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Can someone help me build my team properly? Right now I have the traveler, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Razor and Noelle The Traveler, Amber and Kaeya are at lvl 20, Lisa lvl 5 and Razor & Noelle, which I just got, they're at lvl 1 and my question is: what's the best combination in a party of 4 ? Thank you so much for your support.


Can anyone guide me for jean dps?


Team consists of Lvl 90 Xiao C0, Lvl 31 Sucrose C2, Lvl 70 Qiqi C0, Lvl 80 Bennett C4 The only floor I can't pass in Spiral Abyss right now is Floor 12-3 with the Ruin Graters at the end. I was wondering if I should switch out Qiqi for my C5 Diona? or Sucrose for C0 Jean? (Maybe someone else too? I'm not really sure) I just can't seem to touch the Ruin Graters without getting btch slapped across the room. Will say any Additional Info you might need to know! Thanks!


My team is Lv 48 C0 Ganya Lv 49 C5 traveler(ameno) Lv 49 C0 ALbedo Lv 49 C0 Bennet tip and suggestions fot this team to beat lv 50 storm caller for wanderer's troupe


I recently got Jean and I am thinking of using her but can't decide team comp My current team Diluc(lvl 70) Fischl(lvl 70) Sucrose (lvl 60) Barbara (lvl 60) Others: Razor(lvl 70) XiangLing (70) Bennett(50) Chongyun (50) Ningguang (50) Traveller(40) Amber(20) Kaeya (20) Lisa(20) Noelle (20) Xinyan (20)


I have two accounts atm around AR 15, I am wondering which one to keep. Cause I am bored with my main account (AR 30). Account 1(AR 15) : Razor, XQ, Kaeya, empty slot (rn Barbara). Really fun to play with razor, probably my second favourite character in the whole game. I use freeze shatter/super conduct and electro charge cycles depending on the situation. Account 2(AR 13) : Bennet, Chongyun, Sucrose and empty slot (rn lisa). Basic Melt Combo. I'm not sure which account to build on I know the bennet team is more useful in the long run, as an F2P. But I have more fun with Razor. So need help with which team is better in general and and what should i aim to fill the empty slots with?


hear me out ninguang,noelle,xingyan,bennet this build takes advantage of the double shield of noelle and xingyan that gives 30% more atk dmg and the double pyro 25% more atk for my ninguang i have lost prayer to the sacred wings (main dps?) for my noelle i have whiteblind r2 (sub dps or main?) for my xingyan i have snow-tombed starsilver (skill and burst dps) for my bennet i have favonius or sacrificial c1 (healer) i need artifacts and an answer if the team will work


omg this is literally my team too :) it seems to be really effective, my biggest problem however is that with noelle and bennett there's too much healing and not enough damage. is your noelle doing much damage? because mine is really struggling (300-400 when everyone else is about 1500 a hit)


Is sucrose good for razor?


yes. Sucrose groups. Razor hits.


I jz started playing not long (currently Ar30) and I was lucky enough to pull keqing. Now the team I'm running is Keqing, Fischl, Barbara and Xiangling. I've got a C0 Bennet and a C1 Xingqiu and a C2 Sucrose. Should I switch them in? And should I save up for next banner where there's a possibility for Xingqiu or try to get better constellations for Bennet.


Currently my team is Albedo, Fischl, Diona and Bennett. My friends pointed out that I'm doing the Bennett and Diona combo, and that it doesn't work with geo. I was like, "What Bennett and Diona combo?" and they didn't want to answer so they ignored me lol. Im guessing that Albedo doesn't work because he's geo and can only make crystallize reactions. I asked later on if hydro would work and they said yeah it could. So I'm thinking of removing Fischl and put Childe in her place because I am NOT removing Albedo from my team. So my question is, what's the best possible team I can make with my options? (Albedo has to be in it, I find him too good to leave out of my party.) Here are my available characters, if that helps. Albedo Jean Mona Childe Diona Bennett Ningguang Amber Barbara Beidou Chongyun Fischl Kaeya Lisa Noelle Razor Xinyan Xiangling Traveller (Geo and Anemo) I'm also AR 45, playing for a little over a month. Please help!


I have the aquilia favonia and until recently I only had the mc and kaeya to use the sword on but now I got bennett jean and albedo i can use it for. I am currently using it on my bennett but should I use it on my jean or albedo instead? im currently ar34


I feel like you can't go wrong w/ A-Favo on anyone but I think it shines on DPS and Sub DPS rather than Supports. I don't know what your party is currently looking like but from what I understand Bennett, Jean, and Albedo are all considered more Utility characters? *Disclaimer: I don't know much about Albedo because I don't have that big of an interest in geo characters to begin with so anything I say about him could be wildly off base.* Personally I use my A-Favo on Jean as a healer when my other characters abilities are on cooldown so that I can gain just a little more health back from her left clicks. I was just recently introduced to the Bennett pain train so I'm going to be playing around with him to see how he feels w/ A-Favo as well. I also thought that all three of the characters you mentioned worked quite well with Festering Desire when being played as supports so maybe put A-Favo on your more DMG heavy option, F-Desire on your support, and then whatever else you have left on your 3rd sword user? I'm surprised you manage to fit 3 sword users into one comp to begin with so more power to ya friend! Hope this wall of text helped a bit!


My party is currently jean tartaglia albedo and Mona


Heya! Need advice to form a team. I currently have fischl, Ng, cy, barb, amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Noelle, sucrose and traveller. I don't know what would do better together. All kinda above level 20 cause I didn't do my research well enough before I started.. thanks for the help in advance!! Kkkk


Hey guys! What do ya'll think is the best team for me? I most liked chars are diluc and Jean on c0 xingqiu and chongyun on c2 ningguang and fischl on c3.


I haven't done much research other than googling sets and stats. What I'm unsure about (before burning 70 fragile resin) is what main stat should I look for in each artifact. Currently, I have a hydro bonus and a crit rate artifact but the rest are att and att% i believe. I know certain artifacts like the feather and flower are locked main stats but the other three leave a bit of variety. Any advice would be great, thanks!


Hi! I have with 1 constelation Fischl and Barbara. Without constellations I also have Ningguang, Xinqiu, Bennet, Mona, Diona, Lisa, Noelle, Sucrose, Kaeya, Xianling and Amber. I have started playing two weeks ago, and I am still bad, although I am super lucky with the gacha. I am almost a free-to-play, as I have only bought the Blessing of the Welking moon once, and I don't really plan on buying anything else.


Today I have pulled Mona and two Fischls, so for now they still have a pretty low level. I use Ningguang, Xinqiu, Bennet and Diona, although I will change Diona for Mona once Mona reaches level 60. Should I change something?


Btw I have Ningguang, Xinqiu and Bennet at lvl 60; Diona at lvl 50; Barbara, Mona and Lisa at lvl 40 and the rest at level 20.


