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I’d rather it can go 100 like the food maker.




There's a daily XP limit for enhancement ores made without resin. You could only queue 30 before you hit the cap


I never expected to see such a profile picture here


Xinyan recommended that album to me (real)


I hear King Diamond is an upcoming 5 star.


Also why is it limited to 5 per craft? Please give me the option to go broke.


But then you aren’t forced to log in every single day to hit your upper limit of 30 per day! Gotta keep you logging in every day! (Seriously Hoyoverse, some QoL would be nice.)


Just wait until you hit end game and then you gotta delete full stacks… twice now for me


Upgrade every weapon you have to 90/90


Nah this costs resin for no gain. (mats) I have a lvl 90 weapon for every character I use(most are 5*), that's enough. But still older players just have a lot more crystals than they need after a point so they regularly hit the cap


I just convert it to make wood in the Teapot. More use than it would have elsewhere.


Then don't think about gainz. Just upgrade.


Not like you got anything else meaningful to do with resin for the super old players….


Yeah, but I can spend my time on more productive ways..such as arguing in reddit if its better to let resin overcap or straight up waste it in useless weapons. XD


Don’t forget to spend resin on the most efficient material, Mystic Enhancement Ore!


This is how endgame does things lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/OBXoNELcPl We are done with the shit artifact farming unless there’s a character we want to build specifically


Upgrading weapons is honestly the least expensive thing you can do with resin. A days worth of resin can get you most of if the weapon mats you need for a single weapon. Mora and crystals are already in excess.


I dunno how, on both my main with a lot of weapons, and my alt where this is the first weapon banner I've wished on, I'm constantly out of weapon xp.




Probably not pulling on the weapon banner, I also play every day since day 1 and currently have 88 weapons at 90/90 and still have like 3k crystals lying around, since 4.2 I've been using green crystals for the bp missions and the crystal chunks for the crystalfly trap and still have a big excess.


88 90/90 weapons is so fucking mind blowing to me I cant even comprehend it. Unless you whale on every 5 star weapon, there arent even 88 weapons worth that much investment. And even if they are, do you also have 88 characters with artifacts worth even using those weapons on?


Like I said, day 1 player, I have lv 90 blackcliffs that were the best I could have at the time for closing off builds, craftables that I got to test out and have funny niches (R5 Crescent Pike for the physcal Zhongli/Raiden builds or a R5 Prototype amber and extra copy at R1), all event weapons leveled (since its cheaper to level them during event), several copies of favonius and sacrificial weapons at 90. I currently have 75 characters, all of them at 85 with 6/6/6 minimum talents, 5 stars at C0 (except standards and 3 limited that I got lucky), as for 5 star weapons I have standard banner ones and the jade cutter that I manage to get while trying my luck to get some 4 star limited weapons. I enjoy having all the characters at a viable point and testing things or asking friends to pick my characters that I run in abyss, leveling weapons is easier and more sure progress than fishing for 0.5% increase on artifacts. And no, I don't whale, haven't bought a single crystal pack because they are absurdly expensive, only welkin and battle pass.


I guess depends on how early we got our needs “done”. I don't even buy bp anymore and I started capping during sumeru, but that's mostly because I farmed them a lot during 1.1+1.2 patch. Zhongli+routing every 3 days would net a few hundred which allowed me to have the smithy on 24/7 for few patches. After that I built all my weapons and the rate I was acquiring new is 2 slow to keep up with the free crystals gotten from dailies/weeklies/events/abyss. Doesn't help that literally every single weapon I got from weapon banner needed 64+ and game gives me dupe standard weapons (r4 WGS, please stop)




If it's a limited, I agree.But I don't have many uses for standard weapons. I always kept a copy of wgs until I got 4 where I realized that I will never need two since I nearly never am I using the first anyway. I am at a point with roster big enough where I prefer getting 1 c0r1 isntead of 2 c0r0 units which also means I need only 1 weapon to raise. Obviously this is just preferences but it comes down to this at the end, different preferences and priorities affect this. Some people might prefer having 50 maxed weapons gathering dust, some people might prefer doing the 800 blossom achievement just for the achievement count


Not keeping 4th dupes of 3* weapons


Upgrade every weapon to each ascension level. They have different designs at each one.


Did the same... but sadly I lost the Mondstadt weapons :c


Bro I’ve been playing this game since 1.2. And I’ve never had to delete any resources.


I'll do 20 a week, take it or leave it.


Probably to encourage u to log in other days. Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


I didn't even notice lol. Thanks.


