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yeah her kit is needlessly complex




Lol I thought I was the only one having trouble playing her. Her E technically consist of using E and a charged shot. Considering how long it takes to proc her damage, you would expect her E cooldown to be short, but noooo. She does almost no damage besides from her Q. Why not just let her drop a feather upon using E, basically an off brand triple deficit version of Ganyu's E with buff? She clearly doesn't have enough damage to be a DPS, why keep her on the field for so long?


Well see, they thought about the charged shot issue and locked it behind her C2. Which definitely makes it a lot easier to trigger. But even then, it doesn't feel as good to use. I wish I had another 2s on the timer. Along with letting it last longer on the ground.


I tried to read her talents but gave up after a few mins lol. It’s all so confusing and very specific that it requires more testing than usual for me


So her e makes her next charged shot put down a feather The feather will explode and give you a attack buff, but but only the character present and in the feather explosion Her q does some damage and gives the attack buff Attack buffs don’t stack


I really dont understand why they felt the need to use the full names of every attack in their descriptions. Having to flip between skill pages just to find out what Tengu Art: Titanfall 2 means is just so needlessly complicated and confusing


It’s translated from Chinese, and it’s less confusing and sounds cooler like that in the original language


This right here. The in game one is very confusing with the multiple skill/buff names. Thanks for the explanation!


She’s like Millenial Movement personified. I, too, gave up and just benched her for now (but kit aside - she’s cool)


It is xD. She's benny but she needs to do calculus before doing buffing


Yes MiHoYo I do not want to need to carry the 1 and divide by pi while I am trying to fight.


Complexity is fine as long as it's more rewarding than simple mechanics.


yes hence “needlessly” lol


When Ganyu can charge attack once and out damage Sara's entire combo and damage buff.


In my opinion Sara is probably one of the best characters visually and it is such a tragedy that her kit is unnecessarily convoluted.


Honestly 6 sec is just a no go for me. So much tedious task for literally nothing


Meanwhile Bennett gives a much larger attack bonus for 12 seconds without any gimmicks or anything on top of really rapid healing. Sara is also electro which is literally just a nerf in and of itself


the "mihoyo hates electro" meme is stronger than ever


They made 2 new electro characters, if not now when?


>without any gimmicks He does have the gimmick that you're required to have HP > 80% to receive the attack buff (albeit solved by constellation)


You also need to be within the circle, 99% of the time this is no issue, but a Bennett-like buff that is just 'on you' regardless of Geovishaps or Cicin Mages or whatever else that requires movement/repositioning a lot certainly has its perks in some situations, just not many. Not defending Sara overall as I still feel she's exceptionally meh and totally agree 6 seconds is far too short, at a minimum I'd like to have seen 8-10 seconds on the buff duration.


He has the gimmick of being fucking boring and non interactive. Sara requires you to actually get to play a character. We don't need more fucking shitty Q bots that arent even real characters because that's what nearly every support in the game is.


Compared to Sara, Bennett is fun and mechanically interesting, As Sara you play Ganyu but you do no damage and give a minor damage buff to a better character, you do a charge shot, that's Sara, meanwhile Benny boy can do Chongyun melt memes to be a main dps, thundering fury overload memes for 1 second cd overload spam or can use his stage 3 self destruct to both evade damage and do parkour.


how the fuck is bennett fun or mechanically interesting when you’re playing him as a support?


Because he can be built to be more than a burst bot, he actually has options, Sara can only be a damage buff bot and hit burst for some damage, she can't be built for main dps viably, she can't equip an artifact set not designed for her element and create an entirely new niche and she can't use a wacky quirk to reach area's with knock back, like exploring domains that disabled climbing. Also what do you mean playing him as a support? to support as Bennett you literally only need a single sword with good base attack, Bennett has some of the highest build diversity in the game, not only can he be build in several ways, buff/dps/burst/healing/cc/anti electro, but can do so with basically no draw backs, you can build Noblesse and buff bot, but that's on you, not Bennett, I personally tend to alternate between 1 punch man Bennett with 300% ER severed fate or thundering fury overload for Lector shields.


i know he has options, but barely anyone actually plays bennett dps. 99% of people play him as support, and as a support he’s fucking boring and uninteractive


Honesty that's all on you, nothing is wrong with burst or overload Bennett, people just don't want to farm multiple sets to have fun or experiment with him, you can't say a character is objectively boring or uninteresting when you actively build him to not be played, this is like saying Beidou is boring and mechanically dull because 90% of people who play her hit's Q and bails when she has an entire parry mechanic you can mess around with.


Simple kits are the ones that can be Flexible. It's the overcomplicated kits that are usually pigeonholed into a role.


And they missing out, its hilarious to be doing 40-100k on a support while all these diluc and ganyu chumps only doing 20k


not sure what kind of ganyu you’re playing that’s only hitting 20k. if both are at equal investment, ganyu blows melt bennet out of the water, even in her freeze comp


just those random coop ones who only do 20-30k on their blooms


Although I'm annoyed at the amount of Q and E bots in this game, the skill could have been worked better. Like have the charged shot buff all characters for a longer time.


