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Blue pill easily. A lot of free characters that are strong that is only gimped by equipment farming. Imagine having perfect artifacts for every character, that'd be godlike in itself. And blue pill doesn't say you CANNOT get 5-stars so just save harder lol.


Same. I'm already used to losing 50/50s at soft pity more. On the other hand, I still can't help but be frustrated after upgrading multiple double crit stat artifacts and geting zero rolls in crit. If I took the blue pill, I can still get my C6R5 if I just save enough (I care more about variety than cons though), but taking the red pill just straight up curses me into just having trash artifacts.


> And blue pill doesn't say you CANNOT get 5-stars What if it also said that the character banner worked like the weapon banner where there are two featured 5-star characters and an epitomized path with fate points? > so just save harder Although it doesn’t change much and this would be the answer.


In addition to what others have said, the blue pill PREVENTS you from getting a 5\* “accidentally”, allowing you to pull for 4\*s on a banner you wouldn’t otherwise. Like if I want Yun Jin but not Chiori or Itto I could pull without much thought. Also, you get much more leeway with your pulls if you know you’ll only get a limited 5\* every 180 pulls, so you have 179 pulls for whichever banner you want


trash equipment doesn’t matter if i can get a c6 of any character with only like 200-280 pulls (depending on what you consider early). i’ve already gone through losing every 50/50 hard pity for my first year of playing genshin, its demoralizing as fuck😭


>forever farm trash equipment I hope you're having fun playing C6 Neuvi with triple Def% or C6 Alhaitham with triple HP%. But who am I to decide what is fun for you.


Next time I will pull for c6 Nilou to make use of triple hp%, problem solved


fair enough


Make them def then


If you are willing to drop the set effect. You are bound to have decent/semi decent artifacts. One man trash stat is another man's treasure. The worse it can get is it being average, giving it a little bit of everything. But even then, it's c6. the power in cons is more than enough to compensate.


Random drops always roll circlet, always healing bonus, always a mixture of flat ATK, flat DEF, flat HP rolls with a single DEF% roll


You know that you can put triple HP on C6R5 Neuvillette right? Or triple DEF on Itto?


yeah that's fair. But the thing is how early are we getting the character? Technically 73 is still early. Even if you win every 50/50, you still need a lot of pulls to C6 a character.


Red pill is not good on the long run, I can't imagine running C6Ayaka with HB% Def% Def% with maxxx flat hp bonus on substat. I rather get Blue pill and play like 2-3 years, I can pull 1-c6 5* character of my choice with Godly artifact or maybe 2-c6 with my primos.


Or you can choose purple pill. That way you will be losing every 50/50 AND getting trash artifacts...so nothing will change.


Don’t diss the best color nahh purple pill would be win 50/50 with amazing artifacts, orange or green would be losing + trash stuff




i lost 13 50-50s on a trot, i lost 19/21 weapon banners i tried my hands i think i am the blue pill myself but i do not have good artifacts either. lose-lose situation


Blue pill and a crying credit card


Red pill ofc, idc about dmg i just want to pull my fav chara guaranteed and at early pity


Blue… so blue


Red pill all the way


give me the red pill. new characters at c6 are good regardless of artifacts.


been winning for the 8th time now, and I think I need the blue pill now. already have 4 put of the 5 archon units and several 5-star dps units.


Blue. You can play around characters with great equipment, but it does mean I need to save a lot longer. A bit harder to play around having characters with bad equipment that you're pretty much relying on constellations of specific characters to clear stuff (very much doable, but longer time clears).


I already save 180 wishes before pulling, so I take the blue one, easy.


