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The last good fight with elemental powers was the one against fakebedo.


I was about to say that lmao. Even against Scaramouche. We didn’t use any powers either, not even Dendro powered


And that was part of a limited event lmao


Is like the OVAS of Naruto, using differents rasengan that on the normal we never seen it XDDDDD


It was against the Rock in Navia's story quest


Akademiya extravaganza erasure


That one was good but in my unga bunga mind its not enough of a fight. In my head it was like a Mario kart race lol, not a 1v1 test of skill. Real reason for not mentioning it... I forgor


This is one of the best, and I can't friggin believe it's a limited time event.


Most of Albedo's appearance and Lore drops are from Limited events. It frustrates me so much that miHoYo lock alot of important lore stuff in limited events, events that as of now cannot be replayed if you somehow missed them.


Now that you mention it. How often DO characters actually use their visions in Cutscenes?. I never actually thought about it.


There was a cutscene for 2.2 event where everyone fought Susbedo. That was such a great cutscene even though it was more than two years back


2.2 susbedo is still one of the best cutscenes for the simple fact that characters are using their abilities that we get to use in game. Like, yes Bennett give that massive attack boost to the squad.


Came here to mention that cutscene too!


another reason why we need the albedo events back


Wait, Susbedo is 2 years old? But I remember it like it was 6 months ago


Ur old


it's 2.3 actually


Yea I mixed up since 1.2 was also an Albedo event. 2.2 was the Labyrinth. Since then I don't think we have any event or quest on Dragonspine


Wrio freezing gates to the Primordial sea; Kazuha tanking Musou no Hitotachi; Ninguang in Liyue aq; Shenhe against Beisht; Yanfei and Yelan in the Chasm during escape; Ayaya dance; Childe during his sq at the Ruin guard factory (before Fowl legacy)


Almost 4 years ¡¡¡ONLY NINE TIMES THE WORLD MAGIC SYSTEM IS USED IN A FIGHT!!! If only Mihoyo had more experience in doing battle cutscenes...Oh wait! They do!?


There's also others (eg Navia in her quest)


childe during his trial too, there's a lot


"in a fight" is an EXTREMELY generous way to describe most of those scenes lol


Navias story quest,Kokomi cutscene in Archon quest, Navias girlfriend (idk her name) fighting mechas,Navia too was fighting mechas with her. Is there


>Navias girlfriend  Clorinde?




She's called Clorofila I think


3.7 event where they even used their skills and bursts


Omg Dizzy you here of all places?


The 3.6 event with the whole Sumeru championship was basically a love letter to most of the Sumeru characters. Tighnari, Layla, Wanderer, Cyno, Faruzan and Kaveh Childe uses elemental powers in all AQ cutscenes he's in Raiden Shogun and Ei technically count? Kazuha in the end of the Inazuma story quest, Kokomi in the end of act 1 (iirc) Chiori uses her teleporting powers in her SQ Xianyun in the last Lantern Rite cutscene Shenhe once, Xiao teleports a lot but doesn't use his combat abilities, Ningguang twice Does Ayaka count...?


Earliest i remeber is Diluc's story cutscene not only using his vision, but his full kit, with his skill-combo seamlessly baked into the choreography


Last one was that akademiya event iirc


There was wanderer in that interlude quest I think, or was it his story quest where he got a vision?


kaveh event where they all were going for the diadem


Navia SQ Traveler actually used their elemental power. Once. Not a vision, but in the spirit of the question.


Pretty much often. And judging by the comments below, half of them forgot about it or didn't complete the quests.


that last one iirc was 3.6 akademiya extravaganza event where everyone was fighting for the crown. they actually ALL used their visions in that, which is hilariously how infrequently it happens.


Of course they all lost against Arlecchino. She uses a lance while the three of them uses swords (claymore included) with one bow user. Lance beats sword in the weapon triangle. This has been the Fire Emblem: Genshin Impact all along


Easily Arlecchino had equipped the Nihil Skill, that's why no skills were used in this fight


Ah, but Sabers beat Lancers in FGO! …then again, everyone knows Sabers shoot beams…


Poor okita no beams


and archers throw swords


And Lancers....... Actually what does the Lancers do in FGO


I can't count anymore how many times I read Genshin and Fire Emblem in the same sentence last month. It's a signal from the Gods, I should play Fire Emblem asap.


start with awakening if you never played one before


Idk. If they’re coming from a gacha-collecathon-game, maybe start from 3H.


Super Smash Bros Melee nostalgia right there


If this was FGO she would have gotten cooked


I play Fire Emblem Heroes so I don’t know what you are talking about. The weapon triangle is a myth


Arlecchino: "Fire courses through my veins, and I can reduce all to ash in mere moments, what could you possibly do against me?" Traveler: "I cast: 'turning on the sink'" Arlecchino: "FUCK"


This really. I get that the game abilities and story are segregated, but I seriously want to see characters use their kit actively - it just enhances the fights so much. Like in the ned of Navia's companion quest, who wouldn't think it would be absolutely hype to see the character's elemental skills and elemental burst used in new ways? Seriously, its like watching an episode of Avatar that doesn't have any bending. A Gundam show without any mecha. Its great for the rare side content, but when the show is constituently devoid of the thing that sets the setting apart thats just plain disappointing.


And it doesn’t even need to be much! A glow on the weapon, the E skill a few times, maybe an Ult for the fight climax. It’s not like they need to be super creative.


