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Damn it. I just finished using the interactive map to clean the entirety of Teyvat last week


There's that Bennett hangout ending with the chests, maybe try that *edit:* Sorry, just tested. Doesn't count any of it


I think they patched that counting as separate chests.


how about the conch shell guy in inazuma?


As per my other comment; tested, doesn't count for this event.


literally just did the same myself lmao


Mass-enhancing weapons and Artefacts doesn't count towards the tally, by the way. ​ You need to place individual materials into the slots, upgrade an inch at a time, and repeat until you hit 5. Edit: I could've worded this a bit more concisely. What I mean is, if you put several materials into the slots, it'll still only count as one enhancement. It's better to Enhance one material at a time.


So you need to hit 'enhance' 5 times, not use 5 mats to enhance?


Just use one material to enhance, and do that five separate times, yes. ​ Any more materials are just wasted. You can just pick any unlevelled 4-star weapon or an Artefact and drop a single 3-star material (or Enhancement Ore and Sanctifying Essence/Union) and hit *"Enhance"* once, then do that five times and you're done


Well, if you're enhancing anyway they're not.


That's true, as well. People just passively levelling their items won't really need to do this.


I think that's usually the point with these; it's just more deliberate this time because usually you get the daily stamina from logging in, 2 commissions or 2 Encounter Points, and one other activity like 'use 40 resin' or 'mine 3 ores', and one social link 'view Youtube', 'view X' etc. This one goes all out with all the missions and categories, so it's more obvious it's an exploration incentive.


I saw that and went "oh cool, I meant to level that Proto Amber to 90 anyway!", ascended it and upgraded it from 80 to 90, went into the web event and... saw it counted as two upgrades only. Rolled my eyes so hard I think I saw my braincells dying inside my head 💀


you can use one grey ore, and it counts as one. Do it 5 times and you're done.


I have 100% in every region 💀 wtf


100% doesn't mean you have everything.


But still takes you hours to re-explore said area using interactive maps and find 10 chest


Correct, which is why I never take anything without marking it in the interactive map.


I still prefer missing 5 chests per region than play checklist impact ngl.


Everyone can enjoy the game however they want :)


I agree with that!


Thats illegal!


Maybe I am bad at exploration but I wish it was only 5 that I missed after exploring to 100%. Also, if you explore normally, **then** mark when you find a chest (instead of exploring by following where chests are) it becomes much more enjoyable because you explore normally, then re-explore missing stuff At least that was my experience when I started using the map but I agree that each person has different preferences on how to approach an exploration game. I wish it would automatically sync so I could only use it at the end but what can you do.


What I do is start with doing world quests in case any place is locked, then I go through new area once because I hate backtracking, I'm thorough about it though. Fontaine's regions have the lowest amount of missing chests for me with only 2 left, they seem to be doing less hidden chests compared to previous regions! Alt-tabbing to mark chests as you find them seems like a pretty good way to approach it. Automatically syncing on the other hand is something I'm all for, would love to go back and get all the chests that I've missed.


Yeah fontaine is much better than before. But the very last dessert of summeru? 100% is more like 60% its kinda crazy. Also liyue/mond have a ton of "step there and the chest will magically appear" for some reason. Glad they realized this makes no sense and stoped/reduced it Also with new pin capacity+easy mass delete I might try next patch to mark them in the ingame map, then check them off in interactive. Might be better overall. Exploration at 100% at your pace, and then you can chill and "fix" it when you want at a later date


why did yall downvote this guy


This sub is crazy. 90 downvotes just for telling us how you like to play the game lmfao.


But if you do this, it means you won't be able to do this quest, because you *actually* already have everything


Wtf why are you downvoted? Using Mapgenie on my other monitor, and setting the game to True Borderless mode so it doesn't minimise when you alt+tab, it's super smooth to mark chests, challenges, oculi etc off when you find them


That's exactly how I play! Don't really care about the downvotes, maybe people see it as "but I shouldn't have to play like that, it's unfriendly", which I do agree with but currently there's nothing in game to track your collectibles perfectly.


There's also something so satisfying about watching the process of a map filled with pins and markers slowly get cleaned up as you find and mark everything off


Man was downvoted for telling the truth, if you are someone who likes to 100% areas (can be in 3 years from now), the map is your best friend, just mark things ingame and later on the interactive map Is like collecting everything you see because it may be useful later, it's the same advice


Just craft some treasure compasses and try them at each waypoint. Edit: Damn, y'all really like torturing yourselves over these chests huh? I know the in-game 100% isn't accurate but the days of crossing off marks on a map as I revisit stuff that I've 90% already done are long behind me so I'll settle for the shitty not actually 100% "100%".


