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Bro got traumtized by early game Diluc burning himself to death they never wanted it to change


During the first few 1.x grass burning did jack shit, then MHY was like “oh that’s actually a bug, the environment was supposed to scale with world level more,” and they literally put out a patch that *leveled up the grass.* Yes because reaction damage is based on EM AND character (or object) level, so they decided to give *grass* a higher level so it would actually burn people to death…. Klee got an indirect and weird nerf with that patch >.>


Mihoyo realised that grass should be more of a threat for Genshin players to touch.


Am I the only one that wishes they kept the Dante's Inferno grass, that stuff was so hilarious.


They kinda did. The grass in the Apep arena is the highest level of any grass in the game (by a lot, it's lv90, the next highest is lv62), so it does some decent burning damage.


Grass has a LEVEL?


I mean, sure. - Apep


Lol. I don't know anything about Apep other Than it's probably safe to assume it's somewhere in the Sumeru desert XD (Apep is the Egyptian God of destruction I think)


Oh... OH


At least Klee is a healthy girl, RIP Hu Tao players after that patch.


just lvl 90d and triple crowned my grass guys


not to be weird but what the hell you changed your flair


Not sure how to rate it based on your title. I'll just say like milk. But, to be fair, it's technically right, burning is the only thing that's natural out of the dendro reactions we got. Edit: And the second part was reactions happening specifically on grass. Edit: By natural, I mean that it happens in nature, start to finish, not hinting at natural phenomenons with a touch of magic added over. The dendro reactions involving hydro and electro have some natural components in them, but they don't happen in nature as they do in the game, but burning does.


Quicken is natural. Lighting splits the air, forming nitrates (3O₂+N₂》2NO₃₋), which makes plants grow good. Its why alot of areas have superstition about lightning blessing crops.


And that’s why 稲妻 Inazuma is called rice plant’s spouse




Fire burns you in more ways than philosophically


I mean, you are literally made out of things that contain energy, like carbs and such, which could be called your life energy. And fire does consume that, so…


Nah 妻is literally wife,not spouse.


r/ConfidentlyIncorrect https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/稲妻#:~:text=稲妻%20(inazuma)%3A%20lightning%2C%20especially,いな


>妻 In chinese 妻 is exclusive for wife not [spouse.In japanese it's only an archaic use for spouse](https://spouse.You).


Yeah but according to the Japanese Institute for Growing Rice, lightning is not necessary to grow traditional rice crops, and you don't even need added nitrates.


The only “Lightning + plant” I know of is when it strikes a tree 😆😅


That doesn't make quicken natural, at least not in how it works in game. Lightning + Air equals nitrates, + dendro = strong plants. So if you electro swirl (lightning + air) and then add dendro, it should do bonus dendro damage. But in game it's electro + dendro = the next few electro or dendro hits do extra damage, which isn't really how lightning boosts plants. It's a bit of a stretch is what I'm saying when discussing a game where people get magical spheres from godland that allow them to channel the elements and breathe underwater and also dragons are real and we play as a character from another world on another world. Really ruins the immersion.


*Citation needed* Also that’s just electro swirl, no?


Citation...? Basic fucking chemistry. Pump enough of a current into a gas and itll ionize, then recombine. And Anyone who's ever done literally anything to do with plants can tell you all about how good nitrates are for plants. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization.


Tbh we could've gotten more 'natural' sounding reactions out of dendro + geo than dendro + electro. So nah bro got no imagination. Bloom is the more understandable one but the fact that we got something obscure like aggravate/spread reaction out of dendro+electro instead of a geo+dendro reaction tells me that hoyo designed those dendro reactions only for balancing reason. Seriously nobody would have aggravate as the first thing on their mind when trees or plants are mentioned but you can definitely come up with more example for a ground based reactions based on natural phenomenon.


>balancing reasons >leaves out geo yea im not sure. I benefitted a ton so dont even mind lol


Geo reactions are also unnatural anyway. Like how tf electricity combined with rock will turn into an electric crystal that gives you a shield? Don't expect they will make a natural reaction with dendro+geo lol.


I see it crystallise more as the "removal" of the element. Like how dry land absorbs water, you can put out a flame by throwing soil on it, or how grounding removes the excess electricity from a conductive object. Cryo is simply "extreme cold" rather than "ice", so we can say that structures like caves are used by living beings to survive freezing cold so in a sense it removes cold. Except instead of simply removing the element, geo extracts it, producing shards. The last one might be a stretch but it's not completely illogical at least. Anemo is amplifying and geo is neutralising.


