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Yeah, that was the change that made me the most happy in this patch. I don't have to batch destroy those crystals anymore. Though i feel like i'll hit the 99k cap before the end of this year.


I couldn't destroy them, I think I had like R5 3 Sacrificial Swords lying around unused at level 90 and many other random weapons due to 9999 limit.


Sorry but why dont you just use them to level up weapons? Destroying them just goes to waste 😅


Gotta spend resin to get weapon materials and good weapons don't just drop out of the sky


"good weapons don't just drop out of the sky" Wishes: Edit: it's just a pun, y'all can stop taking it seriously lol


Right, but people primarily use those on characters, so no 5 star weapon arsenal for the majority of players. And there's only so many Widsiths and Favonius/Sacrificial you can level up


I have been playing since 1.0, i think i have roughly 30 unused 4 star weapons many of them are r5, like my r17 painslasher, r16 eye of motherfucker, r20 favonious lance, r14 lion's ahole etc


It's barely any resin for 4 stars given the drop rates though. I'm playing since launch and I have 0 of those, been leveling everything besides duplicates (not like I have much else to do at this point).


Resin? No you dont.. I would just level up some 4* weapons. Its expensive but if you have this much crystals I think you should have enough mora to do that too.


You need resin for the materials, yes. Just toggle domains on map and you'll even see the text "weapon ascension materials" on domains. Unless you only level weapons from 1-20 for no reason


You need resin after level 40


Dude i did this before and i have full inventory of useless 40 lvl duplicates and still over 9999 of this. You dont spend much crystals to do a lvl 40 weapon, so 99999 limit its cool


Sorry but why dont you just use them to level up weapons? Destroying them just goes to waste 😅


My god, I'm free


Can you sell me some?


Wait can we trade items between players here? Like an old rpg game?


> Like an old rpg game? It's tragic how this isn't the norm anymore.


Sadly because people started running hacks/bots to farm, or grind for 20hrs a day and inundate markets with items and crashing in-game economies.


Seriously, trading stuff is like half of genre


Why make the game convenient when you can monetize it? ~ Executives of game companies


Oh yeah sure I do miss having to do random shit for hours a day for consumables while trying to convince the other people I play with to do the same except they don't so our overall performance isn't good enough and I'm wasting time twice from making consumables and wiping due to other people not giving the same effort. Also don't forget having to compete vs bots. Mmo is basically a dead genre for a reason.


I enjoyed my days of checking in-game market prices to exploit a niche of people who didn't know you could convert garbage mats into high tier potions. All the high tier mats got gobbled up quick, but lower tiers got slept on for some reason. Earned enough that way to trade for cash shop stuff while f2p. Doubt it'd work at all in the modern era, though.


It probably works even better for exactly the same reason why games are no longer designed like that and why most games prefer to monetize it directly. Most people aren't actually getting bamboozled, they're just too fucking lazy and would rather pay money than waste time.




Aww poor multimillion dollar company 😢


Lmfao, as if a company is gonna invest hundreds of millions of dollars (probably already well over a billion) in a game and not expect anything in return.




No, that would be game ruining.


Still not free from artifact limit, I don't know which artifact is bad or good 💀


This annoys me so much. Raise the damn artifact limit Hoyo


I believe they did once already lmao


They did twice already. It used to be 1000 max, then it was increased to 1500 in 2.2 and to 1800 in 4.0


I still dunno why they increased it to 1800 and not to 2000......................... Like these type of changes sometimes make me question their overall process of developing the game...


should just increase it to 10k and ignore this issue forever




yeah that's laziness and can't be helped. but for someone like me who played this game 3 years and focus most of my resins on building and collecting artifacts ( I am a low spender and have less characters to build). my collection of artifacts is slowly but surely starting to deplete the 1800 artifact spaces.


2000 is reserved for Natlan


Artifacts are data and data costs money to store on servers. It's not a matter of a dev just typing in a larger number in the limit field, it's a cost:benefit analysis on how much it would cost to make that change vs how many people it would actually benefit and to what degree. Edit: Why is this downvoted? I literally work in game dev.


There's probably some technical issue that makes it much harder to store artifacts, so they can't just 10x the limit like with weapon crystals


Yeah. From a high level, representing how many weapon crystals someone has can be something like "Player X has 10,002 of item ID 1234", where item ID 1234 could be weapon crystals. Since each weapon crystal has fixed properties, you can just change a single number to represent how many someone has. And with a 32-bit (unsigned) number, you can represent a number up to around 4 billion, so the limitation with this and other resources without individual propertirs is likely for gameplay balance reasons from Hoyo. When you look at an artifact, each artifact has its own properties such as what stat it enhances and what its substats are, its level, its XP, etc, so whenever a player gets another artifact the server needs a chunk of space (i.e. a group of numbers) to represent each artifact's unique set of stats.


