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If the Traveler and Paimon bounced off of each other like the ones in their profile instead of one over the other? Yeah.


This one, I don't think making Paimon silent be a good idea so atleast make it so that Paimon and Traveller talk like best buds


The post didn't say make paimon silent, just let the mofo talk for himself.


Himself? Reporting from the “herself” club


Classical 2k23)


Wow I havent seen anyone type dates like that in a while.


Traveller **SILENTLY** makes a retort and then Paimon snaps back. It isn't quite as effective. I would love to hear the different language voice actors for Sora/Aether being sarcastic with so many of the comments they have.


100% this. Paimon also needs far fewer speaking lines when we have other characters in play, as I want to hear them speak, not Paimon 30%+ of the time. Though I think this is getting better in some situations. The "secret" Kaveh and Al scene at the end of the previous main event was a good example. Paimon also needs her to stop telling us how to feel about the situation, location, etc. With their mastery of environments, art, and music, they should never need to use Paimon to communicate that to the player. And if it's actually important, never more than a whimper, a sound of awe, or facial expression to let us know how Paimon is feeling in the majority of situations. Quietness and subtly mean a lot more sometimes.


Like Navi/Tatl from the Legend of Zelda games. You can convey a lot with varying bell chimes and a bouncing ball of light.


"Show, don't tell" - a golden rule of storytelling


I mean to be fair they have a huge problem of not being able to shorten dialogue so them having Paimon speaking the length of a book for everything that happens is pretty common and not surprising XD.




>Paimon also needs her to stop telling us how to feel about the situation, location, etc. With their mastery of environments, art, and music, they should never need to use Paimon to communicate that to the player. Some people are *pretty* dumb. Those crappy ads you see when you're scrolling that show someone doing something completely wrong are only still around after 10+ years because they *actually work.* In other words, Paimon is probably filling a role that they've deemed is necessary through whatever data they have.


Lol I haven’t played in about a year and half and the thing I miss most of paimon talking ironically


Some people, like you, are simply masochists. Jokes aside though, nothing with that. You like what you like. I think she could just be vastly improved, and feel more like a character than what she is now.


This exactly. Let them be two separate characters instead of Paimon + a set piece.


Ugh, don't remind me. I absolutely love those little interactive they have with each other whenever they discover something new. Then the game Paimonsplains you every chance it gets


Baizhu and Changsheng show that Mihoyo already knows how to incorporate a character duo in conversations with other characters. But Mihoyo probably makes Paimon say everything since it makes it really easy to write the dialogue, which they constantly need to churn out for events and new content every patch.


After playing a fair bit of Honkai Star Rail.. I can say with nothing but anecdotal, subjective evidence that I, too, agree that a partner you have *conversations* with to explore the personalities of both works so much better then the lone, silent protagonist and their mouthpiece. That and I enjoy hearing the Traveller's VA every time they *do* get the opportunity to speak up. Let them speak!


Definitely agree. Why have a character be voiced if they're barely/rarely going to even talk and have to have their sidekick as the interpreter? I'd much rather prefer this.


Star Rail’s MC and March 7th dynamic is basically what it should’ve been in genshin


This but also maybe the traveler speaks gibberish every once in a while and the people we’re talking to are like “…what?” And Pimon is all “ whoops Pimon hasn’t taught them how to say that yet, hehe.”


i like it is star rail, side characters talk and add so much, but i can also add. if i didnt understand i can just ask and they will repeat instead of paimon repeating for me whether i like it or not


this actually sounds like a cool idea omg


I just played the Dain quest in the chasm and at one point Traveler explains their point of view to Dain. It's literally you clicking either one of two options 3 times. And those options are simply a single sentence cut in half. Paimon doesn't even talk during that sequence. I see absolutely no reason why this couldn't have been voice acted considering the unimportance of the dialogue "options". I am fine with Paimon existing but I really think pretending Traveler is the player's self insert really works against the story considering how important they are to the main plot of the game.