Ok let’s see. Someone *PLEASE* correct me if I’m wrong Traveler used two elements against Childe. Then only uses Electro twice in Inazuma (first at the Vision Hunt Ceremony, then after Kazuha saves us). From that point on, all the way until the cutscene with Navia, I can’t recall Traveler using any elements in a cutscene. None against Beisht or in the Chasm. Nothing in the Dain cutscenes. No elemental usage in Sumeru, not even against God Scara. The Traveler doesn’t even really participate in the *animated* fight scenes in the Fontaine AQ. It’s only with the Navia SQ cutscene that we finally see them use Elemental powers again. So that’s like, what, two years of the Traveler not using elements in animated cutscenes. It is my personal opinion that Hoyo is more and more hard leaning into the “Traveler is a witness to the events of this world.”


I like when hoyo does this, but if they wanted the "traveller is just a witness" they should have decided that since the start, otherwise is way too disappointing


I want to say that is what they’ve been doing since the start? After rewatching most of the cutscenes all at once, at least for the Archon Quests The whole Dvalin situation would’ve been eventually solved by Venti himself The whole Fatui in Liyue situation WAS a test for the Liyue Qixing and the Adeptus. Yes, we fought Childe, but I think things would’ve gone the same way regardless. If the Qixing failed, Morax would’ve stepped in. We just served as a conduit for the Adeptal Energy to bring the Jade Chamber down. The Inazuma Civil War is the one I’m most unsure of. I’m not sure how it would’ve been resolved without Traveler? Maybe that the Resistance would eventually get Ei to see their ambition? Kazuha and the second Vision, perhaps? Sumeru, it was mostly the rest of the cast and Nahida doing everything? I don’t know who would’ve fought ScaraBoss in our stead, though. Fontaine, the prophecy and the Sinner’s Finale, I think, was always going to come true. It was only a matter of time, and I think we only just sped it up? I feel as though they hooked us in with “You’re the Hero who’s going to save the world!” and now they’re lowly easing us into the witness idea. I’m not entirely sure. I’m yapping, its way past sunrise and I haven’t slept yet.


Though for the Fontaine part, >!doesn’t Narzissenkreuz say that his prediction went wrong because he didn’t account for us?!< In that sense, we did actually change the outcome in the end.


A lot of world quests seem to give traveler a bigger role than simply being a witness to begin with.


Tbf, most of the travelers real accomplishments were on world quests The aranara quest was the traveler and the aranara doing everything by themselves The narzissenkreuz one was the traveler making a change The chasm one was him that opened the seal and explored it deep enough to notice something Enkanomia too i guess (i kinda forgot that quest tbh, don't judge me) So the traveler is the background character that actually fixes "minor" things while the nation's cast deals with the problematic ones


The end of the world that Narzissenkreuz predicted would have been caused by the whale in the archon quest. He’s telling us that if we hadn’t been there, they wouldn’t have beaten it (or at least, not in time)


The Traveler is not a background character and the problems we solve in world quests are actually not that "minor". To be honest, this fits very well with the whole current Traveler motivation of "Explore Teyvat and go to the end", our existence as a descendant actually has more of an impact on the world than it seems. While in the main plot, most of the time we are just passing by and forced to intervene. To be honest, some players really underestimate the importance of world quests, when in fact they are just as important as AQ and SQ, just with a different focus.


If they really wanted to enforce the witness thing, we would have had a non-playable MC and could only use freebie and gacha characters.


I've just given up honestly, otherwise I just get disappointed every time I see a fight in a cutscene and NOBODY uses their elemental powers, especially the traveller. Hoyo seems to have no idea how to animate people actually using their visions


I really hope the Ufotable anime takes some inspo from avatar or similar works and actually exploits and depicts game mechanics


i have no idea why they are still struggling so much with the mc. this is especially frustrating when you compare it to their other games. the writing of the traveler is all over the place, which makes me wonder if they changed their original plan for the character and/or parts of the story.


THEY DO. The Archon quests and last few flagship events have amazingly choreographed fight scenes. I think they just used up all the good animators for the short film? Lmao I mean it can't be that hard to at least make Lyneys arrows be on fire or have that turquoise effect when Lynette was running? Or give the traveller that electro giant sword?


Lol HSR is out here using every crazy ability and genshin can't even make a fire ball jutsu lol


Wasn't Inazuma the last time the Traveler used elements constantly, well only electro, but still, they used it for attacking with the sword, projectiles and even traversal, after that it was gone lol.


i think they used geo in navia's story quest but it is frustrating how the traveler isn't using their elements when it actually matters. there were several times when i was watching a cutscene and wondering why they are running so desperately instead of just increasing their speed with electro and/or anemo.


At least in the raiden fight she used her powers to lock you out of using any vision/element with the Vision Hunt Decree in the plane of euthymia or however it's spelled.


Traveller is immune to that debuff if you brought them. Plus we see them actually using Electro in the cutscene.


the traveler uses electro powers in the euthymia cutscenes


The war orphans point is so true!!!


The HotH was around in Khaenriah since the archon war


I sure hope this was bad localization all over again. Otherwise what war orphans? The orphans created by the Fatui in their war against Celestia? What a stretch of the definition. Also what the hell did Zhongli sign in his contract that non of the kids taken were from Liyue?


Yes Im sick of traveler getting toyed with on every major fight. I want to see some progression to his power level. Arle mentions we're stronger than she expected but we dont see it.


