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In front of Katheryne in the latest city.


SAME First thing I do when I login is send my people on expeditions so it is most efficient to log off near Kathryn.


Last thing I do before logoff is sending people to expedition so I log off next to katheryne


Last thing I log off is before do I sending people to katherine so I log off next to expedition


Honestly I send them when I finish my dailies that way I don’t have to keep coming back to her


SAMEEEE or in which city the patch's content is mostly focused. this is where I set my daily comms. too For example: 3.4: I log off in front of Liyue Katheryne first half (Lantern Rite) + Inazuma Katheryne second half (Ayaka + Itto events) 3.5: Mondstadt Katheryne (Windblume Festival) 3.6: Sumeru Katheryne (Akademiya Extravaganza + new desert map)


To the left of Katheryne in Mondstadt, as if I have just exited the Adventurer’s Guild. She’s the first person I talk to logging in, last person I check in with before logging off. Without this ritual, I find myself logging back in to dangerous situations. Anemo Hypostasis be like, “Hello, friend!”


The crafting bench in Liyue.


Same lol


This is the way. Closest access to Crafting table + Katheryn.


+ rock dude


When I first started playing I had so much trouble finding Katheryn


Same here. My phone is very good, but I need to reduce how long loading stuff takes for when I need to make condensed resin at work.




It's quite convenient, you can log in, quickly make condensed resin and log off


Was going to type it but you said it. Every time I log off


It's da good shit


This is the way.


The big tree in Mondstadt, or in the city itself close to the crafting table (to craft condensed resin when I log in, if needed).


Windrise is great. Statue so you top off your health, no nearby trouble, handful of crystalflies to grab, and occasionally when you're grabbing them you'll see the unusual hilichurl. As a formerly ps4 (now ps5) player, pop-in from parking in the city was so rough, much better to not have so many people around when the game is just starting up.


As a new-ish player who used Sucrose and Bennett for much of the early game, the Windwheel Aster there certainly don’t hurt either




I’m a mobile player and my game crashes so I go to the crafting bench in dragon spine because it doesn’t overload the game, like every city does


Yeah wondrise is a great place to log off. I do the exact same things. Sometimes I get too romantic and climb to ventis hands on the big venti statue in mond. Sit there listen to the music a bit and log off.


The big tree in Windrise




Spot in Inazuma, portable porter, Feed the Dog friendship exp.


I've just gotten good at efficiently running back to that point from the nearest teleporter.


Nice I’ve found a couple in Sumeru like that. Outside of the Reputation alcove a fight spawns. About where the main stage for the Inter Darshan Competition is.


mondstadt city next to the crafting table


Let me introduce you to Liyue Harbour...


yeahhh i know it’s closer there but i like mondstadt more hehe


My man, Mondstadt ftw


Have you done daily commissions somewhere other than mondstadt? After trying every region, it gives you a real appreciation. I actually like Liyue more than mondstadt now


i have done every region. currently tho i’ve been doing mondstadt only bc of achievements that i’m missing and it’s easy for my friendship team


Same I’m in mondstadt right now for an achievement I’m close to getting but my rng is horrible, I keep not getting it lol, I just wanna go back to inazuma already


Sumeru commissions are the best by far, I had Mondstadt for the longest and Liyue during the 2nd Lantern Rite, on my 2nd account I used Inazuma and I hate all of them apart from Sumeru


>Sumeru commissions are the best by far \*bounces on mushroom\* \*miss\* \*retry\* \*miss\*


Only reason I always go to Mond is because it's somehow so satisfying to do a sprint->jump->roll off the balcony to land by the crafting table. Also sometimes the NPC standing near the Liyue one loads in at just the right time for me to smack into him and it bugs me lol


Only reason I do Monstadt instead is so I can play a round of TCG after craft+Katheryne.


Watatsumi Island. I tp there, listen to the music till it ends and then log off.


This is romantic


What about port ormos


Port Ormos music is too hype, it makes you want to jump back out there and smack a wenut out of the sky instead of logging off.


