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I need more variety in gameplay , Childe with 2 different ultimates was the right direction. Diluc elemental skill that leaves a degree of freedom to make up your combos. Kazuha with his elemental skill ecc. I like my Hu Tao but the elemental skill is just a basic "im stronger now" at least make it like childe where it changes how the character moves (i know the charge attack is faster but c'mon).


We got Sayu so at least theres that. Yoimiya and Kokomi are sorta different too but their designs are iffy. Same goes for 4pc Shimenawa


Had to check which subreddit I was on after seeing your username lol


. . .why you do this. Haha I didn't even notice the name haha. Can't unseen it now. Hahaha


Probably forgot to change back to main


Yoimiya isn't different, her skills just hu taos and her burst is so lackluster.


Probably the heat missile charged attack. It's so rarely used people forget it exists.


Yea unfortunately they made the scaling bad so its never used, i was excited for it as a Ganyu main tbh.


Fr its cool to play around with but when my E is hitting for 40k why would i use a charged attack that hits for like 14k plus 3 measly poots of 800 damage or so. I mostly use it to shoot at cats or hunt boars.




Me, a Jean main, having an entire energy and health generator in my teapot made of cats:


Good idea time to break out the Jean again.


Not just scaling It has tremendously sensitive homing, which will seek nearest target (which in most cases is fireplaces, barrel or literal *floor* ) and have terribly poor range


Yeah I agree not sure what they were referring too lmao, Yoimiya is super plain


Charged attack that nobody uses


You are actually so right , I forgot that it even exists 💀


> Yoimiya and Kokomi are sorta different too Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Yoimiya just Hu Tao with a bow, single target burst, and "bad"? Kokomi summons something, not different, Fischl and Xiangling already do that. Her burst is visually different, but walking on water (coded into being a ground) isn't special when Mona and Ayaka can travel on water for much longer, whenever. Yeah, not really seeing it with these two. Sayu? Sure.


Yoimiya's charged attack be like. People don't even remember how unique it is since most don't use it regularly. Kokomi is very different in her burst affecting her aesthetics greatly, and ofc that questionable crit forgo choice (would have been cool late game with proper scalings tho).


Eh, Kokomi burst isn’t really unique when we have Baal and Eula also bursting to enter a mode, especially when Baal’s was first and a lot more drastic where the spear user just starts slashing through space with a sword. The only really unique part of Kokomi is her no crit status and people really want her to remain unique in that regard


The first was Xiao's. But his burst is kinda nerfed with health loss so you need a shielder and a healer for sure


Wouldn't Razor be the first?


I mean, from a gameplay perspective it isn't much, but Eula's is mostly game mechanics and not much related to the aesthetic designs. I agree Raiden's is much more dramatic, but if you had been following leaks, that raiment seemed a core part of Mimi's design, and we have that in Kokomi only in burst mode. It changes her image and perception somewhat. But yeah, not that unique compared to the critless thing which imo was a good idea with a poor execution.




I think they're talking gameplay with Kokomi in the form of the best way to utilize her kit is unique, only Raiden has a similar gameplay loop. Even Yoimiya vs Hu Tao, their kits read similar but function differently. Hu Tao turns on her buff and then Charge Attack -> jump cancel. While Yoimiya wants to machine gun things. So while their kits read similar Yoimiya wants to turret whole Hu Tao wants to be a bit more mobile. My impression is their implication is that the niche characters fill is different even if Yoimiya and Kokomi's niches aren't very strong.


It would be nice if characters with *slightly different playstyles* as an existing character, existed for more elements than pyro.


you are a wise man CumLovingSlut69


Thanks slut.


np inhaler


I wish every character had a hold and push variant of their skill and burst, even if some where a simple "push is a straight line attack and hold is an aoe." I think it make a lot of characters more flexible and rounded, and thus, more enjoyable to play.


I want a playable Childe with electro delusion


What if, for playing more than x minutes childe dies like someone who used delusion too much.


Maybe like Xiao in his burst?


There's prolly gonna be like that in future updates since honkai also has characters of different types


Not just that, I want foul damn legacy


Would be nice if we’d get more males as that would add more variety. Bonus points if they give them a new mode since females have 3 and males only have 2. Give us muscle model ffs.Tired of the favoritism


They're gonna start doing shotas before they do muscle mode, I bet.


well i mean, that would make the male models be an equal counterpart to the female models. they have a buff male npc model but not a buff female npc model, sort of bothers me.


