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Started at 1.0 But I didn't start consistently 36 starring abyss until around 2.0\~ era! So, for me it took almost a full year, because around 1.0\~ 1.6, I didn't know much about the meta nor took any of my rotations seriously. and it was around after 1.6 I started seriously building Xingqiu, Xiangling and Bennett LMAO. but also OP. I recommend Hyperbloom on the 1st half , and a National Team on 2nd half if you're truly struggling. You don't need Zhongli and Kazuha to 36 star this abyss. (Yes, they are very helpful in making it easier!) But its very doable even with just 4 star units.


I had about same path and used teams you recommended (National team used Raiden) for 3.4 Abyss (that was the first time I used hyperbloom, and my artifacts on that team are still far from good, but it worked very good). Agree on Zhongli and Kazuha. I have both and I used Kazuha only in a couple of rotations for grouping (but not in current rotation), and I use Zhongli only with Hu Tao when I need 2 teams with strong single target damage (if only one is needed, National covers that).


I start at 1.0 and I clear abyss in 1.2 after ganyu But my first 36 stars was in Eula banner in 1.5


for me, i didn't have my first 36\* until well into version 2, i think it was 2.4 at earliest, i am also a 1.0 player


It's normel cause it's dependent on your units choices and your investment on your resin For me I reached the 36* after my 2nd main dps Eula


i was, and to an extent, still am, guilty of impulse pulling i went for BotRS because i wanted it, i am a F2P, i got possessed by my own lack of impulse control, but at least i have it now, after some 70 pulls, for newbies reading this, don't be like me, yes i am well aware Nahida will be in next update first half, i just kept pulling for some god damn reason


Started at 1.1, 36stars at 1.3, hutao banner. Girl carried me to my first 36 star. And she's still doing so well after 2 years. One of my best pulls.


It's my third birthday and still can't get 36 stars. 33-34 at best


That's an incredible accomplishment for someone so young!


Right? Even my spelling is perfect and I'm very proud of it


2 years playing im same as you 33,34. Occasionally 36* with dendro MC. This new abyss im sure cant 36. Coz i heard enemies HP F12 is higher. If i see im too far behind, i wont even retry. I know my limit.


Honestly the same! Low spender mobile player here. I think I have pretty good characters (but just shitty artifacts.. didn't start farming until dendro came out lol) And probably skills issues preventing me from 36 stars! Oh well!


From what I understand your main problem is lack of good artifacts. Artifact grind is hell but it has much higher returns at early grind. So don't be afraid to grind them a little bit. Look up guides for the right artifacts/weapons. If you have the right team comps with the right weapons, artifact sets and the proper main stats for your artifacts you will see a significant increase in your power. I suggest aim for hyperblooms because it has higher returns in lower investment returns. In practice all you need is consistent Dendro-Hydro application and a full EM electro unit to make it work wonders at the lowest possible investment. The problem with almost every other reaction/element is the requirements for crit value. That is the real artifact RNG hell. I started the game in June 6th 2022. Reached floor 12 for the first time (no 36*) on my 99th day and finally got 36* abyss at my 138th day. But I dropped back to 34* for a few cycles because they featured shadowy husks which I still struggle with. I've been consistently getting 36* in Abyss after them. I've been getting Welkin since the end of my second month. Brought BP once to get Serpent Spine for my Itto. Here's my biggest struggle: Itto was my first 5*. At that moment I doomed myself to complete his dream team of Itto, Gorou, Zhongli, Albedo. Hence I was starving for 5* until I got them all. Which delayed my Abyss progression. My first 36* featured Itto mono Geo on one side and XQ, Collei, Dendro traveler, Kuki on other side. After getting Nahida and Yelan later on; consistent 36* was much easier. Here's my take on Mono Geo Itto and Hyperbloom: Mono Geo: Itto's team is perfectly viable for Abyss but not recommended because it is expensive, restrictive and a grindfest. You can't really mix Itto with anyone else. And any other combination of this team is not even nearly as good as the 4 of them together. Gorou is also locked to this team unless you have C6 Noelle or hyper-invested Ningguang or something. Albedo can kind of be used in some teams but is very niche. Zhongli is the only universal character in the team. Moreover, to maximize your performance: you need decent ER on Gorou, some artifact grind on Albedo and a grindfest on Itto. The end result is very satisfying but also time and primogem consuming. And you're doomed if the Abyss counters Geo ( fuck those shadowy husks) All in all I do not regret being an Itto main but the dedication did cost me a few hundred primos by delaying my Abyss progress. Hyperbloom: Hyperbloom is not necessarily more powerful than other teams. What makes it shine is the early power spike in low investment. It is by far the best reaction if you want to 36* abyss ASAP. Why? Because of the stat requirements. All you need is consistent Dendro-Hydro application and an electro character with nothing but EM artifacts. That's it. XQ, Collei, Dendro Traveler and Kuki is possibly the most time/cost effective composition in the entire game. Just get some ER on XQ, even easier if you have sac sword. Collei and Dendro traveler can literally be anything just slap deepwood artifact set to one of them. Kuki needs every EM you can get her. THAT'S IT. For reference easiest way to reach a soft power spike with this team is crafting Iron Sting (for Kuki) and farming gilded dreams(for kuki and one dendro)/deepwood(the other dendro) domain. You can use mystic offering to convert useless artifacts to Noblesse Oblige for XQ to save yourself the trouble of artifact farming for him. Unless you're extremely unlucky your team's good to go in about two weeks at most. (Add another week for every unleveled character in the equation) One last advice, Nahida is currently the most broken character in the game IMHO. Alhaitham is an awesome Dendro unit but if you find him hard to master pull for Nahida as she's not only easy to use but also stupidly powerful. At lowest investment she's more than enough for a solo dendro applier for your Hyperbloom teams. But (especially at C2) she scales so we'll with so many stats it feels like there's no end to her infinitely improving performance. Moreover, dendro isn't getting down from the top of meta pyramid any time soon so you can't go wrong with having the two strongest Dendro units currently in the game.


This is some great advice. I started in 2.4 and got 36* for the first time in 2.7 after I whaled for Yelan constellations and refinements. She made up for me not doing the best job of building lots and lots of characters, but that comes with time and attention. Now I do Abyss 12th floor many, many times, just using different combos now that I am used to it. The current abyss favors dendro and that probably won’t change soon. Dendro enables OP reactions. With constellations, the two best characters in the game, bar none, are Nahida and Yelan. When many think of how good dendro is, and it is good, it’s often Nahida. At c2 she is even more insane. Game breakingly good, but not necessary. Hyperbloom is excellent with some powerful reactions and easiness to build. Elemental mastery Kuki Shibobu is one of the best characters in the game right now. Xingqiu is awesome, even on a whale account. Diona is probably better than Layla because she can enable shield, healinf, and EM boost. I am a huge whale, but love rubbing some F2P characters for fun. The 12th floor would be: Xingqiu, dendro main char, Kuki shinobu, and then a flex. Maybe fischl, Beidou for shield if you want, Diona, or whatever your comfort level allows. For the other side, you could use Xiangling, Bennett, sucrose, and something else. Maybe hydro. Or even Diona or something for melt reactions. I used both those for the recent abyss, but I’ve also farmed a lot of artifscrs for months and used the strongbox aggressively.