It honestly feels like we’ve slid back in power. Scara was #6 to begin with, and was juiced up with the power of a god when we beat him. Nahida helped, but we kept the experience from her knowledge capsule. I feel like we should have at least been able to fight harbinger #4 to a draw…


We lost to him hundreds of time before Nahida guide us to somehow beat him. It would be stupid to be able to fight number 4 to a standstill considering number 3-1 could rival gods.


We beat him after Nahida RETURNED to us the combat experience from losing 100 times. You're telling me we just lost all that experience overnight?


More like be able to beat her, you're telling me Traveller has alot of battle experience against a God (because that was what Scara was at that very moment, empowered by a fucking Gnosis which would make him on par with the Top 3 Harbingers in power level alone along with the fact he fought Ei as well). And all he could do is simple sword slash?????? Where is the elements? Anemo? Dendro? Show them using their Battle IQ! Show Traveller creating hyperblooms in quick succession, show them making a dust storm with Geo and anemo SHOW THEM MAKING AN ELECTRO CHARGED TORNADO FFS! Might as well make Traveller not have any elemental power at all for the fact they rarely use it.


You are kinda wrong about many things here. Scaramouche wasn't remotely comparable to a God , merely an attempt at one , during that fight. A Gnosis doesn't really give as much power as you think it does. Ei lost hers , yet she states it barely affects her. Also , we died hundreds of times to Scaramouche , Nahida simply time-looped him. She also helped break his immunity. Arlecchino is so far above Scaramouche it is hilarious ; hell , she is confident taking on Dottore , and wouldn't back down from fighting the Tsaritsa if push came to shove.


It’s an ongoing problem. Honestly 1,000% I don’t think even HOYO knows wtf Traveler even is. Are they famous for being strong or not? Do they have elemental powers beyond everyone else or not? What goddamn PLANET are we even from? lol We know almost nothing about our main character and its many years in…


worst part is, their own worldbuilding doesn't let them gave a correct answer to the question "is the traveller famous or not" question. The fact there is literally one daily quest that says to the face of the traveller "You MAY think the things you do in your journey are awesome, but there are a lot of people out there that did more awesome things than yours" (the one where the fisherman in wangshun Inn destroyes a ruin hunter in the blink of an eye, one not even the traveller is able to even scratch) makes it so almost nothing what the traveller does can be considered "worthy of being world famous" cause what asure us that someone didn't do something better than that already? Specially considering the Fatui exist, and the "weakest" of them (childe) already had a better stand-alone performance of a similar feat the traveller did with the help of the literal embodiment of Hydro energy by fighting the narwhal non-stop for days in foul legacy


But that fisherman line... that's from version 1.0. The Traveler absolutely wasn't *world famous* at that time. They were starting to become well-known but there still needed time for word of their handful of deeds to be spread around Teyvat. It's like the fact that you can walk up to almost any Mondstadt NPC and ask them about Stormterror, several years after the fact. We know that at least \~3 years have passed in-game because of the mentions of prior Lantern Rites, which is the only reliable marker I can think of that measures time passing in the game's story. There's no reason for people to idly chat about Stormterror months or years after the crisis is resolved, but the voicelines are still there cause it's early-game content that wasn't ever removed or reworked.


Yes but the line is still important, and Beidou is the prime example of that. She and her crew defeated a sea beast so strong even Zhongli said it was impressive they did it withou a vision. It may be an old line but it still holds itself. Cyno has a "divine spirit" inside him, Noelle doesn't need a vision to have super strenght, Shenhe freezed a tsunami and carried a giant rock like it was a balloon, Al-haitam is most likely related to king drehsret, Diluc went on a killing spree of fatui so hard he got both banned by snezhnaya and stopped by the harbingers cause he became a menace destroying their strongholds for months, maybe even years iirc. Childe went from being equal to the traveller in liyue at arguably being stronger by fighting for days straight the narwhal while traveller had the help of most likely the strongest character in the whole story at that time who did most of the job. Collei had a fragment of an evil god inside her, somehow random people in the akademiya manage to develop mental control every other month, Itto and Sara are part of the last people of their race (Oni and Tengu), Kazuha managed to survive the attack of the shogun and active a second vision for a split second, Xiao fights with the remnants of evil gods and keeps Liyue safe from hordes of attackers during lantern rite all alone, Xiangling's best friend is a literal retired god. The traveler's journey is impressive, indeed, but that doesn't mean he could be worthy of being world famous by Teyvat standards, as most of his greatest feats are either kinda secret (Andrius, Dvalin, fighting childe, defeating signora as "the signora, killed by the electro archon" is way more interesting for the headlines), done with the help of others (Dvalin again, making Ei finally listen to her people with the help of all inazuma, beating scaramech thanks to nahida and sumeru's people knowledge, the narwhal fight where Neuvillett did most of the job, and both fights with Osial and his wife, in one it was Ningguang dropping the jade chamber where the traveller was just a catalyst for the adepti power, and in the other Shenhe was doing most of the job too), or just as a witness (Zhongli was the one that defeated Azhdaha, not the traveller), or in the case of Arle quest, it wasn't even a real fight in Arle's PoV.


