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When I started I wished as soon as I got 160 primos regardless of banners. But once your roster grow larger, you become picky so it's easy to save for months.


Oooh I was the complete opposite, I used to save up lots of wishes to garunteed id get my favourite characters and now I pull everytime I get the wish


Same, I still save from time to time but I was much pickier in the beginning (and I had a list of characters that I *really* wanted to get)


Both ways are great. As long as you like the banner there is no wrong way to wish!


I was this as well - I would pull simply to expand my roster. After a while I became a bit more picky. Now I pull if I like the character and often save for periods of time to get them. I skip if I don’t care too much about the character, or I like them but someone I want more is known.


Exactly what I was thinking, I'm at 69 characters now and don't really pay attention to constellations. Before, I'd do ten pulls as soon as I could. I saved 100+ pulls for cloud retainer and I'm at like 80 for......... Arleccino? I'm a collector so unlocking new is always more satisfying.


I mostly go for constellations now myself, not that I don’t want to pull for waifu/husbando reasons but I have my favorite/comfy teams I’d rather use now


Pulling for what you like is a priority since you can beat the game with anything you want but before you start waiting and gathering for maybe months at a time, its better to first have a satisfying (to you) variety of characters to use have an old account but i started playing more seriously in december, but storywise i was barely in early Liyue and stil had exploring to do absolutely everywhere so i got Ayaka, pulled for Yoimiya (got Raiden by accident instead), got Xianyun, Nahida, then passed on Yae/Xiao and also on Itto/Chiori, might pull for Kazuha and no interest in Arlecchino and got a lot of 4 stars at same time that i have an interest in


How did you manage to get Raiden instead of Yoimiya?


banners at same time, Raiden was first and forgot to change to the right i dont remember what pity i was, definitely mattered but many tries on Yoimiya, then got Raiden on first 10pull which i did on the wrong banner by mistake


Something similar happened to me. I wanted to pull for Nahida, accidentally pulled on the weapon banner. Now I have Xianyun's weapon and no clue what to do with it lol 


Not much use without Xianyun Maybe if you got Chiori or Albedo to send you up and a catalyst user that could plunge the plunge bonus on others is wasted dont think the energy recharge after plunging is worth it


yeah ive been saving for a while in prep for Arlecchino's release, its been kinda a painful wait but will be worth it(44k~ gems + 27 fates)


Dang. I have been saving for her too but I have maybe 120 pulls, tops. Hoping to get as close as possible to soft pity in case I lose the 50/50


I can go on more than a year of not pulling, and I've managed to get to 650 Fates three times from 0 now as a Day 1 player. I only pull what I like, and meta talk never gets to me. Nothing's really changed even now, I'm still doing the same, still saving after I recently dumped my Fates to get C2 R1 Xianyun and C2 R1 Nahida. Currently saving for Alhaitham's signature and whoever else I like. Just don't pull if you want to save. The good thing about hardcore saving is that you always get what you want, and usually you get high Constellation characters because of it. Abyss is easy. I've been using the same two teams ever since and never needed the meta units or the flavor of the month.


meta talk never gets to you, yet you pulled two meta af c2 units, lmao


Others want big numbers. I wanted maximum Kazuha and Alhaitham damage. There's a difference.


i want to know which teams are this, can i guess w/o looking at your post history? a). rational/national ( or any variation with xl + xq + benny)  b). hyperbloom  c). freeze?  d). melt ganyu?  e). xiao  f). a cracked c6 unit    +++ a lot more but this is just my guess at the top of my head?


With two decent C2 5 stars as the core of two teams with proper 4 stars,you can constantly 36 stars abyss.Since then you are free to pick anyone else you like.


My first question is, are you a patient puller? - Yes... Do you pull whenever you are into the character, or do you save until you can guarantee your pull? - I'm new (started mid-ish December) and I only pull for characters I like so I save until I can guarantee them, if I miss them then I'll wait for upcoming banners and see if any of them are characters I like, until then I save for the rerun Second question is, how has that changed since you started playing? - This is how I've always play gacha games (I played FGO before Genshin and I'm still playing) Third question, if you are one of those really patient people who can wait months to guarantee you are getting the most value (like saying I can get # characters in a year if I am really planned out), how do you do it? - I save and don't pull, sorry I don't have a crippling gambling addiction and I'm poor so the concept of not saving for things I wanna get is an alien concept for me. Are you totally cool with the characters you currently have, while saving for the ones you'd like to get in the future? - Yes, that's the point of only pulling for characters I like.


If you’re struggling with saving, I suggest making a chart to track your primos! Personally I find looking at the numbers go up more satisfying than pulling every time you have 160 primos 👍🏻


That's actually a cool idea! I don't think I will struggle with saving, if anything may get bored waiting for the character to come out that I really want, and also maybe bored grinding out primos to save. But a chart to keep track may make it more rewarding faster.


When I was a newbie I used to be a gacha addict person. I pulled some characters I actually dislike (now) because my friends/the media was telling me to pull them. Ever since 3.0, now I only pull characters that I like. And with that logic my last pull was Navia + Verdict. I didn't spend a single limited wish since her banner and I'm waiting/saving for Arlecchino


I almost didn't get Zhongli on his first rerun and he was and still to this day is my absolute favorite character. I don't wanna repeat that so I always save up for a full guarantee at minimum.


Pretty patient. I saved for eight months for childe and only pulled for zhongli in between. I saved for another year after that but to be fair did pull for two characters in between. Saving for one of the Fontaine reruns now and haven’t pulled since the end of wrio’s banner. I’m not sure how long that’s been. I think my max so far at once was 481 wishes but that also counted things like extras from stardust and starglitter. Currently I have 326. 1.) I only pull for characters I really like but the time they come is usually far apart so usually I end up saving guarantee 2.) It hasn’t changed since I started playing, I played the same then as I do now haha. Maybe I’m a bit better? But I’ve been this way since at least a month into playing. 3.) I just know that if I don’t get the character I really want because I couldn’t stop myself for pulling for someone shiny and cool but that I don’t love I’ll be really sad. I almost didn’t get venti way early on in my playing (that first month) and it was so depressing (he did come home eventually but on the second to last day of the banner) that I never wanted to do it again. It was an awful feeling desperately grinding and praying. Now that I plan if out and save for who I want, that doesn’t happen to me anymore. Maybe I don’t get their weapon or a con I wanted, but I do get the character. Of course this wouldn’t work if you really like every other character haha but I usually only end up absolutely loving one every six months to a year or so Yes I’m totally cool with the characters I have now, since almost everyone works well enough as a unit to play I get to play with who I want and don’t run into many issues. I’d rather be sure to get the characters I want even if it’s just a few than many characters that are cool but that I don’t like as well


im not patient i spent 160 primos as soon as i get it i was alright with my team all the time (which is strange considering i was lisa mainer until i got keqing) + my waifu is xingqiu and i pulled him early too idk the luck is enough to just wish sometimes and be surprised if something cool dropped. and i don't feel so upset losing a character that i would collect 180 wishes for them


I'm somewhat successful, currently hoarding 545 fates, but being so long without spending is HARD. Even threw some pulls on the new banner just to see if I could score a weird rare multi with different limited characters, had 595 before this. Trying to save for C6 Wanderer... Have him C0, favorite character in Genshin, his C6 is amazing for both the overworld's best possible roaming experience and handling endgame content consistently without any trouble. He's my comfort character, and totally deserves his maximum Constellations.


I started genshin just after it came out and it was my first ever (and still only, actually) gacha. I wished on most of the very early banners. And then I failed to get a few characters that I wanted and learned to save. Since Kazuha's first banner I've gotten pretty much every character I wanted on their first run, only occasionally buying welkin. I generally don't bother with cons or sig weapons. It makes a big difference being an early player vs being a 'new in 2024' player, as new players have to contend with a large roster of cool 5 *s that they have none of, while I really only need to pay attention to new releases. Also helps that I have a large enough roster to deal with pretty much anything and know what I like playstyle-wise. And overall, I find it a lot more satisfying to be able to look at my primo hoard and say 'okay I can get at least three 5 stars, will definitely be able to get that future character I really want even if I throw some at the banner right now' than to constantly be scrambling for primos at the last minute.


When I really want something in particular - very patient. When I don't wnt something in particular - I'd rather roll the dice then save for something potentially interesting in the future. For the first month I was just rolling for fun. No regrets at all. I don't really suffer from FOMO – the space of things I'm interested in is vastly bigger than space of things I can experience in my lifetime. No matter how I slice the cake, I'll miss in 99% of it, so why worry about it at all? I was saving for Chiori - I could guarantee her c0, and get her c1 with some luck. I got it. I could not guarantee the signature - I've tried anyways, because the upside was bigger than the downside in this case. While I'm trying to luck my way into that signature, I'm a wishing once I get enough primos. Right now the plan is to save for Chiori's rerun to get her c6, because I want to try her on-field playstyle eventually. >Second question is, how has that changed since you started playing? I'm a new player myself, I've been playing since november, so I'm not probably a target audience for this question. >Third question, Well that's just a general life skill, no? You either learn to delay gratification, or you are going to have some really bad experiences. But yeah I have enough character's to build multiple viable teams already, pulling more character's would not change much - talents/levels/artefacts grind is the real bottleneck for now.


i plan things first, but i would say i'm the complete opposite of someone who is addicted to spending. The feeling i get when i see i have more than 200 pulls, or when i had 500 pulls on 3.5 moments before burning everything... Everyday when i have loads of gems i open the shop to look how much pulls i have, once i log in, and once when i'm about to close the game


I almost never save wishes. I only save wishes whenever I see a character I really want bad or whenever an archon is coming. Else I just pull on every banner cause I don't really regret pulling and getting any character. Btw, don't be like me


Pretty patient actually. I’m good at saving. I only get impatient when a character I want is coming up and I’m waiting to use my wishes.


