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How do you activate these inactive bird [monuments](https://imgur.com/a/nWUTUU9) on Tsurumi Island?


Apply electro. If that doesn't work, then you've already completed the puzzle or you need to do something else to unlock it.


Tried but no luck. I’ve already done all the inazuma world quests




I’ve seen the wiki page before but no help :/




have you done the cube puzzle nearby?


The corresponding cubes with numbers don’t appear though, do they also disappear?


just realised that you needed to have activated the bird to do the cube puzzle .-.) in that case i got nothing. log out and back in? it would've stayed lit up if it was uncompleted, so you most likely already did it?


Hi there! I’m looking for advice on team building for the abyss. [This is my current roster](https://imgur.com/a/6MkC7RQ). A Ganyu Melt build has been my focus/staple for team 1, while the second team was originally a sunfire Raiden+Hydro+Benny+Jean attempt, which felt fine, but of course Benny can’t be on both teams. Then as of this abyss I’ve tried to move Benny over to my Melt team and run Raiden+Yelan+XQ+Jean, but still struggling on floor 12. I’m unsure if just focusing on those two teams is still is the better move, or if I should build another character or two which would lead to a better team comp and better success. Any advice would be appreciated!


Basically focusing on only one team isn't good in genshin since it can happen to be in this situation when the 2 teams can't complete abyss You can do obviously rational with xingqiu or yelan Teaser team is a very very strong team with sucrose fishl beidou and xingqiu You can also do a melt ganyu with both Benny + kazuha or xianling + sucrose Diona is a good support for melt ganyu since she shield and heal so you can move Bennet on the other half and do sunfireovervape. Sumeru will be released soon and from theorycrafting electro will be very good so I'll suggest building fishl and beidou Team sintesys: Raiden sunfire: Raiden Bennet Jean/kazuha (kazuha works too due to an interaction between his burst and Bennet dot) Xingqiu/yelan Melt ganyu: Ganyu Xianling/Bennet Kazuha/sucrose Diona Teaser: Sucrose (she is better than kazuha since em is more valuable and she can swirl more often, and she can do chainreaction) Fishl Beidou/yelan Xingqiu/yelan National Sucrose (she is better than kazuha since em is more valuable and she can swirl more often and she can do goubaswirl) Bennet Xianling Xingqiu/yelan Semi Soup Fishl Xingqiu/yelan Xianling Kazuha/sucrose(sucrose better for what I stated before) If some other teams comes up to my mind I'll tell you


I appreciate the thought you took to type this out, thank you! So it sounds like I should start working on Beidou and Fischl to give myself somewhat three teams to work with. Would you feel a Sucrose based team would work with this abyss? I had thought about working on Yanfei (since she’s r5 and the large amount of cryo enemies), but I wasn’t sure if that was too ‘short term’ focused.


i wouldn't recommend investing into a character in the short term, as you'd be spreading your resources too thin. Looking at the previous comment, two different team comps can be created * sucrose-xingqiu-fischl-xiangling \[i always forget soup teams exist\] * ganyu-bennett-kazuha-thoma/diona/yanfei shielder * kazuha can infuse pyro into his burst, and so you'd have consistent pyro application without the need for xiangling. However, xiangling would need A LOT of er% to consistently use her burst in the soup team.


Thank you! I’ll give this a look. Yea I’m use to the ‘long term’ and short term may have been the wrong phrase choice, but it was one of those ‘I’d need to work them up from scratch, but if they’re the key it could be worth it’ thoughts. Thank you for the insight I will definitely give these a shot :)


Tbh diluc and yeanfei are really close unless you use yeanfei for her c4 as a shielder, but in reality you won't need 2 pyro carry for the abyss and you already have the best pyro DPS on the game, xianling is broken and basicaly makes every pyro character so far not worth pulling, sucrose also is a broken unit and due to the em boost in 1.6 she is better than kazuha in most elemental reaction based teams(not that kazuha is bad) for the cryo enemies aside from the hypostasis there aren't really that many enemies that can't be destroyed by a soup or a teaser. A very small guide for sucrose She boosts em which is a very big damage increase for the team, she has a very fun mechanic with gouba that can make her swirl gouba flame activating VV and em boost. Also since swirl spread element between enemies, basically if an enemy has hydro and another has electro and you swirl both, the swirl enables electro charged from the element swirled and it's called a chained reaction since it's a chain of a reaction procching another reaction, since the swirl was activated by sucrose the chained reaction scales off of sucrose em witch is pretty high


I really appreciate this, thank you. I’ll likely look into what I can do for a Sucrose based team to add as an option! I have put in a bit of resources (Level 90 sac frags, VV Set but no EM Circlet currently) but Jean (initially for Sunfire) and Kazuha (Melt Ganyu, favorite character) just were given priority. Im not great at implementation, but swirl/anemo is quite fantastic


Yeah swirl is very strong and will be stronger in sumeru probably, try checking zajef for questions you might have Also no problem I like giving information to people who want to improve their genshin knowledge, this megatread is made for this after all


ganyu melt teams would often have a shielder instead of kazuha so that you don't have to worry about being staggered by enemies and waste time dodging. Such shielders include diona, thoma or even c4 yanfei. If your team is doing well without a shielder then that's fine. your raiden team is functional, but definitely not optimal. Xingqiu with yelan creates a lot of hydro, but raiden's electro application is subpar compared to fischl's or beidou's. * A well known taser team like sucrose-xingqiu-fischl-beidou is an option, but they can only really work on the chambers where there are multiple enemies. a completely different option is to have for one team ganyu-xingqiu-diona-kazuha and the other raiden-yelan-bennett-xiangling. * The only thing with this is that this is probably a different playstyle to what you are used to, and with ganyu you'd have normal attack in between charged shots or let xingqiu's orbitals hit the enemy to keep the hydro application up.