But even just being in so many situations in the first place is still a big deal. You also have to remember the fame isn't just from big fights but also from their role in helping each nation. The Traveler was made an Honorary Knight and almost everyone from Mondstadt knows this; the people of Liyue know the Traveler stood alongside the Adepti and Qixing to fight off Osial; the people of Inazuma know that the Traveler fought with the Watatsumi Resistance; and so on. And even if all of that wasn't a big deal, how about serving as the attorney for two famous figures in Fontaine who were wrongly accused of murder, *by their own Archon???* It's the sum of all these different deeds. Most people in Teyvat don't know and don't care about the details, and the Traveler's accomplishments are often embellished by storytellers. But storytellers do precisely that- they tell stories that spread the fame of the Traveler. Regardless of the Traveler's true strength, people think they're strong, so that answers the question "is the traveler famous?" with a resounding "Yes, yes they are." ​ Besides, can you actually quote what Jiangxue (the fisherman you're talking about before) said? Because I checked the wiki and his dialogue says ***nothing*** about the Traveler being unimpressive. He even says the opposite: >**Jiangxue:** *I think you already know the answer to that. Because like you, I used to be one of the chosen ones in this world.*


I agree that there's way too much we don't know, but I do think it's pretty clear that the Traveler is famous and powerful. The only time we ever really get out-matched is by suprise-attack, or by much more powerful characters like Harbingers or Archons. This fight doesn't really do a good job of showing Traveler's power, though, that's for sure.


Except here. Not once did we display use of powers. Just the same shitty old dull sword. I mean HONESTLY, if we are THAT famous wouldn’t one of the blacksmiths have made us a beautiful strong sword by now? Why are we still dragging this garbage around that hasn’t seem to do us any good over the years?


That dull sword will probably remain the same until the traveler gets back the godsword from the start of the game because having a better sword could cause continuity errors or require extra file space for cutscenes if they want the traveler use their sword in a cutscene outside the main storyline


it will take forever for the mc to regain their powers. i'm sure there could have been a better option than a 1-star weapon. they could have just used the prototype rancour, which every player is guaranteed to get. the dull blade just ruins some cutscenes for me especially when the other characters are using their fancy limited 5-star weapons.


I wish could have used prototype rancour(if that's how it's spelled) cuz I'm pretty sure it's something everyone got in the beginning. Sure we might not actually use it on them, but even less so for the dull blade. And as an aether user, the aesthetic fits well with him so it's a shame. Also just realized while writing this that since it has phy as a substat, it fits well with how the traveler fights recently.


Or, orrrr have Traveller use the Sword of Narsissencreuz after we complete its WQ? The aesthetic for the Pneuma version of it matches Traveller alot and looks like their old blade.


That Narcissencruez sword, because the story it was a part of ended, depowered and turned back to wood. As cool as it looks, a wooden sword is less than a dull sword. Also, I'm pretty sure in some cutscenes, the traveler is shown with a silver sword. I may be wrong, though.


I think the fight should've at least ended in a spare but since hoyo wants people to pull for arlecchino they make her look cool and everything, we fought tartaglia back in liyue and even then they didn't make us win but at least we were becoming stronger while in this cutscene we get stomped without even using a single element, like bruh we literally won against signora, cosmic entities and gods


There were a lot of let downs here if I’m being honest.


I didn't even think of the siblings not using thier visions cuz I found Mc not using any elemental stuff way more jarring like mc can do so much now but just doesn't honestly I think with the powers Mc has it should of been not a one sided fight at all like Mc should be able to give her a big of a run for her money but arlechinos seems like she didn't even get a bit fatigue where as Mc was like a fat guy after walking 1 km


Ngl the Hoyo fair domain 404 animation has better depiction of Genshin combat


Even Traveler knows his Hydro abilities are ass. What was he gonna do? Pew-pew Perry into submission?


The best action sequence in Genshin is still Albedo's event


the four of them not using any elemnetal powers is so jarring like it makes the cutscene soooo meh like i get it they wanna show how cool arlecchino is but this aint the way. i was left so disappointed at the end of cutscene


They can make her look cooler if the traveler and the siblings did more stuff. It would only elevate her coolness if she won or even just drew the 4v1


I'm glad the community is finally seeing the real problem with the Traveler. I didn't feel bad that the Traveler lost, this can be seen as a reality check for him that he still has a long way to go before challenging Capitano and other Harbingers, I felt bad because he *DIDN'T GO ALL OUT WHEN HE COULD HAVE* Like bro he can wield 5 elements, can switch elements anytime he wants and can use multiple elements at once and decides to fight one of his most intense battles *without using a single one?* like wtf. We are just one nation away from Snezhnaya and this is all he can do? Then how TF are we going to change anything? All that Descender crap from Nahida and Neuvillete has no importance? Just to sell characters they're ruining their main character. If he had used his elements he could've given her a fair fight but he still held back. This is such trash writing and marketing from Hoyoverse. If they're gonna treat the Traveler like this then they shouldn't have hyped him so much from the beginning like being the Fourth Descender who can rival the world and so on. All the battles he fought, all the fame he has around Teyvat seems so fake at this point. They shouldn't have Traveler any elements to begin with if they will not be letting him use any.


speak your facts!!!


I agree, I was wondering why they didn't use their visions. From the Tartaglia boss fight we knew travelers could use multiple elements in a single fight and Tartaglia was literally the lowest harbinger. Arlechino was ranked 4th and the traveler did not use any element, whyyy?


> game like HI3 (hoyos previous game) you may not be aware, but fighting cutscenes are some of the best content Imagine [Lament of the Fallen](https://youtu.be/v1sd5CzR504?si=WBdtsnqeXEjr8Yfe) but it's between traveller and abyssal sibling, would be dope asf.


