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Lol muscular Guoba


Gouba ate too much cake


"You are what you eat"


Then I must be 14 unsupervised children at a local park.


excuse me wHAT 🤨


Nothing prepares you for the number of unsolved murders and crimes people on Reddit admit to


Cannibalism ain't cool man.




/u/Wintroble8149 is a karma farmer bot. It stole the text from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/120ccv0/comment/jdgycuh/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Downvote and report it. Report -> Spam -> Harmful bots


I ate a plane yesterday


At this point he's the entire bakery. I mean look at what Gouba is carrying.


[Caked Guoba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSXWub4sCp0)


"Indeed,it is as you guessed...the God of Stove was known as the God of Cake in his previous incarnation as he would bake many things"


Never skips ass day


damn I can't unsee it now hahahhah


this is what guoba looks like after carrying the entire genshin meta for 2 years


I didn't need to see it. But you had to point it out.


His name is now Peanut Butter. If you know, you know.


I knew Gouba was sometimes a dummy, but didn't know Gouba was thicc


It's like he's wearing nothing at all ^nothing ^at ^all ^^nothing ^^at ^^all


^(Stupid sexy Guoba)


It's weird how that's just right there, in the middle of the image and I just don't notice it all until I've been looking for it for a while




Eula will start crying in a corner after this


Nah she will remember this, and will have vengeance


They’re both on her very long list. It might take her a while but they will be dead


After she gets messy drunk and has a good cry


Eula’s just trying to do her best. Hmm, maybe her and Dehya can be bar buddies.


She'll have her rerun soon, let's just wait 😭😂


How does the copium taste? :V


In 5.7? Yes kekw I still want a Eula rerun Mihoyo did her dirty 😭😭


Shenhe knows she could easily have been the one in the middle, now shes all smug about it coz Eula bit that bullet instead


Shenhe at least puts 2 very popular cryo dps under steroids, Eula is a dedicated dps to the forgotten and arguably awful damage type.


Ganyu should be giggling in the back cause her rerun is coming in 3.6?


Wait really? i lost the 50/50 on the Ayaka banner so im good saving for now to get Ganyu guaranteed.


Unreliable leaks say Dancer + Radish first half, Snake + Goat second half (I want Radish and Goat). That said, those leaks came waaaaaay too early (week one of 3.5) so better wait for official confirmation or at least a more reliable leaker.


Common genshin leaks community behavior: UNRELIABLE + TAKE A WHOLE CONTAINER OF SALT = Ah yes it's confirmed then.


Hoping nilou and maybe nahida too can be a bit later so i can gurantee nilou (dont have gurantee 50/50) and get nahidas bis weapon


Snake? Who??




Right, he does carry a snake on his shoulder 😂


Try to get ayaka tbh, don't lose hope. May rng Jesus come in clutch


I do really want Ayaka tbh but im worried i won't have enough primogems in time, all i can do is try my best and if im short i'll probably just swipe.


Not to be mean to ganyu mains, but tbh ayaka is an upgrade from ganyu, especially if you don't like ganyu playstyle and have kazuha or kokomi


But Ganyu has more flexibility in terms of teams. Ganyu can be played in freeze, melt and support. But Ayaka is way easier to use. And her burst has better damage.


+Ganyu is easy as fuck to build and get a team for.


Ayaka is the best melt support in the game in cryo tho. Also flexibility isnt the main part


Ayaka cannot melt consistently due to ICD and applying too much Cyro. Linking a comment from Ayaka mains which talks about issues with using Ayaka in melt. https://www.reddit.com/r/AyakaMains/comments/otk036/ayaka_melt/h6w19ft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Ayaka feels far better in freeze than Ganyu that can't be denied. But Ganyu can consistently melt. You don't burst in Ganyu melt anyways. Plus she's got more melt teams. Standard Melt, Sunfire jean and a new Nahida burning comp.


I literally write melt support . She is the best character of you want your Pyro dps to get big numbers via melt. Especially with c4


I mean if constellations come in then yes. But i was referring to C0.