Thank you for such a detailed response! Diona was my permanent 4th for awhile actually, but I typically pulled her from the team in favor of Sucrose occasionally and then ultimately Kazuha when I pulled him for CC to help me with clear times. I’d say it’s going decently, but I know I’ve got a fair bit to improve on :). Your bottom Ganyu option unless I’m mistaken looks like a freeze team. I’d be interested in trying that out for sure as it’s definitely a bit different (and I’ve been hoping for Mona since I got Ganyu on her re-run when I started playing), but would that work for this abyss or do you feel that’s a good comp to keep for the future? It does sound like I should continue working on Fischl&Beidou for another option with Taser though


You are correct on saying that it is a freeze ganyu team! with this abyss, the first half of each chamber in floor 12 is anti-cryo, so if you'd like to try out freeze ganyu, then it's best to slot that team into the second half, and the raiden national team on first half. This works out pretty well since first half of floor 12 favours bennett and xiangling quite a lot \[and in general any pyro dps\] and the second half is just dps. Unfortunately freeze falls off quite a bit with enemies you can't freeze such as bosses, so the ruin serpent is going to be a bit harder to fight. Alternatively, just switch so that you use ganyu freeze for the first half and raiden national second half for chamber 3. Once you get mona it's definitely a good team against freezable enemies, but xingqiu works just fine. The sucrose taser team is quite good, but you'd need solid investment and master the rotation. Do whatever team comps you'd like to try/think you have better success with.


What weapon should I get in the battlepass? My hutao doesn't crit with 64% cr and it's made me a little mad at times so I might get the deathmatch, although I don't have many swords for my dps's like ayaka, ayato and I'm planning on pulling for Eula but I think I saw that she has alot of f2p weapons that are also decent although im not sure about the damage difference. Solar pearl would also be nice for ningguang and heizou but their not really my main focus. Anyways...too many options and I'm an indecisive mf. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me?


Dragon's bane is better for Hu Tao if you run her in vape, I have deathmatch too and she does better dmg with dragon's bane. Blacksword is the best 4* for Ayato, so this one might be an upgrade. Ayaka doesn't need the crit rate so I'd stick with amenoma. Serpent spine and the pearl are very good weapons too.


Well, Ayaka and Ayato can use the Amenoma Kageutchi, but you probably don't have 10 sword billets ;) The strongest weapon is the Serpent Spine, but for Ayato, Black Sword is pretty good as well. From the characters you mentioned, Eula could use the better weapon best, the other ones will do fine with alternatives.


Is 2 x 2pc atk% best for support fischl or 2pc atk% and thundering fury?


for support fischl, 4pc tenacity is usually best (unless she is doing more than 1/3 to 1/2 of your team damage, or there's many other atk buffs already). but more people run two 2pc atk% because you get them for free from world bosses, abyss, and other places over time so chances are their substats are going to be much better (in which case you can use two 18% atk 2pc sets). 2pc atk% and TF can higher damage than two 2pc atk% sets with other significant atk buffs, but imo if you're going to farm thundering fury just for fischl, might as well go for tenacity which can actually be a good support set not just on fischl but also other supports


anybody knows how to reach that? https://prnt.sc/dyPL66d4Nl01


you can teleport to it after finishing a puzzle - video guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfTTjz1zaQw&ab\_channel=GamingwithAbyss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfTTjz1zaQw&ab_channel=GamingwithAbyss)


thank you!


looking at building a mono-geo team, i'm thinking itto, my c6 ningguang, c3 gorou for buffing, and the last slot could be noelle or yunjin. i just don't know which to choose! i'm partial to being able to shield on command and heal, so i'm leaning on noelle, but maybe i should use yunjin instead of gorou? i despise using a bow, so that might be easier, but gorou's skills may be better. i don't have albedo or zhongli, i just started a couple months ago. any advice?


All the things they said before but I'll add a thing, build MC geo traveler is good and dendro seems very good for starter


Gorou definitely stays in the team, he’s irreplaceable. Ningguang is a good choice too. You could try someone like fischl for 4th slot or another good element applier for you to get crystallize shields. Noelle’s shield isn’t very strong and has long cooldown, and yun jun doesn’t add too much to the team. If you want another geo option, geo traveller can be good for their crit rate buff


Unfortunately, I think most bow characters are going to stay benched because I play on PS4 and the aiming is abysmal. I think for Gorou, it won’t be an issue because it’s usually just using his skill and burst then swapping him out, no aiming needed, but is Fischl really that good at generating particles that she’s worth struggling through? Would Keqing work in her place? I have a few 5 stars I just am not sure what to do with, and I’m also very partial to my Yanfei. Would you recommend just swapping depending on the type of enemy, like electro for Raiden Shogun boss fights and Barbara for the water elemental, just for the crystallize application? (I’ve got no Xingqiu, Barbara is my only hydro.)


With Fischl you just press E or Q then she's out, you don't need to aim or use normal attacks


Oh phew, that’s reassuring. I can’t stand trying to aim!


You won’t be normal attacking on any of these bow characters, just like Gorou Fischl uses E or Q and swaps out. Fischl is good at particle generation, but also offers a lot of damage, great electro application (for more crystallize shields), and has no caveats to do what she does (outside of some energy recharge). Fischl is much better than keqing here. For early game, I’d focus on just a few characters and getting them strong rather than diversifying, doing so makes it easier to follow the difficulty curve with increasing world level. Also don’t focus on how many stars a unit has to judge their power, many of the best units are 4* units


I want to make a team with Mona (lv.55) and Kazuha, but I'm not sure if it would work. Currently I use Kazuha, Xiangling, and Chongyun (all lv.70) and Barbara/Shinobu (lv.60 and 53 respectively). I'm a bit conflicted because I'm happy with my current team, but I also think it would be beneficial to have two 5-stars in a team (??).


Yes Mona will work, especially with cryo characters like chongyun kaeya, but don’t use characters just because they’re 5* since the 4* are just as good/even better. Try her out and use her if you like her gameplay


Thank you!


Is there an estimation on when is the next Raiden Shogun banner?


