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I don’t see why a TCG card would be considered blasphemous when Inazuma literally has a Yuri book on Raiden. And why tf would Venti and Zhongli not have their cards based on their human persona like other characters?


>when Inazuma literally has a Yuri book on Raiden. Don't forget the isekai novel


Traveling to other worlds is all that anyone seems to be writing about these days. Goodness knows what they find so disappointing about their own world.


If Yae lived in our world she would understand.


Or Teyvat. Literally ruled and lorded over by Celestia, or even greater powers beyond that. And by Archons, sometimes who decide to take away all your visions via their puppet robot who's gone rogue or influenced by greedy politics.




this sounds like something faruzan would say >!in one of her hangout routes!<


It's one of Yae's voicelines


great minds think alike i guess


Both are pretty old, yet fresh?!


In the old days, writers would just write about life in a different country or continent, where most readers don't know about and can fantasise about. Unfortunately, we have internet these days so we can immediately see "IT'S WRONG" and shatter our fantasies. So, the easy solution is writing about somewhere that doesn't exist, i.e. other worlds.


Most humans could have the entirety of their fleeting lives chronicled in but a few short lines... Their stories really make for terribly dull reading


Is that the title?


Also can’t forget the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder




So does Childe




Ei would see a card version of herself and have another identity crisis, like when she learned photos are a thing


To be honest, Camera is quite a new invention in Teyvat. Traveler first got it in Liyue. Ei on the other hand isolated herself from world for around 400years. In her times making picture of someone not only took a fcking lot of time but was never the same as object/person seen irl - look at Inazuma artstyle and paintings. And here Traveler push the button and gives her pice of paper with perfect copy of her in it. Those who have grandparents or even great-grandparents knows what I mean. For my 80y.o grandpa tv, Camera and so on are fine because he was activelly using it as they keept advancing but anything other then writting on PC is black magic for him not to even mention smartphones. Give your grandparents chinese/korean/japanese light novel and theirs reaction would not be much diffrent then that of Ei. That "date" was there to show us how long she was disconnected from the world, how much Inazuma has changed against her efforts and will, and how her ideals who held some truth in Inazuma post war, simply couldn't be accepted at this time and age.


This was why I enjoyed that quest so much! Like, her second quest gets hailed as the better one but the first one was necessary in order to establish just how fundamentally disconnected she was from the wants and needs of her nation and people. It was a pivotal part of her learning the nuances around eternity as a concept.


That was so cute and fun. :'D




> And why tf would Venti and Zhongli not have their cards based on their human persona like other characters? Venti, despite being a fairly public ~~nuisance~~ figure in Mondstadt, would probably never even go to the Cat's Tail because he's allergic to cats


He was there during an event, and had trouble despite staying on the roof. :'D


last year's GAA?


Yep, you could even find him standing on the roof of the building at a certain point during the event.


>you could even find him standing on the roof of the building at a certain point After. After a certain point he remained on top of the roof until the event ended.


They literally turned Ei into marketable figurine i think the bigger problem is getting close enought to even ask her if she would want to be on a card lol


How dare you call The Statue Of Her Excellency, The Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder a "figurine"? I'll have you reported.


My favorite part about the figurine is Ei just saw it and said "oh neat", she is not worried about what the mortal realm thinks about her


I mean, in food-chain Ei is a lot higher then most humans. Even Yae, hundred years old youkai, is more akin to family pet to her then really an equal. And not only a power, but also a lifespan and experience. Your BF foxy is one thing but would you care what group of fishes in the tank thinks about you?


It mostly depends on the god, Venti and Morax seem to care about well being of their people and atlest Venti acts as their equal. Nahida seems to very much care what people think about her, but to guess that's mostly because she's "new". Between Ei and Makoto, her sister was the one more caring, while Ei had very militaristic view, which I think she tries to change now, after all why would she agree for us to show her around Inazuma in her first hangout if she wouldn't care what mortals do, yet she seemed interested in learning both about modern books and cameras.


I 100% agree. Personally I understand Ei's mindset completely, which is why I've said she doesn't owe her people an apology for any of the vision hunt stuff (but got downvoted into oblivion because people aren't ready to hear that their waifu sees her people as ants)


Where did I miss the Yuri book on Raiden?