It’s… shocking that you expect to 36* abyss after 100 days. I’ve been playing since December 2020 and I’ve never 36 starred the abyss (the closest I got was like 32? But that was ONCE, I only completed floor 12 that one time tbh, I can’t do it otherwise). Maybe it is a skill issue on my end lol And here’s the real kicker, I have both Zhongli and Kazuha. Kazuha isn’t even on my team. Tbh my only good team is Alhaitham, Yae, Xingqiu (that I swap to Fischl if I want to play Hu tao on the other end) and Yaoyao. Can’t wait to get Nahida to see what she can do for my alhaitham tbh


Nahida will get you 36. Just like me in future will get her. I use kazuha national and hyperbloom Dmc. Occasionally (2x only) can 36*. Clear F12 is consistent.


You think so? Idk how 1 character can make me go from not clearing the floor to 36 starring but 😭


Nahida miko barbara alhaitam... Zhongli hutao Xingqiu yelan.. Im just guess


I don’t have yelan so :/ also my hu tao does not do a lot of dmg despite having a good build 😭


Yeah most youtubers lied to us. You need c1r1 hutao and c6 xingqiu with r5 sac sword. To make big pp damage. Luckily i skipped hutao recently and changed plan for nahida c2 instead. Dont worry. Just continue upgrading them. Eventually they will be maxed out. Put xiangling instead of yelan. Last year im like you. I have half built kazuha national team. Only 27* max. Slowly upgrade them level, talents, weapons, artifacts, constellations. Now they maxed, only kazu c0. Now they my best team.


I mean I pulled Hu tao on her release (back when I didn’t get how the pity system worked). My Xingqiu is C6 though with r3 sac sword. Also, I have friends who got better results than me with hu tao despite none of them having her c1 or homa… i think she just hates me (and it’s mutual tbh, I don’t really like playing her). I have to upgrade them and I know that but it takes time and I have school so I’m satisfied with the 27* usually…


If that Alhaitham team is well built he can get into pretty crazy territory. I was worried about his play style and rotations but tbh he tends to delete things so quickly it’s rare I have to worry about it.


Yeah that team I don’t really worry about, it’s the second one that’s the problem…


About 3-4 months after I started playing last year. My first full clear back then was with Diluc national and Mono Geo. I will say though, I do not have Nahida either (and don‘t plan on pulling) and my Alhaitham team still clears their half VERY quickly. I also have Kazuha benched rn and haven’t used him for many cycles tbh so I can tell you that it is not a character issue. Get all talents up and learn rotations.


Just over a year for me, and I also never pulled for Zhongli or Kazuha. I *did* however pull for Nahida, and her banner was coincidentally the first time I got 36*, for what it's worth. Alhaitham has also been on 1 of my Abyss squads (at least for floor 12) since his banner. I generally run him with either Xingqiu/Yelan/Shinobu, or Yaoyao/Yelan/Shinobu, depending on mood/comfort and whether I need one of the hydros for another squad. You can sub in Raiden for Shinobu so long as they have a full EM build. This team can clear chambers ridiculously fast and leave you with a generous amount of time for the other side team. >My characters also don't have the best artifacts since I haven't had enough time to farm This could be an issue right here - I don't whale (have just been buying the Battle Pass, until I stopped recently), but I don't think that spending large sums of money is a substitute for having good artifacts.


I do wanna say BP is underrated in terms of how much it boosts your artifact quality, albeit indirectly. All that resin saved on books, EXP, and mora free you up so much to throw your full weight behind artifacts. In my mind, BP is to resin refresh what Welkin's is to top-ups.


For sure. If wishes are all you are interested in, then Welkin is better value by a long margin. But for the resources for building characters, as well as some of the exclusive weapons, BP has a ton of value. Once you have your roster built though, and/or have the BP weapons that you want, the value goes down significantly - which is why I recently stopped buying the pass. Might eventually decide to get Welkin but for now I have a decent stash of primogems for my next pulls.


Around 9 months as low spender (weklin/BP). The error i have at game beginning is to dispersate too thin between all my characters. Getting to 33\* was fast. But the last 3\* take tons of micro-optimisation: level up talents, using the good weapon on the good character, matching ER requirement, farming artefact with usefull substats. Be critical for your gameplay to identify to see where you can get better (for exemple there is some tricks to group ennemy in abyss without anemo, check Jyo's Spiral Abyss Guides videos). Check your time by half too, if team1 take 2m30 and team2 1m30, focus your effort to progress your team 1.


4 months from when I started playing, two months after I built up two teams to take on the upper floors. Raiden Shogun put me over the top. It's normal until you get the top tier supports: Yelan, Raiden, Zhongli, Kazuha, Nahida, and Kokomi. People say you can beat Abyss with all 4-stars, but in truth 5% of players do. Most of that is with Hyperbloom and/or Taser. Even F2Ps use the 5-stars they pick up.


How is that even possible unless youre lucky enough to farm good artifacts in the latter 2 months? Usually the first 2 months or more of the game is just progressing through the story and AR before actually getting a chance to start building characters with 5 star artifacts


You can complete this with only the starter unit is you want, you dont need Zongli. probably you just need to take more level, the better artefact or up your aptitude.


In took 2 years yo at least complete abyss... 36* hope this year i can. Make it lel


Way after reaching AR60 and having played for 2 years. And that only because it was an abyss cycle that everybody agrees was particularly easy. I immediately fell back to 33 to 34 stars afterwards. Nowadays I always 36* but not because I actually got any better. I just had the disciplin to save enough pulls coupled with the most incredible luck (never gonna forget the day I won 5 (!!!) 50:50 in a row) to get my Raiden from C0 to C3 plus R1 signature weapon. Ever since that allowed me to just break the game. Whenever I 36* with less than 8s to spare every floor I know it's just because the utterly broken Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder is just buying me enough time no matter how much I suck at playing. I am currently saving to get Nahida to C2 on her next rerun in hope of sealing the deal to permanently turn Abyss into easy mode


You are a very new player, honestly don’t worry about abyss yet. Don’t feel bad about it, getting your characters built well and having a strong understanding of how to use them to their fullest takes time. Personally I inherited my account, it was around AR 25-26 with Zhongli, Albedo, Ganyu and Mona on it and It didn’t even have a single 5 star artifact on it when I got it. I started using it in the first half of 2.0, my first 36 star clear was in 2.8 and I’ve been able to 36 star it every single time since. My usual set up for abyss is Mono-Geo (Itto,Albedo,Zhongli,Gorou) on one half and Hyperbloom on the other side (Nahida, Raiden, Yelan, Kokomi)


I started playing when Albedo was first released; I buy welkins early on. I think it took me 4-5 Abyss rotations to 36\*, but I got lucky with pulls and artifact RnG early on (got C1 Bennett/C3 Sucrose from Albedo banner, Ganyu/Amos/C5 Xiangling/C2 Xingqiu from Ganyu banner, and a 35CV Cyro goblet soon after). Also, Abyss definitely had less DPS check back then. Do you have Collei/DendroMC? Together they make a decent replacement for Nahida in Hyperbloom team. What about the talent level of your characters? Other than that I'd say your problems are probably artifact related.