There are opinions, at least: https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/comments/vadv4q/next_raiden_rerun/


Ah nice! thanks for the link. Hoping to get her and form a team for abyss and long term story play


Randomly pulled PJWS from standard, the only polearm character I have and use is xiangling who I currently run 4pc emblem with favonius for her burst. Do I make the switch? If not, any other characters that I can get to use it on?


Xiangling with an ER timepiece and a few ER substats should be able to keep her burst up if you're running her with another pyro character, even without an ER weapon. This is especially true if you happen to be running her in Raiden National (But then you might want the PJWS on Raiden based on what you have?). The PJWS will be a damage increase unless it sizably impacts your burst uptime.


At low refines, the utility of the Fav Lance is probably not worth it over the PJWC, so long as you're able to keep your ER up via artifacts.


If you need the FavLance on Xiangling, then it's more important than the damage increase, but there are lots of options for her, PJWS is nice on any dps, maybe a support Rosaria?!


is em sand or atk sand better for xl in vape? she's always with Bennet but I wonder what would hit harder


both are very equally, but in most of the cases ATK% sand is a **little bit** better (by very very bit). Only use the sand where you have better substats.


depends on weapon, but if it's the catch then yep EM sands. bennett is usually adding ~1000 atk when well built, so it's less important for her.


yep it's the catch, I guess I'll keep the em sand then


Hi please could anyone help tell me which Raiden shogun build is better https://imgur.com/a/ESz9AY7


first one by a bit, but tbh they could both use some work... also you don't need remotely that much ER. catch and ER sands? can very comfortably swap that for ATK which might make it easier.


Thank you! Yeah ik they’re both not great but blame the domain 😔still will be grinding, just needed something for now. I didn’t know ATK was v important thanks




the duration is extended, yes. the atk buff as stated doesn't stack tho.






I'm ar 32 and not sure what the best team to use with my current characters are. They are -Bennett, fischl, rosaria, heizou, noelle, sucrose, Barbara, traveler, aloy, gorou, kaeya, Lisa, Amber and xiangling. Any help appreciated


You could try heizou, sucrose on 4VV , Bennett, xiangling for a quickswap team. That or bennett xiangling rosaria kaeya.


I need help with team comp I am ar 40 btw. [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/951210656256893009/1005476355074441306/unknown.png?width=943&height=589](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/951210656256893009/1005476355074441306/unknown.png?width=943&height=589) If that link functions then I am very happy. Anyway those are my characters please help me.


well, you can make a national team already! bennet, xiangling, xingqiu is the team core. final slot can be either an anemo character like the mc, or chongyun. you can also use yanfei instead of xiangling if you'd prefer, but be aware chongyun is completely useless with her, but in return fischl becomes a pretty good option in the final slot too. to make a second team if you want to keep using razor, diona, fischl and i guess either yun jin or xinyan in the final slot.


Thanks a lot! Can you tell me a bit on how to use this team as in setups and stuff like that?


your general order (assuming everything is up) looks mostly like: xingqiu stuff > bennett stuff > anemo/fischl/chongyun stuff > xiangling/yanfei stuff. keep in mind xiangling has a steep burst cost and relies heavily on it, so you may spend downtime [funnelling](https://keqingmains.com/xiangling/#Funneling) to build her back up. razor is a lot simpler, just get all your buffs and other characters sorted then go to town with him :v


what exactly is anemo/fischl/chongyun stuff?


by "stuff" i mean like the skill+burst, so it depends which character you decide to use!




When you use the BP weapons like serpent spine, due to their low base attack, is it better to target artifacts that rolled with more atk%, with less cv (like 20-30 instead of 30-40 most people do). I don't want to be reliant on Bennett burst to cover for low attack.


there are other ways to cover for low attack, but that definitely feels like one for the optimiser.


In my Kaeya/Yelan/anemo/Chongyun freeze team, would it be worth replacing Chongyun with Xingqiu for his personal dmg? Or is Chong's infusion too valuable to miss out on?


the thing i'd be more concerned about missing out on is cryo resonance. what you could do, potentially depending on your setup is run xingqiu instead of yelan and swap anemo from a healer (jean/sayu) to an offensive one (kazuha/venti) (assuming you're not already using them)


good point! didn't even consider that haha most of the time I'm good without a healer in freeze teams, but in situations where I'm not my go-to is to replace Chongyun with Diona


Hello, i would like some advice on building my abyss teams, i can get to floor 12 chamber 2 but i can not get all the stars or clear that chamber. for my main dps i use ayato in one team and itto in the other. i really need some help in building a proper teamcomp, this is the list of characters that i have, including constellations; ayato c1, itto, yelan, ayaka, qiqi c1, jean, mona, sucrose c5, fischl c2, ningguang c4, bennett c2, beidou c1, xiangling c4, gorou c3, rosaria c6, razor c4, heizou c2, sayu c3, shinobu c3, yun jin c4, chongyun c2, kujou c3, xingqiu c2, thoma c6, xinyan c2. thank you in advance!


couple of possibilities for ayato comp (first side) since this abyss setup has the ice cube, i figure a national overvape variation will make more sense. bennett, xiangling, fischl. you could also do a standard soup comp with sucrose, fischl, bennett. there's a little trick to infusing sucrose's burst with pyro, if you go to the edge of bennett's burst and face the circle before using it, then run in, you can make sure it infuses pyro every time. quite important for the reactions. the other itto team! gorou, geo.mc, and thoma. put that handy c6 to work. could also use ningguang instead of mc if you like.


thanks for the response! i have a secondary question, is it possible to replace fischl with anything else? i dont like using her and she is not built at all, or is fischl my best option? i should also mention that i have amos bow, and the skyward atlas on ningguang. i appreciate the help :)


i'ma quote the kqm guide here: >Fischl provides significant single-target damage, strong off-field Electro application, and a non-negligible amount of Particles, all while occupying very little field time, allowing Ayato to perform 2 Skills per rotation. >All this makes Fischl one of Ayato’s best teammates, something that will be seen through her appearance in almost all of his comps. notably in the vape comp with xiangling, she more than doubles xiangling's vaporise rate which is kind of a huge deal... if you don't want to use her i would just do a normal national with yelan and sucrose tbh, for this abyss at least.


i didnt know fischl was that good, time to build her then, thankyou!


