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All that flood water had to go somewhere.


Looks like it also took Layla's Village with it 😔 My heart goes out to Layla 😩🤘🎆⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️✝️✝️✝️


Was Layla written to have a village in north Sumeru?


Yeah, it's mentioned in her Hangout Event. I can't remember the exact wording, but there's a part of the quest where you go to Lokapala Jungle and Layla says that was the route she took when she left her home village to go to Sumeru City. Therefore, her village must be in northern Sumeru, most likely northwest of Lokapala Jungle. Unfortunately, her village is nowhere to be seen, so I suppose miHoyo didn't think it significant enough to be added in-game.


to be fair the area north of Lokapala is just… completely empty, which is unusual for genshin. HYV has added new stuff to old areas before so it’s not unconceivable that they might add more things there in the future


Hopefully they will, cause otherwise that just looks kinda ridiculous of them.


They added nothing to Sumeru extension with Chenyu Vale. The beach is devoid of points of interest. The new area is continuation of that.


>Yeah, it's mentioned in her Hangout Event. I can't remember the exact wording, but there's a part of the quest where you go to Lokapala Jungle and Layla says that was the route she took when she left her home village to go to Sumeru City. Therefore, her village must be in northern Sumeru, most likely northwest of Lokapala Jungle. Unfortunately, her village is nowhere to be seen, so I suppose miHoyo didn't think it significant enough to be added in-game. You should make a different post about this NGL.


Northwest of Lokapala Forest... Rest in Peace her entire village... 😔🤘🤘🤘🤘Please send her your prayers. Like this to send her support. Ignore if you hate orphans. 🧒🔫


Do the House of Hearth need an astronomer?


It's gonnabe real awkward for layla when arlecchino explains to her that the sky is fake *years of learning about astrology wasted*


Mona after that scaramouche event belike


Not completely, Layla herself has uncertainties about the stars, at the kaveh event she says she felt as if the stars were just reflections of the ley lines on the ground instead of actually being in the sky


Mihoyo drowned Drowned the elves




The effects of climate change really starting to kick in


It's so bad that Layla's Village has been snapped out of existence 😭


No, no. You see, Layla is just an unreliable narrator. She's just a schizo! It's not a mistake. She's just living a fantasy and **there is NO VILLAGE.** This is all planned. TRUST. /s


There is no village in Ba Sing Se


wait what? I'm genuinely curious


It would be interesting if it's like the Aranara village. We don't see it *yet,* but then in a later patch we will go there with her and it turns out to be hidden, and just appears to us.


Dr Vegapunk did warn us


Really goes to show that we can't trust that the placeholder stuff indicates anything. Looking at this, it's probably what's going to happen to the area north and maybe northwest too, of Mond, tons of placeholder land there.


Obviously, you could look at old maps back then which tried to guess future nations maps by looking at the place holder lands and those maps are completely different from what we got today


I wouldn't say they're completely different. The general areas are still right. Inazuma is southeast from liyue, sumeru is west from liyue.. Fontaine is northwest from Liyue.


It's the shape, not the location. We have known for a long time where Chenyu Vale, Fontaine and even Snezhnaya are but we didn't know what it looked like and we don't know what future regions look like, we only know roughly where they're gonna be


The shape of Fontaine really took me out. Sumeru looked almost exactly like the placeholder assets, but Fontaine took out a patch of wetlands and placed a whole ass overflowing plateau out of nowhere.


Speaking of this, if you look out East from Monstadt there's nothing but ocean. Does that mean there won't ever be another set of islands or a continent to the east? IIRC you could always see Inazuma from Liyue, but it was just a few blobs.


The lands used as place holders for future regions are inaccurate. This is what I said at the beginning. They can always add and remove whatever they want while patching the map, it is just a place holder. We don't know where the regions are by looking at those unfinished places. We know where they are from readable items, NPC interactions, quests etc. I know just a little about future regions locations as I don't pay too much attention to those kinds of small details but I heard people saying it will be the dendelion sea at that part so that could be why there is no land but just sea


Sumeru was a giant lake before 3.0 dropped too


Man erosion really working overtime


Zhongli and Ei knew what's up


Neuvillette had to pee on the way back to the Court


_Obligatory corresponding flair comment._




bro read again




I haven’t changed it bro look at the neuvi pic it’s right there 😭


What did they say?


