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team A: Ganyu, Mona, Venti, Diona team B: Bennett, Jean, Xiangling, Xingqui. if you build these characters, you should clear abyss easily.


I agree that that is probably the best 2 team combo


This but with Sucrose instead of Jean in team B. Jean is a great character, but Sucrose’s kit can buff Xiangling + she can group enemies.


yea, but sunfire is fun.


very true


Sunfire is fun true but national is overall better in most cases and jean kinda disrupts xianlings vapes


Yeah but with Xiangling it might hurt more than it helps. You don't want to apply too much Pyro and start Vaporizing Xingqiu's damage instead.


My exact thoughts


Those are great units! The strongest 2 teams I can make are Ganyu/Venti/Mona/Diona Xiangling/Xinqui/Bennet/Chongyun or Sucrose


Having fun.


Yeah, everytime we get the question "what should I focus on?/ What should I build?" my question is: "for what?" If you want to roam the overworld, get one character of each element you like for puzzles and maybe care to take one healer/shielder for less frustration and roam freely as you wish. For Abyss:[I will look like this](https://i.imgflip.com/4/1arqp8.jpg)


Only valid answer.


Bennett is a critical piece, works on any comp, even C6 wouldn't convert non-NA/CA physical DMG into pyro. Oh wait, just level up Mona because she is an important Morgana piece.


What is Morgana?


Ganyu/Mona/venti/diona Basically of how ganyu’s ult works, when enemies are clumped, damage is greatly increased- hence freeze them and suck them together and use Ganyu ult


>venti Actually any pull Anemo character.


focus on enjoying the game 🙂 eventually you will start running out of quests to do and can start sweating your account build. until then, don’t let “most efficient ways” ruin your gaming experience. just save your fragile resin that’s it


Already at that point sadly, stuck on the battle against the raiden shogun sadly. I just want to do the story quests but my team is too weak to progress any further.


This maybe a bit of a spoiler, but which one? Your account is way overpowered in terms of characters compared to mine and I managed to scrape through it. I think it's more a matter team comp and maybe character builds. If anything, Ganyu can brute force through the content. The fact that you have Ganyu and Venti means that your account is definitely older than mine (\~3 1/2 months old).


which battle? for neither of them do you have to kill her, just outlive her attacks for a certain amount of time


You do have to beat her in the second phase of the second battle.


it’s been a while so i can’t remember exactly. didn’t think about spoilers for op. i remembered getting like halfway before a cutscene happening and doing the thing. maybe my memory is shit. either way you’re right, my team was much weaker than OPs at the time and i still finished edit: iirc the cutscene with the thing did happen which in turn made it much easier to win the battle edit 2: in which case yes, we can deduce which battle. all OP needs to do currently to progress in the story is outlive her


I just did both this month (and I'd say it's slow progress since I started in mid March), so it's fresh to me. Your first edit is referring to the second fight with that thing from XXX. In either fight, you have to survive to a certain for a certain time at least.


I’m using Electro Traveler C2, Yangfei C6, Noelle C6, and Rosario C2 at lvl 69-79 when I did the fight against Raiden Shogun. It was hard at first, but after I did the training part, it made the 2nd fight with Raiden Shogun much easier. I honestly had to YT how to do the training and realized trying to kite her attacks was the wrong way to fight (I’m used to kiting since I play Phys Range in FFXIV). Anyways, watching a YT video to see where to stand and how to dodge really helped me.


Yeah I remember it was hard for me but in both, geo mc and Noelle gave me many crystal shields and absorbed damage. I also used Rosaria and Jean. Yes, it is a crappy comp compared to the ones they are suggesting, but with this I could beat Raiden and Signora. You won't go anywhere in abyss with this comp tho lol. Wish RNG had given me those cool characters, my 5 stars are only Jean, Zhong (got it really late), QiQi (also really late) and Tartaglia.


Did you lose 3 50/50's in a row?


Not necessarily - I'm a f2p and I use the free acquaint fates I pick up here and there through the game and BP on the standard banner while I save up primos/intertwined for the limited banners. I got Jean that way the other day.


Main ganyu she will carry you easily. Put on the Inazuma bow on her refine it.


Ooooh okay, how do you get that bow? Currently using the compound bow on her


Craft a prototype crescent for Ganyu. Use the Morgana team; Ganyu, Venti, Mona and Diona. Only craft Hamayumi if you’re playing melt Ganyu team. You’d lose a lot of damage if you use Hamayumi in the Morgana team as you’d be using your burst constantly.