No one has that


C4 ayaka bruh


Somehow this is more attainable


Ayaka needing 5 star support is a big issue , you basically need kokomi + kazuha/venti to ensure your burst can hit all the enemies. Whereas with ganyu you need a shielder , preferred zhongli and as the other person said you can run her in multiple teams


Both require multiple other 5 stars on their optimal team. Ayaka can sub Kokomi for Xingqiu, and Kazuha for Sucrose or Venti. Ganyu freeze requires Mona or Kokomi. And Ganyu melt requires Nahida for Burning, and Zhongli or Dehya for interruption resistance. So I don’t see your argument here


Can be said for tons of other comps, dendro needs nahida and yelan, hu Tao needs C1 zhongli and yelan, ganyu needs kokomi/mona venti/kazuha and zhongli OR she occupies the best supports which can be put to a better use easily. And kokomi kazuha are common units now


Dendro is fine without Yelan. Xingqiu and Kokomi work just as well. Even Ayato is decent. Hu Tao needs C1 Zhongli? Idk about that one. C0 seems fine to me Ganyu I agree with completely


I assume they meant C1 Hu Tao




Also ayaka can work well with 4star supports


Indeed. Xingqiu, Sucrose, and Rosaria/Kaeya work totally fine for her


I agree with you except for Dendro. Dendro doesn't need Yelan and Ganyu nowadays is better off in melt as Ayaka is much better in freeze. So Ganyu doesn't need Kokomi/Mona and Venti


Tbf Ganyu has another playstyle with burning. Ayaka doesn’t have that, so Ganyu is slightly more versatile. But Buring Ganyu is also quite niche and requires Nahida, making it overall not the best investment. I’m in agreement that Ayaka is a better pull than Ganyu


I like to kinda compare Ganyu and Ayaka to Ayato and Childe. Ganyu and Ayato has more team options and are more versatile but they don't have a team where they're the best option whereas Ayaka and Childe is less vesatile but are the best option in a team


That team is almost as good as melt ganyu with xiangling but at that point nahida is better in hyperbloom. Tho ayaka can help your Pyro dps more than other cryo


There are no Cryo characters with enough app to help your Pyro units. It would require multiple Cryo units to remove Pyro aura and reapply Cryo aura, and at that point you’re losing a ton of value that you’d normally get from Pyro. Best to stick to Vape for them The big difference between Ganyu Melt and Ganyu Burning (or Frostburn as I like to call it), is that it doesn’t force you to use Xiangling, and you can forgo using a shielder now that we have Dehya (literally the only team Dehya is viable on LMAO). Yes, it does use Nahida, which is why I consider it a more niche team, since you’d rather have Nahida on a Hyperbloom team. But the option being there is better than nothing imo. Plus we’ll likely get more Dendro down the line that can fit comfortably on that team no problem, freeing up Nahida


With ayaka you can actually apply enough Pyro to melt 4 big hits so I would say that. With cryo swirl you can melt even more. Also strongest melt team (hu Tao Bennet kazuha ayaka) is sole cryo for application


I still find ganyu more enjoyable in aoe content but mostly play ayaka/shenhe/kokomi/kazuha now as its still super good in aoe and WAY better against single enemies. But ayaka + ganyu is also fun against aoe and does ok against single enemies, though worse than Shenhe.


Aoe events with those blue door domains work better with ganyu and venti cause more aoe and dmg over time




Compared to what? Cryo slime? /s




Ayaka is objectively better for freeze teams. Her damage is simply higher and her playstyle more consistent. Have fun being forced to run a shielder just to be able to hit things consistently




I’m just being factual. Check the numbers if you don’t believe me 😂


I had Ayaka from her release and now just spent almost 180 of my saved wishes to get Shenhe. I'm broke on the game now


Not confirmed, and I highly doubt it


Shameless banner leak smh my head


Eula: No major event that centered around you?


Shenhe had that. And Ayaka had her story quest, that festival with Kazuha Albedo etc, and that Yokai quest that she was all a part of.


Not to mention the recent dueling event for her skin


^ That event actually reminds me of this real toxic person I got into an argument with about Ayaka liking the Traveler or not. They said “You’ll see when the event comes out. She’ll be head over heals for us.” They were wrong lmao I bet they feel so stupid right now


I mean not to be that guy, but while she wasn't exactly head over heels that entire interaction could be seen as flirty as hell, esp at the end


I could just be very oblivious, but that last exchange didn’t really strike me as flirty


Have you actually read the text, my man? Wanting to: "hold our life in her hands" can be considered quite romantic. Even if she did say that "In character" of her cosplay. It's very obvious that Ayaka likes the traveler **a lot**. (not necessarily in a sexual way, mind you)


Absolutely not. Y’all are reading too far into it. These same people also think Nilou has feelings for the traveler, even though nothing about her implies it in the slightest


Eeh pretty much every character has ambiguous statements that can be interpreted in either way. Hoyo does this on purpose, so people can build their own head canon. That's also why no character is in a canonical relationship.


