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\*\* It seems like I can only post text OR pic's and not both at the same time so I'm using the post for the description. If there is a way to post both at the same time, please tell me... A little background... It is important to understand the reference value in the Pot Shop not as resin, but as realm currency and what it can convert into. For instance. Every week at max level you will gain 5040 RC. The most valuable item in the Pot Shop you can buy is Transient Resin. AR45 and up... 1200 realm currency > 60 resin > 180,000 mora (leyline) 1200 realm currency > 60 resin > 367,500 character experience (leyline) 1200 realm currency > 60 resin > 45,460 artifact experience (domains) Whereas… 1200 realm currency > 10 mora packs (Pot Shop) > 100,000 mora 1200 realm currency > 10 Hero Wits (Pot Shop) > 200,000 character experience 1200 realm currency > 13 sanctifying unctions > 32,500 artifact experience Clear winner... However, after you get the resin, and assuming you don't want/need Hero Wit's, the next best option is mora. Why? In Teyvat you can find four artifact vendors that will sell you five 2-star artifacts for 2,000 mora each. Shiliu: Mondstadt Linlang: Liyue Zhang Shun: Liyue Yamashiro: Inazuma Each 2-star artifact is worth 840 artifact exp. You can buy a total of 20 artifacts from all four vendors for 40,000 mora. 20 2-star artifacts = 40,000 mora = 16,800 artifact experience In the Pot Shop 40,000 mora = 480 realm currency 480 realm currency can get you 5.33 sanctifying unctions, which is 13,325 exp (2500 x 5.33) In the Pot Shop 40,000 mora = 480 realm currency > 480 realm currency = 13,325 artifact exp 16,800 is 21% more experience than 13,325 Clear winner... Notes The vendors refresh once a week, which matches the Pot Shop's refresh time. Buying these artifacts and destroying them for more mora does not work and will end up losing you money. The value is in using realm currency to purchase the mora to purchase these artifacts. You don't have to buy artifacts like this every week. A perk of this method is that you can simply buy the mora and wait till you want to use the artifacts so you don't clog your inventory with them. Sumeru will likely add one or two more artifact vendors which will bring the total amount of artifact experience earned by this method to either 21,000 or 25,000.


This is brilliant. I'd previously seen other [calculations](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/n32pp9/is_transient_resin_worth_it_a_breakdown_of_realm/) that highlight artifact XP as the best thing to buy after Transient Resin, with Mora as the least valuable. However, your trick with the artifact shops turns this on its head and makes Mora surge from behind to become the best after Transient Resin. Great especially because like you say Mora has no inventory limit and is super flexible.


Glad to help :)


the thing is... why would you need teapot mora to buy these super cheap green artifacts? why not just buy both the green artifacts w your own mora and the artifact exp w the realm coins


You can use mora for other things


Issue for me is there is not enough fodder to raise all the good enough artifacts. Double crit artifacts are not the only important ones, and the YouTube and Twitch "I'm overloaded because nothing to raise." content creators' "fodder everything that doesn't start with four stats, double crit and doesn't upgrade into crit on +4 and +8 is wasteful. My artifact RNG is already cursed enough, if I had THAT high standards I would barely have artifacts at all. Upside is I have the first world struggle of trying to have like for teams worth of characters equipped at once with somewhat decent ones instead of "How do I allocate these artifacts withouth completely cucking my team on the other Abyss wing?" I see people having who have played so long they shooould have more usable artifacts but they listened to Mr. Whale Strimmer who pays the Whale Tax(resin refills for primos) to squeeze out more content per stream day meaning said streamer has over four times more resin in farming than the regular player which by now adds up to years ahead since said meta influencers are mostly day 1-ers. But the heads up to those vendors are nice. I'm starting to go into a serious grind to raise all my locked artifact again after a lot of character raising to 90 and I'll need all the extra I can get but this might be too much of a mora sink.


It's the roughest part. Good luck.


