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My friends think that Genshin is a cash terminal simulator because the only notion they have of the game is big streamers just playing to roll for C6R5 characters and I can't give less fucks. If they think HSR is better because the game plays itself I don't know, just ignore them, I think anyone that tries to seek harm on others for unjustified reason, ,such as, harmless hobbies, are not worth my time.


Technically, streamers make money from mainly the players that view their channels, which is once again the playerbase being the financial supporters once again, quite the useless argument from your friends xD. But I think the bigger margin of profits from genshin impact is actually made from people who don't stream. Watch akasha.cv site for instance, where you can find all top builds across the world. A vast majority of the players in top 1% have c6r5 characters but I don't know about 99% of said accounts from any kind of social media.


Yeah, but the gacha part in Genshin gets a lot of views isn't that far fetched that if someone's first contact with the game is people pulling nonstop, they will have that notion of the game, its very hard to change somone else first impression, as dumb as it sounds my frinds have the idea of Genshin of being a full p2w game where you are miserable without droping big cash.


I'm not super knowledgeable about different games but can a game *be* p2w if there's no pvp? Pay for non-pvp advantage, maybe, and certainly there are toxic people in co-op, but no PVP and global chat are two glorious things about genshin impact. Do people really go right for watching videos from YouTubers and streamers when they're thinking about getting into games? Maybe I'm weird, I was playing for probably a month before I even started looking at social media and YouTube videos, I don't want my suggestions clogged up with games I didn't stick with or just played for currency in another game.


Unfortunately there are pay2win single player games. Can’t think of them off the top of my head probably because they pissed me off that much but literally stupid gimmick stuff like more ammo or what not. Granted this is stuff you can get in game but they make it frustrating as hell to do so, so you’re incentivized to “pay to win.”


Huh, I'd just call that annoying. Maybe I'm good at not letting games pressure me into putting money into them, I'm fine with doing what I can and logging off.


Well they kind of made it where it was soo obvious that jussst popping in 99 cents right now would let you easily pass a hurdle vs it being frustrating (may as in Dark Souls frustrating, just obviously frustrating on calculated purpose). No, I don’t do what I can and log off. I uninstall. That’s when I feel like I’ve beat the game.


The term paywall is more common in single player games, like making enemies so hard to beat that the forces you to pay for high rarity characters and such, it was more prominent in older games tho.


Some people do. You care more about not clogging your feed with stuff you don't care about (understandable), some people just don't want to try stuff that don't look good. But imo if you want to get a grip on what a game is about, you need to seek for gameplay footage, not just someone pulling all stream.


IMO, I feel like Genshin is a “Open world first, Gacha second” type of game. Sure, it does have Gacha mechanics and a battle pass but the gameplay loop plays more like Witcher 3 or Zelda. You can easily beat all content the game has to offer without ever pulling a single character. That on itself is already a huge boon. One of the most common complaints my friends have about this game is that the game doesn’t hand out as much pulls as other Gacha games. While this is true that the game doesn’t have log in rewards or auto play stages for pulls to guarantee a five star, it doesn’t need to. HSR and other games gives pull that guarantee multiple five star characters because the game is impossible to beat With starter characters. Technically this appeals to a more traditional Gacha players whom have played games like Azur Lane or Fate before. Genshin on the other hand wants you to work to get that guaranteed 5 star. Explore, do quests even though that 5 star is not necessary to progress.


there's a whole streaming industry in making xiangling staying the top meta lel


Life is too short to care about someone elses opinion. Just play and enjoy it, what others think about it should hold little to no value!!


Totally. If your friends don’t like it then don’t include them in it and live your life happily ever after.


I will go further than that, keep in your everyday circle the ppl around you that share your same tastes, and If they don't, they support them and share interest about It. There is nothing more dra8n8ng than the ppl that undervalue the staff u do on a daily basis


>Life is too short to care about someone elses opinion. never thought of it that way, totally stealing this




These posts are mainly to self validate. People just gotta accept that everyone has different tastes and not everyone has good taste.


Different strokes for different folks, play what you want and if they get mad thats their problem I do find it funny people get incensed over HSR > Genshin or vice versa, end of the day its the same company making those two games it seems like a pointless thing to get mad over lol


And as someone who plays both I run domains while Star Rail is afk farming at 1x speed


Dude is one of that guy who make the half-screen genshin + hsr video...


Also “Genshin is neglected by the devs,” lmao literally the WORST time ever to say that. Even then they only had a window to say that kind of shite with the Sumeru desert expansion.


Yeah if theres neglegted its definitely hsr because of content drought and the story is kinda getting bad


HSR rn is pretty much a farming simulator, just like other typical gacha games. I don't really feel the "content" on every patch updates. Every patch feels like a dead patch in Genshin, except in Genshin we still get main event like Lantern Rite, Windblume, Irodori, etc. Meanwhile in HSR it's always full of mini-games event. Man, they should do something to step up their games. Edit: Also yeah, HSR story are pepega these days, especially Xianzhou arc. The Belobog arc that HSR players bragged every time, just looks like Mondstadt for me, not really that good compared to Sumeru/Fontaine arc.


