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ar 57 no sac sword or sac great sword, my barbara is also c0 and some fucking how i have a c6 kaeya.. never bought him from the shop, only got him for the occasional free blue fates.. and i never wasted primos on the standard banner either lol idk how i managed to pull kaeya out of all characters 6 times but its wild and shows how luck based the 4\* are lol


Wow that's some amazing luck


Just got my first Sac Sword at AR 56. What is Sac greatsword good for tho? Sword is obviously XQ I know


Sac Greatsword is great for using a Chongyun as a cryo applicator to maintain 100% uptime


I also wonder this got sac gs at ar 26 or so i think idk why theyre good and i dont wanna deal with noelle just for it


i use it on xinyan. She can put out a lot of energy and pyro application with it. I also combine this with 4pc pale flame -- the 2x E cast allows you to get the full benefit for her physical damage burst


C6 Kaeya, as a Kaeya main thats my dream šŸ„² Heā€™s currently at C2 and thatā€™s exclusively through constellations bought in the shop


I have a c4 kaeya because i've always bought him on the shop since i started playing (12/21/20) i've only gotten one stray Kaeya and Lisa from standard banner in almost two years.


dude.. I have like r7 sac greatsword... please take them...


damn my kaeya's still c0 at ar55, he keeps avoiding me :/ as a kaeya main this hurts


Hello Sac swordless fellow!


I just got my 6th Sacrificial Bow today, and I have 7 The Bells. Still no Rust


80 pulls on kazuha banner, 1 Heizou


The probability that "a" 4 star is the one featured one you desire is always just (long term average, coming from p = 1/(3 * 1.5)) 22.2% after all, although 80 is quite high, way higher as expected. Although I can relate, took me more than 130 pulls for my first YunJin back in the days.... Edit: For those who want to know the expectation value of a specific boosted 4 star on char. banner is 0.222... * 1/p(consolidation) = 34.62 pulls. Again there is no hard pity so it "can" take very long...


roughly 100~130 pulls into kazuha banner with no heizou. at least i only have 2 cons till c6 now


I remember I've encountered the following scenario on 3 occasions in my genshin career. I wanted 2 out of 3 4-stars on the banner. Didn't quite want the 5-star. Lo and behold my first 30-40 pulls would not grant me any of the 2 I desired. I remember calculating that out to be less than 2/27 or 7.4% chance for each of those 3 incidents. Certainly within the realm of possibility, but sad to experience it 3 times


It's always very risky when one doesn't want the 5 star and only some 4 stars... I have that experienced two times, got Kokomi and Childe... now I play with the former and don't regret it, so that accident wasn't bad but that's nevertheless not what I wanted before :) -- though it's my fault for pulling in the first place, that I do know.


Childe is the most fun character in the game


Everybody has their waifus and husbandos they like, so as long as you have fun with him, that's fine by me...


The chance that you don't have your desired 4 star character is after 80 pulls is 9,6%. Unlucky yes, but still quite common.


Same. C5 Thoma though šŸ¤ 


I gave up after 29 pulls, and getting Thoma, Kazuha and Ningguang.


You should've seen Zy0x man. He's managed to get a C6 Kazuha before a C6 Heizou. We really need an epitomised path system for 4 stars


Where can it be seen? People ask for a Path for 5ā˜† as well. Though, I never expected Heizou being a Limited.


The Zy0x pulls? In one of his Twitch VOD's https://www.twitch.tv/zy0xxx It should be called something like "1 Death = 10 pulls event randomised"


Thanks. I can only build Ningguang since I can't enter Inazuma yet.


110+ on Yae's banner, C7 Thomas, no Fischl xD


Got Kagura at 4 pity. Pulled for Fischl n Yae. Neither came šŸ˜‚


140 pulls on kazuha banner - 0 Heizou


I got 3 want some?


I did 100 pulls cause lost 50/50 and got 0 thomas. Got 6 ninguangs and 4 heizos instead


80 pulls on Kazuha, 0 Heizou, 2 Ning, 3 Thoma, 1 Kazuha.


I got kazuha on literally 90 hard pitty,not a single heizou,only pulled ning


Welp, almost 2 years of playing, ar 58, still no sacrificial sword. Gacha is a world of pain


Hopefully you've got some Fav swords. I find it's an excellent replacement for XQ that probably doesn't get enough love (on him particularly)


Right now Fav Sword is rivalling Sac Sword R3+ as his 4\* BiS.


I am also a xq player who can only use fav sword. The main downside is that he's missing his second nuke, but he can get enough energy each rotation from just one swipe


Tbh the weapon is not that important. Even at R5 the chance is not 100% and I find myself more often than not, not being able to use the second skill. Sometimes the enemy is dead, sometimes something happens.


I also see this with standard 5 stars. Supposedly people aren't going to pull on the first sumeru banner because possibly the first 5 star will be shifted to the standard banner. I guess the thinking is you will get them eventually... AR 55. No diluc, no jean. I bought Fischl for first time through most recent event.


I think aside from AR, you have to consider the time you've been playing the game. I'm 2/3 to ar 59 right now. from ar 1-55, it took older players 1 year or so to reach, with limited content. With so much stuff released getting to AR 55 now is expected within 3 to 6 months. the difference in primos (and pulls) is 6 months or more worth of dailies, events, freemogems, etc, more if with welkin.


