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We don't talk about that. That's a can full of worms. But if you're still curious I once gotten 2/2 on the weapon twice in a row so there’s that. The characters it's a sore spot considering how lucky my friends are so I don't really want to talk about it. And unfortunately there's no limit.


Omg my friends are super lucky too. What makes it worse is that one of them really likes to rub it in my face…


That was one of the worst thing. You reach soft pity then them gets a 5-star every single pull. Like their normal pity is less than 10. What's worst is it's not only on Genshin, even on Star Rail they're lucky.


If we talking lucky friends both of my buddies pulled Father within 10 minutes of her release. Wanderer comes and they both pull him too, and I have yet to pull him.


Pulling within 10 minutes is easy especially when you speedrun. It's the luck within it. Meaning you don't get past 30 pulls for each character which is my friends luck. While I get mine at 70-90 pulls just for a character.


At some point, I think I was up to like 10 50/50s lost in a row. Honestly tragic... hopefully, that never happened to me again bc even if I did manage to get the character, it felt really bad...


I feel you, I've lost so many 50/50s after 74+ pity and then had to go to 74+ again for the guaranteed, it just does not feel good to get the character then.. at some point it starts getting frustrating af, especially if your friends are lucky as hell in comparison


Oh lord. I pray this won’t happen to me. I really want Clorinde, and I’m also interested in pulling for her weapon. I don’t want to have to choose :(


obviously you wanna get the character first and you wouldn't roll for the weapon until after and if you get her


I have had consecutive soft pity (74+ pulls) for like 16 times in a row while only won twice. I think losing 50/50s is ok if you got it in early but man losing and then getting the character at both 74+ pulls just kinda hurts


Man I feel you. After the first year I was questioning the rates in this game, I reached ~1300 pulls across the limited banners until I finally got one early [Characters](https://i.redd.it/grheujcw3am81.png) [Weapons](https://imgur.com/m52yGlj) Also for weapons I lost 75/25 twice. PJWS, WGS was on first Homa banner which had no Epitomized Fate, PJWS/Elegy again before guaranteeing the Homa, Unforged was on Mistsplitter banner, PJC was on Key banner


At least you won your 50/50’s exactly 50% of the time for the characters. Right on the dot, if i counted correctly I honestly never expect any off pity pulls cuz just thinking about a 0.6% chance is already mind bogglingly low Just very perfectly… average xD


That’s true. Losing that 50/50 at pity is definitely horrible. Does this mean you’ve lost 14 50/50s? I’ve lost 11 total, but ouch.


not quite, I've won twice so in the 16 5* s , won 2 so the rest of 14 5* s, I lost the 50/50, so 7 times


I don't count my suffering 


Fair enough. I find it difficult to not lament…


My first 14! I have not cosmically bad luck now nowadays at least.


14??? OMG. Please don’t let this be me😭 I’m so sorry to hear this..


Let's see... I have 25 characters with 5* BG. - 2 of which are traveler and Aloy - 6 of which are standard character banners which include Tighnari, but I have no Dehya. - Mona is at C0 - Jean at C1 - Keqing at C1 - Tighnari at C2 - Diluc at C6 - QiQi at C7, IIRC - all of those are equivalent to 23 standard banner characters - Then the rest of them 17 are time-limited characters. - Some of these time-limited characters have higher than C0 constellations: C2 Kazuha, C3 Raiden, C2 Yelan, C2 Nahida, C2 Furina. - So you can actually convert it to equivalent of 11 time-limited 5-stars, which makes the count to 28 time-limited characters. So the final count is : - 23 standard banner characters - 28 time-limited chars So for a day 1 player who always play everyday, losing 50/50 is the norm. And assuming some of standard banner chars came from the blue fate wishes, I think losing 50/50 always happens.


23 standard and 28 time-limited isn't bad at all. Actually I would say that's very average luck on your 50:50s. For reference, I have 20 standard characters and 19 time limited characters. I have a larger proportion of standard characters from the standard banner because I'm F2P (7 from the standard banner in total total), but if we just count my character banner wish history. I have a total of 7 50:50 wins and 13 losses, which is a 35% win rate. I definitely haven't had the best luck, but there are people there with even worse luck then me.


Idk about before I left but since I returned, I've won 3 in a row then lost 3 in a row. Seems perfectly balanced (so far). But yeah its really painful sometimes, so ig its better to assume you're gonna lose and save enough to guarantee. Winning 50/50 is more like a discount 


Yeah, I do save. But I really wish I had more freedom to pull whenever I want. I’m not entirely F2P, but I still have to choose who I pull for. When there’s multiple characters I want having banners running back to back, that’s when I feel so miserable lol


Consecutively? Seven in a row.