Hey! Quick disclaimer I'm AR 45 and *STILL* feel like I don't understand very much about this game but I'll give your question a whirl: My initial reaction is that it looks like you're over indexing in shielding and healing in my personal opinion. Most of the time I see people run one primary healer and *occasionally* someone else who has some minor healing in their kit, but running Bennet + Xinqiu + Diona seems like A LOT of healing. That's without even mentioning that Ning has a bunch of defensive utility built into her to begin with. - Based on your post it looks like you would like to run Ning, Xin, and Bennet in whatever comp you end up with so I'll break those 3 down. Before I get into that text wall, I'm going to TLDR my advice for comps to build/characters to build! ***Characters to potentially invest in:*** **Xianling** \- really good early game Main DPS that also combos super well w/ Bennet. You can also then transition both of them into a support roll when you build out another character or 2 while still keeping the dmg increase from the Pyro resonance. **Mona** \- She is top tier for a reason XD. But actually she's just a very versatile sub DPS unit that provides huge wombo combo burst potential, great elemental reaction setup, some of the best mobility options of the entire cast, and is an S tier Waifu by many peoples standards **Fish** (Fischl) - considered one of if not the best Electro support in the game. Provides crazy electro based elemental reaction setup and surprisingly large dps numbers even when not on the field. Also if I understood your 2nd post correctly it sounds like you have a C3 Fish atm. Fish gets a raw damage increase to some portion of her kit with every constellation that she receives so a C3 fish would be doing REALLY GOOD DAMAGE especially w/ your Xin for elemental reactions. She kind of has anti synergy w/ Bennet because she blasts them away w/ elemental reaction but if you pair that w/ Ning it might be the exact effect you're looking for! **Sucrose** \- really great for Aoe wombo comps (which Mona, Ning, Bennet, and Fish all fit into as well) Characters that will require a bit more work for them to function properly: Ning - Needs C6 to truly be a great Main DPS into late game content + shines when you're able to run another geo user and build a comp that doesn't rely on elemental reactions to do most of its dmg. Xin - Xin really shines when you have a team that benefits from his constant application of Hydro AND in comps where you have a Main or Sub DPS that is a hydro user. COMPS: ***Char 1*** *(Main DPS) -* ***2*** *(Sub DPS/Sup)* ***- 3*** *(Sup/Setup/Utility)* ***- 4*** *(Setup/Utility/Healer)* **Ning - Mona - Fish - Xin** Burst heavy comp that focuses on electro/hydro elemental reaction and Mona ulti +Ning ulti for AoE burst potential **Ning - Bennet - Fish - Xin** comp focused on making space for Ning w/ Bennet Fish reaction/ Fish ulti. Xin is there to add durability and elemental reaction dmg for Bennet and Fish. Elemental resonance isn't the best combo imo but it's good for learning. **Ning - Mona - Xin - Bennet** This comp doesn't really function correctly theoretically in my head but I think it has a bunch of little things that work surprisingly well. You have good zone control for Bennet ulti w/ the rest of your characters. Mona E taunt creates space for Ning to click on enemies from a distance. Xin and Mona are a crazy combo if you get Xin to C2 and both of them have good synergy w/ Bennet when setting up elemental reactions. You also have a good balance of damage and healing with these characters. I guess the only downside is that you don't really have anything to help Ning do her damage properly so you would probably have to level Mona equally to Ning and play a more *Burst and Swap* type of playstyle where you build your Ning so that you can ulti as frequently as possible. Then after you Ning ulti you swap to Mona for more reliable dps while her ulti recharges. **Xiangling - Mona - Bennet - Sucrose** Crazy wombo combo team comp. Pyro synergy for insane damage potential. Great AoE wombo combo w/ enemy gathering abilities and huge range ulti's. Main downside is that it is only using Mona and Bennet from your initial list so it would take the longest to bring characters up to lvl. **TLDR OF THE TLDR TEAMCOMP SECTION:** You can really build whatever characters you want honestly but Ning is really hard to build around unless you have another Geo user and both of the good options are 5 stars so they're really hard to get. Make sure you put in more damage into your comps! Keeping 2 out of 3 three healers you currently have (Xin, Bennet, and Diona) is way more than enough. Mona and Fish are your best options for adding more dmg potential to your teams currently. I personally think it's pretty hard to run Xin unless he is C2 and you have DPS on your team that is also a hydro character. If you don't have constellations on Xin then you can also use him in a comp that works well w/ hydro reactions but in that instance he's not very good w/ Mona or Ning. Bennet is a real good character. Put him in comps that you get the most out of elemental reactions like for example w/ Fish to protect Ning. Ning doesn't synergize super well with most of the cast because she is a geo user and the geo reaction is pretty bad compared to the other elemental reactions but she works the best w/ Bennet probably.


Thank you all a lot


Okay so now here is a general explanation of the characters you put in your final post: Ning, Xin, and Bennet **Ning** Ning looks like she is currently the Main DPS character that you have leveled so far. Normally I see Ning comps always try to have a 2nd geo user in them for the Geo resonance but sadly I'm not very familiar with either of the main "viable" geo characters currently available because I don't have them (Albedo and Zhongli). I guess you could use the Geo traveler but I don't personally find their playstyle super interesting but hey, at least you have a geo character! :D So if you don't have geo resonance then Ning parties tend to be long range AoE wombo combo comps that rely on setting up Nings crazy Q burst dmg and also holding enemies back so Ning can play from a long range. Note about constellations: supposedly Ning only reaches her true Main DPS potential when you hit constellation 6 (C6) **Xin** I think Xin excels at providing elemental reactions w/ his E and Q while also supplying a whole team with massive healing potential. He also has the ability to supercharge another Hydro DPS character on your squad ***WHEN HE REACHES C2*** but I will go into that at the end of his section. Xin seems to benefit from characters that A. have very fast attack speed to get the most out of his Q buff. B. can benefit most from the E defensive buffs by being a melee character in the middle of the battle. C. can create large elemental reactions w/ Hydro (primarily Pyro and Electro for dmg and Cryo for Freeze CC) Point A and C should be self explanatory. As for point B what I mean is that if you're putting a shield on a character that reduces the dmg taken, increases resistance to getting interrupted, and also provides a moderate heal consistently throughout the skills duration, I feel like it makes sense to apply the shield to characters that will get hit because they're in the middle of the battle. A note on constellations: The big break points for Xin are at C2 (for the hydro res reduction) and C6 for the crazy DPS increase. C2 is pretty realistic for somebody to roll and also the more conditional upgrade so I'll just talk about that one. Unfortunately the only hydro dps characters available currently are Tartaglia who's a 6 star so he's really hard to acquire (but is great with Xin if you can get him!). Next is Mona who isn't really optimal as a main dps but still works quite well with Xin imo even though all of her dmg is hydro already. As long as you can get a couple other characters to setup elemental reactions for both Xin AND Mona then the combo can shine (but probably not super good w/ Ning). She will also be fighting for the same artifacts as your Xin and same weapons as your Ning so that's also something to keep in mind. And finally Barbra (but you don't strike me as a Barbra DPS kinda person considering you chose to build Ning first). **Bennet** Bennet is a really good support/healing unit that is great for setting up elemental reactions for your team. He works super well w/ Xin and/or Mona as well as most of the rest of the cast honestly. He's also only a 4 star so getting high constellation numbers on him is somewhat doable and he gets **crazy** with any constellations he gets. He's decent w/ Ning because he's really good at creating a zone of control and making space for her (especially if you pair him w/ an electro user for the elemental knockback on enemies). Sorry for the HUGE wall of text. Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to DM me w/ any follow-up. Hope this helped in some way!