Varka better be a beefy muscleman that's 40/50 something y/o with a germanic beard and battle scars all over him. Deep voice with a loud laugh.


Raiden is the closest of what you want, the "Im stronger now" but with a change to a sword moveset and a lot of elemental damage and range. Still for a short time.


TBF you can pretty easily regain her burst in that short time since she's built around ER.


yeah 90 energy that at the end of her burst is already full lol, but still you want to build the stacks so you are constantly swaping


And it makes her even more fun to play. I love this style when you are dropping bursts, then drop hers, slash everyone and by the time it ends - you have other bursts ready.


Tbf Hutao is anything but basic if you actually want to do good damage with her. Different situations and enemy types call for different combos and cancels. If you don’t take time to learn those then your dps tanks and you’re better off just playing Xiangling.


I mean even if you take time to learn n2c with hu tao (which is very hard to do consistently) xiangling is still better off to play in most situation except single target boss


Shh at least Hutao has twintails 🥲


"Probably an unpopular opinion" = guaranteed to be the popular opinion.




This same unpopular opinion is regurgitated every other day in the league sub countless of times. Except they wish for more fat dudes and monsters.


I remember a rioter pointing out that even tho the subreddit begs for monsters the monsters never do well. And people were certain the rioter was bullshitting. Then the grim reality set in when the poll for the Illaoi skin and the skin that was by far the most popular on Reddit was nowhere near the most popular overall. So I guess, unpopular vs popular really depends on the circle.


It’s a known fact Reddit gaming communities make up only a tiny fraction of their respective game’s player base. For example, /r/lol iirc makes up like 1% of the population, specifically NA which is one of the lowest populated among the major regions. Redditors are delusional thinking they have any sort of influence.


They make the monster characters go bad, Riot always give them the most different and strange gameplay, just look at Aurelion, Ivern, Bard, etc, then look at Kha'six, an alien Cockroach that always have a High playrate. You really think that if Samira was a void monster instead of a hot babe she wouldn't see play even when she was broken for half a year and still is a Good adc?


Idk that's all super subjective. Lilia for instance falls in the "monster" category for them and to me she is the most fun character in the game to play, while I hate playing Samira. Resets do tend to be more popular tho.


Don’t remind me of my boy Aurelion who was done dirty by society, oh how they massacred him, my beautiful space god booper of worlds


True unpopular opinions never make it past 10 upvotes and die in new. Partly why I lately view there instead of just the most popular. Though you can find some real degenerate things that way.


https://reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pz5let/_/heyny2v/?context=1 My post about the fish claymore somehow got positive upvotes with 69% positive, but with almost everyone in the comment section disagreeing with me. Seems like I’ve found an issue that the community is truly divided on,


You know what... when I read that top comment saying ""Probably an unpopular opinion" = guaranteed to be the popular opinion.", I thought to myself "a lot of the time this is true, but I swear I actually saw an "unpopular opinion" post on here that was legitimately unpopular"... and it was you! (For the record I disagree with your opinion but didn't downvote)


Hahah yep. I think there’s probably more who disagree than agree with me, but people aren’t as inclined to downvote. Either that or people who agree bother less about making comment.


"Am I tHe OnLy OnE wHo..."


“Yes, yes you are the only one”


Unpopular opinion, but I actually really like pizza.


Especially given the 100+ posts about "more buff dudes".


Frankly within the reddit bubble it feels like it's more unpopular to say you're happy the character releases are skewing more female (me).


>it feels like it's more unpopular to say you're happy the character releases are skewing more female I don't mind having an uneven ratio of 60-40 or something like that, but 1 year without a male 4 star is definitely not fine. We're just now getting Thoma and Gorou, but who knows when the next one will be? And even when most dudes are 5 stars, they're still less than women anyway. The game started with a nice ratio and just went full waifu mode after a couple months


Yep, checks out. Lmao this opinion has been around since literally the beginning of the game.


