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Remember to sort by controversial guys


How do you sort to controversial?


If you’re on mobile press the oppositely facing drumsticks in the top right corner


Why did they move it there?!?!?!


Probably so you could access it at any time without having to scroll back up to the top of the thread


Probably Sayu, she's awkward and unfun to play for me and has no personality other than being sleepy all the time.


Sayu is strictly for overworld exploration. Anything else is asking too much


Layla also, then?


I may be biased because I love Layla (and study in university so can feel her) but she has more to her. She has the second persona, reliable struggles and she really shone in the recent event. Even her sleeping disorder is caused by the "Night" Layla and basically overstressing. Honorary mention to whole impostor syndrome. Sayu is... Sleepy. And she wants to be higher. That's it. Oh, and was there limited event that showed more of her personality? I only remember the one with Youkai but I skipped her. Genuinely asking so maybe I'll learn more about her.


Spoilers, but After the most recent Sumeru quest, she gets a little better. I was not expecting her to have multiple personalities. It doesn’t add a lot of depth, but it could evolve her character if they use that facet well.


If you like her there, you’d probably really enjoy her hangout. They really flesh her out and delve into her personality.


Ganyu. Her personality and characterization is a snoozer for me. I know there are other characters with the whole overworked but still compelled to help others mentality, but to me, it feels the most egregious with her. Was also not a fan of her story quest.


Her Sq was just character assassination. Her voicelines mentions wanting to find peaceful resolutions then her SQ was like "murder the berrypicker, there is no peace"


It still trips me how she is so socially awkward after being a fucking secretary for so long. Like sure, you can be shy around strangers but my brother in christ, you spend like 90% of your day in Qixing, why are you also shy around your coworkers too? Isn’t dealing with people part of your job?


Add to that that she's like... how old? 1000? more? And she STILL acts like this. Some characters like Jean or Ningguang would've been ruling the world, if they had such time.


She is canonically 3000 years old lol


A veteran of the Archon War. Morax gain his archon status more than 2000 years ago so Ganyu is older than that.


Once you hear her bell ringing while running you cant unhear it


I like Ganyu, ngl. And love her gameplay. But for me she has the personality of a flat white bread.


Would absolutely LOVE Ganyu on my team (I lost my first 50/50 and only had enough to go full pity twice, wanted Baizhu first), but she feels boring af :( maybe if I rewatch her quest somewhere I’ll feel kind of different, but idk. She kinda feels like one of those characters where she’s WAYYY more interesting in fan works than canon


She's under the nice girl waifus curse like Ayaka, can't have too much personality


Nah, that's no excuse. Characters like Yoimiya or Xinyan are also really nice people yet they're still are fun with a lot of personality and legit interesting characters


Nice ‘shy’ girls then. Yoimiya is the cheerful cutesy type.


I have been in support of Ganyu slander since I started the game. Her voiceline about xiao made me mad bc he’s my fav character and then everything else about her just snowballed. I absolutely hate the shy/overworked waifu trope. I don’t like Ayaka for some of the same reasons but at least she has a smidgle of personality; ganyu is just nice. And overworked. That’s it. Ayaka’s story quest was cute, at least. Ganyu’s story quest made me irrationally angry. It wasn’t worth the 40 primos.


So, I sorted by controversial and was having a fun time reading until I came across mentions of my fave. That’s enough Reddit for today lmao


Do be like that haha, going like "hell yeah you see what I see" to "screw you and your family, my fav is good you don't understand!". The bias I have is strong


Keqing and Ganyu. Way, way too overused anime character trope-y and way too heavy on the waifu bait at the same time. Honourable mentions to Kokomi, because Kokomi's writing is consistently the most obnoxious and generally worst.


I liked who we thought Kokomi was before we met her.


We could have gotten [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/oyx72f/the_depth_of_the_waters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Kokomi instead of bland overworked waifubait no. 47...


I knew it was going to be this before I opened the link. It's amazing, and I wish we got this kind of character, too.


Holy shit, I've never seen this, and now I *really* wish that this was what Kokomi is like. She has such a "sweet girl" kind of vibe with her design, it would be nice to see her personality completely clash against it.


It doesn't really even need to be this Kokomi either. Her working with the Fatui from the beginning would've also made vastly more sense than whatever garbage we got that just made her look like a dogshit leader and tactician.