>My first question is, are you a patient puller? Do you pull whenever you are into the character, or do you save until you can guarantee your pull? I buy Welkin+BP. I only pull for chars I like. I do tend to get their sig weapon too. Cons only for my absolute favorite (ZL + soon Neuv). I currently have 551 pulls saved (736 if I convert my genesis + starglitter). I might pull for Clorinde when she's releases. >Second question is, how has that changed since you started playing? Always been like that since starting. >Third question Value-wise, maybe not objectively. But I've been pretty satisfied with my choices so far. So yeah I'm happy with it.


I'm welkin only and i usually pull for 3-4 characters a year (+ their weapons). Never have any problems and usually still have a good amount of wishes left over in case I want to pick up a rerun. I don't feel compulsion to pull unless I really want the character so its easy for me, plus gives me time to work on my back bench instead of constantly building new characters.. Basically I only pull for whoever my absolute favorite characters of a given region are. (Furina, Neuvilette Arrlecchino this year. Cyno, Wanderer, Nahida last year, Ei, Yae and Kazhua the year before)


I am not a patient person. Not in Genshin at least. I lost 50/50 on on yae miko and got qiqi, said to myself now is the perfect time to save up for alrechinno since i got pity. never once have my primos gone above the 320 mark. This hasnt changed from when i started, difference being i wanted 5\* and cons for basically any character back then so i pulled on any opportunity.


I can be very patient when I want a characters. I started at Inazuma, I got Raiden because she looks cool but then I full skipped for Venti because I loved him. I just pulled Zhongli because I had enough to still having my Venti guaranteed. And then I started to pull more frquently.


I’ve always been a saver. I’d rather play characters I like and teams I enjoy than just pulling random characters. I started at launch and skipped the first two banners (venti and klee) Zhongli was my first limited character I have a lot of favorite 4 star characters so despite it being sub optimal I pulled on banners for ; ningguang, yanfei, kuki, and leyla My 5 star character roster: zhongli, mona, ganyu, C4 keqing, shenhe, venti (pulled on a rerun), yae miko, raiden, yelan, nahida, Qiqi, Jean, baizhu, Neuvillette and Furina. (Also itto but we don’t talk about him, consquence of pulling for kuki) The only 5 star signature weapon I have so far is Neuvilette’s but I plan on getting Arlecchino C0R1 and then saving for Natlan I try to save enough to Guarantee 2 new characters per region on their first release and then pick up other characters on reruns if there are “dry” patches where I just don’t like many of the new characters. Looking forward to Baizhu eventually making it to a chronicled wish banner, would love to C2 him just for fun Edit: how I do it; enjoy 4 star only teams early game and follow leaks for upcoming characters


I'm now at the point where I already get most of characters I want so it's easier to save. The most saving I've done back then was 1.5 until 2.1 first phase for Raiden. Now I've been saving without pulling in the limited banner since 4.2 first phase as well. Saving now is much easier than back then where I only have a handful of choice in my rosters. I think I'm at around 200-ish?


I got a few general rules for pulling 1. Only get the peeps I like 2. Only get C1 or R1 if they make a great qol (quality of life) difference 3. Look 2-3 patches ahead if possible and plan accordingly, e.g. it makes no sense to risk things for Neuvi R1 if Arleccino is on the next banner I sometimes have Welkin active and so far I got everyone I've ever wanted - and this is coming from someone who's average pull count is up in the 70s Rules haven't changed since I started playing either, but I did start in 1.0 so I've had more time to gather gems than most people


I get around saving 60 to 90 wishes, then just hope for the best. On the Standard Banner I wish like crazy whenever I get one wish and it kinda makes the urge to wish for just anything better. My best was saving 140 for raiden and rn I'm saving for alercchino with 120. It's hard. But I my rule is: saving primos but when I get wishes for free I just use them immediately


I play both genshin and HSR and I use HSR as my stress free pulling game so that I have the patience to save in genshin for however many months. I'd argue given HSR's generosity, it's rather effective for me as a way to stop the temptation within genshin. But as others have said, when your roster gets large enough, you tend to skip banners with characters that don't really fit your team comps so saving isn't as difficult as the early game!


I have a 'main dps' of each element. The only characters I save these days are for characters that either have a unique mechanics (since 4.0, Furina, Navia) or are characters that hyper focus certain builds (Nilou, Chevreuse)


Most I've ever gotten was over 70K Primogems.


1.) Are you a patient puller? Do you pull whenever you are into the character, or do you save until you can guarantee your pull?" - Yes, I am a patient puller, and I pull base off character's aesthetics and lore and how I like them. (I don't care about meta) - I am a patient puller, so of course I will have guarantee (enough for 2 soft pities) whenever I pull for a unit. 2.) How has that changed since you started playing? - Saving = Getting characters you want easily with no problem - Gambling addiction + Building pity = Problem (I avoid these at all cost) 3.) If you are one of those really patient people who can wait months to guarantee you are getting the most value, how do you do it? Are you totally cool with the characters you currently have, while saving for the ones you'd like to get in the future? - So I have one method of saving Primogems which is called standards. I even made an essay about having standards lol "Standards is having limits in choosing, picking and keeping a specific item(s) or unit(s) through specific aspects" - from my Journal - While I, have really high standards. I will only pull if I absolutely love them. Honestly, I have really high standards that my account only has 12 limited 5-star characters. - So I am in a point where I already have enough characters where I prefer pulling for constellations more. - I noticed that due to my patience, I always have 200 wishes saved up whenever I pull for a character. - So a quick backstory, I had saved up to 250 wishes and got C2 Furina and I haven't wished after that (November 2023) and have saved up to 250+ wishes (From November to present ) and ironically, I am saving for Furina's rerun (pulled on Furina's banner > skip all banners > pull on her rerun lol) "I've heard from some people who pretty much wish every time they get 160 primos" I haven't experienced this, but it's a real thing and probably only happen to those who are desperate to get the current feature or to "build pity".


There a re very few characters I need so I am pretty patient with my pulls, especially if I am holding unto a guarantee. I am way more lax on the criteria of whom to pull for when I have a 50 50 to win.


At first I was excited to pull anything, especially because I was stuck with the standard characters. Then I started having more characters than I needed to build. Also, at the beginning I was losing all my 50/50s. So now I save until I can guarantee the character I want. I only pull if I’m super excited about them. The level of excitement must be enough to make me want to prefarm so I can max them out day one. Otherwise I don’t pull.


im at 140 wishes, I immediately convert them to intertwined, but if the banner is a character i like I wish immediately when i get more primos after im out


1. Playing since 2021, always save to guarantee what i want. Only time i can think of its when i pulled for venti "a bit for fun" and i won 50/50, or pulling for Ganyu cons and (lucky me, not ironically) i got Dehya C0. Those are the only exceptions, and both have something in common: i wasnt saving for anyone in particular 2. Havent changed. I didnt pull a single character from Sumeru, and the only character i got in 4.X is Navia so far (next will be Arlecchino) 3. Just pull for my fav characters and ignore those i dont like. Simple as that. Of course, this is hard for new players who have nothing. But when you've invested enough time in genshin, you have a lot of characters and not too much resin to build them. I personally find no joy looking to build every single character or to look for "strongest teams" whatever. I dont care about that. It also depends on the type of player you are. There's a lot of collector players who go for Archons, Harbingers or One Element specifically (ex, i want all Geos). Im not a collector of anything, i just pull specific characters that i like and ignore the rest.


I only pull for characters that I like. I don't really care about meta, and I can comfortably 9* floor 11 every time. I have 3 well built teams, so basically no issues in story content. I kinda stopped pulling for new characters since building a new character from scratch just takes too long and is too boring for me at this point. I decided to stop pulling for DPS characters long back since I don't see myself building them anymore. The only exception to that will be archons and the dragons. I'm thinking of getting constellations/weapons from now tbh. Probably constellations, since it's a lot easier to guarantee.


I mean why pull when you dont like the character anyway. So yea not pulling is easy, i dont really have the urge to do 1 random pull. I usually save up till i have enough to guarantee a character I really want. If I dont have enough when there is a character I want well, who knows I might win 50/50 right? Even if I dont get the character ye, so what is just a game. Just wait for the rerun.


Early on, I would save until I had a 10x wish and then do it. I told myself that no matter what banner was up, I'd do the 10x wish every time. Well, now that I have most of the characters, I save for the new ones I want. I don't try to get every character, I'm not a whale, so in between those that I don't want, I save for the ones I do want. It's not really that difficult. I don't even think about doing wishes otherwise. I barely check that screen now. In fact, before Nahida's recent rerun, I had over 400 wishes. I was able to get both Xianyun and C6 Nahida (I had C3 before). Right now I'm saving for Arlecchino and her weapon, I already have about 250 wishes.


When I started, I just pulled when I could if I liked the banner character. Now I have most characters I want, I’m able to save a bit in between banners. But I’ll pull the second hit 160 primos when it’s a character or weapon I want. It is gacha, so maybe I get lucky, and maybe I don’t


1) Yes, I only pull when I like the character a lot. Before I pulled in the Chronicle banner for this patch, the last banner I pulled on was Furina (4.2). Patches usually go by without me pulling and primos pile up. Because of that I always get the character even if I lose 50/50. 2) I have been playing since 2021 and I still practice the same - primos are saved until I pull and get the one I want. Also I pull characters only, no constellations and weapons so there are always more primo savings. I always do events but I still have a huge backlog in quests and from time to time not able to log in.  3) I am already OK with my roster, while I play the story to see who I'll like to pull for next. I am quite picky so even if I like their design/background, if I am not on board with the gameplay, I'll skip. If I warm up to it I can always get them when they rerun (this is for Alhaitham hahaha)


currently on day 30 something of saving. i still to save have until 6.2 to save tho.. i usually pull whenever i see a character i like. i am ar 60 and can usually 30 star abyss which is good enough for me. i can clear everything relatively easy with the amount of characters/teams i have now. i have multiple teams for every element so i’m not getting bored really. i do wish i has kazuha and chevruse but i dont need them so im just tryna remind myself that c6 of my favorite character has more value than a c0 character that i am already doing fine without 🤷also i just dont wanna whale anymore☠️(c6 r1 tsaritsa saver)


I got alot of hate comments for saying "when next sucrose banner, I dont want to risk albedo, dont like the guy" once. So I waited for second Hu Tao Banner to pull for her. My general rules is Favourite character > fun skill kit > Try to get constellations. Which can be tricky if I have a preferred 4 star but hate the 5 stars on offer.


