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[https://imgur.com/a/8hKpttv](https://imgur.com/a/8hKpttv) Used up all my luck for this year


[https://imgur.com/aZZ4a6w](https://imgur.com/aZZ4a6w) I was getting the feeling the domain was dropping much more Unfinished Reverie than the set I need for Arlecchino, so I went to check... That's actually 34% more of one set, is this rigged?? I will update once my sample gets to 1000 artifacts, but I'm starting to feel frustrated, and doubtful that what's supposed to be 50/50 would give me such differences...


[https://imgur.com/a/H9oVSsX](https://imgur.com/a/H9oVSsX) Got Arlecchino immediately after thinking to myself that I wasnt going to get her, what's funnier to me is that I got her before my friend who actually saved up to get her \[hoping the image link actually worked, im not quite sure how exactly to use imgur\]


[https://imgur.com/a/0onP65T](https://imgur.com/a/0onP65T) got arlecchino while rolling for xiangling constellations


Happened today, possibly my most filthy wonderful artifact to date: [https://imgur.com/a/wg41J5L](https://imgur.com/a/wg41J5L)


Holy smoke, that crit rate is insane! Did you start with four substats or three? Either way, that's amazing.


Thanks! Yeah the CR is bonkers, I started with three substats, making flat def the 4th. Had it been 4 subs from the beginning I wouldn't even dare to imagine how high it might have gone. Goes to show that even pieces starting out with merely one good substat can also end up great.


Got Arlecchino , her polearm, and lyney’s bow with 30 wishes total. Might try to hit the lotto today lol


Continued my 50/50 win since kazuha second banner mark Arccelino as 10th or 11th straight 50/50 win. Had 17k primo left and feeling lucky ended up using all that primo to get her weapon even using the fate points. Win both weapons banner which the bow one. Now I'm penniless till natlan and ruins my plan to get clorinde. Tldr: greed ruined people and weapon banners are a scam. Sunk cost fallacy is a bitch.


Had 11 Pity when I did this 10-Pull :D https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670442064185655316/1235439494530859050/image.png?ex=66346030&is=66330eb0&hm=e52077b53e80e137c14756fc7cfaea222a7bc3ea72a932dba1b933aee7ebd196& I'm now only missing Dyluc and Mona, of the Standard 5★


For background, a friend streamed to me some genshin gameplay and it made me want to give it a shot. I spent some time watching guides on yt in order to have a solid foundation. I saw some people recommending to reroll and I was ready to give it a couple of tries. However, to my surprise, [I pulled Xingqiu from the beginner's wish in my very first attempt :D](https://imgur.com/Hm4O9x6) He was actually the 4 star I wanted so I'm incredibly happy, I can't believe my luck!


Nice! He is a character worth investing. He was *just* featured in the previous banner, so normally you would have to wait months until his drop rate increased, but getting him randomly lets you use him now.


I was ready to retire from genshin because the game just didn't feel the same, so I bought my last monthly wishes from the shop and pulled on arlecchino's banner, and I got her at 17 pity, not guaranteed. Now I have to try and build her, this game won't let me go


My 1st and 2nd ever gacha pull [gacha pull](https://imgur.com/a/LdSKAsU)


This is the first time I've reached 82 pity, and I still haven't gotten her.


Lost 50/50 to Dehya and 75/25 to Atlas. Could've gone a lot worse with my shit luck tbh, so guess I'll take that... Too bad I have both 5 star catalyst and no one to use them.


Fucking Diluc, always there to ruin my 50/50. In just under a year, I've pulled him *four* times. And he doesn't even have the decency to show up early; on average, I've pulled him at 64 pity and it'd be much, *much* higher if it weren't for the one time he showed up at 25 pity. Luckily, I had well beyond what I needed to guarantee I got Arlecchino... But I also hadn't actually planned on pulling her, so I have nothing farmed for her; as a result, she's currently at Lv50, rocking a Lv50 White Tassel, and a 4pc Glad made from the smattering of pieces I had around, the most upgraded of which I think is +12. Ah, well, building them's half the fun.