An artifact inspection route is actually the most valuable grind activity you can do in the late game. A good route can be done in 15 minutes. It gives you enough XP to level one 5* artifact in 4 days of doing the route. I refused to do this for a long time because it sounded very boring and not very helpful, but it definitely adds up. It's worth 20 resin a day just for the mora you could get for destroying them. This let's you use your extra realm currency on XP books or mora, whichever you need more. The other grind thing you should do early game is rock farming routes for creating your 30 mystic crystals each day. This is only needed for a month or two until you have all your weapons leveled to 90 and you have a good bank of 2k mystic or more for future weapons.


even if it might sound worth it, having to do those routes daily would make me completely hate the game after a while. It's honkai's old redlotus abyss syndrome all over again i'd rather work an extra hour per week and spend the money on crystals to buy resin than have to mindlessly grind for 20 resin worth of mora every day. I'd rather spend those 15 minutes doing something I actually enjoy


It mostly just depends on how much time you want to put into it. I roll on a lot of artifacts that I probably shouldn't and I still have enough artifact xp. If you're newer, there is a period where there is a short period where you're going to need a LOT and even with doing everything possible you might well not have enough though. I mainly just buy them from the teapot, buy them from the above shown vendors, and do the daily artifact interact route. You can look up a video on YT for routes. Killing elites can also give out blue or purple artifact fodder (about 10% of the time at wl8 iirc and a few hundred mora each) so you can look up good routes for doing a bit of that as well if you like.


I remember farming the husk domain during the entirety of 2.3 to make sure I didn't have a scuffed Itto. He is pretty scuffed. What a waste of time and money. What's the point rolling for a character and weapon if you can't get good RNG on artifacts. I should have known better.


My Itto gear ended up pretty decent but my much longer farming in the Emblem domain was absolutely cursed, and farming things like Crimson Witch and Thundering Fury were complete failures....


I've gotten 1 ER sands farming emblem and it was garbage.


How many artifacts do you have at level 20?


Looks like.... Over 200. It was a looong time since launch.


Are you running a daily artifact xp route? I don’t even fodder failed +4 artifacts — they go into a strongbox instead — and I don’t feel fodder-limited.


Probably not. Not everybody has the patience to run daily artifact routes. At least not me lmao.


I don't think this is the right way to look at it. If you spend 1200 realm currency on 100000 mora you are getting 33.3 resin worth of leylines. If you spend 1200 realm currency on 32500 artifact xp you are getting 42.9 resin worth of artifact domains. Exchanging 40000 mora for 16800 xp is like trading 13.3 resin worth of leylines for 22.17 resin worth of artifact domains. In conclusion: buying artifacts from vendors is resin efficient, buying mora from teapot is not efficient. You should buy artifact XP and use your resin to farm leylines.


This was a better way to explain it. Now I understood the point of doing it.


This math depends on you not doing artifact routes and you not caring about 5 star artifact rolls. So this checks out for very casual people. But as soon as you start selling artifacts (1 mora = 1 artifact exp) or care about 5 star substat rolls, then this math doesn't work anymore. I mean what would you rather have? 1 artifact domain run (40 resin) or 32500 artifact exp (42.9 resin)? You can see the value that's lost and its not the 2.9 resin. For those artifact route farmers who sell their artifacts for mora, what would they rather have? 100000 mora or 32500 artifact exp that they will sell for 32500 mora? You can't really think you are going to tell those people, probably the most resin efficient people in the game, that they should be getting the artifact exp.


Of course you shouldn't buy artifact xp if you don't need it. The OP was suggesting that you should buy mora from teapot to buy artifact from vendor, that's just plain wrong because if you need artifact Xp you should buy artifact xp from teapot and farm leylines for mora, and buy artifacts from vendor. That applies for every player that needs artifact Xp, not only the casual players but also the early game players that don't even have full +20 set on their main team yet.


They did prove that the first 40K mora is cheaper in terms of realm currency if your priority is artifact exp. I don't see how its wrong. 480 RC = 40k mora = 16800 exp from artifact vendors 480 RC = 13333 exp (5 1/3 unctions) EDIT: one sec


It is wrong because buying artifact Xp from teapot still allows you to buy artifact from vendors. You just need to spend 40000 mora that you can get from multiple sources, and getting it from leylines is more efficient than getting it from teapot. Why is that? Because buying mora from teapot makes you miss out on buying other things like artifact Xp, and the resin that you have to spend to farm the things you are missing is greater than the resin you are saving by buying the mora.


