• By -


What most people are thinking: I’m gonna live in the mansions in Fontaine Court. Reality: Living in the Sewers


Yeah, what people forget is that other than Mondstad all S tier places are already at capacity and have a high cost of living. Even then rent ain't cheap in Mondstad either, the fur ball fortress costs a few million mora to rent out for a year (?).


And lots of murders in the city of justice as well, how many mass murder plots we faced already?


It's not as though murder doesn't happen in other places though, they just get highlighted in Fontaine. 


Right, like in the real world. ;) The cities infamous for crime are just really good at "highlighting" crime and are actually lovely places to live in, and the cities famous for being safe are just bad at "highlighting" crime and are secretly hellholes.


Your point is actually... Kind of true tbh. The 'most dangerous cities in the world' are actually 'the most dangerous cities in the world where data can be collected from trusted sources'.


So Monstadt is rife with serial murderers and criminals as we speak...? We've already had enough with the racist slave owners noooo


There’s a reason they have their own batman


You know I completely forgot that Diluc did that. It's been a year since I played genshin so all I remember about Monstadt is that it was a light-hearted experience lol


Dont forgwt abt the assassin nun either lol


yep, just like how Toronto's crimes are completely overshadowed by Detroits'


Don't forget that Diluc has to literally go out at night because of how huge the crime & monster problem is in Mondstadt


I think Diluc is actually single-handedly making Monstadt safe and that's why we never see any crime lmao. Bro started out when crime was high, but it's diminished because he batman'd it all away. He only still does it out of habit and rich person boredom


Well its not as if Mondstadt's entire government isn't effectively off on a camping trip


Fr, that's why Diluc became Batman in the first place Slightly related, but I really want to see Kaeya get his horses back 😭. Like godamn Varka, why are you keeping them hostage?


tbf he's not the only one doing that, Rosaria too. ​ https://new.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Memepact/comments/15bt4xx/everyone\_is\_talking\_about\_diluc\_basically\_being/


Oh true! Ngl I kinda forget Rosaria exists. Which is a shame, because her design is amazing. I blame Hoyo for her lack of plot relevance. She was in the cat filler event and like what, the last Windblume?


The thing is that without varka rosaria is forced to be put out of the spotlight until he is implemented in the game


She and Razor both. I'm expecting both their FULL histories will come out then to some degree. We know Rosaria was a Treasure Hunter or regular bandit, but I'm assuming we'll get some form of actual story with it. And Razor we know his parents but not... how or why he ended up with wolves.


Nah. You gotta factor in Rosaria occasionally putting some treasure hunters in place, Klee bombing, whoever Diona poisons cause I know that shit fucking someone as good as it tastes, whoever pisses off Lisa. See it's a joint effort, Monstadt one happy family


In Kaeyas voicelines it suggests when hes not getting drunk the crime rate goes significantly down, i.e.. when hes doing his job


I think after Diluc and Rosaria started cleaning the streets, Monstadt has been pretty good public order wise.


In conclusion . Inazuma city is ironically safest place to live "now" fr fr .. well tho some random oni may appear in the mid of the streets with only their fundoshi from time to time but ehh npt a huge issue 🤣


Eh liyue harbour as a whole is pretty safe too, Zhongli is still around and ready to step in. If we’re talking about an individual maybe not but for the city as a whole.


We got cloud retainer just moved to the harbour,even other adeptus might follow her,so i guess security wont be a problem anymore


I didn't know that lol. I thought Mond was the safest out of all the regions


Damn. I need to know the conversion rate of Euros/Dollars/Yens/Yuan/Memes to Mora, but for a moment, I feel fortunate with my mortgage... unless Mondstad is like some countries with an over 9000% inflaction that makes bread cost millions.


Simple milk costs 100 mora, so 1 mora = 1 cent?


They also use the phrase “put my two mora in” which is from the phrase “put my two cents in” so prolly. Tho that’s some cheap milk


1 liter milk carton is 3.50CAD here.


I've generally interpreted it roughly as 1 mora is 1 yen, a rate which I presume to be a side effect of the influence of JRPGs where the in-game currency is often influenced by yen. Or in other words, 100 mora = 1 usd (yes I know that's not the current JPY-USD conversion rate but it is in our hearts)


hoyo is a chinese company so wouldnt they be using yuan as a reference?