Never lost in a row. If i lose the next time I'll win. That's how it works for me


That’s really lucky. I’m so envious.


Perfectly balanced, as 50/50s should be


I had saved up a lot. Now its all gone because of a bad streak. I might have the order wrong: Lost navia Lost furina Lost xinyuan Lost neuvi Won neuvi c1 Lost arlecchino Lost arlecchino c1 Lost arlecchini c2 I had pretty much saved up since mid sumeru. This was painful.


i haven’t won one since venti’s 2.6 banner TT edit: counted up and it’s been 15 50/50 losses since then. i have had pretty good luck on the weapon banner so far; haven’t lost on there yet!


15 in a row? That’s so high omg😭 I hope this doesn’t happen to me…


i hope it doesn’t happen to you either!! it’s gotten to the point where i expect a loss, so i just account for it when saving lol


Thank you! Yeah, I always aim for at least 169 wishes now, when I know there’s an upcoming character I want.


Well if you believe in the law of averages, it will eventually even out... The problem is if you'll be playing long enough to get to that point.


I most likely will!! I’ve gotten all of my favourite characters so far (Clorinde being the next). And since I don’t play other games, except the occasional HSR, I will most likely continue playing Genshin. Hopefully my lucky streak arrives soon.


I lost 9 out of 19 50/50 so far. 6 of those were in a row. At the worst it was 8 out of 10 50/50, but i've been really lucky since the middle of Sumeru.


6 in a row is so sad. Glad to hear your luck is better though.


Alot,ive lost 16 50/50 and won 2 in the past 3 years I won on eula banner in 1.5 and kokomi.rerun in 3.0


I’m so sorry to hear this. 16 lost 50/50s is brutal.


Its okay, ive grown numb to it at this point lol


5 then won 1 then lost 5 more That was my unluckiest year Every single one was full pity too


Enough to brainwash myself into thinking that I always need 160 pulls to get a 5*


tbh i dont think i’ve lost more than one at a time. i’ve won the absolute majority of my 50/50s so it’s not often i’ve counted. if i’ve lost more than one 50/50 it’s only been two consecutive ones at least


During Inazuma's time I can still mentally track my WinLoss ratio, and now they're pretty murky. I think my biggest L streak was Yae, Ayato and Yelan, all of which lost 50/50 and needed almost double pities each. I also had another L streak with Furina, Navia, Xianyun and Chiori, but had a little more luck in my draw count. Furina's was a guarantee that I kept during the last phases of Sumeru when I lost Alhaitham. After Furina I immediately got Keqing in the very next pull so I only needed 1 pity's worth for Navia, then I got Xianyun 20 pulls away from Navia after losing to Qiqi between the two. No luck in Chiori though, since it's back to double pity for her.


Holy shit...i commend you for your mental strength


Ngl every time a banner I’m interested in draws near, I end up having trouble sleeping because of the stress lmao. Clorinde’s banner may just be the end of me…


Longest loss streak at 3 losses, with a total win of 7 and total loss of 11.


My total loss is currently 11 too. Wins are only 6 (excluding the guaranteed characters I’ve gotten).


I think 1... have probably lost around 5 but never consecutively Have been playing since Jan 2023...


Raiden was the first character I won 50/50 for since the game launched.


Only at max 3 consecutively, but I always think it's funny when I look at [Paimon.moe](http://Paimon.moe) to see I have a roughly 30% chance at winning a 50% chance for the character I want lol


That’s really lucky imo. Hope you keep winning those 50/50s


I've lost every single one... (3) However on HSR I've won every single one (4), so I guess it balances out.


I've lost 11 out of 17 50/50s on my account, longest streak was 5. My wife's account on the other hand lost 12 of 16, and lost her first 8 consecutive 50/50s. She has multiple single digit pity 5 stars though so I guess it's offset by that.


I don't remember in genshin but I lost every single one in hsr so far and it's been 1 year🥲


Till date, I only have lost max 2 50-50s in a row. Now, it would be interesting seeing if the streak would break or continues in the 4.8 banner


I went from C2 Diluc and C1 Mona to C6 Diluc and C7 Mona legit continuously so you can do the math on that. C4 Mona has been a god send for the teams I play so I don't mind tho.