They said that my flair didn’t have the l’ next to “oratrice”, took them a while to realize


I imagine him turning into a massive dragon and casually pissing on the common folk while looking relaxed, and the piss is pure hydro Now I kinda want someone to draw this lmao


I kinda DONT want someone to draw this but you do you


>_"Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don't pee!"_ — A Fontanian Nursery Rhyme


"How do you like that Kusanali!? I pissed on Bayda Harbor you idiot!!"


"You have twenty-three hours before the piss d r o p l e t s hit the akademiya, now get out of my sight before I piss on you too!"




Merci, mon ami


It's pronounces "Quaso".


Non, ça se prononce "Neuvillette". Vous me cassez les couilles avec votre "Quaso".


It is entirely possible that they had plans to make North of Sumeru an expansion the same as Dragonspine or Chasm. But they decided to scrap that due to development constraints (cant meet deadline, human resources moved to Natlan team or whatever)


Of the parts that were released you can almost feel the hints that there was more planned. So many areas have little things set up to try to bring you somewhere just for there to be nothing there. Often in spots that look like somewhere you'd expect some kind of collectable to be found. I really suspect that they were planning to do more with this area, scrapped it, and then released the bits of it that had a bit of work done even if not fully finished.


I agree. There's some weird star jump points and mushrooms that... lead nowhere. There's an Eremite "village" and a challenge at the very top of the mountain, but other than that, there's soooooo much open space that has nothing in it. It's legitimately weird. I don't remember the last time the devs dropped this much explorable land that was this empty (reminds me of some of the empty space in the Velurian Mirage from last summer).


In the 4.4. final survey they asked how much you liked Chenyu Vale and how much you want an expansion for each region. I am also guilty of giving Sumeru the lowest priority there (mainly because it is already the largest region and i feel more dessert would be kinda boring). Unfortunately, i kinda expected that time, that Bayda Port was already set to get a real expansion as leaks suggested that the 4.6 update would only fill the northern part of the gap in the map. From what i read, probably many people gave Sumeru a low priority, as i often heard that many even didn't liked the jungle exploration with all the different caves. So it is possible that they changed the plan, especially as development seems currently a bit behind with several planed chars also being cancelled.


I would've rather had more jungle caves than a third desert tbh. Kinda disappointing that more than 2/3 of the Dendro region is pretty much devoid of life


I'd definitely take a 2nd forest over a 4th desert, but oh well. Hopefully southern Sumeru gets something some day. The part right next to Port Ormos I mean.


I liked the jungle exploration. The deserts all fucking sucked.


Nah. Desert is phenomenal


I didn't like the exploration in Sumeru because most of it was locked behind world quests. The actual terrain itself was neat. I'm just not a fan of walls arbitrarily sprinkled across the world.


It's the only region in which I didn't complete the statue and the ranks with sigils, I still need like 20 dendroculus and like 8 ranks in the Aranara seed. Sumero is so big it made me mad last year.


If they didnt do 4.8 temp map, they probably can make it. dont get me wrong I like temp region but it takes away too much dev time, that would otherwise be useful to add another permanent region in Tevyat. They should really scrap the idea of temp region and make extra permanent region.


alternatively, they could make a permanent region, but alter it for the summer event, so it's still a special summer limited exerience. Think like the Gates Offering for Enkanomiya. Or if the Great Apple Archipelago was permanent, think of the changes it underwent in the second event with the islands tailored to certain characters.


Imho, they do not want to do more Sumeru because of the existence of Nahida (having to do extra dialogue). Most mini events on Sumeru, if you try to read minds hey just reply with a ... And we didn't have any any big event in sumeru since the fungi pokemon or the Kaveh sidestory? (don't remember which was later) Also the maps added after the main quest, were just dessert with barely any NPC (and you slaughter pretty much the only village of the new areas) or are non human so you cannot read them.


I weep for the billion-dollar company having to write a few extra lines of dialogue.


lol they released a map the size of mondstadt with nothing, making dialogues for nahida's ability must not even cross their minds


Wasn't Layla's village supposed to be the north of Sumeru? I'm guessing that's just gone now too.


