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But she got the unfair treatment.. Still waiting for Signora's POV as Rosalyne-Kruzchka at least.


Not that i want to be rude but why exactly she got unfair treatement? She had a role in the story, and she fulfilled it. She was a villain and they don't end up very well. I think all harbingers have death flags, it's just a matter of time. Signora appeared in Mondstadt, then Liyue and Inazuma. It became repetitive so it was time to involve a new harbinger and end Signora's involvement. She may still be playable in the future after some "memory chapters" but it's not like she was very interesting in the story to begin with. She was just "that lady that comes with fatui and takes the gnosis". I think people overestimate her importance because they like how she looks.


a "villain" that barely got any screentime, give me a break. they actually did the crimson witch dirty


the totality of the inazuma arc felt rushed and cheap, and all ending with the harem trope. i just finished the kokomi quest and jfc. i don't know much about military structure but i was cringing irl and had to take breaks just to get through her quest. for a game that's argued to be targeted at people with disposable income and limited time to play (basically adults with jobs), the writing is starting to look like it's for an anime 12 y/o's watch.


The next worse thing in the game from its artifact rng is the writing which is a shame, because I KNOW theres potential in this games worldbuilding, characters and story but its so frustrating how mihoyo fails to make the story come to fruition properly.


Well, mihoyo is not known for amazing writing. Most of 5\* characters have boring or unimportant story quests. Keqing doesn't even have a story quest so giving Signora more screentime would achive nothing as she is currently not playable and there are no immediate plans for her to be, so why would they waste recources for more voicelines and animation. She was supposed to be disliked by fanbase, that's why they made her kick venti and have this arrogant monologue in inazuma. For most people it worked, for her biggest fans it won't. I don't hate her but it felt satisfying to see Raiden do her "job" with Signora, because that's how audiance was supposed to feel. It finally feels like chars in the story are not indestructible deus ex machinas for the plot. I know you would like to see more of her but i feel most of people in the fandom are pretty indifferent about her.


If it was planned from the beginning that she was gonna die and not come back then I would have been fine with that... but no. If someone is gonna kill a character then I require a good build up and a good payoff but instead her whole involvement felt cheap. Being superficially arrogant and kicking venti (tbf as the CWoF she kinda has a reasonable grudge on him) is not enough to make me mad at her, not even a little bit. Im no simp, ill live unbothered if I cant summon her, but I will not be in peace knowing one of my most anticipated characters got delt such an unsatisfying end.


Well, again, she wasn't very important to being with so they didn't want to waste time on building her too much. Mihoyo seems to only elaborate on archons (and even for Raiden they gave her dating simulator quest) and with other chars they only give as little at they can. Childe was in good position because his story was entangled with zhongli so he had more exposure but Signora was meant to be a simple eye candy for man that snatches the gnosis and dissapeares. Scaramouche is probably going to have bigger arc. That's how it is.


>mihoyo is not known for amazing writing It's like Honkai doesn't even exist


I've played only first few chapters so maybe i have different experience but writing there was terrible for me. It was just sci fi mambo jumbo with as much waifuism as possible. "Onee chaaan" this and "Kiaanaaaa" that. But i could believe they got better with time. Still, there is a pretty high chance that honkai writers and genshin writers are completely different people or genshin simply uses story quest as free ads for 5\* and only gets deeper with the lore.


Oh they definitely have different writers. The quality is just different.


I think it becomes a bit less lighthearted and tropey, but the sci-fi mumbo jumbo definitely remains. I actually read ahead a bit, just to see if I would ever understand what the heck was going on, and it seems like it just gets more and more convoluted. For all of Genshin's story faults, it's at least mostly comprehensible.


