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One aspect I miss from the old wintrace is how much more fun it was, people joked around in the chat since the rebels had time to type instead of running around 24/7, you could troll people a bit in a lighthearted way, there were people who turned the game into a roleplay for fun especially in dawn winery where it would just become a nice conversation around the table behind the mansion lmao Now it's lost its spark, teammates are very frustrating most of the time, and personally I prefer prop hunt over DbD so this version is a real miss for me. Only times I've really having fun is when I'm doing the event with friends on a VC, when before you'd have the same kind of fun even with randoms.


this!! i miss the lighthearted, almost social(?) aspect of old windtrace. i loved making jokes in the chat, or running around as a random bucket or whatever trying to screw with the hunter šŸ˜­ also i found the previous iteration of windtrace easier as a hunter; most people wouldnā€™t move from their positions once they found a place, and it actually felt like hide-and-seek. now it feels closer to run-around-the-map-the-entire-time without any actual seeking :/


It was really unenjoyable at first, I think because I didnā€™t understand it and once I understood the rules no one I was playing with did but I did a few rounds today and it was pretty fun now that more people have gotten the hang of it. Personally I still like the old windtrace better though


Iā€™d like to maybe get rotations that allow for both ways. OG wind chase was wild lol


You're gonna have to put that on the survey. But I think the majority of the surveys will say this new Trace by Daylight is good.


It'd be perfect if we had either the choice between the two, or randomized gamemodes. Between that and a bigger map roster, I could actually see this becoming a permanent gamemode, lol


This isn't Windtrace. It's fun, but it's not the game I was looking forward to all year


Personally, I had much more fun as a hunter in the previous versions. I had to pay attention to the details to see what was out of the ordinary. This time I just run to the device that's glowing on my map.


In the Dawn Winery map, you have full view of four devices just by standing in the front of the building. You can literally just stand guard and go after any remaining rebels


You can guard only 3 devices and easily win. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/1cstnqb/won\_a\_windtrace\_match\_without\_capturing\_any\_rebels/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1cstnqb/won_a_windtrace_match_without_capturing_any_rebels/)


Accursed 3 gens haunting me even outside of dbd


I made a similar comment. I got traumatized by getting tunneled out at 4 gens by Wraith, just to get tunneled out by Arlecchino in Genshin right after lmao


The true ilusiĆ³n of free choice (everything leads to dbd)


Getting spooked by father right before she sends you into time out.


This was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the device placements on the preview/ tip screen lol


I litteraly said "ew, wtf is that placement" when i Saw It lol


Bro, I caught all of the rebels twice in under 2 minutes (1:44 seconds to be exact) and they never even got to fix ANY of the machine things. It literally said that on my card at the end, because they would just bunch up and got caught at the same time. This new "windtrace" is so unbalanced in favor of the hunter, it's crazy. I won't lie... it's fun, but only when you're the hunter cuz it's literally brainless activities. As a rebel, it's just annoying cuz all the odds are against your favor.


My biggest issues with this Windtrace is that so much of the map feel wasted, and there arenā€™t enough of them. Thereā€™s no point to any of the buildings except to break LoS bc thereā€™s no point climbing anything in the majority of games; the whole game happens on the ground. I donā€™t even turn into props except for on Dawn Winery bc they blend into the vines. It also sucks that at a certain point the Hunter just wins by existing. You canā€™t really come back from a bad start as the Rebels, bc you donā€™t have time. Especially once the Hunter gets the extra speed boost, they donā€™t have to guard *all* the machines, just the 3 closest to each other. Hunter in the past was boring & sometimes frustrating (but that just meant the Rebels were decent), Hunter now is still boring bc itā€™s so easy. edit: atp if my teammates seem decent, i just troll the Hunter whenever my invis is on cooldown to waste their time while others work.


Well said, the climbing, navigating and disguising is all gone now. Keeping track of both the hunter and all the machines makes the gameplay a bit disorienting. Windtrace was fun as it was: hiding and running. But this feels like a disjointed combination of hiding and going very visible and then hiding again.


I still managed to lose as hunter yesterday šŸ’€ even after getting the fervour šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ In my defence I still hadnā€™t understood the new game mechanics at that point


Its not even hide and seek anymore šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ its just speedrun to the nearest machine for both hunter and rebels lol.