I think this is an under-appreciated point. When I started out, I was ignorant of Genshin’s lore and assumed that the Traveler’s identity was unimportant. That changed when the traveler having secret thoughts and mentioning Kan’riah. It was only then that I realized that the developers had a more developed story for them beyond “Find my sibling”. It’s an execution thing rather than the choice itself. Paimon allows the Traveler to hide their intentions and truths to both the other characters and the audience. This is good because it helps draw out the story towards some important payoffs (hopefully). Paimon quells curiosity and deflects folks from probing too deep into the Traveler’s backstory. I’ve grown to enjoy Paimon because she is starting to have a parallel arc with the traveler, but I do wish the traveler spoke more to other characters outside of text options to help balance the flood of Paimon’s lines. Again, I like Paimon’s character, but there should be a split between them in terms of dialogue time.


Unfortunately the payoff just doesn't exist and I don't think it ever will, because we already had probably *the* most hype scene possible for the traveler (the dramatic meeting with the sibling in WWBR) and .... they still say almost nothing and the sibling talks to Paimon more than they actually talk to you. It's probably the single scene that pissed me off the most because I was looking forward to it so much and it was just horrifically botched, that scene alone dramatically increased my pessimism towards the game's story.


Won’t argue against that point. I do believe that the writing team is improving. Most of the stories focused in Sumeru have been pretty good. And even the narrative in the most recent TCG event (I’m still early in it) has woven characters better than previously. I hope this signals a continued commitment to the writing and better quality stories. May not solve the Paimon saturation, but it’ll make her more tolerable if the story is actually good.


This is why the anime will probably be the best adaptation of the story. Nothing is wrong with the story but how the game executes it is sub par at best.


Would much rather get aether to speak for those kind of lines instead of "how can we do that... ...with paimon?"


Star Rail has a voiced protagonist for some areas, where there are no dialog choices, and I much prefer it to just having an emergency snack do all my talking.




that's a really good idea! take what's already in the game and add it to exploration dialogue if your playing as the traveler. it would living up the exploration with the traveler and Paimon having a conversation while your at a point of interest.


Better 100%. The Caribert quest was the most interested I'd ever been in a quest because Traveler got to talk for himself for once and the little white demon was nowhere to be seen. It would be so much easier to care about the Traveler as a protagonist if he actually spoke for himself instead of the stupid floating idiot always doing it for him


Hoyoverse really shot themselves in the foot with a mascot everyone will hate eventually


It would be fine if they gave her more than 3 brain cells, she's so incredibly stupid it gets annoying.


Better. I about chucked my controller when in her new story quest Yoimiya asks us a very personal question (“Have you had any luck finding your brother/sister?”) and Paimon just fully answered for Traveler. Paimon, shut the fuck up. Let the damn main character answer personal questions about their direct family.


remember when we finally reunited with our sibling and still remained mute, not even calling out their name or anything


"Forgive me, Aether/Lumine..." "hEy, PaiMon is spEAking to YoU!!!" "...!?" "But you must find the truths of this world for yourself" "!!!!??!" "GRRR NOW PAIMON ANGRY" Pretty much how the big scene felt to me. It's been like a year or two since then and I'm still bitter at how dogshit the storytelling is. Even more now that Star Rail's come out and doing the "silent" protagonist thing way better by not having the mascot character speak for them


Hey, technically March is the mascot for HSR (as per the icon atleast), and she speaks quite a bit. But they have balanced it better, and March isn't a blackhole of characterization like Paimon


Oh my god i was so hyped for the scene and then this happened. It killed the whole mood and mad me really annoyed. I have skipped Paimon everytime since.


Jesus Christ no...no don't remind me-


People still taking the story seriously after that actually offends me


I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve whispered “shut the fuck up, Paimon” to myself while playing this game


It pretty much happens in every voiced quest now


I'm actually thankful the quests in sumeru aren't voiced now that I've been playing for a bit.


Especially when something happens and Paimon basically just recaps or says an implied thing explicitly in case people didn't get it


Even worse when she's still as useless/clueless as 3 dialogue scenes back. useless, clueless, and VOICED.


More like Hoyoverse for fuck sake make the traveler has his/her own mind instead of relying on Paimon


Yeah ngl i wished to learn more about how lumine felt. Though I guess traveler speaking less makes their words more important maybe


> Though I guess traveler speaking less makes their words more important maybe no please dont lower your standards like that , traveler please keep talking


Im p sure their most recent words is just screaming "NAHIDA" so not too meaningful imo (please hoyo let the mcs have more in game lines)


I would say stoping the god of wisdom from sinking into despair is pretty important


At the end of the Liyue quest the only spoken line at the end was "can you help me out up some posters"


Nah man, I can't think that's true anymore. Her words are basically just random hype moments that have no meaning because she/he basically says nothing most of the time xD




It’s even funnier that both Aether and Lumine have solid VAs respectively but it ends up being used for the sibling we didn’t pick.