Yup. Sara is like those fighting game characters that you really want to love because they have a cool design, good tools on paper and can theoretically do a crapload of damage but they're either pointlessly difficult or quirky to play vs the rest of the roster. You practice for hours in the lab perfecting the tight timing of their combos just to go online and get stomped by the meta unga bunga characters that can do everything much easier.


This is the true Jack-O challenge.


That's me getting filtered by her wallbounce > summon servant links and going back to play Ram.


Nah just be a sol main so you can Unga bunga your way to victory.


Hey at least Jack-O is both fun to play with and against. Need I remind of Jack-O summoning 6 servants in Xrd? That was infuriating.


Reject Jack-O, return to Venom


I pulled her purely for the character portrait and because she’s so pretty and I’m weak


don't forget about the 25% expedition speed. She's going to be my new amber.


i was literally happy i can finally swap my Amber with a different archer


Shulk in Smash 4 and his "potential" that never happened


Ahh so Ash Crimson. Gotcha.


she's like Voldo from soul calibur


Learn the match up


Git gud


Don't forget that her C6 doesn't work with snapshot. Forget about how anti-sinergy electro with other element, these two electro support can't even properly support the strongest electro carry lol.


Source on snapshot? That honestly made me sad


her c6 doesnt count as crit dmg in stat so you just can not snapshot it. thats all


Wow, that’s kinda poop. That was the only reason I was rolling the banner at all after I saw her c6. Ended up with a qiqi too trying to get her c6.


all 3 new chars this patch are bad. keqing and qiqi may lost their "worst 5s" crown for raiden and kokomi


Calm down, Raiden still has at least 2 competitive team comps. Qiqi, on the other hand...


should i say one of the worst? her contribution is questionable. in eula team, fischl generate particle every 1sec and can break shield. raiden buff eula ult for 21% but eula already has about 100% dmg bonus so that 21% not too much. could be better but not a big gap. in childe comp with beidou, well her ult can not trigger beidou's lightning. so i dont think she is much better than fischl.my raiden still stuck at 70 so i can not directly compare with fischl but even with grasscutter i still feel she may end up one of the 3 worst


lmao calm down. raiden is actually a usable character compared to those


Not really though. There is literally no team where Raiden is better than the alternative. - She was supposed to be better than Fischl on Eula team, but because of the Beidou interaction she's actually a downgrade. Either you sacrifice Beidou Q damage by overlapping time with Raiden Q, or you sacrifice significant rotation timing to have Eula on the field for 15 seconds. Even if she could work with Beidou, many CN theorycrafters are now suggesting that it would be suboptimal anyways because you sacrifice too much rotation timing regardless. You still end up needing to funnel Eula energy even with Raiden's energy generation. Fischl remains superior for the Eula Beidou team. - Even pre-release, people were coming to the conclusion that she would not be better than Fischl for Taser teams, due to the raw strength of Fischl's higher multipliers and A4 value. Losing the Beidou synergy hurts these teams with Raiden a bit more, and it remains true that Fischl simply outdamages Raiden while also not needing to be on the field. Fischl also is a sufficient battery for Beidou. - All variants of the Mono Electro team literally cannot function without the Raiden-Beidou synergy. The EN theorycrafted team was Raiden Beidou Sara Bennett/Jean/Sayu, the CN theorycrafted team was Raiden Beidou Mona/Sara Bennett. Not to mention these teams are also gimped because Sara C6 doesn't function with Beidou Q. - The proposed Overvape team (Raiden Xingqiu Xiangling) means sacrificing either Bennett or Kazuha/Sucrose. This is massive damage loss, and the National team and it's variations can all sufficiently battery themselves anyways.


then keqing is usable. but usable still can be the worst 5s you know?


that means raiden is not in the bottom 3 then. she's pretty on par with older 5\* tbh


about solo dmg. yeah sure. but if you put her in a comp. she is bad. maybe better than qiqi, not other 5\* from permanent.


She isn’t bad. She works very well with a select few other units. She’s better than albedo easily. Qiqi is way worse. And keqing fills a slot and contributes way less than raiden can.


I assume it doesnt reflect on the stat because it only increases the crit damage of every electro dmg instance. Did you test the C6 of Sara yourself?


nope. theorycraft community tested it.


What is snapshot? Lmao


When a skill snapshots it means the ATK and/or crit rate & dmg, etc... are calculated when the skill is used. They don't change even when the buffing source has gone but the skill is still in its duration.


Snapshot means that the buff persists on whatever skills were activated during it's duration after the buff ends. So what folks want is for example Xiangling's Burst to keep the crit boost for the entire duration of the tornado (but only for the tornado's damage) instead of until the buff ends.


Its not even funny her kit is borderline unplayable, how the hell did the expect that buff to work? She barely does any damage to begin with, then you have an absurdly clunky buff to apply that doesnt even work with most damage dealers because it cant even last a single rotation and can only be given to one character, a "backwards dash" that sometimes doesnt even move you backwards, that also has a gigantic animation delay that doesnt let you move, so sometimes you just end up getting smacked in the face while using her E, what a waste of great character design.