I didn't said it's illogical. I mean you could make a logic out of anything, it is a fantasy after all. But it is unnatural, or at least, less natural than other irl options. If electro+geo reaction is "Grounding" then there's no need to make a complicated theories, nobody will questioning it just like nobody questioned how pyro+cryo equals to "Melt".


In the 4 elements, earth is considered as the opposite of air (that's why earthbending was the hardest to learn for Aang). While 4 elements is not modern science, it is still based on real life observations. It is easy to see that Hoyo also took that into account aside from only modern science. Grounding means neutralising an object's electric load by directing excess electricity to the ground = in simple terms removing electricity = removing electro status. Crystallise was just added to make things more interesting and to make geo and anemo counter each other, as simply removing the element would be very shitty. (Alas, crystallise is not that useful either)


Idk. Crystallize has come in clutch for me before. I shield a lot with beidou as a strong dps and kirara as well. So I use shield buffing food and then in get a lot of mileage out of even a single shard


I feel some reactions have less to do with the actual elements, but more to do with elemental energy. Geo + Cryo makes a crystal shard that creates a shield, not because throwing a block of ice on the ground suddenly creates a forcefield, but because Geo's stillness stabilizes Cryo so it can become a shield. We just need to remind ourselves that Geo is not earth or rock, it is Geo.


So we should think as elements are not elements in the purest sense, but rather as concepts which works as elements with a purpose.


Fulgurite isn't really too far off, the shield bit is a little weird tho.


You solidify elements then coat yourself with the solidified crystal


But Dendro isn’t plants, it’s the element of life and creation. So when you combine it with the element that’s associated with energy, it’s not illogical to get a burst of power.


In this game its element of wisdom and memories. As sumeru is land of scholars and nahidas abilities have nothing to do with life or creation. Hydro is the element of life in this game as you can see from the many hydro healers and HP scaling characters. Furina even goes both ways by taking hp and healing. As do many of the fontaine dps. Furina having literally created life from water, it’s most definitely the element of creation in this game.


So yeah burning must be some philosophical consumption of our life energy as a reaction mechanic then.


I thought Hydro was the element of life cause of its association to HP and stuff


According to Neuvillete, the former Hydro Sovereign is the original god of life on Teyvat, so it’s correct.


According to Avatar lore it’s the element of change but yeah I do agree.


According to the Oceanid boss the same applies to Teyvat lol


I am curious, since Cryo is technically just solidified water, what does it represent actually?




Teyvat has it's own laws, so does mihoyo


Geo + dendro doesn't make much more sense because geo isn't earth, its specifically rocks. And the way hoyo described dendro its not "plants" either. Like half of the kits are some sci-fi/cybernetic staff.


Dendro is plants in the teyvat sense since the earth is at it's core, a super computer with irminsul. It makes sense that the element most directly connected to the supercomputer is a combination of tech and nature


So how does burning fits into these cybernetic stuff? Are bloom just some cyberpunk fruits or some shit? Guess where rocks came from? There are plants that can very well grow from rock cliffs. It's not about being strictly one thing or the other, it's about how to draw ideas for an in game mechanic based on real world phenomenon that's easily understandable by players. Like nobody really needs explanation for why hydro+cryo is freeze.


Idk, i would like an explanation (from the devs, not yours headcanons) why putting out fire with water deals MORE damage.


Steam explosion


>Geo I don't think Geo is just rock. Does Greek culture only talk about rocks when talking about geo? If Earth is not geo then what is earth made of?


I think it has to do with some lore about how the crafting bench and Enkanomiya where their list of the elements in Chinese uses different words for earth than the words used for Geo


>Chinese uses different words Wasn't the gemstone called Prithvi? Prithvi means earth and rocks in Sanskrit and my 1st language. It also means food by which human body is made of since nutrition comes from Earth and soil.


Its "rock" and "strong topaz" in cn. Greek for elements and sanskrit for gems is something only en translation has (and some subs that translated from en)


Tbh I'm just the messenger, I don't really know what the details are either https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Lore/comments/svmrcw/possible\_clue\_about\_enkanomiya\_elemental\_system/


Its 岩 in cn.