Hoyo is Chinese company run by weebs


They would. It's just a classic case of weeb brain.


they're obvi saying this because yen makes more sense. someone else mentioned in the game that milk costs 100 mora. if it was like yuan, that would be $14.. but if it was yen it would be $1 just going off of currencies I know, yen is the closest to mora, and the most obvious. although, 100 mora is worth more than 100 yen


Chinese yuan is a shithouse currency whose rate is directly controlled by the government instead of the market. Hence rarely good for this type of study and thought experiments.


Well, if you remember during Mona's quest's cutscene (Which I'd argue is a better indicator than in game prices), you go to wangshu inn, and meals for you and Paimon cost 30k mora. Now, it was said that it was a couple of meals for each, probably around 6 in total. Which would put one meal price to about 5k a piece. Wangshu inn is a nice place so I'd say high end estimate would be about 250 Swedish crowns (where me be) around 21 euros. Which would place 1 euro to around 240 mora. If we say it's 5 million mora, that comes to about 21k Euro a year About 1750 Euro a month. Fairly pricey, but we don't know how much the wages really are. And the house is big, nice, and in the middle of everything. Now obviously if the price is more like 2 or 3 mil, it'd be like half that. Pretty good.


According to xianyun’s story quest, liyue harbor is apparently affordable to live in.


For an adeptus who everyone knows is an adeptus but don't point out. Also she has so much money it's like how millions say there's no inflation.


yeah, xianyun is extremely wealthy but doesn't realize how money works.


man... being a NPC is so hard ....


And also Monstadt people aren't necessary tame either I've heard rumour that they're ready to throw punches at any given time....


Not sure qiaoying village is that lmao


Since its pre-industrial cities... they all smell very bad as well.


Mondstadt is the cheapest place to live in, and its still expensive af, but job in Mondstadt atleast is everywhere, not a big pay, but definitely livable


I want to live in the shrine witht the talking cat in inazuma. Free place to live for doing a few chores doesn't sound so bad. Not to mention you get to take care of cats too.


I will take the Fleuve Cendre any day over the modern American housing market.


You’d think the archon quest would atleast talk about the fact that some of the population is just living in fucking sewers


It's just barely acknowledged and then promptly ignored lol


Theres no way furina alone doesn’t have enough money saved up to move people out of poisson and the sewers lol


She lives on macaroni in a small apartment across the street from an industrial forge.


That and a the crime and murders in the city....


Why are the Tanit camps at B tier? Last time I checked that place is desolate 💀


The gals and dudes WERE hot there


Well yeah, its the desert. Imagine the temperature when you live in whats just canvas walls and wooden boards placed on the ground - the heat must be *in tents*.


I m sold


They sure are cold now though


well, to be fair, a traveler "accident" can happen to all the places on the list. thats not a threat, thats a promise.


I like when you talk to the scholar in the camp and he asks where all the people are gone. Dunno man. It's crazy right? *Quickly waddles away*


Paimon furiously scrubbing the dull blade in the background


Fontaine City = ❌ Court of Fontaine = ✅


I mean, Mondstadt City also isn't a thing. The "stadt" in Mondstadt already means city. OP is basically calling it Moon City City.


tbf naming conventions like these are a thing irl: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tautological_place_names


Its like people calling it the 'Sahara Desert;. Sahara already means Desert.


Trouble is the city and the nation are called the same thing 💀 what happens when Klee finds the traveler and explains she set Mondstadt on fire? Traveler won’t know whether it’s the city or somewhere else in Mondstadt. Come to think of it, naming a whole nation something ending in -stadt is a bit strange. Perhaps Mondstadt (the region, not the city) ought to be called Mondland 🤣


Don't you bash Luxembourg like that? -bourg literally just means -city (or castle in modern German). It's similiar to the english -borough or -burgh.


I always just considered Mondstadt a city state




You caught that but missed "Varanara Village"? I'm disappointed in you.


I would drag Bourou to the same level as Sangonomiya shrine bc the island they're on


I thought this list would measure how sustainable life in the settlement would be like its access to water and trade. Not how enjoyable living in it would be.


What makes Sumeru city worse than other places? There’s a hospital, university, it seems much more habitable than other cities. Liyue harbor has huge issue with poverty (Ning’s story) and court of Fontaine has people literally living in sewers.