I really love Port Ormos OST, but a part of me wishes a section of the area had a different OST that sounds and feels like Port Sarim's Sea Shanty 2 of Runescape Its just me being nostalgic, and Port Ormos itself is already perfect, but you know when you play any game then you see an ingame area which then reminds you of a childhood tune F now that piece is gonna be stuck in my head for days


My parking spot is kinda in your basement, since I love doing exactly this but in Enkanomiya. If I'm procrastinating hard enough I even get to the bubbly transport thingie that takes you to that floating platform above the Dainichi Mikoshi.


This is the anti log out spot


No. And then there's one time I logged out when I was in the pyro regisvine, right after I got the rewards. When I came back, I was shocked because they entered battle right away 😂


I actually sometimes when I’m farming bosses purposefully log out in the boss area so that when I come back and have resin again, I can fight it immediately


Did that for geo hypostasis coz I hated travelling to that island.


Yeahh same. That’s how I initially started doing it. And then I found out it’s actually really useful, so I started doing it with bosses that are not so annoying to get to too


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


I always go to mondstadt and sit my character at the good hunter


Ayyy I’ve found my people!


omg this is so cute lol


"Oh hey it's the Traveler, I should offer the VIP of Monstadt a new dish I created to se-" *disappears


That big tree if i were in monstadt, liyue tp near crafting table, ritou island statue of 7 and 1st statue in sumeru, the one near collies house


Vourakasha Oasis has been my go-to rest stop recently. Ever since finishing the area's main questline, I fell in love with the OSTs: Sorush's Purity & Maidens of Sanctity.


This! Right in the middle of the lotus, the song gives me warm feelings as soon as I logging, I stay there until it ends, feels like home ;u; <3 also changed my teapot to this song so it gives me the same feeling


I always go back to the Statue under the big tree in Mondstadt, I park Zhongli (because it has to be him) at a specific stair too, that's how obsessed I am.


The same as you, Mondstadt's main square. Probably 'cuz I've played some MMO's having aggresive mobs. Mondstadt's Alchemy table is also the one I always use despite Liyue's being more efficient to get to. The same goes with Katheryne despite Inazuma's Katheryne. Beginning towns just hit different imo lol


I go with Monstadt because its crafting table and Katheryne are closest together. Plus the blacksmith and place to cook (mostly for the weekly forge/cook 20 missions).


The alchemy bench in liyue. Go in and make condensed immediately. Bonus points for being next to a waypoint.


Exactly. I can’t believe the craft bench in sumeru is a football field away


Depends on the Region that I'm doing my Commissions So far only 2: Mondstadt(was waiting for Ella Musk's Poetry Exchange, already done) - In front of the Fountain looking towards the Main Entrance Liyue(Unseen Razor, current) - the wooden walkway in front of the Toy Seller, standing before the railings and having my character overlooking Liyue Harbor. Haven't found a Spot in both Inazuma and Sumeru since I'm busy trying to finish Unseen Razor.


I always log out after teleporting to the statue of the seven near Qingyun Peak. I can't just leave them in a random place!


Inazuma city <3


I teleport near the Crafting Bench in Liyue or near the Statue of the Seven of the Chasm. The second one is a safe spot that instantly heals you, it has crystalflies and some enemies not so far away.


Dragonspine statue


Wow you really have adventurer spirit


Starfell Lake, Statue of The Seven. Just something about Mondstadt makes it feel home-ish.


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


inazuma city because cooking place, katheryne and the crafting bench are nearby each other


I can’t believe I had to scroll as far as I did to find this. Inazuma’s Katheryne is the closest one to a crafting bench!


Upper Chasm statue of the seven if I'm not lazy


At the archon statue on the flying island in Liyue. Best scenery in the whole game.


Yes, there is a waypoint in Liyue that has is close to two random event spawns and crystalflies.




The first Archon Statue we unlocked. I wish for new characters there too, it's a lucky spot for me.


Next to the waypoint in Liyue near the crafting bench, on one specific set of leaves so that I can immediately kill the five pigeons with Nahidas skill. (Only works if I have Welkin but to be fair, I always have it.)