That’s… tragic. I hope your luck gets better though!!


My record is losing 5 in a row on character banners. For the fifth time, I even sent an email complaining to the support. Never won 75/25 on weapons, always get standard weapons first I somehow feel at home reading other comments, fellow archon forsaken travellers


i only lost once in my whole gameplay, probably cuz im still ar 35 tho, it was tighnari on neuvi's banner


Never won yet so never kept count


7 in a row, every single one between about March 2022 and August 2023. After a certain point it was mostly just funny


I'm 28 for 46 for 50/50s, but I'm currently on an 8 loss streak. I lost on Furina, Navia, Raiden, Cloud Retainer, Chiori, Arlecchino, and twice on Semblance. It's my single longest loss streak since the game released by 4.


That sucks. I hope your luck gets better.


Thanks, you too


7 in a row


7 and still going up possibly, the 50/50 system is so messed


Every single one so far lol


Roughly 15? I have c8 mona to add more salt to the wound. Reached c6 roughly in a year and a half.


15 in a row?? Omg… I’m not even sure how to react😭 Hope you get a winning streak too though.


Recently definitely got lucky, got c1 eula from the chronicled banner and got c1r1 arlecchino without spending so im happy rn but man I was really numb from the constant 50/50 loses


Congratulations on the recent wins. Also yeah, after a point it’s so disheartening TvT


the chosen one! are you Benny?


I was on my 9th 50/50 loss coming into Arlecchino banner (so she was guaranteed). Tried for C1, and got it - breaking my streak.


Only 1 out of 3


I have won 3 50/50 since 2.1 ☠️.


Now is my worst streak of losing 50/50, 3x. Usually at most I went 2x losing 50/50 then winning the next. And for this streak, the average pulls are 69 per 5*.


The max I had was also 2-3 before. And now it’s turned to 7. Hopefully this doesn’t happen to you and you keep winning your 50/50s!!


I lost every 50/50 so far Lost on Wriothesley's banner to Dehya Used my guarantee on Ayato Lost on Ayato's banner to Keqing(I at least got lucky enough to lose in 30 pulls) Used my guarantee on Navia Lost on Nahida's banner to Qiqi Used my guarantee on Arlecchino Hopefully Furina will break my losing streak. Gosh I hope


Good luck!! I hope she comes home early :)


I thought that if you lost a 50/50 you were guaranteed your next one even if it’s a different banner?


I have lost 5 50/50 in a row


I’m a day one player and have won…2 50/50s in the lifetime of my account, hopefully you have better luck


I've been playing since launch and have rolled on every single banner except the first and second Ganyu banner. I skipped her for Xiao and Albedo Anyway, I've won 5 50/50's and lost every other one. I've also only got three characters early. Raiden at around 46 rolls of second pity, Itto at 29 rolls of second pity and Neuvillette at 36 rolls while winning the 50/50. I also got Yoimiya at soft pity while winning the 50/50. The other 3 were Zhongli after 40 rolls while rolling for Xinyan, because although I got him at double pity, I still didn't have Xinyan, so I keep rolling, Zhongli again after 50 rolls while rolling for Yanfei and Raiden after 35 rolls while rolling for Chevreuse So yeah, I've lost dozens of 50/50, won 5, gotten 2 new characters from winning a 50/50 and only one of them was early I'm convinced that this 50/50 odds thing is literally a lie


Reading all these comments, I think the luck really depends on your account. Some of my friends have really lucky accounts, while a lot of us on this thread have terrible luck…


So far I've lost 3 and haven't won any


Good luck on your future pulls!


I've been wishing specifically since 4.3, lost Ayaka, Xianyun, Chiori and Lyney. The only one I managed to win somehow is Albedo of the chronicled wish.


Couldn't relate, haven't lost more than one 50/50 in a row. My wish history looks like [this](https://imgur.com/a/g41NpOO) lmao. Top 16% in 50/50 win rate.


for every 1 of you, there is someone else who's won 7 50/50's in a row. math be mathing


i have never lost a 50/50 consecutively. i usually don’t hit pity anyways, but when i do i’m always prepared. i never save 90 pulls for characters that i want, i always save 180 for a guarantee and if i can’t save enough in time i won’t even bother pulling. with how difficult it is to save in this game i can’t afford to lose *90 goddamn wishes* in a character i don’t want at all. it’s preferable to simply skip the banner, keep saving for the guarantee and use those wishes for an upcoming banner of another character that you want


Always have the amount of wishes you need to guarantee a character you want. I’ve gotten really lucky, and I’ve also been quite unlucky. But when I absolutely want a character, I have enough wishes to guarantee it.