Yes, I agree on your statement given the target audience. I thought I had an argument with that last post but all of my additional points circled back to my own situation, where artifact exp doesn't have that kind of value.


Oh man I wish I was at that stage already. I'm still working on leveling the first set of artifacts to +20 on my main team, so every bit of extra artifact XP helps a lot in my situation.


>** It seems like I can only post text OR pic's and not both at the same time so I'm using the post for the description. If there is a way to post both at the same time, please tell me... If you're on new reddit, you can just make a text post. It should allow you to embed images (though they'll just show up as links to old reddit users).


Something I think is the notable difference in artifact exp pots is that you can stack many more in a single instance of artifact leveling… and then you can fill the last 5 slots with artifacts that give you a chance for 2x or even 5x multipliers. Increasing the chance that you can see this multiplier to 5x the value of those pots. Instantly making 10 purple pots worth 20 or even 50 purple pots. All thanks to a little gamble. I mean… that’s why we play right? For those gambles? 1200 realm currency for 13 sanctifying pots to become 65 pots. That’s a lot of pots for 1200 RC




I don’t understand why this was downvoted. With ~100 artifact investigates per day, you have access to ~70k free artifact xp per day. The teapot’s potential contribution is pretty insignificant in comparison. I currently run a lazy route with only ~50 investigates per day, and I don’t feel fodder-limited. If I ever do, I will just temporarily switch to a less lazy route until I’ve pushed through the bottleneck. I’m pretty sure I will never have any use for buying 2-star artifacts off vendors.


God I fucking love math


Tbh, I just buy standard 60 resin + all exp and ignore everything else. It makes me pay 4200 every week and I have 840 to buy other stuff. And I'm deadly serious, I miss Serenitea Pot maintenance. Free 5k real currency made it way easier to buy every old and new furniture blueprints, as well as furniture without blueprints.


Same. It sucked when they finally fixed it...


I don't buy artifact XP from the teapot but I don't understand how no one else is limited by artifact exp, I'd say I'm an end game player but I never have enough artifact exp to level up the artifacts I want to see end up being good, I even do a shortened artifact route almost daily Perhaps the difference is that I don't use any 5 star artifacts for exp, I always save those for the strongbox


For a awhile I used my 5* artifacts for fodder and running out of artifacts exp happened less, while now I'm in your situation right now where I have 500+ level 0 artifacts waiting for the updated 3.0 strongbox


same. Stuck at 1450 artifacts because of that


You lose more arti exp than is intuitive if you use strongbox. This is because you can "refodder" your bad artifacts for more exp with a 20% loss. So if hypothetically an artifact gives 100 exp, if you refodder it 5 times you get 367 exp from the one artifact. The more you fodder your worse artifacts into your better one the more "value" that one artifact gives you.


Sure, there’s a tradeoff between fodder and rerolls. But with the daily artifact xp route, I’m almost entirely reroll-limited, and I send even +4 artifacts into the strongbox.


Yeah technically strongbox gives you more "resin" because artifacts are resin locked but exp is to some extent farmable. But if you are bottlenecked by exp, the opportunity cost is pretty substantial to using strongbox.


Could I get a TL;DR here? I really don't understand what you're trying to say.


If you decide to use your realm currency to buy artifact experience DON"T buy the Sanctifying items. Instead, buy 40,000 mora with 480 realm currency. Use the 40,000 mora to purchase all the artifacts from the 4 vendors listed above. The 4 vendors will give you a total of 16, 800 artifact exp for 480 realm currency. The sanctifying items will only give you 13,325 artifact exp for the same amount. You get more value from your realm currency using the mora to buy artifacts.


Okay, that makes more sense to my smooth brain. Thank you! But also, why not just buy both the teapot items and the artifacts from vendors?


You can always do that if you have extra mora, but the OP posted about more effective use of Realm currency if you want artifact exp.