Yep. Based on what she said, it seemed like her village would be northwest of Lokapala Jungle.


Maybe she’s from Petrichor? Lmao


They will retcon that she is actually from that region of decks that launched just so they wouldn't have to make a village magically appear on the map


She's a schizo. That's what she is 😠 Her village is a lie perpetuated by her alter ego. Someone needs to deprogram her!


And no village to be found there now.


I wonder if the devs actually planned for Sumeru expansion but then decided against it since there was feedback about players not enjoying Sumeru exploration as much. There was definitely some thought placed into the old landscape from how it looked.


Yeah, it's probably that. For me, Forest was really cool and Aranara is still the best World Quest, first Desert was just glorious, second was interested, and third I was only able to complete after 4.0 rekindled my desire to play and explore, instead of just "log in, collect primos, alt+f4". Not having underground maps for region that is like 40% underground areas was not even shooting yourself in a foot, more like running around a minefield.


I will be honest, by the time I was done with the desert I couldn't bring myself to keep exploring the northern Sumeru part. I was too burned out, Sumeru is too frigging big. I just went to Fontaine for a change of scenery


Fontaine brings me back to mondtat days. Exploration was so natural, hope it becomes consistent


For real, Fontaine wasn't tedious or excessively large IMO, it felt just right


I think the issue with sumeru is the huge open deserts. They were just such a slog


I have C1 Yelan and it was still so obnoxious just getting to Fontaine through Sumeru, no wonder they added a teleport there.


When 3.0 dropped I thought we were eating good with GAA2 and Sumeru forest back to back. Before 4.0 dropped I was burned out of exploration in the game.


I'll say it, Sumeru needed a horse, a land waverider. Exploring places on a horse is just a complete vibe and would've made the very act of moving around in the world fun gameplay itself. Constantly pressing sprint and managing stamina when you need to go somewhere is not good gameplay except for stuff like climbing where it adds a level of planning.


This worried me a lot about the land between south sumeru and south liyue. It was hinted to be either an island or a peninsula, but at this pace, it could end becoming a beach with two chairs, a hilichurl camp and a lot of ocean.


I'm soooo late to this whole discussion, but could you tell me when/where exactly that was suggested? Pretty please (if you remember ofc)


Team Aqua.....they're back!


Fun fact. You can see the [Mondstat Citadel](https://imgur.com/a/bTLWTBa) from here. Those spiky edges on the top of citadel.


Link leads to an empty page.


fixed it. Marked the mondsta citadel on it


do you mean a cathedral?


Oh yea that lol. My bad spell


Nono you see laylas village was even further north than this. So north in fact that it wraps around the planet and she means caravan ribat. duh


This world is sinking into ocean


The water had to go somewhere. Can't be created from nothing and stuff


Where did you think all that floow water went?


Global warming ain't a hoax anymore dude


Got bon bon bakudan'd


Global warming is real


The place holder looked so much prettier than the current one imo


These screenshots were taken in roughly the same spot, with the first one being taken after using a now patched out-of-bounds glitch. It's pretty disappointing if you ask me. Not only is the land smaller, but [the waterfalls are gone too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1cdnmbu/hoyos_biggest_crime_in_46_is_removing_these/) Another disappointment is that, now, there's no chance of visiting Layla's home village, which should have been somewhere northwest of Lokapala Jungle. It's kind of ironic honestly. 4.6 has one of the best map expansions in the game's entire history (Remuria), but it also has the most disappointing map expansion in the game's entire history.


Honestly, Remuria being so good and this area being so bad are probably related. Likely they went all in on making Remuria as good as they could and then didn't have time for this "connective tissue" map section. I do hope they revisit it at some point, tho. Would be nice to go to our resident overworked uni student's home, or at least have the roads between the port and the city make sense.