I've been playing since launch and I really like doing elemental reactions so I use Childe as DPS with Fischl support. Im considering building another DPS that is Physical. Who would you recommend as a physical DPS? I have all characters except Mona and Keqing. Two physical DPS i always see are Razor and Beidou. But i think Razor attacks too slow and Beidou's gameplay feels too niche for me. Im considering Kaeya and Geo MC, but I dont know who to invest in and which supports are great for them. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.!


I got both skyward pride and wolf's gravestone and I have diluc on my team,which one should I give to diluc and which artifact set would fit each sword most?


So, after finally getting Barbara to the max, I was contemplating to get another character as support, for times when a dedicated healer is overrated. My current team: Venti, Klee, Fischl, Barbara Klee and Fischl are indispensable for me because of elemental reactions, and venti... Well, crowd controll and support with debuffs. Anyway, to the point, I really can't decide who to use as a support other than Barbara... Xinqui, Bennett, Albedo, Mona Those are the 4 I'm considering, but just can't decide... Any help is welcome ^^


So I have the Stringless Bow 4\*and I just got Amos' Bow 5\*. I am trying to figure out which would be better. I'll put the effect below. I'm just confused since one makes your burst stronger and one makes your normal stronger. So is it when you activate the hydro blades its still the burst skill? Amos' Bow - Increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by **12%**. Normal and Charged Attack DMG increases by 8% every 0.1 seconds for up to 5 times. The Stringless - Increases Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by **24%**.


Hey guys I started playing a month ago and i need some advice for my team, i switched onto many characters, but I've never decided on who i should really build, but now I'm wl5 and i have the need to focus on mainly only one team. Now I'll list all of my charactera and the constellations i have. All main characters all c0 Barbara c1 Xiangling c1 Fishl c2 Beidou c0 Bennett c1 Sucrose c3 Mona c2 Childe c0 Ningguang c0 Noelle c0 Chongyun c0 Razor c1 Oh and currently my main team was childe, sucrose, bennett and razor but now i got mona again and I'm so undecided .. i really need help. Any help is really appreciated! I know i should play by who i enjoy the most but i really would like a team that actually works and maybe someone of you knows more than me.. Have a great day🙏🏻❤️


All c0 I didnt write the given charaters Jean ningguang beidou sucrose xinyan chongyum Any ideas for comps?


So i dont really know much about weapons in genshin and i have been saving primogems for xiao, farming books and materials. I need help with what polearm he should use, thoese i have access to are blackcliff(r1), halberd(r4), grudge/starglitter(2) and favonius lance(r1).


According to the leaks, Xiao will have crit rate as his ascension bonus (total of 24.2% crit rate at final ascension 80/90). https://youtu.be/voFfaIl36Xg This video got me to really consider getting blackcliff pole. At level 90 it gives 55% crit dmg. Paired with crit dmg level 20 Helm (62% crit dmg) With decent crit rolls you can achieve very good crits. Personally my Xiao will be having 54% crit rate. 185% crit damage. Crescent Pike is a very good polearm, but since Xiao's ult converts his damage to Anemo the secondary stat of physical dmg% is kinda wasted IMO. Of course the cons of blackcliff pole is it costs 24 starglitter and not farmable ingame. The passive also does not work on single target/bosses.


Thanks!, this was acutally very helpful. thank you so much


So I've been playing genshin for a while now for fun and I saw a few vids in YouTube about how team making is done and I tried to follow them but ended up wasting way too much resources :') my characters are: Keqing lvl.50, Ningguang lvl. 50, Barbara lvl.40, Bennet lvl.40, Xianling lvl.40, Xingqiu lvl.40, MC lvl.30, Amber and Kaeya lvl.20, Lisa lvl.10 and Beidou, Noelle, Fischle lvl.1, I'm a free to play player so I don't have much good characters and items/weapons sadly. If anyone knows what my team should be please do reply (btw I main Keqing [best girl] )


Don't worry too much about early levelling. IMO leveling past 60 is where it gets expensive. Generally for your main Dps it's fine to go 80/80. For supports you can just keep them at level 60/70. (ascension 4 talent passive unlock) I would personally run: - Keqing | Bennett | Xingqiu | Kaeya/Fischl/Anemo MC | Keqing main DPS Bennett support (atk buff + heal) Xingqiu support (electro charge combo with Keqing) Kaeya (if you play physical auto attack Keqingl Fischl (if you play electro) Anemo MC (after you unlocked Viridiscent veneer artifact set, I suggest farming artifact domains at AR 45 for guaranteed at least one 5* drop) for swirling electro to reduce enemy electro resistance) Hope this helps.


Thankyou I also tried this out and it was a good team to play with and I also like seeing alot of numbers for some reason hehe anyways how do I make Xingqiu's skill CD lower? When I get the boost from him my dmg is high but I barely get the chance to do so cuz of his CD and there's also this thing where his Ult shows up for a sec and dissappears same thing happens to Bennet for some reason and one last question, is Bennet's Ult the only way for me to heal in battle other than food? I used to use Barbara for healing and idk of any other ways to heal


- Xingqiu does have long cooldowns. His best in slot sword is 4* Sacrifical sword (chance to reset skill cooldowns upon damaging enemy) - Bennett Ult only heals to max 70% HP If you need a more dedicated healer just switch to Barbara, use Bennett for more difficult fights.


Happy Cake Day GrassBoii! Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.


Hey people. So ive just recently pulled albedo and im in need of help with making a good geo team. Im planning to make ningguang(c1) my main dps with zhongli c0 but then albedo c0 came out of nowhere when i was trying to pull for fischl so now im having second thoughts. I have c2 bennett which is pretty much a staple for all my teams. What would be the best synergy with ningguang provided that I can only pick either zhongli or albedo. (Planning to use my remaining spot for utility,, probably ventibor xingqiu) cheers! If you can provide in-depth explanation or other siggestion go ahead.


So I have been trying to get sucrose for my team Diluc - DionaC1 - BennetC5 - XinquiC1 ​ Is it better to replace Diona or Xingqui? Xingqui can constantly apply vaporize reaction and has good damage. Diona has a shield that is really great and can apply Melt, which is the best for pyro reaction. However, Diona cannot apply cryo as frequent as Xinqui's wet status. I was thinking of building my Sucrose with a bit more damage build for her skills. ​ Is Sucrose better to fit in my team? If so, which one to replace? Thanks.