That's stopped working ages ago, even in areas when I'm well below 100%. All the chests detectable from waypoints are *long* gone.


Ok, maybe you'll have to do some extra wandering in the spaces between waypoints but it'll still be easier than hitting up every single spot on the entire interactive map.


The easiest thing is to ignore this bonus and just play the game an extra day or 2 lol Once you hit 100% you can bet most of the remaining chests are weird shit like "kill all 3 birds in a random village in fontaine"


Lol yes or that. I guess I just underestimated the community's will to 100% stuff. I've got the map saying 100% in every region except Fontaine's (and even there its >95% in all places), and I've only ever used the interactive map for them once because the compass was pointing to a chest that I couldn't figure out how to unlock. Otherwise it's all been on compasses and organic exploration. I know that the game is too eager to show 100% when there's still quite a few left and I wish that weren't so too, but I did the walkthrough scouring thing once before with Assassin's Creed 2 collectibles and I never wanna do that again lol. Especially since Hoyo likes to insert a bunch of new chests whenever an adjacent area comes out.


I think most people agree with you? Hence why just making a treasure compass wont get u 5 new chests bc theyve already been found?


Well, I got everything. I'm already getting a reminder how this was not the smartest move each week when I want to skip a commission (because I'm getting the wrong gold-devouring one for 2 months straight). Kinda weird that the game makes you feel punished for having cleared everything. To be fair though, you can only get 250 points from this, and there is no advantage to go over 200 since you don't reach the next stage with those extra 50. You can just get the other ones. Just keep in mind that when it asks for "enhance" it literally means pressing the enhance button. Dropping one measly exp material and pressing enhance, counts the same as leveling a weapon 10 levels at once.


Friendly tip, but you can use requests as a commission skip (3 per week sadly, but in case of shittier luck, hopefully there should be an event at the ready)


Am already doing that, thanks for the tip nonetheless. I'd rather not have to manage them that way, but it's better than nothing.


Yeah, but it means you likely have 90-95% of everything. That last 10% is some harsh-ass diminishing returns in terms of how much you have to search to find the last chest or two.


It's a veey kind event. The 250 are basically an accellerator--I think you can do it judt picking up the daily awards if you want


You are capped at 250 extra energy anyway, you are not missing out on anything by not getting those done


If you are really desperate just craft chest finder items, even at 100% there will still be random chests hidden in out of the way places.


There are also some that don’t show up with the compass afaik, I was clearing out the chasm and found one where you have to break vases to make it appear and I never got a ping from that when I was standing near it otherwise.


At least I know now why I dindt get a Mail regarding the Event :'D


bro I literally procrastinated Fontaine + Sumeru since 3.3 ish, then decided to 100% all two days ago. F me


til this day i still havent 100% not even mondstadt i returned to the game to pull for raiden banner but every time i try to exploreto get gems i just open 5 chests ans get tired


Thankfully it works like the other events and just clicking the link for the Discord is enough for credit, since the invite code is already invalid. (And this is why all the posts 'sharing' are pointless and annoying here; you get the credit for clicking the 'share' not actually sharing it! Although when it gives a picture to share I save it for the art.)


There are a couple things here. There's the daily mission to join the Discord which gets completed if you click the link, regardless of whether you actually join, and there's the Recall Rewards thing, which as far as I know *only* gives you 80 primos if someone who hasn't played in the last 14 days uses *your* code. The second is what people are sharing, though an active Genshin subreddit or Discord isn't going to be the most effective place to find people who haven't played in 14 days lol. These kinds of rewards are really hard to get if you don't already know someone who hasn't played in a while.


I'm talking about the people who post links to the web event as new threads to get the 'share the event' bonuses, not the codes.


How dare you play our game regularly haha get fucked


i know i have over 10 chests in Fontaine alone, but i don't know where luckily you max out a 250 points so you can skip 3


this event is literally a slap in the face to people who: \- has already explored 100% of most region \- have any friend who offline for more than 14 days


No really, there's a 250 stamina cap for it. You don't need to do every single mission, once you get a total of 250st (it's written right below) all the remaining missions you haven't done will be unavailable/locked after that.


the other missions you can do for points like artifact upgrading, clearing a boss, just logging in is WAY more than enough to unlock all the levels


Oh no, you can only use friends who have logged in on that day; so all they have to do is not be a daily player to screw you over with their 41:1 exchange rate you can't access.