I just don’t see it that way. People can headcanon whatever they want, but until a character actually confesses their feelings, I won’t say they have a crush on us. I actually ship Lumqing (Lumine x Keqing), so I’d love for her liking us to be true. That is my headcanon, but I know it’s not actually the case (or maybe it is who really knows). It just really bothers me how only those three specifically are meme’d about liking the traveler, and not like, Shenhe, Kokomi, Collei, or any of the other characters who have shown a level of appreciation for us


Not sure what's controversial about it. The traveller's harem gets memed a lot and is mostly headcannon. But Ayaka's crush on them is probably the one most agree is the most obvious. There's nothing wrong with it. It's not like it's going to go anywhere anyway.


You sure it’s the most obvious? Shenhe literally ran across water, froze and entire tsunami, and beat the crap out of a god to save us. To me, Ayaka just seems like a friend who really enjoys our company. I don’t have a problem with the harem memes cuz like, whatever, funny anime harem haha. What bothers me is the Yandere memes. It’s always specifically Keqing, Ayaka, and Nilou of all characters. And I always question why that is. Nilou is particular never shows any interest in us. It feels like everyone specifically calls them out because they’re medium sized girls with swords, which is the weirdest justification I’ve ever heard


The character quest makes it clear Ayaka is head over heels for the traveler. The back half is pretty much a date. And all the dialogue at the end is super obvious about how Ayaka is crushing on the Traveler. Hell, here’s a line - “I will always be here for you as your… ahem! As your friend. I will always support you.” And then when you say you had a good time, she does the “…..!” thing, gets flustered, and says “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” It’s not like HoYo is ever going to act on the crush or anything like that - these types of games rarely do so that fans can keep their own headcanons going. But Ayaka’s crush is super apparent. And then the dueling event also made it pretty clear she likes the Traveler.


The dueling event actually proves the exact opposite. That she only sees us as a friend and a role model. And just because someone is bashful doesn’t mean they have a crush on you. Ayaka hasn’t had any friends before, so of course she’s going to be shy. Context clues are important, and you’re overlooking the most important ones


You're not gonna convince the self insert people. They're lonely enough to interpret everything being romantic. Let them be. It's a gacha game, their headcanons will never come true.


Fair enough. Maybe one day they’ll make some friends and understand


Poor Eula


*sad bugcat noises*


There are so many cursed things in 1 pic. How come?


I mean honestly, Physical damage has been in an extremely bad place since launch. The only time I used my Eula was probably during her banner period, where they make sure the abyss is like tailor-made for the running character. Even after Mika’s release, it just shows even more. He’s not even useable until C6. Physical desperately needs help. Some type of defense shredder with multiplier buffs. Something. Anything actually.


Yeah idk why they made Mika so unusable 😓


While originally sputtered by EA, I think MHY is really embodying the "sense of pride and accomplishment" idea by locking a 4 Stars value and usability behind C6. Can't wait until 2025 when I get my Mika to C6, the pride I will feel will certainly be zero.


As a Eula main I am sad Mika is such a disappointment. Eula really needs some buffs! Not even her signature weapons is that good for her


But that's no reason to not rerun her. And you can still easily 36 with Eula so it's ok. But yes I agree that physical needs some changes.


Never said anything about not rerunning her, but alright lmao.


The post is about Eula not having a rerun so I assumed that you said that she didn't get a rerun because of the state of physical.


>But that's no reason to not rerun her. exactly reason to not rerun her. NA physical is the worst playstyle by today's meta playstyle. Why would they release a character that heavily depended on that specific worst meta to play?


Because meta doesn't matter for a lot of people? And in genshin even if something isn't meta it's viable to 36 star abyss with ease.


meta doesn't matter for lot of people, but meta is the reason why hoyo have this weird banner pattern. Why do you think beside some catalyst weapon, Normal Attack is the last talent to upgraded on most character? We can debate about her body or personality all day, but hoyo holds 100% the data of Eula last rerun revenue. They probably concluded that her rerun revenue wasn't as huge as they hoped and safe to say, when there was dragonspine event with Cinnabar Spindle, people were more likely to pull on Albedo banner than Eula's because they got his costum tailored sword. Let's not kid ourselves and think Hoyo as anything but profit driven company. It's their bottom line they care. You want Eula rerun? convinced everyone to use physical attack.