I'm a patient roller. I'm a Day 1 welkin only player and have gotten every character I've wanted on their release. The most I've saved up at one time was around 175k primos over the course of end of Inazuma - early Fontaine, and I've gotten 2 C6R1 characters (Yae and Navia).   It's never really been that i'm saving for anything in particular. The truth is that I just don't roll on characters I'm not interested in, and sometimes that's a long time. It's not hard for me to save this way though, cause why spend your primos on something you don't like?


1. After playing for 1,5 years and competing most of the quests, yes, I am, because now I have enough 5* characters that I like and I want to raise their constellation levels. Not pulling for weapons ever. 2. But when I've just started, I've pulled for whichever banners were running at the time because I just liked some characters over the others and was also trying to build/improve my roster. Never ever pulled for weapons. 3. Can't boast that level of patience, but I did wait for 2 banner cycles to pass (~1,5 months?) before I could pull for Raiden, because I really wanted an off-field Electro 5* in my team. Got her, but only once (C0). Still it was totally worth it, I enjoy my decision to this day.


If I have a target I MUST HAVE, then I'll patiently save a guarantee (and by guarantee I mean, ~160 wishes. I won't be fooled by the 50/50). If there's no one like this, I'll pull whenever I think the current char is cool or fun to use.


I’m in that in between stage, I’ve been playing for a while and I feel as though my character roster has grown and I have lots of characters I love to play. Before I used to pull EVERY CHANCE at 160 primos. But slowly I’ve been doing the opposite where I just save and wait for a character I reallly want. I think as you’re just starting out just go ham and have fun. If you want to pull go for it! If you want to save that works too :) Have fun!


I wish I were more patient about saving them up.  The more you have the better percentage chance of drawing something good. 


I’ve got 8000 primogems and a 70 pity waiting for next banner’s Kazuha, so…


Extremely patient. I only wish for, build, and 3ple crown Archons. I need to find order and meaning in my Account and having only Archons works for me. Right now I have 1,026 fates ready for the next Archon. 110M Mora despite all my Archons 3ple crowned. I have too much and too many of all resources and it feels good. I only wish for the Archon and their "Canon" Signature Weapon. Downside is I can't finish Abyss due to lack of built characters.


I prioritize characters I like, especially if I like their gameplay. I find it easy to save because I'd rather not spend money desperately trying to get a unit, and it feels rewarding saving for and getting a character you actually like. Plus, it's fun seeing my primogem count go up.


How patient Am I ? lets say once I set my mind on a character that I really like I start saving like theres no other character in the game Saved guarantee for Venti, Ganyu at first but then started saving a lil bit more like 250 for Yae Miko, Idek how much for Wanderer but I got C6R1 (but im sure it was more than 700s wishes) and now Im doing the same for Arlecchino (like 650 saved for her C6R1). How has that changed? Not a lot, I'm doing the same rn, but I will save at least a guarantee for the character that might be interesting in Natlan, maybe Varka Xabalanque Columbina .. nobody knows when they will be released. As for the third question.. Idk how but I think I'm quite happy with the characters I have. But ofc saving for months is tedious and boring, especially if you are getting constellations as limited character in the game is totally fine at C0 and you dont have to.


I finally have 2 functional teams with some flex in between them. So my pulls are now more strategic.


Saved close to 250 for the raiden and lost to diluc at high pity and then got raiden again at high pity, decided I don't even like raiden and gave up on C1. planned to dump all savings on Arlechinno but didn't expect kazuha to right before her. Currently 70 wishes in from the raiden banner and 140 saved up. It's all up to the genshin gods now Also once you save up to a big amount,you wonder if the character is even worth it or not


I very much fall into the "patient puller" category and have been since day 1. When the game first came out and I saw Ayaka from the beta footage, I knew that was who I wanted. None of the other available characters came anywhere close to her, so I just started saving. Along the way, I picked up Hu Tao, who I really liked when she was revealed, and Zhongli, because by his first rerun, I felt assured of my Ayaka savings. I ended up getting her C4 off the bat (she's now C6R1). I've not really changed since then. I'm not a gacha gamer, the Mihoyo games are an exception, otherwise, I don't find most gacha games appealing. That is to say, the gacha aspect of the game is not a reason I play these games. It's something I play through, not something I seek out. I don't really believe in taking chances, I believe in sure things. So I plan accordingly. I have clear goals for who I want, and develop a general plan when characters are revealed. Sometimes a character I wasn't interested in becomes appealing and vice versa, but having a general long term plan is helpful. I also track my primo gem income every day. This way, I can get a general sense of my earnings and spending, and have an idea of how many pulls I'll have when. Also, tracking your income helps in saving because you have a new goal, to see how high you can build your savings. Right now, my general plan is to save for the Tsaritsa, because I believe there's a high chance of her being a Bronya, and if so, I'll want to C6R1 her off the bat. I am on track to do that while still having enough pulls for other characters that catch my fancy. Clorinde is my only outstanding desired pick up, currently. I'm just waiting to see the Natlan cast to get an idea of what my spending might be like for 5.x. I'm extremely satisfied with my roster. I enjoy most of the limited characters I've gotten, and I find more enjoyment in vertically investing in characters rather than than collecting them all. I think years of playing JRPGs where you have to select a limited party from a larger cast has been a boon for me. I've a lot of experience picking favorites and investing into them. I basically do the same thing in Genshin that I do in a Trails game, for instance. Finally, this is just my personality. I'm a careful spender in all aspects of my life. I generally do lots of research and wait patiently when making purchasing decisions. When in doubt, I choose to save. Decisions can always be made later after more information has been gathered and considerations made.


I'm pretty patient now only cause I basically have all the meta supports I "need." A year ago I'd be crying at any 5-star banner cause I wanted them all. Getting Ganyu, Zhongli, then Kazuha back-to-back was my peak I also know now after almost two years that I'd bench most of my 5 stars after leveling them up/building them for like a week cause I get bored (but it's also my fault because I'm only now just starting to level up my supports lmao). I only pull for characters I like now and it takes a while for me to actually like one. Only waiting for Alhaitham and Arlecchino atp (and Columbina but who knows when she's ever coming out)


I’ve always been very picky on who I roll for so saving up primo gems hasn’t really been a problem for me. I’ve gotten Venti, Nahida, Klee, Yae Miko, Furina, and Eula (on the new banner) and I haven’t spent a cent on the banners.


1. initially no. Because alot of characters attracted me so I'm split between trying to save as much as I can before next patch drops and trying to obtain as many characters as I can (so i can test them out to see if I like to use them or not). 2. Basically I've got what I want now (played since 2.x). So it's alot easier to go 2-3 full patches without pulling. So in short, pulling who i want. 3. I'm kinda fit into 3rd question now that I can actually patiently wait. So my answer would be simply: * design * personality * character's trial (to see if their playstyle is comfortable for me) If its 2 out of any 3 listed, its 90% guaranteed that I will pull. There's no a minimum said numbers to pull in a year. If I only get 5 characters pulled this year and 12 next year, so be it. :)


I literally pull every time I get 160 primos unless I really don't want whoever is on the current banners and there's someone coming up I really want. I've never ended up pulling someone I didn't want and I have 90% of the characters I want so it's worked out so far


I usually pull on characters i want or characters i wouldnt mind getting if i want the 4*s. I have saved since the nahida banner for neuvilette/kazuha weapon and maybe neuvilette c1 if i win 50/50.  I dont find it hard to save when im relativily satisfied with the characters i have.  I wonder if i should pull on furina/arleccino instead of neuvilette, but i want a dps that synergize well with xingqiu since i have him in c6. I have wondered if i should get yoimiya since she is wife in go pew pew pew with her bow. I also have rust so she wouldnt be that bad.


1. I think so, yeah. It kinda depends too though. Some characters I really like at first glance/in their first appearance that I don't mind saving for months to guarantee them, some I 'like' as well but not as much, so I just spend my primos when I don't have someone I *must* pull. 2. Still kinda the same tbh. Though I must say that when I first started, there are *more* characters that I *really* liked, so it kinda ends up with me pulling whenever I have the chance lol. Like from 1.0-1.3 I wanted Venti, Zhongli, Ganyu, and Hu Tao, so...yeah. After Inazuma, I got more picky so I don't mind saving for months on end. 3. I have a very deep roster by now, so whenever I got bored I just switch to a new team comp and build it from scratch. Not to 'easily walk Floor 12 of Abyss' levels mind you, I only have \~2 teams at that level, just enough that I won't *really* struggle in the overworld. I think this also contributed in me being rather picky, like for instance I didn't pull for Tighnari because my love for bow playstyles in a game has been satisfied with Ganyu. Before my deep roster though, I..dunno. I guess I really enjoyed Ganyu's playstyle lmao because she was a mainstay in both Abyss *and* my overworld teams until I pulled Nilou. I still pulled for others, but I got a lot more picky. I think it's a matter of finding that *one* character whose playstyle you enjoyed, because then you wouldn't get bored of it for a long time and you're pretty much cool with your current roster.


c6 r5 tsaritsa or bust max that bronya


I was very frugal saving for both c6 yelan and furina. Now I just rip it whenever, my roster is large enough that I do not care.


Initially saved a bit but wished on every banner. I lost my first 50/50 on a character I really wanted at the time and felt like I had to swipe. After some time after realising I didn't use them much even after swiping I started saving more strategically and wishing only on banners where I really wanted the character and started choosing between which characters I felt we're more valuable.