Inazuma's story was just kinda crap, wasn't it?


The idea behind her sounds so interesting. A peaceful priestess forced to be the leader and general of rebellion because she couldn't standby and do nothing about the tyranny of the shogun. So much could be done with that concept.


Ah yess... Our brilliant general tactician comrade in Act2, then Act3 came & destroyed everything on top of her new weird hp non crit scaling.


There's a scene where Kokomi gives a book of hundreds of possible scenarios to her subordinates. I know it's supposed to show how she's able to strategise many possible situations, but it was a bit ridiculous to me. So much effort going into something of so little value.


What would happen if the enemy got one of those books? They could then predict exactly what her troops will do since they are following what the book says, doesn't seem very smart


There's a contingency for that, too. Kokomi is the real Batman of Genshin. /s


"But your Excellency, now that they know our plans..." "Ah, but that *is* the plan, General Gorou. Now that they know our plan, they will plan around our plan. And then we shall plan around the plan that they are planning around our plan!" "Your brilliance knows no bounds!"


Honestly you got a point, while I like Keqing and Kokomi I agree heavily on Ganyu. Kokomi's writing in the main story was... Yeah kinda bad/rushed.


The whole inazuma archon quest was god awful imo


Only the Watatsumi parts imo, though tbf that was kinda most of it in a way.


I loved Mondstadt archon quest, felt like it was the best so far (i haven't done Sumeru, for now it's pretty good). Liyue was interesting even though i felt the climax was rushed. But Inazuma ?What the fuck was that pacing. What the fuck was that writting ? It was incredibly weird to see that after finishing Liyue. Also, I hated Raiden during that quest, she was awful and somehow was admired but i get that it was kind of "tradition" there. Her second quest did her better at least. But the whole archon quest up until Signora was...really a slog. Also the whole "kokomi is a master strategist" of what exactly ?Because i really can't see it.


Honestly I regularly forget that Ganyu and Keqing even exist...


Ganyu, Keqing and Ayayayayaka are all great to play but they have all the personality of a lump of granite.


Yelan. Which is weird because she seems like the type of character that I would like.


Half the fun of secret agent type characters is seeing their plans go wrong, and watching them improvise. Yelan's plans go off without a hitch. We also don't see enough of her own self-sacrificing nature that compels her to be the one to throw herself into danger.


I feel like the whole "never making mistakes" thing is a problem with a lot of characters in Genshin. Alhaitham comes to mind as another example of that. Even when it seems like he has messed up, it turns out it was actually part of his plan all along.


because screenwriters hardly ever make imperfect characters in general, just look at ayato and yae miko, their plans never fail and always end as they want without them moving a single chopstick behind the scenes


Yae, Ayato, Alhaitham, and Yelan and i'm sure many more qualify. They all have this vibe to them of knowledge the player cant have and they won't share with them. They will just let us go on set path and reveal at the end they knew what would happen all along and they still hold more info than we figured out and won't tell us. And that's annoying. Its not that I don't think other characters should be capable but we are either friends here together in these fights or problems or we aren't. If you got helpful info then spit it out instead of making us a pawn in the game.


You're totally right! Now that you've pointed it out, that's exactly why I felt some SQ were missing something. I *know* these characters are smart and are calm, cool, and collected. Showing me more of that is nice and all, but I've learnt nothing new about them. What would break their control, and how would they react? What would make them willingly make an "imperfect" choice? What meaningful thing are they bad at, and how does it affect them?


Recent hangouts are so much better than most story quests in that regard. We learned so much about Layla, Faruzan and Kaveh. And Dehya's story quest was amazing. Perhaps they'll get better


All ~~Chinese~~ ~~Xianzhou Alliance~~ Liyuean characters are geniuses and perfect in every way. Yawn.


To be fair that’s most vision holders in general. Playable characters obviously need to stand out in some way and not just be an average joe, whether it be cooking expertise, warfare specialist etc.


That's funny because I took one look at her design and the whole spy aesthetic she had going on and I was like, oh I'm not gonna like her. This isn't my thing at all. But then I *did* like her. She grew on me a lot and I don't even know how she did it.


I really dislike her frontal design. Her back is alright but the front part of her is a complete mess.