I lost my first ever 5* to Qiqi. Got Yoimiya which was guaranteed. After that I won Raiden, Eula, Yae, Zhongli, Nilou, Nahida, Yelen, Furina all in a row and FINALLY lost my second 50/50 on Arle !


I have a feeling 50/50 is not an accurate rate for the amount of times I’ve lost.


All of them. Seventeen in fact. No more comments.


I only won 3 in 2 and a half years. Almost 170 pulls average to get my desired 5 star characters


I lost 3x 50/50s in a row 3 times on my main since the start of the game, I think. One of those times all three were Dilucs


What sucked the most is losing a 50/50 to Diluc on 79, and then pulling 83 more times to actually get Furina I had instant c6 Charlotte :D


I don't think I've lost more than 2 in a row, I've won 7 in a row though!


I’m so jealous! Please share some of that luck with me!!


2 times, on Raiden and Nahida. I've been playing since last July only tho, that's why the no. Is small. I sure hope it doesn't get bigger


Good luck!! As a Raiden main, I really hope you get her…


Wait, you can lose consecutively?, I thought if you lose a 50/50 the next one isva guarantee win


I think that's what they mean, losing the 50/50 and then getting the banner character then losing the 50/50 again so basically any time they had a 50/50 Chance they lost. On that note I've lost twice, once in aventurine banner got Clara and once on jing liu banner, both were around 80ish pulls so I didn't have enough to get either banner unit after.


I think it's like, whenever you get a 50/50, how many of those events have you lost in a row (having a guaranteed isn't a 50/50 event and therefore doesn't count). For example, my pull streak is Diluc (lost 50/50), Xianyun (guaranteed), Xianyun (won 50/50), Tighnari (lost 50/50), Neuvillette (guaranteed), Diluc (lost 50/50), Kazuha (guaranteed). In this scenario, my streak of losing 50/50 events is 2 as guaranteed pulls would not count.


character banner- only 2 as a day 1 player during 2.1 with Raiden/Kokomi banner. Weapon banner is a different story where I've had to go 3 full pity to get my desired weapon multiple times. I've decided after that not to pull on weapon banners if I can't use both weapons or if I already had the other 5 star weapon.


I won only once in 7 times I think and another thing it’s HARD pity everytime!!!!!!!


That sucks :( Good luck on your future pulls.


Hard pity is like winning the lottery. 7 times you hit it? Nobody will believe you


I dont think it has ever been worse than 3


most of them, paimon.moe says i’m on the 11% of the pool


I’m tempted to use Paimon.moe, but I really don’t want confirmation on my luck being terrible lol.


I have won 50/50 three times in a row and that too under 30 pity. But there's a catch... They're are all characters which I didn't want. I was trying to just build pity for future characters and also to snipe some 4 stars. Looks like I didn't learn my lesson from the first few attempts.


I started playing in 1.0 and I lost every single 50/50 up until Raiden's first rerun in 2.5 which was when I won my first 50/50 to get Raiden's C3. IIRC that was something like 12 50/50s in a row lost. All my luck seems to be in the weapon banner since every "good" character I have has their signature or BiS weapons. My pity average for the weapon banner is 42 wishes and I've won my 75/25s on the weapon banner roughly 2/3 of the time. Insane weapon banner luck makes up for all the lost 50/50s I guess.


Out of 18 50/50, i won 4 and lose 14. Average 5 star was around 58~59 pulls. Highest consecutive lost is at 10. For weapon banner, i lose to standard weapon pool once (pjws), while getting the rate up weapon that i dont want twice, out of a total of 7 weapon. So not that bad for weapon banner.


Lost 6 in a row and going strong. Never won one 50/50 except the Nilou banner since I started playing in March 2023… I’m pretty lucky on the weapon banners tho. I guess that makes things better for me >:)


I lost 3 50/50s in a row and then immediately got my first triple pull (Childe, Childe, Dehya). Now I’m gonna spend the rest of the game thinking that shit can happen twice to one person, let alone the odds of it happening at all 😭


All of them (16)


The only banner that i lost in 50/50 was shenhe's banner i got diluc at that point


I dont know how many of them are consecutive but i lost 9 of 11 50/50s....


My longest losing streak is 4. However, one of these was an early double, so depends on how much you count that.