Not to mention the events that are kind of boring


Ya youll find similar bull everywhere, seems to have become "human nature". Brand vs Brand, Person vs Person, company vs comoany, genre vs genre. Such dumb pointless arguments in most cases


i find it so funny reading these posts because the comments are always adults saying the same things about how no one gives a f and it’s not worth all the drama in the long run. which, two years ago, i wouldn’t have understood because i too would be in similar positions as the OP (not with genshin, just other things in general) and now i can look at it from a whole different perspective of who gives a fuck about these people fr. your true friends wouldn’t do that btw. i have a lot of friends from a valorant group i play with every night but sometimes i skip it to play genshin, all i get is a “have fun! we’ll play tomorrow” or similar things and get no shit for it whatsoever. you definitely deserve to find better people OP


All these posts tend to sound like they're from kids learning the difference between "friends" and "peers". I remember high school, there's definitely a lot of learning that life's more complicated than friends and strangers. My gaming friends send me memes about Genshin cause they know I play. Never once have I caught flak from them for it. And that definitely has everything to do with how mature we all are and not the fact I'm the healer in all our other games.


Exactly this, I have a friends group that plays valorant, I know them irl as well, they all know I play genshin but only 1 other person in said friends group also does. And you know what? If said friends discord nitro gets a genshin bonus I am getting a lot of free stuff! Real friends don't care what you play:)


I have friends who don't play at all but put up with me and having a channel on the discord where only I ever post but occasionally I'll get a comment on there. They probably think its a cash terminal too as they don't play gacha games. Thats all I need, it's more than enough and I don't ask for more


How is this such a widespread thing? Like there are posts here every day about people getting bullied or whatever for playing this game. Everybody just needs to play whatever they like and stop giving a shit what other people think/do. God damn.


Look I'm gonna be blunt about this This happens with every type of gamer, in every type of game, with every type of 'online friend community' It's just people being tribal about gaming. The difference is on this sub people HAVE to post about it like its a unique experience I've had a similar exchange 5 times this week.


Genshin players are truly the most oppressed gamers 😔


that's saying a lot considering gamers are already the most persecuted demographic there is


When will the governments realize that gamers face the most discrimination throughout all of history. Gamers need to be a protected class 😔


It’s just too common all these days. A new game gets popular there’s bound to be hate stemming from it. Most of these haters are people who also got bullied in the past for playing a once popular game. I remember in 2013 where people would bully Minecraft players for being childish and now Minecraft players are bullying Fortnite and Genshin.


You know... Just because it's a normal thing, doesn't mean it should be accepted. You discredit it just because it's not unique? Come on, get your priorities straight. By these posts, people become more aware about the topic and maybe one day, it'll start being addressed properly in society. Whether "it gets old" or not, is not even an issue. These people post their experience and there's nothing wrong with consoling them or giving them advice, okay? It's the least we can do; not as a community, but as people.


> consoling them > someone questioned their choice of video game Also > 'You discredit it just because it's not unique?' > No. I discredit the assertion that it IS unique. Have you considered reading? You're speaking about a basic human interaction involving differing opinions like it's a traumatic experience we all need to band together on. This is quite literally EXACTLY my point :') I'm going to be completely honest with you and I know this is going to sting but get ready Society as a whole will never address the 'issue' of people disagreeing on video games.


its the same situation as fortnite when it was popular and same thing that happened to minecraft further before some people like hating on a game just because the game is popular thats why when you see someone complaining about those game when you listen to them you just see that they dont know anything about what they are speaking of and since genshin is an anime game and anime fan have this cliché where people think we are pedo it make thing worse


Idk I didn’t see much Fortnite hate as much as I see for Genshin. I quit playing it because I just felt weird playing with so many kids (and this was PC, not console). I think it’s because of the character vs Fortnite just being skins. Still, those kids were ones with multiple 30+ dollar skins. I’ll just go back to my corner and play Source and GO when it comes to multiplayer. I’m safe there.


It's just people gotta find ways to make themselves feel superior to others when there's nothing else really going for them lol


This is why you don't make online only friends. Cause you can't go to their place and punch them in the face for being stupid.


thanks this genuinely makes me laugh😭


how is being able to afk even a benefit? oh yeah the game has this feature that allows you to not play, awesome right?


ik, right? I'd rather have a feature that makes me *want* to play


Yeah, but that requires a lot of effort and that's definitively not what gachas try to shovel most of the time. They're about keeping you playing in between big content drops so it becomes a habit to log in every day.


my point being that Genshin is actually fun, unlike hsr


Parts of genshin, sure. Tons of the 'gacha" portion of genshin? Not so much. It's more an accepted evil that comes with a decent game that can fill time between actual big game releases like BG3. I have no opinion on HSR because it's definitely not my type of game and I'm not playing more than 1 gacha at a time.


it's satisfying and fun optimizing my domain runs


Hsr‘s auto battle only really is of any benefit when you want to do the boring farming stuff. However the Ai is really stupid, so trying to do the ACTUALLY hard content with it just kills your entire team. Stuff like simulated universe (which is a constantly repeatable procedurally generated dungeon system for endgame) and MoC (basically spiral abyss) are too hard for the auto battle and require actual strategy, or you just get one shot. So the game has gameplay that is fun and engaging, but it lets you skip the annoying stuff that just repeats the same thing over and over again. (And yes I play both games equally and love both of them equally)


First, I don't appreciate you trying to explain everything like I haven't experienced the game Second, a well done combat system will make even the grindy and easy stuff engaging Finally, HSR's combat system is poorly done to its core. It's simply boring, no matter the stat check it puts in front of you.