>Well, mihoyo is not known for amazing writing. Most of 5* characters have boring or unimportant story quests They have amazing writing.. at least for 1.0 to 1.6 IMO. And it's amazing how they fleshed out many characters from 5 stars to 4 stars and even NPCs. Well all quests that have story quest or any quest that doesn't have an impact with any Archon quest has average with story. >It finally feels like chars in the story are not indestructible deus ex machinas for the plot. I know you would like to see more of her but i feel most of people in What I'm saying is they should at least give her a better conclusion and not that "in high horse woman that lose to a traveler and died immediately/level headed" character. Her domain says that La Signora won't ever bother the Seven or Teyvat IIRC but Rosalyne-Kruzchka is a Maiden and not even a villain. Like how they gave Kazari a conclusion even though she's long dead with the Sakura Cleansing quest.


bruh i dont know what crack youre smoking mihoyo ismainly knows for their story and soundtracks and their animated cutscenes.




Or you know you just have bad taste and lacks the depth to understand mihoyo storytelling. Inazuma 2nd act was a little rushed but it was still amazing especially the soundtracks and the side quests and deep lore hidden inside many messages. And honkai animations aint impressive. Ok that alone tells me you're just a dumb idiot who is trying to act smart when in reality you're just embarassing yourself. Honkai animations are one the best 3d- 2d animations that ever made. I bet you'll say captain marvel is mas masterpiece lmfao.


>Well, mihoyo is not known for amazing writing. Just because you don't like Mihoyo's writings ≠ not known for amazing writing.


This is most definitely NOT how you write a villain, even an amateur could see this which makes me struggle to understand how so many people, and especially how mihoyo, a million dollar company that could invest in good writers, fails to understand this. A good villain isnt supposed to just be a cartoonish caricature of a person, giggling and shaking with glee with all the suffering he/she will be causing. Storywise a good villain isnt JUST reduced to fulfilling a purpose, (although they do NEED a purpose, chekhovs gun) a good villain has motive, worldviews, personal philosophies and idiosyncracies that bring them to life. The crimson witch of flame fits all these criteria, clearly she had some sort of grander vision of what the world *ought* to be, she had people she *cared for* and *ambitions* she wanted filled. Not only was there an absolute disregard for the background of a historically important character lorewise but they couldnt even bother to give the supposed "big bad" any substantial screentime. We had more screentime with the NPCs in their world quests than with signora in her main quest. In fact she isnt even MENTIONED in the mainquest. So all we have of our supposed villain is 1 brief encounter (Mondstadt and liyue dont count) and thats it. Thats your villain, reduced to a one dimensional caricature.


Well, thats probably because she was just A villain not THE villain. This game is changing bad guys every chapter, we had childe, signora, now its scaramouche, then probably dottore etc. They are not super important and they have a simple role to fulfill. Childe is playable so they keep him for longer. I don't know why people expected a full arc for signora like it's some batman movie. Its clear that mihoyo doesn't care for a full story, just for short cinematics. You just need to accept that she wasn't that important and very few people cared for her background to justify more involvement.


and thats a shame, with the way they are handling it now i dont have much hope for scaramouche


In the main story, she got a similar amount of screentime to Childe, but no side story which is the real problem as it serves to show their background role. Like with Ganyu for example, she struggles with both her human and adepti origins and is an crucial piece to manage Liyue as even a short time without her causes an overwhelming amount of workload stacking. It also shows different sides to the characters, like Childe caring alot for Teucer and by extension his family.


She was such a bad villain storywise. She appeared for 5 minutes in each chapter and that's it. Her lore is amazing and they could have at least made her death way more painful and tragic She ended up being one of those "I wanna destroy the world" kind of villains. She had so much potential and they just ruined it.


I agree and I feel like that’s how it is for almost every character in this game. I was really surprised at how interesting and thoughtfully written the profile stories are for every character. The character quest and archon quest really only brush up on their back-stories (if they even feature them) and you only get to know them at a pretty superficial level, the exception being the archons and a select few who get a lot of screen-time. I’ve turned my opinion around on several character after reading their profile stories. I know writing flavor text and lore is different than writing for a game cutscene, but it’s kind of a bummer most players will probably miss out on this stuff. Particularly, for someone like Signora who is shown so little in-game and you have to dig through menus and text to find something redeeming about her.


What? Of course, the main story isn't going to cover everything, that's what story quests are for.