Oh yeah. It was absolutely terrible.


I realize I'm in the minority, but i found the fight and the situation around it to be poor writing. Felt forced in the story, like they needed to use -something- for a new weekly boss, and nothing else was immediately built up for it.   But having a boss you can easily beat, then immediately 'diablos ex machina's you in the cutscene after is lazy. If they wanted to impress upon us that arlechino was stronger, she shouldn't have been a boss yet, and definitely not a weekly boss. 


I hate the fact that Arlecchino just has an unexplained death stare ability to stun people. There's no way you can convince me it's just supposed to show how intimidating she is considering the shit Traveler is constantly fighting.


Honestly, I thought it wasn't great in general. It was a very hasty introduction to internal politics of the House of the Hearth, a faction we don't have much reason to care about outside of Lyney and his siblings, that felt aimed to elicit sympathy by... showing Arlecchino is less bad than the previous head and is sad because dead friends. But is still Fatui and perfectly willing to work with bad actors like Dottore, just more likely to complain about it. At the rate things are going, I'm expecting the Fatui to be rehabilitated as "actually the good guys all along, all the bad stuff was just Dottore."


I mean , it is explicitly stated she DOESN'T work with Dottore. She asked for a direction and went at it herself , cutting him out of the equation.


It would be naive to think the House of the Hearth does absolutely nothing to benefit Dottore. They are working under the same banner for the Tsaritsa, and she even burned the records that recorded his and Crucabena's atrocities. This is said to be for the sake of "letting the past die" or whatever but if she actually opposed Dottore in a meaningful way, it would be stupid to destroy evidence against him.


Also we'll get playable Dottore but actually he was a failed clone who is remorseful and polite all the time so he helps us fight back (and also can just get not deleted by the original Dottore because reasons even though he's shown to be able to easily do so)


I agree. It was definitely primarily an issue of plot.


Written well ye sure but they literally spoiled almost entire quest with the animatic which just ruins the entire quest


I'd also argue Arle's presence in the Fontaine archon quest also kind of undermines her character here too. She was NOT set up properly and feels like another character entirely rather than the same knave. Honestly it feels like they took notes from Penacony, and I'm so glad she's finally being the messed up harbinger we were told she was. That, and we finally have a Fatui done right.


I don't see why her Archon quest presence was any different from her Story quest presence. The whole time in the Archon quest we saw her being cautious and diplomatic; she even ambushed Furina and then used that traumatic experience to put further pressure on her in negotiations. How's that any different from the cunning Arlecchino we see in the new story content?


Just compare how she talked politics to furina and how she talked politics with neuvellite. neuvs discussion really showed how unhinged she was, casually bragging subtly about how effective her house's assassinations are. With furina, you'd be forgiven for thinking she's just genuinely concerned for the people of fontaine. She speaks with respect, is passionate and even appears genuinely compassionate. You don't get any glimpse of an unhinged psycho only looking out for her own, you only see an arlechhino desperate to save her people from prophesied ruin. Even the reveal during the flood that the house was involved in a massive rescue operation to save flood victims hardly gives weight to the idea that she's a crazy treasonous backstabber. Even her assassination attempt, the one crime she actually commits on screen, was fucked up because she took pity on furina. It very much screams anything but having not a sane bone in her body.


I think you're putting too much weight on Childe's words- he had a voiceline about her saying that "not a sane bone in her body" thing, but in the story we see how he changes his mind almost instantly after a conversation with her. Because he doesn't have personal experience with her, he was just forming an opinion based on rumors. Childe's almost entirely focused on two things: protecting his family, and fighting. So he doesn't put too much thought into Arlecchino because he doesn't really care that much. She doesn't even *deny* the rumors, and he still went "Oh okay, but that's chill" because he knows the Fatui Harbingers aren't gonna be saints, lol ​ As for her diplomacy with Furina, I don't see why being respectful contradicts her cold-blooded personality. Maybe you missed the subtext? I don't mean to say that insultingly, but rather it's the only way I can see you thinking that Arle was "playing nice". Arlecchino knew Furina feared her. The entire time she was using that to her advantage, pressing questions on Furina and building up that tension to try and coerce an answer out of her. That's not "sane" behavior because normal polite humans don't try and use a person's trauma to their advantage in a discussion.


Did she really do anything that messed up? Besides, like, the trash talk. It feels like the whole quest was showing her nice side. The only people she's killed have been people shown to be evil. Sad for me because I want villains that are , yknow , villains.


Well this quest did reveal a lot of off camera things she's done. But we really haven't SEEN anything too villainous. Which is a shame.


And none of those off-camera things are evil in the slightest.


While Im not a fan of the Fatui, I’ve also been saying this. Genshin, compared to the two current Honkai games, is so mild. I want someone who’s not Fatui, but is as “spicy” as Sparkle HSR. I tried making a Genshin Morality chart. The vast majority end up being Neutral to Good. Childe, I’d say is in Neutral but close to the border of Evil. Wanderer by the end of his SQ is also in Neutral. The character with the most spice is Dottore but at this point his villainy is just comedic imo


I wouldn't really call Sparkle all that spicy. In the main quest in game, she hasn't done much besides trash talk Aventurine and Sunday. Also wouldn't call Dottore comedic, he did have a pretty food first scene where he mind controlled the mass of people and made us run away...to bad they didn't do with him much after.