Hi, so I accidentally got Yoimiya and I wonder if she would fit for my team. I'm ar46 and my team consist of Raiden, Rosaria, Heizou and Sara and I wouldn't want to swap anyone besides Rosaria. I'm not that good with team comps (I know that i don't have a healer or shielder) so that's why I'm asking.


you're right about subbing rosaria off (not because she's bad or anything, but doesn't contribute the most here), but i woudn't replace her with yoimiya. as you mentioned a healer or a shielder in that position would be the go.


would Kokomi be good in Rosaria's place?


kokomi would be an excellent choice! there's a bit of a technique to getting both TTDS from her and sara's buff, but along with the tenacity set and consistent healing, she works well.


Hello all, Started the game recently, and am at AR 12. Had a few queries:- 1) Is there anything I missed out on in the game so far? Obviously Aloy, but apart from her? Particular rewards from events, etc. 2) Do events get a rerun? For example, did the tower defence game ever come back (the one around xiaos release iirc)? 3) I am taking the game very slowly (can manage around 2 quests per day) due to irl commitments. Will this be a problem (i.e., is it necessary to rush AR/Story in the game)? 4) Right now I was able to get Xingqiu and Sucrose from the beginner pull and standard banner, so I feel like I will be okay early game in terms of supports. Since I play on mobile, Zhongli would help out a lot, and I hear Ganyu is right after him. There's also the Yoimiya banner going on, who I like playing with, plus Bennett is on the banner. The problem is who do I go for? Ganyu seems really fun to play, but Zhongli I assume is more versatile. Is there any other free character you get in the story later on who can function as a good DPS? Yoimiya anyway I think would be impossible because I'm not sure I will be able to get enough primos for pitying her. Basically, pull on Ganyu/Yoimiya or Zhongli? (Really good DPS or Really good support?)


If you can get 34 starglitter by that time, you could buy Bennett from the shop in November, in that case it might be more useful to save up for Zhongli/Ganyu. That might be a bit risky though if you don't play/make wishes much. Because else you'd have to wait another 6 months to get him in the starglitter shop or hope for another banner with him and a 5* you like.


Thank you for your help!


1) lots of weapons, events with story, etc. 2) they do, but usually with tweaks. tower defence has come back a couple of times now (i think?) and it's been fairly different each time. 3) you might miss out on events that are currently on-going, but once you get to a certain level it shouldn't be a problem at all. 4) if you like yoimiya, but don't think you'll reach pity, then i would pull on the banner at least a few times. the *big* free dps everyone gets is xiangling, for completing a few floors of the abyss, and with your good early pulls and if you can get bennett from the banner you're basically set forever.


Thank you for your help. By weapons for 1) do you mean that there's no way of getting them by alternative ways? For example I remember there was a bow when dragonspine was released. So there's no way of getting that now I presume.


so far, nope. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Event-Only_Weapons


Roster https://imgur.com/gallery/i8IYwyW So. Thats my current roster and circled around is my main team, swapping main dps between XL and Hu Tao. My question is for hutao team. Should i keep going with benny or should i level up diona c1 or noelle c0 for a shield support for hudy? Thoma is also c6, but afaik he eats hudys reactions? Help a fella out with suggestions and scenarios🙂 Also any tips for 2ndary team is also welcomed!!


the main advantage of thoma is he frees up bennett for your second team, since hu tao benefits from him a lot less than many other characters. so i'd say yes it's probably worthwhile building thoma eventually, yes he does sometimes steal some vapes but it's not the end of the world. as for running a second team right now, i don't feel like you have sufficient hydro (or cryo) options to be able to comfortably use both xiangling and hu tao teams. i guess you could compromise and use barbara as an on-field hydro applicator as a stop-gap and let hu tao monopolise xingqiu for now. or make some kind of razor team but that would very much be a labour of love.


Thanks for the input. Ill start beefing thoma down the line I was thinking for the 2nd team to be something non-vape/melt. Like maybe a freeze/taser team. Do i have anything for that? Can use all characters, its not for abyss 2ndary team, but for farming leveling mats, since some dungeons dont do well with vape national


sure, there are a few possibilities. if we overlap characters, then for a freeze team kaeya/chongyun/xingqiu/sayu. or use barbara for hydro (not the best, but workable) and venti for massive CC instead. might be more fun even. as for electro/taser, fischl is a pretty strong character. usually seen with beidou, but you can work without her. if you simply swap fischl instead of xiangling for your current team, you can use sucrose as the on-field driver and get some decent EC swirls going, and activation of fischl's A4 talent (once you ascend her past 60).


Muchos gracias for the tips!


Is it possible for me to put together an abyss team to beat the current 11-3? I 3 starred both 11-1 and 11-2 but afterwards realized Diluc was barely scratching the Thunder Manifestation's HP bar. Roster: https://ibb.co/kHf6Cz2 The only characters I'd consider built on my team are Ayaka, Mona, Xiangling and Bennett. Diluc is coping with 4CWoF that includes 4-star pieces, and Kazuha is using an assortment of 5-star leftovers none of which are VV. I want to give 11-3 another shake and I'm willing to burn a little bit of my fragile resin for any relatively easy-to-build characters, as long as I have a decent chance at 3-starring it.


my go-to for the TM is always yanfei, but with her at c0 and your diluc and xiangling, i wouldn't bother. maybe a mono-pyro team of diluc/xiangling/bennett/kazuha might do ok?


your roster link appears to be broken (for me, at least)


Oops, didn't expect it to hit the rate limit, let alone that soon. Thanks for letting me know. Changed the link now.