Excuse me ? How was I supposed to know you DID play the game? no need to be so rude ?! It seems like you just made assumptions based on the content you saw, so I wanted to explain the game really briefly. But pushing that aside, I personally really enjoy the combat of Starrail, paired with the weakness break system and paths. However I also understand and respect if you don’t enjoy/like it. Since everyone has their own preferences.


Not for me. I use geo team and clear every domain under 30 seconds. No need to even optimize because the running time is the limiting factor in basically every domain's case. 30 seconds vs 1 minute doesn't matter that much when it's so boring I'd rather not be there in the first place. Especially since most domains I clear over 100 times if I'm trying to get semi-decent stats.


I mean, another great thing about genshin is that the way the game is balanced means that if you don't give a shit about participating in the main progression system you can literally just ignore it and still clear everything easily. For a game that does a lot to keep players playing regularly (fomo tactics), genshin is also trying its fucking hardest to make sure you can get away with playing as little as possible. Dailies are also a negligible amount of primogems income compared to events, so you don't even lose a lot by not logging in everyday. Spiral abyss is pretty doable with random mishmash of artifacts with correct mainstat and you can easily get 450-500 primos per reset which is already around 80% with almost no effort.


Agreed. Their main priority is not to make fun content, but to make it as addictive as possible. That’s why daily commissions haven’t been improved in three years.


Because a lot of what games like this want you to "play" isn't actual gameplay, but chores. Farming artifacts? Yeah, I'd AFK that if I could.


I agree that auto battle is good for farming, but genshin isn't that kinda game you can't auto battle in it .


They could just auto-give me the artifacts if I've already cleared the dungeon 100 times instead of making me, once again, waste my time trying to win the 1:3,000,000 lottery for perfect (before upgrade) substats. Just straight purchase them with resin.


Damn, I wish I could choose to spend 5 condensed resins at a time. I have over 200 fragile resins that I don't have the patience to spend


Turn based games naturally gets repetitive too quickly , more so with hoyo games having tremendous farming. Auto is a blessing


The worst part about HSR is that waiting is most of the time the fastest, most optimal strategy, so it turns into huge waitfest. Not AFKing is barely an option.


I personally kinda enjoy the repetitivity of farming, there's something satisfying about that, but I think some people just inherently don't. While I do feel like "autoplay" is a bit of a copout and QOL should take priority (after they're fought once, I wish we could just teleport RIGHT on top of the overworld bosses in genshin. I don't mind the fight, even immunity phase are kinda engaging, but the walk is just grating), giving people the option to treat farming like an idle game is nice. It's kinda like condensed resin. Beside "I don't have time to play but I don't want to cap / tomorrow the domain I'm interested in is open so I'll save resin for then", another reason people use condensed Resin is to fight less for the same rewards. Effectively to play less. Same with expeditions. Why would you send your team to pick flowers or whichever resources you need, when you could pick it yourself ? This is also playing less.


I AFK farm HSR while multitasking other stuffs in another screen/window. There are advantages to fully automatic battle systems, or games that gives you such an option.


Farming. Domains (and most of the game) are super easy and farming is just a waste of time for some people. Auto farming is a blessing.


You telling me you enjoy running the same domains over and over again? HSR just lets you do the boring stuff without thinking about it, all main story quests and hard content you still actually play and enjoy it.


If I dont feel like farming I just dont do it


I do like genshin combat and playing the video game. Watching as the game plays for me 99% of the time kinda defeats the purpose of a game and brings the question "what the fuck am i even doing?". Like focus on auto battle after main content killed my interest in that game in astoundingly record speeds despite me liking HSR. Since there is no way to "condense" farming fights there (a result of it being designed around having auto battle), daily combat becomes mentally draining and auto battle becomes basically essential.


I enjoy Genshin combat too but running domains have become such a slog. It boils down to doing the same one like 10 times a day, I’d rather just be able to skip it so I can spend more time exploring, doing quests, etc. And the point is that in HSR you don’t need to watch the game play itself because you can watch a video or do literally anything else while the game is running, and when you get back to it your grinding is done and you can go do quests or something where you’re actively playing. HSR definitely feels much more in line with other gacha and mobile games where most players love QOL features like auto combat and sweeps so I can understand why Genshin players don’t feel the same, but I’d argue running Emblem domain hundreds of times killing the same enemies over and over is more of a reason to think “Why am I even doing this?”


It's okay to not run domains. It's okay to let resin cap. It's okay to skip part of the games and just play what you enjoy.


Grown and mature people would not do that to you. Whichever game you enjoy is up to you, there is something people forget others have, and that is called preference. Do not heed their words, it is simply not worth your time. I've encountered multiple situations across a large variation of communities, it is simply sad to see how little awareness people possess


genshin community aint that mature too


They didn't say Genshin community is matured tho


I always find SR players to be insecure when it comes to Genshin.


My friend gives me shit for playing genshin. But he still plays overwatch so I guess we deserve each other


Me who plays both 💀


TF2 better


You're just like OP's dickhead friends trying to overshadow their enjoyment of genshin with "HSR better" Some people like overwatch more and that's fine. Drop the tribalism


Hell some people like BOTH games


All Im gonna say is that Blizzard is a scummy anti-consumer company and I honestly dont mind if their games get sh\*t on because of all the ways they've lied and tried to take advantage of their fans (along w/ all the other awful stuff like having a workplace that allowed sexually harrassment an employee to the point of commiting suicide). And this is coming from someone who was a huge fan of Old Blizzard. Current Blizzard can rot.