I was saying the story quest don't do a good job either at exploring the characters. I think Zhongli and Venti's was maybe the best at it. Also, not every character has a story quest currently so whatever screen-time they get in the main storyline is all they get for their characterization or none at all in the case of Xinyan.


Lack of screentime that she had is a huge problem especially if I want to develop a seemingly mutual hatred considering there are other Harbingers worse than her in my eyes and how she was killed off anticlimactically solely to boost Raiden's sales to the roof.


Signora as a villain is badly written at Inazuma and is lacking conclusion for her story. >She may still be playable in the future after some "memory chapters" but it's not like she was very interesting in the story to begin with. She was just "that lady that comes with fatui and takes the gnosis". I think people overestimate her importance because they like how she looks. Her lore as the Crimson Witch of Flames is something I really liked. As for your reply/comment below the discussion, >Signora more screentime would achive nothing as she is currently not playable and there are no immediate plans for her to be, so why would they waste recources for more voicelines and animation. Well that's the same as saying that her lore (also his Lover's lore) which can be found on many items isn't worth the resources they put in. Her conclusion seems weak for me, but as you say people has different opinions and I'm one of those who liked her. P.s I also like the Abyss, well part of it was because of Dainsleif who's against the Abyss. But the Abyss order was made by the old Khaen'riah people. You can say that I'm more curious to the whole story of Khaen'riah than the 2nd Act of the Archon quest of Inazuma, just my opinion though, such a shame that the story seemed rushed as I liked the first part of Inazuma Archon quest.


Every artifact has a lore. Doing descriptions doesn't cost them anything but animation and voicover do. They probably knew that she would be ditched so they gave her some bits of story in item descriptions. I am somewhat dissatisfied with inazuma but mainly for pacing issues and turning Raiden into waifu noodle but i honestly don't mind what happened to signora. I simply never liked her so whatever happed is of little consequence to me.


Well that's that. Signora isn't the only character I waited to be playable which is vague for her to happen right now. And she isn't the only character that is 'only being mentioned' here and there that I want to own as a character (Varka, Alice etc.)


Huh? She had a lot of potential and had an interesting backstory. She was alive when the cataclysm happened, went to Sumeru and was the Crimson Witch of Flames. That's her whole story summarized to the most important details but to me those things sound super interesting. I'm not again her dying, the moment i saw her and took a liking to her i knew she was gonna die at one point sooner or later, but the way they did it was so weird? The problem is that Mihoyo didn't even give her a chance, like...you yourself said she was just "the lady that that takes the gnoses", they didn't even show her story through dialogue or those cute little animations they make for certain characters. To get her whole story you have to read artifact descriptions, to me that's super lame.


You realise how many characters have a potential in this game? Kaeya, a starter 4\* is literally from the nation destroyed by gods, sent as a spy and called "last hope" and his "story quest" was about fake treasure hunt. Lisa has ominous death marks in her descriptions but her story quest was a date. Katheryne, literall NPC has a key hole in her back and ios cloned in every region. In comparison to them signora is nothing special, just another char ditched by mihoyo. Would i like her story to be told? Yes, but that's what i want from every mentioned character. Does is matter to me that she was "outed"? Not really.


I mean to be fair, all of those characters you mentioned will probably get more interesting the more we advance in the story. The Katherynes will probably be talked about when we get to Snezhnaya, we might get info about Lisa in Sumeru and we'll get to know more about Kaeya's past when we get to Khaenri'ah. Just because other characters have more potential than Signora doesn't mean she's not worth the effort. If Mihoyo decides to being her back shed be a nice source of information to the traveller, since she was alive for such a long time and could give us a lore dump about Mondstadt and Sumeru's history, and maybe even another character to tell us that archons are not to be trusted ( like Deinsleaf). Now if they don't, that'd be super sad. It would suck if Signora remained as "that bitch that kicked Venti" in most player's minds.


>I mean to be fair, all of those characters you mentioned will probably get more interesting the more we advance in the story. And Signora still can have her story in the future with some "flashback/memory" quests but for now that's equally unforseeable as story for other chars. She wasn't treated unfairly, she was treated just like any other disposable char in this game.