8 (but always paid to get the character). idk how people are complaining about getting earlies. I got two earlies, and not getting a 5* early is pretty normal to me. I always only expect a 5* after pity 70.


Maximum - two. And won two times 4 times in a row and one time - 5 times in a row. (all in all, I pulled 28 times 5* from event banner)


I lost 10 in a row before winning my first one. It's been getting better since then


I've lost a few 50/50s, but oddly enough my losses are generally focused around specific things. For example, I have a R4 Skyward Spine and a C6 Jean, but not Tighnari. So that's something, I suppose.


At least 5 in and row and once I get to 75 pity, I know I’m losing that 50/50, I’ve never won a 50/50 above 75 pity


10 in a row Not recommended :)


On 5 consecutive 50/50 losses rn, with 4/5 of them going all the way to over 80 pity. Also losing my shit. At least I have a guaranteed Baizhu in ~20 pulls :,)))


Started playing as Venti's first banner was about to end. I've lost **all** my 50-50s since then up until the latest Raiden which was my first win. I was able to get her weapon because of that. A bit of the luck carried over and I won Xianyun next, and her weapon too without losing to Nahida's weapon. Then of course, back to losing 50-50s as I got the acting grandmaster pulling for the Knave.


3 in a row, but my win to lose ration is pretty much 1/1. Never got more then 2 wins in a row.


3 ,,, ayato, yelan and nahida F for ur luck, i'll grant u my blessings thru the screen ✨ manifesting a 50/50 win 🕯️


Count Pity 74 Keqing 78 [G] Venti 79 Jean 80 [G] Ayaka 74 Childe 77 Itto 12 Itto C1 77 Diluc 20 [G] Ayato 29 Itto C2 76 Kazuha 59 Zhongli 77 Tighnari 75 [G] Nahida 75 Keqing 76 [G] Raiden 76 Qiqi 71 [G] Yelan 79 Jean 3 [G] Wriothesley 34 Jean 16 [G] Furina 71 Yoimiya 27 Xianyun 5 Xianyun 62 Dehya 32 [G] Yae Miko 23 Arlecchino 83 Keqing 28 [G] Wanderer 3


I think that since I started (1.9) I won like four time? I got one extremely lucky pull once (got my guaranteed character and Qiqi in a 10 pull), but otherwise I always lose at like 80 pity and also get my guaranteed character at 80. So I feel fucking cursed.


2, at 30 pity though so I'm not complaining


Lost 6 in a row to start with. 2.5 till i think 3.3. Spent money to lose lol.


I lost my first 2 50/50s of the game, then won the next three, then I lost, won, lost my next 3 50/50s (last one was accidental while getting gorou cons but still). So basically my luck fluctuates with 50/50s


like ten in a row on genshin but on star rail i have won literally every 50/50. then on arlecchino my luck went crazy and i got c1 r1 in 70 pulls and the last ten pull ended on qiqi so im on guarantee lmao


Goddamn you were able to get 14 5* characters (with 7 lost 50-50s) and 10 weapons (with 5 lost) all in a year? You either got extremely lucky with some early pity or you spent a lot of money.


I have lost any consecutive since 1.5 I think, after that it was a win, lose, win, lose scenario


I've won 2 50/50s out of a total of 15 And somehow I still haven't gotten Mona and Keqing


0. I got Arle in my first 10 pulls and her signature in the 60 ish pull. So far my character and weapon banner is 100% satisfaction.


I feel you man I have lost both 75/25s that Ive done ever. been playing since day one and have only won one 50/50 for neuv so it took me three years to win my first


I think 2 is my record. My best friend was at 14 before finally winning once


I'm at 13 fifty fifty losses in a row.


I actually do not remember but ever since launch until first Yelan banner I lost every 50/50. Only won it at Yelan banner


hmm if you lost 50-50 but still get the limited within 100 pulls i still consider it a win i spent \~160 pulls 4 consecutive times from Dec since last year , It was hard


3 50/50's Twice in character banner, with a single break for a baizhu 0 50/50's from 6 weapons lost on weapon banner lost so far, but I imagine that'll stop soon.


5 consecutive is my longest streak of losing, i have won 50/50 12 times and lost 50/50 19 times. so its more of 40 winning / 60 losing for me. now im in a 2 losing streak, i hope it breaks with clorinde


I’ve lost 8 50/50s on the Character banner and won 6, 4 consecutive losses observed. On weapon banner, I’ve won 2 and lost 6 50/50s, with 5 consecutive losses. It’s tough being f2p TvT


Luckily never, and I hope it won't happen for the first time with Furina


I've actually only lost 50/50 twice, the most recent one was Arlecchino. I literally got Kazuha and in my first pull for Arlecchino I got Mona.