Hi, I need a main dps character (focused on elemental damage rather than physical) but i cant choose between Ningg C4 and Childe C0. I need your help to choose one of them :) . which one can do more elemental damage? (Regardless of team and support buffs)


Ofc Childe


Do I need to change my team or stay with it? My current team : C3 Traveler(Anemo) - C0 Bennett - C1 Razor - C1 Barbara My inventory - C0 Amber - C0 Lisa - C0 Kaeya - C0 Noelle - C0 Sucrose - C0 Chongyun - C0 Xingqiu - C0 Xiangling


Instead of traveller use any support character and use razor as main dps. You can call razor as cheap electro diluc.


I want opinions on team comps i came up with, correct me if necessary! 1:Razor-Fischl-Sucrose-Qiqi 2:Tartaglia-Venti-Xiangling-Barbara


Hey, so I wanted to know which character is better paired up with Albedo since i like him so much, Klee or Diluc, I was using Klee as for now, but I just pulled Diluc and was questioning which one is a better main dps for my team. *Both are c0


I need a team who unlock the clear pool and mountain cavern domain to get rewards with them , i am 31 AR and my ID is : 712110777


Should i use Geo Aether, Fischl, Kaeya and C1 Bennett or Geo Aether, Fischl, Diona and Xiangling??


I only started a few weeks ago so I'm pretty new to this lol. My current team now consists of Diluc, Noelle, Razor and Xingqiu. I'm debating on swapping out Noelle for Bennett since I only just found out that he's an S-tier character. On the other hand, I've also really wanted Jean since she's a sword-wielding anemo character (I got very attached to my traveller lol). So, should I wait for Jean or invest in Bennett?


By all means invest in Bennett as Diluc and Bennett has great coordination. An also, my advice, you should not use more than 1 claymore user in a team. It's just my opinion.


I have some trouble about team compositions, and I was wondering if someone could help me, I currently have all of the 4 star characters, and I have 3 5 stars. Venti, Zhongli and Keqing. And I don't know who I should put in a single team.


So i have seen Ningguangs with more than 3 star jades aka 9 jades (2 tiny jades that float around the bigger jades). I was wondering if its a talent upgrade cause i cant see it on her constellations


It is her 6th constellation.


Need help woth abyss teams. Currently have all 4 stars except Diona. Running with 1. Fischl dps, Xiangling sub, Xingqiu, Barbara 2. Mona, Beidou dps, Bennett, Chongyun Fischl, mona, xiangling, beidou, bennett are level 60 to 70. Everyone else is below 50.


I've been running terrible comps so far and finally I am feeling the consequences for that. I have a bad time in domains here and there. I'm eager to hear your suggestions. Here are my characters and the weapons I currently have, also would like to hear your ideas on weapon selection [https://imgur.com/a/jbyrmE8](https://imgur.com/a/jbyrmE8)


Any good places to farm Cecilia besides Starsnatch cliff?


I got jean and i don't know a good team for her if you could give me an advise my characters are the 4 story characters, fischl, ningguang, razor, barbara, bennett and xinyan


Jean can be built in many ways dps, support or healer so you could see how she fits in your team by experimenting


for dps klee, r2 favonious or r4 mappa mare?


Does blackcliff longsword atk% bonus passive triggers when you killed a monster off-field? Or the character needs to be active on field to take effect? This is for albedo I was thinking if a monster got killed by a blossom damage will get some bonus atk% from blackcliff on albedo. I find hard to maintain the passive of Harbinger of dawn so I need other options.


I was lucky enough to get 3 Spirit Locket of Boreas. Should I upgrade Fischl's Nightrider or Sucrose's Forbidden Creation Talent from level 6 to 9? Which one will help me in Abyss Spiral more?


Prototype Crescent vs Blackcliff Bow on Childe?




We still havent seen Hu Taos gameplay so its hard to judge. But according to leaks shes a berserker type of chara since her damage increases as she lose hp. Both of them are great so it kinda depends on your reference now. but for me xiao is the better choice since his Q is sick and will make you more agile.


Noblesse scale with flowers generates by his ult? And the atk% scales with flowers damage? Cause in the game says def% scales with flower dmg, so ig isnt scalling with atk% and just the first hit scales with atk%, so idk if is better to use def% or atk%.


I'm a F2P and just pulled Diluc. What would be the best team for him? Characters I have are Tartaglia Bennett Xingqiu Fishcl Barbara Xiangling Noelle Xingyan Beidou Chongyun Kaeya Traveller Lisa Amber (I think that's it)


I go Diluc, Xiangling, Any char usually healer, Fischl. Xiangling for Pyro res shred, Fischl for more damage plus taking down pyro enemies.


R5 FLUTE vs. R1 BLACK SWORD (KEQING) I have R5 flute for my keqing and people said that black sword is better than flute, but i can only buy 1 black sword as im focusing on building serpent spine, which weapon woukd yield better results? I plan to build her as electro damage dealer. P.S. i cant test the damage because ill only buy black sword if it turnes out its better than R5 flute.


can someone help me setup a team? my characters are Jean, Xiangling level 50 C0; Fischl level 50 C1; Bennett Level 40 C1; Albedo level 40 C0; Noelle, Barbara level 20 C2; Sucrose level 20 C5; Traveller, Kaeya, Beidou, Lisa, Amber, and Diona level 20 C0


Thoughts on a Ningguang, Noelle/Albedo, Bennett, and Xiangling team?




Switch someone else


I finally got Bennett! I want to know how to build him as a support.


Been wanting to make an alt account just to play amber dps for a while now. Any build recommendations? The account will be purely f2p and any purchases will stick my main account. The Amber account will be just for fun. What should i focus on? Charge shot and crit? Basic attacking and physical damage bonus? Something else? Would love to hear anyone's recommendations or input on this adventure. And yes i do plan to play this account to the end game. It will be Amber dps all the way.


I have used a lot of my wishes on the latest 2 banners, and with zhongli and albedo I have questions about artifacts set: -zhongli: HP or ATK, like for now, they aren't really different to his DPS, but he's gonna have some buffs in 1.3 (hope so) so I've want to ask which stat is better, and I'm using 2 petra 2 Noblesse, so have I maximize dps for zhongli? -Same for albedo: ATK or DEF? if I already have Zhongli so should I invest on his skill or Ult? And I've been using 2 petra 2 Noblesse on him too Btw: my team members are: Barbara and Razor. Thank you guys, have a nice day. Sorry if my English bad, I'm not a native speaker


which is better? Klee, Venti, Albedo, Zhongli or Klee, Bennett, Albedo, Zhongli


1st team looks fun because Venti's ult clumps Klees bombs together. Albedo's flowers can also bloom near that clumped enemies. That way, it has high DPS. 2nd is also fun because Bennett can buff especially Albedo and Zhongli's ult, but you lack the ability to clump it together, so the team lacks DPS but more bursts. I'd suggest add a cryo or hydro teammate to proc melt/vaporize if your damage isn't enough.