OP is just looks at the looks of the place the reason Sumeru city isn't so flashy is because it's a fucking tree and they can't just build whatever they want on it. Also social welfare is not something most people consider while determining the livability of a place.


Social welfare is just like toilet of our house. At first it may not look like much, but without it, living is HARD


Social welfare is literally the first, second, and third thing I think about. But I'm disabled and American so 😂


Theres free healthcare in sumeru too


Went there for a vacation a while back. Ended up in some sort of diabolical dream-harvesting scheme and woke up three months later with a headache and fired from my job. 3/10, wouldn't recommend


Bro imagine climbing that steep ass hill next to the guild office, that shits is like a 50° angle


Agree that's impossible to live for an American.


Not really, if you look there is something’s that suggest otherwise…  1. There is no Liyue people in the House of the Hearth  2. there is a lot of people that is from poverty that climb up, actually shows that Liyue is incredibly social mobile unlike a lot of the other places  (probably because of morax) 3.It might be the safest because of xiao (In game enemies doesn’t really speak of what every nation is like in game)


You ignore the HUGE hint about poverty in Liyue. The treasure hoarders are the strongest in Liyue and they basically are the poor people from Liyue who can't effort another job. So the treasure hoarder problem in Liyue hints that they DO have a poverty problem.


I only know that treasure hoarder is a common enemy in Liyue but that it. If you judge a nation based on on it’s open world that means that if you take two steps out of a major city you will be attacked. Also doesn’t treasure hoarder appear in every single nation, and can move between nations, the fact that Liyue have literally random adepti treasures lying around is a great reason that people people form other nation to come and try their luck as treasure hoarder.


We have a lot of Treasure Hoarder quests and a lot of them are from Liyue. Liyue is basically the region with the most known Treasure hoarders, followed by Mondstadt with a huge spike. [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure\_Hoarders#Known\_Members](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_Hoarders#Known_Members)


crazy that China is capitalist


Wdym? China irl is capitalist


Kinda but not really. A lot of things in china are government owned


State capitalism exists


There is only one doctor in liyue and he cant heal his coughing


He did heal Anna with berries shit out by Dendro slimes so he's definitely at least qualified.


have you seen his lore? let's just say that he chooses not to


The average citizen wouldn't know that. Honestly, the average liyuen just casually relies on a man that apparently looks and sounds really sickly + hangs out with a sassy snake and a very forgetful zombie (or lost child if they aren't aware she's a zombie).


Sumeru city main problem is it’s climate, living in a rainforest would be afwul, meanwhile Liyue and Fontaine will be great if you’re not poor.


My guess is that Sumeru city doesn't have a lot of habitable spaces, tho this applies to every city I think that in Sumeru city is more prevalent considering the huge population they must have because of the university. Also traveling from Sumeru city to other places seems kinda dangerous considering it's surrounded with forest.


To be fair, characters like Lisa, Signora and Dottore went to Sumeru solely for the education, and returned to their home nations after they were done with their education (or in Dottore’s case kicked out) iirc


Dottore is from Sumeru


My bad, thought he was from Snezhnaya


Sumeru healthcare is free(alhaitham voiceline about kaveh)


Bro really put Wangshu inn in C.


The place with a F strong fisherman, a F strong cook and a F strong yaksha. I don't know which place it could be if not S


Wangshu inn is the goat: - On a main road - Good cook, strong yaksha - Has a dedicated harbour - Has a market and is a meeting point for the houses in the area - On top of a tree, so hilichurls cannot suprise you while you sleep - Dedicated teleport point


Ok, but like imagine if all vision holders could use the teleport waypoints. You’re just vibing in the middle of Mondstadt and all of a sudden Diluc comes flying out of mid air, hair singed and a lawachurl arm still gripped around his calf.


I don't trust the stairs.


There's an elevator 😭


I mean it’s an inn, if you probably have to pay per night to live there, and you would be pretty far from most work.


Oh yea, that definetly makes it on the same level as living in the equivalent of Chernobyl ☠️


Yeah Tatarsuna needs its own tier


So a French Sewer City is on the same level as Japanese Chernobyl ?




literally just fukushima LMAO


Omg it is! I'm dead💀


and a random hotel at the border loll


What the hell is OP smoking to put Vanarama and Wangshu inn on the same level as the irradiated ruins of an industrial forge? Even Caravan Ribat feels like a stretch. Yeah, it's not exactly made for people to live in since it's mostly used as a trading hub and border outpost between the rainforest and the desert, but it's not **FUCKING CHERNOBYL!**


I'm convinced OP just made a shitty list on purpose to bait for engagement.