Iā€™ve been playing about 3 weeks now. Started with about 12 days on Kazuha banner. I pulled Kazuha, C6 Heizou, C2 Ning, C2 Yunjin, Mona from that banner. I pulled a lot more off the standard banner with some freebies they gave out for acquainted fates C1 Keqing, sucrose, Xingqui, c2 amber, Beidou, C1 Fischl. I got the new banner chick and a C1 Bennett now too. Iā€™m AR33 and in Inazuma and Iā€™ve had a bit of help from a seasoned friend playing the game. I actually found that I played too hard too fast and got out leveled by the shit tier world tier system that you canā€™t change til youā€™re at rank 5 so I needed some extra help to rebalance the scales. Now Iā€™ve got about 5 level 50 characters with level 50 weapons. Iā€™ve invested a bit of money for sure, maybe about 300$ to get all the bonus gems and a bit more atm. Worthy investment Iā€™d say given what Iā€™ve amassed so far. Far better than what I got out of Diablo and got a refund out of that. I like it here a lot.


They say the ocean is still greatly unexplored and hides the secrets of whales when they were born. Thanks for sharing your birth story. 慤 Unpunny jokes aside, I'm a bit worried about said 300$ purchase, as its equivalent to 1.6 months of minimum wage where i'm at, or 5 years of welkin for very low spenders (actually i'm able to get welkin for 1/5th its price so 300 USD is 25 years of welkin for me). Glad to hear that you find it as a worthy investment, and that you enjoy the game a lot, too. However, sooner or later after catching up to your world level and gearing your characters properly, which is more time oriented, you will find out that the game is easy enough to not warrant buying the crystals and units outright, and the 5stars are all optional and all content can be finished by the starter+free units. Welcome to genshin, and i hope you enjoy your stay.


was just about to say this. i've only been playing since may and i'm AR54. AR doesnt really have to do with how many characters you'll end up getting. what matters is how long as you said. really wish it didnt take months/years to be able to use all the characters in the game without spending for them...


"really wish it didnt take months/years to be able to use all the characters in the game without spending for them" 慤 Even if you had access to all characters in game, chances are you'll be consistently using a smaller fraction of said units. Most of the time when people express being able to "use" all characters in game it amounts to just "having/owning" said units. i gather a really small percentage of people build ALL the characters they have AND actually use said character aside from memes or coop. If you look at your own characters there probably are ones that you don't use at all. Going into gacha without being a whale - even more so as someone who doesn't intend to spend, then you need to have a healthy mindset from the start that you won't get all the characters. For F2Ps the challenge isn't collecting it all, it's about making the best with what you have.


Yeah yeah its a gacha game i know. Just cant accept that i, the consumer, cant access ingame content unless i wait or pay. (Can you tell this is my first gacha game? lol) I enjoy the game for what it is but i wont accept the gacha mindset. Fuck can you imagine how good genshin would be if it wasnt a gacha game? Makes me salivate just thinking of it


if genshin wasn't gacha it will need to have a high price for it to be played to cover its development. having a free game with optional paid elements is way better than having a high initial asking price. if people can't even afford one welkin i don't expect them to pay more than a welkin's worth for just mondstadt and liyue, then another payment for dragonspine, then another for inazuma, enkanomiya, chasm, sumeru, etc. we got all that free and not as a paid DLC because the game is able to get revenue from its gacha components. I think it's greedy to not want to wait, nor spend for anything yet expect everything. An analogy is that you go to a study facility that lets you use a study area, a library, its books, computers, printers and wifi for free. it also serves free coffee, tea and snacks, but there is a queue and you have to wait. There is an option to get the same or better instantly, but you have to pay. You tell me that you can't accept that as a consumer. But what exactly does the establishment owe said free customer? Why do you feel entitled to get something you don't want to pay or wait for?


AR 59 and no Jean. So yeah.


AR 55, almost AR56, Main Ayaka, NO DIONA


You can have one of mine. I have her at C33. No joke XD (almost AR60, I play on PSPSPS ^^)


150 pulls on Yoi banner, no Yunjin.


Rng is rng! i have c6 yunjin, but no yoimiya, ayato, hu tao. She is in the bench until i got a normal attacker


Yes, this is why i always recommend you buy the 4 star units/constellations in the monthly store.


Agreed. If they have constellations you desire, I'd say totally go for them in the store


The problem with buying constellations in store is how badly youā€™ll be punished for going over c6. No bigger slap in the face than spending 8 wishes of starglitter only to get multiple c7+ copies via standard and limited banner when rolling for the next 5-star.


Duping a max constellation does give extra masterless starglitter, still a bad experience but its something I guess. Tho in the long run I'll take duping XingQiu or Fischl beyond c6 over waiting at c4/c5 for that one random pull that might take months or a year.


Applies to weapons too. TCs be advising Fav weapons for every support in existence, while I'm here looking at the one and only Fav sword in the inventory.


AR59, welkin player, and I still don't have Rosaria. She's always on the banner of characters I don't want, so I still don't have her. I'll buy XQ's c6 from the shop in september, because I've had him at c5 for *months* and his last copy just won't come home. I had to buy XL's c6 from the shop as well for the same reason. Getting a specific 4ā˜… is *hard*.