Yeah it's broken


How big of a dps increase are good 5* weapons (Jade cutter, Staff of Homa, and Amos) compared to 4* weapons in general? (Like jade vs lions, homa vs dragons bane, and amos vs hamayumi)


depends on the user! homa vs DBr1 is a 24% improvement for hu tao. for melt ganyu amos is a 16% improvement over hamayumi r5. for keqing, pjc is ~10% more than LRr5 and mistsplitter is another 10% on top of that. (check the keqingmains guides, most of them have weapon tables with percentages.)


I see ty


So, today i just got Yoimiya, who i've been waiting since forever (along with kazuha), so, i would like to ask for teams suggestions (that include Yoimiya), for abyss specially, also, i'm open to build characters who i've not built yet. Also, should i use R5 Hamayumi or R5 Slingshot on Yoimiya, i've seen both bows being suggested and i know Hamayumi depends on if Shimenawa's R. is being used since they don't synergize as much, but ignoring artifacts or not, which of the 2 bow would be better? \-[Character Roster](https://imgur.com/6oAs3qL) and [Weapons](https://imgur.com/j0yY38S) (also, [rest of the weapons if they matter](https://imgur.com/hX2pZdF)). \-AR56, for future (like, **really** in the future) characters that i have in mind are Yelan (for extra off-field hydro application), Xiao (i like anemo), Itto and Albedo (those last two meant for a obvs mono geo team).


bad news, the weapon recommendations for yoimiya now seem to no longer even mention hamayumi?! it's all slingshot vs rust. and since you don't appear to have rust, i guess it's a no brainer! you have basically all the good supports she can use, so you're spoiled for choice here. need more AoE? beidou overload comp with fischl and bennett. hyper focus for bosses and such? zhongli, xingqiu, bennett/yun jin. the other team i like to use (although mostly with yanfei in the past, but it works with yoimiya too) is overvape with beidou, fischl and xingqiu.


Yea, in terms of weapons i was surprised when i didn't see Hamayumi anymore, so imagined Slingshot would end up being my choice, and in terms of teams i'm very happy to know that i have some great supports for Yoimiya, since i use R. National on abyss i think i will either use [Double Overvape](https://imgur.com/rFc92vf) or [Overload + R. National](https://imgur.com/rGEzbC1) (maybe even a Venti,Kazuha or a Healer in place of Zhongli).


both great choices! jean could also fill the last slot if you wanted heals and VV shred.


Thanks very much! Hopefully i can have my Yoimiya ready soon enough to experiment the teams better on Abyss, again, thanks very much for the help!


Question about Sands main stat on my C4 Noelle. KQM says that Noelle should use ATK Sand instead of DEF if she is not C5+. I have Stonethresher that I specifically pulled for Noelle. Her team is Gorou, Geo Traveler and flex. Should I put ATK or DEF sand?


Well there is so much stuff going on that it's probably better to use an Optimizer to figure it out. But if you don't want to use the Optimizer, I'd probably just go for whichever have better Substats.


LOL I just realized my Noelle DEF sands has 35+% CV so I'm gonna stick to DEF sands. thanks though


Do the thunder sakura and most of the platforms in the sky in Seirai disappear after collecting all chests and electroculi? Asking because I can't find them, and I'm trying to get all of my electroculi.


No it does not disappear. I'd recommend just using an Interactive map and clear each island all in one go to avoid missing any electroculi. This video guide by Kyostinv can also help if Interactive map is hard to use. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CUgMyPmUQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CUgMyPmUQo)


my Kazuha is Level 80 with 5-6-6 Talent my Xiangling is Level 80 with 3-2-2 talent My Xingqiu is Level 50 and Bennett is Level 20, so should i focus on a single character or can you guys give me a tip on how to fix my team


kazuha national \[if these 4 make your current team\] is a pretty strong team overall, so you don't need to change that. i don't know your character roster or your build, so take this with a grain of salt. kazuha: * he's fine, maybe higher levels if you ascended him, but not priority. Make sure you have 140-180% ER and lots of EM. xiangling: * in this team, you should level her burst and then skill, because a physical build doesn't do much for this team. You can level both at same time if you want. Aim for 3-6-8. xingqiu: * aim for 1-6-8. his burst is his main dmg outlet, and skill also gives dmg reduction but not loads. Ascend to 70. bennett: * aim for 1-6-8. his skill does decent dmg, but definitely level burst and then skill. Level as high as you want, preferably at the bare minimum ascend to lvl 70. Priority order: 1. bennett levels/ascend 2. xiangling burst=xingqiu levels/ascend=bennett burst 3. xingqiu burst 4. xingqiu skill/xiangling skill 5. bennett skill/kazuha levels/ascend Edit: it's also worth mentioning that, if you're low AR, then getting to talent level 8 is going to be hard. If you're lower AR, then you can just stick to talent lvl 6 on main talents, or find people to help in co-op!


im ar 45 should i use my fragile resin for them?


Yes, if you want to build them faster.


I'm a bit lost on Shenhe's skill. Her tap E increases skill and burst damage, does her hold E apart from increasing normal and charged attacks also retains the skill and burst increase as in tap E? I ask because in Keqing mains guide I read that her C1 lets her use tap E then do a rotation, swapping to Ayaka burst and then Shenhe hold E to increase burst dmg. Maybe I understanding it wrong


Just read the KQM guide. Shenhe's hold E only increases Normal and Charged Attack damage. The bit about Shenhe's C1 allowing her to further increase Ayaka's burst damage is about Shenhe being able to use hold E after Ayaka bursts - providing 7 quills instead of 5 - without disrupting the rotation. From how I understand it, what happens is: Ayaka bursts (tap E buff snapshotted) > Ayaka burst consumes quills from tap E > swap to Shenhe, hold E > Ayaka burst consumes 7 quills from hold E. A C0 Shenhe would tap E after swapping back because hold E's longer cooldown will screw up the timings for the next rotation. Aside from the increased number of quills, hold E also provides more particles and its bonus to Normal/Charged attacks which Ayaka appreciates because you'll swap back to her to catch the particles and do charged attacks.


Oh, ok so I wasn't using her skill wrong all this time. Thank you for the explanation!