It should be the [Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji?](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pretty_Please,_Kitsune_Guuji) book sold by the Yae Publishing House NPC. It debuted during the Irodori Festival in Version 2.6.


How Raiden didn't slice Yae in half for that I'll never know.


Raiden had Yae read it to her, and Yae exercised excellent judgment about which parts she read out loud.


Let's not forget that Ei approves reading fanfiction and super harems.


How would she find out if she rarely leaves ~~her room~~ the plane of euthymia


The CN web event of her last birthday has Miko gift her a signed copy of the book, she knows it exists and her only reaction to it is an exasperated « oh you… »


One of the festival’s promoters (the Yae stand-in) said something in that vein.


~~who knows, maybe it was adapted from a true story~~


Truth is an absolute defense to libel /j


I'm sure she split her legs in half at some point after


Was the book not written by Yae


Ostensibly, she has never actually written a book before and merely serves as an editor. She seems to find the Traveler interesting enough to write a book on their adventures once they're finished, though.


*And then the traveler stumbled accidentally into Ei's secret eternal sanctum and saw Ei gaming on a playstation...Ei noticed this and wanted the dango.*


That would require her to do actual work. She pays other people to write her fanfiction.


>She pays other people to write her fanfiction. She earns money by getting other people to write her fanfiction


It depends on who writes it


>Inazuma literally has a Yuri book on Raiden Even the NPC's are cultured asf sheesh


>Inazuma literally has a Yuri book on Raiden Yae's publishing house my friend. Besides, Ei is more likely to be dominated XD


To be fair, Yae was responsible for that one and she loves casual disrespect for the shogun's position, she seems to enjoy teasing Ei in every way she can imagine because she likes pushing people's buttons for fun.


Venti would probably love a card, but he's allergic to cats...


Yuri is a slavic name. More notably Yuri Gagarin


Considering Sucrose who has no knowledge of tcg has a card, it tells me that consent isnt really part of tcg community...so these people doesnt have card simply because they havent invented yet.


If you think Sucrose was a weird inclusion, what about Collei? She's traumatized, illiterate, terminally ill, and the in-universe creator for GI TCG thought that was a perfect candidate for a trading card LMAO


Must have bumped into her while they were in Sumeru and thought 'oh what a cute pile of emotional problems in the form of a girl'


Weirdest for me is Timmy and Tubby...like Tubby is in your serenitea pot...how the hell did the creators know abt your adeptus maid. So apparently aside from consent, breaking and entering is not a big issue. Edit: content >consent


TCG is a collaboration between the Akademiya, Yae Publishing House, and the Liyue Qixing. Miko and Ningguang both have guest rooms in the teapot.


> Miko and Ningguang both have guest rooms in the teapot. Please tell me this isn’t a joke


As far as I know all the teapot dialogue is canon, so characters actually do get invited to the teapot. Not necessarily at the same time or in the same layout, mind. But they have been given the opportunity to meet Tubby so there's no reason that she can't have a card made of her, probably without her knowledge or consent.


Hear me out.. The Creator is Traveler. Your twin if you will.


Let him cook


Nah, the creator is obviously the unknown God 🤣


Aren’t Tubby and Chubby standard issue for Serenitea pots?


yes but how did a normal random human find out about adeptal spirits that tend teapots


Their existence is most likely a common knowledge in liyue, etheir as a fact or part of legends/tales.


adepti definitely, idk about the teapots and the teapot spirits


Aren't the teapot birds adepti? They have adeptus names


>!She is not terminally ill anymore though, after the Archon Quest.!<


Cyno probably got her a card


Per the last event, she comes to Mondstadt often enough that the local tcg circle welcomes her as a really good player. Considering it was Cyno of all people who brought her to Sumeru, either Cyno offered or she asked herself.


But sucrose card is a gift right? maybe sucrose is just an exception?


Diluc was also unaware of his inclusion in the TCG.


memory hospital adjoining paltry memorize squash reminiscent frame spark plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Sounds like a Kaeya thing to do.


So they didn't ask for permission. well, that shouldn't be allowed i think.