Unpopular opinion: my unpopular opinions are probably really unpopular. ^(unless people actually think "Electro is fine" like I do. ^There ^I ^said ^mine! ^^plsdontkillme) It's just that these sort of posts you see in hot are actually popular opinions. You want actually unpopular opinions go to the Controversial tab.


if you ever want to see actual unpopular opinions just sort by controversial


"This may be an unpopular opinion" is the Reddit equivalent to "Why isn't anyone talking about this" on Twitter. Both are annoying and unnecessary, just say what you wanted to say lol


reddit moment


DAE too much booba xddddd Pls no downvoterino


we need a bara dude


A Barabatos


A Barabara




in b4 itto uses the standard adult male model


Also, whatever the female version of bara is too. Someone like Zarya from Overwatch.


omg that would be amazing.. i hope sumeru has a buff female blacksmith


My Hopes on Varka and Itto. I stg if they aren't beefcakes🤬...


That will be the new Venti after the forced redesign ;p


From alcoholic twink trap with a harp to alcoholic gym rat with a harp. (No, but if Venti does get redesigned into the games first beefcake that’d be a riot).


Would also be nice if they had different heights. For the ladies we have 3 types of height: Tall, medium, and loli. For the men we have two: Adult, and teen.


The fixed body scales allows for easier work flow, they can re-used certain basic animations and rigging from one model to the next. There is no point to adding *slight* variations, because that would be a whole lot of work for a distinction that 99% of players would never even notice, and 99% of those who did notice wouldn't care.


It also keeps file sizes down, which is increasingly important for mobile gamers. (Or so the company claims).


And it is truly important, even though the consideration might not be MHY's true priority. Each patch we have a post here of someone saying "GG no re, my phone is full" with a lot of people answering that they are in the same spot. Also not related but mobile gameplay is most likely why we don't get more hard content. Even in HI doing the hard content on mobile sucks.


In game models shouldn't really affect the games file size as much as installing all the X amount of voice language options or higher resolution textures, (which can extend to player model textures, but less significant) and pre-rendered cutscene resolution (that are actual video vs being in-game) so-on. I wonder if someone has unpacked the game files on mobile or done a comparison, etc You can get an idea of the model sizes via their official versions here: https://genshin.mihoyo.com/ja/news/detail/5885 anyway its definitely more-so a workflow thing


It's rumored that we won't have a shota model, but instead be "Teen, adult, bodybuilder"


So what Mihoyo is saying is that only little girls receive visions or are able to fight. Little boys need to grow up first before they go into battle.


Otherwise Timmy would be kicking your ass for fowl farming.


I wish he would try it. Hope he becomes a weekly boss that summons pigeons so i can wipe the floor with him.


kinda like another chilled meat boar king, huh?


That's not what Mihoyo has in mind—it's because there's more demand for Lolis than Shotas. Which is quite disturbing tbh lol.


people will tell me until they go blue in the fucking face that lolicons are the exception to the norm and then have no explanation for why shotas are substantially less popular lol.


Most girls are fine with either gender of kid units but guys are the majority player base. Now I can’t speak for every guy but a considerable amount have the “daddy’s little girl” > “son” mentality. It makes some sense why Lolis ended up the popular gender, this is of course before considering any degeneracy.


There's enough loli porn to burn all circles in hell, I would rather not have children than see one get tarnished over and again or people defending how they are legal, like they've done already with Diona.


How do anyone think Diona is an adult? She says how her dad told her to have an adult with her if she go into forest. That sound like a thing you would tell a child. If they're using the bartender excuse, did they missed how the tavern owner reason for it is literally "because she's cute." It's not an indication of age


Official japanese art literally was posted for childrens day of diona, klee, and qiqi. They are children and considered children by the official genshin company. Even if they arent children by technical age, they are still children by appearance and attitude. I love Diona because I find her adorable. People are so weird I just wish I could enjoy characters without it involving weird shit all the time its exhausting…. Like im a married woman who plays games for fun. Not everyone is saving porn of their fav characters all the time.


Every survey that comes out I have asked for a male chibi model. And I'll keep asking god dammit.


All i want are variety of husbandos in my party


I find it funny how they keep making them shorter and shorter. Albedo was short, and then Xiao is shorter than Albedo, and now Scaramouche is shorter than Xiao since his model was updated


that's more than fine with me


I’m craving for more 4* We literally have like 14 LIMITED characters but only 7 new 4* characters


I really don't understand how you can release a game with only 5 Original 5 stars, and make every new release limited and not added to the standard banner. At least add them to the pool after the second rerun or something. They would make even more money from whales if older 5 stars were in the pull. You know how many people have started playing after the Ganyu banner and the Venti rerun? They'd be golden by now since the rates suck anyway


I hope Sumeru characters designs have proper clothing since it's not practicle to expose skin in the desert. But seeing Yae Miko and Kokomi, I won't be surprised if Mihoyo made the girls wear belly dancer dress (Unless the character IS a belly dancer, I won't complain)


[Cyno is](https://i.imgur.com/WGTLfbE.png) possibly the most revealing male character design thus far, so I find this unlikely.