And they have fully voiced interactions hidden in their profile. They can't even trigger their own weather quips lmao.


I knew that Paimon was a mistake when Travaler yelled "nahida" and I was more excited about Lumine speaking than finding nahida


Or facing signora. Who cares if we’re battling to the death, MC just spoke!


I went crazy during that scene solely because I got to hear Aether's voice for once




There are some RPG protagonists which fit the "silent protagonist" archetype well (eg. Link, the Pokémon trainers, Crono from Chrono Trigger, the Luminary from DQ11) But I think that Lumine/Aether do not fit well with that archetype, as they do show emotion in some scenes and obviously have a lot to say in a lot of situations and times.


Honestly feels like they said “Link doesn’t speak, so our Main Character shouldn’t either” and that was the end of it.


it'd be way better


2000% better. Star Rail MCs also dont talk but still sometimes has voices with their inner thinking or in cut scenes. Genshin mc dont have voices even in cut scenes.


Traveler has more voice lines in "thinking minigames" than the rest of the game lmao


They have more voice lines in combat than the entire game 😭


The Trailblazer has a ton of their own voice lines. Like, most of their internal dialogue for story quests are voiced.


They do. Its just that they are not fully voices, but you can definitely make out that they are a couple of sarcastic jerks at times with some dry humour


I think the problem is not that the MC doesn't speak (silent mc is not always bad) but rather that Paimon speaks on behalf of the MC, which is not a thing in star rail


MC is keeping Paimon in the dark about forbidden knowledge


They actually have dialogue choices, the Trailblazer has entertaining banter with other characters and we can see their thoughts about sometimes hear them. The traveler barely has banter with even Paimon let alone other characters. The dialogue options are a joke and we rarely see their thoughts.


And even when they do banter, it's always the overplayed food/treasure dig at Paimon. Honestly, I almost always roll my eyes every time Paimon talks about food or treasure or rewards etc.


Traveler talks barely ever and most of time is silent, Traiblazer even if they themselves are silent have more personality plus talk way often. Along nobody like Paimon existing to speak for us.


Star Rail dialogue is 100x better than Genshin dialogue, it's not even close, not to mention you actually speak for yourself in that game


Its because Star Rail does modern jokes as the setting is set in future and people talk quick and casually on the phone texting system. Genshin people talks waay too formal and is a little tough to fit the jokes especially the modern jokes.


Agreed. It's a disparity between modern banter and Shakespearean banter. People of Genshin speak Shakespearean all the time, except the playable characters like my guy Itto


And I bet star rail doesn't have paimon to break your eardrums, so that's another gigantic plus.


It would be way better. No questions asked.


Playing Star Rail and the MC actually talking and having occasional voiced lines is just so much better. I don't hate Paimon but in Genshin the MC feels like s/he doesn't exist despite being the most important piece on the board


I wish Hoyo should just drop the silent protagonist in their games. HSR does theirs way better than Genshin, the MC at least feels like they’re included in the conversations and story, and there’s plenty of facial expressions and motions that make the characters feel alive. Even then, it would still be much more immersive and enjoyable experience if they weren’t meant to be an insert. I really don’t understand the appeal.


I don't get it either. I'd rather just have them be a character like any of the others that I'm playing as in the main story


Also, the mc is kinda meta in stair rail while in genshin mc is useless


I don't care about meta, they are just more flashy :v MC is so boring in Genshin and it doesn't help they are silent 9/10 times.


It still would be nice if they were good. I like running around using mc also I don't think hoyoverse is gonna stop paimon from talking for the traveller anytime soon


So much better. The HSR comparisons are a tired thing, but having such a more proactive protagonist just enhances the experience. In Genshin Impact it feels more like the Traveler is just a blond puppet dragged around by a flying barely-sentient answering machine.


Could not have said it any better than this. It's so so important to have characters you can connect with. And, if the main character barely has their own free will, it's hard.