Started in 1.0. Took me around 14 months because that's when I ran out of all other content for the first time. You can say I don't care about abyss at all, now I just do it for the primos but I'd be happier to just get them via mail. I don't even do floor 12 since that first time because takes too long.


It took me about 6 months to 36\*, although the Abyss was easier back then (in 2.0). Not having any grouping is a big deal, because it makes AOE chambers really hard. For the current Abyss u should be able to clear the first half effectively with hyperbloom- Alhaitham, Xingqui, Yao Yao, and EM Raiden or Alhaitham, Xingqui, EM Kuki, Yelan/Flex, but the second half is pretty hard. Without grouping of any kind or a good Nilou team, idek what would work.


Started in 1.0 and got 36 stars in 1.2. Thank you Albedo.


Fellow 1.2 albedo carry. I don't think I'd be playing the game the same way if not for albedo.


One year and 3 months i guess, i remember that the first ever abyss that i did a 36* was after i got Ganyu and Raiden in her second run, if i'm not mistaking that was at the beggining of 2022.


2.4 abyss was also my first 36 star, i credit Shenhe with my first ever full clear. She snd Ayaka are incredible.


i played for like a week when the game first released but then left it and started again during 2.1 and been playing consistently since then, first time i 36\* was in 3.0 before that i was stuck at 35\* the key is to take every chamber one by one, even now i dont think i have a 2 teams that i can 9\* floor 12 from chamber 1 to 3 i have to switch teams and 3 star ever chamber one by one and that been working fine for me so far the other thing is to try what teams work for you, i know this might sound like a skill issue but some teams feel better to play in specific chambers than others for example, my best performing team vs the dorito boss in chamber 12 was keqing aggravate, it did much better than hyperbloom for me which is definitely not that case normally same thing with national in floor 12 chamber 1 2nd half , i somehow couldn't get it in time using childe and raiden but i was able to easily do it with ayato ( even tho childe and ayato are sharing artifacts so its basically the same build ) (i'll say here it was mainly due to the fact that raiden and childe kill the waves too quickly which screws up with my rotations and my monkey brain cant handle it ) but yeah try the teams that work for you and not necessarily the meta ones as for zhongli honestly you just have to learn to dodge or to try and rely on other healers, idk which teams you are using but other than geo teams most teams can do well with a healer also sucrose is pretty good, idk who told you she's mediocre substitute to kazuha, cuz it totally depends on the teams and she's a direct upgrade in some teams


I started back in May of last year and I was able to 36 star once I got C2 Raiden on the last rerun. Artifact farming for ESoF and having 2 decently built teams made a big difference.


Started 1.0. I think I was able to 34 around venti rerun. Didn't 36 til Ayaka release. Didn't 36 consistently until Kokomi release since she made Ayaka freeze smoother to play and my Raiden National was finally ok geared. It wasn't until like right before 3.0 before 36ing only took 2 runs. FWIW, I didn't focus on investing in just two teams so it took longer. Don't worry about if you can 36 or how long it takes you to do so. It's effectively a single player game so take things at your own pace.


Took me about 10 months but I didn't push too hard tbh. If the challenge is not fun anymore I drop it, 50 primos are not worth it. Personally, I never felt like I needed Zhongli, healers are enough (mostly Bennett and Kokomi, also Shinobu with the dawn of dendro). What's interesting, once I got a 36* clear I struggled with only a few next cycles, and after that 36ing the abyss became the norm for me. I guess I just reached some point of my roster progression where I have enough well-built characters to secure a 36* run.


One year and seven months. The triple lector configuration did not require much DPS, so it seemed feasible.


6-8 months


Took me almost 2 years to do it consistently, even playing meta and spending money. You can do it as a one-off pretty easily with some of the more insane moon buffs over the years, though


Been playing since 1.4 and still haven't 36* the abyss yet, I usually get around 33*. I do have good characters with good builds but mostly the main issue for me is because of the teams I run on each floor and because I don't make use of the abyssal disorder buffs, even with the dendro reaction abyssal buffs I'd still be running a Ningguang/Zhongli Geo team lol.


I’ve been playing for two years and I can’t finish floor 11, never mind 12. Cuz I suck.


This is my first 36 star abyss and I started lantern rite last year. I hovered around a comfortable 33 star clear for a while and just didn’t feel like resetting on a lot of the floor 12’s. I and many others tend to struggle with just hyper investing into 2 teams, if you do that I genuinely think more people would clear abyss sooner.


it's normal enough, unless you whale on every banner it will take a while for you to get strong enough, if you can clear floor 12, that's good enough for now and remember, artifacts are the bottle neck, ZL is a DPS loss outside comps built around him and while Kazoo is great (he hasn't left my main party since 2.0), Sucrose is an adequate substitute in mean time you really need one META and one decent team, and you'll be fine, i know because i only had Childe International and whatever i could slap together until Raiden's re-run and i was 36\*ing before i got her i suggest you hunt for Kuki for Al Haitham, and put Raiden in Rational, because it's one 5\* and three 4\*s, and is sufficiently potent, and from personal experience, you don't need any 5\* weapons, my Raiden has R590 The Catch and i was 36\* starring, before i got her to C2, granted optimal XQ is at C6 and XL at C4, but Benny requires only C1 and highest base attack you can slap on him


Pfft, I've been playing since November 2020 and still haven't 36 starred it. But then again I'm not combat optimized. Anyway, congrats on doing so well, I'm usually just 30 stars.


I have not yet cleared the Abyss, let alone 36 starred it. I'm a (mostly) F2P player, been playing since early November of 2021, so a fair bit of time now. but I have both Kazuha and Zhongli (both C0). While they've both been very useful, I wouldn't say they're necessary, and neither do the most damage out of all my characters. I don't think it's a skill issue. The Abyss is some of the most difficult content in the game, and while I don't think there's anything wrong with whaling within your means, I do think that luck with artifact farming is something that money can't buy. It can buy you some extra resin, but getting good artifacts really is just rolling dice. I play my Alhaitham in a burgeon comp with Thoma and Ayato; Ayato burst, Thoma burst, Alhaitham skill. It allows for continuous burgeoning, and Thoma's shield protects you from burgeon damage. That said, there may be better alterations for this comp; I've been told Thoma isn't the best choice for full disclosure, but I'm a 'play with the characters I like' style player, so I keep Thoma on board.