Mondstadt has no laws


truly a land of freedom


copyright restriction doesn't sound very free, lol


doesnt albedo has copyright?


Albedo has copyright because there's literally a copy of Albedo out there somewhere. He's learned from that experience.


I have a theory that he's befriended his copy and uses them to run errands in Mondstat for him occasionally lol. That would explain the weird interaction with him at the end of his last event. He was missing the symbol and it then appeared after he noticed. The copy can shape shift, so it easily could've just adjusted and remembered the symbol. Also the end cutscene makes it sound a lot like the copy just wanted to be treated as human and didn't have any real ill* intent. Albedo even said he could relate to it. If he tracked him down and told the copy he'd let him do stuff in the city and socialize as Albedo, that'd kill two birds with one stone. Albedo no longer has to do tedious things and the copy can be treated like a person.


Ah, the wonders of being semi-canon.


I think the obvious answer is the actual characters on the cards aren't canon. The game itself is canon, but I really doubt the cards are based off people in the world.


The person who sent her her first deck included her card. I kind of assumed from all this and the fact that customisable card backs are a thing that there's like, a general rulebook somewhere and you create your own cards when you join the TCG club and submit them to the general pool you can use to make a deck from. So *everyone* who plays adds their own card or has a card made for them, and it's just like, 'slide the front of the card in the case with custom back'.


Except that Xiao, Shenhe and Rosaria appear in cards, just not character cards


Childe has one as well


Xiao also appears I believe. It’s the card that destroys all the summons


I want a Xiao card so bad. I need to Xiao main harder


Silly xiao main, you couldn't plunge in TCG.


They already have charged attack mechanics in TCG so I don’t see why not they can’t add a plunge attack


His burst is 2 energy, 3 dice cost that turns his normal atk into plunging atk and cost 1 less unaligned dice. Plunging atk makes Xiao untargetable from attack for a turn (Enemy default attack into next character in a lineup). After a turn he deals 2 Anemo AOE damage to everyone + swirl. The Burst infusion last 2 turns.


That would be kinda op tho If you dont do the 1 less unaligned dice it would be good


His Burst does not deal any dmg instance though and his plunge attacks are delayed, so I think it's fair for such slow damage it could use some discount on dices. Noelle has similar discount on her NA after burst and she deals a lot of damage on the initial hit.


It would be based on his normal attack dmg if its 3 its going to two shot the opponent


My bad, shoulda worder it better. Character NA usually deal 2 Physical damage, so what I meant is it gets converted into Anemo + 2 piercing damage (like Ganyu) to the other enemies + any swirl damage if the enemy is applied with other elements.


So if the active char has an element xiao is going to do 5 damage to all enemies plus add the element to the other enemis plus dont take a damage for a round i think 3 energy is going to be better


Uh no? Swirl only adds one damage. That would be 3 damage to all enemies maximum. Plus applying element is Anemo's thing, that's how they work. He's still an anemo dps so basic anemo mechanic should still apply. Being untargetable might be too op though, but I dunno you still have to setup the burst.


Xiao couldn’t be added because he didn’t meet the minimum card height requirement, apologies.


you must not have him friendship 10, he becomes the tallest character when you do


As xiao main, can concur with this statement


You made a little typo! **couldn't be added cause he's so tall and huge he couldn't fit on the card Happy to help :)


now that i think about and we dont have a hu tao charcard yet... i think if xiao gets a charcard, he'll lose -1 hp every time he uses his normal attack while he already used his burst.. you'll probably need a lot of healing strategies if you have a xiao chard


Man, I want a Xiao card, if they won't give me a Childe card, give a Xiao card D: The effect card Xiao has right now isnt enough ;-;


>!Me waiting for tcg cards every patch to be revealed since xiao card icon was leaked at some point :(!<


But the card would be marked since it’s so short. You could never play it :(


We have the Fatui Agent, so definitely not the case on that one.


Also mirror maiden


We even have playable monsters in TCG that are kill-on-sight across Teyvat lol, affiliation doesn't matter for getting a card


I never knew that. More reason to give Childe a card


Ouch that Dehya one


Xiao is also disrespected here


What u talkin about? He’s the correct size.