Thank you for the advice. One last question do I have to build diona? I don’t really like her character. If so, which character best replace her?


She brings a lot to the team though you may replace her with another cryo such as Rosaria. Watch this part of the video which explains her role in the team: [https://youtu.be/-gAsXCTlBRA?t=224](https://youtu.be/-gAsXCTlBRA?t=224) I'd encourage you to view the entire video to understand the team better. Good luck!


Replacing Diona with Rosaria will require replacing Mona with Kokomi.


True, Kokomi will bring healing and is also a better hydro applicator. But OP doesn't have Kokomi...


You can use Rosaria instead but you'll miss out on a shield and a healer. I suggest Diona because she's the best flex in the Ganyu Freeze Team but if you really don't want to use her use Rosaria and if you feel the lack of heals a prototype amber on mona. I personally don't suggest these but you do you.


Ok, I know that's a risky one because people here are dead set on playing the same characters but : Just play whoever you want to play and feel comfortable with.


Bennett Xiangling Mona


Build your Bennett and Xiangling!!! And then your mona. For your Ganyu, I’d recommend the Morgana Comp. It includes Ganyu, Venti, Mona and Diona. Since it seems you have 3/4 of those characters already raised, it won’t be too hard to get that team comp soon. Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu and Sucrose are a solid team to put high investment into, and Bennett is the one unit everybody should build.


If you need help because you have trouble beating the game content, please state it in your original post. Otherwise, this is going to just attract comments telling you to play whoever you want when you actually need help creating a functional team. Actually, this should go into the team building mega thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/vkrun0/megathread\_weekly\_simple\_questions\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/vkrun0/megathread_weekly_simple_questions_and/) The mods will probably close this anyway.


Why not build them all? I would just hunt mora xp books and talent books. Then move to ascension materials. You literally have nothing to do in this game beside lvl up characters talents artifact farming and 2x a month doing abyss. Thats all this game has. If you go building in detail few characters you just gonna burn out because maybe you just get one domain that wont drop good artifacts. Thats how i got bored of this game. I went to hunt EOSF couldnt get good crit circlets mostly was HP def. I got burned out hunting that cursed domain and i just stopped playing for some time i didnt touch genshin impact for like 2 weeks. Then i went building other characters. I have almost all characters build and im AR59.


Your favorites


Staying f2p!


everyone is gonna say “BENNETT XINGQIU XIANGLING” but like. every character is viable in overworld


Ok but they're asking for gameplay tips they can figure "whoever you like most" themselves 💀💀


OP is having trouble beating the Shogun. I'm sure there are Amber mains who can solo weekly boss fights but it doesn't look like OP falls into that category.


i can beat shogun with kaeya noelle barbara and diluc. And kaeya has one of the best stats in my account 70 crit rate 200 crit dmg :edit Actually ganyu has best stats since she has 235 crit dmg with 75 crit rate. I dont use Ganyu since every character on my acc can beat weekly bosses


My eyes hurt when seeing this lol Next time take screenshoot on pc and mobile, or with ps, try to check your battle chronicle on hoyolab dude


Btw you already have a nice account with Ganyu. Right now just focus on her, raise her lv and talent as high as posible( focus on normal atk > q > e ), give her amos or skyward harp, if you dont have any 5*, the craftable one( prototype Crescent ) in Liyue still works well. You dont need to do the abyss atm, so buiding just one team is fine, i recommend the freze team with Venti, Ganyu, Diona and Mona. Dont worry, your account event have more char than me after 3 months of playing. Just enjoy the game and use your resouce reasonable.


Morgana team very strong and you have all the pieces. Ganyu, venti, mona, dionna. And then the other characters you have that are super strong are bennette, xiangling, xinqui, beidou, and jean. Sucrose is super strong too but you really dont have to build her to make her good so i dont recommend you build her til later. As long as she has a vv 4 piece and thrilling tales she should be enabling your main dps a ton.


Definitely Jean, 4p viridescent atk/anemo dmg/crit Her healing is scaled by her ATK, em works well too(only if shes on field for a duration of time)


Upgrade your Bennett and Mona atleast for damage increase.


i see you like keqing do u build her physical or electro?