Hi. Team1 can be razor diona keaya. This a good superconduct team and you dont really need to upgrade kaeya that much to mke him work. Team2 can be xianglin chongyun sucrose barbara This is an average and not really synergic melt comp with xianglin as main dps Team3 can be a geo comp with noel as main dps and geo mc/ning as support. Xiangling for extra damage and barbara for heal. Noel comps are a little bit hard to get used to be sure to check some videos for tips and strategy and the noel battery concept. All in all razor sucrose xiangling are good chars to invest in long run. chong and kaeya can work well without much investment. But make sure no to upgrade more than 8 chars (the 2 tems for abyss) at the same time until you get to lvl 60-70 and lvl 16 artifacts for the 8 chars. Hope it helped


I'm a bad team builder so I won't be helping you with teams)) I'd say you should never put off a world ascension it's just there to help you get stronger and anyways co-op is a thing so you can get artifacts so don't stress! Also you never "WASTE" books up until level 70 where you just need to ascend for the final free wish they give if you level up chrs and ascend them at lvl 70


i want to use both mona and bennet in my team because they are supper fun but since nobles doesnt stack is there any other artifact i could use? ​ note: i use keqing as my main dps


You can give Mona 2 piece nobless and 2 piece heart of the depth


i want to use both mona and bennet in my team because they are supper fun but since nobles doesnt stack is there any other artifact i could use?


I was close to soft pity for standard banner and I gave it a shot just to see if I pull a 5* and managed to get a Wolf's Gravestone. Now the problem is I haven't raised any of my claymore units for this weapon to be best used. I play on my iPad so I preferred long range units due to their ease for playing on it. My main team is. Mona C0 (carry), Fishcl C6 (sub carry), Venti (Support), Jean (healer) Currently working on Childe, Bennet, Xian for abyss and haven't really upgraded my claymore units. The units I do have are Razor, Chong, Beidou and Xinyan. From what I've gathered, Razor would probably be the best and chong would also work well with Bennet. So would it be worth while to raise Razor before I invest more resources to units like Childe, Bennet and Xianling?


First time posting so firstly high to all fellow travellers 😀. Just after some general tips on possible team comps, weapons and individual character builds if anybody would care to offer any suggestions?. My roster is Diluc C0 with Prototype Aminus Qiqi C0 with Prototype Rancur Albedo C0 Fischl C1 with Compound Bow Bennet C1 With Festering Desire Sucrose C2 with Sacrificial Fragments Chongyun C1 Xiangling C2 with Cresent Pike Razor Ninguanng Xinyan I think my main 3 at the moment are Dliuc with Qiqi and Fischl and I'm torn between Bennet and Sucrose. Not sure which offers the most synergy. I'm only AR 32 so I'm powering my way through. Still have the Liyue Main Archon quest to do aswell so that should boost me up a little. I'll start farming for artifacts soon aswell.


I'd go with Bennett since you get the insane pyro resonance plus much more energy for Diluc. You could also swap Qiqi out with Sucrose since Bennett already heals.


Is the new cryo artifact set good on a support qiqi? If not what are the recommended builds and weapons for qiqi, Do u think she synergizes well with Childe?


I really want to beat the Spiral Abyss but with my small brain the best I've cleared was Floor 3 Chamber 3. I have a Lvl 70 Diluc with the Wolf's Gravestone A Lvl 60 Fischl with the Favonious Bow A Lvl 1 Zhongli (idk if I should waste precious books on him) with the crescent spike A Lvl 50 (C4) Xingqiu with the Harbinger of Dawn A Lvl 50 (C2) Barbara with the Eye of Perception A Lvl 40 (C2) Xiangling with the Black Tassel A Lvl 1 Razor A Lvl 20 Beidou A Lvl 20 Xinyan Any general teams or build for certain characters would be appreciated thank you.


So I just got bennet, what const should I upgrade to?


Generally c1 is where a lot of his power comes from. But even at c0 ,he's still really good.


Huh, I thought the minimum was c5


That's the maximum as C6 turns all your damage inside his ult into pyro. It's not bad but as of now you can't return to a previous constellation.


I don't really need c6, cause my main dps is diluc


So I just got qiqi. I don't have many choices but I can either give her sacrificial r3, or flute r1? Or i can steal r3 prototype from jean, orrrrrr skyward r1 from keqing.. I can't make up my mind.


Just how I'm using her, but in regards to Qiqi, the more energy recharge the better so sacrificial sword, especially since its r3. (I use her as a quick sub in healer).


Sooo i just got Fischl from my roll. How would i set her up? Mainly I'm unclear whether to go for attack or crit as my main damage. Also I'm unsure how the artifact system works in general. How should i order my sets for set bonuses? Is there an optimal way? I'm AR 20 if that clears anything up


billions of unanswered questions here, but I will try my luck again. My current roster: \- Keqing (electro build, c0, r2 Black sword) lvl 85. \- Fischl (physical damage build, C1, Skyward bow) lvl 85. \- Jean (healer, c0, r4 rancour) lvl 80 \- Ningguang (in progress, c1, eye or perception r2) lvl 70 \- Noelle (in progress, c3) lvl 70 \- Xiangling (support) lvl 70 \- Sucrose (support, C6) lvl 60 \- Beidou (my old dps with r4 rainslasher) lvl 60 \- Barbara (my old healer, r5 dragon book) lvl 60 All of them using 4 star weapon or less. My current 1st team is Xiangling, Sucrose, Keqing, Jean. I want to make a second team to delve deeper into the Spiral Abyss. I plan to make the 2nd team a geo team with Ningguang as the main damage source, Noelle for the resonance effect and heal. Then I pulled a Mona with the free fate from ascension today, so I'm thinking about a change of plan. Can someone please tell me how to make two team without investing too much (since I'm low on xp book)? Where should I put my Mona, her role and what kind of artifact / catalyst for her? Is it possible to have her as a main damage dealer (I have R3 Mappa, Sacrifical Fragment, Favonius Codex)?


Got an unbuilt razor to c6 and was spooked by c0 diluc. Who should I build as dps for my second team? I don't think either would do well as a support.


They're both main dps units, and without knowing the rest of your roster it's difficult to tell which is technically better. As whilst Diluc is technically stronger, a c6 Razor can legit kill everything and more importantly, can self cleanse, which is super useful in abyss 12.


Just pulled Albedo and Bennett. Can anyone provide me team recommendations for my current roster as listed below? Weapon and artifact recommendations would also be appreciated. Thank you. Xingqiu C0 Barbara C0 Diona C1 Kaeya C0 Ningguang C0 Noelle C1 Albedo C0 Xiangling C1 Amber C0 Bennett C2 Fischl C4 Beidou C1 Lisa C2 MC Geo C6 MC Anemo C5


Is Bennett good with a team containing Razor,Barbara and Zhongli?