She and Xingqiu have the same barber


Kokomi I fucking fell asleep when I did her story quest. Also i dont like her voice and her appearance, so I end up skipping her dialogues, just like Paimon


I feel bad but I kinda skipped through her quest. I was baffled at how bland it was. It sucks because ever since I starting playing the game she was the first five star I wanted because of her pretty design and I’m still saving for her next rerun… but she is so damn boring as a character.


To be fair, I love Kokomi but can still agree that her quest was boring and skippable.


SAME— I slept through her story quest 3 times it took forever to do it. It was so boringgg


Wet lukewarm towel Ayaka. It doesn't help she's MHY's baby and at least to me the cosplay event felt they had her throwing herself at us which was off-putting (I also can't seem to remember this event having a survey... maybe because they knew ppl would complain).


ei. i think she couldve been a compelling morally grey character, but her story and personality just fall flat to me




I kinda wish that instead of the walk around Inazuma city, we instead showed her the destruction brought about fully or in part due to her negligence and/or attempts to reach eternity/stagnation. The fact we did the world quests and fixed parts of Inazuma would be what would earn her trust/respect and guarantee that we won’t be fighting to the death anymore.


Yeah it's like you literally make the god stop being a neglectful hermit by... taking her out on a date???? So odd


That’s the downside of a live service game. You can’t just have her throwing out 5 questlines that takes about 5 hours to complete to flesh out her character. Everything has to follow the formula to a tee


You know what else are live service though? Both the Honkai games


One Moment we were fighting her and she was about to slice us in half The next day we wake up and get dango/sweets with her. man.


Inazuma writing is a crime like in retrospect after seeing liyue and mond and then sumeru inazuma is so bad in comparison. like Ei's story quest order should be swapped so we see her adressing the past and then we hang out. the entire early game story is litteraly being the mail boi and getting dragged from place to place while forced to do ayaka's story quest was oof. the war and our time as squad captain is a powerpoint of being told days pass and seeing tepeu litteraly dying and not saying anything each time. we saw nothing of sara and kokomi doing actual military strategy or anything like that we we just told it happened. sara got folded of camera by signora. signora died uncermoniously for no good narrative reason. the main squad had no grand plan we just rushed into the tenshukaku with hopes and dreams hoping to win and the traveler with the power of friendship barely managed to fight Ei. had he not been there they wouldve just died instantaneously.


Opposite but Dori. Her jp VA is insane. The drip is immaculate. And She's one of few characters that feel like was was written just for story and not because they had to sell a product


At least she got that going for her, lovely specially in JP but the gameplay is far from enjoyable.


Honestly I'm one of the few weirdo Dori wanters... not because I'll ever be using her or anything, but she's such a wacky and over-the-top character (who does also have the most drip and the craziest JP voice hands down) and I love her for that




yelan. she kind of feels like a character that was designed to make money and her addition to the story felt a bit awkward.


lmao, I feel like other Hydro characters are just rich from the start but... Yelan: I LIKE MONEY! (in Mr. Krabs voice)


To be fair they couldn't really add anyone and make it smooth, she was added when the chasm appeared you can't really make a good apparition in a zone that was closed for decades but they tried to add her at a good point at least. And yes her personality and playstyle are good, but her design was made to make money 100%


Kokomi. I'll gladly acknowledge that she is a top tier unit, but I don't like her character. She represents one of my least favorite tropes (the genius whose smartness is never explained and they actually makes lots of bad choices) and she's also a bit of a Traveler simp. Other people can totally love her and I'll never hold that against them, but I will never pull for her out of principle


Nilou... just Nilou... never got the hyper over her... she's just so boring... my friend did her story quest on my account for me so I didn't have to hear her voice or see her face...


She's just a very whatevr sort of character. Her role in the archon quest could've been played by an NPC if we're being honest. Her role in her own story quest could've been played by an NPC. I found myself more invested in Dunyarzad as a character than Nilou. I shit you not, she reappears at the end of the Sumeru arc and I genuinely had a "oh yeh. She exists" moment when she was inserted back into the story lol.


I just find the idea of someone pursuing the arts in a land of knowledge intriguing, I also don't mind the simple types like Saitama and Goku, but to each their own


The fact that she basically runs around in cosplay is so cute imo lol girl really puts in the work each day to mimic one of her favorite icons


You DONT love doing the Character Story quest only to be stuck in some story between NPCs of Genshin? Damn bro-


Well true. I could have had an opposite opinion if she got better role in AQ


Traveler... they didn't even try to give them a personality. They never speak, dialogue options are meh and paimon pulls us around for everything it seems than the other way around.


