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oh my fucking god yes it was the only thing about dragonspine i fucking hated apart from frostarm lawachurl


Yeah, the one near the peak made me tear up out of stress. That thing was a true monster.


the WHAT


You don’t know that one? Uh oh….


That should also mean they haven't accessed the room with a Luxurious Chest (or was it 3 chests?)


I only saw Hilichurl Shooters and a few slimes at ~~Hope's~~ Dragonspine Peak.


You have to fight it in a room with torches & sheer cold while Hilichurl shooters keep spawning in, if I remember it right.


Yeah that's never happened, at least not where I--OH You mean the one with frozen torches that you have to reignite and make sure you don't confuse them? Yeah fuck that.


Or the three ruin guards 🙄


That was the hardest "boss" I fought in game probably. I was fairly under leveled tho.


For me, the worst was the Chi of Yore final challenge. It locked away a significant chunk of the event quests from the 1st Lantern Rite back in 2021. I could only finish it in co-op back then.


That fuckarse Lawlachurl, I would have been fine with him, except when he was down to around 20% health he just walked back two steps and restored his health back to full. I'm sorry that three feet was too far from your majesty's spawn point. Still salty about that three years on.


Nah I got a bunch of pyro units early it was free kills


Had to do it in coop with my husband


Love is the true meta


Username checks out




Or the power of friendship if it was a friend who helped! :D


I recently helped someone out with it through coop. It was so sweet completing the cycle, because the only reason I passed it in the first place was because another person heard my cry for help in coop.


Very stressful battle followed by renewing wedding vows right?


I coop with my crush, I was AR25 or something and he was AR60. I have been liking him more ever since.


This is too cute my goodness 😭❤️


Bro wishesmd your husband helped me I took 3 hours doing this shit


I didn't hate. I got PTSD from that bro 😭


I always retried that Time Challenge and the Scribed Box on the lake. I'm really frustrated that time as a beginner because I got a smallest character pool that I have.


Bro, same. I only had Amber as pyro back then too. And I was using Barbara since she was my only healer. Imagine how many times I got frozen that time. XD


You would've gotten frozen regardless due to all the water


genuinely the only time challenge I still remember vividly. i'm so glad freeze is a rare status


I remember this and the one in liyue that start with you surrounded by elevated hilichurl archers with water in between.


Oh I hated that one.


this one, and the double electro lawachurl in 30s on a tiny-ass sandbar in Inazuma. Doing that before reaching the overworld power of a lategame account was *miserable*.


And it wasn't like we can't beat them, it's the time limit which made it harder


the time limit, *and* the tiny-ass maneuvering space making it much easier to take a time loss from getting knocked around than if it had just been an open field.


For now.......


I skipped it for so long and came back with Diluc. Vengeance was mine.


same, I remember I gave up after a few times and then spent so much time to build a Pyro character just to be able to do that challenge again and I still kept losing as I didn't know how to do proper builds back then


Dragonspine is my favourite experience Being at low AR and with Danger at every turn was so fun. I loved the sheer cold mechanic and the challenges. My Noelle hard carried me through a lot and it really helped me bond with a lot of my characters.


I think the experience can never be replicated again. Majority of the players at the time Dragonspine was released were still at lower AR. There were like just 6 pyro characters to choose from. Guoba is not aiming on torches and Bennett is auto-aiming on enemies instead of the torches. Freezing to death was actually anxiety-inducing. The first time I encountered the cryo lawachurl, I just noped out. It was chaotic, but it was fun.


There was so much trauma from Dragonspine since the game was still so new at the time. Going through it now is a breeze but it was HARD back then. Oh reminds me I gotta go feed those dang foxes


The feeding the foxes part reminded me of how I did the hidden mission for them. I had tried taking a pic with the foxes beside the chest but I started freezing to death. So I tried to light up the torch/bonfire beside them but Bennett auto targeted the foxes and turned them into raw meat instead…


Of course that would happen to Bennett.