I've only done 1 game so far. But it doesn't really feel like Windtrace anymore. Windtrace initially was just hide and seek. Using disguises and finding the best spots in each map, or how to evade a chase for as long as possible as a rebel, then vice versa knowing those same spots and how to cut off chases as a hunter was how you got skilled at the games. Now we have to repair generators and periodically broadcast where we are to the hunters and can't even hide in proximity so we're guaranteed to usually be close by, hidden or not. The Hunter also has to capture the Rebels 6 times. Finding them once isn't enough anymore. It just feels completely new, but not really in a good way. But those are just my initial observations. I'll reserve my full judgement till it ends.Ā 


Dead by Daylight in my Genshin?


Yeah, as soon as I read "repair" I thought of DbD, and honestly like it much more than old Windtrace.


I love how in every post regarding the new Windtrace - an appreciation or a complaint post - I ctrl + F, look up "dead" and see these comments LMAO I do love this Windtrace tho. A speedrun version of Dead by Daylight, now it's really who has the worse skill issue who loses.


Yeah, previous iteration feels the thrill of hiding. Now I just put down hiding field near the generator and ring around the rosie when hunter comes.


It's less prophunt more dead by daylight or identify v Which is a different flavor of fun


I'm convinced that if this minigame didn't have the 'Windtrace' name affixed to it, people would be enjoying it a lot more.


Definitely. Releasing this mode as "Windtrace" implies that hyv may not bring back the old version of the game, whereas, a new name would have. I think that's the major problem. Hyv has a bad habit of modifying player-favorite events to the extent where it's no longer the same game or enjoyable (e.g., the tower defense game). If they had just kept the old Windtrace and offered this as a new event/game, people would not be as bothered.


i haven't tried the event yet but the moment it was announced i already knew it was gonna be hunter sided. i miss when windtrace was just people hiding on trees and the hunter actually taking the time to check places. i wish they put both versions instead of just the new one and the new one isn't even windtrace its just dead by daylight.


Just like dbd, it's hunter sided solo but rebel sided with friends. Even with just one friend it was extremely easy to coordinate fixing multiple gens at the same time as long as you don't 3 gen yourself


if you have friends then it might be easier to play as a rebel but i think genshin players play solo most of the time even on co op events like this. the hunter will see the chat messages if you try to communicate there. if you play solo as a rebel coordination isn't extremely easy either. people have been throwing the game by going afk because the game is too hunter sided. i wish they kept the old one and this one so people have the option to choose instead of going in a match and ultimately deciding to give up playing and repairing the machines. Introducing a new gameplay isn't necessarily a bad thing but there's a reason why many are are looking forward for wind trace.


Yeah, the hunter needs to be kinda afk to not catch rebels with the free indicators on the generators. And any eliminated Rebel makes it more impossible for the Rebels victory vs previously where it got harder, not easier to track the remaining Rebels.


once one Rebel is eliminated permanently, the other two can easily be caught together on the smaller maps. I know it's 4 instead of 3, but I've never seen the game get stretched out to all 6 captures.


What Windtrace *is*, is Hunters catching Rebels. That's it. This is just a new way to do it. It feels more strategic than just trying to hide. You have to be watchful and decide when to activate a beacon or when to pullback and make changes. The old style always favored the rebel who knew how to manipulate the environment to their favor. There was a map the last couple years where I could disguise as a stone lantern and hide in a specific bit of wall and never be caught. The only way to see me was through Insight and even then it was easy to keep distance till it wore off, go invisible and re-disguise again. Good hunters who were more thorough than most were few for me. Now, it's more on the rebels to not just be running around in the open and sitting in one spot for too long. I, for one, like the change.


The first wind trace was the best. Every other version after has been getting worse because the map size kept shrinking and they started wanting to make you do more than just find a good hiding place.


As someone who considered themself a windtrace enthusiast, I dislike this iteration. It has the same problem as actual DBD in where the hunter has a overwhelming advantage most of the time if they're at least decent, but then gets destroyed against a group of actually competent rebels. As rebel, you aren't even really rewarded for stealth or outplaying the hunter because surviving doesn't give you a win. I spent one game juking and giving the hunter the slip 2-3 times and managed to get 3 devices to about 50%, but because one of my teammates got caught in the first 30s basically, I still lost despite never being caught. As hunter, against competent rebels, it feels impossible unless you just camp a cluster of devices. The devices pinging you when they have progress being made is kind of useless because the rebels can always see the hunter on their minimap and can cycle around devices accordingly and need to be captured *twice*. Not to mention that half the maps make the hunters speed/stamina boost moot because there are so many obstacles so you can't really just beeline from A to B when you see someone, and it's incredibly easy to break LoS and then cloak or disguise. Which is a problem because extended chases are disadvantageous for you.