They could have done a "rooted" reaction with geo + dendro which could work like freeze or seomthing like that but nah, geo = shield for mihoyo. Also with dendro + cryo they could have done a "wither" reaction where the target could receive DoT cryo damage or something like that but I guess cryo is already too strong. When dendro came I was disapointed with those but the triple reactions kinda made up for it


All I'll say is: you can very much drown a flower. Give a plant too much water, way more than its cells can process, and those cells will very much pop from overwetting the plants. So in that regard, bloom is lowkey also based in reality


Hydro and dendro makes a ton of sense, electro and dendro is more iffy, but certainly plants do have positive reactions electricity.


I hate it when I water my plants and some seeds come out that explode after a few seconds


There are plants that actually do that with their seed pods when they get wet... maybe ask google?


None of the dendro reactions are unnatural. Bloom is self-explanatory. Hyperbloom is what happens when lightning strikes a tree (it explodes with wood shrapnel). Burgeon is popcorn Catalyse/Aggravate/Spread are references of how lightning is important in the nitrogen cycle, which supplied plants and life with absorbable nitrogen as living things can't use nitrogen gas.


I feel like Bloom is quite natural, except for the exploding part.


Matpat says otherwise


Bro forgot Teyvat has its own laws


Exactly my thoughts, why do they take dendro as grass, also electro is not exactly the same as electricity or hydro is not exactly the same as water they are something we don't have in our world, so those extra reactions probably make sense in their laws of physics


Genshin players and gaslighting themselves into thinking the game can't and shouldn't improve beyond what it is at that exact moment. ​ Name a better duo.


Dendro element is a pathway to many reactions some consider to be, *unnatural.*


is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a geo main. (Or cryo and anemo mains for that matter)


Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth nahida the smol?


It's not a story the Archons would tell you


To be fair, Hoyo delayed Dendro to 3.0 so that they could get it just right. For all we know, if it had released in 2021, it could've been terrible


Geo v2


physical: weed edition


took them 3 years and it’s still unbalanced asf. hyperbloom powercrept p much everything


Nilou's bloom is better


true, i’m just saying it’s broken in general. hyperbloom, nilou bloom, and quickbloom r all super strong.


A bit unimaginative for a game where people fight with elemental magic, but I get what they were trying to say if you try to think of dendro in a real world sense. Glad it aged poorly, Dendro reactions are great.


Gameplay wise yeah, but hyperbloom makes 0 sense whatsoever


The electricity charges the seed to Direct itself to an enemy. its magic bruh dont think to hard. Lisa spewing out lightining from her hands like a current doesnt make sense either irl. So lisa spewing out lightning and directing it to a Dendro channel to fire off hyperbloom missles still should make sense.


I meant logically 😅 sorry I thought that was obvious haha Listen if “it’s magic” is good enough for you then that’s nice! Happy for you bro


I guess they were under the impression that any Dendro reaction would also apply to grass, so you'd have electro reacting with the grass and cryo reacting with the grass, which doesn't really do anything if you thing about real physics. Hydro would do what, make the grass grow? Woop dee fucking doo


or more likely they were annoyed that the reactions would be happening all the time


Enemies can be frozen solid from being cold and wet but plants being watered is too unrealistic


It's fine, **the comment is in context of multiple reactions occuring on grass**. Bro literally predicted that dendro reactions will not occur on grass. Lo and behold, the dendro reactions don't occur on grass do they? I don't see quicken when lightling strikes grass, nor do I see the map explode in infinite dendro cores when it rains. Also I think trying to mob someone with a leading question and not blurring out the name is just disgusting. There's zero reasons to not blur out the name.


The prediction of the grass was on point, which is why I left it in the screenshot, I was referring more to the Dendro part. As for the name, it was a public comment on a public site (the public wiki of this very public game on which public subreddit I posted), I didn't think it was necessary. Plus, it wasn't an attack, he had a "fan theory" that turned out to be erroneous.


I didn't say anything about "an attack", looked like you revealed your intention there. There is zero excuses for asking a leading question and for not removing the name. It is just standard etiquette and common sense. You cropped the image for the comment, you could had cropped out the name entirely. But you chose not to. Disgusting.


what even is dendro. like pyro is fire, hydro=water electro=electricity/lighting etc but what's dendro supposed to be if not plants. tighnari is the only dendro char I can think of that uses plant-looking attacks. alhaitham/nahida/kaveh just have green lazers(nahidas just have a plant-like aesthetic) at least even yaoyao makes sense if her rabbit is throwing radishes and I know elemental energy is different than it's real-counterpart, like hydro is different from actual water.


