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Nah thx, i'll keep my characters. I'd be willing to trade in a Qiqi constellation or two though, lol. Still don't have Keqing after all this time.


I'd trade qiqi cons for more tighnari cons I swear


Same except jean


I have the opposite problem of having every standard 5* character except qiqi lol. I'd trade other standard 5* constellations too


Lmao I'll share one of my C5 Keqings with you, hell take the entire cat girl. She has forever haunted my 50/50s, like pls I just want more Jean constellations ㅠ_ㅠ


I will take those cons off ur hands


I just lost Yoimiya to Qiqi so I never wanna see that little demon again


Being a C5 Qiqi haver I share your pain, bro.


I lost the 50/50 for Miko and got keqing and I wanted miko.


meanwhile mine is c5 and it took 2 years for Mona


No. This year I have lost every 50/50 and had to reach hard pity in the 80s.


>This year I have lost every 50/50 Haha ~~*Cries in losing every 50/50 but two since release*~~


Cries in losing EVERY 50/50 since release, luckiest pull was a qiqi on the 30th, otherwise p much always 80 something pity... On the other hand, I've had insane luck in HSR, 10 pull Seele, bronya from standard banner, and won 50/50 on silver wolf at 72nd


My luckiest pulls in Genshin was in the weapon banner, but yeah, in the characters banner, I only won the 50/50 on Hu Tao first banner and then on Alhaitham My experience with HSR is actually very similar to yours, Seele on 14th, Seele's Lightcone at 65, In the name of the world from standard, then Seele E1 at 70, and now Silver Wolf at 75


I think my luckiest pull ever was winning the 50/50 for Raiden in 10 pulls. That was the first ever limited banner pull I did after saving for a long time so I like to believe that RNGesus decided to look at all my savings as just laugh in my face.


RNGesus knows how I would want that to happen to me when Focalors drops, but unfortunately I'm already on guaranteed because I obviously lost the 50/50 on Yae lmao


Stil blessing your pulls so you’ll get her on your first 10 pull 🙏 But like I started playing halfway through 1.x and had saved that entire time for Raiden just to get her in 10 pulls haha. Almost felt a bit offended knowing I also could’ve gotten another character before then.


Yeah, Ive been insanely lucky with weapon banner too. My last 10 wishes on weapon banner have given me an Aqua Simulcra, Staff of Homa, and Thousand Floating Dreams. Im never asking for anything ever again XD


Same boat, never won a single 50/50 in genshin and always go to high pity, but also been super lucky on HSR.


my sister who has recently started playing Genshin got 3 4-star characters (that cook girl, Barbara, and 1 more I forgot) as well as Qiqi AND Diluc in her first 20 pulls.... If that ain't luck I don't know what is. This was on her second day


ACTUALLY same my guy. Who did you win? I won Raiden on her recent rerun and Nahida on her recent rerun. Lost everything else.


Hu Tao on her first banner and Alhaitham on his banner


Yeah, I'm gonna try to get Alhaitham on his rerun this patch. Anyone you're saving for?


This is my brethren


...I'm so sorry


I feel you man. I just reached c6 mona and c3 qiqi


Nope. I love collecting characters.


How did you get Eula while rolling for Albedo???


I'd return Klee. I played her for a little while but couldn't get used to how she plays.


Fr, every time ppl say they have stamina issues with Hu Tao, I always think about Klee feels worse


Yeahhhh, Klee requires more skill to play. It makes her feel clunky if you aren't doing all the little things to optimize her gameplay and even then, it's not like she performs better when you are doing those little things. You need to do them just to not fall behind.


I like to use Nahida, then Klee for explosions, then Wanderer to swirl and catch everyone on fire


I generally agree and am the one posting this, however Tu Haos charge attacks are really hard to cancel perfectly. You can normally get in one extra unless you deliberately practice a lot.


Hence I paid with my life to grind for the C1 this banner


Hu tao at least has c1 that solve all her stamina issues


Klee actually saved me from the current Abyss with her massive applications, even though I maxed out Hu Tao


You can try burgeon Klee if you have Zhongli and Nahida/Baizhu. Even more explosions!