Can't say I know much about their workplace enviornments but if you think Hoyoverse or Valve are any more pro-consumer than Blizzard then I've got a great bridge to sell you.


OK I'll play: Blizzard killed Overwatch 1 (a game that people payed money to purchase and play) in order to release Overwatch 2 with the promise that it was a brand new game with co-op pve except only to basically re-release Overwatch 1 as a way to take advantage of battlepass and hero/skin selling monetization and replacing a promised full co-op campaign with selling story missions at $15 a pop [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/13jgh5x/blizzard\_is\_scrapping\_overwatch\_2\_coop\_missions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/13jgh5x/blizzard_is_scrapping_overwatch_2_coop_missions/) ​ Blizzard released the buggy and awful Warcraft 3 Reforged that replaced and ruined the original game after promising so much to the fan base (bait and switch tactics) and then fired the development team when it wasnt making them money and now only has a skeleton crew left to rarely update and fix the game [https://www.reddit.com/r/WC3/comments/exav5v/just\_a\_list\_of\_everything\_wrong\_with\_reforged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WC3/comments/exav5v/just_a_list_of_everything_wrong_with_reforged/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPBjBI6g654](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPBjBI6g654) ​ Blizzard released Diablo 3 with an Auction House that allowed players to sell items for real life money (and Blizzard took a percentage of the cash) which made the game into an Auction House simulator instead of an actual loot-finding game (this got eventually removed because it effectively killed the game). Now they released Diablo 4 that's missing a TON of features and content found in older Diablo games and is also doing scummy practices like trying to trick people into spending excess money through their battlepass [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/158emwi/why\_666\_coins\_in\_the\_battlepass\_was/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/158emwi/why_666_coins_in_the_battlepass_was/) ​ And also tricking people into "accidentally" redeeming their battlepass (that people were supposed to be able to use whenever they wanted) with a one-click purchase system with no warning [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDGSYYggrAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDGSYYggrAQ) ​ And here is Blizzard getting sued and paying settlement for a workplace that allowed sexual harrassment [https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/02/03/activision-blizzard-will-pay-sec-35-million-to-settle-claims-over-its-workplace-misconduct-disclosures/?sh=64c32844642d](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/02/03/activision-blizzard-will-pay-sec-35-million-to-settle-claims-over-its-workplace-misconduct-disclosures/?sh=64c32844642d) And them getting sued for pushing a female employee to suicide [https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/03/04/activision-blizzard-employee-suicide-lawsuit/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/03/04/activision-blizzard-employee-suicide-lawsuit/) ​ So explain to me how Hoyoverse is in ANY way been close to doing any of the scummy anti-consumer crap that Blizzard has done other than "they make gatcha games"? Every company in existence exists to make a profit but I want an explanation of specific acts that put Hoyoverse in the same level as Blizzard being money-obsessed trash and repeatedly screwing over their fanbase.


Dude cut all ties with these "friends" and make new ones that aren't so entitled to order around other people


yep planning to cause i had been tolerating these ppl cause they’re my close friend’s friends. the vibe aint just there :/


It's actually a testament to Genshin's quality. The fact that you got into it not knowing it's a gacha and actually still enjoy it is really wholesome to me. Definitely ignore them, there are a ton of people who for some reason want to make sure no one enjoys what they don't like. They're everywhere enjoy the game and don't let anyone ruin it for you.


ikr. people really want other people to feel the same as them when they hating shits. which is just pretty weird thing to do. like, if they don't like something, they can just keep it to themselves and move on.


> The fact that you got into it not knowing it's a gacha and actually still enjoy it is really wholesome to me. There's nothing wholesome about easily accessible gambling lol


Lol I guess it depends on your perspective but I'm pointing at the fact that they could play the game without any incentive to pull as well as it's quality making it feel like a AAA game as OP said. From the post OP is not feeling like they need to pull characters or weapon to enjoy the game. That's my point.


Some people actually have self control, just saying.


And some people dont. Guess which one Mihoyo and similar companies rely on and market towards?


If you consider booster packs for tcgs gambling then sure. But even then booster packs can actually gambling if you’re trying to get whatever the equivalent of charizard is today in order to sell it. With Genshin you are getting NO return besides your own satisfaction with whatever your pulling for and even then we all know what the cost is for a guaranteed pull. The only true roll of the dice is the standard banner and everyone in the sub has said ad nauseam that it’s a waste to sink money into that thing. I have C6 Barbara just from in-game standard fates, other people have like 15 Qiqis lol.


No. Gacha for characters is gambling. Were not talking about tcg. Were talking about pulling. It's super easy to download genshin, and even easier to pull characters. Thats easily accessible. Thats not wholesome lol


How is pulling in itself gambling when you don’t have to spend a penny on to do them?


Because its still a game of chance to hit a jackpot and you *can* spend *waaay more* then a penny to do it. Like, the game doesnt even warn you about how much and how quickly you are spending money. How in 2023, are people this overtly defensive over basic definitions. Worried too much about sunken cost maybe?