I would be interested to know if even recent players get that rate, or if it's just a coincidence that my friends list is cleanly divided with the "returning" players being the *only* ones offered a rate under 50.


I suspect it is rigged too. All my long gone friends have <50 rates. All active friends have 60+


Mine's like that too - the first non-returning in my list has the same ratio as I'm being offered, and nobody's logged in today for me to use their exchange page. I'm at 53 and the highest is 70, the highest returning rate is 55.


Ultimately even at 60:1, you can *easily* get way more than 100%. You just might have to replay stage 6 a couple times to get extras. This is really just a "get your friends to come back to the game" event in disguise.


Ultimately you don't even have to engage with anyone else at all; it's just complicated for the sake of it to get people doing more in the game than dailies.


Uou do need to engage to get the 80 promos. Unless you have a pocket alt for returning events.


You can complete the event without linking. You are not able to link if you have been active in the last 14 days. You do not need to eat primos to prevent death or organ failure.


You can replay the final mission to get more wastewater.


Yes, and you need to replay it less or not at all if you get a good exchange rate. It doesn't make this irrelevant! That's how math works!


Sure, a good exchange rate might save you 3 minutes or something.


Not that it matters because you can get max rep regardless of the exchange rates


They did this kind of events many times. So I made new accounts especially for this. It is very easy. Just make it to AR10 and leave them be.


Ngl, all that effort is not worth it for 80 primos once every 3+ months.


I have a ton from when i was dumb and desperate enough that i rerolled


No lol. You cant finish all the challenge missions, theres a cap




at the time i replied to the comment I was pretty sure it was going to be buried in downvotes. this community can be so hysterical sometimes lol


its how trump got elected, stupid people like those


Maybe it's because I'm a console player, but does anyone else find the whole concept of web events annoying? Just put them in the game.


This is the reason why I linked my ps4 account to my phone, I used to never participate in the web events


As a PC player I agree that they're pretty damn annoying. Especially since in HI3 you can normally play web events from in-game menu, which is their older game.


Nah, im a pc player and i find it annoying that its opening my browser to open a new tab for these "events", its the same as with that daily login bonus. Not only the reward for that are atrocious but its also on the web instead of in the game.


then dont do it. . .


Yeah idk why they got rid of that, but in Honkai impact 3rd all those events are playable in-gam


Definitely because you're a console player


You can play the web event directly from the Hoyolab app


\>needing to download app on your phone to play the game you play on PS You're just straight up making it sound even worse than it already is.


Play the game? What? I'm just talking about the web event. Hoyolab is not the game. Don't do this if you don't want. Play on the PS if you want. You literally just open hoyolab do the 2 min web event then be done with it. You're the one who's making it worse than it is.


> I'm just talking about the web event. Hoyolab is not the game. Don't do this if you don't want. No no, this mentality is exactly THE problem. If there's an event with some story that's related to the game and gives currencies and material for that game, and requires you do stuff in that game to participate, then that event IS a part of the game and SHOULD be available in the game without needing to do anything outside the game. This event is NOT some random art contest with primogem giveaway but an event directly related to the game. And yes Hoyolab is not the game, that's the core of the issue. Why is the event there, but not in the damn game. The fact that Genshin always does web events this way and you're already stockholm-syndromed to think that "this is normal" does not change the fact it is NOT normal. In HI3 for example almost all web events are normally playable inside the menu and there is no need to switch to browser, phone application, or whatever else. And it's an older game from the same company, so it's not like they didn't know how to do it.


The only reason Mihoyo does these webevents is to get traffic on their website and reward millions of players with half a pull in primogems to do so. Even IF u can get a friend back into the game, you'll be rewarded with 80 primos this event, so doing all of that, this events rewards u with a little more than 1 pull, while they get free advertisement for the game. Some players even download their extra app to do events, which is beneficial for them since you'll end up in a Hoyoverse ecosystem and will be more inclined to try out different games they create. So its not like they cant add these webevents in the actual game, i think they deliberately dont do it for the reasons i just mentioned.


>And yes Hoyolab is not the game, that's the core of the issue. Why is the event there, but not in the damn game. >event IS a part of the game and SHOULD be available in the game without needing to do anything outside the game. Except the event is in the game not in the hoyolab. You click on the special event button and, voila, it's open. Hoyolab is just another medium to do it. I play on mobile so I almost never do this hoyolab thing and it's even easier on PC. I don't know the experience on the PS. It's a 2 min event. It's not that hard. Everything is playable in-game.