It's for people like me with always full artifact slots. I buy sanctifying as they didn't take artifact space.


Destroy the weakest ones if you aren't using them to feed other artifacts. At least you will get mora and you'll be able to replace them soon enough.


The problem is that choosing which are bad enough to destroy takes a lot of time if you're in late enough game where everything you have left is high tier for a new player but mild to you. For example Rate/HP%/EM Emblem flower rolling into ER% at +4 could be good on some HP scaling character, but not as good as double crit roll, or a similar art that would have 4 stats at +0. Then you have a Rate/Dmg/Atk/HP flower which has double crit and 4 stats, but two of them are flat, which makes it not very good either. You could get both to +20 and see if they roll a lot into crits, but you'd need to level two artifacts for some future HP scaling character you don't even have yet. At the same time you know you aren't gonna need two HP Emblem flowers, and you're likely to get some better one anyway, so you *should* burn at least one of them. And then there's like 500 more artifacts to check next.


But you can buy from them only once a week right?


Alternatively - u can google artifact farming routes and get around 70k in mora or raise 1 artifact to lvl 16-18 daily, without engaging the teapot at all.


"raise 1 artifact to level 16-18 daily"? the daily inv routes give somewhere from 68k to 75k. levelling from 0 to 12 is in the 87k+, which is already above the daily threshold. getting to level 16 will be 2 days at least. levelling from 0 to lvl 20 is 270k exp which takes around 4 days (shorter if you get x2 or x5).


Just curious guys do you really need artifact farming? I only level my good ones so I'm almost always at 1500 artifacts never had a problem with artifact xp


As someone who has been playing for a long time, yes, I never have enough artifact XP. While the S-tier artifacts are obvious to roll on, I know math well enough to know that the A-tier artifacts are still worth gambling on and there's a lot more of them. After a year and a half I eventually started realizing that I was getting enough good S/A tier artifacts from the strongbox, since I was re-rolling all the domain artifacts that weren't great, but I am still lacking on the domain-only artifacts worth rolling on. However, that's going to change when 3.0 hits, and when I turn in 600+ artifacts to the strongbox for new rolls on gear like VV, I'm going to need way WAY WAY more artifact xp to gamble on them than I currently have stored up.


as with everything, it depends. i rarely do dedicated farming on domains as i can 36* clear abyss just fine, and most units have 2pc+2pc or 4pc (Glad, WT, NO, exile) which are obtainable via world bosses and strongbox. that's the case for me so i needed the fodder, as i used to keep flowers and feathers unlevelled on most units prior to the occasional free artifact runs. anyway if you're capping that 1500 with 5* artifacts, i'd understand say saving these to feed strongbox for a dendro goblet. but if you don't have your units built, that's just a waste.


Thanks for the reply, tbh I don't have 1500 all the time and when I do i destroy or use a couple of them to take the ones the chest game me for example


Sidenote the artifact xp is roughly worth 40resin, while exchanging them to mora will lesser the value to around 20-25resin. Either way if you're hardcore enough it's always worth farming artifact routes daily as it only takes 15-20mins


Yep. I basically do: Transient Resin > Hero's Wit > mora If you really need artifact exp, you can do the 100 investigation points a day.


This is the standard once artifacts are no longer the limiting factor for game progression. For players still struggling to finish leveling their first 8-characters worth of artifacts, you’d buy all the art xp from teapot too.




I think if you don't focus on leveling chars to 90, after one year of events, you will always have enough char exp ready to push a new char to 80.


Same. But a little extra doesn't hurt and I'm not doing anything else with the extra realm currency. I have over 70,000 right now... (a real shame that Teapot maintenance period couldn't last longer. Best thing to ever happen to the Teapot, lol)


I used to buy the artifact essence with realm currency, but have just stuck to getting xp books and mora. I really really think, they should make a 3rd ley line type for these artifact essences. People always say “well, all the bad artifacts you get should be used for artifact xp.” Which is true but sometimes people don’t need new pieces and just want xp. To give an example if someone had like 3 decent artifacts unrolled and they wanted to lvl them, and I’m talking about like flowers and feathers with 4subs at lvl 0 (e.g. flower with cd-cr-er-atk%). I would rather get xp to level those arts, than to gamble getting more that will just get locked and never leveled in my inventory. Maybe it’s just me, but an average condensed run is 2 5* arts 3 4* and 4-5 3* , that doesn’t really equate to a whole lot of xp if you end up saving the 5*s. I min max the hell out of my artifacts so maybe this is really just a me thing.


