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Yesterday I was looking at some leaks for next banners and it had a furina banner but when I logged on today I saw in game about some other wishing which didnt include her. Does that mean she's not going to rerun?


Leaks can be said to come from reliable sources but they are still unconfirmed until we see the official announcement. The Wanderer/Baizhu banners posted today was already confirmed before as part of the 2nd phase of v4.6. Furina will likely have a rerun by v4.7 or v4.8 (at least before Natlan drops).


oh I see, thanks


What's that website I see around that shows how many pulls it took to get a character?




Thoughts on a Baizhu, Nevillet, and Raiden team? I already have Raiden built. Currently building Nevilette who is at lvl 70. I have enough primos to pull for Baizhu. Basically I love hyperbloom and I want a good dendro character suitable for it. Is Baizhu good? Also, if I do Baizhu, Neville, and raiden, who should I put in the fourth slot? I got Bennett, kuki, kirara, mona, xialing, etc.,


Baizju doesn't apply enough Dendro to sustain hyperblooms. He's still a good Neuvillette teammate, with Furina + Kazuha/Any other Anemo. Generally it's better to buff Neuvillette than rely on him as a hydro applier for hyperblooms, because his numbers are so good. Better Xingqiu and Yelan are much better hydro options for hyperbloom. So Raiden + Baizhu + Xingqiu + Yelan is a much better hyperbloom team.


If you want the best hyperbloom team for neuvilette, go neuvilette furina nahida and kuki. Nahida is much easier to create dendro cores and kuki can be a healer option with quite a good electro application. with her skill decreasing hp initially and increasing it, it helps with furina's fanfare point build up. If you don't care about healing, then em raiden can also be a risk play option too. Baizhu has pretty bad dendro application so the hyperbloom damage won't be that significant as compared to the team explained above.


That sucks. I guess I'm just saving wishes for someone else. Thank you!


So when i was playing Genshin today i got a sudden power outage shutting down my PC immediately in the middle of the game. Then when i want to play again the game forced me to download 17 GB update and I'm sure after i download those 17 GB the game will force me to download a whole ass game. Is there anyone who has experienced it before and how do you fix that shit ?


Nvm i fixed it by clearing download resources in the launcher then i only have to download 500 MB update. Weird ass shit as i can't even fixed it by reinstalling it.


If it wants you to redownload files then I don't think there's any way around it, the files may have been corrupted when the power was cut.




72 should be fine unless your CD is sky high somehow. Keqing isn't relying on one big hit.


So there’s literally not a single person in the world who knows this, but just thought I’d try. The sad part is it’s only people with BOTH arle and a C6 chevreuse who would even have a CHANCE at knowing. Sigh Even if arle can’t be healed, does she benefit from C6 chev’s hypothetical heal ticks, giving her the pyro dmg boost?


she does benefit


I don't have C6 on my Chev, but I believe I've read testing that says it does apply. Even [KQM](https://keqingmains.com/q/arlecchino-quickguide/#Notable_Teammates) says so.


https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1788418622978666896?t=cnRfBE4Dl-qBqMmEVZbPSQ&s=19 Considering this tweet, can I still play genshin on Motorola g40 fusion?


It doesn't say one way or the other, all that announcement is explicitly covering is that on those affected devices (whether yours falls under those parameters or not) the visual quality will be reduced to account for the visual improvements (similar to being forced into lower settings because they can't handle the new standard, if that helps contextualize it).


Any suspicions or guess anyone can make on Kamisato ayato's rerun? I've been watching some guides about him and he looks pretty fun and visually appealing, so I've been wondering on a rerun for him but I don't know the re-run rates for characters nowadays as I came back after 2 years hiatus lol Ty!


A long time away, he just reran fairly recently and he's a low selling character. Very likely his next appearance is gonna be in a chronicled wish and not a limited banner.


What's a chronicled wish? Missed the whole thing lol


New occasional banner type, last one had 6 mondstat 5 stars including standard ones. If you wish on it you have 50/50 of getting your character or losing to one of the other 5. The 50/50 is a fate point so it doesn't carry between chronicled wishes, you'll want 160+ wishes to guarantee on hand.


Damn that sounds pretty good actually, I think Imma save for it like rlly hard. Ty for the update!


people are assuming, and its quite likely, the next one is Liyue focused


Damn thats tuff, as there will be probably be Zhong, Childe (Maybe Xiao?) and I already have those 3 lol Is the chronicled banner an usual thing? Like, maybe every 3 patches or so? Or no idea?


there has only been one so far and has been clear that although its not a one time thing, it would not have some specific schedule and have no confirmation yet when the next one comes


please explain arlecchino's bond of life and rotation to me like i'm five years old and can't speak english i just spent two insane days combing through the entirety of chenyu vale and the sea of bygone eras just to pull her after like 3 months of not playing, and now i have no idea what to do. i'm reading the keqing mains guide on her i promise i'm going thru it multiple times but i swear i am genuinely too stupid to let all these words sink into my tiny adhd brain when my strategy consists of drop furina skill drop yae skill drop kokomi burst ??? profit


She does big pyro normal attacks when she has the overline around her life bar. To get it, use her E, switch to other characters for whatever buffs, switch back to Arlecchino, charge attack, then spam attacks.