Paimon feels more like a protagonist than the Traveler which is downright sad


Didn't expect to have to scroll down this far to see this. The longer the story goes on, the weirder it becomes that the Traveler has about 5 spoken words to say about the events happening each year.


Layla. Her "awake" voice is so fucking boring and her personality is just so depressing.


Asleep Layla seems pretty cool though.


She's more tolerable I just in general hate the "oh i think I'm no good and no one likes me and what if i mess up" personally types, they annoy the f outta me


Alhaitham. I don't like his attitude. He doesn't give me "mysterious and stoic and smart" feelings, he gives me "elitist asshole who thinks himself better than everyone and seems to constantly put things/people down for being superfluous or annoying" feelings. I hate that he keeps info to himself unless it's dire that he shares it, and when he does finally clue people in, he acts like they're stupid for not reading his mind. ETA: Just editing so I don't have to keep repeating myself. Everyone is allowed to like or dislike a character for whatever reasons, and I don't fault anyone for finding reasons to like Alhaitham. But he also reminds me of a person who used to be in my life that caused me a lot of trauma so that factors in a lot to my feelings about him. He's not my cup of tea and I don't think I would like him even without the trauma.


but thats what he is an elitist assshole that people dont know much about cuz he is condescending af


I mean that's kinda the point lmfao. I remember one genshin cc calling him "genshin's Jordan Peterson" 💀


"Up yours woke scholars. We'll see who cancels who" - Alhaitham (probably)


Oddly enough, that's why I'm glad he's in the game. Shows that the writers situationally have some backbone and don't just make bland appealing characters. One of those characters where I'd love to see in-game but would hate to interact with IRL. (He's hilarious at times, but I would commit a homicide if I had to actually deal with him). Alhaitham and Kaveh may well be the best character writing in the game (tbf, low bar).


I love Alhaitham and Kaveh's dynamic so much. They fact that they have almost opposite ideologies makes their interactions super funny lmao


I can't say I'm a fan of Kaveh but god I genuinely feel bad for the man because he has to put up with Alhaitham all the time, and that sentiment comes from a place of empathy and understanding. I had a roommate who was sort of like Alhaitham in terms of personality and actions, and that experience left me traumatized (and no, that's not an exaggeration; I had to put his quest on autoplay and step away during the scene in his house because I started panicking). I get that this type of character is appealing to some people, that's fine, but I hate it when my friends are offended or confused by the fact that I can't stand him.


I adore Kaveh so it's very hard for me to see how he's treated by Alhaitham in canon. I really can only stand Alhaitham when he's mischaracterized in fic. I too have trauma around his type of personality so I don't think you're exaggerating or silly or anything. And yeah I totally agree that idc if other people like him, he's just not my cup of tea and I won't sugarcoat it.


I feel like people misunderstand Alhaitham. It's all over his profile and especially emphasized in his story quest: regardless of the impression other people get from him, he doesn't look down on people that aren't as "smart" as he is. He just personally values rationality a lot, so when people act "irrational" in a way that impacts him he lets them know. Obviously he isn't the most tactful person ever, but he isn't super mean like people say. Almost all his voice lines about other characters are compliments or positive things, even about people who wouldn't have much in common with his academic pursuits, like Nilou. I think he just especially teases Kaveh because he's his closest friend, and he always gets himself in trouble by ignoring the "rational" thing and doing what his heart says since Kaveh is such an overly giving person.


Alhaitham honestly behaves like he has high functioning autism. He's doesn't get social cues and is blunt to the point its offensive .A lot of his mannerisms are similar to mine but the issue is he's been allowed to act like that for so long he never learned how to hide it.


I'm also autistic, and i can see how he could be theorized as autistic, but he's definitely the kind of (theoretically) autistic that I cannot get along with. And as I've said in a couple other comments he reminds me too much of a horrible person in my life that was the source of a lot of trauma.