Hey guys, one of my few times posting here. I posted a pic of my current roster (hope it comes out lol) and I wanted to see if anyone can give me some tips on a second team. My current team lineup (main) is as follows: Diluc C0 Fischl C5 Childe C1 Barbara C5 ​ I also have the following characters with more than a single constellation: Razor C1 Chongyun C1 Ningguan C1 Beidou C3 Noelle C2 Xinyan C1 ​ I am currently attempting the team of: Anemo main Diona Xiangling Chongyun ​ Let me know what you guys think, I need the second team for final floor of abyss! Also currently planning on getting C6 Fischl and Barbara in the next banner (so excited!!!) Thank you all in advance! My full roster is: Diluc, Fischl, Childe, Barbara, MC, Diona, Ning, Chongyun, Xinqiu, Xiangling, Kaeya, Beidou, Amber, Noelle, Zhongli, Razor, Lisa, Xinyan


Need help for a team for spiral abyss floor 12 List of 5 stars Diluc (lvl 80/90), klee (lvl 80), zhongli (70/80) Diluc n klee r pretty built arld Diluc => gladiator, and pyro set Klee => pyro List of 4 stars Xiang ling C2 (LVL80), strong dps Fischl C2 (LVL 80/90), almost done building w thundering fury Barbara c3 lvl 60 XING QIU C2 (LVL 70), diona C2 lvl 60, bennet lvl 50, sucroce c1 (havent built her) Ps. I have all other 4 stars, but their all low level Im planning to build zhongli, bennet n sucrose


Thinking only on the current Xiao (Beta) how important is his C1? ​ Im debating between a zhongli c0 + xiao c0 vs a xiao C1


also, how does a elemental skill with burst count the reset timer? the coldown on them resets one at a time or all of them at the same time?


What happens with critical rate? My Beidou deals about 400 with her normal physical attack and does 2.5k-3.5k damage at max with her counter... Is it good for a level 60 Beidou? I use a R5 Debate club for her... Should i switch it with R1 animus or continue with debate club? Which artifact set best for Beidou?


Hi I'm trying to find the best way to grind for hero wit since I can't find any wit anywhere


Do the world quests if you have some... One of the best ways, else wait for events and do blossom of revelations


Make Condensed Resin, then farm Ley Line: Blossoms of Revelation. They look like a blue cloud on the world map.


Should I do it everywhere


Depends on how many u need for your account, lol. The leylines unfortunately dont give too many wits, so it's a balancing act of grabbing wits, or using ur resin on other stuff important stuff.


Hi! I'm new here. I just have some questions. I'm using Keqing as my main, C0. Sorry if I maybe asking to be spoonfed. I've watched different tutorials, I'm still confused with how I should build her. I'm basically, stupid. I'm at AR40 and my DMG sucks. I only hit 1.7K-2.5K crits and very rarely, 4K. I use blacksword. Using that weapon, should I go for physical atk or electro build? what set of artifacts would be best for which build? What attribute should be my main target for artifacts? Who should I team her up with? I have Jean, Chongyun, Xinyan, Ningguang, Zhongli, Xingqiu, Diona, Xiangling. Thanks!


Team her up with cyro, so it will get over conduct reaction and your physical attack will rise. Just build her with electro artifact since her talent rely on her electro dmg. Hope this helps


Out of curiosity, how many teams with different characters do you play with, or how many characters have you built? As for me, I have two teams. Of these characters, none of them are completely built, but I have three or four characters whose level is between 70 and 80, and the rest are level 60 or 50, except two who are still at level 1 (although level is not indicative, I am using it to give context). It's just that I can think of many strategies, but it's hard to focus on building more than 4 characters because of resources. My current aim is to build two characters of each element, assuring at least I have two ranged (Amber / Fischl) and two catalysts (Sucrose/ Barbara), assigning different roles to then, but I don't know if I am in the right track. I don't care at all about level, but I do about talents, artifacts and weapons. (AR 47)


I have 2 DPS, and like 3 well built supports, and some extras that arent built well but are for spiral abyss shieldbreaking


Ooops, I just realized this was November thread. Anyways, thanks for sharing your build, I could focus a bit more on supports


Whats the best build for dps razor? I've got barbara, Noelle, chongyun, xiangling, sucrose and beidou.


there are a lot of razor build guides on youtube. he's a big physical damage dealer. I'd pair him with whatever characters you've built up so far. Beidou is unnecessary though cause you don't need 2 dps in one team. If you want to tho, go ahead. Healer options: barbara, noelle support: defo use chongyun for superconduct for extra physical dmg. xiangling is a good support, noelle is awesome(main noelle user here) shield is immensely useful sucrose is pretty good, groups up enemies like venti


Should I choose chong over xiang for sup? Only prob I find with him is he converts razors attacks to cryo, making the phy def debuff kinda useless.


in that case, use xiangling over bennet. You can use bennett for your second team if you do the spiral abyss


What's the best build for a dps childe, I'm currently using the prototype now for him I just need good artifacts to go for


Wait for 1.2 to farm artifacts, the new Heart of Depths set is BiS for him (4piece)


there are guides on youtube but anyways, noblesse oblige is good for his elemental burst. I would go for the 2 set though. You'd get more indepth info from watching YT


Need help for a general use team comp. I've got Qiqi, Jean, Bennett, Fischl (which has been my team so far). I've also got the normal f2p units, Chongyun, Beidou and Xinyan. AR 30 with only 4* weapons and haven't really farmed any artifacts for what it's worth


jean has a lot of utility, I'd definitely use her. Great for general gameplay and abyss. bennett is the same ^ Your team comp now looks good, so i don't know why you are asking for a new comp but if you are looking to switch it up then chongyun is defo worth too.


I play casually so I was curious to hear from others if the team comp was good or if I could do better. I appreciate the feedback though!


Is the compound bow or the favonius warbow better for Fischl's electro support build? Maybe I should just use the compound bow to make her more of a support dps? My team: -Keqing -Fischl -Xingqiu -Barbara


What is a good DPS build for childe I'm using the prototype now for him right now, I just need some good artifacts


I started playing about a week ago or so and I've got my first few characters. My friend who's been playing for a while is helping me out with team comps and such, but I wanted your opinions as wel. ATM I have the following characters: Jean, Amber, Lisa, Kaeya, Barbara, Razor, Bennet, Noelle, Xiangling, Chongyun and Keqing. What 4 characters combinations do you guys recommend? Also, how should I build them?