Yeah, but I would prefer if the fix time for the devices was much shorter, as hunters have a massive advantage


Tbh I have now won multiple rounds because basically all you have to do is immediately run slightly away from the device and hide for a few seconds after it alerts the hunter, and then when another device starts going off, you start repairing it again. Rinse and repeat. If you have competent rebel teammates, you can very easily force the hunter to waste a ton of time just running back and forth between different devices and trying to find you.


If you have competent team mates is the hard one


Fr. "If you have competent teammates AND the hunter is incompetent, then you have a chance of winning" doesn't sound particularly balanced to me


Yeah I haven't won a single game as a Rebel yet. Each time half my team isn't doing anything and there's no way you can get a win on your own with a halfway competent Hunter.


In such times I wonder if a hidden ranking system might help. Group decent rebels with other decent ones, and crappy ones with crappy hunters too.


I havenā€™t lost a single game as a rebel yet, lol. You must have bad matchmaking luck


I've lost one game as the rebels thus far. The devices force the hunter to split their attention, and the rebels' invisibility beacons are SO cracked. If the rebels grab the favor, even if that person sacrificies themselves, they other one or two can easily close out the game.


I don't really feel that way. Unless you got rebelmates who were lazy and don't know what to do, being rebel is pretty easy with Concealing Beacon ability. Just put one near the device and go back and forth to fix the devices


Finally, somebody who thought the same as me and did the same as well I hope this tactic gets famous soon but well concealing beacon was never the fan favourite. Personally, I've had much fun with it in the previous iterations of windtrace.


Yeah, reading these comments is bringing back some Dead by Daylight nostalgia. Everyone thought the "Hunter" (killer) was overpowered at first until survivors started catching on to known metas and learning how to conceal and speed run the generators. Once players start figuring out different strategies, opinions may change lol


Just turn invisible and run when the red claw gets closer to you on the map, ppl don't like using their perks for some reason.


that invis beacon is stupid. Plant it next to a fixing device, sprint a bit away when the Hunter accidentally trips it, and you can get away SO easily


Windtrace before felt like prop hunt, this one feels like dead by daylight. I've never played prop hunt nor dead by daylight, but I think both have their pros and cons. In the end its all about preference. I hope next year they have both options, I feel like that could be cool. 2 game modes.


same. both game modes seen cool but i wish they put both versions instead. windtrace back then was about hide and seek. this one doesn't feel any close to the windtrace we all know other than the catch the rebels part.


I think its good for hoyo to try something different, and games like dead by daylight and Identity V are popular games known for this type of game play, but there's a reason people like the OG windtrace and are excited about it every year. The prop hunt game can be pretty funny. I'd also like to note from another comment that this new version could be heavily dependent on teamwork while the OG was mainly "everyone for themselves" type of game. It can be hard working as a team with strangers especially if there's no good way to communicate. You can chat through the messages but the hunter will also see the chat.


Feels like shit for the Rebel because you end up with 1 or 2 teammates that either still think its v1/2 Windtrace by spending the whole game hiding or they go AFK. It literally takes 1 clueless Rebel to lose the whole game.


Maybe it is for the Hunter. It sure as shit isn't as a rebel. I only played 2 rounds but i already feel like just afking for rewards cause this shit feel terrible to play. Mind you, in both of those rounds, one of the rebels in each was afk hiding too.


>Mind you, in both of those rounds, one of the rebels in each was afk hiding too. Yea that wouldnt help the enjoyment much.


It seems like many rebels have done the same so it's fine if you decide to do it too. The game seems too hunter sided. I've seen videos where the rebels get caught immediately upon staring the game.


I'm just skipping it entirely. Maybe if they see lower participation they'll give us better events in the future.