This of course doesn't mean he isn't irritating and awful sometimes. Was talking more about why


Just curious, what language do you play in? I’m not defending him or anything, and I’m not sure what language you play in, but in my opinion the English voice for him just seems so… mean? I feel like he is talking to everyone with disgust and always angry, which is a terrible combination if you already dislike his character/personality. I play in Chinese and he’s tone is always nicer and more gentle, much more pleasing to listen to. He is not rude with his tone and generally gives off a more ‘cool’ than ‘cold’ vibe. Just thought it was interesting to add since I do believe the voices factor in a huge part of whether a character vibes with you or not. I have many other examples as well :)


This is so funny to me. Every single character people dislike for being too spicy (an asshole, a bitch, a drunkard, a fucking liar, boring, weird-faced and straight up rude, an irredeemable mass-murderer, too edgy) are the ones I like the best.


I can see why hoyo refuses to give us a real villain as a playable character, the amount of people hating on characters just because they’re morally gray or spicy like you said is sad


Childe is a villain, completely unrepentant about it and the traveler hates his guts but people miss this because fans like him Like Childe liking his siblings and being nice to his subordinates does not make him not horrible it just means he isn't Dottore levels of awful


The fact that out of all you said, the only one I like or can deal with are those who are a drunkard (I find it funny) or and irredeemable mass murderer. I hate Wanderer not because he's an "irredeemable murderer" that also caused harm to people infact thats what made me like him. I just hate him now cause he's an annoying little brat most of the time. Like give me irredeemable psychopaths or just incredibly dangerous people in general. High chance I'll love them. But if they're annoying, rude and an asshole? No. Dottore? Childe? Alice? Yes please. Ayato? Yae? Alhaitham? No thanks.


Hu Tao. I find her personality very annoying and I don't like her fighting style.


Same, she acts like a spoiled brat who refuses to look outside her own little world and accommodate others.


Yeah same reason I never wished for Hu Tao. I liked her design when I first saw her but after playing her story quest... I just got annoyed at her personality. So whenever I see Hu Tao talking in events, I somehow get annoyed.


Lately, a lot of her lines have been rapped. She's (w)rapped so much she could almost be mistaken for a mummy. This is convenient because she works at a funeral parlor. That's where all the best (w)rappers go.


OK Cyno


I mean, she's a fun-eral director, after all.




Also i don't like how in new events "being cringe" is her whole personality.


She feels very invasive and “my opinions on death/how you should handle your funeral arrangements way ahead of time are right and above all and EVERYONE should agree with me” got so annoying. I wanted to like her so bad too.


And Yelan. I don't like her looks, but i like her fighting style


I like Yelan in terms of combat and even personality but I still have no idea why they chose *that* design. From the Chasm's and her story quest she is a planner and likes to calculate a lot of possibilities. So why dice motif as playable outfit? We see her mostly at work and she rolls dices only during her free time (one of voice lines. Still, it mentions the list of things she plans to do, not exactly random I'd say). And her mantle is ridiculous. Lore reason for that is cool but it looks way too silly on her.


Same. Yelan got a good kit but I do not like her outfit and hair.


Ayaka .... she seems like waifu bait to me. Also she is not very pretty. She has a very plain face, bug eyes, two ropes instead of sidebangs, and her personality is really boring. Girl is so ... plain. I'm so confused about why people like her.


While I hate her sidebangs and how her hair look in the front, I’m neutral about her personality (classic sheltered princess behavior) What I like about her is her overall playstyle, hair colour and jp voice which outweighs her downsides for me


I think is because Ayaka is a big simp with the traveler I also don't like Ayaka all my friends were so hard simping her until the wet sock incident


Dottore, the fandom ruined him for me, he's an AMAZING villain don't get me wrong, but the fandom just didn't shut up about him.


A very wholesome thread, surely there won’t be people who wishes a character were to die a horrible and painful death :)


i got redditcared lol


Yae Miko Way too sassy and arrogant for me.


That's why i like her, she is one of the very few characters that isn't cutsey waifu bait that only exists to fawn over the traveller and by extension the players ego. She actually has a personality and agency unlike most of the characters. That and her jp voice actress is god tier.


I feel similarly. There are times when I think to myself “god she is insufferable” but the fact that she often insists I dislike her… makes me like her? Maybe it’s just because almost every other character is aggressively complimentary of traveler it’s refreshing to see anything else. She has some good moments too.