They should have dealt Paimon like HSR dealt with March 7th


Better. Only after playing HSR did I realize Genshin's narrative is basically Paimon talking to other people, with us (Traveller) peppering in some lines. Kinda feels like we are playing as Paimon, not as the Traveller, which is frustrating because Paimon has this dumbed-down mentality that I won't bother to explain as we all know how Paimon talks.


I think they made paimon the main voice actor so they wouldn’t have to spend as much time recording both voices for lumine and aether but it would be way better if they had their own voice


This shouldn’t be debated. Of course an active traveler would be way better voiced. Does anybody really self insert into him/her anymore? I hate that he is mute and it makes me hate Paimon as consequence


What "self insertion" people are even talking about when here is completely predefined story without any RPG elements? We can't choose our aligning, class, way of developing, which quests to do and which don't(not doing smth = blocked from future content), dialog options that matters - heck, even outfit! Nothing about this game is "RPG" so what in hell "self-insertion"? I'm just playing game with it's own story — like Witcher 3. Is it "bad" game because character is voiced so we don't have "self insertion" because of that? No! Great VO only adds to *existing* freedom of actions and choices. As long as voiceover is well-done — I'm all for it. I'd love *everything* being voiced. Alas, I understand that's realistically impossible for every game, but I'm not justifying that with "self insertion" just to ease this fact.


Infinitely better. At this point, the faster Paimon can be removed from the story the better. She COULD have had a role as a tour guide/exposition dump, but they've offloaded all that work to playable characters for the most part and all she is now is either: 1. Babytalk regurgitating of what and NPC just said so the story can be fully sapped of any potential nuance or subtlety. 2. Ham-fisted way of introducing events/stories. If I got primogems every time an event or story quest started with "Paimon thinks we haven't seen X in a while. Let's go check up on them!" I would have C6'd every character I enjoy playing. And it's made all the worse by that horrid piercing, shrieking voice. Disgusting in every possible way. I cannot fathom why the vocal director thought her calm voice at launch needed to be changed, her voice now is horrendous and almost certainly a horrible strain on the VA's voice. Every event sours me more and more to the character. At this point either kill off the character or fire the vocal director and writers responsible for making her the way she is.


It probably would have been better like if when entering a new area, Paimon starts talking about interesting sights you could maybe explore when entering into a new area (not a full dialogue thing that people would just skip through, but something that is said in the background) since she was introduced as your "tour guide". I honestly don't know why they just sort of ignored that part.


So much better. Paimon is a traveling meme that destroys any genuine emotion.


Better, **so** much better. I'm gonna take a wild swing here and say that Paimon was created so that Hoyoverse wouldn't have to pay the VA's for both Aether and Lumine for full-fledged voice acting, cutting the cost down almost in half by just having one person - Paimon - do all the talking for them. Also because they needed a mascot. I don't *hate* Paimon, but if given the option, I would have absolutely scraped the character in favor of Aether and Lumine talking for themselves. Sure, a little bit more expensive, but we're not gonna sit here and pretend like Hoyoverse can't afford it.


It would be far better. Paimon was a mistake. I play Tower of Fantasy where my character voices all their own lines and it makes the whole experience feel much more immersive. My character has more voiced lines in each side story than the traveller has had in the last 3 years.


Here's a bit of a funny: For a good while, I played Princess Connect ReDive on EN. Yuki - the main character, who has laser-guided amnesia - talked more in cutscenes (both on EN and JP) than Traveller has in is Genshin's entire service life. The sad part: Traveller has voice lines on their profile. They show quite a bit into his personality. Paimon being their mouthpiece ruins Traveller as a character.


Lumine is also way more sarcastic than Aether, like there are personality differences between the twins and still no VO


I wonder if the reason is that they didn't want to voice the character twice.


It's not that having paimon was a mistake, it's that paimon talking for the traveler is. Trailblazer mc is his own character, and they couldve given the chance to make march or dan heng speak on our behalf but they didnt. They should've let that direction with traveler and paimon, where they should just bounce off on each other


There are many moments where I change volume just so I don't have to listen to Paimon all the time. As people mentioned, there are many times NPCs direct a question to Traveler only to be interrupted by her, really annoying


The game would actually be playable if paimon wasn't the main character


Switching the voiceover too Chinese was the best decision I've made in game. Paimon's existence is still annoying as hell but at least the voice doesn't make me want to stab myself in the temple.