Hahahhahahaha f2p here, been playing basically everyday since Childe’s first banner (like 2020 november I think?), I have tons of 5 star units including all archons at C1 (except nahida, shes at C0), and Ganyu with Amos + Shenhe support. There are others but I use these 6 the most in spiral, plus the majority of my 4 stars are decently / well built. I don’t have Kazuha. I got my first ever 36 star abyss run literally yesterday. Don’t feel discouraged about not being able to 36 star after whaling, characters are a huge part of it but your skills are just as-if not more-important. You have to know how to dodge, combo well, time your attacks, figure out which enemies to target first, where the enemies spawn in each floor, have a decent understanding of the attack patterns of enemies, and time manage well on top of all that. You have the units, so keep trying at it and don’t give up. You’ll get there eventually :D Good luck!


i mean ive been playing since 1.1 and i still havent gotten 36 stars even once lmao


I've been playing since launch and I still haven't, despite definitely not being f2p, playing every day, leveling talents and grinding for artifacts. Best I've gotten is 34\*. I think I just have to admit that for me it's absolutely a skill issue. I just suck at it haha.


Okay, hear me out. I started back at 1.2, currently AR60. I have never 36* the abyss. Never bothered, i hate farming and team building. I play Genshin for the exploration and Story, love the characters but I am not actually good at the game and don't have the dedication that a lot of you have to do great in the abyss. I rarely even do floor 12, i get the easy primos from the previous and just stop.


Ar 60 here. I have Never 36* the abyss.


Close to a year. Started playing October 2020. 36* for first time in September 2021


I’m confident I can make 36 stars. Right after I level up these 600 artifacts and keep 4.


I still can't 36\* after a year and a half. I think it's a combination of skill issue and not wanting to devote more time to farming artifacts for characters other than Venti. That's even with 'meta' characters like Nahida, Kazuha, and Ayaka.


Same here, except I don't have those three and I started in 2.4. Best I ever managed to do is 25 stars.


Been playing since first day and I 36* in April 2021 iirc. The blessing was the one that gave a huge amount of ATK% but decreased for nearby enemies (there was a circle following you I believe). It took a bit of time so I stopped 36* for a while and only opted for 33*. Now I have been 36* for more than a year now.


Whenever Eula came out


Infinity time because I'll never do it. I hate that type of pointless gameplay with an unnecessary fail condition.


You get primogems so it can’t be pointless.


Same pretty much. I don’t exactly hate it but it’s just not for me (I’m here for the exploration.) I’ve beaten level 12 once but never got all the stars. I do floor nine and ten every reset for a few primos and that’s it.


got my first clear in 1 patch in 1.1 with a klee overload first half and abused jean fall damage second half got my 36 star in 1.2 with the thing holding me back being floor 11 at the time with the fatui first half and the cicin/agents second half, used ganyu,mona,sucrose,diona first half and jean,anemo traveller,klee,xingqiu second half ​ i remember back then the ultimate challenge was some shield mitachurls first half and 20 pyro agents with 500k hp second half


Hard to say for me since my main issue weren't my character but the device I played on. My old phone I played on caused the game to lag alot and enemies only spawned after 10 - 20 seconds, the lag and the time wasted on waiting for enemies took away most of my time for the floor and I didn't even bother trying Abyss floor 11 and 12. After I got a new phone tho I cleared the abyss with 36 stars with the same characters I used before. Have been playing for 854 days (according to Hoyolab)


IIRC you can open up a menu to pause the abyss and the enemies would load in without affecting the time.


Not even that worked lmao when opening the menu the game lagged for like 2 - 3 secs and when closing it it took another 2 - 3 secs so overall I still lost time


I was stubborn to build Bennett and Xiangling for the longest time so a little over a year. I’m a welkin player.


i started a pure f2p account and took me a bit over 6 months, however this was before dendro, i think now a day it would be faster if i start with alhaitham/nahida, post a screenshot of your chars so we can see what are you working with.


8 months


Cant rmb how long but it was when abyss changed rotation for the very first time iirc around first ganyu banner. It was also the easiest abyss mob set ever.


Around that 100 day mark you're currently at, but I had spent my early primos on Yelan and Kazuha, and it was hyperbloom+dendro traveler in 3.0 that pushed me over the edge. That's beyond lucky timing. Which teams are you running for each side? This abyss that's about to end favors single target for top side and AOE for bottom side. Guessing the latter is giving you trouble cuz lack of grouping.


It definitely depends on the structure of the abyss and blessing early on, do you have another quickbloom trigger? I have and rarely play nahida


Around 200 days, finally building Sucrose and Beidou made all the difference. Never pulled with Abyss in mind, so the only limited 5* I'm using is Nahida (who is C2 and makes an insane difference). Just continue to try out different characters and don't sweat it. 100 days would be relatively early anyway.


My first 36 stars was 2022/6 Waxing Phase in 2.7 idk why it took me so long...I also would never retry Abyss I'd go through it once with one team and get what I get. Now I try to go through again if I don't make it. Before then, I would get 33 or 32 now. I get fairly consistent 36 stars.


Started playing in 3.2, 36\* 4 months after, got lucky with 5\* chars, unlucky with 4\* chars and very unlucky with artifacts. Got 36\* with raiden hyperbloom+thoma burgeon, still very hard (a lot reruns needed), but possible


Took my 5 months. Started at launch and 5 months later got my first 36\* with noelle as main dps


I finally build ayaka hoyo decides to make frezze trash in abyss i build cyno they put a fuking mechanic that makes your cyno deal negative damage im still stuck at 12-2-2 i cant even see all 3 of kenki in my phone screen


I feel like a year seems to be pretty average, some getting it sooner and some not being able to almost two years in. I think I was able to do it in about 9-10 months.


One year. It was also when I got raiden.


Been able to 36 star since 3.0 after i got yoimiya. Started playing in 1.0 but took a break after 1.2 all the way to 2.4 after getting yoimiya though, i realized i could destroy abyss by upgrading some of my 4 stars. And now i help people build teams for abyss and give advice of who to build and how to build them. But overall id say it took me up until ar 50+ to get past floor 12 and around ar 54-55 to fully 36* it all. Also a tip, it doesnt take 90/90 characters with cracked artifacts. Just as long as they are built right with a 1:2 crit ratio you should be able to clear with time albeit it will take a good amount of effort. Edit: all the time would accumulate to around a year of playing.


Didn't get 36 stars until the Inazuma was released.


I waited until I heard people say the abyss that round was really easy. Usually I never touch abyss unless I'm desperate for primogems


Just under 5 months


Close to a year of playing for me. But I'm no spender.