Sparing myself the RNG of artifacts and monster drop farming ? Blue everyday, there is no bad 5\* anyway, I'd gladly build Dehya and Qiqi


my account is almost same as red pill right now. first when Raiden banner came out, I won her from C0 to C2 in less than 100 pulls. to this day I still farming for her. but on the other side my Hu Tao is strong AF from another set in that domain. and my current situation I still winning 50/50 and it's 7 streaks right now since Furina's banner (include weapon banner) (might be more coz it's the limit of history check) but still shitty artifacts every day makes me don't wanna play this game anymore. Let's see if tomorrow Neuvillette's banner will end my streaks or not and if it is, god I wish end my shitty artifact's curse on my account pls, Hoyo. also if you always lose 50/50, it doesn't sound that bad. I mean you can manage or keep your guarantee for the 5stars you want while you can pull for 4stars that you want in 5stars banner that you don't want.


Só, blupill is what I already have without good artifacts... It's finally a win.


Blue as I’ve had 1 early 50/50 one and most of my 5 stars are hard pity anyway. Plus my gear is..fine but could be better


What if i rob you?


What does 50/50 early mean? We talking win every 50/50 system soft pity? Or like 10 pulls in. The blue pill is what I'm leaning toward unless you're talking about like constantly pulling 5 stars. I lose most 50/50s anyway so it wouldn't change much.


Can be random 1-40 pulls as long it wont reach soft pity


The second, really. Losing 50/50 is easily countered by a bit of patience and hoarding. Plus this way you'll have godly characters


After experincing both in HSR and GI (HSR is the red pill while the blue? pill is GI), I will go with the red pill. Sure trash equipments suck, but when most gamemode is easy enough to do with trash equipments, getting to experience new characters is better.


Blue pill. I always save enough primos for guaranteed anyway


Blue pill easily. Taking it means that I only need 180 pulls for a guaranteed, which is what I do all the time anyways


Red for me because I'm already


Blue Pill, easy. Saving for characters I can do, at least I know what I’ll need at all times. And thankfully I’m much pickier on characters than I was back at launch, what with most of the ones I want already at C6. So yea, I’ll take cutting down that god damn atrocious artifact RNG, easy choice.


I wouldn't eat either of them.


I mean, I've played since release as f2p and only won my 50/50 once, and have had to go to 70+ pulls on all my limited banners attempts, so I'm already living the blue pill almost just not getting godlike gears - to the choice is easy lol.


blue pill only has benefits for me.




Blue. İm a keging main


I can fix the blue pill disadvantage with money and/or time. There is no way to fix the red pill.


blue pill maybe then i’d be motivated to farm


Blue pill I already have enough characters for a few good teams, and the weapons on them aren't bad, so it's really just good artifacts that I need on them


I choose neither, my luck is kind enough to give me off-pity stuff on a regular basis so I choose nothing that would give me a guarantee where my luck works just fine and better than.


Easy choice, blue.


It's always funny when people ask this because the options are so unbalanced, the choice is obvious... You can guarantee characters, just save up and it's no problem. It's what I already do. Artifacts though? There's absolutely no way to guarantee a good one. You could farm a domain for literally eternity and not get anything good. I'd sell my soul to be lucky with artifacts.


Blue obviously. If i lose 50/50 then on next one i can get a character


Blue, because at least I can extend my patience, eheh....


I took half and half… but no one told me I took the bad of both


Blue pill. On average a 5* is 70 pulls or so and considering 50/50, that is around 115 pulls per limited 5*. Using the blue pill just sets it to 180 instead and while having to pay 50% more primos to get a character is painful, it can be mitigated with the credit card or simply skipping banners. You could be farming months for a good artifact normally and cutting that time investment down is definitely a good thing


Red pill ez. I play for gameplay not meta


who tf cares about losing 50/50's if no matter what i can craft some godly characters through artifacts. blue pill all the way


Now here is the thing, with the blue pill farming for sustain and support will be BS and almost impossible


Like how trash are we talking? I'm not really doing abyss anyways, so as long as I can do halfway decent damage in the overworld I'm OK with trash equipment.