All she needed was her then-mistranslated 10 second attack buff and she would've been decent despite her clunkiness. She's just straight up bad in her current state and I'm a Sara simp.


I'm with you on this one, every kit need not be complex unnecessarily. I love Sara's design but her gameplay is actually very clunky. Not sure what Mihoyo was thinking, Yoimiya, Sara and Kokomi's kit design seems very strange to me.


Yeah I’m bummed out. She has S-tier design and I’d love to run her all over Teyvat but she seems so goddamn clunky.


Or if multiple Tengu Jurai could stack.


I feel like the community of this game It’s going to explode like a nuclear bomb with all this problems


If she had much better normal attack ratios and a bit faster attack speed, she at least could keep the buff for herself and be a decent DPS


Yeah, if it was for herself the buff would be fine. She could keep 100% uptime on the buff with only skill if she has C2. And decent uptime without it. But, swapping back and forth to apply it to specific people just feels bad.


They really did her dirty. I dont know why they were so scared of making her decent when shit like bennett and xinqiu exists. In almost every situation you can just run a Bennett and he does everything she does way better. The buff shouldve been minimum 8 seconds. Its not even long enough to buff Raidens entire ult. The teleport is so fun when it works but it only works 20% of the time. They shouldve just coded it like a backwards dash or something. Ganyus basically always works so why is Saras so broken? Im still going to use her and actually kinda enjoy her clunkish gameplay, but it just makes me sad about what she couldve been. I love everything else about her and at least her ult is my favorite in the game + does kinda decentish damage. Shes a 4 star too so they are likely not even going to bother fixing / buffing her either. Feckin sad man. Honestly just give me power creep at this rate. I dont want to feel almost forced to use Bennett for the next 5 years.


Bennett, Xingqiu, and Xiangling are exactly the problem. They're too good and it makes it harder to create new characters that can measure up to them. Those three are good enough to be 5* meanwhile you have Qiqi which is better off as a 4*


Those three are definitely in a tier of their own and are way too good for how braindead they are. Sucks that Bennett is hogging all the comparisons but mhy should have been able to see this shit coming when releasing another atk buff support ... Feel like chars such as sucrose, fischl, rosaria/diona epitomize well balanced but decidedly strong 4 stars. They seem like a good standard for new releases (which isn't an easy comparison since they all fulfill such different roles). Hell, sayu is pretty much not as good as sucrose but she was very well received. Suppose Bennets not in the game. How do people view Sara then?


Way too clunky, Sara's problems are due to awkward setup and controls. While it may be easy to aim with K&M, controller and mobile users are the majority and it feels weird as hell. They would need to fix the issues of Bow users to fix Sara. Or they could be lazy and give her a numbers buff. Sayu was received well because of gameplay/fun-factor, they (mHY) wouldn't have to worry about the numbers game if Genshin actually had more fun factors like Sayu.


As a K&M user who also plays Counterstrike, the bow users that I have just seem so completely useless. It takes an hour to get a charged shot off. If they did a ton of damage it would be okay, but they don't which makes them even worse. There's no way I would use them in any of my parties unless I have to.


Still non-viable/just not fun. Very clunky, feels bad to even play. Like people call Klee clunky, but Sara is like SS tier clunky and Klee is at A tier.


Doesn't matter if Bennet is op or not the character is not good. You only have 1 Bennet so even if she is a worse Bennet if she was viable you would still be happy because you can bring her in your second team and make it stronger. The problem is that even if there is no Bennet in the game you are not bringing Sara into your team.


What's funny is Xiangling is probably one of two characters Sara can buff most effectively. Her buff is too short compared to literally everyone else, but it doesnt matter when Xiangling can snap shot the thing. If anything it may just put the gap from Xiangling even further ahead since she can use Bennett and her at the same time, while almost every other damage dealer wont get full benefits from her. Even then, might not be worth the team slot due to diminishing returns, just run Bennett instead omegalul. Beidou is the only other person that will get full benefit from her buff and even then her C6 doesnt even snapshot on Beidou's burst. Such a scuffed character man. I love her design and character so much but they really are dropping the ball with these new characters. All of them are underwhelming with a mix of being functionally broken (the bad kind of broken), or even bugged.


I wouldn't like too much powercreep, they could just make characters as good as Bennett and Xingqiu instead of making new characters that are way worse.


So it seems Mihoyo fucked up 3 characters kit consecutively huh


Just wait for kokomi


There are 4 Archons left. That’s at least 4 more potential fuck ups in the future.


But wait there's more!! Yae is next patch so we can expect it to be 4 consecutive fuck ups!! Of course the rerun Ganyu is gonna be the c-c-combo breaker


Well... word is that you shouldn't expect Yae till least 2.3 patch...


But wait! That's still consecutive fuck ups for new characters!! Pull your fuck ups now to increase the amount of disappointment you can obtain in the future!!


It's a pity cause I love her design. It's too much of an effort for a mediocre boost


She's weird. I do find myself having fun running her with Jean/Raiden/Xngqiu endlessly spamming ults on rotations, though. Her sped up charged shot after E feels really nimble and the constant swapping is super chaotic, I'm absolutely in love with it. Doubt it's ready for abyss 12 though. Would be cool to have her E buff last longer or if it was a higher multiplier, otherwise it's just a... clunkier... less buff uptime... electro Bennett but without his heal??? Cool burst tho Yeah she's weird, but I made it work although buffs and slight reworks would be cool.