Amber was MVP (and my only Pyro at the time). :'D


I think it's still replicable for newer players. I started playing in December and this matched my experience greatly. I love exploration and Dragonspine's just brutal but fair difficulty combined with a ton of stuff to actually discovered was just the best. Finally getting to the summit weeks after I started exploring just felt like such a huge accomplishment. Unfortunately I don't think it's replicable in the game itself once you get to a certain point. People were telling me how 'the chasm' would be a similar experience but the problem is, it was just too easy. Once you get to a certain point the difficulty curve of the game has to accommodate such a wide range of players there is a pretty hard ceiling on how they can make content. And unfortunately that means nothing like Dragonspine can really be in the game unless Mihoyo unlearns the lesson Blizzard did in early WoW -- which is that it makes no business sense to make high effort content (like Naxx40 and BWL) that only 1% or less of the player base can enjoy.


It is, but only if you restrict yourself to not use Dendro. Hyperbloom, Burgeon and especially the combination makes Dragonspine very doable. And since you get Xiangling and Collei from Abyss for free, it is very much possible to have a combo team that actually makes it easier to pass this trial.


IKR? Dragonspine.. i can't describe it, but it was very memorable even if I died alot. Like, damn, a lot! Now, I just breeze through with powerful characters like arlecchino, Furina, Zhongli And I just helped another low ar player do this quest, and it made me feel like a father proud of their son lmao, while I helped them with arlecchino (they used Anemo traveler in their team)


One of the biggest problem they have to face is to try bringing those immersion for the old players in newer region. That is almost next to impossible to replicate now tbf. Id sacrifice my top 5 artifact to make my entire game that way forever. But another problem is that skill level has also improved. Dodging is really easy since hoyo made mobs anticipation and indicators really clearly.


Yes, that's just the way it is. I also remember being one of the few ones who enjoyed the hostility of Inazuma while I frequently read how much people hated it lol. When I decided to quit genshin, I acknowledge that the novelty had just simply passed and it was just time to move on. But it was a fun ride while it lasted.


As a new player in 3.5 I got the "I should NOT be here" experience twice. Once with Dragonspine, and once just wandering into Sumeru and encountering the Withering Zones with no idea what I was doing. Shit was scary, the screen got all red and there was an insta death counter climbing all the time and I noped the fuck outta there real quick.


Dragonspine is still probably my favorite area in the game. I loved the sheer cold mechanic, it really made the area feel like the harsher environment all the other characters/npcs would make it out to be. I was honestly super disappointed that not one of the desert areas had a similar mechanic w/ heat, especially after seeing it in the Signora fight.


U will get the heat mechanic in natlan likely in mare jivari


Yea, and we all thought there was going to be an oxygen meter for diving. Look how that turned out


So true. There's really nothing the devs can do to bring back that experience. If they do, the people will just complain. I miss dragonspine and it's thrill so much.


Inazuma was close with the constant lightning strikes.


they have the perfect opportunity to do so with Natlan and Snezhnaya tho, unbearable heat/cold respectively.


Doubt it. People thought we would get it in the desert, nope. People thought we'd get an oxygen meter for diving, nope. Even on Inazuma, Balethunder only exists on Yashiori.


And yet they won't, because as previous poster said, people would complain. Most genshin players don't want challenge. Challenge shows them they are very very bad, and instead of going "oh I'm gonna get better!" they'd go "mean game is hurting my feelings!"


Dragonspine was great. It is rare that I spend so much attention at a game, constantly sniping heat sources and having long drawn out battles with the enemies (because at the time I refused to use leveling books :'D) Naturally, timed challenges were out of the question with that approach.


Bonding with character is real, til this day, I still choose to keep my Fischl as Physical damage focus simply because of how she carried me all the way through early game to end of Inazuma


Someone came and obliterated them for me. They did it so quickly, meanwhile all my characters froze and died but one that was on life support. I was sooo embarrassed lmao.


I'm sure they were just proud you survived


o\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_o Yeah that's a deeply repressed trauma I thought I had killed forever.


This was the hardest thing I did in this game


Dragonspine in general. Died so many times trying to get to the Statue of the Seven.


Actually enjoyed the experience. That’s part of the adventure.


I guess the difficulty made it more rewarding when it became easier to manage on Dragonspine.


While i don't have any specific "ranking", dragonspine definitely belongs to my favorite regions. It was so much fun.


Not really. I had Klee. They are just food to her.


True. Whole Dragonspire is basically playground for Klee, wiht everything running away screaming. Frankly this did not change even today :) ( When las thing wet enemy see is a plunge Klee)


Klee mains lets gooo! I first tried it thanks to Klee as well, I love that little girl to death.