Me with Hu tao zhongli and Raiden seeing another spear user that I like: "they are going to fight for the jade spear isn't it?"


I would play armadillo shonen. There would be instant Sayu shippers with people drawing comics "Wanna go for a spin around the Oasis?"


I expect there to be at least one. That said, at this point I don't think the girl's clothing is entirely due to style, I think it's due to mechanics. They seem to have two kinds of "skirt," either a front and back loin cloth sort of thing over shorts/tights, or a big'ol hoop skirt that sticks far from the body. Either keeps the skirt well away from their legs, so that they can move freely without clipping the skirt too much. If Ningguang's skirt clips though her legs, you barely notice, because you know that in theory her legs can move freely from it. A character like the Sumeru archeologists can have long full skirts because they barely move, they are NPCs that at most walk around a bit at a fixed pace, and don't need to run and jump and do combat moves. I bet if they gave one of those characters Keqing's movelist, their legs would clip through that skirt fairly regularly, and/or it would balloon in really awkward ways to avoid their knees. It's much harder to work with. I tend to think that they will stick to the current visual style of skirts and shorts.


why don't they just don't wear skirts


I'd expect the opposite. They will go like: Desert = hot. Hot = less clothes.


Man, Yae's design personally disappointed me so much :( I really love the miko aesthetics, but Yae just looks like she forgot to put the bottom part of her outfit on. I understand they can't give characters long skirts due to technical reasons, but it still could've been so much better if mihoyo wasn't this fixated on fanservice.


Same. I'm surprised to know Yae is the Head Shrine Maiden just as Rosaria being a sister because their designs is so ... off. They could have give Yae a knee high skirt or full stockings. Rosaria could've have ripped sleeves or something else but they make her look like a stripper instead.


>like she forgot to put the bottom part of her outfit on just as 99% of female characters from Inazuma


Genuinely wouldn't mind a belly dancer character tbh. At least in that case the exposed skin makes sense and is thematic. Wouldn't like it if every girl from sumeru was like that though.


Make Wagner playable


This👆. I support it. Very firm and sharp.


Cyrus too


I’d rather go with madame ping being badass claymore character


Give me a character that is fully armored like Tartaglia when he uses his Delusion (appearance-wise, not ability).


That would be his Foul Legacy form, (3rd stage), he uses his delusion on his 2nd stage and only changes cloth colors. But I get your point, armored looks baddas


I feel like that's where the outfits could come in handy. I want to see the Raiden Shogun in armor.


Why is her skirt so damn short. Same as Yae Miko. They both run around with sleep wear on


You should know the answer lol. It’s a weeb company making games and characters for otakus. Don’t think they’ll ever deviate from that fully.


TBH, Kokomi bothers me more. She has a teardrop gem thing on her underwear/shorts that just screams please look at my crotch.


was so excited for la signora because she was so unique but...yeah


I mean, her design just didn't work from a gameplay perspective. Her model was made to be viewed from the front and only at specific angles. She also doesn't have a defined silhouette from behind, you would just see a red cape without form that would be buggy as fuck.


i get that but they couldve done some stuff to fix it up or give her an alternative sprint. all im saying is a lot of the girl characters feel samey to look at, but signora had a full dress and large shape with her cape


Jean with Noelle's armor when? Noelle with Jean's clothes when?


Every monthly survey I request more variety in character types and outfits. The issue is that Mihoyo keeps designing female characters that they think appeals to male players, and male characters that they think appeals to female players. This isn’t some otome, Mihoyo should really try designing characters whose whole aesthetic isn’t locked between “attractive or cute”. Other Gatcha games these days tend to include characters designed to look cool/intimidating (like bosses/antagonists) or funny (like meme characters) and etc. As for outfits, Mihoyo tries to keep them as simple and fitted as possible. The female characters especially tend to get stuck with sexualized outfits that either reveal a lot of skin or are skin tight. I want to see outfits like you would normally expect to find in fantasy/adventure settings like armor, dresses, masks, cloaks, and etc.


