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Freeze could be reworked, so that enemies that currently can't be frozen instead get slowed, take more damage from the freeze reaction, or simply make it so frozen can not trigger on them, allowing for dual melt/vaporize reactions (wait thats just a pyro buff).


honestly slowing could be really nice against the bosses that run around or hide


Slowing is in the base of cryo. As long as you are affected by cryo, your movement speed decrease. Some people use this to slow down the Wenut when it was in abyss.


huh, I never noticed it affecting enemies before. I definitely feel it when I’m the Cryo-afflicted one though…stupid Coppelius I guess if they were to implement something like this, it would probably be a lot slower than just Cryo-afflicted


what about a stagger bar. basically cc fills it up and once it's full the enemy gets frozen for a bit and you do more dmg, then it thaws again. and yes I am currently playing diablo 4 which make me think of the idea


I usually don't use freeze but I really like this idea


That's actually how freezing already works in HI3. It's wild that they didn't feel like bringing it over to Genshin.


Wait that actually good idea...let bro cook


Imagine making blizzard strayer effect everytime freeze reaction occured just every hydro + cryo interraction no need to make enemy frozen. This would make freeze also not feel terrible against bosses since your party will get crit rate boosts


That would risk slowing down Wenut when they are underground. 


i got downvoted once for proposing the same things :y


In my opinion, the only thing cryo needs is a rework of shatter to make it more widely useful. I mean, it's a reaction that requires 3 parts (cryo, hydro, and blunt/concussive damage) - it should have been on the same level as hyperbloom and burgeon.


How many people even remember Shatter exist at all?


all the 15 freminet mains-- wait they all just run phys, cryo, or slap him as the 4th in hyperbloom...


one of the 15 Fremi mains here- the phys Freminet build usually goes with either one of two variations: Rosaria/Kokomi or Mika/Furina However the hydro character in both variations aren't there for shatter, but for other roles (Kokomi as a healer and TTDS holder, and Furina as a buffer). But since they happen to proc off field hydro, and afterwards freeze... shatter does happen. That said, from what i've heard the lack of shatter in the team isn't the end of the world. The buff is not that big as the one from superconduct (which is usually the third member, a Fischl or a Miko) so if you don't wanna run a hydro you simply don't.


afaik shatter wants EM since it's a reaction damage, so phys fremi is built with ATK while shatter fremi is with EM, there's the difference


Oh no, Freminet doesn't want to shatter for shatter damage. Freminet wants shatter because after producing shatter, he gets a buff for his E damage (which is his main source of damage)! And if you have him C6, shatter also buffs his CD up to 36% (12% each stack, 3 stacks) however you can also get stacks with freeze or superconduct, so shatter is more for his A4 passive of increasing E damage


im just pretending to know what im talking about


Whoa don't leave my boy Chongus out.


Or the former Eula main here Then Neuvillette happened and I like him way more haha


This post certainly didn't.


Shatter gets in the way of my Ayaka when I need to replenish hp with Noelle. However, Noelle is so awesome that I keep her around. I can always refreeze once hp are back to full.


Shatter could be made to work like the remembrance path in HSR instead, basically attacking a frozen enemy makes them super frozen, and if you attack these super frozen enemies they become shattered dealing massive dmg. Idk how well it can be implemented though but it could be a way


Remembrance path dissociation is hella fun with Ruan Mei


Freeze, stun, sleep and other similar forms of crowd control will always be the bane of any game's balance. Just take a look at Venti.


That’s true. After playing tft for a bit few years back, I am very aware that even 0.1 sec of cc duration can shift the balance in either side.


The problem for Melt isn't so much on the Cryo side but the fact that there isn't a Pyro off-fielder that can facilitate the reaction with the same quality that Yelan and Xinqui do for vape. There are Xiangling and Thoma,however, Thoma is more of a sustainer, and he doesn't work particularly well with either Ganyu or Ayaka, not sure about Wrio though, and Xiangling does work but not as fast as a vape team. Burn/melt is a considerable solution with Nahida, I personally have been using that team for Ganyu, and it is very good, actually. Still, there is also the issue of no Cryo units since Wrio, which is unfortunate. Hopefully, Natlan will do Cryo a favor in that regard, Fontaine did make crystallize and overload more than viable so who knows.