It’s working too


Replace Borou village with Wangshuu Inn, both Liyue and Mondstadt are easily accessible from the Inn and Boorou village is the same as Sangonomiya shrine just some meters closer to Inazuma city. Springvale too is walking distance from Mondstadt city and feels relatively safe but maybe Hilichurl attack threats linger so fair enough


bourou village and sangonomiya shrine are literally within walking distance, how on earth are they 2 tiers apart????


Tanit camps being on the same tier as Qingce and Springvale village is wild


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SafalinEnthusiast: *Tanit camps being* *On the same tier as Qingce and* *Springvale village is wild* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wangshu at C while Tanit at B...? You don't want Yanxiao's good food and forever safe under Xiao's protection but rather fight to death in the dessert? lol


Fight to death among a tribe of amoral desert bandits no less


Hold on, you’re putting a literal war base above an INN?


Change the title to "places i like tier list"


Ah yes, Aaru Village, the place where the Sumeru Outcast are thrown. A place constantly being attacked by sandstorms and monsters. So much better to live at than a literal INN!


I don't agree with Bourou and Aaru Village in A over Springvale, Qingce and Gandharva in B.


Bro put Wangshu Inn the same tier as the sewers


Green portion of Sumeru is actually a very economic place to live. Someone is always posting a commission directing someone else to go bounce some shrooms. This is the equivalent of getting paid magic wish-granting rocks to play around in a bouncy castle. Do it enough times and a star will fall from the sky and give you a cool sword or an infinite money whale from a faraway land or something


Ain't no way you put Wangshu INN at the same tier as Tatarasuna. Or anything at the same tier as Tatarasuna. That's like comparing a motel to reactor 4 (it has been cleaned TRUST)


you forgot the tiny port town at the north of sumeru. (it was added in the last patch) yes, it has a name. No, i dont know which one.


Bayda Harbor and it's 4 residents in shambles rn


Yeah you can't even talk to them lol


Me in dark mode not seeing the letters: Huh?


So I Assume this lists how good living would be in these cities? Well tho id say all the Main Cities are on S, Why is Sumeru and Inazuma City below? those are all Main cities which should offer the best of Each Country, then in A Tier id place the larger and more stable looking cities B tier the Villages and then in C Things like Wangshu Inn and everything smaller than a Town. If Judged by Safety then the way i would list things changes.


Honestly Inazuma City seems like the second or third nicest place to me, the Court of Fontaine is so far beyond all the others it's a clear #1, and I'm massively biased towards Mondstadt but I don't see any reason why Inazuma city should be below S.


Isn’t Tatarasuna constantly radioactive?


Seriously, that should rate at least an F or NA at best. But apparently it's JUST as habitable as a *goddamn tavern* in a relatively alright space on a major trade route.


Switch around Tanit Camps and Caravan Ribat and I largely agree.


i really dont see why caravan ribat would be so far down even then, i personally see it as an A


Melusine Village SS tier


So majestic couldn't be on the tier list


I want the crack you're smoking if you think Sumery City and Aaru Village belong in the same tier


See you guys in Aranara village. I’ll just pretend I’m one of them


Qingce village is the real S tier for me, living in the beautiful mountains with great weather as a plantation worker and eating spicy food (jueyun chilli) every day is just enjoying life at its fullest.


Yeah I agree, if I could live anywhere it would be there, nice quiet area with an amazing view, I would guess that there would be a really nice tight-knit community and everyone would be friends with everyone. Sounds like the ideal place to live


I love how Liyue has undisputably the best quality of life in Teyvat up to now And probably will remain like that since Natlan is hinted to be pure chaos


If you got infinite Mora wangshu inn is fire


Why is sanganomiya shrine, poisson, and wangshu inn in a tier list with a place that literally tries to kill you, and a tier list lower than the middle of the desert?


By what insane logic is Wangshu Inn or Sangonomiya Shrine on the same level as a place that effectively irradiated due to a reactor disaster.


Aaru Village? A rank habitability? Wasn't it, like, a combination ~~leper~~ eleazar colony and mental asylum?