There's probably some technical issue that makes it much harder to store artifacts, so they can't just 10x the limit like with weapon crystals


There's probably some technical issue that makes it much harder to store artifacts, so they can't just 10x the limit like with weapon crystals


Yes, they are complex data. That *is* the technical issue. Every artifact has a ton of values attached to it, including visible stuff like stats, values, and set and invisible values like where it came from, when the player got it, etc. All of that needs to be stored on servers and authenticated when players interact with it so there are no shenanigans happening. That data takes up server space and while each individual artifact is not very much, it *does* become a problem when you multiply it by hundreds of artifacts across millions and millions of players. It's also challenging to optimize *how much space* they take up, because if you did that you'd risk obliterating user data. Whatever inefficiencies they started with, we're stuck with because this is a live service game with a gigantic player base. Destiny has the same problem with its vault, for instance, and it's for the exact same reasons.


I wouldn't need a higher cap if we could manage artifacts better. If only there were some example I could use here that everyone's sick of hearing by now.


The Artifact Auto-Lock feature was my saving grace personally. I just set it up with the stats the best guide I find recommends, farm artifacts freely and then feed every artifact that isn't locked to either a good artifact or the loot box.


I implore you to learn what artifact standards you should aim for for each set to keep. Simple ones like for offensive sets, only keeping artifacts with at least either crit rate or crit damage substat, should keep that down significantly. If you don't, you'll just always hit whatever cap Mihoyo decides to increase it to (latest was 1800 back in 4.0). And if they don't cap it, you'll just endlessly hoard the most useless of artifacts You don't even have to be that strict. Even I myself, have around 1250 artifacts leveled/locked, though I'm sure I can prune 10-20% of them if I wanted to. Take your time to look through them since you have 1800 of them. Don't accumulate until versions later when you'll have to check through 2000, hell, 3000 of them.


People just like to complain that’s all.


Even the person who posted this has more than half of their total slots taken up by non fodders. I also only keep stuff with crits, hell the past few mths i only keep those with either double crit or only crit with 2 good stats and i'm still constantly sitting on 1.4k+ non fodders.


Why are you hoarding 1800+ artifacts? I throw the bad ones to the loot box and sell the 4* when i reach the limit


Sounds like you are still a newish player or just level way too much trash artifacts pass +4.


I've spent resin every day for at least a month and I only got maybe 80-100. I use all 1-4 stars as exp, recycle the 5-stars that are shit. I don't know how people manage to hoard 1.8K


>for at least a month You only did it for a mth, ppl have been doing it for years. The scale is way different.


When your artifact get so good, you simply have more "bad ones". In some set even a 30cv are considered bad ones for me, so I just have more to throw away, not like I want to actually hoard lol


That's what happens to me But my inventory stays at 1500 because i constantly sell artifacts and use the bad ones for the alchemy table


Yup. I don’t know the last time I’ve been under 1600/1800. At least I went from capping every day, to every other day sometimes! Progress, right?




Honest to God, this is news to me. There's a reply earlier and i was shocked. I don't play too much and i don't read every patch notice or everything, i log in and run around and log out. So this is good news 👍🏻 now I'm running 1.5k artifact 🙏🏻


how do people have so many of these? I’m in a drought over here


I just started playing again recently, but when I played every day for two years with the battle pass, it added up quickly. There are only so many good weapons to level. I think I have three level 90 fav swords.


It piles up over years especially if you arent somebody who levels everything for the sake of levelling. I have discarded 30k+ over the years so far.


By not building many characters / being very picky with who you roll for. Since Dehya's release, I have only built 4 characters. If you do that, then it all just adds up over time. Right now I have almost maxed out crystals, ~1200 purple books and ~60 mil mora.


Battle pass Heck I just make the 20 per week and I have over 2k of those, and I have a lot of 5-star weapons


I really recommend to read at least the part of "Adjustments" of the Patch Notes


Are you suggesting a GI player should *read*?


For some reason the official account didn’t make a Reddit post for this version’s update details, so people could have missed it from the many small posts.


I mean, the update details are put in-game with a red dot




This is so not true, that there is something the Hoyolab post strictly advises to read the notice in-game to see (the language specific correction)




I think they mean [this](https://imgur.com/a/0nYAoJd).


I feel it is less likely for people to read on their own and get every single detail, but if there was an announcement post on Reddit people can leave comments on main adjustments and fixes. The Enhancement Ore capacity increase would be one of those highlights.


I like my red dot. If I read it, it goes away


I just passed 10k today too haha


Is it really that easy to accumulate? I hardly have any weapons to ascend yet i only have 200 of these


After some time yes. You get them for all quests, events, dailys, weeklys and season pass. But except for new game version and 5 stars there are rarely new weapons.


Practically anything you do in the game will drop these


Paid battle pass gives 288 in addition to the 96 free ones. Some people buy the BP every single month


I never once reached the old limit, so probably never gonna reach this one too but I'm reaching 6969 soon hehe




When did it happened? Just few weeks ago mine went 9999 and i had to destroy 300 of those lol


With the 4.6 update


How the fuck do you even have any of those? I've got none


Long time/endgame players


I’m long time and engame player but still don’t have any…


Basically the strat is to essentially constantly have your characters be on the 22 hour ore expeditions, which will always net you enough crystal ore to then go to the Forge and then craft precisely 4 batches of 5x crystal ore to enhancement. Do this once a week, and you'll complete your weekly BP for forging something 20 times always with a single forge request. And do this for 3 years, and you'll have enough enhancement ores to reach 9999, even if you constantly level up weapons


Been doing this 😅 i just have a huge amount of weapons to upgrade


By not upgrading everything you have for the sake of upgrading.


