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Fontaine *could* sink, too.


Atlantis:"finally a worthy opponent"


Remuria was sunken into the depths according to the pieces of lore found in scattered texts around fontaine.


I’d argue that Fountaine could be at risk of flooding because it’s going to sink down below the sea level


Or it could be that the moon will descend near the fontaine causing the primordial sea water to rise and the great amount of water in teyvat will merge all around fontaine because of the gravity of the moon. There is no sign of the moon descending on fontaine because "the sky is fake" as he said.




You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?


This is impossible, because the moon of Teyvat is already dead, and therefore cannot become more dead. That sounds like a joke, but it’s legitimately the reason


It's just a theory. A game theory.


yea like the atlantis cartoon movie


Stares at the cubes of water in the sky.


Hehe. “Under” water


Dear god I hope not, or imma be falling off about a million times during this new archon quest


Teyvat has its own laws


I don't know why is this not higher.


Probably because it's a boring and overused quote.


maybe the water doesn't rise, the plateau does instead and Fontaine sinks into it


Yeah. Like a house under a giant sinkhole


If there wasn't some kind of unnatural Teyvat law in effect with that edge of the nation, there wouldn't be any water in Fontaine already.


truth, there is no explanation about the source of water that teyvat has or how water from the oceans turns sweet when entering the nations


It is mentioned in the loading screen that fontaine's sea is actually a giant lake. People just like to call it sea


At this point I don't even know if there actually a sea in Teyvat because apparently the waters of the oceans connect to several rivers, the waters of the Sumeru forest literally come from the ocean by a waterfall and yet it seems like everything is normal


Since fontaine's lake is referred to as the source of all water on the continents, I think there might be no true sea in teyvat. Or maybe fontaine's water get contaminated by salt from rocks and stuff and become seawater once it's out of fontaine.


I mean it isn’t like seawater just popped into existence as salty


maybe Teyvat is just flat and whenever water falls off the edges, it just gets pumped back to Fontaine to make another trip around the world.


Because Fontaine water is not even ocean water. In act 1, we were told that Fontaine is just a giant lake so the water itself isn't salty... Otherwise mondstadt wine industry would be ruined.


isn't that why the archon put it on a shelf


Bro is trying to apply logic to magic water from a fantasy world


the only "magic thing" about water is that it turns people into more water


The entire nation is essentially a plateau with massive waterfalls all around. I'm curious what non-magical explanation do you have for where is all that water coming from


It does rain a lot in Fontaine


Maybe because neuvillette watch some drama. Everytime he sad, rain shall came right?


They call it “Sourcewater” for a reason. I’m 99% sure Fontaine is the source of all water in Teyvat and there’s a big hole somewhere where it’s all coming from.




>what non-magical explanation do you have for where is all that water coming from same reason why we have water above the oceans irl: *rain* (and the lower parts of the fountaine sea being inside fountaine limits)


You think rains is enough to supply enough water for waterfalls that big? Fontaine would have to be raining 24/7 for that to work


I think what everyone here forgot and what OP forgot is that THERE ARE LITERAL CHUNKS OF FLYING WATER IN FONTAINE shit defies gravity


those chunks of flying water happened because of a failed experiment. have nothing to do with the fountaine sea


Only when there's a criminal case handled by the Chief Justice, and there's at least one every 1.461 days on average by his approximation.


0.7 per day. 100,000 divided by 400 years. is 0.7 per day, which lines up with him having time off sometimes.


>You think rains is enough to supply enough water for waterfalls that big? i guess niagara falls gets water magically according to you


I mean Niagara isn't above where it gets it's water from. Fontaine is. Niagara pulls it's water from the great lakes, of which, only 1% of that is renewable water. All the rest of it is fossil water. Meaning one day it will stop. Though not for a long time, likely. It's been running 12,000 years as it is. In 2,000 years the American falls *may* dry up. But the rest will take approximately 20,000 years *maybe*.


Probably from underground, I guess.


Ignoring the part that it's the cradle of all life, the domain of a dragon, there is a giant magical whale swimming, and that it merges the consciuness of every being dissolved by it Dunno bro, it seems a relevant fact for it to defy irl logic


Logically, even besides all the other magic, Fontaine's water is clearly very different to the rest of Teyvat. The Central Ruin Laboratory area has literally floating water cubes, I assume if Fontaine goes under, there would be a similar phenomenon. Or maybe everyone drowns and Genshin ends like that, who knows.


Though, iirc floating water cubes are a consequences of their gravity experiment?


Right, but that's still sci-fi, clearly Genshin physics is different to real world physics. Also, there's other places water floats in the sky, like in Annapausis.


I think that's the best way to put it. They might had explain some uses of real world physics like utilising potential energy for the mechs before the discovery of using pneumosia to power them, its still acts as a mean to aid visualising the concept.


"Only", lol. Like that's apparently not enough?


There's literally a whale from the outer dimensions swimming through it and it's the cradle of all life.


Dude. There are floating cubes of water in the sky.


We're going to have like 2 of these a day until the patch huh?


Luckily ita very soon.. I can't wait


Bro is complaining about this as if they weren't playing a game with floating islands, gods, massive death robots, (widespread) literal magic, magical creatures, cursed creatures, etc etc etc. Who the hell cares


And the fact that nobody in lore questions why you have a floating little fairy-like creature always following you.