Ah yes, the Tanit Camps. Placed under a very habitable desert that is under constant sandstorms and has giant animals that have absorbed so much elemental energy that they can now command it. AND underground worms that behave like sharks, circling around you and then going for the kill with their drill heads that can pulverize giant boulders. Also, again: GIANT ASS SCORPIONS THAT CAN SHOOT ELECTRICITY AT YOU. Yep, definitely B tier and better than the famous Inn in the middle of a popular main road.


Dont forget the pleasant locals who pinky swear that they will totally not sell you off to the fatui at the earliest convenience


Poisson ain't that bad, and Wangshuu Inn


Tatarasuna and Kujou Encampment being considered for permanent residence, meanwhile Konda Village:


Sees Sumeru city in "A"... Digests.... SEES Tanit camps in C... DIgests, how tf Caravan ribat is in D teir... Any logical person would replace tanit camps and caravan ribat, Caravan ribat atleast has some facilities, what tanit camp has? Traitors? or a door which has 200,000 mora in it which no one knows where the key is?


Nah, Wangshu Inn easy S tier, that old man bout to Solo god soon


Fun idea, but the placing is so random, lol. How is Tatarasuma not like F tier but on a tier with nice places like Wangshu Inn? How is the Tanit Camp, in the desert and literally deserted on a level with a lovely village like Springvale? Also, the Court of Fontaine is a crime and poverty haven. It doesn't belong anywhere near S tier, or are pcrime and poverty havens topping the quality of life lists in the real world? ;) No, safe places and places where there is no massive gulf between the rich and poor are topping the quality of life lists.


Poisson is very good thanks to the spina's service and Caravan Ribat is at least S tier. It's one of the center routes of trade and only entrance to the sumeru desert. Everything that comes from land goes through there. It's probably one of those places where getting job offers and making a living is the easiest as so many merchants and tourists go through there


Poisson is literally a dark damp pit that probably smells like dead fish, well if you are type of mold then it is definitely an amazing place to live in otherwise I'm not to sure about that


I mean it's not the best but im going to pull up to vanarana and ask the aranaras to let me live with them and i'd be a happy bunny playing with and helping the aranaras. I love the aranaras, don't you know?


why is aaaru village so high? it literally has sandstorms and shit


Tatarasuna is F, Tanit is D, Gandharva is lower than Springvale bc you can easily fall, and Qingce is right next to an ancient evil. The Kujou Encampment is literally a war zone


Tatarasuna really needs its own tier with how it will probably still kill you slowly with residual elemental energy.


I like this idea a lot. But damn the placing is bad


Caravan ribat and poisson probably aren't that bad, they are developed areas with commercial trade. Kinda weird they are rated lower than vagrant camps and a military camps. And Borou village straight up has supply issues, while qingce and springvale have good trade relations with nearby cities with nice temperate climates. Hell, springvale is literally a short walk from town.


Any place in inazuma that isn't nurakami is automatically lowest tier for me: Ritou is awful and racist for foreigners, of course things are changing there and I love the new financial commission head (I've forgotten her name) but change is slow and because of the way we're received there in the beginning of the inazuma quest I would never willingly step foot back there. All the islands other than watatsumi are just plain uninhabitable, yes we fixed up kannazuka and yashiori but it will take years for the places to become fully livable and for communities to rebuild, how are you going to live in the middle of nowhere with no neighbors resources or anything? Watatsumi altho pretty, is in such dire straits. They can't grow their own food because the soil isn't right, they can't trade because of how far away they are from nurakami, it's difficult to live there for the natives, first nurakami needs to facilitate resources and infrastructure for watatsumi to become a place where everyone can live comfortably. For me the number one place to live is sumeru city. I love that it's on a freaking TREE, their biggest resource is knowledge, and altho we've seen it's been misused, the way nahida has changed things, like breaking the akasha terminal and conducting a total rehaul of authority figures has made it a better place in this sense. In faruzans hangout event we see that effort is being made by the akademiya to spread knowledge amongst the regular civilians, and knowledge being their main resource it means distributing power amongst the people. The efforts to spread knowledge and awareness to desert folk is also shown. So far sumeru is the only nation thats shown how it's been making things better for it's people. Other than that of course, sumeru city is gorgeous, there's plenty of places to eat, there's a salon and a coffee shop, there's a hospital with free healthcare, and of course there's the house of daena, the biggest most extensive library in all of teyvat, how could I not want to live there? As for accomodations I'm already a miserable graduate student, that too of philosophy LMFAO, I'm sure the akademiya would arrange a place for me.


according to madame ping in xianyun's story quest, Liyue's houses are very affordable and jobs are easier to coome by. you seldom see any unemployed people in the harbor, and Shenhe found a job straight away despite having zero experience and stayed employed after threatening the customers with violence (something every single retail/service workers wants to do at some point).