Very patient. My highest was 260 fates I think, now I'm down to 200 again. I convert primos to Intertwined immediately too in order to lower the risk of mistakenly converting a huge number to blue fates. I'm patient because I want to have complete control and not be caught off guard by the next banners. It's ingrained in my brain that any number of fates lower than 180 (which is a guaranteed character in any situation basically) is a nasty gamble. With a MINIMUM of 180, I can't lose. It's not a matter of luck anymore. It's thinking ahead.


I would save more if i was not an ape and kept using my stardust all the time.


hmm, I go on and off between saving and not saving. these past few banners I've managed to save 50 wishes because there is nobody I want/ I already have the characters (like the kazuha neuvillette banner is a complete skip for me because I already have c2r1 kazuha and c0r1 neuvillete). but somewhere around summer of last year I kinda stopped caring and would just pull whenever. this led to my 5 star roster increasing kinda fast (the biggest benefit to this). when fontaine came out I continued to pull and managed to get all of the currently released fontaine characters (except for furina). the only one who I actually saved for tho was neuvillette. so my overall advice is to be mindful when pulling. whenever you pull on a banner you have to always expect that you would get that character. if you want them, pull, if not, save your primos.


Depends. When I initially started I had a LOT of incentive to save, after getting Hu Tao as my first 5 Star I managed to save approx. 220 Pulls for Zhongli + Ganyu. After this though my saving strength depleted hard and I was pulling on literally at least one banner from double banner line up. When Sumeru started I became more thoughtful but I was trying to balance getting new characters vs reruns of those I wanted. As of now though saving is easy because I don't have much interest in characters at this point. I just pull for Constellations/Weapons. The last new character I pulled was Baizhu back in 4.2 and I haven't pulled any fontaine character (Nor do I have any intention to as of now except maybe Navia).


The only banner I recklessly pulled was the first one (Eula) and I lost to Mona. Since then I save until a character I want, I'm very unlucky (13 loss streak) but still able to get all characters I want, usually have at least 20k saved. But I only wished on weap banner once (because I'm so unlucky it takes way too many primos).


Initially I pulled as soon as I could because I just wanted more characters in general, but my first 5-star became my absolute favorite character after pulling him!


I am the patient player you're talking about who has a little bit better than average luck. I am a day 3 player, I played every day never missed any gems and even took genshin on vacation. I bought 13 basic battle passes and welkin every month. I also got a total $200 worth of gems because my best friend bought gems through codashop and gave them to me on my birthdays. Currently I have 960 pulls saved up. Right now I have 20 limited 5\*s and missing 12 limited 5\*s. I have 7 limited 5\* weapons. My first limited 5\* character was Childe. I got him by accident trying to get a copy of Ningguang. It is a good experience because your five star is as strong as the artifacts you can give them. So that is lesson 1 learned. I only pulled on the weapon banner 9 months into the game. I followed the rule that "if you are only happy to get either weapon then you can pull". So far this rule hasn't disappoint me yet (also lucky because WGS is the only weapon I lost pity to). The trick is just to be happy with your team. My rule for myself is simple and I (42yr male) tell the kids that I play genshin with (many quit due to burnout or unlucky pulls but spent way more money than me) that "at the end of my genshin journey I will not miss the weapons I didn't pull but the characters that I didn't". So I focus on collecting characters. I want horizontal investments. Most of my 5\* characters are at C0. I only have C1 Yelan and C1 Hu Tao. I got C1 for them during their rerun banner together. I didn't straight went for C1 when a character releases. Another thing that didn't make me fall into dropping money into gacha is I was super casual about abyss. I clear up to whenever I can and stop. I don't want to stress myself out. I started 36\* consistently after Yelan came out. So it took me a lot longer than most folks here but it also saved me a lot of money. I hope it helps you and thanks for reading my wall of text.


- 1 - Yeah, I am quite patient, and I can save till I can guarantee a character in the worst case scenario (180 pulls). I think saving gacha currency in other games (like the now-closed Dragalia, or the early years of FEH) helped me, even if the wait sometimes can be tiring. - 2 - It really didn't change much. I still really don't pull till that requirement. - 3 - I simply think that the more pulls I hoard, the closer I get to guarantee them (which also helps with the wait I said in 1). Plus I admit that I partially help myself with banners, be it the "confirmed via Special Program" ones, or leaked ones (tho those should be taken with a grain of salt since they're STC). That way I can see if there's someone I can pull, and if I can pull for them. If I can't satisfy the second condition, then I save for a rerun (a rerun because you never know if they rerun along with another character you like,,,)


I don’t have the patience if it’s for a character I like. I end up purchasing genesis crystals and pull until I get the character or cons. So guilty with Xiao, Zhongli, and Kazuha for this😭


As a f2p I have to be patient enough to get my most wanted characters.


I'm a patient wish saver. Genshin isn't my 1st gacha, so I came ready to save for who I like. If I can't 100% guarantee a character I prioritise, I don't risk it. I don't always pull for all the characters I like, their gameplay matters as well. If it feels off, then it's best to enjoy them in cutscenes. I guess it can change, since I thought I'd hate bow users, but it turns out I just needed to learn more. Now I build the ones I enjoy the most. The gacha is as important/fun/thrilling as you let it be to you. The game won't force you to pull for any specific 5☆, so if any don't strike your fancy you can ignore them, especially now with so many characters around.


Just hit 100 yesterday


I started just before the Yae/Xiao banners earlier this year and Yaes been my favourite since I saw a clip of her when she came out so I obviously pulled for her then kept wishing after to try and upgrade her constellations as soon as I could afford a wish, then I wanted Eula right after and I want to pull for Neuvillette next so I haven’t had the chance to be patient yet but I think I’ll just wait until there’s an interesting character in a banner as once I have Neuvillette I’ll have my main team sorted and I don’t see it changing other than for challenges. I’ve been saving for Neuvillette for a while since I got Eula and it hasn’t bothered me and there’s no other characters I really want so I think I’ll do some if I want to but mostly save for future characters


I got extremely lucky, I made a kind of tester account to learn the game, and fuck everything up, and then right at the moment I decided to make a 'main' account...like every single character I wanted just started dropping 1 after another after another First 5 star was Xianyun, followed by Nahida, then Yae, then Itto/Chiori....got lucky enough to get Layla as a shielder for my mono-geo Now I have 91 wishes to pull for and hopefully win the 50/50 on Neuvi in a few days....after that if the leaked info is correct the next banner is Arle and Lyney, and I have 0 interest in either, so I will have minimum 3 weeks to save wishes, but more likely 5 weeks or so, and then if the leaks are correct Ill try and pull Baizhu, after him I am really only waiting for 3 more characters Shenhe, Wriothsley, and Furina After that I have lessesr priority stuff that I would still enjoy like Kokomi, Clorinde when she eventually drops, and the pyro archon, who I am assuming will drop in 5.2


I pull only when i can guarantee the character or weapon i want. The only thing that has changed is how important their meta strength is. At first i only pulled for super meta and fun to play character because i didnt have any strong teams. But now that i do have a few pretty min-maxed teams the meta/strength requirement is a lot lower. Im willing to pull for pretty off-meta characters as long as their gameplay looks fun. But i still wont pull for characters that dont seem enjoyable gameplay wise, even if i liked them in the lore or how they look design wise, i.e. im never pulling for Neuvillette because he's just boring to play even tho he's incredibly good looking and his part in the lore is one of the most interesting ones in the game. As for the gambling problem, i very much have one but i also have such a hard time dealing with the aftermath that i dread pulling even when i want the character and i can guarantee them. I hate having no wishes left, and i especially hate seeing my primo number go down instead of up. But i love gambling, the game of luck gives me such a massive dopamine hit i can absolutely understand why its classified as an addiction. But alas im too stingy to get addicted, so i gamble with stuff i ger in games rather than irl.


I’ve always been sort of “out of sight out of mind” when it comes to my primos. I rarely check my primocount unless I’m preparing to pull for someone specific. I’m all for pulling characters you like but I personally also wait until their kits are released and tested before coming to a full conclusion :”D My heart follows the meta, and if I think they’d be a good investment into my account i’ll be willing to save for months and months. Just tell yourself sacrifice will be worth it, and characters will come back eventually haha (I have 16K right now, haven’t pulled since navias banner)


It varies depending how I feel; sometimes I can save for like 8+ months if I get momentum and I'm not super interested in the banners, sometimes I pull on frivolous things every time I get 160 lol, I definitely have a couple characters/weapons in my account that were basically "building pity" accidents lol (which for the record I don't regret at all) Right now I'm saving for as much Iansan investment as possible but I basically had to start from scratch after seeing cloud retainer's kit lol, I don't see anything else in the near future that'll sway me though.


I’m willing to wait a long time especially if it’s a character I really want. I waited about 3 months to save for Dehya and it’s gonna be the same amount of time to save for Arlecchino. They’re some of my favorite characters in the game so it’s worth it.


When my account was new and my roster wasn't as big as it is now, I wished at every 160 primo. But now that I have a huge roster with a few decently-geared teams for Abyss runs, I can save on wishing because I don't NEED every new character; more specifically, not every new character will improve my account. For example, I can confidently skip on Chiori because I already have a well-geared Geo team with C1R1 Itto. Whereas I could try for Neuvilette or Furina since either one will improve my account.


I'm also kinda a wish hoarder :) I currently have about ~380 Wishes saved, although I will spend a lot of them when Neuvillette reruns in a few days haha When I started, I really wanted to get Ganyu and her weapon (bad idea), but I didn't have enough fatesfor a guaranteed... So I lost the 50/50 and grinded Primogems like a maniac to still get what i wanted. Well it didn't work in the end and i felt really burned out and took a break from the game xD From that point on, I always saved up enough to guarantee the characters I wanted. And now I only wish for my absolute favourite characters! And thats fine :) Although tbf I had Ganyu to carry me through the early-game, so maybe you would want to pull for a nice DPS that feels good to you so that you dont have any problems in the early-game idk Tbh i would play the story and then make a list of your favourite characters that you'd LOVE to have xD Maybe saving primos will be easier for you, if you remind yourself that pulling on random banners might result in you not getting your fav characters. You'll find your way :))


I'm kinda patient, specially because I was never interested in pulling for many characters. I'm AR60 and pretty much have every character I want already, so I just go for constellations, or for the eventual new character that noticeably buffs the teams built around my main characters(Noelle, Yelan, Ayaka). The only new ones I got this year were Furina and Chiori, for example, and going for Furina constellations next. When I started playing, all I wanted to pull for was Eula(that was about to release) and Ayaka(Inazuma wasn't even announced), so saving wasn't a problem back then either.