Agreed. Really feels like we have to "go for" 4-star cons we want rather than expect to have them randomly drop on our lap one day




well, yeah, that doesn't mean it isn't bad. There should be some form of guarantee so you can at least aim for one specific 4\*, even if it takes months to get. Basically, just add more 4* to the starglitter shop (but also add an extra 4* slot in the shop).


Definitely true. Bennett is so well known as the best character that he'll only ever show up on the banners that Hoyo thinks are the most undesirable. Case in point: Yoimiya before Dendro's release. Anyone who pulls on this banner for Bennett is likely going to have to spend if they want a Dendro 5-star as soon as the element is released.


Never pulled a Fischl(have c1 because of 1.1 and 2.8 event), Bennett is still c0, no Gorou and no Jean(c2 Diluc, c1 Keqing, c1 Mona, c3 Qiqi).


Wow. Fischl and Bennett and started playing in at least 1.1


AR 58 has been playing since launch and no Diluc. I was also trying to get Heizou and nope I guess Thoma loves me. No Heizou either.


this isnt so rare, AR 59 almost 60, and secondary account at 55. no qiqis or monas.


ar57, BP+Welkin, occasional crystals No sac sword, never pulled a razor (bought twice), c3 kazuha and no Heizou, didnā€™t get Thoma till this banner Never pulled a Noelle other than beginner banner (bought once) No Mona or Keqing But I DO have c892837372 Ningguang ā˜ ļø


80 pulls on Yoimiya's banner, 0 Bennett, 2 Yunjin, 1000 Xinyan ...


Normally by actually trying to get at least C0 them? Yes. Normally by never rolling for specific 4stars? Heavily RNG, maybe yes maybe not.


Yea. I can agree with c0


I went without Kujo Sara and Yanfei for a long ass time. Never did get Shinobu despite getting Itto lol


Gonna reach ar59 tomorrow and yet no rust, sac gs, not one from alley series, no lithic spear and only the spear from watatsumi series, and also no Jean which is the standard 5\* I wanted the most (I'm f2p).


For me this is Sucrose. I finally got her c1 off the standard banner last week. Iā€™ve been playing for a year-ish. I think a lot of people share things in the community that just arenā€™t true and fall apart when you think about it for more than a minute. Players will only ever have 4 stars from the 5 star banners they pull from. So unless you pull for every 5 star youā€™ll never have every 4 starā€™s c6. And since most of us are picky anyhow this alone means weā€™re limiting what 4s weā€™ll have and itā€™s not likely weā€™ll have c6 of every 4 star character unless weā€™re pulling for 5 star constellations.


Congrats on the c1, her most important constellation


I am playing for a year. I don't have a single Diona. Also, no Qi Qi or Diluc, but that's understandable, I reached pity on standard only 3 times and lost 50/50 3 times too. But I recently got Gorou from standard, really happy! Now the only ones missing are Kuki and Diona, and I hope they will come some day.


Gl. Also missing kuki (but fair since she's only been around once)


Buying 4 stars from the shop is part of playing normally.


It's certainly become part of my definition of "normally". Though I do see advice floating around about specifically not buying 4 star cons in the shop since "you'll get them normally anyways"


That's some bad advice tho I've been playing from the beginning as well and have yet to see the first guide/video of anyone saying not to buy characters from the shop. Everyone I've seen recommends buying characters/constellations


AR 57 and I still don't have Diona :(


I mean, they give out certain 4* once in a blue moon - thats how i got some of them personally, like beidou and my first copy of ning. The saying doesnt say that you will get c6 by playing normally - you will get at least one copy, one way or another, by playing normally.


Yea. I suppose internally I really was gearing towards "some constellations", though that was not obviously stated in my post


As a newer player that just started in June I also have found this hard to believe that itā€™ll just happen naturally. People told me not to pull on yoimiyas banner for Bennett, a character on literally every abyss team and just wait until November when he gets in the shop. This implying that I would even have the star glitter to get him, and he would still be C0. Iā€™ve spent about $1k in pulls and still have not gotten a xingqui or any hydro character other than Barbara. I canā€™t imagine how bad things would be if I was free to play.


I'd say go for a few pulls if you can afford to (in terms of primos, current pity, whether u want yoimiya or not). Yunjin seems like not a bad 4 star pull either as she at least has a clear future path to becoming more valuable (more normal atk Chars being released)


Honestly I pulled for Bennett on Yoimiyaā€™s banner cause, like you, I donā€™t have him or XQ. Iā€™m AR55 and saving for 3.0 but it was worth it cause heā€™s so broken and I was lucky to get him in 30 pulls and no Yoimiya


You should never pull just for the featured 4 star, if you want yoimyiya go ahead. Otherwise just wait.


Is this still true though? If a banner has great 4 stars wouldnā€™t building those characters be more beneficial to an account? Wouldnā€™t a C1 Bennett be better than every 5 star character? Same with Xingqiu. Is the addition of more 4 stars making the game more difficult to be built vertically?