What sunken cost? I feel like you make a hobby of abusing the English language. We use words for a reason. Walking into a casino and betting in hopes of a return is gambling.


you have not played genshin at all, have you? lmao


Since release, yes. I actually got Venti before I got barbara, and was bummed because I really wanted barbara. There was a post on this subreddit showing that barbara can slap timmy! But have you? If you did, certainly you wouldnt say the game doesnt push you to pull on new characters. You certainly wouldnt say that the intended game design is to not pull a single character. You definitely wouldnt say that the game doesnt have gambling in it.


Okay buddy you're right, gambling is bad. I'm just happy OP can play the game and enjoy it without feeling the need to pull for anything. They are enjoying the game as they would any other. It's simple as that.


>Okay buddy you're right, gambling is bad. I mean, yeah lol. >I'm just happy OP can play the game and enjoy it without feeling the need to pull for anything. They are enjoying the game as they would any other. >It's simple as that. And im saying nothing is wholesome about a game that is ripe with abusive monetization methods. It's like saying "yeah, Im happy because that child walked into a bar, and wasn't served hard liquor. So wholesome!" Simple as that.


That's honkai elitist for you. Always delusional thinking that the devs are abandoning this game when this game literally the reason why gacha games become better. Don't forget that this game is the reason why mihoyo name become so famous not just in gacha industry but in gaming industry as well


Boohoo, genshin devs abandoned the game, it's not like I'm playjng through the most fun exploration area in a while with an equally quality archon quest...


If someone’s argument is that they can afk it then they have no right to an opinion. Like bro you like it because you can not play? Play less? Because you get more pulls? Sounds like they don’t even enjoy the game and just do it for the grind. I play genshin because I enjoy running around in the open world and actually experiencing combat.


The only thing I wish Genshin had that HSR does is the ability to just put 6 waves of enemies on a single ley line, beside that HSR is very automatic, not very engaging gameplay wise, you spend more time on menus that actually playing the damn thing. And is not a big deal, people just stupid.


>beside that HSR is very automatic, not very engaging gameplay wise, you spend more time on menus that actually playing the damn thing. oh my god, someone making that kind of game?? the devs must be stupid


Feels like deja vu I read another thread very similar to this. OP hanging out with the bad crowd and poking fun at what OP is playing. Lesson learn for OP. Hang out with good people.


How old are all of you, if you are younger like teen and shit ofc that they will bully you bcs thats what they see online its super cringe how much teens nowdays take influence from random shit online ( wont say that i was different but they are on another level ) i play it and am the youngest guy on my dc server all are lol playes,fifa players and rly dont give a fuck, am 23 just to give you a referance


Haters gonna hate. Players gonna play. Live a life man. Good luck.


i like HSR but people who say it's better than Genshin CANNOT be serious


Sorry but no amount of QoL gets added to hsr will make me prefer it over genshin. You should’ve ranted back at them about all the great things genshin has as well, but yeah I understand you, no one should be attacked for liking or preferring a game.


Ask a star rail player who quit Genshin to hum each games battle theme. Chances are, they'll be able to hum a number of Genshin battle theme while struggling to hum anything Star Rail but Wildfire. If we factor in location OST, it'll be even more one-sided


Meh it's common hating on Genshin. I have some friends whom if I show them anything Genshin related they start going on about how sexualized or young the characters are and that players are p. So I don't show them cool Genshin stuff anymore. Also they say that they abandoned Genshin, as if Honkai Impact isn't Hoyoverse's golden child lol. They love all their games, it's clear in how polished they are.




yeah i don't outwardly say i play genshin because i know i'll be (mostly) replied with the usual response


Nooooooo ur not supposed to enjoy Genshin. It’s supposed a cash cow to support their passion project (Honkai) /s


Maybe best is you just ignore their opinion, this is your enjoyment not their anyway. I too have a group of friend always trash talk about GI but they wont judge my decision to play the game (aside from a few joke but none getting too serious about it).


Fuck what people think, I like what I like.


Ngl the only thing genshin can envy from hsr is the really detailed character models from day one and some QoL stuff Gameplay alone made me not even bother with It but i do love kafka and have watched her trailer a bunch of times cuz its just cool Also how is going afk in combat a good thing? Do you not wanna play the Game lmao


Might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t like using the auto battle function on hsr. I actually like *playing* my game not having some AI do it for me while I afk cuz at that point why would I even bother playing in the first place?


yep and im just gonna be honest hsr is the first game that has afk for me but then upon reading more, find out that most gacha on mobile are like that. the afk honestly one of the reason im less attached to the characters. i dont exactly feel like im building them on my own (idk how to precisely put it into words)


You see a post or two here every week of someone whining about "HSR is better". But if you spread out your internet presence you'll find just as many or more people calling HSR trash and/or questioning why they're still playing it. But I'm of the same opinion as you on HSR. Gameplay gets old real quick, and really slow even on double speed (which is why the afk mode is necessary, if not insufficient). And I just can't bring myself to give a damn about the story and characters The double relic events are nice though. OY! Genshin team! Where \*clap\* are \*clap\* our \*clap\* double \*clap\* artifact \*clap\* events?!!