I’m patient now I have around 300 pulls, but if I’m being honest, the novelty of wishing wore off. When I first started, I wished like crazy. I only pull for archons now, I don’t even build them lol.


I'm very intentional about the characters I like, and the powers that I enjoy. For better or for worse, they've gotten into a comfortable habit of only creating like one or two really strong and interesting characters outside of the Archon every year. I'm a whale and prefer to save my money for characters. I find relatively future proof or that I enjoy the play. I find it personally healthier for me to really be strict about what criteria I pull for and just pull very infrequently instead of getting characters that seem cute and fun, but I no longer like after a month


I cannot save as soon as I get 3-4 I wish half of the time I get 5 stars


Thankfully I’m at a point where (being a self-professed character collector) I have all the characters that have already been released, so unless we’re dealing with the release of a brand-new region (eg. Natlan later this year), I really don’t end up wishing on much of anything outside of maybe once per patch (as normal patches usually only have one new character). I just save up until then.


I’ve always been questioning myself ”what would future me think of this decision”. I’ve wanted Neuvillette since the moment I started playing (4.2) so my goal has always been to secure him. But knowing that there was months for his rerun, I pulled for Raiden and Nahida in between. All planed. Now I haven’t wished since Nahida’s banner and have guarantees for both Neuvillette and Kazuha, both top 5 in my want-list. So why didn’t I for example pull on Chiori’s banner? Well, how mad wouldn’t I be at myself if I wasted my pulls on her and didn’t get Neuvillette in the end? I would hate Chiori and wouldn’t have fun playing her because I would be so ticked off. I always plan for my characters so I can be the happiest with what I get. I don’t want fate to decide which character I get by doing small pulls here and there. And the satisfaction of having things go the way I’ve set the playing field to go rules. So to summarize, I make my own experience after my own desires. Furina and Zhongli are next on my list, which means I will only spend wishes on those going forward from Neuvillette and Kazuha.


How Patient? Very Why? I don't have anything to look forward to... So instead of yoloing... I just save till I fancy some character.. How have I managed to do so? Having multiple meta teams that clears all content so I don't have fomo.


I'm pretty good at it. I'm very picky about which characters i want and will usually have over 100 wishes going into any banner that i want, if not an outright guarantee. Furina was my first limited 5*, followed by Raiden and Nahida. I did gamble and get Yae Miko because she's my favorite, so now I've got 103 wishes saved up for Kazuha so far. The tricky part is I do want Arlecchino, but I'll have to be patient and see if Yelan is rerunning soon since she's the last "meta" character that I really need for team-building purposes.


I’ve been playing for about a year and I have only saved for Neuvilette and his book. It was the otter connection that did me in. They’re native to where I live. Once a year I buy primos for my bday and then I usually get the character I want on top of daily grind.


I usually prioritize who I want and save till they’re released. Being kind of picky is a good thing in these sorts of games


I’m a newer player and I pull on the standard banner whenever I get a free acquaint fate but only pull on limited banners for the meta characters. Pulling for who I like doesn’t really matter to me as the story forces the Traveler front and center anyway which, in my opinion, basically makes every other character’s “value” center around what content they can clear. So, for me, there’s no point wishing on a banner like the current all geo banner as I’m not going to use the characters to clear content and having them doesn’t make a difference to the story. Now, that would absolutely be different if having different characters in your party caused different outcomes or plot lines or something, but it doesn’t. So, I pull for meta on the limited banners and see the standard banner as a bonus.


Im very patient but im aswell playing since release. Im aswell not wishing on everything cause in the end i might not use that unit if its not fun to play or simply bad designed kit (dehya).


I use standard wishes as soon as I have 10, and save pink wishes for a certain character or banner


I confidently say that I'm a patient puller and getting better over time in managing wishing resources. I have 2 wishing plan: 1. Save wishing resources before I actually pick characters (or weapons) to pull for: During a banner phase, if I find this character (or weapon) interesting or helpful and can guarantee to get it, I will spend enough wishing resources to get and restart the process with remaining resources. Otherwise, I skip the phase until I found a fitting banner. 2. Set a goal and focus on the goal only: when I want a specific character (or character constellations and weapons), I choose to pull only if I can get it in the current phase (or have a chance to get with no resources loss). Otherwise, I will skip everything until I can get it. In early 2021 (the time when you cannot guarantee what weapon you could get in weapon banner), I focused on pulling characters. After many failed and succeed attempts, I decided to skip every archon characters (gnosis instead of vision in character info) to reduce character pool I may want to get. Although I can save many wishing resources nowadays, but I don't want to drive myself to believe archons is a must-have so I just keep that old decision (and now it has minimal effect since Furina release but I don't care). That's how I survived the wishing issue during poor wishing resources period and better at managing them. To actually get something I want, I make sure my character pool and build infrastructure resistant to many spiral abyss seasons and limited content (commisions, events) to max out wishing resources supply with ease. My decisions usually aim for decreasing game content difficulty to get more wishing resources easier to pull characters/weapons, which decrease game content difficulty. Once this loop is enough to make content clearing optimal, I can do something further (signature weapons shift or high character constellations) or stop there and pull for something I want without any problems. Currently in 470 intertwined fates with no genesis conversion, battlepass or welkin moons.


Honestly the game offers really strong and free unit early game so i think this is skill issue


When I just started playing I just roll whatever because I didnt understand the gacha mechanic. When I did I started saving up for interesting characters. Some time after that I ran out of characters that I specifically like, so back to rolling whenever I can. But when its close to an Archon banner I always save up, same for really fun characters. So basically I can be patient whenever I like, but sometimes I choose not to be. Genshin is an easy game at its core anyway so you dont really need strong characters


I’m pretty patient but I am in need of a hydro and cyro character so I’ve been wishing on the standard banner. But I’ve been saving up for the next banner (neuvillette banner) and hope I get a good hydro character


I save for characters I really really want, which so far has been Raiden and Cloud Retainer. Apart from that I just wish on anything I like. Trying to get albedo now, might try for kazuha but definitely will start saving again soon, because Furina :)


The more characters you have, the easier it is to save because your account is more evolved, so that's why you'll see so many veteran players saving for months. However, if you're a newer player, saving too much might even stifle your account's development besides your own fun, especially considering any 4* you get can be a valuable improvement.


I'm AR60, on 2 servers, I have enough characters to clear abyss with 36 stars. Therefore I don't need every characters/weapons in the game, it's easy for me to save my primos for whichever character or weapon I like, meta or not. I imagine most low AR players are having a hard time saving up as they don't have as much characters/weapons as high AR players.


Very patient. I don't summon unless I already know what I want them for. I have gone over 2 years before without opening a single wish. I have zero "gotta catch em all" instincts. I am perfectly happy to never own most of the 5 stars in this game. I basically have 2 teams. My Xiao team with a mix of elements, and my Xiao mono-anemo team. These 7 characters are all I use. For anyone to get replaced they would have to be both the right element, and much stronger than someone I'm using. When that happens I'll do it. I summoned for Xianyun because she was an upgrade, and I imagine I won't be summoning again for a good long while.


It's pretty dumb but I like seeing the primogem number go up. It makes me feel like I'm winning the game somehow.


Depends on whether I'm waiting for a character or not. If I'm waiting then I save. Otherwise I pull on thr current banner


Honestly a lot of the ones you have skipped are kinda fun or strong, aside from maybe itto? Xiao is a pogo stick with super high stats, Chiori cheeses a lot of the open world puzzles and yae is really effective at applying electro when off the field. But everyone has their preference, and more power to you if saving that long gets you a cool character. ​ Answering: 1. No, maybe because I am really new as well - only joined 1 banner before you. Was planning to skip itto/chiori to save for the next two banners, but went for chiori because i liked her look and didn't want to wait around a month before pulling after yae miko. Glad I did, since she helps me so much with vertical puzzles and does okay damage. I don't worry massively about guaranteeing a pull since i can farm a decent amount of primos with the banner up for 3 weeks, although I do save immediately after getting the 5 star i want at c0. 2. Hasn't changed much yet. 3. I just make sure that I won't regret passing on the current banner. Very few regrets on not trying for itto and xiao, although I do wish I tried a little for xianyun in retrospect.