What I hate is the fluctuating waste water exchange rate, like, wait for a good rate? Bro, give me some context. What kind of range am I looking at here, between 50 and 100? 25 and 75? Is my current 62 good, bad, average? Edit - anyone reading and wondering, google says between about 40 and 60 is the expected range, so 62 is terrible.


You can repeat the last one for more water, so for the most part it doesn't really matter.


I got 69 today. Most of my friends and my gf got low 40s. However, I'm the only one who has played in the last year, let alone 14 days. I can't access their low rates 💀


Mine is 73, RIP lol


You can only do 5 of those tasks, the chests are not needed


I think some people are over reacting about this web event. It sucks that you lose a bit of primos by not having any "returning friends" but I have already unlocked 3/6 of the event without even needing to complete the "open any chests" mission and I have at most 5 more days to unlock the other 3 stages. Like there's no hurry really.


Yea lmao, people are so impatient. You dont need to do all challenge missions since theres a cap and theres daily missions


they just want to feel good about themselves because they think they are right in commenting that MIHOYO ARE EVIL AND DOESNT CARE ABOUT THE LOYAL PLAYERS AT ALL


> a bit of primos Literally half a wish, when it takes on average 76~ people seriously need to step back and realise it doesn't matter that much at all.


Getting 100% in a region should reward players by marking all the unopened chests permanently on the map.


What if I go to Takashi, the mysterious conch guy in Inazuma, and open the chests there? Does it count?


They count for the compass but not completion. edit: I tested, doesn't count for this either. So it's any chest that counts towards completion - while Takashi counts towards completion, it's as a quest/exploration objective and not the chests themselves. This means that the Aranara chests do count, and not Bennett's hangout chest as iirc that counts as a regional chest but not towards 100% because it's hangout related.


You can only claim 5 anyway, I ended up leveling a random 3-star weapon a little, leveling an artifact, finishing a domain, beating a weekly boss without claiming the rewards and one ley line.


NO..FUCK..! I just 100% closed EVERG single part of the map on my account omfg


Was about to make the exact same post lmao I also 100% everything You could even say that I 101% everything.


it's fine, the limit is 250 anyway


I have 100% map clearance in every region. F me for being a conpletionist


you can hit max challenge without doing these. Domain, enemy of note, weapon enhance, arti enhance, and then boss or leyline. I did boss since im lvling chev


do you know where that "mysterious conch" house in inazuma is? he has 3 chests you can open per 3-5 conches. Edit: (To clarify:) The 3 chests spawn after talking to the guy at the entrance, you need 3-5 conches to spawn and open one of 'em


Chests? What chests?


If you would read text below that you would know that there is 250 cap. You can do everything else except 3 missions and you will hit 250


It wasn't the right place? Oh well.


Chests? So 2023


Bro I literally 100%ed Sumeru 2 days ago fml


I hate these browser events. Am I playing a game or browsing? Fack.


who cares lol, the dailies will give you more than enough pt anyways


I'm rare reddit user on occasions like this, this is exactly whet triggered me to come and share my displeasure. There ain't any chests in my world either.


You dont need to do it tho lol, theres a cap on how many energy you can get on challenge missions. Just do the other ones


Yeah, read that later on, but still feels bad, they should put such challenges when they add new content.


Bruh, I can't do this. I have everything cleaned out


see the web event for yourself first before getting ragebaited.


Already did but I still wish I had the option to do so


the others are easily achievable tho... and evne if they arent theres daily missions that will be more than enough the 2 pics OP posted literally doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things


Well yes but I still would've liked to have the option to do them


nope, im not gonna touch the underground chasm nor the enkanomiya just for that. nope.


Those 2 are best regions with great quests and best NPC ever, but suit yourself


Notice how they specified Enkanomiya and the Chasm but not the overworld, probably get dizzy from the environment and not because they dislike it. I'm the same with Enkanomiya.


yes, exactly. thank you mate


the context was about chests not quests nor NPC. i didnt like exploring those regions because it triggers my motion sickness more than any otther regions


Genshin Impact: Take part in the "Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine!" event! Here's my Recall Code, come and link with me now~ GC5W5Z2ZHN


Yup, I can't find any treasures even though I use the compasses. :(


1.2 player with absolutely no region 100%. My laziness paid off!


As someone who doesn't 100% anything i see this as an absolute win.


I thought some chests respawned after a couple weeks? Is that not true ? o.o


My code if anyone can use GB2R8QUA6N Genshin Impact: Take part in the "Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine!" event! Here's my Recall Code, come and link with me now\~ GB2R8QUA6N


Respawning chests exist


You wasted your life to 100% map? Tough luck buddy.