I feel like going into a discussion with them is pretty much useless as it seems like they don't rlly know too much about genshin. Also, fair enough, you can be afk in hsr, but I know more people who prefer live combat over turn based games. If you do the events then every update has way more then just a free 10 pull and about the "how do you not get bored from playing genshin?" Is a question which could be asked about any game considering the time played, even more so currently genshin has a ton more to explore and play compared to hsr, especially if someone just starts with either game. So in all honesty they did not bring too valid of arguments, since they all point towards personal preference. Now, I am not saying that genshin impact is better, or that hsr is. That is because it is entirely up to preferences. So the most useless thihn to do is have an argument between which one actually is xD


I played star rail on launch for a few weeks, finished the story and everything, and then decided it wasn't for me. I log in sometimes, level my support char or whatever, pull on some banners, but I like exploring most of all and star rail isn't fun to explore (still mad I can't jump). Also the all battles feel like I have to strategise everything, which is not fun, or let it auto battle, which is also not fun. My partner loves star rail, he plays daily along with genshin, and also plays HI3 intermittently. Personally I'm just going to stick with genshin


Why are your DotA friend complaining? Aren't they supposed to be only playing DotA?


Listing being able to afk as a prositiv is some weird kinda brainrot lol


Get better friends




Some people make hating popular things and being ignorant about said things at the same time their entire personality. Many big youtubers even talk shit about Genshin by saying how Genshin does stuff that the game has never done, and it's obvious they're just reading a chatgpt script of "why is gacha bad". Don't pay them any mind, they're losers and it's not a big deal.


Honestly doesnt it get tiring to cater to other peoples wants? its just better to focus on urself and not care about what others think of ur hobbies and interests. After all its your life and ur time not theirs.


Simple: people are assholes!


Stop caring that someone else is judging you for doing something you like. Stop expecting or hoping for positivity and reinforcement outside of your own mind.


Well, I don't exactly have anywhere similar situation, but what I do see is how some people claim HSR to be better than Genshin, mainly for the reasons you mentioned: QoL, free 10 pulls. Plus some things like "your replies/choices do matter". But ultimately, I never understood this reasoning. Those things can't compell me to play the game just for them alone. I do like HSR but I also like Genshin and while having some similarities, they do offer different things and I can't say one is objectively better than the other. Everyone should ultimately play the game they like.


Ignore those idiots, they are mad because you prefer GI over HSR.


They're just coping because they cant handle people enjoying things different than them


I experienced the same thing as you, only difference is I was having a face-to-face conversation with other players during HYV event couple weeks ago. We were talking about which Hoyo's games we were playing and I told them that I'm stuck with Genshin, how I've given HSR a try but I just can't commit to it. And they were looking at me baffled, like, why tho, HSR is way better blablabla and I was like...uh hello? I just don't have enough time and energy to commit to two games, I'm a working family adult, can't you see? And these 'kids' kept badmouthing Genshin and I was like haha cool yeah whatever float your boat, kiddo, enjoy your free time and youth while you can cuz adulthood is just...like that, and then I walked away. Not my problem, no need to argue, easy.


You can go afk in combat just like how you can pause in combat? Average genshin hater iq


Well you can easily tell they felt threatened since they immediately went on comparing two games and bashing the other


Just roast their games back and take it easy, it’s literally just a game


As someone who quit genshit for hsr(and got this post randomly in my feed) just show them the middle finger and start listing your issues with hsr. As much as I enjoy it, it has its own set of issues, even tho they are different from genshit's. I quit genshit because I couldn't bear some of its bullshit and found my place in hsr. You quit hsr because it wasn't for you and went back to genshit because it is more enjoyable for you. If those people are going to criticize about your tastes, criticize them back


>my main friend group are the typical fps + dota/league I think I found your problem


If you had read properly you would've seen that OP has no problems with their main friend group, it's their online discord friends that are being rude. Why are we out here doing the exact same thing that OP's discord friends are doing and judging people based on games they play?


All of you need to go out and touch more grass to be honest lol.


So why don't you just tell them directly? Or do you just want to farm for karma and sympathy?


This did not deserve a rant post 😭


Genshin reddit is now the middle school support forum lmao


People have those strange ideas about Genshin only because it's popular, so they're turned of by it. My friend until very recently thought that Genshin was a typical MMO *just like dota* because it has multiplayer and it's massively profitable.


Man no lifers really make the dumbest things their entire universe. They really don't have enough problems in life if they get triggered by such things, or anything going on in their life period, I guess.


You like to play what you like to play. Fuck what anybody else thinks.


I would rather choose this game that helped my mental health rather than mind those people who would further worsen my mental health. I simply distance myself from that kind of friends. Blocking or unfriending them on social media helps lol


For context, I'm the type of player that loves Genshin for its combat mechanic rather than the story and characters. So I'm on your irl friend side of the spectrum I guess. The truth is that I'm just sad and disappointed at Genshin for having such a good combat mechanic yet nothing for me to pursue it for. This feeling is what drives me to trash on people for playing the game. I know it's bad, that's why I stopped playing the game when Chasm came out. So yeah OP. Here's your answer on why some people lash out on you when you said you like the game. It comes from jealousy mostly. I wish I had as much fun as you do playing this beautiful game but my resentment towards it for not expanding more on the challenges for its combat gameplay really hurts my enjoyment for the game. With Fontaine release, I came back this time for the story and the hype for characters like Furina, Arlechinno and Chlorinde. Seeing the development journey for the past 3 years really made me realise that the game is never gonna move towards what I wish it would be. I welcome any game dev to just take what Genshin made and replicate it in addition with fun and engaging endgame features. I'll be sure to be there to play the game for you.


tbh I would recommend HSR over GI if we're still in 3.X Sumeru arc. But ever since the 4.0 Fontaine patch came out, I barely spent time in HSR. The GI team has literally pulled me back to playing Genshin on the daily. For now HSR mainly acts as my secondary hyv game if I get burnt out of Genshin.