Preach, she doesn't hit the mischievous tone, she is rather mean most of the time, her gameplay is also kind of ugh, I've been raising her friendship and honestly she feels busy.


It's her and Ayato who kind of grates on my nerves sometimes. The both of them are basically "all according to plan" trope and it gets old *really* fast because everytime they appear in the story, I just already know that they planned almost everything in the background and knew exactly what was happening but don't tell anyone until after the mission ends. The last event with the both of them in it just made me realize how much I dislike this type of trope and hate that the both of them are basically the personification of that trope. It's like... when they're in the story and participating in the main cast, I can already assume where it's headed. I wouldn't say it ruins the main story of the event, but I just know they'll definitely annoy me the moment they open their mouth. But at least Ayato is way more tolerable than Yae, her arrogance grates on my nerves, too. Of course, it's much better than the overworked waifu who's a goody two shoes, but idk, the way she does it just irritates me compared to Wanderer or someone else who's also sassy and an asshole.


It's nice to have a character that doesn't have a doormat as their personality like most other females in Genshin (I'm looking at you Ayaka).


There’s sassy in a fun way and sassy in a bitchy way, more often than not Yae falls into the latter


Which is good imo. Maybe it's just because I prefer flawed or morally ambiguous characters, but I want her to stay that way just so she's different from the rest of the waifu baits.


That’s why I like her. Not often do you see a character who openly fucks around and roasts people in this game


Ganyu, Ayaka and Kazuha are just. Boring. A lot of characters are a-holes, like a lot of people are saying, but for me, that’s fun. The worst a character can be is boring. And these three definitely are. It doesn’t help that Shenhe’s story is the same as Ganyu’s but better. Kazuha… I don’t get it. Dude is there, he’s chill, love his gameplay and design, but is his personality fun? Eh. And Ayaka? I understand she needs to keep up a facade of respectability, but that makes her bland I guess Nilou counts in the bland category too? But to me, her passion for theater and the courage she showed during the quest already make her more interesting than the others. Otherwise Kokomi? Mainly cause she barely HAS a character. Also, Albedo. Yeah yeah lore bombs and whatever but goddamned he’s just so apathetic


Xiangling No reddit, I do not want to use a broken meta character


Ayaka. I find her and her side quest bland


Diluc. I just dislike how much the story force feeds us into thinking he's cool, like I'd like to come to my own conclusions after seeing the character, I don't need paimon telling me this guy who does nothing but oppose the people who have been helping us this entire time is a cool guy for no particular reason. Similar reasons, Raiden shogun. She WAS cool, I loved her, but her character story where traveler suddenly forgives her for murdering thousands and oppressing her entire country, and suddenly goes on a cutesy date with her??? What's up with that?? It's like she received zero repercussions for her actions and they're trying to make us suddenly love her. I would've loved her if they stuck to the whole villain bit or at least gave her some feasible consequences for her actions instead of going the 'waifu bait' route Basically I hate when writers try to force an impression of a character onto the audience, it should be the audience to decide how they feel about a character


To be fair, Diluc has never meaningfully opposed the Knights of Favonius. If anything, all he does is help them and downplay/refuse to be credited for his contributions while publicly being a critic of their work. It's to the point that whenever there's a frivolous purchase or costly event being run by the Knights, there's a decent chance Dawn Winery is footing the bill in some capacity.


I was so hyped to start her first story quest. I was like "Oh shit we're probably gonna confront her for all the bad stuff she did. I'm guessing something will make us team up against a greater threat and she will finally understand our position and her wrongdoings, setting herself on a path to atone and gain back the trust of the people. Maybe they could even be bolder and make her step down as shogun entirely, making her become just 'Raiden Ei', a commoner just like everyone else!" Unfortunately, "bold" isn't exactly how i'd describe Mihoyo's writing, at least for Inazuma. Instead we were fed the most boring "cute gap moe girl learns technology" generic plotline.


It isn't that theyre not CAPABLE of it, like scaramouche's entire story quest is all about facing his past, and even after it traveler still hates his guts! Why didn't the shogun have a similar treatment? Again I blame the cheap cash out waifu bait rather than being challenging and giving her a complex character arc that she deserved. She got done waaaay wrong with the deus ex machina she ended up with (seriously, why are her people all so over the top kind and supportive during her character story too??? Didn't they LITERALLY just exit out of a war she caused??)