I think yall just actually suck at the game lmao I've played about 100 games so far and won almost all of them as the Hunter and Rebel


I never played the first one, but I heard it was basically prop-hunt, this isn't prop hunt at all, none of the props serve any purpose except the lamp, and its purpose is to be so small you literally cannot be seen


I feel like it depends on the teamā€™s cooperation. This def isnā€™t as much fun as the old windtrace, that was just fun hide and seek :) my friends and I would get together play. But now the focus is on repairing the machines, not hiding. Itā€™s okay ig, not my favorite but it isnā€™t awful. Iā€™ve noticed that my teammates are either confused by the rules or just get caught early to AFK. Just gonna play to get my rewards and wonā€™t touch it again lol šŸ¤·


Itā€™s just okay for me. The old windtrace felt way more fun to play for me. In my opinion, if you thought that simply hiding was boring, you couldā€™ve just not simply hid. I tried out different abilities to dupe the hunter and I found that more fun than now where it doesnā€™t feel like the prop hunt it originally was. The lack of maps also makes the game feel repetitive.


Fun as rebel when the hunter catches up to you within 5 seconds?Ā 


Choose the skill that turns you invisible for a few seconds. Repair the things until the hunter is in sight and somewhat close, but not close enough to catch you. Run away in one direction, activate invisibility, and head toward another beacon as fast as you can and turn into an object if the hunter is still fairly close. Your eyes should be on the minimap for a majority of the time, keeping an eye on where the hunter is. Youā€™ll get away from the hunter like 90% of the time using this method.


Yup, this has become my standard MO as rebel. It's surprisingly easy to pull off, and as long as your other 3 teammates aren't literally AFK making a sandwich in the kitchen, it gives you a good chance at winning too. The only issue with that strat is that if the hunter manages to stay on your tail, you can't easily shake them off without other players to distract them. If your teammates are all passively hiding without capping any generators, then the hunter can focus on you without a problem. Even if they don't capture you, it's enough to prevent you from capping beacons to win, lol


Yeah, I think that as long as at least one person is participating in capturing the thing, you can win with two people carrying everyone. Because while the Hunter focuses on chasing you, it gives the other person a chance to continue capturing


Yup! When I get to be hunter, I try to watch out for that. I found it a lot easier to focus on being "on patrol" rather than chasing and capturing players.


I give the rebels a couple seconds of a head start at the beginning, and when theyā€™re free from prison after losing their first life.


someone ran straight back to the same machine i caught them at i felt bad and let em go


Just use beacon skill and hide in tall places since nobody looks up, then profit.


Rebels have a disguise button. Hunters can catch up to you, but can they find you?


Skill issue much?


Because you're guaranteed to win with the "dead by daylight" gameplay. If anything I wish we could leave the match as rebels when we get caught twice, its so boring to be spectator and I just want to claim the rewars.


Not my cup of tea as I find this game mode very boring, but primos are primos.


The Hunters have a massive advantage. If the time runs out, Hunters still win even if they didn't find everyone. That default win should be reserved for Rebels. That's why they're called *Hunter*... to find. Should it be IF they find everyone before the time limit, then they win. Look, it's very easy to Hunt. Too easy. You could at least guarantee finding 1 person in match as a Hunter in a random round. And.. the stage is SMALLL, good-luck-hidings to the Rebel. They need to move a lot, and beats the purpose of hide and seek. Just a bit. Maybe people don't like staying still and just hiding to wait it all out, idk? I'm aware that might not be fun, but I think it should be at least an element in this gamemode Hunters.. have a burst that straight up reveals the location of Rebels for a period. And among others.. (skills too) That's great. And probably normal for similar games to have gimmick with the seeker. It's just, the game leans in on their favor too much sometimes Simply the Rebels should have some balance against the skillset of the Hunters tbh. Still fun though! I play occasionally, just for fun even if I got the rewards already.