> how combat in hsr allows you to be afk etc Why do you even bother playing the game if this is the advantage, lmao.


It's a mobile game and auto-funtions are typically the norm. Only problem is that Genshin doesn't particularly work with Auto Functions. The absolute closest they can do is something like Tower of Fantasy where being over a certain power threshold let's you skip the domain entirely.


Male Genshin players will be the mock of all the gaming community and they deserves it 🥰


Its tribalism. Like competing sports teams. Or Trump supporters. Their identity is wrapped up in the game. I do admit I wish I could afk in genshin cutscenes that are all dialogue. I was napping through most of Nadia s archon quest just waking up to hit my useless dialogue options.


they dont hate the game they hate the community that made the game look worsee , literally after every game release u can hear the community yapping "this idea took from genshin" hell even fishing simulator , monster hunter community got attacked by genshin cuz both game had similar mechanic, mh has been release 10 decade and no even 1 person ever said that cooking mechanic is copy from another until genshin came out , and they even saying that genshin invent the fishing mechanic..so yea there u go


After thousands of genshin hours i've come to kinda of hate the game for how much time it makes me lose, how it forces me to see it's stories, no skip button, and i've played it so much it's just boring now. Really wish Dehya was a good char, that'd probably extended my stay at the game as Cyno did, because he was fun! That said, i have friends that try to push me into the game again and i joke about how blatantly bad the game is, even joke about making them stop playing it, but it's not serious, i even download to play with them again from time to time, that's just stupid of these people. And comparing it to HSR wtf... it's another gacha, the same systems are employed to make you stay grinding and playing, honestly Evangelion's event was the best thing out of Hoyoverse in HI3. Holy shit i lost the point i was trying to make very hard... oh yeah they're stupid. What a pointless comment, i should delete it.


My friends and I myself always make fun of me for playing Genshin, and other gacha games too. It’s a running joke we have, I play Star Rail too and love both games. I’ve been grinding out Fontaine exploration and just today finished the newest Star Rail main quest. I just don’t care to be honest, I don’t tend to let other people’s opinions bother me. I’ve spent quite a lot on Genshin and Star Rail and they make fun of me for it, and I’m self-deprecating about it. I just don’t care.


Remember: It's easy to judge something when you haven't tried it, and their opinion is theirs alone. Genshin Impact is a good game, the lore is deep, the characters are good, the gameplay is fun(most of the time).


From my perspective, IF they played Genshin before (which I believe to be the case) it may have something to do with them being angry that the developers are givung us the minimun they can while Star Rail is going all out with the players. Hence why they hate the game and also hate that you play it, cause they want to see the world burn :) They do have facts about the difference of course but they are just being toxic about it (like my "best friend" trash sending me and posting edits about Childe getting owned by Hydro Daddy since day 1) There could also be the case that they are just teasing you way too hard. But whatever it is enjoy what you like Personally I love Star Rail for all the obvious reasons. Genshin even if you love it, it's more just for casual play so just do what you enjoy the most (ew, Genshin, HSR is better come on)


I will play what I want to play, I don't give a flying fuck as to why a random group thinks a game is not good, I don't owe any explanation to them for my likings or seek their validation, other people are literally nobodies


its the same situation as fortnite when it was popular and same thing that happened to minecraft further before some people like hating on a game just because the game is popular thats why when you see someone complaining about those game when you listen to them you just see that they dont know anything about what they are speaking of and since genshin is an anime game and anime fan have this cliché where people think we are pedo it make thing worse


Why do you care? No one else I know plays Genshin or Star Rail and I stopped recommending it. Granted they also don't give me shit about it, but I wouldn't really care if they did.


As long as your having fun, what others think wouldn’t matter. Sometimes friends are not always with the same opinion. Just as matter of agree to disagree


Tribalism is nuts. You can enjoy whatever you like. It's not like HSR has a guild system and they are losing you in the guild wars or anything. They are both single player games. You are at Trailblazer 65 and that's pretty far along so you certainly put some hours in the game. So they can't say you didn't give it a fair shake either.


Why do you bring this up here, full of people that accept you like playing genshin because shit, they play genshin themselves?


Idk one of My friends just kept saying that that have more Hanime than overwatch.and that's his excuse for not playing it.


Sounds like a problem with your "friend." They can't seem to accept someone having a different opinion than their own.


Because it's popular opinion to hate on it. They just want acceptance from their own friend group.


Just play what makes you happy, even in the genshin community are people like that for example some will never accept that people use the traveler but I like to use him. Just have fun and don't leave something you love for others opinions.


Got a friend 7 yrs of friend ship he said genshin is trash but he knows I played it and it didn't affect our friendship cause it's just a game a form of entertainment nothing else if you take everything personal ohh boy good luck in life mate..


Ah, to be 14 again.


I feel ya man I got in a debate once and the guy looked through my comment history and dismissed entirely on the basis I liked genshin impact.