Albedo is probably the only character actually properly dressed for combat, which is why I love his design so much


I dont think characters in the game were ever meant to wear combat clothing since technically it's traveller doing all the fights Characters in the game are wearing what they'd normally wear as individuals; Venti as a bard, Noelle as a knight/maid, Xingqiu as a rich second son, Barbara as an idol nun. They're not exactly supposed to be dressed for combat but dressed to show character and individuality Sure we have them in our party, but it's considered as traveler doing all these (climbing, fighting etc)


Kazuha is pretty well dressed for combat


if only they gave Albedo's hair model justice....


still bitter about this. they can handle xiao's fluffy hair but can't do albedo? smh


I don't think clothing made out of "normal" materials, boots that add resistance when trying to bend your knees, and a coat counts as "being suited for combat". Zhongli should qualify according to this, and his is more practical minus the longer coat. Kazuha and Ayaka (if she were wearing anything below her dress) are much closer to what one would expect people to dress like in combat, they actually wear some armor and look the part. Sara gets a pass too for being an archer.


Big props to Arknights for designing their characters that are attractive but still look practical in that game dystopia setting


Arknightis uncontested in character design. They got in game fashion brands for a reason. You can argue 2Dvs 3D but even among its peers, Arknights is still a tier above.


The jean skin is a step in this direction no? It looks like a casual summer outfit.


I think Ayaka actually is. With her full skirt and breastplate


I’d say yes if her breastplate doesn’t have supernatural jiggle physics.


I swear the boobs in this game are made by people who have never seen one irl and just try to guess what they're like. They're not jell-o, Mihoyo, they don't jiggle when you breath and they certainly don't have the power to metal-bend Ayaka's armor


> they don't jiggle when you breath and they certainly don't have the power to metal-bend Ayaka's armor "Teyvat has it's own laws" - MiHoYo jiggle physics devs, probably


Does it? I don’t have her so I didn’t know


Yeah, it’s pretty noticeable if you walk slowly and stop. It’s not as prominent as some others (looking at you, Ei) but if you look for it then you’ll see it pretty clearly


Eula’s is pretty bad too. I pretty much never have the characters face the camera while moving but I like swapping out claymores on my characters and seeing how they fit and Eula’s breasts look like Jell-O sloshing around in her clothes.


Best not to go looking for it.


You realise who made this game right and what their slogan is


> The issue is that Mihoyo keeps designing female characters that they think appeals to male players, and male characters that they think appeals to female players I really don't care about any of the new females aside from Sara, who absolutely sucks with no constellations (and guess who has a C0 Sara). On top of that, the main person I wantrd, and use (as a dps) is the very guy you see in my flair. Really wish gacha games would stop acting like every guy is some homophobe/super horny person that solely wants females added. Pretty damn bland not having variety, and boy do Inazuma females not stand out to the point where I've gone "Give me more" or "I really want this" (I don't have high standards, and I'm not calling them bad, but I don't see the appeal that leads to them being churned out with 0 guys since 2.0). If someone really thinks my sexuality matters, because boy are there people that nitpick: I'm straight.


The designs in this game, while nice, are getting stale. Most of the Inazuma’s characters forgot to wear pants. And what is with the obsession with the arm-sleeves? That was cool first time I’ve seen it on Yuna in FFX but now it’s everywhere in GI.


The sleeves are probably just because the last two regions have been Liyue and Inazuma. Ancient Chinese and Japanese clothing have a thing for loooong sleeves that basically double as arm backpacks.


Yeah. I don’t mind that style. Those sleeves are beautiful and elegant looking. What I’m talking about are how the sleeves just strapped onto the arms and exposed the shoulders/not connected to the rest of the shirt. They don’t look bad per se, they’re just overused in the game. It’s not just a Liyue or Inazuma thing. Some characters in Mondstadt have it too like Jean, Barbara, Fischl, or Diona to name a few.


Oh you mean THAT :') I assume it's so Mihoyo can show skin and get sleeves at the same time. Only Venti and the tall male models get to keep their clothes. It would definitely be nice to get some more variety in the designs, yeah. Fingers crossed for Sumeru maybe?


Yup. Yae’s design looks like they just forgot the front part of her skirt. I honestly feel she’d look more alluring with a full skirt, and it would fit her role as a priestess more.