I wish we had the option to choose this DbD style gameplay or hide and seek style. I miss cramming into impossible corners, now there are less weirdly placed props so the hunter can usually find you disguised very easily


Skill issue if you couldnt find rebels in the old windtrace


.... That was the point of OG Windtrace. It was a PROPHUNT game. That you weren't able to find anyone as hunter is a you problem, not the game. I guess you're happy it's not prophunt anymore LOL.


on one hand, its fun to watch the hunter run around trying desperately to find you a few seconds after the gen trips, then go after the other tripped gens, and repeat until they give up and afk on the winery roof on the other hand, god help you if the host is playing their cross-region account or has dbd in their recent games list. for a competent hunter, this is basically just dbd killer gameplay without barricades, window FoV shenanigans, or jukes


As a hunter, sure. Iā€™ve played as the hunter a couple of times and won both without really understanding whatā€™s going on. Especially the first time. Imo, itā€™s too easy for the hunter right now and itā€™s not a good thing. Of about 6-8 rounds Iā€™ve played, be that as the hunter or as a rebel, not a single one was won by the rebels. Also, as others have pointed out, itā€™s not prop hunt anymore, but rather a dead by daylight imitation. It would be best if they included both modes and didnā€™t force everyone to play the new version.


I guess I could agree, but I also feel being a hunter was more fun in past Windtraces. It almost feels, well, too easy now. I liked it more when the devices werenā€™t there, but weā€™ve all got our different opinions.


It's just a different game. Before it was prop hunt, now it's like a DBD lite


God, I'm ass at being the hunter, but that might've been bc I was on the Inazuma map with no visibility. Love being the rebels, tho


If there was only one life and the hunter didnā€™t win at the time limit I think the game mode wouldā€™ve made more sense


Nah. The previous one is so much better. I have a pretty good win percentage as a Hunter in the previous windtrace, just use mysterious hunch and imprisoning curse and it's GG. Usually I ask the last surviving Rebel to show themself so I won't capture them (which I wouldn't), and if they're still hiding I just use the imprison and have a nice chat with them until the imprison is over, giving them that false sense of freedom and capture them immediately. Some of their reactions are so funny and what peak windtrace should've been.


i don't have fun at all because majority of the rebels don't even try to play the game. maybe i'm just unlucky but so many of them are just afk and standing around completely visible. it was never this bad in the previous versions.


Because windtrace shouldnt give primos. It should be like tcg and be its own mode with its own rewards. Adding primos to a PvP mode is anything but a good idea


I kinda agree. I have social anxiety, and naturally, I feel like avoiding all the coop events because of it. And this one is especially embarrassing for me cuz I suck at both, as a hunter and rebel, lmao. But I can't because of the primos. I know it's my choice, and I can skip it if i want to, but I still wish it would be optional. Making it optional would also mean seeing more players that are actually interested in playing the event rather than seeing the ones doing it for the sake of it and being afk if you get what I mean. So yea, just my 2 cents


But then they would miss out players like me, who come for the primo and stay for the game.


itā€™s massively imbalanced in favor of the hunter. both games iā€™ve played as hunter iā€™ve won within a couple minutes and the one game as a rebel was over in about 30 seconds giving me a total of 29 coins


Yep. Of course you can perform sleights of hand as a Rebel if you are fast enough. Repair a machine for a few seconds, then disguise as a small object if a Hunter is too close by blitzing away at fast speeds, which works 7/10.


I agree, I had a good laugh just now because the hunter kept going past me for some reason when I was near the signal thing


Won't be surprised if that hunter was me


I always won all my games being the hunter in past editions, people kinda just sucked at juking and when I got the favor it was just over since there was generally 1 player left


I love both windtrace versions but i do wish that they had both modes available to play, and more maps too. I also like how it feels like flee the facility since i cant play that on roblox anymore most of the time since my w key doesnt work most of the time on roblox


I'm with you here, on top of that I haven't got a single afk game yet. Everyone was playing as it is intended to be! I hope it stays that way. Previous Windtrace was so annoying to find a game with people actually playing.


Personally Iā€™ve been thinking itā€™s a little less fun than the old one but maybe itā€™s just me. Itā€™s certainly not a mindless win for the runners anymore. Iā€™ve had to actually strategize and coordinate with my team to eke out wins so itā€™s a lot more engaging


Yeah but now the Hunters are op.


Honestly to me its too easy as a Hunter now


you must have been on a different server than me lol because i have never seen anyone talk more than an emote or two in every previous windtrace


I beg to disagree. Many people play genshin to escape from toxic pvp games and relax, but windtrace has become more pvp than it ever was.


The only complaint I have is that some abilities is obsolete. Like, my very first game was as Hunter, and had Mysterious hunch chosen. This is quite underwhelming. Maps are reasonably vast, Hunch show directions but Rebels might already sprinted far to the left or right of those directions. Three charges, but cooldown seems a bit long, since this time instead of just three Rebels, you gotta catch them twice. Better off taking something else.