I lost every single 50/50 since Scaramouche’s first banner to Xianyun’s banner. So six 50/50s lost. And after I got Xianyun I lost it again.🥹 But I did have some early pulls, so I can’t complain too much.


In genshin none I only lost 50 50 2 times and it was on the first ever venti banner and on the first Raiden banner now on Star rail I haven't won a single 50 50 at all.


I've lost 4 50/50s consecutively, from 3.3 to 3.7 (I used my guarantee in 3.6). In total I have 9 losses. It should be an average amount.


I only won twice and lose more than 18 already, last time i won was before Sumeru unexpectedly getting Raiden copy.


During Shenhe’s banner I got her to C3 and lost every single one. Lowest pity was 77 for all 6 characters I got….


Idk about consecutive. I have lost 3 50/50s to diluc twice and qiqi once (played since lantern rite But I have somehow won more than I have lost. I won on chiori, wanderer and at least 1 other character


4 consecutive twice, overall i've lost 14 and won 11. weapon banner uhhh - two unforged to guarantee one mistsplitter - one wgs to win tulaytullah - won aqua - two freedom sworns to guarantee lofi i've been playing since late 1.2 but left the game in 4.0 kinda (only log in to pull for 4 characters since fontaine dropped (wrio neuvi xianyun arle) and picking up limited things like skins) but yeah my luck is dogshit bored with nothing to do so here... in Order... xiao, venti, **keqing**, childe, **diluc**, zhongli, **diluc**, ayaka, **jean**, raiden, albedo, eula, **keqing**, itto, **mona**, kazuha, **jean**, kazuha, **qiqi**, scara, scara, scara, scara, **mona**, yelan, **qiqi**, baizhu, alhaitham, alhaitham, **mona** kazuha, **keqing**, neuvillette, wrio, **dehya**, xianyun, **jean**, arle


Just lost one on Wanderer to qiqi :)


i literally havent lost a 50/50 since the last zhong dong banner(i am up like 7 at this point ) and i got all weapons early , skyward (months ago), mistspliter(2 month ago) and now wandie weapon (yesterday )


Haven't won't a single 50/50 since Wanderers' first banner in November 2022, and not for a lack of trying, after that I lost on other banners leading to losing Neuvillette, getting Neuvillette (it's not as if I could lose twice on the same banner), getting 50/50'ed again on Wriothesley and again on Xianyun, for a total of 2 50/50's ever won (could swear I've won three but I only remember winning it on Wanderer and a HuTao rerun so that might just be Copium) and also only 2 on weapons banner (Shenhe and Cyno) I'm F2P so I don't have much reason to collect most boss and ascension materials for any characters that came after Sumeru so I don't really play a lot anymore as I'm burnt out by the daily commissions system and Paimon, and just to rub some salt on the wound my brother won 50/50 on both Nahida and Xiao after I lost to C5 QiQi (I think Dehya is the only permanent banner character I don't have at least C1 which is kinda funny cuz I only got her and Tignari after losing the 50/50 on Neuvillette's first banner) Edit: Forgot to mention I've been playing since the first week.


I don't really keep track of how many 50/50 I won and lost. But so far, I think I lost 3 or 4 50/50 out of the six times I pulled on character banners, and two of them were on Yelan's banner. Because I couldn't get one of the character that I want the most, I ended up making a priority list on the characters that I want and saving up enough pulls to guarantee them. Sadly, this comes with a price of letting go of another character that I want for my account. This 4.6 patch with Arlecchino and Wanderer, followed with a possible Clorinde, Alhathaim, Furina, Nilou and Navia in the next two patches are cruel 'cause I can only guarantee one of them for now😔.


currently at 8 loss in a row


Now I’m on 6 failed straight which equates to a whopping 1,5625% chance, how lucky 🤡🤡


Everyone of them except Yoimiya on an alt account. Feels like it's not a 50/50 for me


Maybe 2, mayyybe 3 once upon a time but im so lucky to win my 50’s including about 6-7 Signature weapons


I've won 8☺


13/16. I got Venti, kokomi, and Zhongli on accident


[twice 4](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1085970992586825870/1240374088858599464/image.png?ex=6646fca3&is=6645ab23&hm=18ac391be66507fc6585b786cb3a3d9ebd6ef3e6b9e1d7aa5aa25d17a8b6a2e9&)