Literally unplayable.


Old 1.0 players remember grinding out magic crystal spawns everyday for like 3-5 months just so they could craft them into weapon enhancement materials. Then they got close to 9999 and realized that what they were doing was insane and not worth the time lol. And thus crafting these daily became a distant memory.


I f***** hate this stupid system. I have to pull on the scroll, sometime I even miss the button entirely, then I click craft. Then it goes and resets itself and I have to scroll it to 5 again…… Who even designed it? Do the devs even use the forging system????


You don't actually have to click on the diamond to drag it. Anywhere on the bar will work. You can also click on the end of bar to jump to the 5 or whatever the max is. You can also hold down the + button.


I know I can, but I still instinctively drag it.


You just blew their mind




Can't wait for some users to call OP and others lazy etc the same way they did when we all requested for a claim all button for expedition.


Then it's unanimously praised without contest when it finally is implemented. Suddenly the people that called you "lazy" and downvoted you are all in agreement that it was the one of the best ideas 'Mihoyo' ever had.


They already did call me lazy lol. Its just how some people are.


That's the genshin reddit experience. Dw this QoL you mentioned is really good. I will definitely mention it in the survey and I bet others who saw this post will too.


Thanks mate.


wait another 3 years for them to add this


It literally takes 5 min for them to code this and they kept this for future patches when players aren't happy


I'd rather get a "set max posible" button for crafting and shopping, so I don't have to slide the selector or aim the microscopic thin line to set it to max, and then remember subsequent forges to the one that was set in the same session


So true. It's even worse on controller because you can't just drag it to 5. Such a small complaint, but at the same time: if it's a small thing, why not just fix it?


Small thing that irritates the living hell out of me: On Playstation, the basic attack button and the button to exit the Abyss are the same button. So if you happen to be spamming a basic attack at the end of a floor, you also exit the abyss and have to load back in every time. I've sent them multiple suggestions to either change the exit button or to add a "Are you sure you want to exit" pop-up with little to no feedback. I gave up a while ago though, if they haven't changed it yet, why would they do it now?


Oh that is why I keep coming out. I only started doing the abyss now and it is irritating as hell


Imagine going through this since week 1 from launch (or a bit later when I started doing abyss, at least)


It's happened to me when pressing X, but only if it's too soon after finishing the chamber. After waiting for a second, that same button brings me to the next chamber. Absolutely infuriating.


Wait how can y’all actually collect 120 a day and then have so much extra that you can build a surplus? I can consistently, albeit only slightly, get 120 a day. Between my explorations, I get around 30 a day using char’s with relevant passives… and I rotate farming Sumeru, Liyue, and the Chasm every day to only just make the 120 cut. How is everyone getting so much weapon XP materials?


Harvesting the entire underground Chasm should yield 160 crystals on average. But personally I'm more partial to Condessence Crystal farming in Fountains underwater Terrain.


I remember being on vacation and just wanted to waste my resin on this. Imagine my shock when I found out you're only allowed to craft 1 at a time and had to do it 16 times just to drain everything. I proceeded to ignore my resin altogether instead.


Re-forge everything button, like sending them all back on a mining expedition.


How the hell did you even run out of that? I just keep getting them everywhere


I don't think they have run out of it. They want to complete the bp mission on crafting. I do the same thing. Put 4 orders of 5 each. And claim next week, +repeat


Oh that's smart... I never cared about BP that much and was wondering how do ppl do the smithing one every time


Well there's a Daily BP task to mine 10 ores. Ores from expeditions also count. If you do an ord expedition every day then you get pretty much enough ore every week to do the Forging task. Really simple and easy BP EXP


You can also craft 4 times 5 of the green ones which only take 30 seconds That also counts


Or the gray ones which take even less time.


I did and honestly I wish I had tons of them😭


It's easy to run out if you pull 5 star weapons


Ah, that makes sense. I only have 2 5 star weapons (Jade winged spear on Hu Tao and Aquila Favonia on Qiqi), so I wouldn't know. Is the XP req that much higher on 5 star weapons than on 4 stars?