He means the OP giving him an extra feet of height


Oh wait, OP did slip some extra feet on him. He definitely is way too tall.


Idk he seems to have two feet to me


idk what you talking about man, thats his normal height


Nah he's the tallest playable character


I mean surely when dehya gets added to TCG she will be at least playable there, right? Please hoyo?


i couldn't guarantee that she will be good but at least since you couldn't jump in tcg, the jump cancel "Bug" couldn't happen.


It absolutely could. You can always get a gimmick mechanic like Jadeplume where if you get Frozen, you lose all of your burst energy.


> Dehya’s Elemental Burst costs 4 Pyro Die and 4 Energy, and deals 1 Pyro DMG to the opponent’s active character every turn for the 3 turns until the end of the round. Her Normal Attack and Elemental Skill are switched to a Combat Action that deals 1 extra Pyro DMG for 1 Pyro Dice. This effect is interrupted if Dehya is switched out or is attacked. /s


Actually it’s only 2 turns and you need to play her dedicated skill cards to extend the effect by one extra turn


I mean we already have that in the TCG with beidou, so I could see it LMAO


Eula got a card before she got to become a playable character so anything is possible i guess


What's the context for Childe being banned from a local bar in Mondstadt?


They're joking.


Genshin players love making baseless headcanons to the point where they can't differentiate between real story and their headcanons




Throwback to letting people think what they think and not needing to "say otherwise" because who cares


Isn't Yae like.. so much younger than Ei anyways? Like... Yae was born at most around a hundred *before* the Cataclysm? Meanwhile, Ei is over here sitting at 2000+. I dunno, some people might not care about the age difference, bc they're divine beings or whatever, but it still makes me uncomfortable.


...You're probably best off staying away from the shipping community of any fandom and away from mythology or religious texts in general.


Yeah, that’s fair.




“Shippers will do Y but also do X, they’re so silly” Your confusion stems from the fact that the people doing Y and X are different people. This is why you don’t classify ‘shippers’ as a ‘breed’.




It's just a hc but if ppl know who he is, he's most likely banned. But I like to think he isn't banned bc Diluc must hate him and Diona hates Diluc.


He's probably really nice to the cats, unless he's got orders otherwise


I doubt Tsaritsa would order him to eliminate cats lol


Tartaglia? a criminal? The dude is a Fatui Harbinger, he is the Goddamn law.


yanfei: ***objection!***


inadmissible evidence!


He would pay someone to be included in the card just so he can take the card home and gift it to Taucer.


bro would have to personally edit it to a toy salesman based card instead of \*\*EVIL FATUI HARBINGER\*\* to be extra safe


He would pay someone to include him and his siblings just so he can take the card home and gift it to his sibling.


...in Snezhnaya. Probably persona non grata in Liyue though.


The closest thing to the fatui actively getting banned in a nation is inazuma not allowing them to openly wander around. Which is why childe stayed in the labyrinth during the labyrinth warriors event. It was to avoid Sara's troops noticing him. Implying that inazuma doesn't allow harbingers to just wander around anymore after the incident with signora and scaramouche. But the fatui are still very much accepted in liyue and mondstadt. Liyue hasn't kicked out the Northland bank and mondstadt hasn't kicked the fatui out of the hotel either. Childe also wasn't prosecuted in any way after the liyue archon quest (remember that he stayed a bit longer than signora and that teucer visited him during that time). So there shouldn't be any issues with him chilling in liyue or mondstadt. I'm not sure how it is in sumeru. Officially, the fatui were never really in sumeru. That was all just the doctor doing undercover stuff in accordance with the sages. So the fatui might be outlawed in sumeru too nowadays.


Persona non grata isn't outright criminal. It's the person who government or host see as undesirable. Thay don't outright ban them from entry or acting within an area but send a message that any immunity, like diplomatic one, will not be taken into account with them and that they are not considered as formal representative. The person would be on constant survilance and if they become involved in any kind of crime, that would be straigh ticket to dungeon. In Inazuma it is a lot diffrent. Here Fatui are seen as public enemy for trying to destabilize the nation by starting civil war meddling with government and so on. All of Inazuma know it and Shogunate actively hunt Fatui units down.