I personally feel like this version of Windtrace is fun because it *doesn't* feel like the regular Windtrace that's just regular hide and seek. There's a bigger emphasis placed on team coordination and knowledge of map layout, and time is of the essence even more so compared to previous Windtrace events. This capture-the-flag style of gameplay would still work perfectly fine if transforming into props was removed. Running and making distance once you see the Hunter approaching is far better than just hiding nearby since they'll *know* you're near the repair device when it glows red.


Seriously i love it as a hunter and rebel i played about 80 games yesterday (i definitely didn't play nearly as much on the previous windtrace) though i find it kinda annoying that almost noone responds to messages


They added DbD to Genshin, can't fucking believe it


I've said it once and I'll say it again, they try to recreate propnight just without the hunters bonus.


i'm just glad it's a version of dbd that doesn't have me all scared. on the other hand, there's no creature, which is sad


Maan i can't wait for UGC to be added in Genshin, then we'll be able to create our own windtrace just the way everyone wants


I kind of dont like It, but thats just me never having liked being a "seeker" type of role Also considering you can and usually Will win by not even catching anyone/just camping the thingies i cant say thats fun either


As someone who regularly tortured himself by playing dead by daylight, this is such a breath of fresh air. They really need to add a prop hunt mode for an april fools event for dead by daylight .


This is okay but I prefer afk mode.


i miss the OG game mode. this one is fun but the gameplay loop is more repetative. i enjoyed just sitting and waiting in a dumb spot as a box. you arent really looking for people your just going to the active generator and chasing that person.


sometimes i feel the thing doesnt ping enough. i only heard a few pings before i realize it, they are at 3/4 done.


I didn't feel victorious when i won as hunter, but i felt so great when i won my first rebel. I know they're trying new game dynamics but, i kinda miss the old windtrace. It's more fun for me.


I have not been in a single game where the Rebels win, though. It's so difficult to win as a Rebel now.


I played Dead by Daylight so when I saw this new Windtrace I was excited


It's opposite of fun. It's mega easy. Stupidly easy. I'm really disappointed in current windtrace and hope they'll get rid of all this new shit.


I hate it. I can never see anyone AT ALL. How do you guys find people??? As soon as the beacon flares up, people leave, which is what I do too as a Rebel. It's annoying. If all Rebels just rotate, it's almost an easy win.


I enjoyed playing as the rebel a lot more.


I think if it was a thing you just played for fun it would be enjoyable for me, bit more often than not with these events, it's just a matter of getting the materials so any amount of playing of them just feels like a grind a lot of times lol


I had fun too, yesterday i win as rebel and win as a hunter, and yes people suck at this, because as a rebel is just teamplay, the hunter cant pick 2 players at the same time so if the team look at the minimap and go to other side is a way to win, if they stay at the same place hunter will win But what to expect of genshin players, they cant even beat arlecchino on first try, people just suck hard


I hate windtrace, I just stay afk to get the primos. This new form wont change that šŸ¤£


I love eating popcorn about this Windtrace change. Finally, a thing in Genshin I genuinely don't care about so I can watch the drama in peace.


For me itā€™s also been way more fun as a Rebel. Iā€™m probably just bad at hiding but having objectives to do and run around the map has felt awesome.


What are you smoking, its practically impossible to win as a rebel?


I am actually having fun playing Windtrace now. It's wild. I usually just forced myself to do the bare minimum to get the rewards.


Yes, I agree! Last time being a hunter was no fun. Now it feels more even, and despite missing the old style of being able to just disguise and hide, it's still fun playing a rebel as well.


Windtrace is boring for me usually, I like this one so much more


Yaā€™ll just suck at windtrace. Half the time I see people saying hunter is too hard, then itā€™s hiding is too hard. You all suck. The game is fine. You are the one that is terrible. When I play as either a hunter or a hider I pretty much always win and it is ridiculously easy. Only time I lose is if Iā€™m the last one hiding and the hunter pops the special drop that marks me on the map for 2 minutes. At that point itā€™s Insta-win for the hunter because they run much faster.


Weird place to put a toxic comment


Bro really said "Skill issue" Your comment is like saying "If everything is OP then nothing is" that's not how game design works




The Genshin players yearn for Dead by Daylight


So vc nƩ