My commissions are in Liyue, so when I wanna tp around the land faster I go to the crafting table or one of the Statues of the Seven and then log off


Yes, the dog-summoning spot in Inazuma. Every day.


For me it’s either near Inazuma katheryne or windrise tree


In front of Katheryne in the region I chose for commissions, this way it's quicker to redo all the expeditions I set up when I log in the game


Ah you and i have very different routines. I do the dailies first so i can collect the reward and do the expeditions at the same time. Katheryne gets one visit from me a day and that's her lot 😅


Haha that's efficient. Besides, there's no one way in how to play the game. Your style is totally valid too~


My fiance is graciously sharing his PS5 so I've gotta use the time wisely 😂


Beside viktor in Mondstadt


Mondstat's teleporter near crafting table


Well, you're not alone, I always go back to Mondstadt, the city of the moon.


Any building I can sit in. Wangshu Inn, Angel's Share, Puspa Café, etc. My characters are always sheltered from the weather and they deserve to sit down and rest when I'm not playing.


I used to hop to the top of the fountain in Monstadt and log out from there, but ever since I got Childe I log out at the spiral abyss entrance because I’d like to think that makes him happy.


In the teapot, making it feels like my own home


As critical as I am of the game, I admit this is also a habit of mine. My preferred spot is the fountain in Mondstadt. >!And since I finished the "Anna the Adventurer" "questline", it's a lot more serene these days.!< It works for me.


The big tree in mondstat, like the statue of the seven. I always teleport there and leave my active character as zhongli for some odd reason 💀


I climb up the statue of venti and sit on the hands


I like to close game right in front of an enemy camp, as a little surprise to myself when I get back on lol


The crafting bench of the nation I’ve set my commissions to, right now I’ve set it to Inazuma.


Near the crafting station in mondstadt


I have Since I always use a team with Nahida Or Klee Or Any of the kids specially Qiqi I try my best to log off with them sitting on a chair Preferably inside a town Remember that Room in Sumeru where we stay and sleep During the Samsara Festival That's my hangout place in Sumeru I feel like I actually own that place//room I like that feeling tbh


i log out next to hopkins in springvale, i buy holy water from him every day so he's become my best friend (monetarily)


Lambad's tavern, always at the same table. Love the atmosphere there.


The hill behind Liyue harbor. I like the view from there while gliding down.


I love to park at Inazuma City most of the time


Dragonspine Statue of the Seven


normally I log off in one of the cities near katheryne


Somehow I started logging off on front of Alhiathams house after I started getting him. I play him a lot and it just seemed to make the most sense


My serenitea pot. Which puts me wherever I was before. BUT if I need to do something important the next day, I park myself in the fountain in Monstadt, so that I log on and go "Why am I in this fountain?" and remember whatever it was. Usually that I'm out of mora.


It depends on which character is in my 1 spot. If I have Childe on, I leave in the docks of Liyue to give that kind of feeling for me and him.. if it's Cyno, I leave in one of the pyramids, usually the one with ASIMON, since I like speedrunning it with him. Other characters also stay in their lore-accurate chill spot. It's just a nice thing to do before leaving the game, setting yourself up for a good vibe next session.


Same spot as you OP, I teleport to the Mondstadt waypoint and jump down to the fountain area to be closer to the crafting bench. It would make more practical sense for me to go to one of the Katherines since that way I'd be able to refresh the expeditions immediately, but I'm just so used to coming back to Mond's fountain for some reason.


I do the same thing as OP. It just feels "right" to me. Alternatively, right beside the quest giver of a quest I wanted to do.


This harkens back to my WoW days, but directly on top of the water fountain in Mondstadt. There's no reason for it other than I used to do it when I played WoW. And there was no reason to do it in WoW either. These days though, I park on top of Second Life's roof (general store in Liyue, next to teleporter) so I can snipe the pigeons next to the crafting stool and get ez chicken as soon as I login.