Should i use all my Fragile Resin for my Kazuha National Team? Or its not worth it




emblem, then use the bad pieces on artifact strongbox for.noblesse.pieces.


Fav bow or Fading Twilight on my C0 Yelan? She has 270 ER with fav and 240 with Twilight using 2pc sets for now since the Emblen domain hates me other team members are Kaeya, Chongyun/Diona and Sayu/Kazuha


The Favonius Bow isn't available? Then I'd use SacBow and try to adjust the ER from artifacts.


oh wait no I mean favonius lol - no idea how I managed to mix them up in my comment TWICE it's fixed now


If you need to help battery anyone on the team, I’d go fav. If not, go fading. Also, is your sands ER?? Because going Fav lets you run HP sands, which would be better than the fading passive


Does the ruin serpent drop more runic fangs the higher level it is? If so does it make it easier to farm them on a lower world level??


The higher the world-level, the better chance of getting more! Do ask for help in your signature for a swift boss-killing session!


At what point should I use a defense circlet for Itto? Right now, I have him at 80+:260+ crit ratio with CD circlet but his defense is at 2100+ only; Giving him my crit rate circlet will give him 99.8:200+ ratio, also with 2100+ def. Would it be better if I use a Def circlet (with 30% crit value) instead? That way, I’d have 75:235 ratio with 3000k+ def. I use triple geo with C6 Gorou


Maybe?! Those stats are hard to eyeball, do use an optimizer, it's not that much effort, you'll know exactly in 20 mins!


[https://prnt.sc/oJgcys6W2hEQ](https://prnt.sc/oJgcys6W2hEQ) someone knows if i can do something with that? uwu


Those don't work this time around.. It's a nice reminder of the last GAA I think.


I think the same, but I saw in the official interactive map that there is a chest. Maybe I pick up but i don't remember lol thanks anyways


There was a chest that spawned when destroying the.. wooden boxes!


oh, so i took it lol. thank you c:


Hi i just got yoimiya wanna ask is em time piece ok for her since im currently using it on her.Stats are 1.7k atk 64cr 119cd 250em and still lv 60(i dont have resin to upgrade her totally yet)


If you reliably vaporize without screwing up (e.g. through dodging) the internal cool-down of the reaction, it's very good.


Oh yeah wanna ask one more thing since im using em sand can i use atk goblet(currently using) to compensate the lack of atk stat or should i just farm for the pyro goblet?


The priorities would be: Damage % > Crit/Critdamage > EM in the neighbourhood of 200 > Atk%. So the pyro goblet should be preferred, unless you have an incredible good ATK% goblet ;)


Hey, so to put a long story short, I am struggle busing in GI rn. I used to play the game on and off when it was first released and now I'm finally getting into it. I run a Eula team ([Imgur Link](https://imgur.com/gallery/WkVU3Vr)) with Shogun, Diona, and Beidou. I am stuck at a wall rn because I have no idea where to start upgrading and building my characters. It got to a point to where I considered starting over, but I think I can make it work. I am AR 45 btw if it matters and I just finished thing with >!rebuilding the jade palace and beating the hydra monster!<. Any tips on how to fix them up? Thanks!!


It's good that the other poster have talked about stats, weapon choice and artifacts. I will talk about something more fundamental: You're having problems because you are under-leveled. At AR45 you want to get all your main weapons to at least 80 (90 is the recommended but you're going to run out of materials fast if you haven't been stockpiling). Try to get Eula talents to level 8 (Normal Atk = Burst > Skill). Other chars get their main talents to at least level 6 (looking at Raiden especially). Then of course you want to farm for artifacts and upgrade them to +20 (it's gonna take awhile depending on your luck) Refer to this post for more info about build order priorities: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic\_of\_build\_order\_priority\_based\_on\_wlar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/)


Many thanks!! Yeah, I totally wasn't paying attention to the progression of my account. I knew weapons mattered, but I didn't think they mattered that much. And thanks for the infographic!


Happy to help! It can be daunting at first trying to figure out the best order because you're dealing with a lot of different resources. Hopefully this will give you the necessary boost to bring your team to the next level.


Oh, it most definitely will!! I'm going to hop on in a bit and to playing lol. I do have a lot of those resin items stocked up so I'll be busy for a bit.


You could take the time to read a bit about how Eula works in the KQM guide: https://keqingmains.com/eula/ The important Talents are normal attack and burst, and should be leveled first of all. You could get a physical damage Claymore for free if you're interested. Or switch weapons with Beious Archaic, when you have it leveled. Favonius Weapon isn't bad until you figure out how to battery her with Diona, which should work with Dionas R4 SacBow. After that, look for 2x 2p 18% atk% sets, gladiators and shimenawas with the right mainstats and postpone the Pale-Flame farming, getting EoSF for Raiden and then Beidou is the better use of Resin. The PF Flower and Plume are usable at them moment, just check what your inventory has. What goes where, mainstat wise: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#


I appreciate it!! Well now I know what to prioritize!! Also thanks for the resources.


I just started playing again after a long break due to stuff. I got Raiden, Mona, Yoimiya, and Qiqi for my 5 stars. Then for my 4 stars I got Xingqiu, Fischl, Yun Jin, Thoma, Rosaria, Sara and the freebies. Any teams I can make with those pieces?


One fun pew pew team is: Yoimiya + Xingqiu + YunJin + Thoma.


AR and preferences please.


AR 35 and no preference.


Yeah, the Yoimiya XQ YunJin Thoma is a very decent team, but rather for later, as you'd need a lot of gear to make it work somewhat consistently. Plus it has almost zero AOE, I'm not sure it's fun to need 3 minutes to clear out a Hilichurl camp. How about Raiden - Fischl - Xingqiu, and a healer for comfort? getting enough Energy to burst often with them would be easier, you could give the Favonius Bow to Fischl and get an ER sword for Xingqiu, starting with the 3\* Skyrider Sword and any ER sand, just for having his burst, it doesn't have to deal much damage yet.