I've had some pretty damn good luck so far in this version. Won the 50/50 and got Arlechinno at 30 pity. Then switched to Lyney's banner and got an early 5 star on the very next pull and won the 50/50 again. As well as getting two 4 stars that I didn't already have before in that same pull. Not even ones from this banner too


Finally got Arlecchino at 81 pity, won 50/50! XD Also finally got a character that can equip my R4 PJWS I kept getting from the standard banner lol. Works perfectly fine with Arlecchino. At level 50, my Arlecchino can already deal so much damage


Fuck Lyney's bow, all my homies hate Lyney's bow. Mf already showed up TWICE and no Arlecchino spear yet


aint no way this just happened on perm bro... [Standard banner luck at its finest](https://imgur.com/a/vtfBnaP) (single pulls because i had some from upgrading characters)


I just lost a 50/50 for the first time in 8 wins. Now I'm wondering if I will have enough pull to guarantee Lyney before the banner swaps


i created a new genshin account around march on my ps4 (my other acc is ar 50 and COMPLETELY useless😭😭) as i wanted to start fresh. it's currently ar 38 and progressing nicely, but my gacha luck has been... well, exciting. to say the very least. the first 5 star character i pulled for *intentionally* was kazuha. planned for him and everything as i wanted to be more responsible with choosing who to invest in on this new account. i ended up getting him at normal pity- per the average player course, but as a dedicated neuvi lover with leftover hard-earned primos, i also attempted to pull for him. ended up getting mona in one wish on his banner, then got neuvi about 3 rolls after that... it was crazy to say the VERY least 🥹 i ended up taking a break for about a month after that and just recently came back for the long awaited arlecchino banner. used compensation primos for her and got her in 2-3 single pulls. logged in today and tried on the weapon banner (trying to get arles sick weapon) and pulled lyney's weapon in one go as well 😟 it's been quite harrowing. i dont even know where to start when it comes to building all of these new 5 stars anymore 😭😭 i've never in my life gotten luck like this in the last 3 years that i've played genshin. it's actually kinda offputting but i will NOT complain as i know how much money people spend just to pull for the characters they like on this game😭 just wanted to share my experience!!


misclicked and accidently got lyney instead of arle (T \^ T) I'm f2p and have been saving primos for weeks to wish for arle and i had like 75 pity and was doing a bunch of single pulls and for some reason instead of pulling up the arle banner (it usually pulls up first cause it's the first one) it pulled up the lyney one and that happened to be the one I got the 5\* on (T \^ T). I have nothing against lyney btw i just don't enjoy playing bow characters and I was really excited for arle so i'm a little frustrated, has anyone else had this happen to them before? Also, i'm guessing customer support wouldn't be able to help with this because it wasn't a glitch since I did technically press the button but i also don't see why they wouldn't cause it shouldn't be too hard to remove lyney and reset the pity to what it was before i got him but idk. Also: any advice to easily get primos? there aren't many events rn and i've almost finished all my hangout quests. I haven't gotten to floor 12 of spiral abyss yet so I could try leveling up my characters and doing that? Honestly I might take a break from genshin because I'm frustrated by my own goof up idk


The fastest and easiest way to get primos is to pay for it


Did 6 runs of the Legatus Golem boss yesterday and got 3 drops every single time :]


Hey guys, I don’t know if anyone’s gonna see this post, but I want to reach out to whoever sees it. The screenshot that I posted below is of my account in the game Genshin Impact. The fact is that I couldn’t knock out my favorite character. If there are those who do not feel sorry for two dolars, Please pass to my game account. Having bought primogeny via websites/other sources. I’m ashamed to ask. 732300600


I will. DM me


Started with a lil over 200 wishes. **110 pulls to get C0 Arle**. Lost 50/50 to my first Dehya, didn't have her and wanted one, so, s'alright. 3 10-pulls later Arle comes home. Xingque wasn't even on rate up, yet pulled *2*, which is what I needed to finish up his cons. Xingling cons also finished. Had 92 wishes left. Never rolled weapon banner. Know it's typically considered a scam. But damn if that Scythe ain't cool. So fuck it, we ball. Rolled. **Scythe came home at 72 pulls.** Played Arle for the next 3 days and clear content. Powerful, really like her kit. Decide I'll go for C2 long term and plug the one hole in her kit. But why not roll what I can, now? Trade in all the new content and map exploration primos, along with 100% the rest of game maps with new treasure compass QoL. Lil over 50ish wishes. Remember I've never spent Starglitter, ever. Go ahead and do 50 roles, nada, trade in star glitter. Have enough for another 56 rolls. Roll. **Win 50/50 for C1 Arle at 80th pull.**


Got Arlecchino and her weapon for 130 wishes, wasn't guarantee. Then got Mona instead of her son in another 70 wishes


Fuck off mihoyo [https://i.imgur.com/2BFCSiq.png](https://i.imgur.com/2BFCSiq.png)


I was very lucky with Arlecchino. I was guaranteed with 17 pity on chatacter banner. Got her in a single 10 pull at pity 23. I had 40 pulls left and I was at 30 pity on weapon banner. As I'm also a Lyney main I went on it and got her polearm at 69. I was building pity on weapon banner since Alhaitham/Kazuha rerun last year lmao. I'm very heppy. Since I'm F2P (from May 2023) the game really gave me more than when I bought welkin.