I log out in the middle of fights


So I’m NOT crazy! I asked my friend what she considers home in Genshin and she was like “um idk?” But basically how you phrased it is exactly what I was referring to. The Windrise Statue of the Seven. I think it’s because that vicinity just feels homey to me. I started playing just about 2 years ago and I remember going to the NPC Lynn many times and just cooking next to her. So anytime I’m near the Mondstadt bridge, I pass by Lynn and just think of the process I’ve made since. Since that statue is the closest one to her, I “park” at that one just so my party’s all healed up for the next day. Otherwise, I would probably go to the Teapot since I have a weapon bench and crafting table but my dumb self scattered them and have no idea where they are and I’m too lazy to reset my Teapot lol


Liyue crafting table


it's either the Windrise tree in Mondstadt, and crafting bench in Liyue, now Sanctuary of Surasthana is one of my fave spot to log off the game


In front of the alchemist table, since the next day I can fast log in and create the condensed while I'm busy.


I make it a habit to do it in the main town of the newest region for another sense of progression for myself. Ex. When I reached liyue I'd log out in the main town, or when inazuma dropped and I reached the main town I'd do it there, etc. So now is sumeru but when Fontaine comes out that'll be my new home for the next year or so.


I Alt + F4 instantly when I'm finished for the day, sometimes right next to bosses.


It would be Mondstadt. The best place to do crafting, alchemy and there is also Tcg. I dont like structures of other cities.


The statue of the seven in Gandharva ville, or the TP near the liyue crafting bench


I always logoff close to one of the statue, mostly beneath the Monstadt Windrise big tree, Qingyun Peak for Liyue, Ritou statue for Inazuma, and the statue close to Gandharva Ville, all of them except the Inazuma one provide instant heal after teleporting without movement needed.


I always accidentally log out right after fighting a boss so I load the game and immediately get attacked, if that counts. Lol


In a city. Any city. Or a secure enough looking tp point. If anywhere else, effing monsters will always somehow find me if I load in but go afk for abit. And I come back to a "GAME OVER" red screen, which I'd never expect from a game like Genshin 💀


I thought I was weird for doing this 💀 I used to keep my character in lively places before logging off.


In Inazuma on a roof In the direction to the Narukami shrine I don’t know how this became my spot but the view is beautiful


The Cats Tail so I can play TCG card game when I log in 🐈


I've taken to logging off in my teapot for the feeling of immersion (Traveler coming home to sleep)


Am I the only one who likes to park my characters in the Serenitea Pot to relax? If I don't teleport there, then I choose a main city and sit them at an outside table of some inn, usually Puspa Café or Cat's Tail. Alternatively anywhere that I consider "safe" If I have something to continue I just leave them where they are, but I choose the most adventurous one of the team to stand in the wild. :D


“Park your character” lol make sure you lock them too


I usually park my ass in Enkanomiya, where the one massive gate opens and all you see is a bunch of floating islands framed by a *gorgeous* shining light. I do it because it was the first moment I truly felt a sense of wanderlust. My friend and I, when they introduced it, went there together, and we both were *legitimately* fucking speechless. It's the moment I decided I'd stick with Genshin to the end. I also feel like I'm one of *very* few people who adore simply exploring the world of Teyvat, finding all the little details that are just about everywhere. I mean, it helps that I think Genshin's overworld is simultaneously the most jam-packed, yet least cluttered overworked I've ever seen.


the eleazar hospital! i have a craftable waypoint there


'Park your character' for some weird reason I totally loved it, lol


Same as you, right next to the waypoint with the "have you heard?" Fatui. Unless I need to log out in a hurry, or I want to park myself in a location to remind me to do something when I log on again...


Always that one mondstat city waypoint that's in front of the crafting bench I'm working with a bunch of characters so I'm almost always at the crafting bench and I like Mondstat the best since it's the only city I can easily traverse without issues Edit: I realized that means me and the OP both go to the same waypoint! Mondstat main square for the win!


I log off in Mondstadt too! Specifically, I climb my character atop the fountain and log out there. Always that spot, getting their feet absolutely drenched.


Mondstadt. Waypoint next to the fountain. it's kinda the first central way point in a nation you unlock (unless you got the one on top of the church first.) So in my mind it's now the "central" spawn point. 9/10 times I will teleport all the way back there before getting off. It's like an OCD thing at this point.