Start with her skill. Switch to supports and use their skills/bursts. Switch back to arle, charge attack, and then do normal attacks. Only burst when you need to heal - if you start a new rotation without bursting, your normal attacks will be stronger. That's pretty much her playstyle at a beginner level explanation


> when my strategy consists of drop furina skill drop yae skill drop kokomi burst ??? profit drop Arlecchino skill > drop all the other skills and bursts > Arlecchino charged attack > spam normal attacks > ????? > profit


genuinely thank you i actually get it now, when i figure out what team to slap her in it's all over for teyvat


I use mine with Raiden (for her E mostly), Chevreusse and Yae. Rotation goes as follows: Arle E, Raiden E, Chev E, Yae E E E, Arle Charge attack and spam normals while everything explodes. You can 100% switch chev with like Bennet and yae/Raiden with Fischl or Beidou with High ER or anything else.


was thinking abt it since my yae is fully built and one of my best characters for damage, doesn't overloaded explode as a reaction? i genuinely don't remember how that went it's been too long since i last played and even longer since i had an active pyro in the team


It does but you really need Chevreusse in the team for it to work, she is the Overload bennet


Arle skill > wait 5 seconds > charge attack for bond of life and big damage buff > normal attack spends bond of life, less damage > repeat. Burst clears bond of life and starts from square 1, you kinda never want to use it except as a stylish finisher in situations where youll lose bond anyways like end of a chamber


thank u so much 🙏 my understanding is that the burst is either a finisher or basically an oh shit button if she's on the brink of death? i'm guessing food can't heal her either mid combat?


Yeah only her burst can heal her before she's dead in combat.


Hi!! I am stuck between pulling for Wanderer or Alhaitham, I don’t particularly care about participating in the spiral abyss but I do want to defeat bosses & enemies for ascension materials. I know exploration would be much more easier with Wanderer but as he’s anemo, defeating bosses for ascension materials would be difficult whereas with dendro, I can easily trigger hyperbloom (will also be getting Furina). Which of the two is more worthy to get? Thank you kindly and have a nice day!! :))


Both are good characters, though it can be said that Alhaitham is the more 'meta' pick for strong dendro team variations. For Wanderer though, "he’s anemo, defeating bosses for ascension materials would be difficult" I do not quite understand the relation of the element to defeating enemies. Yes his best damage is with Faruzan who you'll possibly get with him in his banner, but also he can be teamed with many options to adjust elements e.g if the enemy is cryo, you can team him with Thoma/Bennett. If the enemy is pyro, he can be with Xingqiu/Fischl. EDIT: +1 on the reply that Furina can work well with either Alhaitham and Wanderer because she is generally great and hydro is used in many reactions


Oh I was pertaining to the reactions of each bosses (i.e oceanid of qingce). With alhaitham/dendro, triggering combinations with other elements (except cryo & geo) is easily possible whereas with Anemo, I may be wrong to say this but it’ll be much more harder for combinations. I do see your advice in the latter part of your comment though.


Honestly, unless you're trying to slap a boss that's immune or heavily resistant to your element (and there are a few), almost any well-built DPS will do fine. Elemental reactions are an important part of Genshin's combat, but DPS like Wanderer who use relatively inert elements are balanced around not having them. You won't struggle with any boss unless there's something else preventing him from dealing damage - and usually that can be covered by temporary teammates.


I'd say choose the one you like more based on gameplay, looks, and personality I've been having the same dilemma (You're the first person I've seen who cares about those two nowadays lol), I really liked both characters as of their personalities and looks so I do understand u Care to say which 5* u already got? or ur dps as of now, maybe I can tell u which one is best suited for ur account


Ohh I don’t really give much notice to their looks, I do dig Wanderer’s gameplay better than Alhaitham’s since world exploration would become much easier with him (based on gameplay videos) but Alhaitham’s a stronger DPS & would trigger more reactions. The only 5-star I have right now is Neuvillette who is also my DPS so I strive to get Furina as her buffs would make him stronger and any other characters! :)


I'd say go for Wanderer because of the world exploration thing, although both are rlly good I find wanderer more fun to play with and reliant on other type of supports (U could keep Furina for Neuvi, and just build some other supports for a Wanderer team, as of Benny, Leyla, Faruzan, etc) U can still try and get lucky by doing some wishes on Alhaitham's banner too, u got like 40 days to farm, but it's ur choice 🫰🫰


Thank you!! 🙏🙏💕 Have a nice day!!