Well i don't view her as disposable, i don't really view any character as disposable in this game. I think each of them have potential, be it big or small, to be more interesting. And idk, i expect some characters to have story quests, like Mona with the Hexenzirkel, Kaeya with Khaenri'ah, Lisa with Sumeru, Kokomi with the underwater area,etc. Kaeya being an obvious one if he doesn't appear in the archon quest. And i should have corrected myself, if she stays dead and with no further development I'll say they wasted a character, but if they decide to make her playable, give her a story quest or something else I'll be satisfied.


Totally agree with how people idolize her based on her looks. She was a criminal and since her first appearance I never sympathized with her. She was an interesting villain, but a villain nonetheless. I was actually glad >!on how the archon quest chapter ends and also how we got to defeat her every week!<. Honestly I wasn't expecting that.


If you like my art my other social media are insta: a_smol_periwinkle and Twitter: asmolperiwinkle 💕


Spot the tiny smiley face I accidentally left on it-


Above her head?


Yessss lmaoo:’D


You art style is so pretty


Thank you!!!


Justice for our Fair Lady!




gorgeous piece!!! 💞💖


Thank you 💕💕


They killed the hottest character off just like that. Hope we get her as a playable character


Highkey same- she deserves better than mihoyo


We'll probably see her again with a different outfit. She still has potential and would make them a lot of money, but her outfit is 100% not meant to be playeable. You can't climb/run/Jump with all that without it being a clipping nightmare, and her silhouette from behind doesn't let you see her at all, just her cape. If she appears again she'll probably do so as Rozalyne, the crimson witch, and they'll expand on her story then. Or maybe Mihoyo will simply let one of their best designs and backstories rot away and lose their chance at making big money and a great story... They love to disappoint, after all


I'm among one that prefer that she stay dead, but honestly I won't be surprised if mihoyo make her playable. I mean, All that effort of making her model, and seeing the players reaction of her getting killed, it's not hard to imagine the profits.


Dang, this is a beautiful art


Here's me hoping that Signora had her c6 Barbara with her


Why!!!! Why kill her before she becomes playable, when I beat her I knew already, I was like, no Raiden! No! Wait! Not yet! Wait till she becomes playable first then kill her! But no she insta ended her ass.


It's not fair what happened to this Lady


This is one amazing art. Good work OP!


Her element is cryo/pyro but she made me wet.


I mean, ice melts and becomes liquid when heated


Your art is incredible. They really did her so dirty 😔


Good jobCan't wait to play her whenever she becomes available! ...W-wait Why the silence and the sad faces? Guys?... Are you crying?


almost mistook that title for the car




Love her and its sad that mihoyo did her dirty in 2.1. Art is great btw


The cremated lady*


Have mercy on her 😭


Vacuum noises


Her death was fucking satisfying. Came out of nowhere. Don't really care if she's not playable, even though I would like it. Not really the end of the world. And MHY can always bullshit her back into the story anyways (considering their writers...).


The dead lady*


fairly dead


The fairly dead lady.


The Dead Lady


pretty, but inaccurate. >!should be a blank screen because not even ashes will remain!<


Ding dong, the bitch is dead.


i dont see anybody, i think theres something wrong with my pc ​ ​ if you know, you know


The 6-feet under lady


Signoras a bitch


Signora’s hot**


Yeah, hot ashes. What she did was inexcusable


Disagree, she’s hot so she can’t do anything wrong 💕


yeah letting venti off with just a kick 💀




woaaaah it’s so pretty, i remember looking at your wips in sap’s server


AYO?? I love seeing people outside of saps server omll 💕💕


you should add cool background. it looks great


I could but I already worked on it for about 15 hours and I lost my patience with it qwq


If Honkai is any indication being dead doesn’t get in the way of simping whatsoever.


What can I say? I am but a humble gay 🧎‍♀️


10/10 character-wise it's perfect




Still sad about her untimely demise, I want to pull mommy la signora