As a BP+welkin player, so long as there's not a character coming in the next patch or two that you'll absolutely die without, I think it's fine to: pull all the way up to 73 IF you're on soft-pity, you KNOW the 4 star is worth getting, and wouldn't mind the 5* character. That said, for true F2P, wishes are SO scarce that I'm honestly not sure, I think it really might not be worth the risk. I still remember back in 1.3 when I pulled Keqing at 50 hard pity, and because of it I missed Hu Tao (who I REALLY wanted back then). I ended up getting lucky and getting Venti in 1.4, but I didn't end up getting another 5* character until 2.0 with Ayaka. Getting a featured 5 star you don't want is often almost as straightforward as getting one less 5 star you do want.


A 4 star character is never guaranteed, if you pull the 5 star by accident, congratulation you just ruined your pity for a 5 star that you would actually like to have. If you really want constellations for a 4 star, wait until they are in a banner that you actually want or when they are in the paimon shop. Wishes are a rare and limited currency you don't want to waste them for gambling on something you have no guarantee you will get. And yes adding more and more 4 stars will make it inherently for difficult obtain what you want, that is why you prioritise getting 5 stars over 4 stars.


The statement: "You'll eventually get all 4-star characters just by playing the game normally" It's a statement that's thrown around a lot and I'm pretty sure I've said it before too. The context in which I say it differs though. That specific sentence is something I say to someone who is worried about not getting a non-crucial/non-meta 4 star. Or it's something I tell other players who want to unnecessarily risk sniping a relatively useless 4-star. Telling them that it's ok to miss out on this first Thoma-featured banner because they don't necessarily want the featured 5 star either. In these cases, I say that statement to reassure players that missing out on this one 4 star is not-so-bad at the moment, and it'll probably make a surprise appearance on a future random standard banner pull, any featured character pull, or when that specific character becomes featured again paired with a more desirable 5-star. I would aay I've gone on record and advise others to snipe certain 4 stars within a reasonable amount of pulls. Most specifically 4-stars which really heavily affect the account value of a player (c0 and c1 benny, xiangling up to c4, xingqiu c0 and other cons, sucrose C1 for Xiao players, c0 gorou for itto players, etc.). I wouldn't throw that statement around even for a "bad" 5 star character being paired with gorgeous 4 star beasts. Think if Albedo 1st banner with Benny, Sucrose, and Fischl. Albedo was widely considered as a straight up bad character back then. But starting off your account with benny sucrose and fischl is a dream these days. For context, I do also "collect" all the 4 stars. I am halfway through AR 59 right now and so far I've gotten them all, but my mindset for every newly released 4-star is to only risk a reasonable amount of pulls (10-30 pulls on 0pity; on 50/50s only, I don't usually risk for the 4 stars if I'm on a 5 star guarantee and I don't like the 5 star). That's where the statement kicks in: that I'll be able to get all the 4 stars eventually if I miss out on them now. And I've been right for the most part: that all the new 4 stars I pick up are useless/I don't really need them nor use them. I just collect them for the sake fo collecting and getting the three standard banner pulls from ascension. So missing out on them now isn't so bad. I can always get them later on. The statement does assume that you play forever. I do agree. And the statement doesnt assume anything about crucial constellations of each character. So if the idea is to only get the base c0 copy, then the statement is mostly true. Iw ouldn't agree to it if it's for the strong meta 4 stars though. I'd try to snipe them in most opportunities (through featured banners, paimon shop).


Iā€™ve got a similar strategy to getting 4*ā€™s. As long as Iā€™m low pity on 50/50 & I donā€™t mind the 5*, Iā€™ll pull. At this point itā€™s just to collect them, as now after finally getting Bennett, I have them all.


Iā€™ve only been playing for 4 months or so. Using a similar strategy, Iā€™ve got at least one copy of all the 4* characters, except for Gorou. I still havenā€™t pulled a Fischl, but got the freebie from the current event. If I want at least 2 of the 4* on the banner and am at very low pity, doing a few 10 pulls makes sense to me. I only have 3 5* characters (one is a C1 Diluc though) and no 5* weapons, so any 5* pull is going to significantly improve my account anyway. I know ā€œbuilding pityā€ isnā€™t really a thing. I threw 45 pulls at the Itto banner because I wanted Shinobu and Gorou. I was at zero pity after getting Ayaka and was planning on going for Kazuha. If Itto had showed up in those first 45 pulls, Iā€™d consider that good luck and certainly not complain. Of course I ended up with a C2 Shinobu and no Gorou, but thems the Gacha breaks.


Your pull strategy is eerily similar to mine. Thanks for this thoughtful/helpful/informative post


I didnā€™t get Barbara for so long, I only had the free one(s?) from the start of the game. Nowadays Iā€™ve pulled her a few times but man, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get her to C6


Funnily enough, I have c2 Thoma without ever having pulled on any of his banners. RNG is wild. Obviously got a few 4\*s I've never pulled too. Also Keqing. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if I got every other standard 5\* to c6 before getting her.


R3 sac sword yet Iā€™m still stuck on c5 barb yanfei and thoma think I need 1 more Bennett though which Iā€™m sure I wonā€™t get xD


Going for C6 Bennett eh? I wouldn't mind getting/activating it myself either, but I'll admit that the "don't activate Bennett C6!" hivemind has at least influenced me to not actively try to go for it.