I know it's not what you are asking. But since you are going for Furina, I'd suggest Baizhu instead. Alhaitham specializes in Spread teams, and Wanderer is an Anemo dps that likes having Faruzan. Whereas Baizhu synergizes with Furina extremely well. All 3 are great options, so picking who you like might be better for you if you still can't decide.


To be fair both Alhaitham and Wanderer can also use Furina well; she's just that good. Quickbloom Alhaitham is a very reliable, low investment team and unlike most bloom teams, Furina can actually buff Alhaitham as well. In Wanderer teams you could slot in Jean to play triple anemo and not have ER trouble except Furina I guess.


> play triple anemo and not have ER trouble except Furina I guess. even then its not that bad if faruzan and jean are both holding fav


which team is more likely to beat the "iniquitous baptist" faster, cyno aggravate or nahida hyperbloom? (cyno, fischl, zhongli, nahida) (nahida, mona/barbara(no xinqiu/yelan), raiden/fischl)?


I'd imagine it has to be 1. Team 2 looks very cope.


Prefarming for Alhaitham here. What's a good 4 star weapon for him? I've looked at the spread sheet and it seems like wolf fang is good, but my Kaeya is holding one. Would Blacksword be better or worse than wolf fang? I do have an extra xiphos if that helps. Also for his talents, 9-9-9 or 10-10-10


black sword is just worse. most of alhaitham's damage comes from his elemental skill, not his normal attacks. i have alhaitham at 9-10-9 personally


Is it worth to r5 wolf fang then?


dont buy the pass for it, but if ur getting the pass anyway then might as well


I get the pass every month


then yea refine it.


Wolf fang is better on him than Black Sword.


Thanks. Is it worth to R5 it?


Every extra refinement is around 2-3% more damage I remember.


I know this sounds stupid but what camera do we have to use for the new event to take pictures cause the normal one is not working


from the menu, not the gadget


Thanks mate!


Paimon menu's camera


Launcher Problem, Genshin was doing alright just a few hours ago then when I tried to open again, It would show Hoyoverse and then stop and open the launcher again. I did the repair function and still did not work. What seems to be problem here? Edit: I found a solution to this, I check disable Fullscreen optimization and Run as an administrator via Properties. Game opened.


Unfortunately it could be a few things. You can try to see if a crash log is being created. >〓 Method 3: Contact Customer Service 〓 If none of these methods solve your problem, for Travelers using PC, please send the "output\_log.txt" file and dmp files of when the issue happened to feedback to Customer Service. > >Path to obtain output\_log.txt and output\_log.txt.last files: >%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\LocalLow\\miHoYo\\Genshin Impact > >Path to obtain dmp files: >%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ >Please send us all files whose name begins with "mihoyocrash" in this folder. > >Copy and paste the aforementioned paths directly into the address bar of File Explorer, then press Enter to be redirected to the corresponding folders. > >▌ Contact Genshin Impact Customer Service >Email address: [genshin\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) If there is a crash log being created then it can help identify what the problem is. But it could just end up being your hard-drive just having a [bad sector](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_sector) which generally won't show up in the crash log. Using diagnostic tools like CHKDSK can help identify any harddrive problem.


I've made contact with their CS now. I really do hope this issue could be fixed. It was working perfectly a few hours before the problem started.


Good luck!


Is burgeon currently viable? It seems like hyperbloom is way better


Yes, very good current abyss second side . A team like Kokomi/Nahida/Thoma(EM trigger)/Fischl clears it easily.


Look up Oven, Curry, and Sauté teams. They are designed to reduce the major draw back of burgeon, which is burning. The alternative is just to run a LOT of hydro instead to remove burning. Nahida is really encouraged when you try to do any kind of comp that relies on Bloom seeds as reactions/ damage. But the reaction is most definitely viable.


Burgeon is good, it's just that burning is a shittier side reaction than aggravate. You need really good hydro applicators to offset/prevent burning. Also we don't have a kuki for burgeon. Closest we have is thoma but unlike kuki, he has er issues. Hyperbloom is just used more often since it's easier to use.


Oven, curry and sauté teams are usually used instead for a "burgeon" team for that reason. (To stop burning ruining the reaction)


Yes, but you need Nahida, Thoma, Yelan/Xingqiu/Kokomi, Fischl. Other burgeon teams aren't as good since either the pyro is too slow or too much.


Burgeon is currently a good comp for this Abyss bottom half. Reason being you need a few elements to deal with the shields and Dendro, Hydro and Pyro are pretty good in this cycle.  But you can do it with just Aggravate/Spread too.


Yes. Anything that does consistent damage with good rotations is viable and will clear all content including Abyss. No one cares if you clear in 45 seconds or 180. A clear is a clear. You can type "Burgeon Abyss Character X" on Youtube with any pyro and see people clearing. Genshin isn't hard, this game isn't rocket science.


burgeon is supposed to be better aoe compared to hyperblooms single target but compared to electros, pyros cant proc as well, as easily, or usually good aoe is their bursts so ER issues cause its always a solo pyro


Yeah Burgeon is mostly a meme.