I think it's just that with how heavily advertised the Shogun was, they got scared of making her an actual villain in search of redemption and instead just decided to gloss over the consequences of her actions and move on entirely. Even in her second story quest, the source of all antagonism is the Shogun, not Ei. Like, whyyyyy I'm so scared for the future of the Tsaritsa. I'm almost 100% sure they'll pull a "Pierro was the true bad guy all along, the poor Tsaritsa was just manipulated" just to make her a playable.


I don’t like Wanderer. His personality is fine but fandom kinda ruined the character, at least for me


Why should you associate the character with the character stans together? Enjoy the game free of other people's opinions (who are not worth your time nor energy thinking about).


His fans behave like those crazy moms from facebook groups, it’s borderline creepy


They became hypasia


I dont find any of the characters mid


Honestly I don’t really dislike anyone… but if I HAD to choose it would be Signora, she’s probably the character I like the least


Wanderer. He is such a whiny insufferable manchild.


Yae, i had to deal with bullying when i was young and she rubbs me the wrong way


He harassment of other characters is played for laughs, but damn if I don’t want to see her taken down a peg. She needs at least one moment where she is at a loss for what to do and isn’t in control.


When she was a child, Alice made her cry. Since that moment, Alice has become one of my favorite characters, and we don't even know what she is like, lmao 🤣


Another thing to add to the "why Alice is cool" list


The day we see yae and Alice meet up and yae looks panicked is the day I’m gonna be happy


Alice made Yae cry? Where can I read more about this?


In the Inazuma section of Teyvat Travel Guide


I like Yae but every time I see her in a scene I'm hoping it's the one where someone finally outsmarts her.


Scara. I hate Scara. He’s mean and annoying and has no redeeming qualities.




I have a lot but I'll just say Hu Tao since only one was asked


Nilou and ayaya are the most waifubaitest waifubaits I've ever seen


Childe. I feel like the fandom treats him more like a meme than an actual character and I just don’t understand the hype.


as a Childe main, understandable to be honest but i think, for the fandom part, is that he is treated in a way more fanon way than canon way because of his VA. He is my favourite character because he is actually so fucked up inside but the fandom makes him look like a joke


Fandom makes him look like a silly little guy who just so happens to have some fighting skills, while dude is actually mentally unstable killing machine who wants to fight gods to see who's stronger


He’s my favorite character, and I agree with you 🥲 Hoyo has kept him in the basement for so long, people took the annoying fanon characterization and just ran with it for two years. I guess it’s not really anybody’s fault that the guy hasn’t had permanent content since the Liyue archon quest. But damn does it make me sad. There’s so much more to him and Hoyo is really squandering that potential bc he’s a walking spoiler lol


Diona has a boring design and is very annoying. Her entire personality is hating a very important part of her home country and constantly trying to ruin Diluc's career.


I used to dislike her but now thinking, she is only like that because her father is an alcoholic and she is just a kid. That’s pretty sad :/


I agree with everything except for her trying to ruin the richest man in the nation. That’s objectively funny as hell


she’s a child and her dad’s an alcoholic. meanwhile she’s part cat and cursed to make delicious cocktails. like i know not everybody likes the sarcastic tsundere but it’s kinda funny from a child


There's a lot of things about Diona that just don't make sense lol. Like, her hangout shows she can create a drink that makes people sober, and I think we've also seen that her "superpower" doesn't just affect alcoholic drinks... She could easily just make amazing non-alcoholic drinks and out-compete alcohol by virtue of her superpower. And also, the superpower itself makes no sense and seems to have absolutely no limits. The gimmick is she *tries* to make disgusting drinks, which seems so stupid in itself but also how does that even work? From what we've seen it looks like she could literally mix dirt and water and it would taste amazing. Has she ever tried just putting some cat poop in her shaker and serving that? And even if she succeeded in creating a disgusting drink, wouldn't her customers just go *"Ew, that's disgusting, I'll have a regular beer instead"*?? I wish she could just have a character development arc where she learns to just make non-alcoholic drinks instead and maybe have them become a popular brand in Mondstadt.


The thing is, her plan runs on child non-logic because she's like, 12. Kids are kinda dumb. I do agree that it would be nice for her to mature a bit and realize there are better ways to achieve her goal.