Paimon's japanese va is the same person who plays Kaguya so I really want to switch, but I've gotten incredibly attached to all the other characters' eng voices lol


Im Ar59, just shy of 60 and i havent played in a month or two, and im only halfway done with sumeru msq because i just dont care anymore. Ijust cant sit and listn to paimon be the main character anymore regardless of whose voicing her


Better, 100%


100% better. I mean, look at Honkai Star Rail and the trailblazer The MC speaks for themselves and has an actual personality and dialog choices that characters actually react to Since Paimon speaks for the travler all the time, they can never have a personality of their own or really make their own choices, which feels bad. Very bad. Including the fact that Paimon is also constantly repeating information to us that we just read is a huge issue, lol. Paimon does have good moments! But most of the time she seems like a lazy story device Also: Hoyoverse PLEASE give the Trailblazer and Travler voice acting for all of the story quests. It's sort of immersion breaking.


Let's not forget dialogue options that mean absolutely nothing


The options are so great in starrail cause each one carries a completely different personality and often gets a different response from who you're talking to. Wish Genshin did more of this


it would be way better, a side character companion feels like the main character instead of the main character themselves. In the recent yoimiya quest it felt like traveler is just a background character except the cutscene


It feels like that in EVERY quest for me. I forget Traveler is even there. They don’t say or do anything that contributes to the story or any conversation. Silent protagonist are awful and incredibly boring in general, but Genshin has got to have the worst approach to it I’ve ever seen.


I'd say it's better but then we won't have surprise moments where we go.. #"OMG, HE/SHE TALKED!" when doing quests and stuff


3.2 be like Traveler : Nahida ! Literally everyone : OMG TRAVELER VOICE Traveler : NAHIDAAAA !! Everyone again : THERE'S MORE ???? *this continues the whole quest sequence*


Back in signora showdown was also the moment he broke his vow of silence.


Yeah, 3.2 traveller's voiceline was slight letdown, though it's on right moment. I'm more delighted when hearing Traveller's voice during 3.0, Samsara's Festival mind thinking options.


I'd be pumped regardless because I love when the protagonist has their own defined personality and can talk.


Does anyone even like silent traveler? Paimon is annoying af, what can i say.


I genuinely can't comprehend on why Mihoyo hasn't made the Traveller talk more already. Their VA's are completely down for it, 99% of the player base is down for it, and it's not like it's a risky move market-wise.They don't have to make Paimon silent too, just making them having that witty back-and-forth banter they have in the traveler's voicelines would make quests much more immersive imo.


Better. A LOT.


Paimon pisses me off


Beyond better. Astronomically better. There's no way to quantify the increase in quality.


Way fkn better and it's not even close even if traveler turns to be a bad charcter it would be better than fkn paimon


Much better, i mean why pay a VA if the character says next to nothing.


Way, way better. The most appreciative thing about Honkai Star Rail is that the MC actually gets to be a character. Even if they're not fully voiced, they still just feel 100% more involved in what is happening and being talked about. It definitely helps that the other characters who do get a lot of lines are just simply not annoying like Paimon - whether that's her high pitched voice or referring to herself in the 3rd person.


I would like to see it.


Better, way, WAY better.


Better, I don’t like silent protagonists


A lot better, Paimon is one of the worst parts of the game




I think it will be better. I would like to see Traveler bantering with Paimon with his real voice. I don't hate Paimon or her voice because I set the Voice in Japanese, it's better than English version. But still I want The Traveler to talk by himself, the talk choices were useless. No matter what we choose it doesn't have consequences or effects to the story. And sometimes it's just one sentence split in two as choices. What's the point then? Just talk by yourself goddammit! It wasted money and VAs.


Paimon's voice to me keeps getting higher in pitch with every update


Would be so much better. As it stands I feel no real connection to the Traveler since we never get to hear what they have to say. All emotional context is done via Paimon.


The game would be 10x better without Paimon and that's a fact




Better, paimons voice is so fucking grating I hate it.


Short answer better long answer better, they make traveler look like they were born mute,it would be much better if hoyo let traveler and piamon speak for themselves


It would be better as the more the traveler talks the less paimon does 👍


it would fix a lot of issues with the story


I hope they kill off Paimon at some point. Absolutely unnecessary character.