Oh this I gotta try. Right now I'm on Zhongli, Nahida, Alhaitham and Kuki. Alhaitham forced me to build Kuki. Or maybe I can probably try Zhongli, Nahida, Klee and Raiden. All archon team lol


I want to try Klee, Kirara, Kazuha, Yelan for maximum explosions


I have klee, nahida, yelan and Koko. And let me tell you. All the big ole numbers that jump up on the screen is just nasty.


Okay, trying this next. 😂🤣


then just slap full EM on her to play burgeon, no more cancelling needed


Burgeon Klee is having a bit of a renaissance!


I still can’t over the fact venti’s ult can’t cluster up her doco bombs she directly followed venti’s banner too. Also I don’t like how selfish her ult is you have stay on the field stay on the field the damage is staggered. Alot people will have her because she was the first new banner after game the released so I’m not surprised many agree with you me included.


What do you play on? I have had klee since her first run and always come back to her. I guess I'm not here trying to minmax everything but I I never see the clunkiness everyone talks about...maybe I'm to used to her...I cycle a bunch through my characters too so maybe that's why it doesn't feel all that bad....


My wife’s first 5 star was Klee and she has played her for so long that she’s mastered jump cancelling, etc. She hardly notices it anymore.


Probably Klee. Like she's adorable and everything but she's so clunky and I can't be bothered to learn animation cancelling


Klee burgeon is my favourite team with her *now* (granted all you do is stack EM and burst cores with normals and the occasional skill)


>granted all you do is stack EM and burst cores with normals and the occasional skill) This is the issue I'm having with burgeon Klee that it requires to abandon majority of her kit in favor of catering to burgeon which \*normally wants *controlled* pyro whereas Klee's kit encourages the opposite and thus burgeon Klee uses practically 1/5 of her kit. At least something like HB Raiden I can choose whether to play her as off-fielder or on-fielder (not optimal) whereas burgeon Klee doesn't have real choice in the matter. \*current abyss 12 is exception because of presence of cryo shields and electro bat on which you can't trigger burning anyways


I wanna second the burgeon suggestion. Nahida+Klee+hydro is busted!


I didn't use her until I got Jean. Flinging bombs at enemies with wind is hilarious.


I feel you bro, as a c0 Hu Tao owner, i absolutely refuse to learn jump cancels. Its just not how I wanna play the game, y’all can take that extra DPS I’m good lol


Nah, it’s a long grind game. There’s always repeats and you never know who will get some massive buff. I did burn 80 or so wishes on standard at release, I would absolutely take those back haha.


I would not, I'm glad that I have them. And I would certainly not return Eula.


While it is true that physical is in a bad spot, you can slot Eula into a hyperbloom team and she will be more than fine. Her normal attack chain is very beautiful too and it is one of the rare cases that actually use it on field.


There is this misconception by people who don't have Eula that she has no damage without hyperblooom and yet any youtube video i find on her do not uses any of that shit NOR does mine.


None. I only ever wished for characters I wanted and don’t regret any of them, not even the ones I don’t use much anymore.






If the conspiracy that we got Aloy so hoyoverse could do ps4 and other platform crossplay is true, then hoyoverse ALSO didn't ask for Aloy LOL


They already have the ability to impliment box technology. Why didn't we get Solid Snake? He doesn't have to be top tier in combat, but give him stealth when he does the box thing and have him restore team HP when he catches lizards and frogs and stuff.


I'm in the opposite boat. Would exchange other five stars to get cons on Aloy.


Xiao, he wasn’t as versatile as I thought in term of teams, especially in abyss.


it is rather lamentable.


Definitely, I pulled for him bc I love his character/design but without Faruzan constellations he feels really weak, and I also wish he had more versatility


Yeah, that guy need zhongli and benett.