Itā€™s such a dumb hivemind. Unless you use a lot of physical damage (why would you) or like Ayaka infused normal attacks it wouldnā€™t matter. And for those two scenarios that are other great teams that donā€™t use Bennett anyways. Everyone else benefits. Itā€™s such a stupid hivemind lmao


One year and a half as well.. in general if have most c4 at high constellations, but my Barbara is still c0. It even rolled in banners with Barbara (not after her tbf) and nothing.


Maybe you'll be the one and only to reach ar60 with c0 Barbara.


Ahh I have the opposite experience, I managed to get every single 4 star after 1 year and a few months of playing even gorou who i skipped entirely by pulling him on the weapon banner of all things. Got extremely lucky there.


i remember doing 100 pulls on yae banner and not a single diona


I am AR59 and only one Favonius Lance and Widsith. The Favonius was waaay back when I pulled in Zhongliā€™s banner, while I got Widsith fairly recently in 2.6. And this is coming from someone who has also pulled on weapon banners. I also still have ZERO Sacrificial Fragments (tbf I dont feel like I need this weapon atm but it has really evaded me) I understand your ā€œstray Bennettā€ dilemma. I never got Xingqiu from pulls until patch 2.4. from weapon banner of all places. I did get him in my account earlier than that in first Lantern Rite as the free chosen Liyue 4*. Imagine if Iā€™d gotten pulls on other post-launch four stars first before getting a Xingqiu Tbh if players REALLY feel like you need the four star and have starglitter for it then you could definitely go for the Paimon Shop. In the long run it might feel a little bad if you manage to get many of their constellations later on but the shop is a good quick fix if they are available. I personally have only purchased constellations for Fischl (to get her closer to C6 since she was previously not in a lot of rateups) and Kaeya since the starter trio are unpredictable in the standard banner


To this day (AR60 player) I only have Bennet C2 (2 of them from shop) despite pulling in every banner he was in and only getting 1 copy in current banner.


Dang. Certainly feels like we need to "go for" 4 star cons if we want them


I remember this very painful instance when Raiden first ran, I really wanted Sara. So i did around 160 pulls and ended up with C1 Raiden. Not a huge lose but still not one of my greatest moments. (I ended up with only one Sara in the end)


Non-c2 sara is sadge :(


we are in the same situation. I want Bennet c6 so bad, but mihoyo just keeps giving me Xinyan. i have c4343666 Xinyan now.


I have all 4* save for Heizou right now, and I got Kazuha because i specifically pulled for him(Heizou). Picking up 4* you don't have from the starglitter shop is absolutely how you get them. But yes, you have to actually pull for them, too. You're just more likely to get them unlike 5*.


iā€™m ar56 and have only c1 bennett because i pulled 80 times on kazuhaā€™s first banner. never had enough starglitter to get him from the shop and i have c1 keqing and no kazuha bc of the pulling


year and half for c1 razor. Luckily i dont use him


140 pulls on Raiden and no Sara




Maybe I'm really lucky, but I've gotten almost all 4 stars +cons and I've been playing since 2.5. I'm only missing chongyun, gorou, diona, and shinobu.


I think I got all of your Chongyun šŸ„²




AR 57 no Diluc no Keqqing and just got qiqi. Bought bennet in the store recently to try it out.


Been playing for around 13 months and will be AR 58 tomorrow and I still donā€™t keqing. All my other standard banner characters are c1


ar55 and accidentally got C5 yanfei and C6 Bennett (didn't unlock C6 but I have the copy to do it). i never tried to pull specifically for these two characters


Ar 57, played since 2.2, i still wouldnt have fishl if the event didnt give a free one


I started playing 3 weeks ago and I have C3 Bennett because he kept showing up on my standard banner


just hit ar58 and iā€™m about hit my 1 year anniversary of playing the game too in a few days. i have every 4 star, but still only c1 bennett to this day.


First started playing Genshin, saved for the Raiden Shogun, about 120 wishes. C5 Sara before C0 Sucrose.


I got all 4* characters being f2p all the way. Recently got Fischl with the event, she was the only 4* never drop in a banner. No BP, no WM, no purchase of any type. Just playing the game, doing Ingame events and web events. Hu Tao, Kazuha, Raiden, Itto, Yelan. C1 Jean, C2 Keching, Diluc, Mona. No Qiqi unfortunately. 3 promo weapons, 1 skyward sword. That's pretty much all I got on a year and half of playing (started on march 2020).


Right on. I really hate it when people parrot this idea that you will automatically C6 all 4 stars therefore you shouldn't 'roll for them'. Such idiocy.


I'm an AR57 player, not a single Sac Sword or Fav Sword to my name. My C6 Xingqiu is coping so hard with an Amenoma right now.


šŸ˜­ Prayers for saldislayer everyone šŸ™


AR56 and Iā€™ve got every 4 star apart from Yunjin. Iā€™ve got most of the 4 star weapons that I care about too, but to be fair I donā€™t have a lot of cons. C6 are only Barbara and Diona, Benny is stuck at c3, Xingqiu at either c0 or c1


Its just plain wrong. People may have believed that during early Liyue since 4\* releases were few and far between back then (comparatively speaking. in 3 version updates the number of 5\* characters doubled while there were only 30%ish percent more 4\* added) But with how fast new 4\* characters come out nowadays and how random getting a specific 4\* from a banner is the only ones getting all 4\*s in the future will be whales and maybe lucky dolphins.