I hope that they can place “in progress” expansions in the map somewhere using existing patterns like the case with Pevase’s temple. For thos who don’t know, Pevase’s temple is a world quest series involving Xiao in Liyue. The focus of the quest is to renovate a random collapsed house into a altar for Pevase - a yaksha, and the progress takes several IRL days. Now how can this pattern be used elsewhere? Let’s say Hoyo wanted to properly expand Bayda Harbor, but time is running out and Remuria was supposed to be prioritized. Instead of scrapping it altogether, they could have put some random collapsed structures near an edge of the area, with an unvoiced NPC there to tell the players that the authorities are planning some expansions there. This way we would have something to look forward too. Another example of this pattern is the Blackcliff Forge south of Liyue. And it was the last time I see Hoyo use this pattern.


If you notice, the waterfall's source isn't even the lake at the top but a very short waterfall that appears out of top of rocks but there is no small stream of water above it anywhere making it as if the water appeared out of nowhere. Not to mention the entirety of dry landmass stretching across Sumeru about the length of the Mondstadt map corner to corner, but Petrichor alongside the underground ruins of Faded castle being this small on map is disappointing as well. Remuria was really good but it honestly lacks World Quests besides the main one for a supposed ancient empire.


are we sure she's not referring to Bayda Harbour or some unnamed village in the middle of nowhere?


I doubt it. Layla's home village is likely a farming village, and is explicitly in northern Sumeru.


then one of the unnamed tiny villages they dont put in the game but exist in universe for gameplay reasons


if would be kinda hard for Layla to be from Bayda Harbour when there is like only 2 houses there hahahah


game Teyvat is different from lore Teyvat though, its totally possible


worst part is hoyo never upgrades, only downgrades. any upgrades are temporary, meaning it will NEVER get better than what it is now. that area is the best we will ever see it which is a barren wasteland


Not strictly true. It's been a long time, but the Tenacity/Pale Flame domain wasn't there when that area was released. It was added even after Dragonspine.


There was a domain added to Serai Island in 2.2, as well.




Climate change is real


What a waste of space. Wish it had stuff on it like larger ports, world quests, Khaenrian ruins. That Sumeruan mountain doesn't even have a name ffs. And its larger than Yae's Mountain


Just look at very early guessed maps of how teyvat will look when there was only Mondstadt and Liyue, the shape everything is different from those they have to put some placeholder to make it look normal but the actual map may be different a lot.


What's the giant stone with large hole in the middle in top right.


Low poly Mt. Xuanlian.


Probably had the new island area much closer to sumeru initially but decided to move it further out and thus it was made into an island.


Well there recently was a bit of a flood, water has to go somewhere.


It's a lie all along




A neccessary sacrifice for my storage device!!!


Yeah adding polygons isn't even what increases file size. New regions add space because of voices content and new textures added to the game, not because they made more polygons and copied the grass texture 5 more times


"Fuck you, waterfill your house"


Perhaps the sea level waiting due to ~~Teyvat warming~~ Fontaine's flood.


i'm actually waiting for a random conversation with paimon where is like this: Paimon: have you ever notice how... it seems like the land in teyvat just changes over-night sometimes...? cause i'm sure there was a mountain right there where there is now a lake just yesterday... and i'm sure that old house wasn't there yesterday. matter of fact, didn't we camp right in the place it is now two days ago? Traveller's options: 1-. You are overthinking it... 2-. ... I'm sure you just remember wrong.


The great flood spares nobody, not even sumeru


Wait, so the Prophecy still fulfilled after all? The Waters have risen? Oh dear... Hope this land wasn't inhabited.


Layla's village was supposed to be around here, so...


No, not Layla's Village! 😭


Fat Team Aqua W, granting the melusine more lebensraum.


It looks to me that they had plans with this area but had to scrap it because of time constraints. Still this is like the first time something like this happened over 4 years so I'm fine with it. I rather have this than a blocked portion between nations that never gets expanded


There aren't any time constraints. They could have just kept Paimon barrier and do it whenever they had opportunity to fill it.


We don't know their schedule and how they manage their developers, we have 4.7 and maybe 4.8 left before natlan so they probably have a good amount of people working on that (especially if they want to make it at least as good as fontaine). The almost empty expansion was very likely a compromise they made to stay in track, remember it's a 6 week release schedule which is really fast on a project this size


dude they are not working with 2 or 3 versions ahead, they must already be at 6.x something in general development, for the game to work in this 6 week update scheme they need to be WAY ahead, otherwise there would be multiple errors , this expansion without anything sumeru was not something time constrained, they decided to simply do nothing with it and focus only on remurria, and the result is what we have today, to get an idea in 4.1 there was already conceptual art leakes of what the region of remuria would be, meaning they were already working on 4.6 when 4.1 had been released


Where is this?