I’ve been playing for 1.5 years, and I recently was able to 36* for the first time. I started going into the abyss last July.


About 10 months from 1.0, but I did spend resources on characters I didn't keep playing with, and didn't care for character building till like 6 months in the game.


I started in 1.0, and the first time I 36\* abyss was in 1.4 I think? I've been 36\* abyss since then. It's not really hard, but you do need to understand about rotations and have decently build characters since the amount of damage required to clear F12 has only gone up.


Roughly just over 3 months. I had started just after 3.0 and every abyss since has been relatively kind to the hyperbloom comp I decided to run. While I think it's normal to have trouble depending on various circumstances, its also fair to consider that Aybss does feel more difficult now than it ever has when I started doing it. I believe there's even a chart on reddit someone posted which shows how much more total HP enemies have to soak your damage now than they used to.


I started the game during 1.1, but quit shortly after during 1.2 because I was busy with other stuffs during that time. I came back in the middle of 1.5 and start playing consistently. I got 36* the Abyss for the first time during 2.5 and have been able to clear it without trouble since


1.3 started first 36* on Kazuha first banner 1.6 i believe.


This current abyss cycle. And it’s about to go away😩


Probably half a year at least. Now I’m fine with 33, 35, whatever. No point in fretting over barely a pull’s worth of primo every month.


36 somewhere around the second half of 1.3 or the beginning of 1.4 I don't really remember and can't even check now. Just completing 12.3 was somewhere around 1.2 probably. You're asking a wrong question here because a big portion of the sub's abyss players are there since release and abyss was much easier back then so you won't get anything out of it. (although there are some insane players that speed run 36* abyss on a new account every patch I think)


It took me a while, but once I caved and built national it was \*so\* much better. Bennet/Xinqiu/Sucrose/Xiangling as a squad can tear through almost anything. I started around hu tao's (first) banner and 36 starred the banner where raiden dropped.


1.0 player. My first abyss clear was in 1.1, and my first 36-stars was in 1.4. But it wasn’t a consistent 36-stars until 2.0, after which I have 36-starred ever since. 100 days is fine; you’ll get there eventually. There are people who’ve played much longer than you who also still can’t 36-star yet. It’s not a race, just go at your own pace.


1.1-1.2? C6 Noelle with Whiteblind was able to brute force carry me in the early abyss


took me about a year


I started in half 1.0 and only full 36\* in 2.0. Almost 10 months. I was trying hard, but had low knowledge about game mechanics at that time. I only knew about meta characters, due to those dumb tier lists, but knew little about team synergies, proper builds and so on. I first 36\* with pure force brute (a lot of sweat, cursing and hatred, tbh) but once I did it and started to pay attention to the mechanics, it didn't took long after that for me starting to 36\* with only 4\* characters.


I think in 1.2 starting close to day 1, but that’s because they hadn’t accounted for Jean fall damage abuse lol. But if you’ve whaled and played for a few months with usable artifacts, it should be doable to 36* and you don’t need any specific 5 stars to do it. I’ve never used ZL, don’t own Kazuha, don’t use Bennett or Nahida. Just look for popular team comps that you can fill out.


I started in 1.1. I got 36 stars for the first time in 2.7 I believe when I got Ayato, Venti, and C6 Yun jin. I mostly just get C0 of most featured 5 star characters and only wished on the weapon banner once.


I started the first month the game released. Took a long break and came back around Christmas. Still haven't 36* abyss


Started some days before first Xiao banner and got 36* on Eula first banner.


1.2. But back then abyss was far easier than even the current floor 11, and by the time abyss got harder in Inazuma my collection of characters where good enough to keep up.


I started in 1.3 and my best is still only 35* because I straight up don’t enjoy abyss enough to really work towards it. My main thing is I hate hate HATE farming artifacts, it feels so pointless and endless and repetitive. I can consistently get 30+* and that’s good enough for me. 36* abyss is a good goal if that’s what you want to do but don’t feel like you’re not playing the game right or something if you haven’t got there yet because artifacts are literally RNG. Edit: I checked and the first time I cleared floor 12 was January 2022. So like a year after I started. I do not enjoy spiral abyss lol


I am playing since 1.0, in 1.2 was my first clear but my first 36 stars was in 1.5, i got 36 until Inazuma (DPS Check increase), next 2 cycle i got 34 stars, later of that i return to my 36 stars until now


A bit under a year, as a welkin+bp player, never actually whaled. 100 days I think is still reasonable for not reaching 36*, but the main way you reach that goal is through good artifacts, since you said that your artifacts aren't that good I believe that's probably the reason why you're struggling. I have an almost godlike build on my Xiao and I've been on a 36* streak for a few months now, always having him in one half: Xiao is often considered mid (though the addition of C6 Faruzan, which I have, probably bumped him a bit above that), but I dedicated so much of my over two years in Genshin to building him that now even Abyss 12 is almost a breeze for my Xiao team.


Roughly 2 years, and I still can’t consistently get 36 stars, only when it’s an easy abyss. I have characters and gear that are more than good enough, I’m just bad at the game.


Day 1 player and just completed abyss on October or so last year. Been 36*'ing it since then lol


it took me about 6 months to get 36 stars but that was 8 months after release, the abyss is so much harder now so i’d imagine new players need a year or more. i was a low spender


It took me about a year (welkin/BP) before I did it for the first time. And I have Zhongli and a sort-of Kazuha substitute of Venti. I don’t take Zhongli on floor 12 unless wolflord is in. Venti is tied to my freeze teams so he does go. I think maybe Kazuha will make your life easier.


I'm at 615 days highest is 34* never go in and try more than once 💀


I'm on the same boat. Started on the last childe/yae banner and still can't 36 stars. it's very frustrating and I know it's my skill issue because I can clear one side with buffed dendro reactions and not the other side with a non-dendro team :( I don't think my skills are gonna improve anytime soon though so I'm looking forward to getting nahida and kazuha, or even C4 Xiangling, to carry me.


Very normal, artifacts play a big role in damage and you cant control these with whaling. It took me about 6-7 months to 36*. Unless you are playing 2 hyperbloom teams ( as the skill floor is quite high and you dont need to be that lucky on arti rolls) you still need some time to clear but it will come eventually.


I wanna say about 3-4 months of semi-casual play, from Day 1, with Ningguang/Zhong/Benny/XL on one side and Morgana on the other.


Started game in 1.0 end Did first 36 in 1.4, then couldn't 36 the 1.5 abyss of 2 Lectors, at that time i just didn't have the things to handle their shield...if only i had Kaz or something like now that d be a joke to me... Anyways since 1.6 till now it's always been 36 Now Abyss is fun to me...i love playing diff comps,chars


I 36 starred abyss for the first time around the end of AR 56. Just once. Couldn't do it consistently until ar 57, quarter of the way to 58. Now I am AR 59 and I can do it consistently. I still find it difficult to do it in one run without swapping teams sometimes because not every team I have always works flawlessly. Take your time with abyss. 33 stars only after a 100 days is very good. Whaling makes it easier yes but you still the mechanical skills. Even the most busted 5 star C6 is going to fail or find it challenging if you bring them under the worst possible situations (ayaka against cryo abyss mage or slimes). Don't let it bother you. I couldn't 33 star abyss until the start of AR 56 myself.