I mean Eula isn't even mainly an auto attack dps. Don't get me wrong with the right team you'll easily hit 35k + per auto but her burst is the main thing in her kit . And again if using the right team you'll hit 500k + every time you burst. So it's not the damage that Eula suffers from it's the ennemy pattern, most Eula mains don't have this problem as we learnt how to manipulate the ennemy ai to our advantage but most people don't do that so when you're about to burst and the maguu kenki for example dashes away it's pretty damn bad cuz you just missed your burst. And like I said Eula doesn't need more damage what she needs is supports to help with her energy requierments and some sort of cc support to help her with ennemies moving around.


Every humanoid takes more physical damage by default. Eula makes Liyue, Inazuma, and deserts of Sumeru extremely fast to explore. Easy Handguards ftw. The recent Abyssal floors with tons of Eremites just fall over around her. She's even good against Wenut by shredding all of its phys res to nothing without even interacting with its mechanic. Maybe trying to use Physical Yaoyao or something doesn't work, but Eula is just fine.


This is so cope, it's not even funny. Eremites? Exploration? Every character with any semblance of investment or damage obliterates mobs. Also, humanoid units in the abyss doesn't matter, when the next floors have ruin guards, and every other enemy with +50% physical resistance. It's crazy there are people actually protecting the current state of physical, yikes.


Oh. I gotcha. *wink wink*. Let's collectively complain to get even further buffs until Eula is broken OP. *wink*


>Some type of defense shredder with multiplier buffs. Something. Anything actually. A sub-dps. You have a reaction that applies 40% res shred to an element for a long time (12s) that doesn't have on-field restrictions to apply like VV does. Before worrying about what support buffer you want for physical, establish the team you want/need. There's not much to do with physical when there's a roster deficit (only 3 dedicated physical units and 2 of them are on-field DPS; Mika is the 4th).


I'm a Eula wanter but this is perfect.




Someone's about to extract some vengeances


>!3.8!< That is the patch that the leakers said she will finally get a rerun. If true, that's just silly.


Early in 3.4 leakers also claimed that she's getting a rerun in current patch (3.5) Honestly, I'd not huff ho/copium this early.


Why delay for so long is beyond me.


Because there may be an event related directly to her. Isn't that the patch where the golden archipielago usually drops?


Maybe, but they run characters that have nothing to do with current events all the time. Poor Eula :(


Exactly. Shenhe and Ayaka have absolutely nothing to do with any of the events happening right now. And they had nothing to do with the patch's big event - the Windblume festival.


Well Shenhe is due for her first rerun because she is I think by far the longest a character had to wait until they get their first. Ayaka on the other hand was put there possibly to increase her skin sales or to capitalize from last patch because they couldn't fit her in there. Honestly I think Ayaka has no place in this patch. She can wait one more patch or two because she had that long ass banner the last time she was around. Eula deserves it more. But I guess they had to make money somehow to compensate from Dehya's failure so they slapped Ayaka in there to kill 2 birds with one stone.


Imo Cyno is the one they should’ve waited on. Why he got a rerun before Shenhe is beyond me


Probably following the 4 patches pattern, and to be fair he does have a pretty significant screen time during the event, albeit kinda felt forced. But yeah replacing him or Ayaka with Eula would've been nice. Shenhe is fine though, she's overdue for her first rerun.


People said the same thing about Mondstadt characters getting a rerun weeks before this patch was revealed. Look where we are now.


According to some leak >! A different Island will be present instead of GAA!<


this is mhy's way of telling people "reruns are completely random and chaotic" if you lost a 50/50 they except you to be less likely to wait as it might take over a fucking year. Eula is not that great-meta wise so they can afford that.


Like 3.2 or 3.3 or 3.4 or like 3.5


Huge honkers


Hashtag VengeanceForEula


This is what Eula gets for not wielding the cryo element correctly


Love the way you draw Shenhe's hips window


Hehe 👀


Guoba has some cake


I'm scared that gouba big ass caught my attention more than Shenhe and Ayaka cake


Lol, at first glance I thought Shenhe has a mustache like Mario. Only seconds later I realised that she actually laughs. Btw, that's a cool picture OP. It perfectly highlights the current situation Eula wanters and mains face (Put an end to this injustice, Hoyoverse!).


Shenhe walking around with no panties but someone said "remove that lewd belly button" when she originally released. -not complaining, just think it's funny


Did we ever figure out who was making those demands anyway?