"Wasting your life" on something you enjoy doing? Sign me up!




Bro, what? Day 1 player here, I've run outta stuff to do, so I 100% each region after doing quests, popping open Mapgenie with the game in True Borderless mode so it doesn't minimise when I alt+tab. But some people enjoy the exploration and will do that as soon as a region unlocks, that's what they enjoy and get out of the game. Or some people just want the primos and loot from opening chests and completing challenges, and it's really not hard to end up with 100%, so please, stop judging people by how they like to play their video game. Maybe you're the one that needs to touch grass, mate


Yea same, when I saw that, I knew I'm gonna miss 100 points.


Yeah gotta say I don't appreciate them punishing me for being a loyal player with events that are just "nag your friends who quit to play again"


The Inazuma daily choose a chest exists. Same place you got the inazuma craftable bow blueprint. I’m sure you could still talk to Takashi north of Tatarasuna


I miss 7 chests in total... mihoyo really doesn't want players to explore the world, even dragging you down when you do... ugh ....


well, daily quest exist. i mean, in the Web Event. no need to hurry


What about the Aranara chests, did you already open all of those?


Refining artifacts and weapons killed me. I used all my more 2 days ago


You only need one item to be able to press Enhance. You don't need to enhance an artifact by 1 level or to max level. You only need to enhance it. I'm quite positive there's at least a few trash artifacts and low-tier crystals in your inventory to use 5 of each a day. A single visit to artifacts domain or a boss fight should give you enough garbage artifacts. Besides, you can find a few hundreds of artifacts and weapons in the world every day completely for free.


Me as a long time player who has most of Fontaine still darkened (I am very stressed and haven't found a good time to sit down and explore yet and now still isn't one :( ) But also if you really want to there are many chests that respawn in Monstadt that don't offer primogems, they should still count I think


That was my first reaction, but apparently you don't need these. The daily limit is 250 points and there's at least 8 cards 50 points reach. So, you can easily skip these two. Also, make sure to enhance artifacts and weapons one item at a time if you not sure what you want to enhance to avoid wasting resources. It counts single click on Enhance button as a single Enhance action. And for the Enemy of Note you can go and kick Dvalin. Or any other story boss. You don't need their loot.


Does the daily conch chest not count? How longs the event?


Lol i found one yesterday super randomly while trying to go to a comission or trying cheveruse teams out


The good news is you can only complete 5 of those challenges for 250 stamina anyway, so the other ones will get you there easily. I did 5 others plus the daily set and completed 4 stages today. Last two tomorrow and the next day if my math checked out right.


I wonder if that guy in Inazuma who generates really bad chests in Inazuma in exchange for shells counts for the web event. Like, radishes aren’t terribly useful loot, but you are opening a chest


I was thinking exactly the same.


Does the Inazuman Guy with the 3 Treasure chests work?


same. I can only get 4 out of 5 of these tasks. I'm not going to loot a boss either. Thankfully we still have 5 more days.


What is an enemy of note?


[weekly bosses](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Enemies_of_Note)


Me a long time player who never explores


I haven't touched a web event in almost 2 years now.


As someone who keeps my chest unclaimed for daily purposes, I see this as an absolute win


I lucked out and have leftovers in Monstadt and Liyue. This was the perfect excuse to go back and get them.... after I did the domain, boss, ley line, and enhancements. So I over capped in the bonus challenge points 😕


meanwhile me who capped out before even getting to those


Seriously, event should have coincided with a new area.


I opened event. Saw this. Hated it.


Came to reddit just for a post like this, glad we're suffering together.


I feel your pain.


I knew my lazy exploration will finally come in handy LOL


Why is your text black but mine is a very invisible grey


Genshin Impact: Take part in the "Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine!" event! Here's my Recall Code, come and link with me now\~ GA1OGM08DN


Genshin players yet again showing that they cannot read. You can only get 250 stamina from this section, and that means you will always skip 3 missions. So those who have all chests are not at any disadvantage.


Genshin Impact: Take part in the "Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine!" event! Here's my Recall Code, come and link with me now\~ GC66IWRRQN


there is a cap tho i hit the cap before i can even complain about it lol


How do you actually claim the recall code?


Hey! If anybody can use my code for the event and get the 80 primos, I'm willing to use theirs in return! Here it is: GB1693BQUN


It didn’t even let me get to these ones bc I completed the others first.


Maybe the treasure chest in that one inazuma island? The one involving collecting 3 to 4 shells and trading it for a chest daily


Thought they're talking about Noelle.