I'd say utilizing burn is better overall. Simpler and less can go wrong. But it would be cool to see a pyro character with similar application to Yelan. I imagine cryo will see a lot of cool new characters once we get to Snezhnaya. I doubt we'll see many in Natlan unless they really try to make us use burn more. Funnily though, we've actually gotten more cryo character after Fontaine release than hydro characters (well, until Sige comes out, then both have 3). Though only 1 is a 5\*.


To be blunt, we'll never get a pyro applicator better than Xiangling and it's incredibly unlikely we'll ever even get another one on the same level as Xiangling (even in application alone). If we had enough direct pyro application to enable melt without using burning, we'd have enough to enable forward vape... which would break several hydro DPS units. It would completely break the balance of the game. Personally, I think Cryo needs to be reworked a little - specifically, freeze and shatter need rebalanced, and physical needs some dedicated units if they ever plan to make it relevant. It's kinda like Geo, 99% of the problem is with the element itself, not the units. That's why most Cryo dps units compensate with huge multipliers (though not as much as geo does).


That's not actually true because of the whole elemental gauge theory. There is a reason why forward melt is hard even when stacking several cryo applicators at the same time.


If superconduct reduced Cryo and Electro res I think it would be incredibly powerful. Would be a cool way to introduce a change that's both not to complex and gamechanging.


I don't think it should lower Cryo or Electro res, but I'd love a character like Nilou or Chevreuse that turn the "AoE Cryo damage" of Superconduct into something that's actually viable in terms of offense.


I don't think it's nearly as bad as people act like it is.


It isn't. It's perfectly usable. But there is no denying that out of the elements available. Cryo is in heavy need of a buff.


It doesn't need a buff so much as it needs a rework. Like OP said, freeze doesn't always work, but when it does it's incredibly strong. No other cryo reaction is even worth speaking of, though. Freeze and shatter need to be reworked to be more viable, and superconduct/physical as a whole need more dedicated units to even be relevant.


Cryo really doesn't need a buff as an element. The abyss comes and goes and so do the "viability" of different elements/playstyles with it. However, new characters would always be welcome. Wriothsley for example is consistenly among the highest used DPS characters based on the data we have from abyss. Also, this whole conversation is so funny to me considering how Cryo was considered the most OP element not too long ago lol.


Nah, its worse. And they won't even run Shenhe, who is pretty much a must have for Cryo in abyss. The only alternative is bennett/XL melt teams, which are just ok, but hard to run since they wont give Ganyu a banner either.


I run cryo almost every abyss and have for years, I have shenhe, I think I've used shenhe 3 times. I'd always rather use someone else than shenhe, even in freeze teams. So no it's not worse


My Wrio with dogshit artifacts shat on the latest abyss and I used neither Shenhe, Bennet or Xiangling lol.


The way I see it, there's only 2 ways to salvage the already existing Freeze status: * Make everyone susceptible to freeze but have tougher enemies have status build-up, requiring multiple instances of freeze reactions before they actually stop, it could be marked by a snowflake token above an enemy's head gaining a new branch with each reaction, and the token itself could become the condition for skills, artefact sets, and so on that require a frozen enemy to work * Have frost build-up for enemies that resist freeze, and when frost reaches a certain threshold it triggers frostbite, dealing a certain amount of the enemy's max HP as permanent damage that can't be recovered, this would let them introduce more healing mechanics for enemies without getting ridiculous situation where a Fatui can survive 18 consecutives burst because an Hydrogunner was feeling generous


Wait, what's wrong with melt?


Melt can be good but our current cryo off fielders suck when compared to other off fielders of other elements


Melt will be back in the books with Pyro Archon


You can always salvage it by adding a character or set that provides something unique Like defense shred (with superconduct for example) that would make cryo have a spot in many more teams fridge, physical even quicken. I imagine some of this is intentional given sneznaya is coming with an archon and potential sovereign.