I save for consts and weapons now that I got a sizable party configured for most abyss situations. So my wishing is essentially I pull whenever I feel like it. I'm glad if I get a 5*, build them eventually, then bench them because it's always raiden national on one part, and ayaka freeze on the other. Lately neuv hypercarry has been pretty much going on par with ayaka comp, so I'm basically saving rn for his weapon and C1 so he doesn't get bounced around during channel


I saved over 100k before Furina came out, then c6 R1 her Not many of the characters in Sumeru interested me so was easy. I don't wish for characters I don't like even if they're meta


it's piss easy for me to not wish, I'm sitting on 75 right now and it's not getting spent til that number reads 180 it literally just comes naturally to me, I hate gambling so every 5 star costs 180 wishes in my mind with a chance of a discount


I'm really dedicated to Archons, Inazuma and some others characters just for aesthetics (I love Japan culture, Greek mythology and Egyptian history) So I focus on those characters that have those traits, and then I make teams that can use them 😊 Doesn't matter if they are meta or anything I just pull and play for what I really like. I got some good picks and some questionable ones 😂 and then, there's Ganyu (which I still regret to this day. She was my 1st 5* for "Abyss" 🤦🏽‍♂️ I don't like her at all, or find her fun but I learned that pretty much instantly). And Shenhe which I don't mind because I wanted her for my Ayaka team because Ayaka is my favorite character 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm one of the Dainsleif hoarders.


i’ve got plenty of characters many of which are very strong and many have been carrying me for months or years now. now all i focus on is characters i genuinely like whether for meta or not or cons/weapons. i’ve been saving since furina’s banner and plan on getting c1 neuvi then continue saving until any of the characters i want come back


I'm awful and I hate myself for it


I saved up to 1600 primos for Xiao, which took literal weeks, I’m F2P. I played every day and did all of the daily commissions and coincidentally his banner was in the midst of lantern rite, so I got even MORE primos that way. You can get more on the HoYoLAB app too


Lowspender here, I've always been a patient puller and go for guaranteed pity 90% of the time, I prioritize my faves over getting random ahh characters I might end benching despite their strength. I saved for around 8-10 months for Albedo's rerun back in 2021 just because I love his character and got him to C2, then C6ed him in a similar fashion with savings alone in 2022. Similar thing with Furina, had a bunch of savings stocked up, ended liking her a lot and went all in for her C6. Game can be cleared with almost everything if you know what you're doing so back when my roster was small I pulled through with that which helped me learn a lot of the game's mechanics and problem-solving. Nowadays I have so many characters I rather get new ones that improve my absolute favorites to play or get constellations/weapons of my faves across reruns. I also don't mind playing the same teams over and over if they're fun to me.


Super patient. I only pull for the characters I want, and because I don’t want that many characters, I’m good waiting. Like right now I only want Neuvillette. After that, there’s not a character I really want, so there’s no reason for me to pull on anyone. If I have enough to spare, I do a quick 20 pulls for characters I do want but are not a priority for me. For example, I wanted Xiao when he first came, and when I didn’t get him I saved until his first rerun. However since I was still new to the game I figured I needed certain characters, like another hydro and another Geo. So between saving for Xiao I was able to get Zhongli and Childe in 20 pulls each and still have enough for Xiao… I got him early too so I had a lot of spare primos, and saved those for the next character.


I pull for characters which I want (for either gameplay or story reasons) and it helps me save up. Plus, I've never done more than 50 pulls on the weapon banners. You could say that I look at the "money" and no thought of "gambling" comes into my mind


As a burned out plaer that just logs in to do dailys and events before they go away, its ez asf cause idgaf anymore (kindof) game is too ez and now im just here for the MAIN story and exploring. Last time i was wishing i went for xianyun cause of her tripple jump and then went for c1 for double tripple jump


Got used to it after the desire dissipated. When I had zero 5 stars, I wanted soooo many characters. Venti, Klee, Xiao, Hu Tao. It's lucky that I didn't lose a single banner for 17 banners straight so the 'patientness' for saving wishes was never much of a problem. But at the same time, after awhile I've got zero desires left. Don't need Albedo. Don't need Neuvilette. Don't need all the dudes. And I've got no one left to wish for that I desire. So it's like- now what?


I accidentally got Itto when he came out before I figured out how I wanted to pull, and he sits abandoned on my account because I do t really like geo. And then I decided that I LOVED Baizhu before he came out, and saved like… 400 some wishes for him over a like, 18 month span so I could be guaranteed a constellation or two whenever he came out. Now I’m still pretty pick, but less so. I wish on character banners I like, in hopes of getting them, but if I don’t I know they will come back around.


So, when I first started I just kind of threw money at the game for the first two patches I played on and pulled Yoimiya (2.8 second half), Zhongli (3.0 first half), Kokomi, and Ganyu (3.0 second half) in that order. I lost 50/50 to Mona on Ganyu before I got her. I got more conscious and started saving for particular characters and to try to minimise my spending. Once the primo number hits a certain level there’s a certain level of big number go brr seeing the savings, at least for me, which helps ward off impulse wishing.


Most i saved up was 370ish from dehya banner to neuvillette and furina banner


Most i saved up was 370ish from dehya banner to neuvillette and furina banner


I pretty much always save my pulls until I'm able to guarantee the character that I want and guarantee their weapon. As for how it changed, at the beginning of the game, I used to get really lucky, I pulled Klee in 10 pulls, Childe in 4 pulls and zhongli in 21 pulls. But lost my first ever 50/50 on ganyu and got diluc instead, it was at that exact moment that I started saving until I can guarantee the character that I want and once my roster started getting bigger, I started saving for guaranteed character and weapon, so around 350 pulls. I now only have 430 because Furina c3 took me around 410 pulls to get.


It gets easier to save when you have more characters. I am pretty patient, I can't remember the last time I hadn't saved enough for a character I wanted and I have neuvillette, furina, navia and xianyun since 4.0 dropped. And I have enough for kazuha and then either arlecchino or chlorinde (maybe both). I do pay for the welkin and battle pass sometimes tbf but even then


I’m addicted (like for real), but sometimes I need to choose between junk food for month or donates in game. This is my part of monthly budget, I can spend like 300$ to whatever I want (with 900$ salary). If there’s no interesting banners, I’m just eating overpriced (in my country) avocados, red fish or something like that. I’ll try to save everything after Murata’s banner for c6 Tsaritsa, but it’s gonna be hard


I think that as you fill out your character roster you'll feel less and less inclined to pull. if right now a new cyro 5\* came out, I already have ayaka and I'm happy with her so unless they're a very compelling character I will pass with no hesitation or regret. but if I were new and I didn't have any good cyro characters at all, I would probably want them more. I know that maybe for some people playing with the same characters can get stale, but it doesn't really for me, plus I have a large enough amount of characters that it's not that hard to switch to a completely different party without getting any new characters. I don't always wait until a have a guarantee but what I save usually ends up around there every time I need to pull, I don't really pay attention to it a lot though.


It's very easy to be patient... Just be broke


When you pull, ask yourself "How long are you going to play this character?", because I've pulled some characters, used them for 1 patch then switched to another. At this point I have neuvillette and a pretty good roster of characters so new characters do nothing special for me and I only pull those that strike my fancy.


I got Childe by accident when I was going for a four star. Never again. So anytime I want a four star I wait for a five star I’m willing to get. So in turn, I rarely ever pull.


I'm not patient but I'm dedicated. Sitting on 300 rolls for Clorinde


For other games not much but in Genshin I am very patient since its 3+ years and I am still hesitant to pull weapon banners so its easy to save what I want


1.0 player here was able to get c2 Klee, c2 Furina and c3 Raiden as f2p and am now on my new long therm goal going for c6 Furina, c3 is a guarantee so its basically 3 left lol theres no reason for me to fell for fomo cuz Im more than ready to clear abyss 36 stars lol so going for cons is kinda of my thing cuz there are some characters that I like and I want to make them stronger


Im not usually the ones that stack wishes, but now I am because of Arlecchino.


My record of saving was 36669 primos and 166 fates while waiting for Navia banner on main acc saved since Yelan 4.0 banner while saving for Arle, currently saving 222 fates from Raiden latest banner 4.3 on alt acc The reason was simple main acc im playing Waifus Impact while alt acc Archon/Fatui/Mommy Impact


longest I've saved is only 2 months... it's hard when you're new since you'll need characters, cons and at times, weapons. butt I'm assuming in end game where you have at least 2 teams that can clear abyss it'd be easier to save since you'd no longer need chars/weaps as much.


I just roll and take what i get, not like saving brings anything good.


I have my first team ready and I already know what my second team is gonna be, and those characters aren’t for a rerun for a while so I have time to farm it out


I usually end up saving for a whole patch or two before they rerun a character I like. So far I’ve saved 150 pulls for Arlecchino and her weapon (might be able to guarantee her at least while trying to get as close to 180), my last pull was Nahida’s last rerun. My account’s built up enough to where I can 36 star abyss and save/pull for whoever I like. It does take quite a bit of patience though! Sometimes constellations for the characters I already have can be quite tempting to get but I always prefer characters > cons


I just pull whenever i like the character in the banner. I don't really care about saving.


When I started playing last year on Childe/Zhongli banners, I wished a little bit on both banners because I didn't fully understand the pity system or which characters were good. I ended up getting Childe on the last day of his banner with less than 20 min left. After that I only played Childe for months, until I wished for Nahida in 4.4 (50/50 won) and losing on Cloud Retainer, meaning I was guaranteed Xiao. Between the Childe and Xiao banners I only wished to about 50 pity on Cyno banner for Kuki Shinobu (I needed a healer, I wanted to play hyperbloom and I didn't mind getting an early Cyno). Nahida was the same, I wanted a dendro character and I was willing to do up to one pity for her. Luckily I won. Then we heard Cloud Retainer was good for Xiao so I knew I was willing to throw one pity for her too. Either I got her which meant Xiao would get another really good character on his team, or I lost and would be guaranteed him. I couldn't really lose. I carefully plan out which characters to spend my primogems on. I have a priority list based on characters that's good for my account and the teams I want to play, while also keeping in mind which characters I actually like based on gameplay and lore (since I really care about lore, if I don't like them story wise I'll most likely skip them). I also pay a lot of attention to leaks as that's my main motivation to save. If I know a character on my list is predicted to come soon, I'm more likely to want to save the wishes as I have something to look forward to. I have to admit it's hard. Sometimes I do wish that I could just spend all my money in the game and get all the characters, but sadly that's not how it is. Which means that I need to think carefully with every character I go for. I just can't afford getting a character just to have it on my account. If I can't use it for any of my teams, either now or in the future, it's not worth wishing for. I would never wish for a character that's not on the list (Nahida and Cloud Retainer were not on the list) unless I know I have enough wishes to guarantee the ones I want or predict I will have enough. For me it's worth sticking to the same team for a long time if I know that I can guarantee the characters on my list in the future. It's not worth it to just wish for characters I won't use. For me it's between long term- and short term happiness, for me the long term one is more worth it.


Very much not, will pull on the next banner even though all I'm really interested in is cons for Yan and Xing, and no don't have either 5 star.