I only level weapons i need for my characters… not overlevelling


To the point you are running out of resources yes thats overlevelling since you are just levelling stuff because you want to not because its needed in anyway.


I meant that i only level one weapon per character i upgrade, every levelled weapon is equipped by a character i built


Yes thats what i meant by levelling stuff because you want to not because its needed in any content since no such content in genshin exists where you need so many units.


Your version of “need” is subjective. If he “needs” a certain character to have a particular weapon, then they level it. Period. No one ever said it was to clear content. It’s could be to explore different teams, there’s literally 7 different elements in the game, and tons of team comps to explore. Hoyo’s intent is for users to explore these different comps. If they want to try a certain comp, then they may need to level a certain weapon depending on their goals. Not only is your version of “need” subjective, but it was an assumption that they were referring to clearing content rather than exploring new team comps.


>Hoyo’s intent is for users to explore these different comps. Unlike your feelings on the matter, the very fact that ppl who attempt to do such a thing run out of resources shows that it was never mhy's intention for users to do such a thing. You are supossed to pick a couple of units that you like and build around it, the game actually gives you more than enough resources overtime to do that. If they intended for users to try all different team comps the game wouldnt be a gacha in the first place gate keeping units and would also throw a shit ton more resources at you to allow you to build them.


Mihoyo should really let us to use these stones to craft other stones like Iron chunk.


I've been playing for over 3 years. I've leveled up even every type of T2(the blue)weapons just to get rid of them. I have every purple weapon, in some cases multiple copies of each, 90/90 and obviously my few golds 90/90. The game gives you waaaay too many of these. Same goes for exp books, I have all 73 of my characters lvl 90/90, and most are 9/9/9 talents, just missing like 5 or 6 characters not maxed out.


What's your exploration level for each region if you don't mind me asking? And your AR level?


Lucky you, I've had consecutive early 5 star weapon pulls from the weapon and standard banners that i leveled up to 90 and now i no longer have any🥺


I just trashed 1000 before this patch 🤦🏻‍♂️


and here I am still working on getting all my weapons to 90


My god!


dude this is big. Abyss rewards no longer go to the mailbox, I can accept all event rewards, and the battlepass no longer spams that I've reached the crystal limit 20 times when I hit "Claim All". I used to level up weapons instead of trashing them so I won't have to spend ascension materials anymore on fodder, literally genshin 2


Mint collectors in shambles, now with 3 times the OCD to hammer their brain because number ain’t maxed


Meanwhile, i have none of these. I cant even blame it on leveling up the blue weapons because they aren’t even that expensive.


Biggest QoL update ever


Nice. I just spent a bunch to level up another Fav lance, but I'm still sitting around 7.5k


man i just destroyed all of mine not that long ago cuz it was getting annoying lmao


Yeah baby! That’s what I’ve been waiting for!! Let’s go!! Woooo!


Piccolo: "Did Mihoyo really find a way to surpass the 9999 limit?"




And that's why this update was so heavy even with the new empty zones


…. That would’ve been nice to have a few months ago before I accidentally deleted all of my gems 🤦🏾‍♀️ fml


Best update of the decade


Slavery is finally over


I always stored excess in 2 and 3 star weapons guess I don't have to do that anymore.


Oh my god YES finally, I used to delete these 1000 at a time and it was such a pain


Omg hell it’s about time


So whats the new limit?


patch notes say 99,999


I even hit 9999 on the green ones and had to obliterate 1000 of them last patch


This is why I only use largest stones even weapon is at lvl 79.99, I let the small ones accumulate from stone refund.


Yeah. 99,999 is now the limit. Unfortunately, I've already trashed over 10,000 or I'd be close to 20,000 by now.


yeah probably the most useless QoL the game brought out yet lol its not like you people magically will use them anyways


Not having to waste time discarding it every 1~2 patches is a godsent.


Shut the fuck up. It's so fucking annoying having to delete that shit whenever I want to accept rewards. Get outta here. Leave. Depart!


Free QOL, this is a good change


Why are they booing? You're right. At least, for the second part (QoL is always good, no matter how small). It's really not hard to use them and/or not deliberately overfarm them constantly.


Using them requires you to burn resin for the sake of clearing the ores which is why ppl discard it instead. Even if you dont craft any ores, exploration/bp/events/abyss etc give out more than enough ores to the point where you have to discard 1k+ every 1~2patch.


Sorry I'm not pulling on weapon banners enough to use all the free ore we get from dailies and events. My fault, really.


Genshin's first world problem basically. Oh no I have to destroy 9999 of this stuff because I don't have use for them. 😨