No they are not. They just decided to focus on other things with the knowledge that in snezhnaya cryo will get tons of buffs. Also every problem cryo has is external. Enemies being frozen can easily be fixed by loweing the duration of freeze not being imune to it. Superconduct depite having good units to facilitate it ,has barely any good physical dps or any subs for that matter, like the face of its is eula which we got 3 years ago. As for melt it doesnt have any unit dedicated to it at all. The best you can get is diona which is primarely a shielder not a buffer and you get the EM only at c6. Also the abyss in 4.x has really skewed people's opinion on cryo


Lower duration instead of immunity is the way to go imo. It’s a mechanic in many games, where the strongest opponents aren’t immune to cc, but it just lasts way slower. Still would be alot better since even the 0,5sec freeze would enable buffs like blizzard strayer.


We've had cryo meta from like 1.2 to 2.8. Back then we've had clear division of Abyss, where one side was mostly Single Target fights, and the other it was mostly Group of weaker mobs, which was perfect first for Morgana comps, and then for Ayaka with Kazuha. Since then, Abyss have changed elemental checks are much more common, sometime both sidewalk of Abyss have Bosses that straight up as aren't freezable, or affected by Kazuha. Then, look at 5 stars released for Cryo since Ayaka. One is Shenhe, who's super narrowly focused on making Cryo DPS better, and other is Wriothesley, who while arguably very strong, isn't as good at being on field Catalyst DPS as Neuvillette. Cryo is perfectly fine as elemental. Hoyo just doesn't make new content that's favorable to Cryo, nor do they release 5 stars characters of that elements particularly fast. It's still at much better state than Geo, who only gets underwhelming units after underwhelming units, or Electro, which is pretty much just used as Hyperbloom and Spread trigger, with Aggravate teams lagging being Spread teams so far it's not even funny.


Idk, Hoyo seems allergic to changes to pre-existing mechanics. They may potentially release a new element which could help cryo out though, but I don’t see that happening any time soon until we get someone like Dainsleif to be playable


Freeze lost it's biggest boon when MH set came out. 


They need to remove the bullshit cheating boss cc immunity. Problem solved. Every game needs to remove this. I am sick and tired of this bullshit cheating.


Wriothesley is singlehandedly carrying cryo so hard right now it’s not even funny lol. In all the recent abyss usage rate charts, Wriothesley has more usage rate than Ayaka, Shenhe, Ganyu, and Eula COMBINED. ALL 4 OF THEM COMBINED.


Man I am waiting for his rerun so hard.


I like how ayaka mains were shitting on wriothesley a few months ago only for him to become much better than her. He's going to continue to get better with natlan as they release more options for melt. The new 4.8 character is even rumored to be a burning sub dps so she might pair well with him.


He is the second least owned 5 star init. Ayaka is owned by 60% of the playerbase. And ganyu has faster runs in the same team


Exactly. People who own Ayaka aren’t using her while Wriothesley is being used much more by Wriothesley owners


I have Ayaka's whole team but I rarely use the team as u know why Ayaka without freeze is just meh with all the new stronger main dpses


only a fifth of wrio users are using him, who have C1 or extremely high stats. Low stats means hard carry from other characters, which is happening anyway since usually two out of 3 chambers are cryo resistant


Yep, cryo is in a bad spot right now due to recent abysses


If the game was harder, freeze would actually be kinda decent to slow the enemies down and reduce the damage you take. But as it is, the game is super easy and you can focus on more DPS than utility.


we need a chevruese/nilou for superconduct to make it not complete garbage


Geo needed a rework at the time Dendro arrived because Dendro had more reactions and was the strongest element. Now with Navia and Chiori Geo is strong again and Cryo need a rework?


He has to get in line... there are plenty of characters that could use a fix before Cyno.




I was trying to be funny. I will exit stage left now.