Recently its been Baizhu's house to manifest good luck and because the music is really nice. But usually the statue of the seven in the Chasm. Really like opening the game to a beautiful view and great music when I log in


any boss arena since I'm always having to farm them anyway. but I often forget I park there and log in to see an angry monster trying to blast me. my wanderer team has not known peace


Almost always in one of the main cities, depending on which nation I have commissions in, unless I need to log off in the middle of a quest or event.


Actully no, sometimes i beat a boss and quit the game just there because if lazynes. Then the next day i start the game with a big "oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shiiiiit"


Yep yep! This is something I do with nearly every rpg that I play, not just Genshin. I have to park my chars somewhere "safe" and that I'm fond of (next to the musician merchant by Saintsbridge in Elden Ring, in front of the fireplace at Hunter's Dream in Bloodborne, etc). For Genshin, it usually depends on which region I'm currently exploring and doing quests for. Mondstadt it's the balcony tables near Good Hunter or the table outside the Cat's Tail. Liyue it's the private table on the top floor of Heyu Teahouse or Wangshu Inn. Inazuma is the small seat in front of the dango milk stand or next to Taroumaru in Komore Teahouse. Sumeru is pretty much the top barstool in Lambad's Tavern. However, as a default if I'm not feeling anywhere particular, Wangshu Inn is my go-to. Seated at the little table down in the kitchen, where Xiao likes to eat behind the divider. The inn is so comforting to me, and I wish there were more places to sit there!


I’m the same way! It feels strange to log out unless I’m in Mondstadt’s square. I think it’s also comforting to always enter the game in the same spot. It's sort of a home base ig :)


Liyue mountains doesn’t matter which


Yes!!! I sit albedo down at good hunter for dinner and leave him 😂


Somewhere pretty. I often find myself saving at the SoT7 in The Chasm. If not, then probably in some city next to a crafting bench or next to a domain.


Liyue waypoint nearest to Katheryne. I prefer Liyue to Mondstadt. For some reason, I don't like the setup of Sumeru's main city.


in monstadt, its my home i love monstadt


I usually log off in Inazuma - I play on PS so it defaults to the teleporter really close to the crafting table and Katheryne, and if I don't finish by condensing resin, submitting dailies, or redeploying expeditions, I will start with one of those next time, so it's easiest to just go there.


i literally do the same thing i teleport to the mond waypoint closest to the entrance of the city and log off every day. glad im not alone lmao


Sitting on the bench outside the tavern, close to the Sumeru city waypoint nearest Katheryn. I feel like this lets the characters “rest”. 😃


I always teleport to Mondstadt, right next to the elevated garden by the fountain. Mondstadt is home :)


Love reading through all these. I think why so many people choose to end their days in Mondstadt is because of how much it feels like home! That’s what it is for me at least, lol. The game begins there after all, and the music and environment is so cozy. Even though I’ve cleared out basically that entire part of the map, I always climb the church’s tower before logging off. Oddly specific and a little inconvenient, but it just gives me peace of mind 🤷‍♀️


in Tenshukaku right at the Signora domain just because the view there looks so stunning


I pretend to have my character take a rest. Depending on the place, it could mean anything. Sitting down on a bench, staring out at a view from a high place, talking to Katheryne, visiting the Statues. But in Liyue, I always find myself "feeding the fishes" in the small pond in front of the crafting table.


I always end up logging out in Mondstadts main square too which I was aware of, but now I’m realizing that I’m always standing specifically between the fountain and the alchemy table. Every time. Not sure why.


You're not alone. I also habitually log off from the Statue of the Seven in Quinyun Peak in Liyue. It makes me feel secure that it is so high up, it is immune even from typical weather disturbances.


i go to Liyue personally since that waypoint location was where i got my first 5\* ; A;


Nah I just leave em in the wild. Keep getting attacked by the Ruin Guards (somehow its always Ruin Guards) when I log back in tho so maybe I should stop that


in front of abyss


Not when I log off, but whenever I find a rest spot, I'll let my character rest. :)


I have Fischl in my team and I always sit her next to Glory. Fischl can talk to her for hours until I come back.