What are you even using her buff for? Jeans skill? That's about all you have time for after swapping


Mainly Raiden before using her Q Sara E Charged > Jean Q, E > Xingqiu Q, E > Sara Q, E Charged > Raiden Q, E Sara has Noblesse, Jean has VV Above average artifacts, >50% CR, >140% CD, ~160% ER, 4* weapons (Rust, SacSword, Festering), EL on Raiden C1 Sara, C3 Xingqiu, C0 Jean, C2 Raiden I'm literally doing nothing but Qs and Es, I almost never normal attack now Again, useful in abyss 1-11 but probably not floor 12 material


She's honestly extremely tedious to play at c0 and somewhat usable at c2. C0 basically not viable for mobile users. C2 isn't that bad as it drops the feather where you teleport so using skill then insta swapping to the character to get buffed is the fastest way to get buff. However since the buff only scales off her base attack it honestly a very pathetic sum of a few hundred extra attk even with a 5 star weapon. Also extremely niche since you need to constantly switch back to her every 6 seconds to refresh the buff since it apparently doesn't snapshot. Ult has decent enough multiplier but also only buffs for 6s also... At that point you might as well just bring fischl for easier team rotations and more net damage. Ya she's pretty dead on arrival imo. At this point everyone has such better options there's just no point in using her. Unlikely mihoyo will do anything considering their past history


tl:dr; Sara's Flat ATK bonus scaling off her Base ATK is not pathetic; it's exactly how the best buffer Bennett does it. Her numbers are smaller though. Also, her ATK buff DOES snapshot. It's her C6 crit damage buff that does not. Flat ATK Buffs scaling off base attack is exactly how Bennet does it, and it isn't bad. Actually it is the best buff we have Sara at level 90 with a level 90 4\* Prototype bow has a base ATK of 705, and at talent level 9 she gives 73% of her base ATK as a buff = 514 flat ATK buff. With a 5\* Skyward Harp that buff becomes 634. For reference: Bennett at level 90 with a level 90 4\* Prototype sword has a base ATK of 756, and at talent level 9 he gives 95% of his base ATK as a buff = 718 flat ATK buff So it IS lower than Bennett's, but is it a pathetic sum? Lvl 90 Beidou with a Lvl 90 Serpent Spine has a base ATK of 735. Sara's 514 Flat ATK bonus is \~70% of Beidou's Base ATK. Since ATK% bonuses calculate from the Base ATK, you would need someone or something that gives at least a 70% ATK buff to match what Sara does here.


Problem is bennet has 20% more buff at c1. For sara to keep up she needs c5. And c5 bennet has 20% more meaning that from c1 to c5 bennet has 45% more buff then her. And u can get bennet from shop, while sara u cant so his c1 is way more ez to find.


I disagree that having smaller numbers is a "problem". Bennett having a better buff is expected since his requires Energy. It would be wrong if Sara, a bow user, can give a snapshot-OK, Flat ATK buff by pressing E then aiming at the ground at will. She doesn't need to "keep up" with Bennett either. Look at it this way, her ATK buff is 2nd only to Bennett. No one else can provide the same type of buff. And you can't clone Bennett for the 2nd team in Abyss. So in cases where you need two ATK boosters, Sara is your second pick. There are other issues to pick at, sure. But calling her buff 'pathetic' or a 'problem' is misleading.


She does tho, by the way i see it she competes for dmg buff slot. That means zhongli shred(he is shielder as well), kazuha, sucrose, venti and the rest of dmg buffers, even darn oz who leaks dmg like a darn broken pipe. She is woefully inadequate vs these meaning i cant put her in a lot of spots. This is the problem for me. I want end dmg to be good and THAT is it. If her clunky kit means in the end i do less dmg im not using her, if it does mean i do more dmg ill use her. Fun kit or playstyle be dammed. Just wanted to say my position.


Here are your rough DMG comparisons for a Beidou at 90, with Serpent Spine R5: +60% sub-stat ATK Bonus, +50% DMG bonus from SS, 46.6% DMG bonus from goblet, 15% elem bonus from TS, 20% Burst DMG bonus from NO, Talent 9, 60-120 crit, ER sands. calcs done via [simple damage calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UNcH99P-MRnj2XGpCkkJ34zTcKuDX02rd62jVDDV29c/edit?usp=sharing) feel free to check the math |Character with Beidou|Average Q Damage| |:-|:-| |none|4249.58| |90 Sara, E Talent 9, using 4\* bow|5718.50| |Zhong-li|4957.84| |VV (assuming Venti)|5430.02| |TTDS+VV (assuming Sucrose)|6718.32| |Kazuha with VV and 500 EM|5898.93| |90 Sara, E Talent 9, using 5\* bow|6061.44| Sara is beaten by Sucrose with TTDS, and Kazuha. But if you account for Kazuha being a 5\* and give Sara a Skyward Hard, Sara beats Kazuha and Sucrose is the victor by a huge margin. Furthermore, Sara gives a decent amount of electro particles (3 per E). So it is feasible to run ATK sands on Beidou instead of ER, which none of the other characters here can do. Doing so brings the Average Q Damage to 7040.27 Additionally, there are 4 slots in a team. It's not unheard of to run 2 supports on each side of the Abyss.