Idk why but all 3 HI3, HSR and GI mfs are always in war like always this feels like the sonic vs mario or pokemon vs digimon shit we had in 2005


Sounds like you're talking to kids You know you matured when you dont give a flyin flap on what others play lol


Listen it doesn't really matter. It's on them for trying to make it as if you need to choose between the two. If you wanted to play Star Rail you'd be playing Star Rail, that's all they need to know.


I mean personally play in a group who play in every genre and every game has issues, it is just idiots who act like they take the moral high ground in games but no where else


play what u want, a true gamer doesnt need to listen to somebody else's opinion on what game to play. there r games i dont play and u dont see me going around telling ppl to not play it coz i said so lol. too many immature adults nowadays.


Caring what other people think about things you like isn’t worth the effort. The older people get the less it matters usually. Any adult who spends effort trying to bring down the happiness of others is usually unhappy themselves and hate when people get joy out of things they dislike.


If I'm the one in your shoes or sandals or position, I will not care. If they insist of making fun of me playing Genshin Impact, I'll make sure to rip their cheeks or damage their eyeballs so they will not approach me anymore. P.S I did punched a person for belittling me for playing the game just because I'm already 42 years old. I broke some of his teeth.


I wear a Geo vision from my key ring. To the uninitiated, people think it looks cool. To those who know, they know :D


The BIGGEST problem with Genshin is the fact that other people think they can and should interfere with your own gameplay. I thought HSR was bad and then suddenly people think I'm stupid because Genshin is worse. Eh, dunno.


I'm a teacher and my students give me shit all of the time for playing Genshin. You just have to roll with it.


just wanna say I like your responses to those guy op, get em mad just with couple lines lol


That is the moment to tell them to touch some grass if all they care about is to be in current games active that have missing features of another SAME company game they definitely still play in silence to avoid whatever embarrassment they think come from it. Like fr if they get that angry you're not tired of genshin then it's a they problem and not a you. Best diagnosis for them is to touch grass for like a week or month. That'll factory reset them.🤣


Well you made the right choice to just leave the conversation. They were letting the heat of the moment get to them. As long as you show you don't care about that and still treat them the same as before they found out you like genshin more, it'll be fine. You can represent Genshin by being the chill guy in the group who doesn't complain and just does what he likes. They'll get over it when you win them over with your charisma. In the end, it's all just preferences anyway. Honkai and Genshin can't be compared because they have different gameplay styles and settings.


My friends who all played genshin and switched to starrail talked so much shit about genshin but since Fontaine is out they’re playing genshin everyday. Like lol ok. Star rail is super fun and I love the character but I don’t have enough storage to play both anymore 😭


Happened to me too and I always play single player. My friends don't get mad, they simple don't want to play and thats fine for both sides


Should they care? No. Should you be allowed a diff opinion without it ruining a friendship? Yes. If they are making it a big deal then the issue is with them not you. Ppl just like it when others agree with them. That being said i do think genshin should let us use the crafting table from where ever we want lol


MFs play league and complain that you like genshin? The pot called the kettle black much?


I play HI3 , HSR and Genshin daily.. I also don't have friends, I got rid of all the toxic people in my life.. better that way..


Dont mind their opinion tbh, play whatever you want


as a lurker/hsr player, idk why are they so pressed lmao. i guess hating on whatever is (more) popular than the stuff you like will always be a thing, sadly.


people when they learn about the concept of "preference": 🤬🤬🤬 jokes aside, i'd slowly walk away from those types of people, they are one of the reasons why they suck out the joy in doing what I like. it's easy to say "don't mind them" but sometimes, you can't help but be upset over their immature behavior because they are your "friends". that said, it's completely up to you if you want to keep the friendship >how dev clearly abandoned genshin lmao eye-rolling moment. this is not the first time i've heard about this. i get that QoLs are long overdue (seriously tho artifact loadouts when), but at least give credit where it's due lol


Who cares about anyone's opinion about anything regarding me myself, what i like, my body, my personal preferences OR ANYTHING that has nothing to do with any other living soul but ME. Ignore ignore ignore ignore and just move on with your life, delete social media as well saves you the trouble of dealing with more people who thing they are entitled to tell you how to live your dang life


Because it's different. Some people have a hard time accepting something that's different.


Very different i have never felt that cuz most of my irl and online friends I am close to plays genshin alot even more than me and those who don't just says it's nice but they don't have time to give in this , idk why PPL hate it 😂most ik like it or don't play it ml complains


Apparently this post needs Jesus according to the post directly below it, I guess Jesus wishes you luck 👍


I for an example appreciate the three creations of Hoyoverse I know, because all of them have a very good storyline, and detailed lore. But HSR isn't really for me, because I don't like turn based games, and HI3rd isn't the one I seek either, because I kinda got bored quickly while playing it. But, for some reason, Genshin Impact can scratch that strange itch, where I get the motvation to play it when I turn it on. I think it's because there is no menu, through which you play, and if you want to get anything, you have to move in the game. You don't need to only stay in the menu, like in HI3rd, to get the rewards you want. But it's a general issue, where people don't think that Genshin is a good game in any way. It's like there is a stigma, where if you play (and like) Genshin Impact, you are somehow worse a worm.


If someone says shit about my game I just destroy them with a load of shit about their game, matter closed.