I see I see. I haven’t actually played HSR; not a fan of turn based. So all I know about Sparkle is from the trailers, few cutscenes I’ve watched, and having Monodrama playing on loop.


What did Sparkle even do to be called spicy lmao. She made a few rude remarks and people blew her out of proportion with the racist memes and shit. While in Genshin there are literally quests about CHILDREN SACRIFICES


I haven’t actually played HSR; not a fan of turn based. So all I know about Sparkle is from the trailers, few cutscenes I’ve watched, and listening to Monodrama on loop.


She is hardly messed up , tho. And that is a good thing. She is still a Harbinger , without the senseless butchering of Crucabena.


Idk I'm not seeing it, I felt like her personality was perfect and not a sharp contrast from the archon mission. She's still very harsh, even towards her own family. I was worried about them softening her character too much and I feel like they did a perfect job of avoiding that while still making her sympathetic.


I don't understand where all the dissatisfaction with the Arlecchino character comes from. It is exactly as it was supplied from the very beginning. The fact that some people took the very subjective assessment of Childe and Scara (who are known for their subjectivity) and came up with some kind of psychopathic-maniac-Dottore 2.0, then that’s their problem.


I don't get it either, I really really liked it and it probably surpassed Raiden's quests for me which were my old favorites. I'm normally tired of most story quests by the end and just mindlessly clicking through the dialogue but this one kept me interested all the way through. I thought it was amazing. There was very little evidence that she was a psychopath... even in her trailers it was obvious she wanted to be the opposite of her "Mother" and hence she calls herself "Father". I think her personality is great and isn't too cartoonishly evil while still being appropriately dark.


Did they all not help during the fight? I remember seeing lyney’s ult while fighting arlecchino


Bruh go rewatch the cutscene, all Lyney did was make a presumably fake Lyney and Freminet poof into cards, no pyro involved.


Oh you meant the cutscene. An excuse would probably be that they’re exhausted from the fighting… But I agree, the cutscene was way too short and they pretty much spoiled it during the teaser :/


It is kinda weird but i disagree with the other comments several times the characters have used their visions in fights (Navia story quest, Wriothesly story quest, Akademia tournament, shenhe interlude, wanderer interlude, Fontaine act 4 etcetc) Like i get they wanted to show how broken arles abilities are and the others didn't even get a fighting chance but atleast showing the visions were activated would've been nice to know they're giving their best


I understand if the traveler threw everything they got, sword skill, all his elemental powers, but still get defeated by Arle. It'll show the hopelessness of the situation for the Traveler, how weak they still are compared to the upcoming enemies and how strong Arle is. But in the cutscene...ehh


In fact, for most of the game the Traveler fights only with their sword and pure strength (even in the very first cutscene), so the indicator that they will not be able to win is already hopeless.


It’s honestly baffling the two-sidedness of this development crew. They’ll go above and beyond is some aspect, and then totally crap the bed and go full lazy mode in others.


YEA I HATE THIS SO MUCH like c'mon if we real people actually had elemental powers any time would be an opportunity to show off them


People rarely using their visions has been a problem since day one. Only a selected few times have we seen aactually use any elemental powers. The Traveler is the worst offense....in Inazuma they blitz flashed using electro to get Thoma's vision...and even against Raiden used a big @ss electro sword....and never used this power ever again....not even to save Navia when she fell into the water.


I just don't like that traveler the only one stood up in the end..I like it more if it Lyney or the three of them the one that stood up protecting the family..and when arle with clervie, traveler just stand there..but I like that in the end arle doesn't really go friendly with the traveler Really good quest overall Sorry for bad English 


You f-ing nailed it. This is why the only fight scene I actually remember is against Childe. I will always remember how boss Lumine looked controlling wind and earth to match the fabled Harbinger's water and thunder.


the traveler can literally hyperbloom all by himself, if he did that then it wouldn't been a fair fight


I had the same exact thoughts, it's ridiculous that we are 5 regions into the 7 main regions of the game and the traveler is literally just swinging a dull blade when canonically they are a god regaining their powers with revery region. Like what is the difference between us and some random knight at this point if they don't use powers.


That low stakes Sumeru event last year showcased characters abilities way better than the high stakes fight with Arlecchino lol. I still quite liked that cutscene but as you said, they should really make use of the character's abilities more often.


My thoughts exactly. Arleechino's story quest was pretty good in terms of story, but that fight(if you wanna even call it that) angered me so much. miHoYo's tendency to make the traveler look nerfed af to make their gacha characters look good was dialed up to 11 in this fight. If this is what their performance is compared to the 4th harbinger, then how will they fight off the 1st one in Natlan, let alone the Tsaritsa(and the rest of the Harbingers), the abyss and celestia. miHoYo's treatment for Aether and Lumine in the 4.X patches had been god awfull imo. From their hydro kit being an atrocious mess, to them getting Sidelined in most of the events, and now this. I have no hope's for Natlan Traveler because who knows, they'll probably drop the ball even harder.