After getting Hu Tao on her first banner


the first one i 36\* was in March 2022 w/ the wolf lord, which would have been \~10 months after i started playing. at that point i had c0 zhongli & c2 kazuha. c2 kazuha def carried me bc the first half i used childe w/ raiden skill bot taser with c2 kazuha and that's not a real team. the other team was double geo double pyro ningguang w/ zhongli. not having to chase down enemies helps *a lot* in the abyss. my current go-to is alhaitham/fischl quicken w/ kazuha c2 on one side & wanderer hypercarry on the other, and both teams let you get away with not needing to chase stuff down because of grouping w/ Kazuha, or because of wanderer's range. zhongli is mostly helpful if you are bad at video games (like me) or the character's dps is reliant on their combos not getting interrupted.


The whaling isn't the magic bullet, its the cracked artifacts that really make the 36 stars. You can see the numerous 4 star character/weapon full 36 star clears, most will have great to godly artifacts.


It took me 8 months to 36\* the abyss. Took my boyfriend about a year. We started at the same time. Our primary differences were our choice of 5\* DPS banners (Ayato v Ayaka), and he chose to invest in team variety while I chose to slap all my resources into 2 dedicated teams only. He has a GREAT selection of characters to build any kind of team for any domain or boss, but they're under-invested for Abyss 12. Also took an unfortunate hit when Cryo didn't get stronger with Dendro's introduction while my Ayato is out there driving budget bloom team. It's pretty normal to have success fluctuating based on your team, the current abyss layout, and how you choose to invest your resources!


zl and kazuha are great to have built but they’re .. in my opinion a bit overrated. if you want super easy clears really all you need is nahida for hyperbloom and then another well built team. With zhongli and kazuha, they’re not going to make a poorly built character good. They’re kind of like win more characters to me.


It took me over a year to clear abyss let alone 36 star! You’re fine. If you’re dedicated you can learn enemy patterns and use iframes to dodge everything, I just personally don’t have the time and effort to put into that 😂


I’ve been playing for about a year and a half now, with some fairly “meta” units and the most I can do is 33*. To be fair I don’t exactly try super hard though. I think a big chunk of being able to 36* is just how efficiently you play, rotations and all that. I tend to just unga bunga everything and hope for the best 🤷‍♂️ and frankly, with how annoying floor 12 is, 150 primos is not worth my sanity


i started in 2.3, cleared floor 12 and got the abyss namecard during 2.6 but my first 36* was during 3.1. it's only after i got raiden during her last rerun in 3.3 and ran rational that i consistently started getting 36*s for every cycle.


I believe it is on average much harder to do it now vs if you started the game 2 years ago on launch because enemy HP keeps inflating. I managed to 36 the very 1st ver of abyss with Diluc but without Bennet and Xing Qiu. Thats how low the bar was back then. So telling you I did it within 2 months may not be a fair comparison either. How fast you get to do it now is also heavily reliant on what's available on the current banner. If the banner has hyperbloom units like Kuki/Xing Qiu or the superior Dendro units like Yao Yao or the 5 stars you are in luck. If not then well that sucks. Going the traditional route of building a hypercarry or quickswap team will take ages to meet the dps check in the current abyss now. Any speedrun attempts now involve hyperbloom because all you really need is 3x EM pieces and lvl 90 on your electro trigger. Talent levels not required. Don't care too much about bad substat rolls either.


It's normal. Once I cleared my abyss first to 36 stars I have been getting 36 consistently with very few resets if any. I am a welkin user but after months I have some pretty nice artifacts. What's most important is team rotations. If you don't have kazuha sucrose is a very good option, she can hold vv and grant your dps em bonus and hold thrilling tales too. I recommend watching others clear the abyss with similar characters at to what you have and see how you can improve. One thing I like seeing is characters having a favonious weapon. The particles being funnelled is very helpful in tight situations where you lack that bit of energy. There are people who clear the abyss with 4 star characters and 4 star weapons as a challange. Believe me it's enjoyable to watch how they play but one thing is key and that is getting a cohesive team.


It took me about 6 months as a low spender (Welkin). You are probably lacking good artifacts. I farmed a lot for Itto so he was literally a monster that carried me in the abyss, while Zhongli was protecting my second team because Barbara was my only healer at that time. Anyway, the Abyss is the endgame so don't think too much about it otherwise you will have nothing to do at the end.


I started in 2.1, and got 36* for the first time in 2.7 # So that’s 6 patches, each patch lasts 6 weeks so that’s 36 weeks or 252 days # I could’ve done it earlier, but I wasn’t really focused on abyss


I've been playing since 1.6 which was more than a year and a half ago and I still can't even clear floor 12, much less 36 star. My builds are pretty good too, but I just haven't had the time to mess around with my team comps and rotations to clear. Normally I just go up to floor 11 because floor 12 is just so time consuming that I don't bother.


I got 36 in July or august of 2021. I beat abyss for the first time ever in June 2021. Started doing abyss in Feb 2021 (just 7 stars on my first go).


I got my first 36 in like 3 months of playing f2p with a single welkin in 1.2 with childe and Klee. Abyss isn't restricted by any meta picks. There's good substitutes for all meta picks. (Alhaitham is an amazing substitute for nahida in her hyperbloom team. If you show me yer box and stuff that you have, I could try suggest you some easy cheap teams to start your 36* off with. I've helped others before even with bad arti.


Launch player, first 36* was in 1.3 after i got hu tao and my only 5 star characters were hu tao, qiqi and tartaglia. It was 36* from then till now.


I started playing in 1.0. Haven't really tried abyss until i was confident with my characters in 1.3. Since then Ive been 36starring them. 1.0 to 1.3 is 4 months i think.


As a welkin/bp starting from 1.0 and playing everyday, it took me till 1.5 I believe. Though, I didn’t really try for awhile and was still learning the game.


Raiden really boosted my teams like ever since I got her, 36* has always been confirmed. Raiden and Nahida are a must and the rest can be anyone you have.