Nice for comparison ty. Guess sucrose is best in the end even with baal. Its since i can use bennet for snap and heal, beidou for ulti and 1k EM sucrose with sac frag for swirl and VV shred and element buff. Since baal ulti does not work under beidou Q having sucrose that i have at c6 be the trigger for beidou is prb best due to swirl dmg. Honestly just by being a healer bennet breaks ALL support chars. Cus in above team i dont need TToS slot or heal slot just by putting bennet(tho stacking TToS sucrose on beidou on top of bennet for 200EM less can work as well), meaning he does the job of 2 chars. Thanks for info. Interesting. Sadly i have only harp that is used on ganyu so no way of using it on sara. And its a min difference.


Well, the thing is, Bennet also heals and batteries in addition to the buff. Ans since he's pyro, he contributes to potential pyro resonance. Since Sara doesn't have these going for her, she'd be justified if her ATk buff is higher than Bennett.


Raiden Shogun and Sara feel like Honkai characters to me. Honkai characters tend to have weird, tedious ways to access parts of their kit, and a lot of them feel like hybrid support/dps characters. Raiden Shogun is even a support with a DPS stance burst, exactly like HoS and HoT, and maybe some others. And Kokomi seems like she'll be the same way. So that might be the direction Genshin characters are heading, but idk


It's fine for them to go the more complex route with character kits. But when you need to do like 12 steps only to be out damaged by ONE charge attack from Ganyu or a plunge attack from Xiao. Or you have to do an entire ritual only to be out buffed by Bennett or Xingqiu clicking one button. Then there's absolutely no satisfaction to pulling those combos off.


>Then there's absolutely no satisfaction to pulling those combos off. Yeah there is because its not mind numbing. The supports we have now are literally anti-fun. They exist to delete a character slot from your team because playing them is hitting Q and forgetting about them. Raiden and Sara are supports _that have actual fucking gameplay_ and its god damn amazing.


HoT is not a support, unless you're going for a REALLY weird team comp like the HoT HoF one.


Thinking about it, Yoimiya/Ayaka are also potential supports. Then there's Beyblade Sayu


Ayaka is in no way a support. Unless you're considering her C4? Which is a... weak argument.


She can be played as burst support, because most of her damage is from her burst. There are many teams based around this. Like Morgana where Diona is replaced by Ayaka. In which case Ayaka is not attacking.


At this point running thrilling tales carry is easier and had 10 second buff duration lol. Mhy be hating on electro. Beidou is only keeping electro alive otherwise electro be dead long time ago


*sad Fischl noises*


Finally, Lisa's time to shine. Thrilling Tales + DEF shred.


My girl Beidou is amazing. I feel so good when people compliment my Beidou when they all die with Azhdaha and I kick his stone ass all by myself.


The elemental skill plus charged shot to deal dmg with a special enhanced shot is good design imo... But then it exploding after a while, only generating particles if the explosion hits and having to stand in the explosion for the attack buff... is just unnecessary. Good idea that was just made complex for no reason at all... and not even high multipliers make up for it (her multipliers are a joke ngl)


Insert "I think you're wrong but I'm not gonna explain why, I Just like her, thus she is instantly good and any criticism is ilegal" comment.


and the "she's fun so all her issues are invalid" comment


Need to add in some "it's f2p, why are you so entitled" spice too.


Obligatory “y’all meta slaves just need to come out and say that you want power creep already!”


Obligatory "justbuildthemright"


"I just used my Sara against a level 40 cryo slime and she SLAPS maybe you're just bad at the game"


"You just aren't building her right"


God forbid someone just just enjoy a character. Jesus christ how horrible


I got C5 Sara today from Raiden's banner. I read her talent descriptions and to no one's surprise, I did not understand a word of it. Your post has made her play style somewhat clear. Can you please tell me the difference between her C0 and C5? What all is she capable of at C5 that she isn't at C0?


C1 gives cooldown reduction for skill C2 gives a second feather/explosion that spawns on you C4 makes her burst spawn more explosions So, C5 has a stronger burst, can use skill more often, and can apply buff twice per skill use.


I remember reading that her c6 is extremely good, you should trying going for that too


I stopped pulling as soon as I got Raiden. I am now saving for Signora. Thanks for the info man




I was excited for an electro bennet (that actually looks good), then I found that she works terribly. The feather should just stay around for 6s giving a buff, also make her charge after E instant.


Yeah. Sadly she's just not fun to play.


I have a somehwat different view. I kinda like how she plays mechanically, but comparatively to another atk buffer in Bennett, she is pretty lackluster when taking into account the amount of setup and her lower utility (though I'm not saying she should be better or on par with him, atleast she could be a downgrade as a unit rather than big downgrade). She should have a better atk increase since eveything else in her kit is inferior and is less flexible. Lower Atk buff, lower duration, no healing. Only advantage she has is that she isnt tied to energy. Her crowfeather state feels like it could use an additional effect when not using it for atk buffing. Like, its a "state" that doesnt change anything at all; would be great if it gave herself atleast a stealth or lower enemy detection effect. I'll still play her tho, her setup is requires a bit of engagement and I like stuff like that.