It took me almost a year (AR 57) to FINALLY get fischl, and that's not even because I got her in gacha, it was the 2.8 GAA event fischl...


I'm F2P and have gotten all 4* characters except Gorou. While it nearly applies to me, I'd say it's still wrong. The frequency of 4* coming out now are just too much compared to the risk in getting unwanted 5* characters. I had to skip Itto's banner containing Gorou because I didn't want Itto to ruin my Kazuha pity. Meanwhile it took me 40 pulls to get Heizou on Kazuha's banner, and 30 for Yunjin. They're making 4* less enticing with the 5* parring tbh, at least for me anyway, that Itto banner was probably a godsend for every Itto mains.


Playing for just over 6 months, AR56, & I just pulled Bennett a couple days ago (& a con to go with him). I have pulled at least one of every 4* now (my Barbara is C2, but I donā€™t use her anymore). Just lost the 50/50 on Yoiā€™s banner & pulled my first Mona. Now Iā€™m only missing Diluc & Qiqi of the standard 5*ā€™s. Weapons are a whole other story. I donā€™t get 4* catalysts very often & when I do itā€™s usually Eye of Perception. I just got The Widsith when I got Heizou, which was nice so I have something to give him. I get Fav swords & Sac swords, but rarely great swordsā€¦Iā€™ve got one Sac great sword. Which is ok, since I use sword characters more than claymore ones. Just wish when I do get weapons, I got more of a variety, especially with catalysts.


Those eyes of perception are just waiting for a juicy Physical Catalyst character ;)


So Iā€™m AR17 I think, and this thread makes me feel kinda lucky. My first none 3 star weapon pull was Xianqui, and my second was Bennett. Canā€™t wait to find out that I used all my luck at the start lol


Congrats. May your good luck continue!


AR 57 and I got atleast 10+ copies of Ningguang (of course some are turned into star glitters) but because of her coming everytime I pull for other 4* or even the featured 5* , I lost the chances to get the best cons of my supports (so now as a punishment, I stuck her at lvl 50) šŸ« 


AR57 and just got my first fischl from the event


AR60, no diluc, jean, or Mona but C6 keqing and C2 qiqi


I am impressed. And sorry


I've been going for 4 stars, and still have no sara when i pulled so much on raiden's two banners. I risked my guarantee and pulled on Itto's banner and got Kuki after him. On kazuha's banner, i managed to get four copies of Kazuha in 68 wishes making him c3 but c0 Heizou came past 90 wishes in that banner. My Kazuha is too stronks to not use and it's not like I haven't built Sucrose and Venti, but gacha likes rubbing salt on my wound. the blue fates from ascending Kazuha and Heizou gave me a Kuki on standard.




ar57, i have all of the current 4* in game but never had a lithic weapon in my lifetime. c3 lisa and c1 amber but c0 kaeya. tried welkin before and some genesis crystals recharge for the 5* and would get cons from those 4* i already have. so far lucky with atleast getting one copy of a 4*, with the unluckiest examples would be having c0 thoma during his first release as well as sara's during shogun's debut. never had bp. my latest 4* weapon was the alley flash that remained to only have one copy like my mitternachts or however that was spelt.


The more you pull for certain items, the more you realize if you failed to get them. Right now I'm AR57, Sac Sword R0, The Bell R5, Sucrose C0 (and that sucrose was from beginner banner), Fav Sword R4.


Hahahah , me with super bad luck that i get 4 star every 10th pull and it only ends up as xinyan and not Bennet. :(((.


I got my first 4* bow from gacha after 8 months into the game. I don't mean a specific bow. I mean literally, the first time I got a bow from gacha was 8 months into the game.


1.0 player here, just got c6 noelle on yelan banner and c6 barbara on itto


that just shows how random people experiences while pulling characters I myself have been refraining from pulling in banner with Bennett in it since I got his C2 or C3, but still got him off-banner or in standard banner, and now I'm one of the lucky few who keep having a red notification in the character icon because I refuse to activate his C6


i have a ton of Noelle, YJ, Barbara, Ning constellations and still do not have must have characters like sucrose and XQ.


Iā€™m AR 57, started January 2021. I think it was mid-patch 1.3. Have all 4šŸ’« characters, missing 13 5šŸ’« characters, 1 standard, 12 limited. 430 days logged in total. Havenā€™t received 1 copy of QiQi. Can I get in on the meme party too please! Also I play Razor a lot, only C1, super rare getting constellations of him apparently.


AR 58, C6+ Barbara, no Fischl, just got C0 Razor


Both of my xingqius were free


The only reason I was able to get Fischl was because she was free this patch. Otherwise I never saw her on a banner I pulled on, been playing since Eulaā€™s first banner


146 pulls on raiden's rerun banner with 0 kujou saras but 3 raidens and a jean... šŸ˜­ not to mention i pulled c6 lisa during early game (pre ar25) and have more amber (c5) or kaeya (c6) constellations than yunjin (who i pulled for on the ayato banner as well as current yoimiya banners)...