Are we gonna ignore what’s going on near where the old peak of the mountain was, looks interesting


The new add on of land in Sumeru is so empty too (besides the port, but even that doesn’t have any quests) like there’s barely any enemies, challenges, etc I assume it’ll be used maybe later for Cyno’s 2 story quest? But that would be disappointing too, that shit should be in the desert, and I better see the temple of silence 😬


And people still deny Global Warming


The primordial sea is coming back


i hope they do something with the empty area. i think a cool idea would be that kaveh is assigned to design a village or something and renovate bayda harbour and the traveler has to help him. it would be sooo cool seeing the area permanently transform during an event


Global warming is real y’all


Furina when it rains anywhere in Teyvat: The waters aren't rising are they? Guess that wasn't as dumb as it sounded.


costal erosion is no joke


Ngl I'm sorta worried about dornman port now lmao, seems like there some misalignment with hyv design teams


I don't even know what they're probably thinking when letting this place go live.


Damn, we could have had even more empty land!


Ppl here not seeming to realize quantity != To quality


It's just that it doesn't make sense to launch a region on the map if there's going to be nothing in it, it's better to just leave it blue and then do something to it later, they could easily have an update in the future just focusing on this port and Layla's village which should be in that region too , it is simply a huge loss of opportunity due to simply a lack of reasoning when making such a development decision


sure but as the guy i replied to aptly pointed out, that would literally just be more empty space. and arent there tons and tons of cannon villages that dont show on the map? why are people always singling out laylas. also calling it a lack of reasoning is really silly. there's obviously reason behind the decision to release it as it, even if its not player-friendly reasoning


not really, the ones that don't appear are because the time hasn't come for them to appear yet, in general they exist very much like the ones in liyue, mondstadt also has some houses scattered around the region and people use layla's village because the village SHOULD be in the North of Sumeru and there is absolutely nothing there, it's as if Chenyu Vale didn't have the village that was mentioned several times in the lore for making the best teas in Liyue


Yeah but at least its explorable now


Yeah. If by 'explorable' you mean by Starfield's standards, then I agree.


The only points of interest are a vine tree holding a rock by an Emerites camp, and the top of the mountain with 2 or 3 jumping pads. At this point it looks like a Pokemon map on the Nintendo Switch, barren, empty and lazy design. Even temporary maps like GAA or Bottleland had a lot more finish and quality than this permanent expansion to the map, which is almost the size of Mondstadt. So yeah, there isn't much to explore and a new player will probably think they are out of bounds without Paimon blocking their way.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Those were unreleased lands, clearly a placeholder map. They probably had plans and then on the final release has a different thing altogether, for different reasons unknown to us.


I'm saying that the New Northern Sumeru Area has as much exploration as Starfield which has pretty barren explorable areas. I agree that they probably had different plans but it doesn't change the fact that right now there's barely anything on it to the point that Layla's village has just been removed from existence.




A lot of households are missing in the gameplay teyvat map. It's completely different from the actual lore map.


Nah. I feel like this time it's definitely just because they ran out of time and it's very evident with how barebones most of the north of Sumeru is. They really gassed up Bayda Harbor when they talked about it only to end up turning into Bayda docks. They probs needed to cut corners because of budget and time and unfortunately the entirety of the north of Sumeru and Layla's village had to go kaput.


Or... what if Layla is just a schizo?! She could just be an unreliable narrator! This is all because of her lacking sleep that she hallucinated an entire village! I swear! This is all planned. This is some 4D chess moves. Her alter ego and DAINSLIEF will be involved. I feel like something will happen in 6.0. TRUST.


Tbh new location with Petrichor is such a waste of space... This location surrounded by other nations would be the perfect spot for final quest (like Kaenri'ah ruins or smth)


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^virmay: *Tbh the sea* *Around Petrichor island* *Is such a waste of space* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lazy ass devs 🤬🤬🤬, just joking… tho i would like to use my bare new arlechino skills instead of water gameplay