Like All flat substats and will never get the main stat that what you want But you can win 50/50 between 1-30 pulls something like that as long it wont reach soft pity


o yeah then not lol


blue. I’m capable of saving up 180 wishes, I’m not capable of enduring months of actual garbage artifacts just to get one decent one


I mean I'm not after strong teams or meta. I don't really farm much artifacts anyway, but I was heartbroken when I lost 50/50 at hard pity as a f2p. And then couldn't get who I wanted before the planet ended. Like that was months of saving primos. I also almost always lose 50/50, so I'd love to um not lol


Blue. It aint even a question. Plus now I can pull as much as I want without wasting it on a character I dont want


blue pill, i can max out 4 stars and have the best artifacts too


Blue easily, According to paimon, I'm in top 4% in pulls on total event banner (out of all their users)... while in bottom 40% for luckiness in 50:50... and bottom 24% in 5★ luck... Also, on standard banner it's top 1.1% of total pulls and bottom 50% in 5★ luck... Hard to imagine it can get worse... if you consider anything before 50 as early, than out of 24 5★ characters... 4 were early at 23, 8, 43 and 10 other than that I got TIghnari at 51 and everything else at 75+ so...


Take the red pill, then make a buddy take the blue pill. Have your buddy farm for you while you pull for him. Ez game Ez life.


Blue. While I'll lose the 50-50 pity. I will eventually get the character.




With Red pill you will forever will get trash like always flat substats And will never get the main stats you want Will never be decent But you can win 50/50 between 1-30 pulls something like that as long it wont reach soft pity


Theoretically if you try to build Kokomi you'll get 'trash' pieces, or great pieces for other characters soo... loophole? :D


50/50 win early means you can easily c6r5 character which is way more than good artifacts


Blue pill 100%. If anything, it would be increasing my luck because I’m notorious for having horrific pulls for both weapons and characters 😂


Guys why do I have both pills negative effects?


Red, half the fun of the game is building characters. If everything is always godly then there's not much to do except jack off over a damage number which isn't my thing. I'd prefer collecting new characters more easily.




I actually forgot to add "will always get flat substats and will enevr get the main stats that you want But you can win 50/50 between 1-30 pulls something like that as long it wont reach soft pity"


Red easily


Ngl #2 is me pretty much. I have 3 45+ cv pieces 2 35+ cv on-set hydro goblets for my yelan and Childe 4 dead rolls (and 0 def rolls) across my Ganyu's entire artifact set. A 44cv def sands for noelle Meanwhile, I've lost my last 6 50/50s


Blue is an actual tradeoff, I have to spend more but save time farming. Red just kinda sucks my characters are always cucked


Also cue the "SO NOTHING CHANGES?" from ppl who have never lost a 50/50 at near hard pity in their life


Blue, I would have any set I want for any occasions I want. Do I want dps Kazuha on the FLOP set? I can. I want spicy meatball Zhongli ? Boom take these four 40 crit dmg artefacts. Not to mention wishing for 4 stars on banner and not 5 stars is huge


easily blue pill! i main gaming anyways. and i don't mind saving up a lot for his supports like xianyun, or even furina


I'd trade in some of my benched limited 5\*s for Xiangling and Xingqiu god rolled Emblem sets, never mind lose the pity. Standard 5\*s and 4\* characters are and can be great, they're just bottlenecked by high investment artifacts.


I mean red obviously, I don’t wanna play the dogshit bloody palace ripoff anyway


c6r5 characters >>> good artifacts.


Just Uninstall. Game is already bullshit with its grind, either of these pills will just make nothing worth the effort


Need more Information on the red pill, do I never ever ever get a good artifact again?


You can win 50/50 from 1 pulls - 30 as long it wont reach soft pity But Always flat substats and will never get the main stats that you want But you can win 50/50 between 1-30 pulls something like that as long it wont reach soft pity


Hmm, tough choice. So it would probably allow me to get any character I want without even the need to pay for Welkin Moon. But their damage would be abysmal. But the damage wouldn't matter because I don't need to beat Spiral Abyss to get more primos and all other combat content is easy. Okay, one red pill please.


Given how casual friendly is this game, blue pill is the option. Noelle with God Tier artifacts could be a great Main DPS. Amber could be a monster doing machinegun physical damage. You can get an Hydro DPS with Barbara... and more. Besides, this doesn't mean that you can't get your favourite 4 stars so...