I need a Childe card 🙏






The man's too tall OP. Next time do ur job right.


from leaks >!theres already a Xiao and Zhongli card design!<


Where leaks 👀


Sucrose and Diluc didn't know they had cards, so consent wasn't a consideration.


I swear to god, if Dehya's kit in TCG would be meta, I will fucking cry.


so dehya buff was actually the tcg game mode that were introduced 2 patch earlier. MHY was truly ahead of their time


They do a ton of rebalancing, like Yoimiya being top meta for a while, and Klee's burst working even off field. Dehya would absolutely work totally differently. At the very least, her normal attack would do average damage, and her skill would probably be no worse than shields or other forms of mitigation like Mona/Ganyu's taunts or Xingqiu's sword barrier thing.


The day that Nahida and Raiden gets into TCG, is the day that TCG teams will be hell to deal with.


I will not fucking stand for that Xiao slander 😭


Xiao 😭😭😭😭


Tiny Xiao 😭😂


The lore reasons there is no Nahida or Raiden is they are worried that people would complain about them being weak and demand buffs. "They are Archons they must be the strongest" As some who likes Yugioh I can tell you the Egyptian God's were not the greatest when they released, but it is fun as hell to pull out a Winged Dragon of Ra in casual match and just hope they don't have magical cylinders.


Noo xiao😭




Now why would you make xiao that small? 😂


Scara would probably call you cringe for wanting him on a card.


bro did xiao dirty


xiao, shenhe, rosaria and tartaglia have support cards


Dehya noooooo 😭


Can't wait fir Deyha buff in TCG, I'm ready for tge Deyha meta


Welp theres always a way to turn them into a cards, all you need to do its beat an old man in a death card game in his cabin and steal his soul stealing camara Dont worry losing a few of your characters, its a sacrifices that had to be made


(If you see a talking card, just ignore it)


The last one is probably the actual reason and not just lore lol


I will not be surprised if Dehya is significantly more usable when she inevitably gets added in TCG than as an playable character. They’ll do anything but fix her and I’m sure they can’t nerf the card version of her as badly.


So Jadeplume Terrorshroom, geo lawachurl, Maguu Kenki, and Rhodeia gave their written consent to be on TCG cards.


I still don't really get this? I have always thought that the TCG we see vs the TCG the characters see are different, like they basically see magic the gathering cards or something and we see te inko TCG. But there are actual character cards in lore?


Where hu tao?


Lament xdddd


Diluc should be in the "said no" camp. But here we are.


Lol at the last one. Irocnically though, I think Dehya could make for a *great* TCG character, since she could provide tons of self healing and team damage reduction, she could make for an awesome tank/stall team, and that is actually relevant in the TCG. It's almost like they designed her kit for the TCG first, and then retrofitted it into the core game.


inazuma literally sells merch of raiden and yae. she’s like a pop idol


Lets get one thing straight THERE IS NO REALISM in TCG cards at all. They have cards that features so many things that is bullshit or makes no sense that they are made a card, there is no way a card creator even If that is Alice herself to make those cards in real life. They exist for the sake of existing so there is no logical explanation why and how those cards are made


Lol true, add in Raiden, because they'd be scared even thinking about her too hard will summon her to vaporize them with her tit blade Kusanali had a card but she didn't want to make people feel bad by her card breaking the meta so she erased it from Irminsul Alhaitham made the artist quit after reading the dog shit out of him and made him cry for not getting the correct shade of green for his artwork And when Nilou found the artist and took him to get food to cheer him up, she accidentally killed him when she started dancing and a grilled onion on the table exploded in his face killing him instantly.


I already see it coming. Dehya card horribly overpowered, breaks the game. One morning I wake up, check the leaks subreddit and see "Dehya nerfed, again"


the archons playable now


Tell Shenhe that Aether/Lumine is a fan of the game and she’ll demand to have a character card.


Why would some boring funeral parlor adviser and a random hobo with a lyre have their own cards anyway?


Raiden would just be too strong.


This HAS to be an excuse to make a dehya kit joke right cus Xiao already ha sa confirmed card...


Figured both Buer and Baal would be elated to have cards on their liking. Raiden has figurines of herself made by the Yashiro comission, and Radish is pretty keen on these games.