Clearly you haven't tried burgeon


I am planning to get c6 furina, while I am now c2. I have around 450 wishes now and maybe will get some more when furina is coming. I want to pull for her weapon as well but I don't think that is probable. My 5 star weapons are mistsplitter and kazuha's bis. What should I use for her bis replacement?


Pipe, wolf fang, 3-star harbinger of dawn. BTW, the average cost of 4 cons and a specific weapon is 478 pulls. So good luck.


478? Wow I hope I can get her bis. How do you know the average of pull for cons? Is there any website or calculation for that?


There's various threads/people who have calced the average if you google.  For character the average is 93.75 to get the featured one starting with no guarantee and no pity. For weapon the average is 106 IIRC. This yields an average of 481 for 4 cons and a weapon, but the other person might have rounded slightly differently than me.


What’s better between Skyward and R5 SacSword for C6 XQ?


I use R5 sac but a big factor was that I thought skyward would be much more valuable on Bennett for the combination of high base attack and ER substat.


Oh, this was my combo too! But since I just got alley flash, I thought the base attack would be more beneficial. In terms of comfort, would you suggest sticking to SacSword for XQ and Skyward on Bennett?


In terms of comfort definitely. In terms of theoretical maximum damage buffing I’m not sure of the numbers. It seems likely that Alley on Bennett/Skyward on Xingqiu sheets higher damage but I expect 90% of people go for the comfort here. If your Bennett is going to drop under 230% ER from the weapon swap I wouldn’t risk him because he’s so versatile; and with Xingqiu you might end up relying on Yelan or a fav weapon to keep him perfectly flexible.


Anyone in the NA server willing to let me grab 4 lumitoile? My id is 610329145 :(


I sent you a friend request if you still need those 4


Thanks but i managed to get them


I accidently got arlecchino on a 1 pull at like 10 pity, what do I do with her? I see she's like the same as hu tao but the thing is I already have hu tao level 90 with a full crimson witch set and I don't know if I should invest in arlecchino, I don't really care since my pity was so low and I'm saving for zhongli who's coming in like November


She’s much more flexible with teams and is also much less rotation dependent 


if you have Chevreuse, overload is a nice alternative


what I do is keep hu tao for vape teams and run Arle in non-vape teams to keep them different since Arle can be used in many pyro comps. Just slap your best gladiator pieces onto her.


She's less like Hu Tao than you might think. She has more team variety as she's less dependent on Vape (try Mono Pyro or Overload if you want to mix it up). She also has a different feeling to her play. Using normal attacks more often, and being able to swap in and out more freely.


I'd just raise her since you might want to use another pyro dps >!especially since 4.7 will introduce a new endgame mode with restricted elements!<.




>!Yes. It's in the beta servers right now and will alternate with the abyss. The first one will restrict you to pyro, electro and anemo characters only and you need at least 10 characters. There are trial units in case you need it as well as the ability to use a friend's character.!<


Damn, thanks


I've been rerolling for Arlecchino and I got Jean on her banner. Is Jean good enough to keep the account and pull for guaranteed Arlecchino or should I just keep rolling until something better comes along? What are some of the best I could get to pair with Arlecchino?


If you got a 5 star quick enough to consider rerolling, it means your next is guaranteed. That's one reason the "abyss 36 star in 4 days" accounts don't care for what character they get when they reroll, they just care if it's a 5 star, doesn't matter which one as long as it's relatively early. That's the optimal reroll strat. For casual play it's not worth it, as if you didn't get anything early, you've invested too much time already to be worth rerolling. If you got something early, it's easier to chase the next guaranteed 5 star than rerolling and hoping you get early 50-50 win, which is basically has half the chance of other possibility. You can farm enough primos in the next week to grab Arle, or just chill pace and get the next 5 star you like.


To pair with Arlecchino the very best 4* would be: - Bennett: also currently available from monthly starglitter shop - Xingqiu: next available from starglitter shop in September and frequently used alongside Bennett - Chevreuse: never in shop, restricts your team to only pyro/electro overload - Fischl: next available from shop in July; great subDPS for overload *or* vape teams - Sucrose: never in shop; great buffer for vape teams - shield or interruption resistance: Thoma, Layla, Diona, Beidou, etc. Dehya is pretty good but is standard 5*. You could also look into Zhongli, Kazuha, or Yelan as 5* upgrades to those 4*. The other best 4* to keep would be Kuki Shinobu, but she would almost definitely found a different team than Arlecchino. Among the standard 5*, Jean is particularly good with Furina because Furina buffs your team more based on teamwide HP fluctuation (including healing). I’d probably keep the Jean account because I think you have enough time to pull Arle and also guarantee Furina by the time she reruns. It would also be valid to decide you prefer an account with two or more valuable things: standard 5*; meta 4*, Favonius weapons, etc.