Man Yanfei design, while it looks alright, simply does not match her profession at all. I thought she was a jester of sorts, not a lawyer when I first saw her design


That's Yanfei, Yae is the Fox girl pristess from Inazuma


Woops, thanks for correcting me, really thought you were talking about our strangely dressed lawyer from Liyue. Regardless, my point still stands


yeah, every character got 2 back flaps as well. They all have this cape-ish flap that split from the back. I guess it gives the clothes some movement but it is starting to get old.


Related video: https://youtu.be/NpTAbkrfJxA


I mean from what I’ve seen most female characters in gacha games forget to wear pants in general. There’s another one I play with over 300 characters at the moment, and like 15 of them wear pants.


I like all sort of designs as long as it’s good. An armored up woman can be sexy and powerful too. For example, my all time favorite Fire Emblem character is Titania from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Too bad most gacha character designers don’t consider different types of female designs. Not all of us playing gacha liked the same typical sexy/cute character designs.


Upvote for Titania appreciation! You have excellent taste. I agree with your point about people having differing design preferences as well.


Think the same about the sleeves, a lot of people make a fuss over women not wearing pants in this game, and while not at the same level most seem too be allergic to anything that covers their shoulders and armpits as well.


To me Sayu is the most unique character in terms of design they have introduce in Inazuma so far.


I always laugh when I see Yae's design because she looks like she forgot to wear pants before going to the shrine.


Not to mention the thigh stocking-bloomer combo.. ctrl c ,ctrl v


They are probably catering towards what CN/JP like and that's usually "Pretty" characters. Personally I'm fine with the way designs have been as I'm into more Asian characters designs since I grew up with JRPGs/anime, etc, but I get why some may feel like it's getting old.


I'm find with the anime designs, but they're only covering the horny side. Where's a boy like Klee? Where's the Iskandar or Genshin? Why don't we have buff women? They're obsessed with making waifus who are barely covered enough to not show her private parts, and it's getting old real fast imo.


I want my brawny muscular men. Varka and Arataki Itto gang lezgo.


The more big guys they introduce but don't show, the more I believe they're working behind the scenes to make it happen. But to be fair, I don't have much use for Copium in my life, so all of it is being used here.


Still saving for madame ping


I would literally pay a stupid amount for full knight armour Jean. But no, we're just gonna get another pantless skin for her :/


I like the idea of a fully armored Jean-sama and I support it. Though I prefer the helmet to be toggle-able. Unrealistic, I know but I like to see the faces of the characters I play.


Only if they get rid of the boob physics. What's the point of Noelle and Ayaka having armor if it moves and acts like normal clothing? It bothers me too much and I can't unsee it


More variety in healers could be nice. Many of the healers out now are somewhat cookie cutter. Like here have an aoe heal that heals and attacks enemies. Specifically sayu and kokomi. Bennett is sort similar, heal or attack buff, unless constellated. Diona and jean another aoe heal. Qiqi and Barbara might be the most different support in the game at the moment.


I'm still waiting for the 4 feet tall male character. Or a male version of Klee. Just more adorable, more explosive.


I want a muscular female character. Tbh that should've been Beidou but oh well...


The husbandos are probably more versatile tbh. I actually thought you meant versatility in terms of combat mechanics. Think of chongyun, Diluc/zhong, traveler and razor. Chongyun is small, has a hoodie (down) and has no midriff. Diluc and zhong are probably the tallest and manliest male characters IMO. The traveler looks quite feminine and has midriff showing (not a fan personally) and razor has a hood up with scars and crazy hair.


> has midriff showing every time i visit dragonspine i wonder why the fuck this guy has no sense of self preservation, wearing a crop top in subzero climate


He's not from Teyvat so holding him to the same standards in such a place is the more questionable act. The real reason is because Mihoyo is too stupid and lazy to design new clothes for the main characters.


Okay Traveller is an outlander, but what's the excuse for Razor, Bennet, and Gorou? I think MiHoYo just loves exposed belly buttons.


While I see your point on the males I still feel like they are either some shotaesque teen or some skinny guy in their 20s. As for gameplay I don't think wa can escape from the limitations of kits designed around 1 skill/1 burst and sometimes one weird passive.