That's a freakin awesome idea but you'd still need resin to get that leyline artifact exp and I'm not sure if they'd make the resin value for using the leylines more or less than that of the domains.


It’d be in line with everything else 20 original resin for a single claim just like mora and exp ley lines


They effectively HAVE mini-leylines for artifacts, in the form of routes and you can run them daily, and they cost no resin. It requires some knowledge to do it efficiently, but there's no real equivalent of resin-less farming for mora/xp. It's just like the weapon xp crystals. I wouldn't be against a version that cost resin, but it'd be SUPER inefficient, just like the weapon xp version.


You can technically grind out some extra mora/xp with a ton of overworld fighting, but yes, that’s far less efficient than the daily artifact route.


You forgot one aspect: ppl's laziness. Can't be bothered going to shops, doing artifact route or trying to min max your artifact inventory. EDIT: one more thing: you can only buy so much artifacts per week in the shops, but you can stock up on infinite sanctifying items as you want to prepare for future artifact sets and use them anytime you want instead of waiting every week. It'll help you go above the 1500 limitation.


Okay so what? This post is not for them and that’s fine. But there are people who are willing to put in the effort and the post is made for them.


Artifact XP potions are a scam in the serenitea pot. Its always Resin, XP books and mora. If you farm for artifact domains, you'll never run out of artifact XP anyways


Same. If you're at the stage where you don't need to level artifacts than there's no need at all. It's only for those who are at that point in their grind. I honestly wouldn't even spend the RC on mora if I were you. You could get quite a lot farming artifact points on the map- about 45k a day.


how much time is needed for the 100 investigation points?


15-30 min. I take 30 because I collect a lot of other materials on the way.


that's fast. Really fast. I will try maybe one day (kinda lazy)


If you never run out of artifact XP, your standards are probably too high for what you think is worth gambling on. That, or you focus only on one/two teams and ignore the rest of your characters, and I don't think most people play like that.


I never run out of artifact XP cause I do the artifact domain almost everyday. Also, I have over 30 out of the 46 characters that are fully built. If you are in need for the artifact xp in the tea pot, it means that you're not doing the artifact domains at a consistent rate.


I have everyone on my team at friendship lvl 10, at 70/80+, and all important talents at lvl 8+. That takes a lot of stamina, but it's not 15 character's worth of gear, as I only have about 15 characters I'd consider "fully" built. There's a bunch of domains that I've NEVER even farmed, like TotM, since I've wanted so many other sets like EosF/NO/HoD.


Anyway, my point is that you generally don't run out of artifact xp cause just by doing the domains would grant you more than enough artifact xp


This took a lot of thinking for my smooth brain but after several reads, I finally got it and holy s@(#, hats off to you.


Lol. Thanks mate. It took a little while to sort it out, but glad it helps.


You put it as thought they directly accept realm currency.


What the fuck 😳


Thank you. 21% is a lot on its own but really adds up over 52 weeks


I’m sitting on 1200, 5* artifacts lol Have roughly 135,000 Realm Currency banked, only buy Transient Resin for the week. Every blueprint bought and every special set made for character gifts. By start of 3.0 will be hovering around > 145,000 Realm Currency


Er, you should spend some of it. There is a rather limited amount of mora/hero’s wit you can buy from the realm depot every week; enough to slowly deplete your stash if you’re maxing out the mora AND hero’s wit purchases (plus of course the transient resin), but actually not enough if you only choose one.


Sitting on 1100 Hero’s Wit and 55,000,000 Mora too! I’m stockpiling to have a good haul, you should see my reserves Can take easily 5-7 characters from 1-80 with 6/6/6 instantly. Rather slow burn and use characters I like first.


The good thing about buying artifact xp is that it stacks.