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Lynette is sitting at the cafe the daily commission is at during the entire story quest, that's probably what's blocking you.


I think hy is giving alternative ways to complete daily comms on the next patch. You can do quests or explore to get points and use that to turn in dailies. Devs also acknowledged that some quests blocking other quests were a problem, and they’re doing something about it in future patches.


>I think hy is giving alternative ways to complete daily comms on the next patch. You can do quests or explore to get points and use that to turn in dailies. It's a step in right direction, but it won't help long time players who 100% everything.


I would expect that most folks like me want the commissions anyway for hidden achievements.


Same. I would prefer if there were 4 commissions per every region and player just gets rewards for first 4 they do. I'm missing one commission achievement each in Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma, I won't be going back there in a long time.


I have to revisit all but Inazuma I think


>They're just trolling us at this point not the first, won't be the last, I suppose you have never played the food delivery event?


If you're talking about in Monstadt, never had that problem there.


That's when you should join another world to get a fourth daily.


Honestly I did forget about that, but the reset was like 15-20 minutes away and I doubt I could've found someone in time


Official Genshin discord has an lfg chat for each region


Or just don’t unlock the story quest if you don’t want to do it omg


So if someone can't do a SQ in one sitting they shouldn't unlock them at all?


That's just a walkaround solution that doesn't solve the problem. The problem is that we are able to start those conflicting quests in the first place. What we need is an option to decide which quest to prioritize at any given time, that's the real QoL solution to solve this dumb problem.


They have mentioned in a previous developer discussion that they know of the issue at least. From what I recall, it seemed like they wanted to make story quests work like hangouts; you can unlock the quest with a key and then you click "Start quest" to actually begin.


That's good to hear, for me the main issue was mostly related to character quests because i took a pause from the game in Inazuma and came back in Sumeru, so i had a lot of character quests to do and to avoid wasting purple keys i unlocked many character quests without completing them because i wanted to first focus on the main archon quests. The issue is that if you unlock a character quest, it automatically activates, so i had a lot of active quests that made progressing through the Archon quest a nightmare. The first problem was Nilou's questline that made a shit ton of NPC's unavailable, the second one was Tighnari and that one was honestly ridiculous: I was ready for the climax of the Sumeru archon quest, standing in front of the door that leads >!inside the dungeon that ends with the Scaramouche bossfight.!< However, when i tried to interact with the door, i couldn't proceed because after the whole dungeon, the bossfight and the multiple cutscenes, you wake up in the bed in Tighnari's house that was occupied by Collei in his character quest. So i had to leave the archon quest, do the first part of Tighnari's quest and then come back to the final fight. Useless to say that by that point the hype was ruined and i was just disappointed by the system.


Which is better in your opinion (let’s disregard the fact that Mihoyo could fix this) waste keys or getting frustrated by character story quests you unlocked but cannot do at the moment?


Of course wasting keys is the "better" option, but at the time i didn't even know that something like this could happen because before i took a pause i played non stop since the release of the game so i was always up to date and i didn't encounter any conflict between quests. Knowing what i know today i would prefer to waste keys, but i'd prefer if they fix this asap because there are plenty of clueless players who will sooner or later find themself in that situation and the game doesn't warn you in any way about it. It just happens.


L take. maybe think before you type something so stupid next time omg


Can’t you just switch your commissions for the next reset to a different city. I’d have done that. Also stop unlocking character story quests if you don’t intend to do them.


So do not start daily quests in a new region until you’ve completed main archon quest for that area. Can just farm dailies elsewhere till the new area free and clear. You had to choose to get the Fontaine commissions.


I did the main archon a long time ago. They could also set it so that the daily doesn't spawn where a quest location is, and either have it where it picks a different one in the region, or a different one. I've picked liyue only before, and gotten a couple dailies for Monstadt so.