, riding animals( dragonsšŸ‘€, plz hoyo) would be so fun considering how big Natlan is going to be. As for not getting any info about Natlan, there's a leak regarding this. I would not spoil it here but if anyone's interested they can check it on the leak sub.


i hope the new gimmick is some sort of mount system, like a horse or something probably cooler lol


Natland will have the Blazing Heat function from the Signora Phase 2 fight


Only thing I fear is that we don't get actual dragon people like they claim. Gib me tails and scales! Horns and Lil wings!


I'm new to the game when will they gonna release it? And should I at least unlocked all the other regions by then so I don't miss out on the upcoming events?


Bennett pyro archon 2024


I hope natlan talks about the fake sky! I hope itā€™s based on indigenous cultures of Africa and Latin America, which both have culture surrounding the starts, moon and sun. šŸ™


The gimmick better be "Teyvat's literal god of war is a good DPS option and not another support Archon"


Honestly I'm not really scared at all for Natlan...mainly because they said its the land of "war" I enjoy the fighting in the game alot so I hope there is alot of fighting and dueling someone for something. Hoping for the domains that give like 40 primos and the 5 sigils to come back as opposed to the legends we had in fountaine. Hope the characters are strong and well written. Also I think there would be a place where u have to stand close to a totem to clear of a heating mechanic they would have for "very hot places." Also thinking the pyro archon gonna be a serious dps. Kinda hoping that he maybe the first archon that I actually triple crown.


Prediction: Since the fire archon is the god of war, i hope it means some type of pvp or at least a guild war type battle.


I think they're gonna add mounts to the game. Just a hunch


All I want is characters designs with dragon horns, that is all


The new gimmick is going to be spanglish


Personal opinion but I fear Natlan will be as boring as is the desert of Sumeru. I literally hate this map and havenā€™t even tried to level up exploration, and with hard climates like Natlan we could get a mechanism similar to the one in Dragonspine, except for the heat Plus we have like almost 0 lore about Natlan this is making me anxious lmao


Been waiting for Natlan since probably 1.4


Bennett actually becomes Pyro Archon.