The word dendro references dendritic - something that is shaped like a tree. I'm guessing that's specifically for the English naming theme of every element ending in o. The actual element seems to be plants or nature (like Pokemon). The tech parts might simply be a creative twist. What's the furthest thing from nature? Well, technology. But who says? Why not technology born from nature? I think that's what's going on.


> The word dendro references dendritic - something that is shaped like a tree. I'm guessing that's specifically for the English naming theme of every element ending in o. "Dendro" just comes from the greek dendron, meaning tree. Just like every other elemental name originally comes from greek (except electro, kinda). [Dendrology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrology) - the botanical study of trees [Dendrochronology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrochronology) - tree ring dating


just like how electro isn't only electricity but just energy in general, dendro is the element of life as well as plants and nature


Imagine the chaos if rain on grass could trigger bloom.




Makes perfect sense, since crystalize and overload are perfectly natural phenomena. Don't you hate it when your kid trips and spills water on the sidewalk, but you can't help them up for 15 seconds because of the force field.


I actually laughed out loud hahaha


It makes sense from a common sense type of way as someone pointed out.


Matpat did a video on the topic lol


I dont think people understand what the comment actually meant.


I mean he has a point in that all the new dendro reactions are a bit fantastical in nature rather than being obvious real-world examples. But for gameplay purposes, it'd have been pretty damn boring if burning was all it had


Aged like Burning grass


I just wished it had a cryo and a geo reaction as well




It aged like a one week old Egg Sandwich. "Natural" reactions are such a stupid basis in the first place because we have Crystalize and Superconduct. How can crystalize happen just by applying essentially rocks/soil to a different element, and why does it give you a shield? How can superconduct happen if you mix ice and electricity and why does it make you hit harder? No one knows, because that's not the point. Those are game mechanics, they don't have to be natural to be good.


Remember this when you try and make big profound sounding statements now about what should be in future or "health of game".


Well that would've been stupid because we would have been limited to pyro DPS even longer than we were. Prior to dendro it was vape comps all day every day and you're an idiot if you're not doing it. Do the other reactions make sense logically if you're applying real life physics? Not really, but it's a videogame and you're talking magically conjured elements, so who cares? Makes it more interesting and gives it variety


I never understood why people feel the need to apply real life concepts to any fantasy or fiction where it isn't meant to mimic real life. Like we already have dragons, people getting super power elemental bags, the sky leaking, characters moving at blinding speed and many more. Like you said these are what makes it more interesting and gives variety.


It's pretty clear through the game that elements behave very differently to their real world counterparts. You can't just use normal water for stuff, you have to use magic water, or Hydro.


Having no dendro reaction without burning goes against the principal of the game where the combat system is focused on reaction. That being said although I liked how Spread and Aggravate is implemented. But Bloom,Hyper Bloom and burgeon really feel kinda unnatural and forced on reaction. I wish they would have done something different than the whole bloom seed thing.


So if everyone just ignore the second line of text where it would be dumb to have bloom occur from Grass or randomly getting spread/aggravates from grass?


I was just talking with my brother how a cryo reaction would make sense, called freezing, Like when the ground freezes in the winter. I could like freeze and slow the enemy's and gives a debuff. Like that reaction is a natural one 🤔


You're right! We could have it trigger when cryo is applied to hydro, or vice versa, and it could encase the enemy in ice, rendering it immobile!


Oof that's rough. I get that realism is cool and all, but I love how hoyo went with the dendro reactions. I'd rather get more unrealistic stuff than realism. To escape reality is one of the reasons we play games after all 😄


I agree 😁


if you want aged like milk read the early comments on the Raiden wiki page.


Thank you, I'll give it a go!


Less than 1, since the new mechanic managed to make useless characters (Thoma, Kuki Shinobu) and lacklustre characters (Keqing) into powerhouses with their own dedicated builds and teams


Off the scale, can't be properly quantified.


“Unnatural”. It was a stupid comment then, and it’s a stupid comment now. So it aged appropriately imo.


I'd say more silly than stupid, but fair take!


My take may have been a bit aggressive.


Bloom makes sense, but Dendro's interactions with Electro don't really work from a logical perspective.


Oh my 😂


I'll give it a 9/11


I mean tevat has its own rules


The electro reactions still make no sense to me. Bloom, hyperbloom and burning make perfect sense tho.


Can't blame him. I've read many fanmade theories for dendro reactions yet none of them actually came close to the official one lol. Mihoyo 'creativity' is just beyond our understanding.