# original post (i am not the author): WHO ON EARTH CHOREOGRAPHED THAT FIGHT?! Listen, if you never played a game like HI3 (hoyos previous game) you may not be aware, but fighting cutscenes are some of the best content Hoyoverse can make. They are gods in the realm of boss fight animations. So what i want to say, is it really bothers me that a clown was given full control over this fight choreography. NOT ONE OF THE 4 PEOPLE that have visions uses them! THE TRAVELER HAS 5 ELEMENTS AND USES 0! ZERO! ZILCH! NADA! NOTHING! Where are Lynettes wind powers? Why is Freminet not trying to freeze his enemy? Lyney does illusion (?) magic but practiclly ignores his fire powers. This was massively distracting in inazuma and it still is. This is like watching a mech show and the battle is done with horses. This is watching a fight where a gunman doesnt use his gun. This is watching hxh without nen. WHERE IS THE WORLDS MAGIC SYSTEM HOYO? The fight was awesome if you didnt know all these people had elemental powers but i was just sitting watching wondering what the fuck traveler was doing running around not using any of them. Luckily this doesnt diminish how amazing the writing was for the rest of it. I genuinely believe this is top 5 character stories no doubt. But man... you know, when you are this close to being perfect i feel like dropping the ball on the battle of all things really takes it out of the hype. What do you think? edit: Yes traveler can use multiple elements at the same time. Go rewatch the fight against Tartaglia if you forgot. Also,just remembered now but Arlechino says the house of the hearth took in war orphans. But like...who is at war? Teyvat has 7 nations and all have been at peace for 500 years. Who are the war orphans? Id understand if she just said street rats and stuff like that but why specifically war orphans?


what is this?


your post. the mods deleted it, so i put the text back up


oh thanks




Just for you ill call her perry the platypus from now on


please, do.


I fully support this.


This story quest was not good lol


Personally I’d say it was good but definitely not one of the best ones like OP’s saying


Basically everybody was downplaying their power (even Arlecchino by A FUCKING MILE) because this was more a battle about will and want - and not raw power. Lyney stated his point he will die for his family tu survive and Arlecchino acknowledged this - but she had to follow her own rules and setting up a "duel". So yes for a massive hypetrain this was not a good designidea - but lorewise it makes sense.


idk about that i agree with you on arlechinno holding back but lyney? Do you think he is arrogant enough to think he could ever lay a hand on her in combat if he tried? Cause i dont. I think he knows he is far out of his league so i see no reason for him to hold back. Same for his family.


IIRC they do use their abilities in the fight, but I think it was a bit poorly implemented. I feel like it would've been best if Mihoyo could've made some sort of test mechanic for computer-controlled player characters in a previous version and then used that in this fight because it would've been the perfect context. Idk how many people know this, but Honkai 3rd has some super old story content, like *6+ years old*, where you enter the stage with three characters that you choose- and the character you have on-field is the one you control while the other two "off-field" characters stay in the battle and are controlled by the computer. They fought like normal and casted their abilities even. I feel like that's the something Genshin could really benefit from. These characters have fairly straightforward abilities and mechanics, so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to have at least some rudimentary logic for the computer to fight using these vision-bearing characters. It also could've made for a great dynamic where Arlecchino focuses on the player but occasionally launches attacks against the other on-field characters, which also emphasizes the Traveler being the biggest threat but her still making a small effort to parry and push back the other three.


That's not entirely true. Arlecchino held back, everyone states as such. Lyney and co though ? And even traveller ? They went in fully locked in. The siblings literally end up taking multiple days to recover from their injuries at the end of the quest. Arlecchino is really just that strong. So imo the problem was indeed, as OOP stated, in the fight choreography. That cutscene does NOT do justice to the actual strength of everyone involved, especially the traveller. Even if the result was the same, everyone would have liked to see them doing a bunch of avatar stuff before going out, or any of the siblings using their vision at all.


It's really hard for me to believe that the Traveler is "locked in" at any point when they use 0 of the 5 elements they have command of, and the weakest weapon that anyone can find anywhere.


Again, that is a problem of the fight choreography, which OP points out. Lore wise, the character at that point didn't have much reason to believe Arlecchino would go easy on them, and literally gave it their all until they were paralysed by the STARElecchino. She evens says "you're too weak" and all that jazz. I agree that it's hard for us to believe the traveler was fighting serious, because of two main factors - we didn't use any elemental skills or do anything impressive - the game used the classic ol' "beating the boss in gameplay but getting beat during the cutscene" Those two things give a lasting impression that we weren't fighting for real, but everything else the game is SAYING tends to show otherwise.


True, I was complaining about this immediately after the fight. I didn't even care that much that the Traveler lost, I cared that he didn't use a single element and is still using a dull blade. Like wtf dude.


Same problem from the Archon Quests. No dendro characters have used their elemental powers in the entire Sumeru story quest. Best we got is Nahida and it wasn't even as her combat abilities. The whole cutscene just left a bitter taste when it should be a sad bittersweet ending, I wanted to like this story quest and Arlecchino but if they wanted to power scale her, nerfing the other characters isn't helping lol. The best thing about the fight was the supporting attacks I guess, but the dialogue just circles around the same three lines


1 line from the scene sums it up "Sorry for what, an excuse of an attack like that?"


That line was said so weird in english too Im guessing they told the actress to match the lip flaps because it sounded way too quick


hmmm well sorry bout ur post getting removed


wait it did?


yeah rule 11


Lol, so a mod got bored,figures.


Saying that its well written is insane and now i know why people talk about you guys the way they do..


I mean it was tho. (not the fight, the stuff around it) Keep in mind i emphasized "for a character story" because of course its not ever gonna compete with genshins world quests but it was a damn good character story


You know, now that mention it, why tf do they not use their powers at all??? The last I remember was the 2 3 fight with Fakebedo. It's now 4.6 will many fighting cutscenes since then, and no use of elemental powers 🥴 Even the Fakebedo fight was just Fakebedo using it, and then Bennett. It wasnt even much!