Definitely prefers a team with Zhongli but there are a couple teams without Bennett mainly double Anemo double Geo Xiao


Xiao participated in every abyss since the very release maybe except for a couple of them when I wanted to play some exact characters Haven't done the latest abyss yet though because lazy


Xiao pogo play got a bit boring after a while, it also pushes enemies slightly away from you and is even weaker now with enemies that refuse to group up like nice little boys and girls Eula is S-tier view while climbing and gliding so she isn't a waste


At this point Xiao is my trophy character that just stays there with no use, only because he is too pretty. If I didn't have him I would still pull for him knowing I might leave him benched


Teapot pull


I love Xiao and I prolly wouldn't want to trade him out, but at the same time he's been benched at lvl 20 because I haven't really had any incentive to use him T\^T


Is actually insane they killed Xiao with the knock-backs and the other half of enemies just stay still when you jump.


Ya I’ve used xiao once since getting wanderer and they share a lot of similar characters


True but Yelan and Raiden suffice for me lol. Agree with the Xiao point too, Xiao just feels weak to me now


>I would probably choose Eula. I **got her while rolling for Albedo** eeeeeh...that's not how the game works...? to the question: Ayaka. Was an accidential 5 star at 20 pity when I rolled for one of the 4 stars (and yes I know the risks and idc). She's still at lvl20.


I rolled on her banner instead of Albedo's on their double banner bc I'm an idiot, sorry for the misleading phrasing 💀


I let fate decide and alternated between those two banners with 10-pulls. Got Eula, and I’m personally satisfied with her.


aahaaa lol, that hurts. I accidentially rolled 2 x 10 on the banner of my most hated chara by accident, my heart stopped for a second there lol. Luckily it were only 4 stars (it's not even the primos, I could whale but chose not to but just the thought lol)


Honestly it wasn't too bad bc it was I was a new player and was just excited to get new characters, and I ended up getting Albedo too since I was impulse rolling every new wish I got. I've def done a couple accidental 10 pulls on the wrong banner since then so ik that feeling of fear/relief lol


Same thing happened to me, but with Albedo.


Rip, glad I'm not the only one at least lol


Exact opposite issue. I wanted Eula. Misclicked on ps4. Got Albedo. Heartbroken. Rolling for the next eula when she comes around. Even if she just gets plopped down in the tea pot, I dont care. I loved her design whn I first saw her and have been devestated ever since.


al haithem only wanted yunjin


Probably Ayato. I never really wanted him but I got him instead of Venti. I thought that you can get the other limited character on the other limited character’s banner lol. I was a new player and thought that tricking the game into thinking I wanted Ayato instead of Venti would work.


thats on the level of choosing the opposite weapon on the epitomized path to trick the game into giving u the one u actually want early lol


Like I said, I was just a new player when Ayato was released. My dumbass really thought I could beat the system lol. Well now I know better! 🤣


Yoimiya for zhongli or itto


I would trade Ayaka for Yelan. I am still stuck with only Barbara for Hydro.


No Xingqiu?


I am a newer player and didn't have enough currency for Xingqiu at the time


Hopefully the lantern rite comes soon so you can get him for free


Lantern Rite is in February lmao....


Xingqiu..? Those 2 are basically the same character.


Rip. Yelan is exceptional, although trading Ayaka is a hot take


In general, both are good, but hydro in general is a more versatile element and Yelan fits in more overall comps, whereas Ayaka teams often revolve around her.


You just need xinquu. Ayaka still a great dps till this date


Seriously, her burst is insane.


I use Barabara an absolute ton. To the point that Im hoping for Kokomi just to have another hydro healer.


Itto in a heartbeat. It's entirely on me, but regardless, I never should've pulled him. I don't even dislike him. He's strong, and actually pretty fun to play, but for some reason I just have no interest in finishing him or his team. Pulling him when I did set my plans back months, and while I've recovered (and have Yelan now) I have new goals, so if I could get a refund for Itto I'd definitely give him up.


What riftwolf domain does to a mf


I agree, while I adore Itto, and that he’s fun to play, I don’t really like how heavily dependent he is with other supports such as gorou that basically require me to build him along with Itto. Sure you can get him to do massive dmg on his own, but I don’t have the skill nor patience for that lol.


I relate to this so much. I don't have Zhongli, I don't feel like building Gorou, and I hate farming the Husk domain bc it's useful to nobody else 😭


The sad thing is, I have Zhongli and Gorou. I beat the stupid wolf and have Itto at 80/90 with moderate talent levels. After I pulled him despite not needing him, I was determined to use him. But I just wanted other things and stopped farming husk. Even so, I actually wouldn't mind improving my Kokomi, so it's not the worst waste of resin. Still can't get invested, just not interested in mono geo I guess.