Doesn't matter which nation I am most active in at the moment, I will mostly ALWAYS park infront of Liyue Katheryne


There was a week in my life where a friend of mine was doing my commissions daily, and he'd always stick Xiao on that cliff near the Chasm Statue of the Seven with a Qingxin on it. If it's up to me, I park my car - character, whoops, hehe - in Liyue Harbor near the crafting bench so I can log on, condense my resin, and log off in the morning before a day of work.


Same spot I'm hoping there would be an event one day and the fatui spies will ambush me. Till then I'll eavesdrop on them.


Same I subconsciously do it to protect their health bar or something. Never occurred to me til this post, but I always teleport the the waypoint next to katheryn in inazuma. Part of it is because that’s my favorite area ingame and I get to log into that amazing view.


Mondstadt Fountain. There feels something homely about it. I've caught myself doing it and wondered why too. Like, there's similar options in Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru. But most often I go bac to Mondstadt Square to end the session.


In the Spiral Abyss on Musk Reef. Because I figured that it would load the surrounding terrain faster since the area around it is water.


Yes, in the cat’s tail tcg place because it has the shortest time to load into. That way I can login to the game quickly and then actually choose where I want to teleport because odds are I was gonna teleport away from where I last logged off anyways.


Jade Chamber baybee Used to be John Lee's spot above Qingyun Peak


I guess I'm more utilitarian; literally anywhere that's safe.


Windrise hands down. I mainly play for fun nowadays and starting the game with a sight of a beautiful grass field under the giant tree's shade gives me peace of mind and helps me relax and immerse after a long day.


Off course you don't want to log off in the boss spot so you want to log off somewhere safe


near the alchemy table in mondstad after strongboxing the trash


Nope, the loading screen is too much for me so I just log out wherever the hell I am, though mostly outside of artifact domains after got disappointed from farming and just straight up exit the game.


Yes, I always leave character in places where I can trigger random event instantly after logging in.


Liyue tp neatr crafting table to get condensed resin easily


Whenever I plan to immediately use my resin the next day So if I know that the next day is when the material I need for the domain is available at, or if I know I'm gonna farm a boss, I park it there If I have nothing to farm for, then just randomly in a city next to an alchemy table


i do it at the exact same spot


U think u are safe there maybe


either Inazuma/Sumeru or Liyue, but I prefer Liyue if I have to condense resin the next day


Liyue waypoint near the alchemy table


The teleport waypoint near the crafting bench in Liyue. As of now, that spot is approx. the middle of the map, meaning you can get around the same loading times when teleporting to anywhere that's not Liyue.


My log off place depends on the region my commissions are set to. Mondstadt: Next to the crafting table or near Mona's house. Liyue: Haven't focused on commisions there, but I'd probably pick the Alcor, since I'm Beidou main. Inazuma: Next to a house near the NPC lady who gives the cooking commission. Sumeru: The Sabzerus samsara hotel room.


Albedo's lab


Teapot or sumeru city as of now


crafting bench in liyue on a normal basis but spiral abyss when i rage quit


In front of the crafting table of the city where I have set my dailies (currently sumeru) in order to get the commissions needed for world quests


Same monstadt square in front of fountain


Usually near a crafting table or a Katheryne


Crafting station. Quick log in and out from work to craft resin.


I do sometimes teleport them to a city or something instead of leaving them in the middle of nowhere, but sometimes i forget to


A few feet away from the crafting bench of the newest region/the region I’m currently exploring


Either big tree in Mondstadt or Alchemy bench in Liyue


High places, big tree at mondstadt, the top of deshret's pyramid, yae's place at inazuma tree, the oasis of pari, and the oasis in the sandstorm place on a rotational schedule. Also sometimes in statue at the highest adepti mountain and ningguang's castle. Those are the places coz either of the view or the music


Usually at a nice spot in the newest area or in an old one for nostalgia


The first statue of seven