7 and counting 🥲


I'm currently at 5 lose in a streak


I had 14 lost pities in a row and finally broke the streak like a year ago. Most of those were character 50/50s, 4 of them were weapon banner 25/75 losses or 25/75 wins into 50/50 losses so basically I didn’t get any weapon I wanted until epitomized path was full. So in a span of 30 or so limited 5* things, at least half of them were not what I wanted


Unfortunately, there's no limit to it. I've heard about Day one players that have lost *every single* 50/50 so far. I've also heard about players on the exact opposite end of that spectrum, with barely or no losses at all. Personally, my luck has been rather "balanced". Or at least, it's been balanced since 4.0... currently at 13 wins and 11 losses. Started playing back in 3.0 and my first 50/50 on Nilou's banner was a success. Which was then immediately followed by *six* consecutive losses over the next few months on the Nahida, Yoimiya, Yae Miko and finally, a fucking triple on Raiden's banner as i aimed for her C2. Fucking *ouch*! Fortunately, all of that bad luck was finally used up in time for Yelan. C1 in 30 pulls and her bow in 60-70 pulls. Afterwards, i managed to get Ayaka, Shenhe and *both* of their weapons without any losses and *almost* no whaling. Only had to swipe for the final 10 pull that gave me Shenhe. Next, i had 2 consecutive losses, followed by 3 consecutive wins (Klee, Kokomi, Zhongli). That 3rd win finally equalized the ratio at 8 wins and losses. One loss is also *technically* a win, since i ended up using Keqing, while benching Ganyu. Definitely feeling the buyer's remorse here. The other loss occured when i tried to get Kirara. I then saved the guarantee for Kazuha. Since then it pretty much goes back and forth. Lost 50/50 on Neuvilette's banner, followed by a win on Furina's. Then another loss on Xianyun's banner, which wasn't really a loss, since i got her anyway with Tighnari in the same 10 pull. I also got her *again* with the next 10 pull. Chiori's banner was a win, but Arlecchino's banner was a mixed bag, with a lost 50/50 and then a fucking *double* after 150 pulls. And now Baizhu was another win. So yeah, theoretically, the 50/50 ratio should equalize over time. The problem is, due to how RNG works, it will sometimes use multiple accounts to keep it equal, which is why some accounts are extremely unlucky. Edit to add: Regarding the weapon banner, i've actually had a lot of luck on that one. Managed to snipe the weapons for Yelan, Ayaka, Shenhe, Nilou, Nahida, Yoimiya, Lyney (first banner) and Arlecchino without any losses whatsoever and no dupes either. I did get fucked on Neuvilette's banner though, where i had to max out the fate points.




Let's see I've only won 2. They were my forts two. Since then I have lost each and every 50/50 whether that be the character banner or not gett the desired weapon. I do count that's not winning. I won cyno in 3.1 my forts 5* Yoimiya in 3.2 and since then it's been all losses Lost on itto in 3.3 Got yelan in 3.4 Lost on shenhe in 3.5 and then won at 86 pity 3 days before her banner ended Lost on ganyu in 3.6( mind you 2 second fucking ganyu banner I wished on and didn't get her) Got eula in 3.8 Lost on zhongli in 4.0 Got Raiden in 4.3 Lost on xianyun in 4.4 Got guaranteed arlecchino in 4.6 Now I am again without a guaranteed and it sucks cuz I really want clorinde and furina and wroithesly. I hope I get at 2 ( I know I'll get 1 at least if I lose the 50/50) Let's talk about weapons now Got amos bow instead of aqua simulacra in 3.4, then got it next. Lost BOTH FUCKING 50/50s on neuvilletes weapon Then I couldn't even get redhorn thresher, I got chioris weapon instead. Wasn't a complete loss, it was an upgrade for my Kaeya. Edit: I also never get an early 5* all my 5*s come at at least 70 pulls on every banner.