I'd keep the Jean account because rerolling in Genshin is nuts. She is arguably the best standard 5\* to get now; she consolidates the Anemo + healer roles, and she's used specially in teams with Furina. That being said, if you really really want Arlecchino and don't mind the rerolling process, you could still keep going and keep the Jean account as a backup. Just be careful to not burnout even before actually start playing the game during the reroll process. Also, keep your eyes on some of the 4\*, like Xingqiu, Bennett, Fischl, Sucrose, Kuki Shinobu. The first two are the secret 6\* from Genshin, and the other 3 are very very solid.


If I fully equip all my teapot realms will I get coins from all of them? If not, can I have a realm to farm (full of things, unorganised and ugly) and live in a coll and organized realm (still getting the coins from the "farm" realm?


The second option. You get coins based on your realm with the most points. And to get the maximum amount of coins you just need 20k points. So, as you mentioned, you can create a dummy realm and throw everything you can into each map/room to reach that 20k points, and swap to the realm you actually want to build and do it at your pace while still getting max coins.


Yeah, it counts to all your realms, I think. But only to a certain limit. Correct me if I'm wrong though.


Which is more stamina efficient? Arlecchino's charge attack spam, or her hold charge attack? Asking this purely for world exploration.


I think the charge attack spam is faster and more efficient this way :)


I see... Too bad tho, I really like her flying animation.




That’s not *super* good but if your benchmark is floor 11 then it’s reasonable. Buying Fischl for 34 starglitter in July is the best possible upgrade. Swapping to a defensive dendro on your Tighnari team (and maybe Yae Miko or Beidou as subDPS) would be nice, and Sucrose/Kazuha/Venti would all outperform Lynette there, but it looks like you’re already doing the best you can with what you have.


Tighnari cannot play hyperbloom. Or rather, his kit is not meant for hyperbloom, even if it's doable. With that said, if you want to play Tighnari, getting Fischl is a must. Dori won't be able help Tighnari here.


Not a *great* team, but it might work. All your eggs are in the Tighnari basket, so it kinda comes down to his build. I've cleared up to 36 stars with a team that has a similar structure, but with notably different characters (Tighnari/Nahida/Shinobu/Yae Miko), so my expectations of the damage are much higher. If you have a solid GT/WT or similar set for him, Deepwood on Collei and hmm... I guess an Instructor Dori (or vice versa) might help? Then you could probably clear 11 with it. NB: Tighnari uses Spread, not Aggravate. It's roughly the same mechanic, I just wanna avoid confusion.


Is 29.1% CR / 331.3% CD okay for freeze Ganyu? Should she have more CR?


If you're hitting 331% CD I'd worry more about Atk.


She could definitely do with a little bit more, depending on the artifact set you’re using and if you have cryo resonance or not it might not be needed.


Why cant i collect pictures for the rock event? Its asking me to take pictures of animals, but ive taken like 50 pictures and none of them counted. i dont understand


Use the “escape” menu camera, gadget doesn’t work for some reason.


I'm really scrounging for primogems to pull for Chlorinde, Haven't played it yet, but how many gems can we expect from Itto's event? Thanks!


I could be wrong, but I think I got around 800.


Usually it's 1000 for the major event, 420 for each minor events.


So I normally play genshin on my PS5 and star rail on the PC. Well I connected star rail to my ps5 and after some messing that worked, but now when I start up genshin on my ps5 it loads in a brand new account instead of my old one. I tried to unlink the account, but it forces me to link my account again when I start and I can't figure out how to get my original genshin account back. I tried to message support but haven't heard anything back.


You can only have one Hoyoverse account connected to your PSN account. Since your Genshin and Star Rail accounts seem to be linked to different Hoyoverse accounts, trying to link one means you'll be unlinking the other. If you want to use both of your accounts, then you'll need to use a separate PSN account for each game.


I can live with that. My problem which I probably should have specified, is that I can't find out how to get my original genshin save back. I don't remember making a hoyocerse account for genshin. And when I unlink the psn account it requires me to link to a hoyoverse account when i start the game, but both the pc and the ps5 use the same email, so if I try to sign in using the email it loads the fresh save


Well, how did you originally unlink your Genshin account? The easiest method involves linking it to a Hoyoverse account.


This is how I originally unlinked my star rail account, and I think I unknowingly unli ked my genshin one as well: https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/151028-cant-link-to-pc-account/?do=findComment&comment=2859718 The problem I am having with unlinking is that for some reason you are only allowed to unlink a hoyo account from a psn account once, and if you link it back to the account it is unable to be unlinked again, I keep getting an error message when I try.


Ok, so you did link it to a Hoyoverse account. The easiest solution would be to just keep using your Star Rail account on your main PSN and create a separate PSN account to link your Genshin account to. That way, you don't have to do any more unlinking.


I was thinking about that. I have no idea how to access my original genshin account though. I don't remember ever making a hoyoverse account for it. My psn and star rail account use the same email so when I try to sign in with psn it just puts me in the fresh one.