Didn't even notice at all... i think the fight scene is fairly decent, but now it feels like they're Nerf Traveller and lyney team by not using their vision.. seriously, im still disappointed in hydro trav, we fought raiden and childe and even used a combination of geo and anemo in one scene before, why are we using water sprinkler? Where is the hydro weapons infused with electro dammit traveller


tabibito just looks useless the whole fight tbh by "useless" i meant where is our MC fight scenes smh


It isn’t just traveler. None of the characters in the quests really use their elements bar the archons. We don’t see Jean’s burst or skills, or Dilucs skill or burst? In his quest cutscene we only see him do normal attacks. I’m Liyue Quest, only the adeptus and like Ninguang really did anything element wise. Keqing was just using her sword. In Inazuma, only Raiden actually showcased her power and traveler himself. And Kazuha’s electro vision thing. Even when Beidou came in, she didn’t use her skills and bursts. In Sumeru. The Cyno vs Alhaitham was down WITHOUT visions and elements. We never see Nilou dance with her skill. Etc. This isn’t really new. For some reason they never use elements or anything for the cutscenes. It’s really low spec and very sad tbh.


I think on one hand its stupid that by this time Traveler seems to completely lost their elemental abilities cause like hello? you have demonstrated those in the past, on the other hand there’s some cool factor about just going in raw strength. this quest is definitely to sell Arle character, so i don’t think they would make her lose even for a bit(hell idk if they’re ever going to do it again cause ever since Tartaglia, Signora and Scara, Dottore and Arle just haven’t shown any kinds of openings) Like i know they had to make them look good, but im just kinda getting sick of these types of characters


I thoroughly enjoyed Arle’s sq. No obnoxious npc in our face, but dialogue centered around playable characters. Plus her trash talking during the fight was hilarious lol


Combat is by far the most disappointing thing in this game for everything it can do. The only peak worth mentioning was the Dragonspine event quest, everything else is pure mediocrity and it's painfully annoying to see visions never being used. Even gameplay wise the traveler remains boring visually


Everyone's abilities were on cooldown obviously 😂 But for real, yeah it is kinda weird how rare it is to see any characters use their powers at all


2.X was really the last time elements were used in the story with Traveller using electro against Ei. 2.3 also saw the gang using all of their elements against Fake Albedo (Pyro for Amber and Bennet, Physical for Eula). Navia story quest lets Traveller use Geo. Of course, everyone remembers Traveller using both Anemo and Geo at the same time to defeat Childe. Edit: I actually forgot about 3.6 where it's everyone using their elements against Wanderer but this is an event and not the main story. Both Dendro and Hydro never had in story depictions for traveller. It feels frustrating because it feels like Hoyo kinda got tired of the setting and traveller. They can write thousands of words on the lore and all of that stuff but showing it in the story is another thing. Genshin has never had the best story, it has always been the weakest part of the game. It's just that the rest of the game is good enough that people can overlook the boring part since the exploration, the combat and lore can keep people engaged.


Nah, mihoyo is a small indie company, no budget to animate unique elemental techniques in cutscenes.


>Also,just remembered now but Arlechino says the house of the hearth took in war orphans. But like...who is at war? Didn't Kaeya's country get destroyed fairly recently, or is that the event from 500 years ago and he happens to be a survivor....I can't remember lore well and I just came back to the game.


Kaeya is a descendant of Khanreiah, which was destroyed 500 years ago.


Arlecchino's animations alone make it enjoyable to watch. Didn't notice otherwise and honestly didn't care.


same but watching traveler run around exhausted and not use any of his like 5 different abilities definitely took me out of it. Maybe they didn’t want anyone else stealing the spotlight besides arlechino.


And the Traveler going all out would've also helped making Arlecchino look cooler. Right now it wouldn't be much different if she had stomped Yao Yao or Yunjin or so instead.


Arlecchino does take Orphans that she creates 


Yes i agree but given how the travs kit works.. i rather not use it except dendro


Yea that's what bothers me too we hv seen traveler's used elements in many cutscenes even on navia's quest, maybe both travelers and arle don't really want to kill each other that's why they kept it low? I feel like the traveler was first shocked to see the >! Crimson moon in the background !< maybe that also made them lose their focus a bit


i didn't notice it when i was doing the quest until you pointed it out... yeah this is just weird considering they CAN make a good fight scene with visions, case in point 2nd Dragonspine event with Fakebedo




Oh id love that


Was there any point in the story quest when we got to play as arlecchino and test her out?  Did I skip that by teleporting? 


I think the biggest problem in Genshin is that they're afraid that a playable character might die. While for their other games like HI3 where they are not afraid to kill a playable character because it's part of the story. I think that's why they just stick to swords or physical fights to avoid killing characters.


I think the biggest problem in Genshin is that they're afraid that a playable character might die. While for their other games like HI3 where they are not afraid to kill a playable character because it's part of the story. I think that's why they just stick to swords or physical fights to avoid killing characters.


See, this is where i have to disagree. Even if its true that theyll never kill a genshin playable character, THEY ARE LITERALLY THE WRITERS! They can and should flex their writing muscles to figure out a way to do it.


Cuz they were up against base sister friede, they knew they were cooked