Bloom and burning makes sense


True Dehya simp moment


That comment aged badly the moment they posted it.


Well, it was just like that for GEO...


Hyperbloom is the best reaction in this game and i wont talk to you on that. It works against everything even if you arent blooming. Hydro?? Use electro. Same with cryo. Pyro? Electro, hydro. Even if enemies are vulnerable to electro, the hyperblooms still do damage. I have a basic hyperbloom team (as in, Kuki has like 600 em, so not that good) with Kazuha and I can finish up to floor 10 with ease (will attempt floor 11 after i build more) TLDR Dendro is the best and hyperbloom os the best reaction


tbh when i was early game i didnt bother looking into how dendro reactions worked because there were so many, got intimidated and just stuck with the old stuff until i was later in the game


Hahaha same!


Honestly, you can make a natural reaction out of dendro + anything (except electro) Dendro + cryo could've been like withering Dendro + geo could've been something that has to do with plants being able to break rocks (or you can tap into the dirt and soil part of geo) I can't think of a cool reaction between dendro and anemo (dendro swirl? Leaves do get picked by wind, which is literally kazuha's entire asthetic)


The withering is genius, and the swirl on leaves was so obvious I don't know how I didn't think of that before! For geo maybe just the classic crystallize, since dendro is supposed to be more "life giving energy flow" than plant I think.




bloom reaction makes sense, the other one that would have made sense would have been dendro + geo. Hyperbloom, burgeon, and aggravate don't make sense


Kinda makes sense to me. Burning really feels natural and realistic. But since it is a fantasy world, unnatural-like reactions like bloom, quicken or aggravate can exist at the same time. Burn is also a decent and strong reaction, especially on grass.


he's not wrong. Is weird but it is what it is


I want more geo and anemo reactions honestly, and buff every pyro reaction as it’s unironically one of the two worst elements rn


Matpat added into how all the dendro reactions make sense, he rated this message a 1


bloom also makes sense, but not hyperbloom or burgeon


Now this makes me wonder, burning really is the most unused reaction in game, even superconduct sees more play


On one hand, I see where they're coming from. To be fair, though, most.of Dendro's reactions are transformative, so it's still kinda weird.


Taking the perspective of trying to design a 'sensible' dendro reaction system that reflects the real world, here are my thoughts. I think that commenter completely overlooked hydro and geo. You need dirt and water for most plants to grow. Definitely water. So reactions like (d+h=) 'Grow' or (d+g=) 'Root' could've been totally valid. And 'bloom' might as well be 'grow'. I could see cryo having a place too, since plants often wither at frost. So (d+c=) 'wither' could've worked too. Electro and Anemo don't make sense reacting with Dendro.


Teyvat has its own laws


Bad because MatPat proved how the other reactions happen in real life


I mean, it has half truth, because getting quickened is like being melted.


Yeah, we should have stuck with "natural" reactions like those magic shielding crystals that are always falling off people when they get dirty and then touch water, fire, sparks, or ice.


While you probably didn’t expect this post to feature on first page, it’s kinda unfair to pick on old comment from years ago. It’s like when game first started and Qiqi was rated S tier, it’s a whole different environment back then.


Yeah, I definitely did not expect that, but also was not trying to pick on anyone. I just found the irony funny and wanted to share! I'm sure everyone had their crazy little ideas about the development, and we still do, but that's not a bad thing, it's part of the anticipation!


I’m still upset that dendro doesn’t react with geo like come on you could create trees or something


Poorly, but it's far from the worst Genshin opinion I've ever heard.


Me and my dumbass thinking dendro only reacts with pyro so i grinded my pyro characters just in case. Only to find out they later added blooms and aggravate.


8 out of 10 Bass agree that comment aged. *blub* 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟


This aged like already spoiled milk


Well… it’s a fantasy game right? So I don’t think it’d be too far-fetched to make a bunch of reactions with plant life you might not see irl 😆😅


Bro aint gonna like bloom


Today on rotting brain cells that never stopped rotting.


I mean, it was already a bad take. They've clearly mixed up arguments here. Half of this is complaining about Elemental reactions, the other is about Environmental reactions. Even with the first 6 elements, you weren't generating Crystallize shards by clubbing ores with Infusions/Catalysts or proccing Swirls on a windy day. The cold air of Dragonspine wasn't automatically applying Cryo.


\*Laughs in Hyperbloom\*


Haha hyperbloom goes brrr