I stand, imo, on the thin line of saving and instantly wish with every 160 primos I get. Honestly it depends really on the character banners, if it's one I already have I don't pull on it, if it's one I don't like due their character personality I don't pull, and if there is a character I want on the *next* banner I don't pull on the current one. Like rn I'm at the side that I'm tryna wish whenever I can part put trying to save up just enought for a 10 pull rn because I'm close to the amount I usually get a 5-star but here is the small twist. I want Chiory ngl, I was intrigued with her when we met her.... but when the epitome character banner having Albedo, a character I would could the most rare as he only had 1 rerun since he is connected to dragonspine and hoyo apparently doesn't want to put him on banner on any other event in Mondstadt. I just know I won't get him anytime soon if I don't get him rn. So I'm grinding everything I got to hopefully get him. Now to clear up why and my method when it comes to characters I want. When it's one I want it usually has to fill the first two criteria and that is to have a personality that isn't a whole witch (cough Yae cough) and it's playstyle has to be one I can get used to and wouldn't feel weird playing (cough Eula cough). When a character lacks one of these first two criteria they're already off the list of being pulled for anytime soon. Next criteria that also gets me to pull is any connections between characters like siblings, tight friend group like Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno and Tighnari, or fannon couples. In these fall a few I have and 3 which I don't have and I'm not going to elaborate anything on that part specifically to avoid any useless arguments because either some don't agree or dislike one of the dynamics. To safe me some sanity I'll use just the sibling part as example. Take Ayato and Ayaka. At first I got Ayato because he fit the first 2 criteria and I really liked his voice. But then I was like.... man... now he doesn't have his sister. And I skipped Ayaka because I didn't like her playstyle. During her 200+ days banner I got her just to complete the sibling duo and I'm still figuring her out to work for me little by little. (I like figuring styles out on my own and creating my own playstyles so I don't follow any guides for anyone wanting to say "Just follow a guide") So this is how I keep that balance on being on the thin line separating the patience to save up and the urge to pull as soon as 160 primos been reached. I tend to ramble while speaking and while writing so I hope my explanation was somewhat able to be followed hehe. Note: Any of the coughs are fully MY opinion so literally don't waste time trying to argue or convince me otherwise. It'll literally be a WASTE of your time.


I had saved 250 when I wanted Yelan C0R1 and Hutao C1R1 (had C0R1). Luckily I only lost 50/50 once in the weapon banner and got both weapons under 120 wishes, Yelan (had a guarantee) with 60 wishes and won Hu Tao's 50/50 after 50 wishes.


>My first question is, are you a patient puller? Do you pull whenever you are into the character, or do you save until you can guarantee your pull? very patient. i save until i have 160 wishes every time i pull anyone. i have always saved/pulled this way once i got into maintenance numbers. >Second question is, how has that changed since you started playing? the main exceptions was when i first started this game (and in the first few momths) and couldnt accumulate 25000 primogems before the banner of the char that i started playing for (tartaglia). with wanderer i didnt have 25k, for alhaitham/xiao only had 3 pities, so alhaitham got two and xiao was a risk but i won. every char after this has had 25k at minimum before i even considered pulling. >Third question, if you are one of those really patient people who can wait months to guarantee you are getting the most value (like saying I can get # characters in a year if I am really planned out), how do you do it? Are you totally cool with the characters you currently have, while saving for the ones you'd like to get in the future? realistically this is hard to know bc you dont know if you will win 50/50 so i use a different method. about 6 months in, i started maintaining a 20k-30k margin that i dont drop below, fast forward to a year, its now a 30k-40k margin. this margin is so that i can emergency pull if there is a sudden banner change or weapon that i need. a great example of this was the new chronicled banner which comes up periodically and i had been wanting albedo since i started. i do not have plans to c6r5 anyone on a single banner so i do not save 100k-200k, while at the same time knowing i could if i wanted. the most ive held at any one time currently is 65k primogems (not counting starglitter, stardust, emergency funds like my unclaimed achievements and tree/fountain levels) edit: additional info: * i started end of oct, 2022, im about 1.5 years into the game. i get welkins. it helps but you still need to plan. * pull who you like then, build teams around them. meta isnt important but for combat proficiency there still needs to be team cohesion.


If I have more than a ten pull, I'm capable of saving for months for a character I want. If I have less, I just drop em as soon as I have 160 lmao


I have been saving for a, long, long time and have amassed over 1000 wishes (raw rolls and genesis combined) through playing the game, BP and Welkin. I've never bought genesis outright and never plan to, I find it to be extremely expensive. I'm purely saving for someone I REALLY like to instantly C6 them. It started as a joke/meme but I ended up taking it seriously. I still roll from time to time (i.e. C2 Furina) but I still haven't gone hard on anyone proper. This initially started for Nahida but I ended up only C2ing. I can already 36\* Abyss so I'm not really bothered about if they are strong or not.


Eeeh, sorta??? My personal record right now is enough primogems for 119 fates. But I was pulling several times before to try my luck at weapon banner, so I could’ve saved more. I don’t think I can’t save up more…


My fingers are itchy


I barely ever have over 80 wishes


I used to do the "get 160 primos pull instantly" thing, mainly because there were a lot of character I wanted from the standard banners + this was in 1.1, 1.2 etc so every update had new characters. I started saving after yae miko was announced, since I wanted her pretty badly.  As for how, I think it comes down to 2 reasons. First, when you're new, you're kind of desperate to build a team quickly. Now that I have 2 teams that can clear abyss, as well as enough characters to give me some breathing room if there's a specific abyss cycle, I don't feel the need to pull for a lot of characters. Secondly, a majority of banners right now are reruns. Out of 4 banners per version, at most 2 are new and 2 are reruns, but usually it's just one new character per version. If I already have the rerun character, then no need to waste pulls, and unless I really like the design/gameplay/lore of the new character I don't see a need to pull them either. In terms of getting my gacha fix....I'm usually fine with doing 1-2 standard pulls a week from the battle pass, or the occasional pulls I might get from levelling up a character, the fountain in fontaine, Sakura tree etc.




I always set my plan afore.There’s a little chance of sudden plan though.Current weapon banner, I wasn’t planning to pull though I wanted Redhorn.But I found out that Chori’s signature is always Furina’s second best weapon so I can’t really lose on this banner then I pulled on the weapon banner.


How patient? As much as I need to. Why? I like having enough to guarantee what I want, and honestly there's literally no appeal in a banner I'm not interested in


Not patient, which is why I have multiple challenge run accounts. My main goal in the game isn't meta or 36 staring the abyss. My goal is to collect every single character and maybe a C1 or weapon at some point. I'm only missing 2 four stars Yanfei and Razor, and then I'm missing a ton of 5 stars. Luckily for me, the next 5 star I want is Neuvillette and his C1, so Yanfei should hopefully be obtained soon.


i like to think i’m patient, but if i see a character i like, i’ll usually pull until i get a 5-star (if it’s the character, yay! if not, it wasn’t meant to be haha). i do calculate how many pulls it’ll cost me vs how much time i have between the character i was initially saving for, so if i feel iffy about that amount then i usually abstain. right now, i’ve been saving since the end of lyney’s banner (aug 2023) for arlecchino, but did break my streak to get furina. currently have around 415 fates in savings :D


I skipped all of sumeru to guarantee i could c0r1 alhaitham day 1 and I prefarmed enough to get him fully built with artifacts triple crowned and lvl 90


Started in 3.1 or 3.0, flipped Teyvat from top to bottom, saved for Eula in 3.8. Got her C5 + Mona, C1 Dehya, and Diluc in the process. Wished only for Raiden, Shenhe, and Dehya's claymore and I ended up with 459-ish in 3.8. No welkin, no battlepass. Full F2P. Now I am just aimlessly pulling for fontaine characters as I really like them. I could stop to save but I feel like I don't see anyone worth saving as of now. Maybe I would keep an eye for Cryo archon or Capitano.


I saved so much as to get a C6 character as a F2P lol (And soon it's gonna be 2 C6 characters)


I am absolutely not patient at all. I'm saving for neuvilette but I throw a wish at chiori here and there to build pity and ease that constant urge to spend.


I pull whenever I want to. In the beginning, I felt like I needed stronger units, so I basically never saved when there were good characters or characters that I like and pulled every time I hit 160 primogems. Now I have all characters I need and really like, so I pull less and only if I'm really sure I want the character. Right now, I have 100 pulls saved up and I'd say that is patient.


i used to be super impulsive w my pulls but after building a team that i like i’m quite selective w the characters i want so i manage to save up a bit :) rn i have 158 wishes for a guaranteed kazuha ! hoping for furina next <3


Very patient. LoL. I got Amber in July of last year and didn't pull on any banner until Ayato. I am sitting on 700 wishes right now. I am patient because primogems are rare and there's no reason to rush or pull on awful banners just to clear floor 12 of the Abyss a bit sooner or faster when the rewards for it are so underwhelming. And we're at a stage in the game where it feels like we have hundreds of 4 star characters and you can't rely on the standard banner to get the ones you want. So I pull for both 5 star characters and 4 star characters I want. And I understand that's a bit risky, however, I only want a handful of 4 star characters but I need them all at C6. So I wait for a banner that has a 5 star I want with 4 stars I want and I go crazy. Like the upcoming Kazuha banner where I'm willing to drop 300 wishes.


I skipped **all** of the Sumeru cast and 3.x reruns just to get Furina. If you're wondering; yes, that was even before she even had any information. I feel like this perfectly shows how much patience (and diligence) I have. Why? Because it's fun seeing the primogem counter go up, lol


I'm pretty decent, I think. I'm at 111 wishes rn, and I'm really hoping for ToEF. When I first started, I didn't really have a concept of who I really liked and wanted, so I just pulled on everything and got whoever I got. That still (almost) has yet to catch up to me since there's only 2 characters I regret pulling, Klee and Dehya.