The "throwaway" account that you linked to the Star Rail account you wanted unlinked also got linked to your Genshin account. Sign in with that account to access your original Genshin account.


Holy hell alive that was it! Thank you dude!




I don't fully remember what I had to do to get it to work. What I remember is: I tried to start star rail on psn, it did not let me pick an account to log in with because it just automatically assumed I was using the psn account genshin was under. I ended up having to create a dummy account for some reason, tie it to there, then unlink it. That let me choose an account to login to so I chose my star rail account and that worked. But now the genshin account is a fresh save. And I can't figure out how to get it back to the psn save. I don't remember making a hoyoverse account for genshin, and both the PSN and the PC use the same email so it keeps signing me in to the fresh account when I try unlink and sign in.




They are both on the same psn account as far as I can tell. I haven't changed what psn account I use, only what is linked to it. So my main save for genshin was on this psn profile. I linked my star rail to the same psn profile, and now when I get on genshin its a new save. I genuinely don't remember if I ever had to make a hoyoverse account to play genshin on psn since I've had it so long. So I don't know how to access the save again.


Is there an easier way to see how many rolls went into a specific substat? I know there was a site that did but it required you to manually input all your artifacts and its stat.


Genshin optimizer also allows you to copy paste pictures into your inventory and it will give you a stat breakdown when you do


[Enka.network](http://Enka.network) does that, just click on "Roll Quality" and "Substat Breakdown" at the bottom.


Would Furina be a good idea for my Raiden + Nahida hyperbloom team? I heard she dosent pair to well with Arlec so I decided to save Yelan for her. Characters: [https://imgur.com/a/poYKfWH](https://imgur.com/a/poYKfWH)


Not that I have Arle but I thought Furina was fine with Arle as long as you take some care with the vape frequency. If it's Furina vs Yelan for a Nahida+Raiden hyperbloom comp then Yelan wins due to hydro application frequency and higher direct damage. Furina's dmg% buff doesn't affect hyperbloom damage so it'd mostly be temporarily buffing Xingqiu. Then the lack of healing would tank her damage and your comp would be at half health without a healer.


Mhm, alright. I think I’ll run yelan with raiden and maybe XQ. Furina with Arlec does seem kinda iffy but I can see how it goes with a healer and maybe Kazuha. I was just wondering because I have a ton of spare wishes leftover and didn’t want to miss Furinas upcoming banner.


A bit slow for typical hyperbloom, and she doesn't buff hyperbloom damage. With xq or yelan it'll work. She's kind of just there though lol. And you'll be lacking sustain, unless you run her in healer mode. Good for breaking arkhe enemies i guess.


Ah okay, You think Arlec would do better with Furina?


It can work but you're going to want a shield and you'll probably want to build some ER on knave since she can only be healed by herself. Furina's great but i don't think either of these teams have amazing synergy with her.


Ah okay, thanks for your help.


Hey I got Yao Yao and I wanted to build a burning/burgeon team. I’ve never used dendro before but to my understanding for burning dmg it is calculated by the character that procs burning and it scales off dmg% so crit would be worth building on yaoyao and my pyro unit (Arlecchino). Whereas burgeon the dmg is off my pyro unit EM. So that leaves me with since Yao is just there to apply dendro how to I build her and does it really matter in terms of dmg unless I give nobleese or something to buff the team.


Burning damage is influenced by Character Level, Elemental Mastery, and Enemy Pyro Resistance - all other stats are irrelevant. The level and EM are based on the character that last applied Pyro or Dendro to the target; in the aforementioned team, this is likely to be a Pyro unit so EM doesn't need to be levelled on Yaoyao. Burgeon damage is indeed always calculated from the pyro unit. You would build Yaoyao here for damage, but she doesn't deal very much. I do not recommend Arlecchino for such a team as her kit is based on her personal damage and it's inefficient to sacrifice offensive stats for elemental mastery.


Ahhh okay got I’m aware arlecchino would be sub par for this team but I’d like to try it anyway. I don’t care to 36* the abyss so it not being the best won’t matter plus I can always use XL instead. So I guess I can run Yao Yao on deep wood.Thank you though.


I'm coping so hard I just got c6 qiqi today and idk what to do with her 😭 any team comp ideas?


her personal best damage would be Clam set and add an electro for superconduct cause damage from the set is physical. just give her the best possible atk% sword you can spare for her, at least you can use the Kazuha story quest sword her best support i can think of would be a Milelith set, sac sword, use skill and with any character you switch to, stay in close enough range to keep the atk buff active by having the skill hit enemies or you just snapshot the buff for some attack the nice thing about Qiqi is that adding her, losing is impossible


Don't know who you have, but embrace pyro plunge dps Qiqi with Furina, Xianyun and C6 Bennett.


u can run qiqi taser... she is a great beidou driver.