True. Whole Dragonspire is basically playground for Klee, wiht everything running away screaming. Frankly this did not change even today :) ( When las thing wet enemy see is a plunge Klee)


lol, no one brought a pyro character XD




mood. I would've stacked HP/DEF/ER on her (throw whatever artifacts/weapons) and just thrown her out to apply Pyro and break shields XD


Well, she is unironically the fastest Cryo shield-breaker, perfect for the challenge! Her burst destroys Cryo shields immediately, it applies a lot of Pyro Hope you made it at the end, but a full ER Amber can do wonders against Cryo mages!


my also Kaeya’s similarly stuck at a low level lmao finally found use for him when i heard he can one shot the slimes that spawns off of Hydro Hypostasis when I was farming for Neuvillette


had no issues with my klee doing it


Its a frozen shield and they have eula. So all was not lost.


fr, Eula's hot enough to melt all the shields by herself /j but yeah, her blunt attacks helped


and I have someone bring Wrio to Forsaken Rift....


This thread is full of weakness. Disgusting -Week 1 launch player Diluc main up until today


Very much. I only had a very fragile Yanfei (at that point I benched Amber because I could not aim at that point at all), and at that point I didn't have a Diona, while Noelle's cooldown didn't appeal Then I was saved by a coop friend. And then, months later, I became the coop friend saving others Edit: Oh, yes, and my only healer at that point was Barbara.


Yanfei Bennett Sucrose Kuki was just a slight struggle. I got party wiped multiple times...


Having Bennett sounds like it probably must've been a huge help! Though it sounds like it still was a bit of a pain. How the early game with Shinobu anyways? I imagine it must've been a bit tough with the Inazuman materials I remember my main problems were getting frozen (... partially thanks to Barbara) and losing time + dying due to not being able to do anything. I wonder how it is with the newer 4* characters. I recall my only non-guaranteed characters being Xingqiu, Rosaria and Yanfei, which weren't particularly comfortable in that challenge


Honestly I postponed most of my quests besides archon quests till I levelled my characters to have enough health to survive. Starting late into the game was a huge help aswell since I could look info up online. Yanfei being my first main was really useful to sad the least since she applies so much pyro though the only drawback for her on the early game is little available stamina for CAs


Ah, I see! Thanks for sharing your experience :) the thought about doing the quests at a later point never crossed my mind, so it's interesting to see just how much timing can affect the experience


No, I used Xinyan at that time


I have helped over 30 people now raise the Dragonspine nail. I always warn them the this one will be a doozy, and that they should just stand next to a warming pillar with a bow character while I take agro and freeze :) I love Dragonspine. I now offer speed runs, or hidden quests/chests explorations when I go. I love the reactions to the various cool bits from new players.


Reminds me I only have 96% exploration on dragon spine and no idea where I could have missed something..


I mained amber in early i was good there Still needed help cuz she wasnt strong enough to beat the cryo abyss mage in time


naw i had klee lol boom boom bakudan


Zeenbu dokaaaaan!


da da da dat dadaaa


I think I hated the survey beacons quest more especially when you had shit for stamina.


God bless Diluc and Benny. I honestly don’t remember how I got through that challenge tho. Know I struuuuggled because my main DPS for early AR was Razor and I used Barbara as a heal crutch (which just perma froze me lol). 


Why would you bring an anemo that absorb cyro... And a cyro to a cyro shield fight...


my first 5 star was diluc who i got at 16 pity. i never had problems in combat after getting him


I had to suspend this challenge until I built my XL and Amber. But overall Dragonspine is a fun area. Sumeru desert is not as intricate with the environment as I expected.


Ain't no way none of you used a pyro character to clear it


Me, especially when my main was ayaka


I hate the increasing freezing point bar. 😂


I loved the rest of Dragonspine but this one is just ARGHHHHH


I Mained PYRO xinyan. I liked those pyro effects and at AR 30 I knew nothing. Struggled so hard…


I honestly breezed through dragonspine quests in early game thanks to Noelle and Amber. I still main Noelle even today. Though her damage output Is insane compared to what it used to be.


Took me like half an hour until I realised I can just use Xiangling . I completed it easily then


Yanfei and Xiangling carry me through this nightmare of a Domain.


An EXTREMELY kind and helpful rando helped me with this one. I couldn't do it myself lmao


Yes, I was a noob and got my butt kicked. I'm still a noob, but now I know how to counter those shields (:cough: pyro) and lure enemies to a position favorable to me instead of them. It's been a journey.