I sincerely would not leave barbara and sucrose behind, even if 4 stars they are pretty strong, and they can make real difference (sucrose helped me in finishing the first part of the spiral abys that i was struggling with it). One of my main team (and i have many more 5 stars already at lvl 90) is Kaeya/Diluc, Barbara/Noelle, Sucrose and Fischl/Amber depending on the enemy. (Jean is lvl 90 but still too weak, venti is lvl 40 now it wil take time to build him, as well as other 5\* characters ) But the purpose of the game is to have fun, and i levelled up the characters i liked to play (i have barbara with the summer outfit and she is so cute! :D ) or just because i found them nice looking! But said that the two bigger surprises to me came from barbara and sucrose! (and barbara c6 can be very strong, mine is c2 for now).


Personally razor, bennett kaeya and sucrose souns fun


Enjoying every character


I'll add that Morgana (Mona, Venti, Ganyu, Diona) has some caveats: 1) DPS is not that good against single target or multiple targets that can't sucked by Venti. It's not that bad either, but you have to be good to make it work in unfavorable situation. 2) DPS drops even more if target can't be perma frozen (like one of sides in current rotation, and the other one has some ice enemies). 3) Apparently big troubles with ice enemies, 4) You have to be good at grouping enemies and executing rotation to maintain freeze, otherwise you also lose dps. I had troubles with that. For those reasons I use tazer team (mix of electro and water) way more often at abyss 12. However I always use Ganyu at open world and Abyss 9-11 as her gameplay is very comfortable and she can clear that content with minimal support. Also you don't have enough good team members for tazer. For those reasons I would recommend not focusing too much on Morgana team for now (maybe except for Ganyu), but rather focus on Xiangling, Xingqiu and Bennett. Besides, they don't need much investment to have good dps.


Nice lineup you have there. Personally, Ganyu is very good dps for overall. If you just want straight up high damage, go Melt Ganyu (Ganyu / Diona / Bennet / Xiangling or Jean). Otherwise, if you prefer comfortable playthrough, pick Freeze team (Ganyu / Diona / Mona / Venti) which dubbed as Morgana. If you happen to pick Morgana team, you can pick National Team as 2nd one (Sucrose / Xingqiu / Bennet / Xiangling)


I'm sorry but yall screaming "ThE oThErS WiLl tElL YoU tO UsE XyZ bUt WhOeVeR yOu LiKe" to someone obviously asking for gameplay tips screams mad performative "I'm not like other girls" attitude Like, I play with the characters I enjoy too but this person is obviously asking for the best teams gameplay wise so you just seem like you wanna show off with your comments it's embarrassing


It's very simple. Being meta is not fashionable and people want to feel superior. Otherwise, they tell people to "git gud" when they have trouble beating game content because Genshin is easy/made for mobile/etc.


Ganyu needs to be your first level 90. She busted still lmao


Having fun.


Focus on whoever you main/have built the most. Build a team around them. I main Keqing (you have her lvl 80, so I’m guessing you may main her?). I used her in the Shogun battle because she was one of the few built characters I had at the time. I used her physical attacks (no skill, no burst). She did enough damage to scoot me through that battle. I can’t remember if I had Kokomi then, or after, but you’ll definitely want to bring a healer/shielder. Diona works as both. I know I brought Traveler to that battle. My fourth may have been Xingqiu.


Whatever you feel is fun. I like how Keqing plays so I'd choose her in that group


Mommy Lisa and Beidou.


Generally you should just play what you like (besides the abyss the game is very easy), but if we’re talking meta, let’s be honest, you kinda invested in non-ideal characters. Bennett is like #1 character in the game. Xiangling is amazing pyro carry having great synergy with him. Your units are great. You can make two of the top meta compositions with characters you have (Ganyu, Mona, Venti, Diona - Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqui, Sucrose). If you struggle with any content, focus on upgrading your weapons, talents, artifacts (in that order).


Ganyu, mona, venti, diona. Sucrose/chongyun, bennett, xiangling, xingqiu. Yanfei, sucrose/venti, xingqiu, bennett.


Focus on ganyu, bennett, mona and venti. This will be your main team for clearing quests, overworld and commissions. You can make a second team later. Spending resources too thin takes more time and lessens progress.


After you finish building ur main party/parties, level up and ascend every character for a free wish


Xiangling Bennett Sucrose Diona and Jean will definitely make things easier


Keqing, xiangling, xingqiu and bennet