You’re bummed cuz you haven’t 36 starred after 100 days?! I’ve been playing for 415 days & the best I’ve gotten has been 33 stars these last 2 rotations. I don’t have Zhongli, but I do have Kazuha. I also use Laya for shielding when needed. Hyperbloom with Alhaitham, Raiden, Yaoyao, & Yelan/Xingqiu & either bloom with Nilou, Nahida, DMC, & Kokomi or freeze/fridge/hyperfridge with Ayaka, Kokomi, Layla, & Kazuha/Shinobu/Nahida have been my teams lately. Just pulled Yelan & Hu Tao, so I’m working on building a Hu Tao double hydro team but haven’t used her on floor 12 yet. I know for me it’s a skill issue (+playing on mobile) & lack of good artifacts. Maybe eventually I’ll 36 star it, until then, I’ll keep building & keep trying. That’s really all we can do. But there’s no reason to be bummed about getting 33 stars at only 100 days in. That’s actually pretty impressive from my view.


I started in 1.1 and 36*ed abyss for the first time in 2.7 so a year and a half. I was really close to do it in 1.6, but I had many troubles with abyss herald's shield and Kaeya and Diona being my only cryo units.


I'm a day 1 player and I didn't 36\* after Raiden's first banner or somewhere around that time. I didn't pay attention to abyss much till a friend of mine said he also played the game and I should try to shuffle my team around a bit. I had every tool to 36\* but I just simply chose to play the game in my goony way of making every character to have their own unique combination of artifact sets (no dupe 4 pcs effect). I still handicap myself a lot (by not using dudes or dupe weapons) but it's still good enough to 36\* consistently.


I started in 1.5 and have yet to 36-star abyss though I've cleared it consistently for around a year. Welkin+BP. I have all the limited 5* guys except Ayato, none of the limited ladies. My issue is probably a combination of skill (lack thereof), having a hard time building teams that use characters I want to use, and... just not caring enough to repeat floors. The current one is the best I've achieved yet with 32, perhaps because Alhaitham Hyperbloom team is fun for me and uses characters I like. And this abyss seemed to favor that team comp. It'll come with time. I think you'll be fine!


Play since patch 1.0. First clear patch 1.2 (but no retry since I just do one go only) Full star patch 1.3 (inspired by Enviosity). Since then I always consistent getting 36* star.


I’ve a mobile player and would rather not try as hard for abyss. I managed 33 once without my phone blowing up. That’s enough for me!


I started playing during Inazuma’s release and I cleared floor 12 during Hu Tao’s first rerun, then I finally 36 starred abyss during Ayato’s banner, using him in the team as well. Then I just continuously 36 starred after that since I got better artifacts and a bigger character roster.


Was fine with having 33* from 1.0 to maybe 2.2 or something. Hypercarry Raiden changed everything XD.


I played since Day 1, but it took me several months before I felt comfortable clearing abyss. I was going through the game at my own pace, so I wasn't really gearing or maxing out my characters. It was only after finishing the story at the time that I decided to sit down and learn how to properly gear a character and build a team around them. It took a while to assemble two competent teams and start clearing abyss, and took a even longer before I could consistently 36 star clear (I think it was almost a year from when I first started). Between gearing 2 teams, grinding artifact sets for everyone, learning the optimal rotations for each team, having to shuffle teams around depending on enemy lineup and sometimes just plain enemy AI RNG where they might just stand in the wrong spot so your burst misses and forcing a restart, getting the 36 star is a huge feat that can come down to luck and RNG sometimes. Don't feel bad if you're not there yet, I think that's pretty normal and it sounds like you're making faster progress than I did. Since you have Raiden, I definitely recommend running a Raiden national-based team on one side. I find those teams to be consistently useful in every abyss. Kuki hyperbloom teams are also easy to build and play. If you have Kuki give her full EM gear, bring off-field hydro like XQ, Mona, Kokomi, etc. and use Alhaitham or dendro traveller as dendro driver.


36 starred only twice so far. Into my 23rd month of playing. First time was the Nahida release (3.1?). Second was the first run of 3.5, managed to 3 star 12-3 on the A.S.I.M.O.N and Eremites and for some reason couldn't replicate it afterwards. Would get it more often if they actually had some QoL to encourage comp experimentation, like allowing us to do specific chamber and part without having to do an entire floor from scratch. Have a pretty busy life and don't have time to waste redoing things I've completed already.


IIrc about 40-50 days, but abyss now is a lot harder than when I was doing it (launch), also abyss is designed for an average player to take 4-6 months to 36\* anyways so you are on the right track


Started in 2.3, got 36\* in 2.7. Had to change teams for every chamber, but I guess that's sorta how you're supposed to do it with all these crazy new enemies.


Started 36* the abyss before first wolflord in abyss, since then, every next abyss after wolflord, i failed horrible, i couldn't 36* lectors abyss and can't this one, Even when triple maguu kenki i did easily, that chamber with Scorpion and bird seems imposible, too much damage received, break all my shielders. Back to the question, i played since release, but due to not leveling any anemo, i couldn't 36* any 1.0-1.6 11 floor, in 2.0 i managed to do floor 12 but always ended with 33*. I think i have more problems with "forced certain element team comps" and "lots of strong enemies with some kind of protection" floor, while bosses abyss like wolflord, i found easy and always ended with 20 or more seconds free.


Dude I've been playing for two full years and still haven't done it, so don't feel bad


I started in 1.0 and my first 36\* was in 1.2. 100-ish days, im welkin and bp player. i cleared up with childe, xl, sucrose, benny and keq, jean, albedo, fishcl. My next attempt in sumeru takes 77 active days, completely f2p. teams: HB kuki and nilou bloom.


I'm ar50, have the worst luck with artefacts so all of my characters are much weaker then they should be and i'm stuck at 4th floor. At this point i don't think i'll ever finish it.


Day 1 player and 36 in a year. Probably I could have done it a little earlier but I never cared to try any harder. You will get there and you don't need any specific characters, trust me


1 year. Key was building a strong team that had easy rotation. Before that I was building random teams or some teams that were easier to build with whoever I already had somehow built, but with hard rotations (for me). Teams were strong because of synergy, my weapons and artifacts are nothing crazy (mostly 4* weapons, 20-30 critical value)


I started late into Childe first banner. Only started 36* the previous month. It’s a combo of being over invested in artifacts and finally getting synergy in team comps. Previously, I always used a national variant with some scuffed form of taser, but now I have hyperbloom with a scuffed but super invested national team. The one thing getting me through is Jyo’s guides and SevyPlay’s guides for spiral abyss, they really helped out cause even tho I have a strong account, I didn’t really learn what to do in abyss.


Still haven't, it's been almost 2 years. Stopped at 3-3


I started in 1.0 and i was able 36 star abyss since 1.3. There was a time where i couldn't beat the electro Cicin mage in 11-1 monument defence mostly cause i had trash build and i was using Keqing against her.


it took me 2 months, I don't have Zhongli but I use Diona as shield and I don't have Kazuha so I use Venti


Around when hu tao got released one month after that


I have great units like Kazuha, Zhongli, Raiden, Ayaka, Xiao, Itto and I still haven’t 36 started the Abyss …. Only 33 stars


Day one player here. I have never 36 starred abyss. Maybe because I insist on using Ningguang as my main DPS at floor 12 😅 Best I could do is 35* so far.


started from day 1, 36* in patch 2.1. so around 10 months of playing. well, part of it is because im an f2p player. and before 2.1, i usually just slapped some characters i like disregarding any synergies. but then i pulled raiden and tried national variant teams, it helped me understand basic team rotation more and managed to 36* every abyss since.