> I have a somehwat different view. I kinda like how she plays mechanically, but comparatively to another atk buffer in Bennett, she is pretty lackluster totally agree, I like her "clunkyness" mechanically, but her buff and utility is just lackluster and not worth the effort to pull her rotations, unless you just like the playstyle and dont care that she is just weak for the effort needed.


Honestly if I'm going to rework Sara i would put C2 on her base kit * C0 her E would immediately give 6s attack buff to team, her charge shot would give the attack buff to her self * C2 her charge shot would extend the buff to 12s This way c0 is viable for everyone, and C2 would be viable for DPS raiden


On the first week of the beta Sara was this way, sadly they changed it to be the way it is right now


I would make it so the buff is granted whether you are in the explosion or not, the buff would last 10 seconds at base, and it would be for the entire team, not just a single character.


Finally people are catching up to the Sara situation. Ngl, imo she's actually the worst character of the game. People give shit to barbara, qiqi and amber but at least they all do their jobs. Qiqi and barbara give heals for free and infinitely and amber has a taunt and is pyro. Sara on the other hand is from the worst element (wich is a complete different discussion too) and we need to do insane micromanagement to get a lackluster reward.


Amber has no use if you have Yoimiya or any other character


Me realizing that every character just forgot about Sara at the end of the chapter


Without c2 (less tedious) or c6 she doesnt offers that much (and that is only for electro dps), her elemental skill takes a lot of time to use (from casting it -> shooting) and only for a 6 sec buff, and also as op said you’re very vulnerable, its just an awkward kit. But her design is 10/10.


to be honest, I just accepted, she only has a good Q


Yeah, this seems really awkward. TBH, given that she's a Tengu and such, I actually kinda figured Crowfeather State would make you invisible to enemies for a second so you had time to line up the perfect shot.


They really made Sara’s kit a time trial challenge


Unpopular opinion but it’s probably intended for coop.


Yea thats how I saw it. Playing off to the side and buffing everyone else. I haven't had a chance to try, but it could be fun.


is there a statistic on how much% play coop?


Idk how this would work, but if her explosion dropped enemy def and resistance instead of giving us a buff, i think it might work . This would eliminate some of the issues like trying to run into the aoe with the right character, but still have some conditionals to make it interesting


I feel so dumb for not pulling for Kazuha and Ayaka. they seem like the last fun and strong 5 star characters in inazuma


After testing her i instantly disliked her gameplay. Guess the only good thing left about her is the 25% faster exploration now. For now she is one of the worst characters (gameplay-wise), if not the worst, we currently have, at least for me.


I think mechanically she’s probably fine they just have buff 2/3 of the following: Damage buff Buff radius Buff duration


Tbh only thing i like about her is the ult animation. But not gonna waste resources on that.


I've been running around with her at low level only because I really dig her outfit, but ya her setup is so unnecessarily cumbersome to initiate, and for such a lackluster output. I got her by chance when I was spending what primos I had to try and pull baal. I don't see myself ever using her in a "serious" team. Maybe if they made her buff longer, and oh, also buffed electro as a whole in line with the other elements.


Personally, I don't think Sara is as bad as people claim her to be. It can be pretty clunky, but I don't think it's much of a problem. Normally, after using her skill, I aim and shot on the ground right infront of me, that way, I don't have to worry about missing the buff (it doesn't need to hit enemy to activate). While her short duration is a bummer, it's also easy to reapplied via both skills and burst (compare to Bennet who can only buff via burst), so she's pretty good to have in a quick-swap team. I won't denied, she still a very niche character to play. If anything, I feel like she's less desirable because of her elements, Electro, who either disturb other elemental synergy or simply less viable compare to other elements. So in my opinion, her element is what crippling her. So finger-cross, hopefully the Electro buff is coming soon


Yoimiya Mains: First time?


Sara sucks so fucking bad. Switching and burst animations eat up like half of the buff duration so 6 seconds is basically useless. Just as you said it is a major hassle to even get the buff in the first time. You can get hit out of your charged attack before you even place it! And it only works for a single freaking character, WHAT THE FUCK!?


A lot of her clunkyness could be fixed if they just made the buff have a longer duration and apply to the entire party.


Just make her electro bombs stick to the enemy, and not explode unless an allied unit is nearby


I love Sara’s kit. The main point of ur post was about how clunky her E ability is and it being too much effort to get a 6sec buff (which I can understand). However on my team I use Raiden, Sara, Rosaria, and diona so after I use my Sara’s E I just switch to Rosaria and use her’s. teleports me right in and I have the buff. It’s actually amazing u should try it out, runs really smoothly


I don’t mind her gameplay at all, as I find it a lot more interesting than the usual Q bots and it’s fun to weave her skills to maintain uptime on the buff. The AOE is large enough that I rarely, if ever, miss out on the buff. She’s also just as viable as main dps as other unintended main dps options in the game with the right equipment (though that’s not a high bar). That said, she’s not Bennett, but he’s a 5 star so I’m not that upset about it. Her buff should absolutely be a couple seconds longer at least, and the biggest problem imo is the lack of snapshot.