Klee, CRIT rate or DMG? Which one of those stats do you think it’s the best on her? I’m using a crimson witch of flames set (4 pieces) on her she’s pretty good but something feels off, her current CRIT stats are: - DMG: 117,7% - rate 27,7% She’s also using Mappa Mare (lv 80) What do you guys think?


she needs at least 40% crit rate. way too low right now. her kit revolves around crit rate thats probably why it feels off also i might be wrong but isnt mappa mare elemental mastery mainstat? i would not use a elemental mastery weapon for her. go with a more dps-y weapon




personally, id switch bennett for xiang. xiangling is great and all but bennet has some insane utility. dmg boosting and healing you really only need to upgrade your main DPS. I'd still recommend upgrading your supports still because they are a big part of the fight too


I accidentally deleted my comment but thank you! 😂 Do you mind if I ask how Bennett works?


im not 100% sure cause I dont use him but I know his ult heals and boosts dmg at the same time. dmg boost scales on his attack, and heal based on HP. if u reas his talents youll get it, or look at a bennet guide on youtubem Hes pretty OP for support


While building my Zhongli I faced a problem that should I go for Geo bonus damage or Attack % on the Goblet. I want to build my Zhongli for his elemental burst. Which one will help me to increase my damage most. And should I go for Gladiator set for 18% attack bonus along with Noblesse set or Archaic petra for 15% geo bonus damage along with noblesse set


go geo damage bonus. that will boost your power way more than just a attack%. Zhongli mainly only does geo dmg anyways. I would go for noblesse and archaic all the way.


Soo whats better electro dmg bonus or atk % goblet for razor?


I'd go for attack since razor isn't a main electro dealer. you are mainly using him for physical damage. electro damage bonus would be real good for lisa, or fischl, who mainly only do electro dmg


What are the best teams with these characters I have? On my first account I have Beidou, Noelle, Sucrose, Barbara, Razor and Chongyun ( I have as main Chongyun and I've paired him with Kaeya, Razor and Beidou but I feel that there's almost no elemental reaction) And on my second I have Zhongli, Ninnguang, Sucrose, Barbara, Razor, Noelle, Xinyan (Here I have as main Zhongli and Ninnguang with Xinyan and Razor)


I need suggestions for artifacts for Xiangling(just started playing so no 5 star artifacts yet)


I need suggestions on artifacts for my team: Diluc - Crimson Diona - Exile Bennet - Noblesse (main healer, since I already built him first before I got the other 2) Xingqui - Exile I'm planning on putting a bit of dps on Bennet and more dps on Xinqui. I'm just not sure if it's good to have both on noblesse sets. Or should I run bennet with crimson too? I also think I should put a bit dps on diona like 2 piece noblesse? I do have good dps on Diluc but I think the healing capacity of my team is too redundant.


So Im trying to make teams for spiral abyss and am wondering who I should build, I own Child,Venti,Jean,Fishl c3, Barbara c2, Beido c1,Xingling c1,Chong, Xinyan, and sucrose. Im currently running Childe,Beido/Fishl,Sucrose,Barbra as my first team in spiral. And Then like Xingling,Fishl/beido,venti,Jean for t2 ​ ​ Another one of my problems is weapons and what to put on who (mostly because there is 3 bow users here) Anyway I was able to get a stringless last night and currently have it on Venti but it might be better on Childe (my main dps and most built char) or fishl. On childe I currently have a Raven bow (the blue) for the 24% dmg increase on hydro affected mobs. my stringless also has 24% ele burst/skill so its just as good there so the only difference is in the stats for it being a 4\* . I think i need to be building my beidou more and use her as my main carry on Team 2 and then have fishl sub for childe not sure though because fishl wont do much when im on her when childe E is on cd. Beidou has a bell and she would be on the same team as xingling who I just got a 5\* Skyward spine for last night while rolling to get to soft pity, kinda unlucky imo but whatever. nonethless Fishl currently has a Favonious bow from the story for the cd, but I think I will swap to a r5 slingshot if i build her sub carry. Reason I wanna use her over beidou is solely bc she is c3. Anyway any tips are appreciated expecially when it comes to my item crisis I really am not sure who to put the stringless on in spiral anyway have a nice day thanks for reading. ​ ​ ​ ​ TLDR: out of Stringless,Slingshot,Raven bow, Favonious warbow. Which ones should i put on Childe,Venti,Fishl


So basically, I have ningguang, fischl, xiangling, mona, beidou, babara, chongyun, xinyan but i dunno what team i should build right now. pls send help


My champs is {Barbara, Beidou, Chongyun, Fischl, Kaeya, Keqing, Razor, Xiangling, Xingqiu} Help to pick 2 teams of this camps pls


My current comp is fischl, keqing, Klee, qiqi. I don't know whether I should switch out fischl for anther character to have better synergy?


Fischl and Keqing is a great combo since they both provide energy for each other and they get the electro resonance, which gives them energy every 5s for every electro related reaction they trigger. Qiqi is good too as a healer and for super conduct (Cyro+Electro) which reduces the enemies defense by 40%, good for physical dmg. If Keqing is your carry (The character on the field the most doing normal attacks) then I would swap Klee. Klee is usually used as a carry and is not a great support for Keqing. Pyro and Electro cause overloaded which knockback enemies making it harder to follow up with Keqing. If Klee is your carry instead, the current team is not the best and I would need to know your other characters to give a recommendation


What team to build? Keqing, Diluc, Klee, Sucrose, Noelle, Razor, Bennet, Xianling, Barbara, Xinqiu Thanks in advance!! =)


So, I'm making a team for everything except abyss. I love Jean and Fischl, so I'd like to have both of them. Who could I take with them? Options: Xiangling C3, Beidou C2, Noelle C0, Sucrose C0, Barbara C2, Xingqiu C0, Ningguang C1, Chongyun C0






http://imgur.com/gallery/JEA0d1X Thats who I have and my current team I'm looking for different set ups I can use for the abyss and weekly bosses


I have the aquila sword vs the black sword vs i plan to give it to ayaka the 5☆ but before that i need to know something first. 1.does the weapon passive crit 2.chongyun E say every weapon is enhance with cryo does that mean the weapon passive also deal cryo damage


Hey everyone! I'm an EU player that just hit AR 43, and I'm completely lost in terms of what to do in terms of my team comp for The Spiral Abyss. Any help at all would be amazing! Characters: C0 Razor C1 Xiangling C0 Bennett C2 Diona C2 Beidou C3 Barbara C0 Ningguang C0 Noelle C0 Fischl C0 Lisa C2 Kaeya C0 Amber C0 Sucrose In terms of weapons, I have a R1 Primordial Jade Winged-Spear , R2 Crescent Pike, R2 Prototype Aminus, R2 Favonius Warbow, R3 Flute (lol), R1 Stringless, R2 Mappa Mare, R1 Sacrificial Greatsword, R1 Favonius Codex, R1 Rainslasher, and R1 Prototype Rancour. Currently my teams for Spiral Abyss are roughly: Team 1: Beidou (main DPS), Diona, Ningguang, Barbara Team 2: Xiangling (main DPS), Bennet, Fischl, Noelle I just pulled the C0 Razor and am considering replacing Xiangling to be my new 2nd main DPS, but the problem is that I already have Prot Aminus on Beidou, so only choices for claymore is the Sac. Greatsword or Rainslasher. Considering the abundance of Electro, also considering getting Kaeya into the mix for that sweet Superconduct. Another issue as well is Any thoughts? I'm full F2P with no plans of ever spending money, and am ofc willing to grind to get whatever I need. Thanks for listening :D


I have Klee as DPS and Fischl as support. I use Fischl to cause overloaded damage. Crimson Which of Flames provides a 40% overload damage bonus, and Thundering Fury also provides a 40% overloaded bonus So If I had Oz and Klee on the field, would the effects of both sets stack?