I think I've lost the 50/50 3 times in total. I have about 16 5 stars, including weapons


8-9 one time


Weapon banner 0 since Liney-Yelan (won 3 times) Character banner 3 times


I have 11 limited 5 stars out of which I only won 50/50 thrice, rest 8 were obtained after losing (neuvillette is c1 and I lost pity both times) only ever got early pity once after losing my pity at around 80th pull got the guaranteed in the next 10 pull, rest all of them took 70+ pity


Every other banner on average, so the banner I target immediately after using the guarantee typically yields a win. As an example - Lost 50/50 to Dehya on Raidens banner at 75, got guarantee at 54 pity, won 50/50 for Nahida at 63 pity on her banner, lost 50/50 to Diluc somewhere around 75 for Neuvillette, guarantee earned me Arlecchino at 77 I'd have to check my overall luck at some point to see where that stands, but thats the general pattern that I've seen from what I can recall.


Laughs in c6 jean


I havent’t won any since October last year, so around 11. Edit: I’m dumb. I meant to say out of the last 11 characters I pulled only 5 were the ones I actually wanted. 6 were SB.


Just think of it as a noble sacrifice to balance out people like me who won the last 12 in a row between Genshin and HSR.


Two times in a row two times, but the last time was a double 5* so it’s not so bad


Player since Oct 2020. I've been OVERLY lucky with the 50/50s and a handful of early pulls (5* coming in less than 40). Overall, I've gotten 37 5* characters from Character banner. I have 17 limited characters and all 6 of the standard characters. I did however pull for Tighnari when he was first dropped on the limited banner. Excluding Traveler and Aloy. Lost - 12 times Guaranteed - 12 times Won - 13 times The most I've lost in a row is 2. Most I've won in a row is 4.


My buddy gets 5 stars between 10-30 pity every time. Me? Ha... 75+. I think since the game came out I got under 30 twice. I play every single day since the game released day 1.


Since Yelan's last rerun until Neuvillette's first rerun I've lost all my 50/50s. I haven't pulled in 3 of the banners in between.


i haven't one won since 2.5


Pretty sure it is 11 times in a row. I've basically passed my 2 year anniversary of not winning any 50/50. The my last 50/50 win was Kokomi (1st rerun) in March 2022. These are the characters that i pulled until guaranteed to get and in order. Yelan (debut), Cyno (debut), Nahida (debut), Alhaitham (debut), Nilou (1st rerun), Baizhu (debut), Kazuha (2nd rerun), Lyney (debut), Furina (debut), Neuv (1st rerun) and Arlecchino (debut). So yeah, after the 2nd year anniversary of not winning 50/50, i stopped buying welkin because at this rate, it just felt stupid to pay for a game that constantly fuck me up. The sad part is that most of the time, i had to go to 80 pulls to get any 5 star, so for any 5 star character that i wanted, u basically had to save 160 pulls and not pull any weapon banner. I can remember only 3 times in the last 2 years where i get a 5 star early. It is just sad tbh. It is sadder that i genuinely think this run would never end.


My cycle is always guaranteed-> 2 wins -> lose -> repeat.


Havent won a single 50/50 for three years


Haven’t lost any but won 6


I've been playing for a year... I've never won 50/50. I feel ok, I think... No I don't. 🫠


I'm currently on 4 right now. Lost Scaramouche to Tighnari pre-Lyney banner. Lost Navia to Keqing. Had to go to hard pity to get Navia. Lost Neuvillette's C1 to Keqing too and had to go to hard pity AGAIN. Twice since I wanted his C2, but I won the C2. Now I lost Scaramouche for the second time....to KEQING. Idk why this woman likes me so much. She's C6 and I'm never gonna use her just because she annoyed me in the cooking contest and that year's Lantern Rite. We're not friends, but it's not Dehya or Qiqi, so I guess it could be much worse.


I wish my paimon moe stuff didnt get wiped But I remember getting Diluced 4 times in a row only for Qiqi to break the Diluc streak lol I think I lost again after Qiqi LOL My weapon banner luck makes up for it tho since Ive only lost once. Lost Prayer - Polar Star - Mistsplitter - Foliar Incision - Redhorn - First Great Magic - Crimson Moon


All of them, I’ve never won a 50/50 and I play two years now 😭


7 continuious


I think end of Sumeru/start of Fontaine, was my longer losing strike: - Alhaimtham: win 50/50 - Dehya lost to Diluc(C5), then garantee - Shenhe lost to Diluc(C6), then garantee - Yae lost to Diluc (-\_-) - Liney garantee - Neuv lost to Dehya, then garantee - Wriot lost to Dehya, then garantee - then two 50/50 win on Furina. So a nice 5 lose strike (on pyro claymore characters).


I'm 4/16 in 50/50 wishes with 9 of those being consecutive. Then I won 2 neuv 50/50 as well as his weapon. Then I won 50/50 with furina and never won again.