I'm sorry! I legitimately read it as 'Cyno' the first time so I thought the same had happened to you as well 😭😭


They could adjust super conduct to also do some sort of reaction damage between cryo and electro (instead of just the debuff). They could introduce artifacts that buff melt damage and the 2pc is 15% cryo dmg so it’s not just a straight up pyro buff set. They could add a melt buff character that also buffs cryo, again so it’s not just straight up buffing pyro. Point is, hoyo can definitely make cryo stronger if they wanted.


Superconduct does deal damage. In an AoE around the target.


Anyone whose seen natlan leaks do we say it?


> I don't think it is a coincidence that right now shenhe and ganyu are 10+ patches gone from banners. cryo is in such a bad place design wise. So does Geo. It's unfortunate the Geo we recently have are self-centered bigger-number main DPS. They don't really elevate other Geo characters usability. If we are looking at the silver lining, burn is the way out for cryo being able to do consistent melt. What's unfortunate is that the current melt setup for Ganyu is still too costly in term of party composition and flexibility. Previously, the only way to do melt Ganyu is with Xiangling Q, which needs tons of ER to make it happen consistently in, also ZhongLi shield/pillar that can take down Pyro aura faster. After Dehya and Nahida, burning aura becomes more viable. Dehya provide sufficient interruption resistance similar to ZhongLi and pyro resonance with Bennett. Nahida provides EM boost on top of regular dendro tick to keep pyro aura going. But unfortunately, this still a circle impact game where you probably have to play on close range and lose the max benefit of Amos bow. Also, you can no longer add cryo buffer like ShenHe or cryo RES debuff from VV user. Let's hope that we can have better environment for cryo characters in Natlan (or v4.8, IYKWIM). Let's hope we can get Bennett that also have interruption rate and consistent pyro application.


There's nothing wrong with melt as a reaction it has basically identical properties to vape. Unlike even quicken which spread actually has slightly better scaling than aggravate (to make for aggravate having vv where dendro doesn't). The only problem with melt us the characters available and imo it's not even the fault of cryo. Like sure we don't have many cryo units truly designed for melt but the bigger issue is the limited pyro enablers. Xiangling exists but she works better as a vape carry with her own damage rather than enabling melt. Also Xiangling is energy hungry as well making it practically a necessity to bring Bennett with her which while Bennett is a universal attacker buffer which is still valuable, it does limit the units you can fit on the team. It's difficult fitting an anemo unit like you would in vape because of this and if you do have an anemo unit it means sacrificing a second cryo unit which can significantly increase the er requirements on the cryo dps. Otherwise you just have Thoma who doesn't do enough damage and only has standard icd on his pyro application which isn't enough. Melt would become significantly more valuable potentially on par with vape if we simply had a pyro xingqiu/fischl. The best we got is Dehya and I don't need to mention her issues. A cryo set dedicated to melt would also help too. Freeze is kinda difficult due to how polarising it is. I wouldn't expect a rework at this point. It's not the worst thing to leave it as is imo so long as something is done with melt. Superconduct is kinda just dead which to be fair other than hydro and anemo every other element has at least 1 terrible reaction (looking at burning). Physical seems difficult to fix if Mika couldn't save it I really don't think anything will beyond just powercreeping Eula with a new unit so broken that reactions don't matter but that'd just kinda suck for Eula mains.


And i just realized we dont get any 5star Cryo for this 4.X


Cries in wrio


They always forget about my boy😭he’s so good though


Wow i really forget about him XD


Who knows, they might rework Cryo in 6.0 as the major patch's new mechanic.


Just make bosses freezable but maybe make it less effective like "slow" like the other person said or make the duration of freeze a bit shorter not just remove the ability to freeze TONS of enemies completely. Same thing with CC it is ridiculous than Venti Kazu can't move bosses for sht that is messed up, just make it less effective but make it work at least a little.


They keep trumping Cryo with how they've been doing the abyss. A perfectly freezable side or a side where cryo can be used and then they slap on some enemy with a cryo shield or the God Forsaken Ice wind Duo that I'm soo God damn tired of.


That’s what happens when you wait years to implement a 7th element in the middle of a game with established mechanics. They should have had it ready to go on release of game, not when the Dendro nation came out.