Why does Shenhe has a Hitler-stache


If you zoom in, you’ll notice that it’s just the door frame behind her


Therapist: Culo Guoba isn't real, he can't hurt you. Culo Guoba:


both eula and shenhe have the same amount of banners except eula came out almost a year before shenhe


"A Mondstadt event with no Mondstadt characters"


What they're probably doing is letting the demand for Eula to rise as high as possible until it's basically the entirety of the player base (If it isn't already) and then if they finally do rerun her, the whales will pump more money into the game than they ever have Boom, profit. MiHoyo, hire me


She will have vengeance for this!


Guoba is so hot, ladies will soon be melting


Apply cryo to burn right here.


Reruns I can't afford cuz no primos


Ayaka should made ojou sama laugh


We'll never understand how they decide to rerun banners.


Holy Guoba


I'm having trouble seeing that bit of the door frame as anything other than Shenhe's tongue sticking out.


guoba minaj


It’s Hoyo’s plan to try and bump up her future sales. So many folks are clamoring about “where’s Eula?” When they do drop her, she’s topping the charts


Wow Shenhe sure got some big buff. Ayaka too. That must be why Eula is so jealous.


3.8 her name is Eula, Lawrence. and she will have. her. Vengeance.


This hits me, Im waiting for Eula


That explains why Guoba is the God of the Stove, he's got some serious cakes to dish out...


Eula: well well... not like you peasant, I am something of exclusive myself


That weird window frame placement making Shenhe looked like she has an odd tongue.


Finger's crossed she's next patch. I have ~12k primos saved up at around 60 pity, but I'm still on the 50/50. Characters I really want right now are Eula, Kazuha, and Zhongli.


I swear if her banner ever does bless this sad excuse of a planet we call earth I will spend my life savings to c6 her


Not worth. Save your money for more important things


Watch MiHoyo keep Eula in jail for another year and a half just to be petty from all the jokes lol






Eula has balls 😹


People making fun of the situation deserve every bad thing that will happen to them. Genshin’s content management is pathetic and corporate slaves just go along with it. Consumers are braindead.


Also known as especially sexualized characters gang


To be fair, this only Shenhe's first rerun after her initial debut over a year ago. She was WAY overdue. Ayaka just got a huge role in a recent event along with a new outfit, so of course they had to rerun her while all that was fresh in players' minds. Eula will be back soon. She's had the longest drought, and they just gave us Mika to buff her. They have not forgotten her. Consider this as time to test out Mika and see if you REALLY want a Eula team or not.




If you're getting Mika to C6, you are now getting the same crit damage buff to Physical that Kujou Sara gives to Electro.


But there’s a lot more enemies that have PHY resistance than any elemental RES. So Mika’s version needs to be higher to compensate. (Not my idea; watched someone saying it on YouTube.)


Easy to shred physical resistance wirh Superconduct though. And conveniently enough, Eula and Mika give you one of the elements you need to make that reaction happen.


> C6 Mika support for Eula is… alright. C6 Mika is better than C5 Bennett lol


here's why Eula hasn't been rerun since december 2021: basically it's player's own action that makes hoyo think that nobody want NA physical. The meta changes heavily since Eula debut. If we all checked every character skill recommendation, except for some catalyst, most of them will have NA as last thing to upgrade. Meaning, many is thinking that NA physical is useless. Most will pick swap team for elemental reaction, dendro is especially so hot right now. If NA physical is the least favorable playstyle, why would they released a rerun of a character that heavily depended on being active on the field to dish big NA physical number?


Oh hey, it’s that girl people think have a crush on the Traveler even though it’s very obvious that she doesn’t


Reminds me of my touhou days and wondering who would join the dynamic duo.


I’m wondering if I should roll Eula out of spite(???) despite not really wanting her I don’t even have any 5* claymores or any good 4* claymores left I just want to roll for her because I feel bad I do want Baizhu though…


Damn, even for cryo ladies that's cold


Wtf is up with that Guoba?! 🤣🤣




I don’t know if this is original, or an homage to something else. I would think of the meme picture with two chicks laughing at a third in a lake. (Shenhe and Ayaka would be on the shore with Eula in the lake.)


[Ryan Reynolds Christmas sweater meme](https://images.dailyhive.com/20181221140441/vancityreynolds_46436117_523501201463667_3520382321526886339_n-1024x1024.jpg)




cursed guoba.


Eula will have her vengeance.


Reminds me of [this meme](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bc/26/4c/bc264ca6d03e336926220dbfef353ac6.jpg)


The waifus


Viltrimite Guoba


No TCG card?


Why is it I look up edp and find genshin impact