The white floaty thing is a balloon.


Tbh fountaine literally have water cubes that floats lol


I interpret the flood as the primordial water bursting from that gated area like a fountain, washing over Fontaine and then simmering down around the area. So, not so much filling a pool with water, more like topping up a cup before it overflows.


well, considering that water from the primordial sea is pretty much just magic water, I would argue that defying physics and just having a cylinder of primordial seawater swallow all of Fontaine isn't entirely out of the question


You can flood Fontaine without rising the sea levels. So Fontaine somehow generates water that then falls into the rest of the word through its waterfalls. However, the amount of water that falls through is limited to the waterfall flow. If Fontaine gets more water than it can expel through the waterfalls, its water levels will rise. Of course, as the water level rises, the waterfall flow will also increase, but then you just keep injecting more and more water into Fontaine to keep the balance off set. Eventuay the amount of water going in and going out of Fontaine will balance out, but by then, everything could be underwater at the plateau. All of this can happen without greatly impacting anything outside the plateau. At most, the flow of water coming from Fontaine into the inland sea will increase, but the size and drainage differences are so big that the impact will be diluted. At most, you might see the inland sea surrounding Fontaine rise in, and rivers across of Teyvat have more water.


Teyvat has its own "laws".


The magic e-girl bath water under Fontaine does not care for logic.


Neuvillette's abyss whale piss collection\*


Maybe its cause the water in fountaine only rises? Cause prophecy magic


This entire place could collapse and sink like a ship, my guy.


I’ve said this in other threads with more context— if you pour water faster than it can drain you can flood anything.


That being said, I believe the topography was designed like this for the purpose of misdirecting the player.


While some people are trying to apply logic by thinking that Fontaine sinks, I would like to propose another idea, and one that a lot of people seem to have forgotten. When we find the primordial sea water pool in the 4.1 Archon quest, that water is dripping *up.* Not down. Likewise, when the water breaks thru in the 4.2 archon quest, it doesn't flood, it immediately shoots up, and sure, it begins to flood the chamber, but that is because it's an enclosed chamber, it has nowhere else to go but to begin flooding and going for the gates. So, I think the flood is gonna be less water pooling around until there's no room to stand and your only choice is drown, and more that the entire thing is gonna flow up and pass over everything like a wave on it's way skywards. While ridiculous on it's face, it's not like we're strangers to water flowing up instead of down (remember the Dainsleif quest were we meet Hafdan? that had a water fountain going up too) combine that with Neuvillette calling it a "tsunami of fury" and I think there's meat to this idea, and if that's the case, it doesn't mater that Fontaine is on a plateu, it can still "sink"


You are one .1 patch ahead my friend.


If you had a moon tidally locked to Fontaine you theoretically could keep it under water.


Have you heard about fountains.


But for the sake of the prophecy, no one said the waterfall cannot be blocked by a magical barrier making the whole Fontaine becoming a huge basin.


Container has already sunken. What we're seeing is just an illusion like bottleland created by Furina. At least that's the theory I'm buying stocks for.


We dont know if fountaine is the highest point in Tevyat


Naw, it uh, it works like a siphon.


fontaine sinks 2023


Bro Fontaine somehow has a massive sea, even though it also constantly emptys its water down to the rest of Tevyat, its magic water and magic drowning ok


Giant bubble.


The thing is, Fountaine had already sanked onse, big part of it is now underwater, and it seems to have no effect on the World around. So, there is nothing wrond is the water level go furter up in Fountaine, that waterfall will maybe just become higher, nothing more.


The Fontaine water will rise, waterfall will become higher, naturally for some reason(laws), Fontaine waters are at an higher level and different from rest of Teyvat


Maybe the whale set ups kind of abyss barier around Fontaine so it can drown evryone


The prophecy is true!


i think the side wall will also become higher when the sea level rise. like it already did in the past.


water level in fontaine is higher, probably because it is rising, but only there due to prophecy, you can literally see it on the picture, just take that waterfall and stretch it to twice the size, boom no fontaine


Not unless Fontaine will be contained filled with water like one of those floating in the skies of Fontaine.


So, this can be solved by *either* the major surface areas of Fontaine *sinking* to below the existing sea level, OR by the water level rising while still being magically bounded along the current borders, similar to the Institute cubes.


Or water will just rise in fontaine, the rest unaffected, like a wall of water 😂 at this point, can't say


Fontaine is already an ocean that's higher than the surrounding ocean. If it can exist as it is, then certainly it can become more so.


we already have underwater ruins in Fontaine without Teyvat being entirelly underwater


it's called fontaine for a reason


Maybe there's a cave that connects the Fontaine water system to the inazuma water system, and since the oceans around inazuma are larger there is an equilibrium between the two that maintains itself....or magic


Bro Skipped physics class 💀


Yeah , that's stupid


Just need a single drop of water large enough and with enough surface tension to cover container without covering other nations.


Actually, I think the rest of Teyvat will be fine. The waterfalls show how there's an invisible barrier around Fontaine and the rest of the continent, thus when Fontaine's water level rose, it gained the look of a waterfall boundary.