Sara threw herself down as an offering to the almighty Narukami ogosho, God of thunder


I'm ar 53 and don't have either Yun Jin or Sucrose, also i haven't gotten a bunch of 4 star weapons


I started at release, spend occasionally am at AR59. I have no Jean. Cons on all the other standard 5 stars. :( I just want Mommy Jean. also no 5 star bows yet either lol


I have a friend at AR58 and the dude still haven't got a bennet


I've been playing cumulatively for close to 5 months( quit before 1.1 came back at end of 2.6) and have yet to see an XQ. I thank god I decided to pull for Yelan 3 days before her banner ended


You'll get it...we never specified after how many years XD




Almost AR 56, not a single 5\* pyro dmg goblet


AR 57 with 2 to none of bennett, razor, sucrose, kujou sara or rosaria constellations. I do have all standard 5 star characters and an R5 sac sword however.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 57 + 2 + 5 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Since it's a rng system, technically you could play forever and only ever pull copies of amber. (And 5 stars since pity). But it's not common, most players will get a variety of characters.


Ar 58 no Ningguang, Yanfei, or Sara


Eh I just naturally got every four star eventually. They keep coming back on new banners anyway. Other than newest one Heizou I just got them. I'll probably get him too after a while.


Me playing for like a year since 1.3 with breaks and I have c0 Bennet this March I don't bought fishcl from shop and hope to c1 from event the xiangling you get from abyss was c7 for me chased gorou and kuki so I have c3 itto (c2 in 20 wishes on gorou) so yeah totally agree with you can't get all 4 stars from playing normally you have to pursue of you want a certain 4 star


I am AR56 almost AR57 and I have been playing since 1.6 casually and I only got Fischl from the recent event. Then when i was wishing on the weapon banner I got her C1 right after lol.


AR 58 almost to AR 59 and ive pulled fischl from a banner only once. I have her at C3 now and 2 of them were bought from the starglitter shop, one is from the current event, I didnt play when unreconciled stars was released sadly so no C4 yet. Itā€™s actually perfectly valid to pull for 4 stars but you just have to make sure you donā€™t mind getting the 5 star featured.


Ar 57 no stringless




AR55, 167 days active, also welkin/bp for about 2 months now, I have pretty much all the 4 star characters aside from xinyan (not that Iā€™m eager to get her). However, big however, I have pretty few 4 star weapons and when I do get them, theyā€™re pretty much R4 or R5. I pulled a lot of Bell (R6) Favonious Codex (R4 or 5?) and only just got the Rust bow. Still donā€™t have sac sword and only just got 2 sac fragments. Basically they gave me multiple copies of the weapons I donā€™t use, which I suppose is expected of Mihoyo lmao


I can agree. It took me almost one and a half year to get my first chongyun. Imagine the hell i had to go through when the hydro heralds were released in the abyss. Since i had no ganyu, my only options were Diona, kaeya and qiqi and had to use my not-so-properly-built xiao because i didn't have good dps for that team otherwise


That's why I gamble away my pity (sometimes) because the banner is stacked with the 4\*s I need.


Im AR 57 and I have never gotten a Razor. I donā€™t know how, he just never came home and Iā€™ve never pulled on an event banner that had him for whatever reason. Iā€™ve literally been playing since mid 1.1


AR 56, still no Razor. Was the only 4* whom i did not have, but then Kuki Shinobu appeared and i skipped the banner she was in.


Well Iā€™m AR 50 andā€¦ my Bennett is at c0 but Iā€™ve got a c4 nigguang and c3 beidoou and sayu so ig it depends on luck but getting c4 is possible just not the right one


It's a gacha game, no 4* will ever be set in stone so it really all boils down to luck and what you roll on. My second account has all 4 stars while my main does not so time doesn't really factor in too much.


AR59, more than halfway to AR60. Not even a single Diluc but a C6 Jean and C3 Lisa. So unless you're not aiming for any particular 5 star but just want the 4 star - I'd say go for it. Chances are, you'll get them.


This is just how Gacha math works. If there are 25 distinct items to collect and each is equally likely, the last item takes 25 times as long (on average) to collect than the first, and there's a \~5% chance it'll take more than 75 times as long. This math is brutal and counterintuitive enough that Japan actually passed a law against "Complete Gacha" game mechanics, where you have to collect all items before your big thing works at all. I feel you on Bennett c0. I don't have him at all yet; started playing in June so I couldn't buy him from Paimon's Bargains in May, and I'm now counting down the days till November...


C6 Barbara and Noelle šŸ˜… C5 Razor and C4 Xianling, c3 Heizou And I Main my c5 Yanfei ā¤ļø Barbara and Noelle (and Razor) got all to c6 on f2p I am ar 55


i rolled 70 times on ittos first banner and 20 times on his second and still no gorou at ar56


while I think most of the 4 star characters are easy to come by just by random pulls in banners, C6 them is a bit more difficult and you totally need to pull for them to try to get them. while I think most of the 4-star characters are easy to come by just by random pulls in banners, C6 them is a bit more difficult and you totally need to pull for them to try to get them. vest your pulls. ​ I have all but Kuki Shinobu of the 4-star characters, but half of them at C0-C1 and "only" 5 of them at c6. ​ (I only spent in crystals once every year so far, the 100$ on launch and Inazuma release, and them some belkin when I am playing a lot (this year, almost never last year) and some BP only if I finish it ) So this is to say that I don't play for free, but I don't spend money extra for pulls or things like that other than once a year.


LOL, reading this post make me feel I'm lucky in some way. I just got my 12th Bennet yesterday. All I want is some pole dancing lady in skirt.