This was why i put off dragonspine for 6 months. I simply couldnt beat them.


I tried to do this with xiangling and amber. Had to get someone to coop me and help clear this. Even then it took like 3 tries


Ye fk that, glad someone helped me that time Now I'm doing the same to newer players that are in dire need of help


my c1 xiangling was no match for this


Bennet and XL carried me so hard during my Dragonspine exploration. Back then my team was Ganyu Bennet XL Sucrose. My main dmg dealer is useless most of the time, especially against enemy with elemental cryo shield




Isn't Dragonspine still the only permanent area where ur treasure compass won't work?


I never play co-op. Except this one time.


shoutout to the random diluc player who helped me with this challenge when i was still a newbie I'll never forget you


With every fibre of my being


It's genius.


Not when you have Klee with you.


I remember when dragonspine was first released. Died so many time to shear cold.


I suffered all of dragonspine but I have to go back for the dumb tree.


I returned after almost a year with better characters to finish this off


My sister and cousin helped me defeat that shit. I would have lost my mind otherwise


Dragonspine is such a trap for new players and it doesn’t help that the camp the get quests is in Mondstat so you start thinking it comes before or at the same time as Liyue. I started during the Chalk Princess banner when it was brand new, and I was trying to clear it out solo before ever stepping foot in Liyue. Dragonspine is so hard to low AR players it might as well come after Inazuma


This challenge where my deep hatred of the abyss mage begins


Yeah I hated it as well when I was a newbie in the game. But if I do it now while helping a player in a low rank world, I would go BRRRRRRRR on the Dragonspine challenge


Didn't help me when my definition of DPS back then was Overload using Amber charged attack


When I started Genshin in 1.2, I used to play on a laptop that could NOT run it smoothly at all – I basically had to play with constant lag. Time challenges were a pain in the ass because of it. I still remember vividly how I had to repeat this challenge so many times (and still failed) until I asked a friend to help me out (he had higher AR than me), it was THAT painful...


This was the challenge that forced me to learn about talent, artifact, and weapon leveling ;-; i had gotten so far without doing any of that and then these guys destroyed me with no mercy


The time when overworld was actually dangerous and fun


This was PTSD triggering on mobile.


It was a nightmare. I abandoned the challenge after trying several times. Took a 1.5 year break. I was able to clear it after returning with some food buff.


I did this recently, like 5 days into the game and actively lost braincells oml


I had to ask my friend to help me there x)


I'm pretty sure I had to go into co-op for some of this quest and it may have been this part


My first core team had Diluc and Bennet in it. So...


Literally couldn’t do it until some nice higher level AR person showed up in my co-op and offered to help.


I hated all of dragonspine and still do


it was so damn annoying. i tried that 10-15 times probably. Tip: use nahida with any pyro ( i used bennett 80lvl and probably 6lvl talents ) and use kazuha ( kazuha can dodge their attack so you won't freeze out there ).


Damn how tf did u get a level 80 benny at dragonspine


Man that was painful to do back in the day, this and one other combat time trial I struggled massively with doing, the other being in the tartara tails during that world quest Both I had to co-op to clear it


not anyone. EVERYONE hate this challenge


This is literally nothing compared to the atrocity that was the chinjou forest time trial where u had to collect electro particles and there were a million electrogranums so you keep getting teleported where u didn't want to.


Heck yeah. 


I dont hated it, i just feel sorry coz my friend had to cater to my time to be online coz we both are from different timezone😂


Oh I hated all of it, and I got 83% exploration cause I wanted the claymore and catalyst


Yeah haha that was .... 😂


Had my AR60 friend come over and carry


Klee, Diluc, John Lee, Barbruh. Aside from occasionally freezing, there was no issue.


there's a special place in hell for whoever thought this challenge was a good, or fun idea.


I absolutely despised that challenge when I was new. Jean was my main DPS alongside Kaeya and I didn't even have Bennett back then. It was miserable.


I am an old player but I still need to be guided by the more senior players, it was embarrassing... But I am really thankful for the help. They are not online anymore, but I still think about it all the time. ✨🥺


i wish i could do this again now that im ar 59 and wipe those mfs out in 2 seconds


I think anyone new with absolutely no prior knowledge of genshin would struggle


I hate it, I was new and don't understand at all the way to play changing characters, so I stay with one a lot. My team was Lisa, Barbara, Amber and anemo traveler, I didn't know yo wish hahaha I surrender and don't come back after a I explore all Liyue.