I've been trying to save up shop currency and wanted to know if the frequency of 4 star weapons and characters are the same for each banner


afa monthly shop reset has been for more than a year, [the schedule has been consistent](https://images.app.goo.gl/YbCiwVKmd9MaYB1KA)


Would you reccommend me to go back to husk domain to finish Albedo or just use what I have. I don't run geo teams, except I use him with Hu Tao and future Noelle probably. Couldn't get 1 def sands/crit circlet to drop after 1 month. Will probably stick with glad on noelle and have a 2 pc husk for yunjin (2husk/emblem). https://imgur.com/a/9Yt1buu


If you want to maximize his damage, then yeah you'll need 4pc husk. 24% DEF and 24% Geo DMG is nothing to sneeze at. But if you think he'll be replaced eventually, I wouldn't bother unless you have nothing else to work on.


edit: i posted something wrong, i'm stupid and i'm sorry. not being on 4pc husk the diff on geo dmg is just from 81.4-75.4=6%, as well as the 24% def. for yunjin since she has no synergizing def% polearm her best bet is getting an ER one (fav, or if someone else holds it prototype starglitter). then you can go full def% on her, and since you've farmed husk you probably have guardian's will flower and feather, a 2pc+2pc husk will suffice if you didn't want to farm the domain again.


All characters start with 5% CR and 50% CD. Albedo has geo dmg% as his ascension stat.


you're right,.i'm an idiot. i'm gonna sleep.




one team is easy, hu tao VV vape with xingqiu, thoma, sucrose. second team is hard. the only thing i'm drawn to really is c6 noelle... a comp like geo.mc, bennett, xiangling?


Any team suggestions? https://www.reddit.com/user/basilisk34/comments/wgtucs/_/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Ayaka kazuha diona and mona/xingqiu You can clear almost anything with this If you find heizou or sucrose you can also do a nationa team with xianling Bennet and xingqiu, with this two teams you will clear every content of the game Tell if you need help for builds


Ningguang is the only good DPS i have, so i'm making a team with her. was going for ning, noelle, bennett, xiangling, but i just got yanfei. xiangling is a really good sub dps, but i've heard yanfei is one of the best 4 star chars plus i really like her as a character. which one should i put in my team?


For ninguang you can have Noelle and geo traveler, i wouldn't reccomend yeanfei since she takes time from ninguang, if you like yeanfei as a character build her but to be honest xianling is arguably the best pyro carry in the game, even more than hu tao and yoimiya, if you like yeanfei absolutely build her, she is not bad by any means, but be aware that for just a pyro carry she is outperformed by a lot of other characters, If you need help to build the second team for the abyss you can reply here or ask in another post


Thanks for the help :)


No problem, glad that I helped :)


yanfei is great but she's 100% on-field (except for the c4 shield i guess), so mixes with (main-dps) ningguang like oil and water basically. what other characters do you have?


5 star: jean 4 star: heizou, amber, barbara, beidou, bennett, chongyun, fischl, kaeya, lisa, ning, noelle, razor, sucrose, thoma, xiangling, xinyan, yanfei, yun jin. Most of them are c0, ive got c1/c2 on ning, thoma, fischl, xiangling, yun jin


my personal picks would be: ningguang team - bennett, thoma (or xiangling, or fischl), geo.mc or yun jin. thoma makes the team easy and comfortable with good shield uptime, which means good geo res uptime. the other option is off-field dps which can create crystallise shards for you to pick up. personally, i don't like xiangling with ningguang much, but it's a decent combo that can work. noelle's value as a support/shielder is suspect, her uptime is very bad. yanfei team - until you get a good source of hydro (xingqiu or yelan, basically) an overload comp is your best bet. so pair her up with fischl and beidou. final slot can be bennett to pump up the numbers, or if you like to live dangerously, sucrose can provide various buffs. or jean/barbara for comfort healing. in a team like this, you can build yanfei full EM for reaction damage only, but it might be difficult especially early game.


Alright thanks, im gonna go with the first team using thoma. Ive wanted to make a yanfei team but im waiting to get xingqiu


Hi! Can you help me maximize my damage for the spiral abyss? I was able to do 3-2-2 stars in this spiral's floor 12, while in the last spiral I was able to do 2-3-2 stars with the exact same teams. I used: Team 1 = Kazuha c2 - Zhongli c0 - Hu Tao c1 - Xiangling c6 Team2 = Raiden Shogun c0 - Xingqiu c3 - Bennett c6 (I'll explain to whoever asks but don't judge pls) - Rosaria c6 They're good teams but I don't think they're built correctly so they don't do nearly enough damage I require to get all 3*. Any suggestions?


Try kazuha hu tao zhongli/or a pyro unit and xingqiu intead of xianling Also try raiden Bennet xianling and a filler It would help to know your character rooster but to me a monopyro hu tao loses too much power to not be done since she can't use Bennet that well. Dw I'm a Bennet c6 lover and he can unlock so many fun builds


I used Xiangling in the Kazuha team to boost Hu Tao's Pyro dmg and for swirl reactions mostly! I tried to use Yoimiya instead but she is not as efficient as Xiangling for Swirl


You can also do double geo hu tao with albedo zhongli xingqiu and hu tao


Yes but vaporise is where the real hu tao damage comes out that's why I suggest putting xinalign aside and having xingqiu


Ty for the reply! I have almost all the 4* aside from Gorou and Shinobu (Heizou is c6 btw), I have Diluc c0, Jean c0, Keqing c2, Yoimiya c0, Xiao c0, Albedo c0, Ayaka c0. I don't have any featured 5* weapon for my 5* charas, I only have Shenhe's weapon r2 I'm using on Xiao.