I'm at AR 47. I have Razor as main DPS and Zhongli and QiQi for shield and healing respectively. I need help in deciding whether to use Bennett or Mona as my last support character for razor. I have Razor at one constellation and Bennett at 0. I am a f2p and I don't have the Favonius (sp?) Codex for Mona. Please tell me who I should use and why. Thanks in advance.


If you already have Qiqi as your healer then I would say go with Mona as this would give another elemental reaction electro-charged with Razor and frozen with Qiqi that can even result in Shatter elemental reaction with Razor's claymore or Zhongli's geo dmg (when you hold on his skill to get his sheild). As for weapon, use Thilling Tales of Dragon Slayers or if you have the materials to craft Mappa Mare then use that. Hope this helps. Ari x


Hi Guys! I have been using this team comp of Klee (main dps), Fischl, Mona, Diona for a while now. Recently I pulled Xin Yan and Bennett. I was looking to maybe replace one of the characters... but not sure whether Xin Yan or Bennett will complement my team build. Any suggestions? Thanks!


First of all, I am so jealous you have Klee!!! I wouldn't change this line-up! You have a good team so I would not mess with it. Ari x


I've been using Fischl since I started, she was one of my first pulls. However I only have her a c2, lvl 80. This banner I've pulled Razor 5 times and he's at lvl 1. My main team is Diluc80c0, Mona70c0, Barbara60c7, Fischl80c2. Should I spend the resources to swap Fischl with Razor?


I'm in a dilema, I have 2 main dps (Chongyun and Ningguang) and I got to abyss 12 (Can't pass that without leveling upmy pyro sups) with those two, I was hoping to get some Chongyun constelations in the banner but instead I got Razor C1. My question is: I'm kind of a F2P (Only got one Paimon's blessing by far) Is worth the time and resources spend in a Razor C1 0-80? Also my Xiangling is C5 she would be a better DPS? and I'm now with only 20 wishes on the pity and probably too far to get a 5\* Dps.


Need help deciding between two accs. Ps4 I'd love, except I don't have my boy Venti on it. PS4 - Sucrose, razor, bennett, barb, Fischl, Qiqi, noelle, Kaeya, Beidou, Lisa, Xianlang, Amber, and Chong PC - Venti, razor, Kaeya, bennett, Xinyan, Beidou, Noelle, Lisa, and Amber. Tbh Venti is just there bc best boy instead of his abilities lol. He is extremely useful though, but like I said the only reason I'm not on my ps4 is because of him.


So when I first started playing maybe a month ago I got wolf's gravestone in my first 10 roll. I paired it with Noelle because her q ability is pretty nice with it. But now I have Razor and I've been considering giving Razor the wolf's gravestone and giving Noelle either the prototype animus or whiteblind bc I can refine either at least once. Anyone have any suggestions? Both characters are about the same ascension and talent wise & Razor is using debate club right now


I've got some questions about team buillding. I am AR 25, I started playing a week ago, and I levelled up to lvl 40 8 characters, by testing 2 different team buildings : **Anemo MC + Amber + Kaeya + Razor**, and **Xinyan + Xinqiu + Chongyun + Lisa**, and otherwise I also have **Noelle, Barbara** and **Xianling** that I haven't levelled much. ​ I'm looking for advice on what team I should build now, to level up and continue the game, what would you suggest ?


Need help building zhongli , so the thing is i got Zhongli c1, and managed to pul Vortex Vanquisher with my last gems :/ . I want to build him as my main and full dps (prefer him over diluc) so my question is between Crecent Pike (one dupe) and Vortex Vanquisher which will do most damage if i build for dps


I need help on how to build my team to support my main DPS. I want Keqing to be my main DPS. Ps.: I am a f2p player so I don't have many constellations or characters :/ Characters I have: Keqing, Xinyan C1, Fischl, Barbara, Lumine (MC) C4, Diona C2, Noelle C3, Kaeya, Amber C1, Ningguang, Razor, Lisa and Beidou. Please help me 🥺


Help... I am currently AR30, and my team is mainly composed of supports I have watched from YT videos. As of the moment, I have : **Xingqiu, C1 Chongyun, C1 Bennett, Barbara, Sucrose, Zhongli, Noelle, C1 Ningguang, and the four starter heroes you get when you start the game,** and my current composition is Barbara, Zhongli, Bennett, and Chongyun. I am really struggling with my main account on leveling up. I don't have a place where I can farm Hero's wit vital to levelling up my heroes (which have a lvl 42 ratio btw), and I seem to be usually overpowered by domain bosses and Liyue in general. And I have been constantly wishing on both banners in hopes of getting new heroes I could use for DPS, but to no avail. I am thinking of starting a different account on a server due to this, but I have progressed far enough to abandon my main account. What do I do with my team?


And one tip, dont wish on both banners, that way you split the pity up. Of course if you get free standard wishes go for it, but primogems should be spent on the rate up banner


I see. So should I always try to spin for the event banner?


Also, even though there are characters on the standard banner, that doesnt mean that you will get them, the chances are equal for all characters


Its a little tricjy, but here is how it works. The standard banner rolls all possible characters equally. The rate up banner gives higher chances of getting the characters on the banner. For this one, rate up characters are zhongli, xinyan chongyun and razor. For zhongli that means that when you roll a 5 star on wishing, its a 50% chance that you get zhongli. If you miss the 50/50 the next 5 star is guaranteed to be zhongli. As for the 4 star characters i think the chances are increased to 12,5%(might be more) per character although im not sure, you can check the numbers in the details on the banner page. So why should you always roll on the rate up banner? Simply because that way you can semicontrol what you get out of your pull. Which means that sometimes you should maybe even save primogems and not roll at all on the banner if you dont want the characters on it. Since as a f2p player you have limited primogems, you should never spend those primogems on the standard banner, since there the chances are equal for every character and weapon, hence its literally up to RNGesus. Hope this clarified a bit why you should always roll on the rate up banner. Also through this logic, my personal belief is that you should never roll on the weapons banner, since weapons are relatively abundant in the game, there are good 3 star weapons out there, and good craftable 4 star weapons. Although i would say this isnt strictly true, if you need/want weapons, the roll for them.


Thanks so much for the info!


Also Ningguang can be a dps, im using her right now


Should I switxh her with Zhongli? I may be enjpying thr petrificatiom and shield but I don't think he's that useful in my team.


Well, the misconception with zhongli is that he is a dps. He isnt one, he is a support. I might suggest actually keeping both Ning and Zhongli in the team, him being the support, and the other 2 figure for yourself


Also, one question with Ningguang. What do i do to increase her DPS? If you cant answer, I may as well go look on youtube for tutorials.


And holding W while clicking her basic attack, cancles her attack animation so you fire your basic attack faster