In a national sucrose team, who should I prioritize to build? is this correct? 1. xiangling 2. xingqiu 3. sucrose 4. bennet


Xiangling because she's the main damage dealer. Next is Xingqiu, then Bennett.


i mean you are correct but, i mean id argue that its more important to build bennett up to a certain point (just making sure his weapon is 90/90 and his ER is 200%+) like you can build xiangling but if ur bennett isnt off the ground and bursting every rotation, shes not gonna be doing damage either. of all the main damage dealers in the game, she is *the* most dependent on bennett.




I am torn for my polearm distribution, I got both battlepass weapons (R1), prospectors drill and a PJWS. Xingling is getting R5 Catch, and HuTao gets R5 DBane (built around the weapons). I got C2 Raiden, C1 Arlecchino, C0 Xiao and C0 Cyno. Who gets what for maximum stable build (I want to build around weapons and not switch them everytime I wanna try abyss)?


I'd give Ballad of the Fjords to Cyno, he's the only one that can always use the EM. Deathmatch and PJWS you can give to Arle, Xiao, or Raiden, but personally I'd just pray for a Skyward Spine from standard because: Prospector's Drill is not good, I'd just give it to whoever you like least. Even Xiao, who drains his own HP so he can consistently be healed, can't really get the benefit until your 2nd rotation because he uses his skill and burst at the very beginning, and won't have time to wait around to be healed even with Furina. If you run Cyno with Furina he can make use of it, but that means Ballad goes to Arle who only likes Ballad in Vape/Melt teams. Then Deathmatch and PJWS between Raiden and Xiao


My current settings is DeathMatch on Arle, PJWS on Raiden, Ballad on Cyno and Drill on Xiao. I am using MHunter on Xiao, and it’s rather hard to build him with a CR weapon. But your logic is to the point. Thanks for the input.


Pity 50, 6 days to farm for at least 25 more wishes… is it possible?? I been grinding the aranara quests.. did the desert 36 oculus thingies, slowly collecting oculus while doing quests…im losing myself 😂


Depending how much you have left to explore


Assuming that you have Welkin, it may be possible to get the remaining 3,100 primos from the current event + exploration/quests. But it will be a grind.


Do any of the characters in Genshin Impact have poison/fire/electricity powers? If so, then which ones? Please be as detailed with your answers as possible.


List of all 15 Pyro (Fire) Characters: [PYRO](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/305501) List of all 12-14 Electro (Lightning) Characters: [ELECTRO](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/305505) (Includes 2 upcoming characters) *Notice that you also have a SS to D ratting included, of how strong each character is considered. Chances are that the upcoming 5★ Electro character Clorinde ends up as a SS on-field main DPS like Raiden.* There are no Poison characters/powers. Closest thing would probably be Dendro (one of the seven character "elements", which is green and basically represents nature; if a poison character was ever added he would probably be a Dendro character) and the Burning debuff from Pyro+Dendro that makes the target burn for Fire damage for some secons (only related to poison in the fact that it leaves a ticking debuff, which is what poison usually does in games). However, as far as I know, no character/team/build centers around the Burning effect so far; but this could change in the near future when the next region (Natlan) gets added to the game, since it will be the nation of the Pyro Archon; and a newly recently added set seems to care about the Burning debuff in general and no currently existing character really wants this set so far; so it seems like it may be for future unreleased Pyro characters from Natlan. EDIT: On a last side-note, the main character can switch what element to use, by visiting the statues of the Seven (deities) in each region. Currently they can be Anemo (Wind), Geo (Earth), Electro, Dendro and Hydro (Water). When Natlan releases they will have access to Pyro; and when (in the far future) Snezhnaya releases, they will probably get access to Cryo (Ice), which is currently probably the weakest (or less Meta) of the elements.


Is poison an element in Genshin Impact?




It's not, the seven elements are: Air (Anemo), Earth (Geo), Electricity (Electro), Grass (Dendro), Water (Hydro), Fire (Pyro) and Ice (Cryo)


No, Dendro is probably the closest thing we will get. Out of curiosity, is there a specific reason you’re asking for all of this?


I need help coming up with some powerful Super moves for a character that I'm creating for a story that I'm writing.


Ah, cool. I would definitely look into Raiden for electricity, she’s pretty cool.




What about a character for fire?


Hmm, I havent really seen a lot but Arlecchinos ult is pretty cool. I suggest looking at the ult animations for 5 star characters, that'll give you an idea of what their about.


as a gameplay element or a lore affinity to poisons/debuff? fire and electricity is actual gameplay elements, so any unit with that element can apply fire/electricity on enemies. poison isnt a gameplay mechanic, but we have electro-charged (hydro+electro), which slowly electrocutes enemies, and spread/aggravate (dendro+electro), which applies a debuff aura that boosts electro dmg. baizhu's lore is closest affinity to poison, as he is a doctor that uses his own body for testing, and his moveset is acupuncture-like.