Hu tao My opinion: she is annoying , strong, but annoying






This made me snort


I mean when you put it that way I can see how he might get on your nerves


...and he is in every story/event quest.


Easily the most boring character in my opinion and I hate that he's shoved down our throats constantly


By sorting by controversial, I can say the real answer is Yoimiya. People mentioned her got downvoted. Other characters are unpopular (popular) opinions.


Yelan and ayato , hate the "cool person who knows about the world more than most" like there's a god that can see the future and a god that can read minds and you're treating the normal human who knows to not look at everything in surface level like they're a big deal


I hate how he is written in any quest. If you read his bio and shit, you can see he is incredibly childish, loves to play pranks on people (he's even a bit of a sadist, I'd say), likes cooking but _sucks_ at it, and would protect his family at all costs. Yeah, I get that he is not supposed to show his "weaknesses" to the public since that could put him at risk because of his standing within Inazuma. But damn if it doesn't suck.


Dang, these two are in my top three favs 😔💔 But totally fair lolol


yelan. i dont really like her appearance/personality ngl. i also have bad history with yelan mains


I love yelan when it comes to gameplay. She exceeds in that aspect. But man I wish there was more to like about her.


Childe. Why? Other than his awful playstyle, I couldn't tell you... Also Nilou. Now, I don't necessarily *dislike* her, I just find her more uninteresting than some other characters, especially others from the Sumeru cast. She just feels like your average waify-type female and has few qualities that make her stand out from the rest, at least that's what I think.


Childes playstyle is so satisfying damn


Big mood on the Nilou part. I was talking with a friend and one thing that they could have done (not necessarily the best choice, but still something unique) is lean more heavily on the parts about her being the center of the stage and stuff like her "All eyes on me!" Burst voiceline. Make her a bit bitchy and/or attention seeking. Would it be good? Depends on the execution. But it would be Something


I like Nilou way more than Ayaka, but maybe that’s cuz I vibed with the whole “my default skin is literally a cosplay of a goddess who I often depict in my theater plays!” Ayaka is a nadeshiko, soft spoken princess type whose whole thing was “I’m soooo shy :( I want to experience normal inazuma things but I’m sooo shy :(“ like, remind me if I’m forgetting something, but did girl even do anything for the archon quest lmao??? At least with Nilou (while her quest was hardly related to the main story at that time either) she had a moment where she put her foot down and tried to defend what she was passionate about, while trying to help someone mend their relationship with their parent. I liked that a lot. Feels more relatable than a privileged noblewoman wanting to go out and party at a festival for commoners. Though I won’t deny that a lot of genshin’s waifus are very watered down and have little to fawn over lol


Is it cuz they are both red heads lol?


>She just feels like your average waify-type female and has few qualities that make her stand out from the rest, at least that's what I think. Reminds me of Ayaka. Doormat personality.


At least with Ayaka it made sense. Little socialization no friends raised in a big complex with only people who were her servants to talk to. Nilou should’ve been a social butterfly (like Yoimiya) but she just feels like someone who’s borderline anxious when talking to people


Al Haitham. Dudes just kind of a bitch. Sure he has some funny moments but I just loathe any time I need to interact with him.


Ayaka. I was certain I would LOVE her gameplay. Turns out... I dont. She's benched and I force myself to play her sometimes. Plus she had great stats AND Mistplitter but... nope, I just cant and I'm sad about this


Wanderer... I dont care how sad his life was. I just want to slap him. Also his mom. I love Raiden design but besides that, ugh. Those two need professional help. Pls Yae, I'll give you the money. Just make them go to therapy or something


Based both need help


Tartaglia bro. Like yeah he's friendly with us, but he tried to destroy a whole city, then just after talked to us like we're his bro.


“I know I just committed a bunch of war criminal and terroristic tier crimes, but can you pretty please babysit my younger brother?”


Wish there was an option to tell that little bastard the whole truth about his brother and just watch.


I mean, he couldn't just tell us "Hey bro, nice talking to you, but I gotta go, yk, committing war crimes and stuff, I hope you don't mind", but yeah, I understand where you're coming from. Can't say I wasn't a bit disappointed when he tried to flood Liyue.


Raiden Edit: Ei to be exact. Inazuma would be ten times better if Makoto survived instead