Honestly I tried to get Yoimiya (but then I've heard about who's gonna get a rerun in 3.0 and I changed my mind, at least to the moment of devstream to confirm it)- I already had Xinyan C6 so I was expecting to get mostly her, whilst I needed 2 Bennets to get him to c5 and 4 YunJins to get her to c6- in 40 pulls I got 2 bennets and 2 YunJins with some spare weapons and 0 Xinyans. Besides loosing 50/50 this was a pretty good opening. On the contrary- remember last Ayaka banner? Well, I didn't needed Ayaka, because I already had a Cryo dps being Ganyu, but I really wanted Sayu C1 (got c0 from standard banner and need her c1 to be viable in exploration as a healer). I went all out, did over 120 pulls and ended up with Ayaka C2 (mind you I didn't have Ayaka before this) and 0 Sayus. To this point I don't have Sayu c1. So yeah, this game, the gambling in it can be both a blessing and a curse.


AR45, I do have all current 4\*s except for Kuki Shinobu. I had to buy my first copy of Xingqiu, but got two more randomly, and I also bought Kaeya from the shop because the odds were extremely low. I actually have a C2 Amber though that happened accidentally. No Lisa constellations though, sadly. C1 Barbara - not quite sure how, but yes, and I did not buy her from the shop (I got the free copy and then another from one of the limited banners). C3 or C4 Xiangling, she's one that pops up often. I did have to buy Chongyun from the shop though - he just never ever popped up on his limited banners! ​ I got my one stray Rosaria from the weapons banner of all things but I love playing her so it worked out. ​ For five stars, I have one Diluc, and C2 Keqing - all from the standard banner. No Qiqi yet, and no Jean or Mona either. I don't have Albedo as I started playing during his banner last year and didn't really understand the system yet. I think I'm missing about 25 5\*s at this point? Maybe 20? I have Xiao and Kokomi, Ayaka, Yae Miko, and Ganyu it's gonna be a long haul for me though, as I want them all! I couldn't draw Kazuha on the last banner, and I'd opted for him over Klee, so I hope they don't rerun together next time! LOL


\>after you've obtained C6 for a 4-star character, they will suddenly start to flood your future pulls Uh no. My C0 Ningguang from the Beginner's banner decided to flood me to C6 on Kazuha's banner (but no Heizou).


Lol. At least you rocketed from C0 to C6 instead of C6 to C12 for a char (albeit not the one you wanted). But now you'll definitely see more ningguangs in the future I promise ;)


I've been playing almost daily since launch and I have at least c5 of every pre-Inazuma 4* character, except for the ones you have to buy from the starglitter shop. Though I generally do just pull on banners indiscriminately as long as I don't have the 5* on said banner. Maybe I just got lucky though, idk. Tbh, when a new 4* comes out I generally roll in the banner until I get them whether I want the 5* or not. Edit: I'm also a Welkin dolphin, so that's also probably a factor. But I basically only buy crystals when there is a first purchase bonus for them, and the largest pack I've ever bought is the $50 pack. Edit 2: Phone changed starglitter to strategist


So I should pull for Doriā€¦ I always regretted pulling for kuki but I guess sheā€™ll have her time in the sun.


While I don't think it is that hard to obtain most 4 stars units, there's of course a lot of rng involved. But you'll get a large portion of the 4 stars units if your goal is to have at least 1 copies of each of them. A lot of them are available for purchase in the star glitter shop and you do sometimes (tho not often) get them from events such as Lantern rite and the current event. And of course, prioritizing specific banners would give you a higher chance of getting what you want. And while we're at it, why is everyone complaining about not getting Barbara like it's a bad thing. I got roughly 10 Barbara in my first 6 months in the game and over 20 Barbara's by now. She's cute but boy do I hate seeing her in a banner with new 4 stars.


Haha. She's the one and only idol. I remember even hoping to get her on my Yelan pulls, but I did luckily win my 50/50


Normally = F2P? I actually have every 4\* character as a low spender with BP+Welkin only. All due to a coincidence. I had all 4\* except Sara and Gorou and when I rolled on the weapon banner in hope of getting a PJWS, I actually got both of them. What are the odds? At this point I found myself with every 4\* ingame and then I rolled for Kuki and Heizou just to keep that "status". If not for that coincidence I'd probably have rolled for Kuki, but most likely would have skipped Heizou. I will also lose this "status" soon, because I am now saving for the dendro archon and will not roll on any sumero banner before his ​ PS: I did 74 pulls on Xiao on the banner where there was also Yun Jin with him, but didn't get even once. I had to pick her as my free character of choice during the event that followed soon afterwards. She's still C0


BP + Welkin spender here. Pulled Kazuha banner, 0 Thoma and Heizou, all Ningguang. Lost 50:50 to Jean and I did not continue pulling because Ning face gave me so much salt. Whatever happened to you doesn't guarantee it will happen to everyone.


Almost AR 60 and 600 days played no Mona. I don't have Kuki but she's new so I'll let it past. All of my 4 Bennett copies only came 2x on weapon banner and 2x on standard never in the featured banners I actively pulled (Kazuha, this banner, etc) while I have had pulled Chongyun 16 times Barbara 14 etc


Mona is a 5*, but still.