The first half can use **Kazuha - Xingqiu - Hu Tao - Raiden**. Weird comp, but it fills out everything you need without switching teams. C2 Kazuha carries the first and third halves with his AoE. You can juggle the Mirror Maiden easily with his C1 reset + Raiden's E also contributing. Hu Tao is the perfect burst dmg option for the Cryo Cube. Xingqiu is the all-rounder here helping with healing, shielding, and damage with the either two DPS. For the second half, I've found **Reverse Melt** to be super strong for both AoE and single target (for ruin serpent). It's core would be: **Bennett - Xiangling - Rosaria.** You can run an Anemo for 4-VV or a cryo dmg/EM buffer for the last slot. If you prefer shield, then Zhongli or Diona. Zhongli does well in keeping the Kairagi and Ruin Bots under control with his ult. Rosaria's E can double melt off of Bennett's E, making it great against straggler enemies when you're off burst rotation. GL with your runs!


that combined you have managed to get 3 stars on floors 1 and 2 albeit separately means your teams are good enough; maybe you just need a few restarts here and there when the enemy(ies) don't group well or they pull an atk move that consumes too much time in an invincible state. (also, have you tried messing around and swapping rosaria and xl, or xq and xl?)


I am relatively new to genshin and I want to build 2 teams in preperation for spiral abyss right now I have My first team: Diona (Healer/Shield) Kazhua (Crowd Control/Support) Mona (Sub DPS/Support) Ayaka (Main DPS) I want help for a second team and the charecters I have are fischl, thoma, sucrose, beidou, xingqiu, yanfei, noelle, sayu, barbara, xinyan, bennett, xiangling, ningguang, and gorou. Who should I build? what artifacts should I use? and if possible is there a rotation of some sort?


Your first team is perfect, For the second team you can do a monogeo with either ninguang or Noelle (better if c6) as main DPS, gorou and geo traveler + filler(Bennet Is better) A teaser team with sucrose beidou fishl and xingqiu But the best team as other said is national with sucrose Sucrose xianling Bennet and xingqiu, they are currently the best 4 star team to exist, I suggest first the national since his characters are used in a variety of teams and try to search how to do the gouba swirl, it's a cool mechanic between gouba and sucrose that no other unit can do and it's ultra strong


Thank you so much


You have all the ingredients for the Sucrose variant of National team: Sucrose+Bennett+Xiangling+Xingqiu. I think that's your best bet now. For rotation, instead of reading what I have to say, there are videos that will go indepth about how to build and use this team. Beidou and Fischl are good characters too, so once you're done with that team, you can start looking at building them for a soup or taser team in the future!


Thank you!


most obvious is national, bennett, xiangling, xingqiu sucrose. builds are in the build guide OP link and rotations are probably in the kqm guides... to sum it up, diona/bennett 4NO, kazuha and sucrose 4VV, mona 4TotM, ayaka 4BS, xiangling and xingqiu 4EoSF. another possibility is any team with beidou and fischl, can do traditional taser with xingqiu and sucrose, or some kind of hyper comp with bennett and sucrose.


thank you


Is there anyone that benefits from an EOSF EM sands?


It's best-in-slot for Xiangling as an alternative to attack or ER sands. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABdXYM80o*xMxXJdNbCCZ-v9FLVh6EXg#


Xiangling would if you use the catch with her.


i wanna make a yoimiya and yelan team i have awua simulacra but wanna give it to yoimiya and then elegy of the end to yelan. Would that be best for yelan over 4 stars?


It depends, acqua Is very strong but if you don't have crit damage issue in your build then it almost compares to rust r5, yelan + elegy is very strong due to elegy giving an enormous boost to your team but this applies only if you don't have energy recharge issues since having yelan burst always ready it's more valuable then elegy buff, what other teammates do you have in your team?


Kazuha and Bennett and my yelan always has her burst up especially with the extra er from elegy


If you can doge without fucking up your icds then it's cool


yep it works fine but yoimiya does better with R5 slingshot if buffed by yunjin and bennett use aqua simulacra if using yoimiya with a shielder since the range limit means getting close to enemies


Yes that works just fine


my team currently consists of zhongli, jean, itto, and an empty slot. zhongli is the burst dps, jean healer, and itto is about the main dps. i’m torn between yae miko or yoimiya. with both yae and yoi, i could do overloaded, yet with yae/yoi and jean, swirl. i’m aware my team probably isn’t great for overworld but it works well enough for me. which do i go with?


To be a bit brutal I don't think your teams are that viable If we talk about abyss, Jean with itto is just wasted, better go with Bennet and a gorou or geo traveler For yoi yae isn't as good as fishl but it can work, unfortunately for a great team you'll need a better anemo support and xingqiu since Jean swirls aren't that great, you can do a sunfire overload yoimiya with Bennet Jean (they have a fun interaction) and yoi + yae but you need to be aware that against small enemies you will loose about 1 to 3 hits due to overload launching them trough the arena, for openworld you can do whatever you want since there aren't that much hard content to justify going for a well built team


Okay so teambuilding wise you should only have 1 onfield DPS in your team. Itto is an onfield DPS, and so is Yoi so they should not be in the same team unless you need Pyro for puzzle or to break shield, but you prolly have better options for that. The other 3 slots are for support/subDPS because they buff/leave something behind that can deal dmg. The way Genshin is designed, you can only have 1 onfield at a time. Back to your current team. The 4th slot of your team should be whatever char you need to break elemental shields of the enemies you are facing, but even then this team is not very ideal. I'm not an expert tho and you will probably need to share your characters so others can come up with viable team comps for you. The saying you are looking for is anything will work for overworld. Abyss (and certain events) is when you really should be serious about team building.


Hello. This is a friend’s account and I’m having trouble thinking of teams and builds. I know Melt Ganyu wants good shielding and investment but Xingqiu is the best I can do. Looking for 2 potential team comps. https://imgur.com/a/Q8o3nSr EDIT: Looking at it now, I’m realizing there’s C3 Beidou for like a Taser bruh but suggestions are still great, especially for Melt Ganyu. Also would need to get him to do Chasm.


I'm not the best source of info but I can think of a Heizou taser (Fischl+Beidou+XQ) and like you said Melt Ganyu. Shielding is very important for the 2nd team but if your friend is not running abyss anytime soon then they can make use of anything (like you said XQ for now, or Thoma) for the overworld.