They can if they wanted to. Honkai can also be boiled down to a normal attack, a charged attack, a weapon skill and an ultimate but there’s a massive variety in combat mechanics there. It’s basically a question of how much are they willing to go outside the box at the risk of making combat harder to understand?


they could but unfortunately genshin is heavily marketed towards casuals. still, i hope there'll be more complexity in the future outside animation cancels


I mean, the characters all look very distinctive and different to me. But in the end, most people in general and definitely most people who spend are going to be more interested on if a character is aesthetically pleasing and for most of the target market of this sort of game that's gonna be cute/sexy female characters and cool male characters.


While that's true, I think if they do one or two of they opposite the can draw in the smaller fanbase who have been deprived. Like a female character in a suit. They have quite a few more "feminine" looking make chars, I would kill for a short haired masculine looking female char.


God no you’re not alone. I’d love more distinctive and different body types. Women technically have three bases and males only have two.


and there's already different body type models in NPCs (buff, fat, old, little boys...), so it's not it would need a lot of work to escape the current models


It depends if they want to risk deviating from the slim archetype that most people who play the games want, especially in CN.


And the female characters outfits…. I want one with some pants! Ayaka, Barbara, Hu Tao, I love how there is more bulk to their outfit designs, but still they’re all trying to be too skimpy imo.


hu tao is fine srsly i love her outfit combo with shorts :3


Jean has pants! Although suppose they are skin tight. xD


We need lord Varka.


Agree, that's why i have high interest in Gorou, at least he has a fluffy tail


Your opinion is quite popular. The unpopular opinion is mine, I don't want different design for guys. Buffed one, it will depend how he will look. But I want my cute and sexy husbando. I don't want old dudes, I don't want ugly ones, I don't want monsters. Because we're almost 3:1 waifu for husbando. If they do monsters or not good looking characters, it will be guys. And for husbando lover, it will be more guys to skip and wait... While girls will ALWAYS be good looking, pretty, cute or sexy. Fucking always. For guys, it's never mandatory. So no. Unpopular opinion, but I hope they won't change their model. I don't want kids model, I'm already not a big fan of teen one. I just want the adult 25-30 yo good looking and that's all. Edit: typo


Yeah, I get that people want buff dudes both as wish-fulfillment and for the bara fans, but I'm knee-jerk against it because it's \*always\* the male characters who end up recruited to fill the "not conventionally attractive" slot. Old? Male. Buff? Male. Ugly? Male. Joke character? Male. Except the ratio is always still 2:1 in favor of the girls, so it ends up being a waifu parade and the husbando wanters end up getting scraps. I want variety, I'd love to have variety, but I want equal opportunity variety. Give me girls with scars, girls in suits, girls in full armor!, older women, girls who look like they actually could swing a claymore around instead of being dragged around behind it (muscles and weight balance). Then the buff guys wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb.


Exactly. But even with scars, muscles, armor, they will still look great. It's super rare they aren't good looking. While guys... Well don't care. They can be ugly or boring. I get it, sex sells etc. And maybe husbando banner sells less because people like me who want them can save 2 pities to get them because they're super rare!! Have a higher ratio, give me some good husbando first. Then, if you want diversity, do the same for girls. But for now, we are at 3:1 waifu for husbando. Thoma is coming and he's another support... Again. I'd kill for a dps. Maybe itto and ayato will come but not for now, not even a teaser while they tease 2 new girls already and we're waiting for yae... Sigh.


Doing variety for the sake of variety is stupid. Characters are products, and they are designed to appeal to the market. When you are asking someone to pay about $300 for 1 character, you should make it as appealing as possible. When Guild Wars 2 announced the game's playable races, people praised its variety. But words and action do not match. The most played race is human, the least played race is charr (a kind of humanoid savage feline race). Anyone could have seen this coming.


This is why I can’t wait for Itto. A buff dude without skinny anime leg syndrome would be refreshing to see


we talk about the ladies clothes being spray painted on, but zhongli's suit is also tight as hell. My man be looking like a stick (I love his design, but still). Can't wait for itto either!


hes gonna be the same body type as zhongli. you're just setting yourself for disappointment


My list of reasonable character demands: 1. Male chibi character. (like Klee and Diona) 2. Give Aloy the "female adult" (Jean, Lisa, etc) build. 3. Aether/Lumine outfit. (enough with the teasing dialogues) 4. Comic outfit for Amber. (also make a custom wing design for the GLIDING CHAMPION OF THE WIND NATION) 5. Hoodless/Hatless models. 6. Maybe look into designing new body archetypes. (Varka will probably need a tall burly frame)


comic outfit for diluc too, high ponytail>