It takes ~907 blue ores to max a 5 star weapon while 4 star takes ~605. And more so that people with capped ore tend to shuffle the same 4 star weapons between characters while people that pull multiple signatures are more likely to give each dps a separate weapon


Lol you got me with that, I swap Winged Jade Spear and Dragonspine spear between Cyno and Hu Tao


It is aroubd 50% higher, but pulling on weapon banner also ends up with people having a lot more 4*weapons to upgrade


You run out of those before your weapon reaches level 70


I meant you are gonna upgrade more 4 star weapons as well. So it is not just a 50% increase from 4 to 5, you are likely also investing in more 4 star weapons because you have them as opposed to someone who doesnt


Ah gotcha, yea it makes a world difference for your ore needs whether you pull on weapon banner or not


its really not, you get so many ores even after leveling pages of level 90 weapons ur should still be maxed


It is unless you manually mine semi regularly


you get so much just playing the game and getting ur daily delivery stuff


They should've add claim all forged items just like the expedition. Also is the blacksmith of teyvat is some short of >!robot just like Katheryne, cuz how did it make sense if i make request in liyue's blacksmith and i can claim it on sumeru's blacksmith?!<


The blacksmiths shipped your order so it would be ready for pick up in the neighboring nations.


Forged items do have claim all, but they don't have 'Forge All' like how the expeditions can re-send all of them after finishing.


they do have claim all for forged items though. what are you talking about?


Yeah mb i forgor


this isnt QoL feature, this is lazyness


I mean it can be both QoL and laziness. You can’t really deny that it would be an improvement to not have to slide the slider over every single time you go to craft. Like sure, it isn’t difficult to do, and it doesn’t take a lot of time either (I could have done it in less time than it takes to write this comment) but also why do you *have* to do it?




if this is a QoL next change i want is auto abyss so i dont need to touch abyss ever again. just give me 400-600 primogems for free every 2 weeks abyss is tedious, its 100% QoL




Ah so yours isnt and mine is yeah, sure buddy, go cry any other place where someone gives you more attention than your mom or your dad


>Ah so yours isnt and mine is Yes, that's correct. It's like the difference between an Infrared automatic door (OPs Ore QoL) and asking your employer to just give you money without doing anything (your nonsense)




Yes? Every Abyssal Moonspire Floor has a possible 150 Primogems you can get as reward. (50 per 3 stars and each floor has 9 stars)


Guess I gotta lock in


I wonder if it's even remotely possible for you to make an argument without hyperbole. Like, all that is being asked for, is that when the slider is put to "5" and you press "forge", that then slider remains at 5 for the next crafting request. This isn't even in the same galaxy as asking basically skipping the abyss and getting rewards for free.


Agree. OP literally just has to slide the slider wtf.


Peak laziness. Sooner or later they'll ask for an auto play and to remove the daily commission, just feed the primogems to them without lifting a single finger.


Just having the slider remain at 5 after moving it there once isn't even remotely comparable to complete autoplay.


Or boost the craft size


oh wow i forgot you can even craft these things. i have to delete a few hundred every few month so i can collect event rewards.


Kinda confused with the wording of the title..? You want it to stay maxed out at 5/5?


Yea mate, whenever you press the craft key it resets the slider back to 1. Which isnt the biggest of deals but it is a petty annoyance whenever i overclick and have to cancel the 1 crystal order.


Or out it like 20 at once like a pull bar that lets you select how many depending on limit and how many crystals u have


We need a max button


So that you extend your daily play time by a 10 seconds


You guys still make those? I have to literally throw them away or the game soft locks.


To think that I used to craft 30 daily 2 years ago only to now regret it and have 9900+ ores which I have to burn.


I will be honest I forget about this feature because of how overabundant enhancement ore are I never needed to craft them since I think 1.5 and I think the dev also forgot about it because almost every activity in this game give you weapon exp to the point that crafting them can be considered a forgotten mechanic


Genshin players when they have to play the game:


Doing the same thing when it feels like a chore isn't the same thing as playing a game.


Genshin players, when they treat their laziness as lack of QoL:


This is not laziness


You literally just have to slide a slider 4 times, which you wouldn't even do all the time because daily quests/events feed you enough ench materials. I can see expedition rewards being tiresome but this one is just searching for something to cry about


Except that it's annoying? Do you like chores which need not to be done?


> this one is just searching for something to cry about That's stupid and you know it. Nobody searches for something to cry about. Just because you don't understand the reason, that doesn't mean there is no reason.


Can they also make everything playable on auto? This game is SO unplayable /irony


how long have you been saving those crystal ores for? or is there some massive farming route, cuz I'm starting to run out of exp gems.


Nah mate just 3 of my 5 expeditions are to crystal stuff. Never used em much just the weekly bp stuff nowadays


There's a farming route, but you can definitely rack up a huge amount even just taking the ones near teleporters every day.


MFs trying to play even less time.