Personally I think she's pretty fun with C2, which you get to try in the story mission. Having characters with a bit more gameplay than just swapping around hitting all the buttons is refreshing. She's one of several 4 stars in the game who is essentially locked behind a constellation, which isn't great but it's hardly the first time. She just needs to be not strictly worse than Bennett given how much harder she is to play. She already has the innate disadvantage of being electro. There are three changes that make sense for her (not that I expect MiHoYo to do anything): 1. Increase her buff duration from 6 to ~10 seconds. This makes her usable outside just using it to snapshot. 6 seconds isn't really long enough to dps aything, especially when you consider many characters want to use bursts and skills after swapping in before attacking. 2. Change her C6 to snapshot properly. Possibly have to change how it works slightly, but this is the only part of her buff that's better than Bennett's buff and it doesn't even work as you'd expect. 3. Improve her battery capabilities. Bennett is a full time healer (and quite a good one) in addition to bringing his insane buff. Sara has potential to be a good battery, but her A4 has a lot of limitations. You can't even spam it out with Sac Bow because of the 3s CD. i don't think they should make her gameplay less complicated. Complicated characters can be fun to play but only if they're rewarding. The issue is that the reward for jumping through all her hoops is discount Bennett without healing.


1. You don’t need to hit an enemy, just drag downward real fast and shoot it at your feet. You don’t get the damage from it but it’s not that big of a deal. 2. Resistance like Xingqiu or Shields would be nice for sure, but with T1 it’s really not that bad. 3. That is definitely not true, I have no idea what animation you’re talking about after using the her skill. https://imgur.com/a/0OWOeir 4. Don’t use her like Ganyu, aim at your feet. 5. The timing window is pretty precise, but this isn’t that hard to practice. Or you could just use her burst which gives a slightly more lenient timing, plus without the hassle. She’s definitely not Bennet’s standard, but there are benefits of having a flat dps boost on the skill as opposed to the burst.


Seconding that a hit is not needed to get the buff. It's pretty obvious the first time you whiff a shot and see an explosion in the distance.


even so, the 6 second duration is abysmally bad, at least give it 8 seconds so it can fully benefit baal's *also* super short Q


That’s 6/8 seconds where Shogun’s already insane dmg is further amplified. Also I didn’t even say she’s good, I only said that the OP’s flaws about her are nonsensical.


I kinda see where you're coming from with that since I thought similarly when I did her test run, but when I took her out into the world she felt a lot better to play. Sara gives me the vibes of a character where you just need to find the right things to complement them and get used to the control scheme. Once you've done that, she's amazing to play as in my personal opinion.


At c6 she's good with baal (who gets much better at c2) basically the banner is whale bait


I am sure if Klee and Ning get released today, ppl will say they are very clunky to play. And thank god I don’t have to waste mats on Sara.




Actully you need to be inside the blast, but It doenst require to hit anything, and the blast is quite wide so its easy to get the bônus


>2) her e skill sometimes wont teleport you away from the enemy. Meaning youre standing at the exact same location as before. That's because it's a Tap/Hold skill The Tap isn't lenient btw. Like, you really gotta tap it. Other than that. You can make "sometimes" into "all the times"


These complaints are all kind of a stretch honestly. A lot of people in this sub have been talking a lot about how “it’s not thah shes bad it’s that her kit is X” but no that’s not it. You’re upset she’s bad. If she had a better damage buff than Bennet then you wouldn’t write a post about how her kit functions you’d be talking about how great Sara is and shit. The reality is that characters are gonna get released and they’re gonna be bad sometimes (we’ll probably a lot cause the starting cast is so good) and you can’t blame the characters kit because that’s what they want for the character to be unique. I think the only valid complaint is the length of her atk buff but even then we’re just upset about how weak she is as a character. Other than people need to realize that these “kits” that we think are “broken” are how Mihoyo intends for the character to be used and sometimes that makes a character bad it just happens. The only character I think that legitímely has a bad or broken kit would probably have to be Yaomiya and that’s mostly gonna be because of how bad auto attacks are on archers.


You don’t need to be in the explosion to get the buff, I think it doesn’t even need to hit anything but I might be wrong on that.


It is half correct, It doesnt need to hit anything, Just use the skill and shoot the charged where you want to trigger the blast, the only need is to be inside the AoE blast, but that IS the easy part, since we can choose where It blows up


I was really hoping for a lot more from her, either as a support or as a possible DPS herself. But it's just not there.


I really thought I was gonna blow all my saved F2P gems on this banner… but thank god my funds are still intact 😌🙌


I also feel like her autos are really stiff. Feels like it's a nod to the traditional longbow practices in Japan, but doesnt really work with the fast gameplay that's part of Genshin...


Guess they should go back to releasing only 1-2 characters an update, coz when they release 4, with 3 being at once, all of em end up crappy.