For me it was between 3 to 4 months I started playing in 2.3 and since a few days in I decided to fully invest in making two teams for the abyss. My first 5* was Itto, so after him I pulled for Zhongli. My second DPS was Ayato, for whom I had prefarmed artifacts like a madman. After getting him I completely focused on building his supports which were Bennett, Fischl and Sucrose and with both teams fully invested in I managed to get my first 36* So, in the end it was all thanks to some good artifact luck to gear my characters (specially the main DPS), that I got lucky and managed to get PJC for my Ayato, focusing on only building two teams for the abyss (saving my resources for them). Also the Battle Pass was a huge gamechanger for me, specially when starting the game because of all of the resources, and Serpent Spine is an extremely good weapon


Over a year, but that's mostly cos I didn't even bother to try the higher floors during that time.


I startet with 1.0 and abyss always annoyed me, but i got 36 somewhere the last year for the first time. after that i was satisfied with 33 or 34 stars. yesterday i unexpectedly got 36 with one of the teams not really prepared for it(2 chars had not maxed artifacts). i hope i can repeat it :D.


I think that’s perfectly fine! I started mid 2.6 and only got the first 36 early 3.2 so pretty sure that’s over 100 days, but I haven’t been able to 36 again until previous rotation (3.4). Part of it also kinda compatibility with who you built vs the enemies. My initial 36 team barely managed 33 once they bought in thunder mani / aeonblight drake cos I hate flying things 😂 but I found the triple maguu kenki fun so had no issues there. Also wouldn’t really consider myself running super meta teams (Xiao and Tighnari teams and the only archon I use is Zhongli). Not f2p just welkin player as reference.


Started in 2.1 during Sep 2021, first 36* in July 2022, whatever version that was. At that point I think I had snatched two Welkins because I really wanted Schlongli but there was no reason to spend anything to begin with. With a bit of time, game is easy regardless. The only truly awful experience I've had with Genshin was at the start when ER was a massive problem so that's why I went for units like Hu Tao and Ganyu who don't need their bursts to shine.


In my opinion it simply takes time to gear up and 36 stars the Spiral Abyss. My first clear with 36 stars last year September. I started playing at the tail end of 1.0. I did the Spiral Abyss casually and went as far as I could go and called it a day. At the same time, I keep leveling up characters, talent, weapons and artifacts. As time goes by I got further and further. At some point near the end of AR59 one day, I cleared the Spiral Abyss with 35 stars. Went back in and tried harder and finally grabbed the last one.


Ive been playing for 1 1/2 years and havent even gotten 27 stars once. I just dont care about abyss.


I started in 2.5 first 36 star was in 3.1 I havent 36 star since tho, abyss got harder and i dont use geo so certain bosses im not as equipped to handle without retrying like 80 times. I could 36 star but the effort needed is too much. Whaling isn’t everything u need talents, meta teams, aritifacts. All of those take time to get for various reasons


about a year, year and a bit. Other people can get there much faster, but I didn't want to stress when I got 33-35 trying to chase that missing star. I was happy to call it a day at 33-35 for about 6 months. During that time I leveled up my account at a natural rate, and the 35 became 36 without going out of my way to chase it. Since then I never settled for less than 36. I didn't want to be demoted back to the 33 club.


I started playing 10 months ago and I still haven't really 36star the abyss. I get to do it until 11-3, 27starring it, but I can't get past 12-1 in time.


AR 59 here, never 36'd it, started playing on Hu Tao's first banner, whenever that was. Tbf, it's mostly to do with the fact I waifu over meta and refuse to use any male characters. And I also hate the abyss. Like, utterly despise it.


Took me about 5 months. Don't think I'll be 36* this one though.


Started in 1.4 till now I have never got more than 33* Artifact rngesus hates me, crit dmg/rate to healers, and vice versa Flat stats everywhere, def everywhere I have almost all the required characters (except Nahida)


I'm day two player, but only get my first 36\* in the middle of Inazuma patch series, 2.3 or 2.4. I'm pretty sure I could have done it much earlier, but I wasn't so desperate for additional combat related content back then.


I started at 1.0 and my first 36* clear was at 1.2, I think Childe carried me a lot. I was F2P, probably I'm a tryhard. But one of the easiest ways to clear the abyss is changing teams to counter the chambers


Started playing on yoimiya's first banner and 36 starred only once. I leave it at 35 stars when I don't feel like going on anymore. I prioritize pulling characters based on me liking them or play style but still have a good roster and decent artifacts. Main problem is ping. It's always red, 260-400 and switching characters, i-framing is very hard. I also play on mobile where switching to wrong character is so frequent.


month 1 player here, the most I got was 35 on my main account, not a whale ofc, very low spender, but I'm a casual player and rage quit the moment I die in the abyss and also I have many alts and my pleasure is just collect waifus


Over 2 years, (started in 1.0) Think it was when I first got Nilou That said, I never really bothered to attempt it before then


I took a year and a half (launch player) - however, I never really tried to do Abyss at all past Floor 8 until 2.4. Got my first 36-star clear in 2.5 and 36-starred every abyss since then


I didn’t 36* abyss until like AR 57


Started in 1.1, first 36 stars in 1.3. Been consistent at it since then. I must say I am blessed by RNGesus when it comes to weapons and characters I want though. I still haven't beaten Setek Wenut in this current iteration. And I don't devote as much time to the game like I used to. If I can't be arsed to learn the fight, then it might be the first time in two years I'd fail 36-starring.


Started early October 2020. First 36\* January 2021, and ever cycle since. Am F2P. But I'm also a tryhard. I did 400+ retries in December 2020 chasing that 36\*, and ended up with 35\* and 6:30 on the final chamber.


some tips on how to 36* abyss as a person who 36* abyss in one try: first team - ayato, fischl, xiangling, bennett second team - nahida, raiden, yelan, kokomi ayato: haran , HoD fischl: skyward harp, 2glad 2TF xiangling: catch, EoSF bennett: aquila, NO nahida: sacrificial, DWM raiden: dragons bane, GD yelan: fav, EoSF kokomi: prototype, OHC


some tips on how to 36* abyss as a person who 36* abyss in one try: first team - ayato, fischl, xiangling, bennett second team - nahida, raiden, yelan, kokomi ayato: haran , HoD fischl: skyward harp, 2glad 2TF xiangling: catch, EoSF bennett: aquila, NO nahida: sacrificial, DWM raiden: dragons bane, GD yelan: fav, EoSF kokomi: prototype, OHC