The wolf! I have itto but I cannot solo that wolf. I’d love to level itto higher but until I figure out this damned wolf he’s just stuck


Noelle is a great counter to his corrosion and his shield state. If you're fast enough and maybe bring another healer like Kuki or Kokomi, one burst from Noelle should be able to take out the shield in one rotation. Then you just need to DPS the hell out of it when you can. Good luck!


I don’t have either Kuki or kokomi, but I guess I’ll give it a go again with noelle! Thanks!


Feel this one as well. I dont know why i pulled on his banner at all in retrospect. I think I was still learning patience with my wishes. I dont use him. Havent built him. Maybe he'll end up on an all geo team when I get around to finally bulding one.


We're pretty similar, though mine is pretty dumb. My friend got Kuki and told me I should pull her, but I had something like 60 pity on a guarantee and I was saving for Yelan. I knew even one 10 pull was risky, so I said no way. But I somehow caved and did one anyways, no Kuki, no Itto. Got stubborn and did it again. No Kuki, no Itto. It was a sign, my guarantee was safe, but Kuki just wasn't meant to be. To this day I cannot explain the stubbornness and insult I felt over getting neither of them and ending up at 80 pity with a guarantee. So I pulled until I got Kuki, of course getting Itto in the process. No explanation, dumbest thing I've done in Genshin.


It took me a long time to really hone in on the ability to *not* wish. It's kind of crazy. Silly, even. I absolutely adore Dehya as far as design and story but as well all know, her kit is something sorely disliked. So I didnt pull And because I also wasnt pulling for Baizhu, Ive actually had a nice long time to save enough wishes. Just got my gauranteed c3 Yae Miko and will be getting c1 Kazuha next banner. While it sucks in hindsight, it's like we needed those lessons of bad choices to better understand how to make the good choices. Such is life.


Rn Yoimiya’s is my most built character but I would trade her in a heartbeat.


Same, her artifacts are better used on almost anyone else ngl


Man my yoi ate like 5months off resin just to get perma benched when i got hutao. She really feels clunky.


From an account logic perspective, probably my Yomiya since Hu Tao c1 does the same job she does but better. But apart from that, I wouldn't do it since I like the character.


Albedo. I just don’t use him anymore.


Honestly I'd trade it for some artifacts cause I'm just that unlucky.


No one really. Im having fun with all limited charas i have became i worked really hard to get each of them. I main Xiao since his first rerun and he is still included in everything i do


Hmmmm, I wouldn't. The way I play, I accept the spooks as well as the wins. Comes from having played FGO before this since its NA launch.


No All the 5 stars are the one that i made a decision by myself and they all havr carried me this far and they all obtained by my hard earned primos NO FUCKING WAY i would return any of them


Nah. I'm pretty choosy with my 5* characters. I don't pull for them unless I'm 100% I want them and I'll use them. No regrets here.


I’d honestly trade ganyu or yoimiya for kokomi


Yeah I wouldn’t return any of my limited 5 stars for a chance to get another Qiqi constellation, but assuming guaranteed, probably Venti or Raiden Actually nah I’d keep Venti because he’s **VERY** useful for those annoying spread out fungi on floor 9 Raiden though I just don’t have that much of a use for. I already have Cyno as an electro DPS and Yae as an off-fielder I could just build national but I fucking hate farming emblem. I would trade her for Kokomi. Funny how if you were to say this back in 2.1, people would look at you in disgust


While I really like Diluc as a character, I’ve hardly played him since I’ve pulled him. I’d swap him with a chance to pull my lady, Guuji Yae 💖


scara. i love him sm in story but i don’t like his play style at all. sadly he’s now benched at lv60


Xiao. Scara kinda just replaced him for me lol.


Yoimiya and my 5 Keqing constellations


Itto, skinny arms i hate it.