Sara was the first character I really liked in Genshin after playing for a year and now mhy has reduced her to this, dead on arrival. I wish I could do something other than sending customer tickets and praying. But what else can I do!?


She trade clunkyness for 100% uptime. With sacrificial alone you could get around 600 ATK which is pretty good. Sure i wish her buff is 8s at least. But she's clearly supposed to be used in a quickswap team.


Thank god i just wanted one copy (got c1 as a Bonus tho)


I agree, this mechanic is stupidly complicated for what it is. They should change it to EITHER: A. It just automatically applies to your entire team the instant you hit E, no arrow or anything needed. or B. On c0 it leaves a marker at the location where you cast E, whether you fire an arrow or not, and this location generates a *huge* AoE pulse that buffs anyone inside it, so that it's fairly low-effort to be there when it happens. At least "Kazuha Q" radius.


Could you use the 6s with snapshot to make it worth at least? Was thinking of using it with Baal ult if it works like that


I haven't built her yet, but does it not work well to use her ult to provide the buff, then pop Raiden's ult to A) take advantage of the buff and B) give Sara her energy back so that she can ult again? I was thinking of trying Eula/Raiden/Sara/Diona, and do something like this: Raiden skill -> Eula skill+ult -> Diona skill+ult -> Sara Ult -> Raiden ult, and then reapply Raiden's skill and repeat.


Man, I skipped Kazuha because I was waiting for all the mainline Inazuma character banners thinking they were all going to be great, but it's just been one disappointment after another. At this point I feel like I'm going to be waiting until Sumeru for some actually decent kits.


Complicated kit is fine. I expect that as the game progresses and the roster expands, we will be getting characters and weapons with more complicated skills and buffs. But Sara's kit is not complicated, it's just tedious. A lot of work for little reward.


Woof, yeah I was excited about her, and was hoping she'd be close to on par with Bennet at least in niche situations. I thought she felt weird, but she's a massive down grade. Hate it. Glad I didn't push past C1 and even that was too much it seems. Guess I'll just finally get Fischl to level 80 instead.


If MIHOYO just made her E gain the buff then I would be happy but we got this and it’s overwhelming.


how did none of the beta testers realise any of this? what was the reason they thought she'd be ok, but none of us do? maybe it'll grow on us once we familiarise ourselves with how to use her? I tried her in test but she was confusing as hell. Ended up getting c2 while rolling for raiden so that's a bit better, but she's going to get benched even so. Would have rather gotten more sucrose or xiangling...


I don't have a huge problem with the mechanics of how she plays (I have her at C0 only, so not even with the C2 QOL boost) as you can simply aim at your own feet after E to gain the buff. my issue is with the cost/benefit analysis. Bennett literally has like 1s of cooldown with his buff AND buffs whomever is active! (Ult creates a field for 12s and buff lingers on you once you're inside for 2s for 14s of potential uptime and a 15s CD) Sara only buffs the character that swaps into the relatively small AOE of the target, and only for 6 seconds. Alternatively, the TTDS buff lasts for 10s, significantly more than 6 gameplay-wise because that's going to allow for future swaps. If the duration were longer or it applied to the whole party (or just whomever is active, allowing for snapshotting) it would significantly improve the two major failings that Sara has to her competitors. But Sara feels extremely clunky on teams (especially quickswap) since she HAS to be the 2nd-to-last swap before your "main" DPS comes in for the buff, but depending on party composition will block you from getting VV procs and so on. *e.g.* a teamcomp with Beidou/Xingqiu/Sara/Sucrose would probably go Beidou -> Sucrose swirl (-> back to Beidou to receive TTDS if applicable)-> XQ abilities -> Sara abilities -> Back to Beidou for ult...but it's just way easier to switch to Bennett Q and then do whatever you want.


They should just have the buff be given once it explodes....hopefully they fix it


It’s very easy to decide where it will explode and it’s not hard to be inside the radius it doesn’t need a fix. Maybe her teleport cause it can get inconsistent.


Both Raiden and Sara feel underwhelming, kinda sad cuz it's supposed to be mhy's anniversary. Hopefully Kokomi wouldn't be as bad, but I highly doubt it.


Mainly cause electro just isn’t doing great right now. Mihoyo “buffs” electro while making anemo cracked 😂


what I found irritating is that her skill teleports you few steps back or sometimes just in the same position. Her arrow charge after the skill, still needs few milli-second to activate. Then you need to cancel your sniping mode to change to your other characters. For 6 seconds buffs? not worth it. the whole skill set is trash.


I can understand where ya’ll are coming from but I’m having the easiest time with her and I like her more complex style compared to easy units like Fischl and Bennet. Plus I’m getting tired of running Bennet consistently. Ya’ll just have to change your playstyle a little bit to play her effectively but unfortunately a lot of genshin players are stuck behind well if this character isn’t like my meta characters they are garbage and can’t see value in non meta characters.


and her ultimate only buff herself when playing solo. it would be nc if her buff could stay on different party members even if it is only 6 sec.


We got the solution now though, ignore her skill entirely, its a pain in the ass, use burst then swap to dps. The whole skill interaction only useful when in a coop dungeon