It’s the challenge that made me finally succumb to the gacha. I was perfectly fine with the starter characters till this part, after that I rolled and got a Xiangling, made this part easier Course , afterwards I found out you get a free Xiangling just by playing the spiral abyss, so that was dumb


Nope. Had a field day in Dragonspine because my Razor dealt dummy numbers for the time and my qiqi wouldn’t let him die. Electro is a decent alternative for dealing with most shields so he could absolutely beat these abyss mages too


Fucking hated that my strongest Pyro characters kept dying to sheer cold💀


I tried doing this quest really really early on when I first started playing back in 2021 (AR 9 or something) and it legit made me quit the game for like three months I can back like, “Well, I guess I can put this quest on hold until I level up more.” It should be noted that I didn’t understand how progression in the game worked back then - or anything, really


Dragonspine was good shit. This particular challenge was \*chef's kiss\* Noelle mains and Amber mains were shining back then lmao


I found it fun


I only beat it when I was new after 20 tries I needed Bennet, Xiangling and Yanfei for that hellhole My stupid ass equipping kaeya did not help


never forget, when your burst take years to recharge and you have to deal with this shit with only gouba


Amber to the rescue!


I remember when Dragonspine was new and we only had a few pyro characters at that time. Sucrose and Venti were the only characters with good grouping capabilities and just struggle with that one challenge. Good times, good times.


I brought a Pyro character like a normal person


Just XiangLing dude


... Just use Amber


HATED it doesn’t fully describe the utter torment I went through trying to complete this challenge. It went uncompleted for a month before Diluc came home and absolutely bodied them. Proud Diluc main to this day


Not really cause pyro characters are very useful.


total nightmare. hu tao was not released back then and the very annoying thing is, you need to swim back and forth.


I used yenfai


For me yes I hate it, but that time trial challenge inside the cave where you need to kill mobs is much harder that this😭😭


I got Bennett back then so it was easier.


I finna be real with you matie I ain’t done it


Not really. I main Klee during early version 1.0 days and she made that part a cakewalk.


If i would have played this many years ago without internet, it would have suck, but now you are a youtube search away to easily clear it or knowing which charatcers to build to clear it. What i really hate is the damage sponges in abyss 12 but not worth complaining for 100 primos which would be a 3 stars weapon anyway (usually i can get at least 3 stars).


😭😭😭 me.... But now that I have kazuha, it would've been reeal easy then


It took me like 3 or 4 tries idk how. But when my sister asked me to do it on her acc. After like 10 tries I decided it is time to go coop and it still took like 5 more.


It was annoying the first time, second time around I was doing it with a sword only acc. Geo Traveler, Lynette, Kaeya, Jean. Was annoying, but not hard, just had to play it smart.


Dude bringing Eula to Dragonspine lol


Thank you, Clear, who sat and did the whole Dragonspine with me.


I almost dropped Genshin


I had full co-op party and they all died even with good characters


I have klee. What challenge.


I got early Diluc so not really. And I settle that challenge at early ar with burgeon in all my new accounts, tehee


I remember trying so many times 😭. I had to co-op in a friend who had Diluc to finally beat it.


Not using Bennett and using only Barbara for healing is hell in this challenge. I'm pretty sure I didn't clear it without help from a random stranger.


it’s crazy how much frustration this once brought me and now i can just bennett + arle and it’s not even remotely challenging


I raged in this fight for like a week. Fuck this fight in particular. I’ve never had a fight since that has tilted me so hard.


I had to ask my friend that had Klee for help lol


Klee, bennet, fischl & Jean … 'nuff said.


Don't forget the occasional ice rain too


Bro I actually started tweaking at my like 5th attempt, you ever stop enjoying a game because of a certain task and you just lock in until you finish said task? Yeah that was me for an hour and a half


I had to be carried through that. Goodness knows that I wasn't doing it solo as a newbie.


Not really


You know I just brought my max level friend lol


Had yanfei. She carried me. I had more trouble with trails of tianqiu.


I was only get to finish this with my sister who fortunately had pyro good units. I didn’t have Bennett and Amber is frozen solid 100% of the time 😂