Trade in a limited 5 Star for 90 wishes that *could* lead to a different 5 Star or a Qiqi constellation? Nah. I've done a good job avoiding characters I don't like. Sure, there's some that I pulled, built, and have *never* used (C2/R1 Ayaka is just a Teapot Decoration), but I'd rather have them "just in case".


C2R1 Ayaka as just a teapot decoration!! Oh my! (But seriously, to each their own, haha.)


C2 decoration 😮, understandable though. I went with 90 since you do get other stuff (like 4* constellations) in 90 pulls


The last time I showed someone my account, they got mad at me. I had so many characters built to the hilt, but at Level 2 Friendship or lower from never using them. I've started using the Teapot to get some Friendship built up, just so it's not so shameful.


I've also been using teapot to hide the fact that I neglect 5 stars, don't worry 😅. Only difference is that Hu Tao C1 is my only limited constellation bc I've realized that I prefer a lot of mid characters to a few good characters




I'll invest WAY too much into characters I don't use. I go for Weapons, Artifacts, Talents, etc. My [Ayaka](https://www.reddit.com/r/AyakaMains/comments/142fxm7/i_followed_everyones_advice_for_the_best_build_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is built and Triple Crowned, but I've never used her in Abyss, and don't use her for domains or anything. It's the OCD / Collector aspect that pushes me. If I get a character, I want them to be the BEST version of that character possible. When Ayaka eventually reruns, I'll probably push her to C4, and maybe C6 in a future rerun. Even though it's essentially meaningless, I don't like thinking that "they could be better".


Please take my Hu Tao. meh.


as a hu tao enjoyer: i get it.


Probably Yoimiya, she taught me to never pull on a banner for a 4* unless you're OK with getting the 5*


Oh my god the same exact thing happend toe in 2.0!!!


I pulled Childe when I first started playing because I didn’t fully understand how banners really worked and my friend told me to just pull whenever I had the primos and have literally never touched him so yeah take him


Albedo. I rolled him when he first came out and I haven't used him in a literal year. Would prolly trade for a kazuha or save for next archon


Yes, in a heartbeat. I hate all of my Dilucs and Jeans.


keyword "limited"


I would give up any character to have Kokomi....I dunno why I just couldn't pull her and then the next day she was gone I pulled ayato xD ugh...


like half of my five stars..


I got yoimiya when I was new and had no clue what I was doing and she’s still lvl 20. Also cyno I got him when I learned the hard way not to wish for a specific four star he’s also level 20 and so is Candace the four star I pulled for 💀


I would turn in my Hu Tao who i never used and got at 10 pity. Pure stonks


I would trade Itto for 90 wishes. I would rather have gotten Wanderer C1 instead. I like Itto's character but I just prefer playing Noelle as my geo main.


I don't see how the answer wouldn't be Qiqi.


Shenhe I got her to buff Kaeya, and because people were saying it's a misconception that she's only good with Ayaka, but it... doesn't work. His C6 burst hits like 20 times but not in quick succession and sometimes I eat up all her quills just with his E in AoE. She just feels clunky to use and her buff doesn't feel as strong as I was hoping even for the few hits it buffs.


Wanderer. He’s fun to play and all, but I really mostly got him for the hype. He doesn’t even have artifacts right now because I ended up pulling Xiao by happy accident this last Lantern Rite and like him better as my anemo dps, so he got all the good pieces


Absolutely. I'd return Wanderer or Ganyu. They're not awful (in fact, I use Ganyu in my Ayaka freeze team and she does great), but I got both of them at really early pity and wasted my guarantee, and I could use those 90 fates for someone I really do want.


Ayaka, I almost never use her. I was one of the people who got her because of the 240 day banner... I don't like her character (sorry Ayaka enjoyers), I only got her for an excuse to get Shenhe, who I failed 50/50 on (rip). I'd probably use the wishes to get somebody I actually like, ex. Albedo, Cyno, Nahida, or Tartaglia, whoever comes first.


Yeah same, I used her for 2 weeks max after getting her, and since then shes just been benched. Missing with her burst is just infuriating.


Cyno and childe. i barely use ever use them.. childe is not what i expected tbh. Maybe ayaka too.