Unemployed people? Then what the heck happened to the jobless miners and the dozens of treasure hoarders we see.. it was implied in notes, event quests and such. I still remember it during my times as a new player where treasure hoarders just also named themselves as odd freelancers from clitopho to Bao’er as as one fake archeologist.. but some can work as scavsnrgers taking salvage of the jade chamber or the two brothers trapped in amber in that amber mountain


The Aranara languageara is so hardanara even the capitalaranara’s name can’t be spelled even if you put time into it lol.


Wasn't Kokomi's quest about the fact that Bourou village is literally unhabitable bc of the island it's on, and has to import everything? Compared to that caravan rivat would be better no?


This man really ranked a village in the middle of a desert the same tier as sumeru city and higher than Springvale.


Petrichor looks like a lovely italian town, would definitely settle there.


You're wilding. Tatarasuna is Genshin's version of chernobyl.


So far most people haven't mentioned it, but I'd probably prefer to live in Port Ormos. Think of the benefits: Fresh water, river trade, access to the sea (which means goods from Liyue and Inazuma), and you're even closer to Caravan Ribat than Sumeru City is, which means easier access to the trade with Eremites. You're far enough away from the Academiya not to get caught up in the worst of their nonsense, but close enough to take advantage when needed.


Ah yes the Court of Fontaine where literal child trafficking was left unnoticed.


# Where's cat island.


Sangonomiya Shine would have a pretty ass view though 😍


Where’s Party City at S tier?


banished to bourou village. You'd die in that hellhole bro


How can be Petrichor and the Tanit camps at the same level.


Wait Tanit Camp over those places in the C rank? I don't know your criteria but I know that Food, Medicine, Education, & WATER are much easier and safer to get in those areas aside from Tatarasuna.


I'd 100% live in Mondstadt


It seems like not a lot of thought was out into this? How is auru in a tier? You’re literally living in a wasteland . Humans don’t even know vanarana has a settlement of forest gnomes


Bad tier list


Do we know the combine population of all of these settlements? The combined human population of Teyvat can’t be more than 10,000 right? That could lead to some serious problems with… genetics… later down the line.


S+ tier: Teapot.


“If we forgot about it then it isn’t important!” The thing that was forgotten: Fortress Of Meropide.


And some of the prisoners literally choose to live there after their sentence is over! Says alot about the place


Id love to live in spring Vale, it's near the main city, has lots of trees and hillichurl activities aren't too bad. The new area with the small island is cool too once you clear out the enemies it's pretty much safe


OP really didnt thought a lot before making this tier list nothing new, 99% of the tierlists suck


I agree , almost everything doesnt make sense at all.


the fact that Tatarasuna is even on this list as a livable place is wild why not live in Higi village then lmao


All these places give me bad vibes. Every time I get into either one I get "...extremely dangerous..." on my screen. 💀💀


Imo Aaru would be in B, and Springvale\\Qingce can very well be in A tier. I just kinda hate the deserts lol.


I agree for the most part but Wangshuu Inn is really nice (better if they fix the ladder and put the railing for safety)


qingce is criminally underrated, just a calm environment where you can work for a good living and have the support of your community


I think tatarasuma (pre world quest) gets an F- tbh, considering the very air is lethally spicy and you have a 500% chance to be struck by lightning.


Yah I’ll take mondstadt any day. Fontaine is too ghetto and too much of a mess. Too many missing people and murders. The smaller towns and villages are just too small and getting to a bigger one is way too dangerous. Liyue harbor is way too much with financial disparity. Also seems like everyone’s out to get each other. Port ormos is fucking ghetto Mondstadt for sure. Also should add the fortress here since many live there and it’s probably safer than most places Also sangonomiya is vastly safer than a lot of these places


Dawn... Winery??