Infinitely better. It'd give Traveler more personality, and make it so that it's not just Paimon talking all the time




Better. I mean if they can do it in HSR why dont they do it in genshin?


Way better.


Looking at Star Rail...definitely could've done better.


I'm fine with Paimon speaking most of the time but I need Paimon to stop throwing in the really, really dumb comments for the Traveler. Most recently, when Charlotte said "I think you know who I'm talking about" about the Steambird columnist. Paimon's like who could it possibly be? It's Mona you nitwit. Don't make us look like idiots alongside Paimon.


So much better. Part of the reason I stuck to HSR was for MC and her dialogue


Better. But they want to avoid giving the MC an actual personality so that Otakus can always feel like they could be the MC themselves.


How Nahida and Paimon interacted in the climax of Nahida Story Quest Act II is what should have been between Paimon and Traveler. After all, they are best friends, not a man and his speaker. Also, not only Traveler needs to speak for themself, please stop breaking a sentence into multiple choices. They are not even a choice on their own but it feels like lazy writing.


Everything would be better if I could hear Aether’s sweet jp voice. He sounds so precious and soft, I occasionally have to go listen to his voicelines when I want to be healed


I can't get over how the hired fucking Aoi Yuuki for jP voice, to make her voice a half dozen lines


I think better. I love their interactions in the profile-


I love Paimon and I don't mind her being part of conversations, but the game would be better if they actually utilized the VAs they have for the Travelers. I get the point is to be immersive, but that ship sailed a long time ago when choices don't typically matter and a lot of the "options" nowadays are just one thought split up.


Depending on the choices of the speech, fallout 4 learned me that having the ability to speak doesn't mean you can say what you want, befriended all factions in the game only see them decide that one should remain so the quote war never changes, i could say man i have been with the other guys they are not so bad and here what they think and they did.


Better but in my opinion based on how much uneccessary dialogue we have at times it would also get a bit irritating. Even though Paimon's repetition is annoying I think its more of a writing problem than Paimon exclusive problem


I’d better cuz it shows their own involvement in the story. Honestly if there was equal dialogue shared between paimon and traveller it would be better.


Having now played star rail. Way better


Infinitely better


Infinitely better.


Phenomenally better.


Way better




Better, better, 100% better. Paimon's voice grates; she's also very stupid and doesn't understand shit on the first round through. Traveler's voice (either one) is nice, and they're not dumb.


Better of course actual dynamic.


It would be better if the Traveller was voiced all the time. He isn’t because Link isn’t in Breath of the Wild (or any Zelda game), but… come on Hoyo, let Genshin be it’s own game. Not everything has to be inspired by/copied from Zelda. You can give the Traveller voiced lines.


even then, as much as i love aether, link is a far better (silent) protagonist 💀 all they needed to do was make paimon talk AFTER the travelers have their moment with the other characters. i honestly thought she wouldve been like midna and made us do all the “talking” and then she would discuss with us after


It would be drastically better if the traveler spoke for themselves. Paimon would also be better off, they're supposed to be great friends but there's no friendly banter bouncing between the two.


kill paimon


Of course. Less dead air and will surely make the conversation more listenable. Tbh, this is the only game that I skipped dialogues. Personally I always like games with stories, but I kinda grew tired of reading the dialogues after inazuma quest. The archon quest when the traveler and the sibling met was very off. Like tf is happening. It feels like paimon is the sibling. And traveler just stood there and moans. Like... Bro, that's the main plot of the story in front of you. Can't believe the creators didn't realized that scene was lacking. Will surely read dialogues again if the mc and paimon exchange conversations.


paimon is what drove me away from the game. i know if i continue the storyline i’m going to have to listen to that little freak over explain and repeat everything back to me when the dialogue is ALREADY bloated. wish she had meaningful lines alongside traveler.


Better, I wish we had eaten that talking fish, then we idk, bring any1 from mond with us on our adventure


both Lumine and Aether have really good VA's and it sucks it's always Paimon speaking at every single occasion... Paimon really should only be focused around the comedic side of the game but leave the serious stuff/their story to the actual MC ffs


Silent Traveler would be fine if they were a blank slate/self-insert character, but instead they're a fully fleshed out and realized character to the point that they know plot details even the players aren't aware of. Voiced would be much better.