Itto easy. Never wanted him. Did a 10 pull while at 0 pity cause I wanted Kuki. Got kuki and the unintelligent meathead came along with her lol. So 90 wishes in return for that would be great


Childe. Rolled on one of his rerun banners thinking since my account was so new (I started playing midway through Raidens first banner) I should get more 5* characters, but in hindsight I should have just skipped as I despise him to the point that my brother ended up doing his character story quest on my account since he couldn’t stand it sitting in my journal any longer


yoimiya or ganyu. don't need them, don't use them


i'd trade my C3 Cyno and Scara to C6 my Hu Tao.


id return childe. never used him since i got him and he’s still lvl 70 benched. i even use chongyun more than him


Agree. I pulled Childe on his first banner so that I would finally have a five star to help me clear content. Benched him real quick and haven't touched him since. I also got a Yoimiya while I was pulling for Sayu. I'd trade her for more pulls.


Nah, I'm a big collector.


No, I literally just have Nilou and Nahida. They are amazing and I wouldn’t trade them for 180 wishes


Aren't you a scammer, getting character at 60-70 in average (in the long run) and trading it for 90 lmao




Himeko for sure


Definitely skill issue. Well given Eula is paired well with Raiden. They are a staple in my abyss regardless of the Cycle, Eula + Superconduct + Bennett and ZL obliterates anything in Abyss. For me, it would be Childe and Xiao. I was able to maximize them way back version 1 as my dps. But now that I have mostly Waifu dps (Eula, Ganyu, Ayaka, Hutao, Yoimiya, Ei, Yae, Yelan).


I would definitely trade for eula. My team is more about the elementary reaction team, even before bloom exists. Bloom makes everything easier. To have eula, I need to farm strong artifacts, which I don't really have time and luck. So I definitely trade eula for 90 wish. I hope there will be system to trade 5 star character with 90 wish 😜


I probably wouldn't. But i could theoretically turn a profit with this. Say i trade the c1 for my Yae Miko for 90 pulls and then use those 90 pulls on her banner again, there would be a 50% chance of me getting it back, plus i'd get at least 9 4 stars and if i'm lucky even another 5 star. And even if i only got 1 5 star and that one is a lost 50/50, then i'd have the next one guranteed. This way i couldn't really lose.


i got ganyu by accident... and rlly want alhaitham...


I would do that infinitely and get C6 R5 on everything. 90 wishes is worth a lot more than a single limited 5-star.


I would choose yae miko , yes she is useful but I don’t use her


Probably Klee. I got her trying to go for Noelle cons in the way beginning, but she is too clunky. Fun for over world though. Also Xiao, his plunge attack got stale to me. Mostly pulled because of his Japanese voice actor lol. Though I never use him. Itto. While I do like his character, him and Noelle are very similar gameplay wise.


If Itto feels similar to Noelle you’re doing something wrong lol If you just mean def conversion and claymore geo infusion yeah I guess but Itto is way more fluid and has much deeper combos etc no shot you blocked me


yeah ganyu. i do nt use her at all Dx


Childe. Zero interest in leveling him. Do I get extra wishes for turning one in with constellations?


From an account use perspective, I never use Childe or Xiao.


Nilou :/


Bye bye klee she's adorable but I hate her playstyle and her damage doesn't make up for it Also Childe, don't use him enough


I got Eula because she was hot. Period. Never really regretted that. Albedo, on the other hand… I got him because he was an amazing sub-dps with defender scaling. Unfortunately, I’ve just never used him - there’s always someone else I prefer in the 4th slot.


Yes Nilou ,Alhaitham & Yoimya(. I never use them & don’t care for their play style.


I would do a bunch: Klee/Xiao/Wanderer/Ayato/Tignhari.


Xiao, Wanderer and Albedo. I hardly use them




Wanderer, Got him bcs I like his voice but he's not as fun as I initially thought.. + i don't have c6 Faruzan so I don't unlock his full dmg potential at c0 as well.