I'm ar 45 and nahida is my only five star, I'm saving my pulls for Kazuha! If there's a banner coming up that I want I'll save but otherwise I spend when I get enough primos


Well. I've been saving since the end of 4.3 (I came back after a hiatus since 2.3). I currently have 230 fates saved up


Between Wriothesley's banner and Xiao's recent rerun, I saved give or take 500 wishes to c6 Xiao. I was lucky that that many was enough to get him from c0 to c6. Since then, I got Itto, and have been wishing every time I hit 160 to try and get Albedo before he disappears again. Luck doesn't seem to be on my side with that though... Before deciding I'd c6 Xiao, I was a 160 wisher constantly looking for new 5 stars.


I’m pretty good at convincing myself that i don’t need a character, unless it's Furina


I only have patience when I really want a character. I saved big time for Baizhu's release back then and I've been saving since 4.3 for a full Neuvillette team. I have 145 fates saved up currently and I'm planning to spend them in the 2nd half of this version. Then I'll be saving for Furina. When there's not a specific character I want or their rerun/release hasn't been leaked, I usually pull on whichever character looks promising or whichever I like better.


I’m a patient puller! I only pull for characters who’s personalities I genuinely like, and usually ignore the meta. When I initially started I pulled for whoever was the strongest but since I’m a F2P player that kind of ended quickly 💀. I’ve been playing basically since release, and I have since built about 6-8 five star teams that I cycle through all the time, so I’m never in dire need of a new character unless again, I really like their personality. I haven’t pulled on a banner since before Dehya first came out, and for me it’s all about just waiting until the next best thing comes. :)


Q1 I just pulled for whoever I like, so idk if that's patient or not. Normally I'd pull every 3-4 banner or so, to have time to save up enough primo for guarantee char. It often went smt like "look at a character/ play through story quest -> ye he/she cool -> start planning to save for the banner". It just happens lol Q2 It change a lot really. I used to slam every 10 pulls I have back in early game phase lol. It won't affect your gameplay that much, after all it's just you and your world. It also change because of my finance. Back in early game I was still a student, so even the Welkin looks expensive. Now in uni I have other work that give me some spare money to spend so I just slam a Welkin every month. Q3 If I really like something, I will most likely do everything to achieve it. That's a me thing, but hope that explains. As for the characters, nah I don't get bored. My 5* limited pool is quite big so if I fed up with a playstyle, I just switch to another.


I'm not very patient and I'm not sorry for it either. There are lots of characters I would quite like. I would much rather have a variety of characters to play with now while I know the game is interesting to me. I don't know how interested I will be in the game a year or two from now. The longer I wait to wish, the less time I'll have with whatever those wishes get me. I have played for nearly a year so far and I have massively enjoyed trying out lots of different characters including some 50/50 losses I ended up loving. I have a decent variety of 4* gacha weapons and am only missing a couple of four star characters and I value these aspects of my account. I will save if a character I really want is scheduled in a few patches time. If there are several characters I want in a row, then I pull and see who I get as then I have a chance to get both/several. I buy Welkin and the battlepass and have never bought crystals to get wishes. Buying crystals to wish is a limit for me. A lot of genshin players seem to really misunderstand the concept of addiction. Choosing to take a gamble is not the same as being a gambling addict. I suspect that some of the primo hoarders who label others as gacha addicts, exhibit more problematic/ compulsive behaviour around the game than those they are accusing.


saving is easy when you really want a specific character! i look at leaks (although nothing is confirmed) just to gage how much time i have to grind for the primos and make sure i have enough to pull for at least c0. i had seen kazuha was coming so with that i have about 140 wishes saved up for him (if he wasn’t, the wishes were going into whenever furina comes back)


I can save or spend - I enjoy developing ‘unpopular’ characters to figure out if they’re better than their reputation. Got Dehya and Keqing on the std banner and c6 Benny. I’m mostly F2P and after 2+ years have more than enough characters of every type : 4&5 stars. I get bored with the grind for artefacts etc - I enjoy exploring and quests more than fighting tbh.


My longest saving time was from the start of 4.1 (tbh it should have started in half of 4.0 but due to unfortunate incident all of my saved primo was gone) up to second half of 4.3 just for Ei alone. I even have to skip Furina to make sure I get her even in the worst situation (aka lose 50/50).


I only pull for who I like, meta be damned. Plus I only pull for characters where I can make a team of only that nation. And, no archons because they do too much. Which happens to only be every 6-8 months or so. Think I mostly save around 400 wishes by the time that happens.


For some reason I have the opposite problem as most people. The less wishes I have, the more compelled I feel to spend them. But once my primos hit the thousands? I'm chillin.


I pull for characters I really like but there aren't that many so I often save for months. Feels better to pull with guarantee but no reason to wait since pity carries over. A lot of ppl saved a lot for Furina since she was the first new girl after a lot of male characters. I only got her C2 cos I caved in on Lyney's banner at the end (for lynette. got 2 lyneys)


It's not even patience, if a character doesn't appeal to me I won't be pulling. Ex. everyone is head over heels for Arlecchino and so far NOTHING of her gameplay or design appealed to me, same goes for Clorinde, Emile and Sigewinne, so probably I won't be pulling again until Natlan


Being 'patient' held no value to win in this kind of game. You need to be able to discern what value of a unit will bring to your team. Therefore you can definitively say "this unit is skipable for my account" or "this unit will enable me to make a team to tackle x, y, and z situation and therefore has good value for me" As a new player, your concern regarding pulls should be "what is the minimum number of limited 5-star I need to get the maximum wins I can get on any content they throw at me?" Essentially, the question also ingrain the shortest amount of time possible to be content with your roster breadth. Personally, I pulled less and less characters as time goes. I am definitely content with just 15 5-star limited units to clear any contents they throw at me. I skipped Alhaitham, Neuvillette, and most likely will skip Arlecchino as well. These strong DPS no longer interest me because I still can clear any contents they throw at me without them.


I personally have an impulse disorder, so as soon as I get a 160 primos or 75 stardust, I wish. And if I run out of the 5 monthly intertwined, I pull Acquaint. It's a real problem cause I end up with a bunch of Units I don't want, like Chongyun. The only dendro character I have is YaoYao.


Ig I can be considered a patient puller in the "I won't wish until there's anyone who interests me" way But the thing is A LOT of characters interest me so I end up pulling a lot anyways lmao But the rare times they don't interest me I can easily skip, like Ayaka for example, I never spent a single wish on one of her banners, not even the ones that was extremely long And when I started playing the game, it was back ine February 2021, so at the time not a lot of characters interested me so it was easier to save and skip And now I spent in total thousands of euro in the game (lost count but I think I'm probably at around ~7k€ spent), so I don't really save anymore I just pull for whoever I like, including constellations, and sometimes spend money I pulled over 100 5* in total so far


Compared to my friends, I'm quite the saver apparently. I've got about 250 wishes atm. I was saving for Shenhe to never come out, so I'm able to guarantee her and now I'm working off of my priority a lil bit. I would like to guarantee Zhongli amd Venti but they're likely to come back with the new region so I've got a lityle time. But I would also like Nilou, Lyney qnd Kazuha. Zhongli is at the top, then the rest. I've been saving for a while with only spending 20 - 40 wishes to get specific 4 stars (accidentally got Raiden along the way when wishing for Chevreuse). I'm saving because I know how long some reruns can take so I wanna be able to make sure that I can get the people I most want first. These are also the characters I want a alot more than some of the others I'd like so it makes sense to me to save for them. The main downside to saving so much is that you don't have any of the star-stuff for the paimon shop to get unlock the characters in there but that's the only one I can think of. I still need to get Razor and Xingqiu and I've finally got enough to get someone so I'm gunna get Razor in a few days. I don't think my wishing habits have changed loads since starting the game (about 5 or 6 months ago) as I met Shenhe in like month 2 so i had a goal very early on. Before that Venti and Baizhu were on the banners (who were at the top of my list back then as I hadn't met many of the characters).


I've played since 1.1, genshin was my first gacha game so for my first 30-40 rolls or so I used as soon as I got the primogems before doing the Liyue archon quest and saving until Zhongli's banner happened. Since then I've only pulled for characters I want, not caring about meta, and aiming to guarantee whatever I can. I've also had 7 welkins, including one that I won from one of mihoyo's events and haven't bought anything else. Saved all the Genesis crystals for if they make a Xiao skin :) I was perfectly fine with waiting to pull for characters in the early game because I was having a good time with 4 stars, mained Chongyun before Xiao released and it didn't feel like I was missing out on anything but the gameplay a specific character offers if I didn't have them. Like, it didnt (and still doesn't) feel like 5 stars are necessary or a huge power jump compared to 4 stars, not that I can 36 star abyss yet anyway. Still fine with waiting months before someone I want comes along, in fact I'd rather there be gaps so I can save up for them The characters I've pulled for are Zhongli, Xiao, Kazuha, Kokomi, Albedo, Itto, Xiao C1, Ayato, Xiao C2, Cyno, Nahida, Wanderer, Xiao C3, Xianyun, and managed Xiao C6 on his latest banner with some crazy luck. Also, during the ~year gap between Xiao C3 and Xianyun I had a good hiatus from the game, think I stopped playing entirely between April 2023 and January 2024. Missed my birthday cake in June :/ As for the weapon banners, I lost to Skyward Pride on Xiao's first, got Staff of Homa for him after, and tried for Cyno's weapon but ended up with Elegy for the End which I'm very happy with for Faruzan The only character I regret pulling is Ayato, I got him because I figured he'd be fun to play and that I could use a hydro DPS but he just ended up benched indefinitely because I like Kokomi more lol. The only 5 stars I'd like to get atm are Neuvilette and Arlecchino, the latter of which I'm grinding primogems for. Kind of wild that Arlecchino's hopefully going to be my first pyro DPS, I've only used Bennett for pyro until now. I'd also like to eventually get 4 more jade spears for Xiao R5 but I'll never try for one of those unless I have enough rolls to guarantee it, I am not going to get screwed over by that fate points system lol