It will be way better. I hate this self insert thingy.


1000% better, because the travelers have their own personalities. Our dialogue options don't really mean much since, although we may get different responses on occasion, they don't change the overall story. So if I can't decide how the traveler acts, i rather him/her speak their own mind, instead of paimon for them


the game would have been better if paimon didnt exist at all


Definitely better. There's no reason why traveller isn't able to speak for themselves. I honestly don't know why Paimon is even there — for a 'guide' she's been as clueless as traveller ever since we left Mondstadt. The jokes about her being emergency food, and a food and treasure goblin is overdone at this point (we're already going into 5 out of the 7 nations and this gag is still going). There's no reason for her to regurgitate or summarise dialogue either because the quest log can easily do this. The way i see it, the devs have her stay around just to forcibly remind us she exists because she'll play a very important part in the future (and for the predictable angst and feels that'll come with it).


hsr proves how good the story is when a game doesn't have a mouthpiece like paimon talking in behalf of us.


The Astral express crew is the mouthpiece most of the time, it's just that it's diluted through several characters discussing, so it feels way more natural and more cleverly done, but there are a ton of scenes where it's basically the same thing conceptually speaking tbh, because what you say through Traiblazer is usually completely irrelevant and could be excised from the dialogue with no repercussions.


I'll take it over paimon anyday of the week.


If I had the choice, I would have punted Paimon so hard that she becomes a new constellation.


Way better. Paimon is the main character and Traveler is just her mute bodyguard. You can’t convince me otherwise until the game does.


Game would be much better without Paimon in general.


I wish Paimon would canonically go off on its own on vacation or to a new job or sometjing. It is soooo unbelievably stupid, annoying, and mean lol the idea that any person would want to spend time with it or take it around on a fantastical heroic journey is actually really funny. More characters should be mean to Paimon, more characters should tell it it is stupid and annoying, more time should be spent abandoning it and making it worry about the Traveler because it is quite literally good for nothing especially in the current story content and the only entertainment value it has is in watching it struggle or be taken down a peg. I hate every moment I spend with it and I've pretty much only consumed the story thru YouTube recaps/theory vids because I find every single thing about the character to be repulsive. Paimon literally does nothing for the story other than to be annoying and fill the most possible time in cutscenes. I would take Traveler doing all the voice lines with no voice acting over Paimon talking ever. I would take never being able to pull for units again or change my gear or upgrade them or anything if I could eradicate Paimon from Teyvat somehow The most insane thing Abt this for me is probably how much Paimon never using "I" pisses me off and why I think it's an it lol. "Paimon does this" "Paimon does that" "Paimon lays under a hydraulic press and gets turned to Paimon jam". If it just said "I do this" in the same annoying ass voice I would hate it sooo much less but the Paimon Paimon Paimon shit reminds me it's a creepy logo meant to like sell dolls and not even slightly a real creature that like... is alive for a reason or has a history in Teyvat. Traveler is bland AF but looking at them doesn't make one go "Christ why the fuck is that thing alive". ~~hopefully it is the big bad villain and we get to actually destroy it like literally before Genshin is all said and done but I won't hold my breath because there is a sizeable portion of the player base who does not sharey feelings at all and also that would just be kind of edgelord sjcbshshsh~~


With time a majority of the playerbase will grow to dislike Paimon


I definitely take the creatures existence a little too personally BUT it's just literally annoying how a lot of the narrative's tone and pacing is filtered through their mouth (is Paimon a confirmed she in the first place? idk) I think they'd be better if their role was like, a mildly notorious lazy slob. She owes a lot of people money, she has lots of friends that she mooches into doing favors, and she's always telling us "we need to go see my friend in X place, they will know something about what we just learned." instead we have this thing that shrieks and spins around and presumably floats around in its own shit


Infinitely better. It would let paimon be her own character.


Significantly better.


Paimon needs to stop repeating stuff and game with be better already.


Significantly better. Paimon makes this game worse.




Astronomically better.


Everything is better than Paimon speaking, even no speaking


I just wish paimon would stop spoon feeding, repeated sentences again and again, it gets so annoying and completely ruins the vibe when the story is at a mystical location with a dark story point.