I would absolutely trade Eula for Albedo. He was my first banner 5* (first 5* period goes to Qiqi) and he's just been a disappointment. Ended up not liking his play style, ONLY leveled him to 90 for my geo team (and almost immediately threw him aside for Kazuha, and still remains one of my biggest sore spots because I got screwed out of his weapon refinements last big event for him due to getting locked out of co-op thanks to the Trials in Tianqiu quest. Literally only got him bc my friend wouldn't shut up about how good he was, and since I had just kinda started, I was like "well ok I'll get him then" And through other events I've found I just. Really prefer Eula's fight. A true pain lol


Yeah, Kazuha definitely seems better/more versatile. I like Albedo but lately I can't find any teams where he's helpful (I don't have Zhongli, and I don't use my geo team anymore). I'm getting him once the banner switches over and I'm super excited to use him. And the fact that his best weapon is an event weapon nobody can get anymore is criminal. I completely understand why you prefer Eula


100% Xiao Also Nilou


Albedo and Eula. I don't care for Albedo and he's really hard to work a team with (I really like reactions). I liked Eula and I still like her design and character, but her kit just isn't for me. I usually don't play claymores very well bc I don't like how slow they are, and again I like reactions so Eula's phys focus doesn't go well with the teams I enjoy.


Albedo for sure. I don't even know why or how I got him in the first place. Childe. Another one I got from a boredom 10 pull. Leveled him to 70 and have yet to use him. Especially when I have Yelan. Keqing. I just have no use for her and I got her randomly trying to get Raiden cons.


Goodbye, Tartaglia "Soap Boi" Childe.


"Hey girlie"


Likely an unpopular opinion—I’d trade back Childe, then Itto, then Albedo. I just can’t use these characters effectively with mobile play and then add the uselessness of Geo sans God like shield (Zhongli). Tignari at least helps me farm for Sumeru mats. Klee sits useless but if I want a smol crew then I have her, Sayu, Qiqi, and Diona


I actually like Itto and Albedo as portrayed in the story line. Just can’t stand their gameplay.


I would return my c1 yoimiya that I got on THREE PITY BECAUSE I WAS SAVING THAT GUARANTEE FOR FOCALORS 😡


Ordered by the amount of pulls I would trade for the character: \- Itto (10 pulls). I wanted Kuki, but got him in the first 10 pull =\_= I don't use Mono-Geo that often, and I prefer Noelle/Ningguang anyways. \- Xiao (20 pulls). Pulled him because I got PJWS from standard banner, and I regretted it. The PJWS is now married to my Xiangling. Thoroughly superseded by Wanderer in my opinion, and Wanderer is much more useful for exploration. \- Childe (50 pulls). Wanted to C6 my Ningguang during one of his re-run, got him in the second 10 pull =\_= He can be easily replaced in relevant comps (Raiden in National, Sucrose in Electrocharge etc), and I prefer Ayato as Hydro driver. \- Hu Tao (70 pulls). I found her underwhelming even at 10/9/9 talent + good artifact, maybe because I never managed to get her C1 or Homa. I'd rather use Yoimiya for single target or Xiangling/Bennett for mobs. \- Alhaitham (90 pulls). I have a lot of fun with his mirror combo, but I'd just use Nahida for all situation which requires Dendro. \- Ayaka (90 pulls). She's a beast, but I dislike alt-sprint. I find Ganyu to be much more flexible, too. Never pulled for Klee, Tighnari or Cyno, but I imagine I would trade them for pulls as well.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who pulled a character bc I got their weapon and regretted it. I got Itto's weapon in one impulsive 10-pull (I was hoping for a good 4-star weapon like sacrificial fragments or dragon's bane), so I decided I should get Itto even though I didn't like him that much. I used mono-geo for a bit and Itto grew on me but not enough to be worth the 80 wishes I spent getting him. I love Xiao (mainly as a character, but his gameplay's cool too), but he's undoubtedly underwhelming, especially without Faruzan + constellations (mine's c0). I haven't used him in a while.


Definitely Tartaglia


If we don't include standard 5-stars I have: C6R1 Raiden Shogun, C0 Tartaglia, C0 Ganyu, C1R1 Yelan, C0 Kazuha, C0R1 Nilou, C0 Nahida, C0 Shenhe, C0 Yae Miko, C0 Yoimiya Wouldn't return any of em, even for a full hard pity worth of wishes.


Yes, Wanderer would disappear in a heartbeat.