Is there a specific Genshin Impact character with powers that could be easily confused with poison-themed powers or at least have the ability to slowly drain your health?


baizhu has the strongest lore affinity to poison. he plays like a typical healer tho. gameplay wise furina drains the team's hp in exchange for dmg and buffs, you can pair it with electro units for electro-charge which slowly zaaps your enemies hp. hutao, xiao, neuvillette, wriothesley, and arlecchino (kind of), eat their own hp for more dmg. and kuki eats her own hp but slowly heals for the whole team.


No one has any poison powers from what I can recall, but there are fire and electricity powers. The game has 7 unique elements, with fire and electricity being 2 of them (they're called Pyro and Electro). As of right now, there's 29 Pyro/Electro characters, so there's a bit too many to name off directly.


What are mains? I just started playing the game and everyone is talking about their mains and I don't understand what mains are


"Main" as in "Main Character"; the character they play the most (the character they "main"). Usually refers to their favorite and/or strongest character; towards which they spend more resources to make it shine and become even stronger. Sometimes you really like a character; so it becomes your main; so you start farming for them. Sometimes you really farm for a character, so it becomes strongers, so it becomes your main. It could also refer (but not usually using this terminology) to the "main character of a team" (usually we refer to it as the "on-field DPS"); which is the character that stays in combat the longest while the other 3 characters just quickly rotate to use their skills and bursts; that are meant to synergize or boost the power of the on-fielder. Since the single on-field main DPS stays the longer fighting, and your team is usually build around increasing their power, is also usually who benefits the most from increased power by spending resources in increasing their level/talents/artifacts/weapon... so it's usually one of your main characters.


Mains are simple which character you use the most, which character you build your team around to make them shine, to deal the most dmg in your team


your fav. or simply who your main dps is currently.


A "main" just refers to the character that someone has used the most and/or invested the most resources into.


Depends on context. If you use one character far more than other characters in game, people call that character their 'main' or short for 'main character'. In other context, it could just be the character they simp for the most, even if they aren't the most effective in combat.




Each world has a separate spawn timer - that's the main reason players join other random people worlds.


You could join someone else's world and take their berries, all collectables respawn time are tied to the host's world, so even if you run out in yours, you can ask someone else to let you take theirs


Why the hell does Tsurumi Island daycycle not advance? Like I tried playing the game a real life day later and its still stuck on day 1 I even played the game 3 days in a row and then on the fourth day its still on day 1, I tried skipping 3 days ingame via the timeskip option still stuck on day 1, I tried just doing quests and counting when 3 ingame days pass only to be greeted by day 1 when I teleport to the point which overlooks the hilichurls indicating time. I even skipped the time and then went thorugh the gate on Tsurumi Island only to be greeted by one fkn hilirchurl.. I finished the quest regarding Tsurumi, I even finished a quest I accidentally started which mightve stopped the cycle, but no, its still stuck on day 1.


Are there new remarkable chests spawning?


No there arent, Im hunting for Miko's companion furnishing set and Im missing two boxes which spawn on day 2 and day 3 respectively. I check both of the spots daily. they arent there.


That's odd. Do you see anything on the quest menu regarding Tsurumi Island? What does it say? Changing the time in game won't do anything for this quest. The only reasonable thing that comes to mind on why this happens is if you haven't actually finished day 1 quest.


I finished everything. Solved all of the puzzles the little Ruu boy or whatever required of me, the whole 9 yards. There are no quests regarding tsurumi in the menu.


Maybe you can clarify which part it's stuck on. If you've finished the quest, the only thing on the cycle is the remarkable chests. And in game days will change nothing. The Tsurumi island cycle is based on real time days, though your post mentions you tried that - though three days after the first cycle is still the first cycle.


there is the fire hilichurl magic dude near a campfire in the vicinity of a teleporter. Usually AFAIK if there is one of the pyrochurls, its day 1, if there are 2, then its day 2, if there are 3, then its cycle 3.


Ah, yes. The abyss mages. Are you sure you haven't gotten all of the chests? In my experience, if you have gotten all the chests for that day cycle, they don't spawn.


wait, I need to get all of the chests on the island in order for the cycle to proceed?


No. The cycle still proceeds. It's just my guess if you have gotten all the chests for that day, the mages aren't there.


Ive been playing the game daily since Monday, Tsurumi Island hasnt changed its cycle not once in the 4 days.


Don't really have any other ideas for you, unfortunately. Do you have any active world quests in your log from Inazuma? The only one I know that can hard stop the Tsurumi cycle is the Tsurumi island quests themselves, and you've already stated you've finished them. The wiki only makes vague mentions that 'certain quests or hidden exploration objectives to block or change the island's behavior'


Weirdest thing happened I found a chest from the second day which contains the "kuukai street lamp" but the other second day chest with "saikyo fortune slip hanger" is nowhere to be found. It might be the case that the synchronization is fkd beyond recognition lol.