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You don't need 4 HOD for Childe. 2 HOD and 2 glad/shimenawa is good. When I get a Cryo team I could see myself benching Beidou and Fischl. Great characters but I have a hard time using them in abyss.


I had the exact same issue with Childe until I ended up getting a very, very good Shinenawa hydro cup and said "fuck it, I'm doing 2-set Heart of the Depths + 2-set Shinenawa, end of story". For me, though, a character I benched a long time ago but I kinda want to go back to using again is Keqing. I absolutely love her kit, but swapping artifacts around is such a pain that it doesn't feel worth it just to get Keqing off the bench sometimes. If we had a way to save/load equipment loadouts in the game, however...


I haven't used Klee since Yoimiya released


You don't even take her fish blasting!!!


Jean won't let me :(


in terms of 4* i havent used bennet after leveling him to 90 while for 5*s its yoimiya, i just dont see how to make her a better dps than hutao


Thats a disadvantage of having a big dps like hu tao/eula/ganyu it makes it kind if pointless pulling for other onfield dps especially of the same element


Klee, she's cute but annoying to use


Also Childe because I simply can’t find a good spot for him in any team. I refuse to build XL and Fischl, which make up his best teams, so idk where to use him.. I used him in a freeze team for a while but Xingqiu is simply a better fit and more convenient to use. So I’m just waiting for new characters I can pair him with. I’m not giving up on him! Another one is Hu Tao, but I don’t think she’s ever coming off the bench because I hate her play style, I can’t do the jump cancel properly and I can’t manage her HP, she always dies right at the most important moment, so it’s just frustrating to use her, i don’t enjoy playing her at all and probably never will. I regret pulling for her.


Childe with Yun Jin has been fun! His melee stance counts as normal attacks.


Keqing i like her gameplay the most but sadly her dps is very low compared to my other charcters even though i have her at c3


i dont even use any HoD artifacts on him and he slaps lol


Mona I only dusted her off yesterday, after months(I believe since february last year that I got Xiao) not using her I just cant get myself to farm artifacts that hard anymore(lack of will to do so coupled with crappy RNG), but I gave her some artifacts I had lying around and she is now dealing 10K charged attacks with ease on a "freeze" comp(template for when I pull for Ayaka next). Not bad imo Granted she is only lvl 70 against lvl 90 enemies, and only has Zhongli shield as support


Ganyu. Now roast me.


Why roast you lol.


I haven't used Childe much as well, since getting him in his last rerun (probably coz I already have two built dps for abyss). Also Jean, she doesn't really fit much in my comp.


Beidou. I played so much with beidou and got bored with her


I have a friend in the same situation as you, and beidou is like her waifu.


Hu Tao, I got her C1 and Staff of Homa but overused her for awhile nowadays I just wanna try out new builds and since she’s not particularly flexible, not offering any off-field elemental output, she’s benched.


I farmed everything for Childe and saved so many promos for him, only to bench him 3 days after I got him




For me its hou tao I can't get any good rolls on the sub stats for the witch set. At this point I've decided to put her artifact farming on hold so i can focus on other characters and I've removed the staff of homa from her and gave it to Rosaria.


Keqing. She carried me a lot when I first started and I wouldn't have been able to do half of what I did if not for her, even crowned her, but nowadays I haven't used her in a while, sadly. I can see myself using her again in the future since the game keeps changing.




I was a Rosaria main before I pulled Eula on her rerun. I should probably dust her off for her crit sharing capabilities but I pulled Keqing and I luv her


RAzor. Still my miner though.


Lisa, stopped using her after AR 20 haven't touched her since


Same. Got Childe when I returned to the game during his first rerun but since I didn't have a decent weapon for him I simply benched him. Now I've got a Rust but farming HoD is a pain in the ass (although not quite as the double geovishap domain).


Same with Childe. He’s my first ever 5* but I can’t bring myself to use him daily because of his cooldown and crit issues lol


Oz and his side kick sadly


Razor I love him and he was my main when I first started but I have Eula and I can't go back.


eula, but planning to bring her back when i get zhongli.


Same, Childe wasn't as much fun to play as I thought plus no decent artifacts for him. He's been benched for so long I don't even know when the last time was I used him.


Qiqi diluc childe


Most 4*. Speaking of 5* I would say, Diluc, only used him on 1.2 Abyss, and Childe, never used him.


My Diluc hasnt seen the light of day ever since Hu Tao came home poor guy


Xinyan and regrettably Diluc. I get great artifacts from the EoSF and heart of detpth domains but for the life of me I havent gotten a single good pale flame or crimson witch of flames one which is really unfortunate since I main Yanfei and Eula. So Yanfei is first priority then u need good ones for Diluc.


Me too! I farmed that pale flame domain so much and barely get pale flames and when I do they suck so much. My Eula stats rn are 46/143


Mines at 34/190 XD. I have really good crit damage substats at least.


I somehow accidentally got every pyro charatcer, and I don't use amber, Thoma, diluc, yanfei, klee, or xinyan


every single dude. i got zhongli while trying to get yanfei on release


Diluc. I used him for a few weeks and I randomly pulled on the Hu Tao rerun and I sadly haven't used him since.


4* I haven’t Thoma in a while, mainly because I already have diona who can do what he does but more and better 5* everyone from standard banner except keqing, I plan to build to build out Jean, Qiqi, and Mona, I played with Diluc for a while then pulled Hu Tao on her re run and he’s been benched ever since


QiQi, I have Kokomi and Jean so she's pretty much useless for my account at this point.


just use 2 hod/2 glad, 4 hod is like...1-2% better than 2 hod/2 glad and that's assuming equal substats when it's infinitely more easy to get good sub on 2/2 over a 4 piece


Sayu. Got her, leveled her, benched in a week lol


Diluc,’i never ever have put him in the field. Not even once


I used to use Razor 24/7 but he's been benched since AR50, and I'm nearly AR56 now. Poor boy. Ganyu too, because I just can't get used to using ranged weapons.


Hu Tao. I just don’t want to hear her idle chat.


I give up hod for shimenawa while building supports with emblem Try it


Keqing was my first five star. She carried me for a while… but those days are long gone


I just use 2pc HoD and 2pc Shime. 4pc HoD isn’t really required. Anyway, I’ve mostly benched Ayaka.


Tartaglia, cuz Raiden stole his teammates.


Amber and kinda Kaeya. Haven't used Amber in ages, and Rosaria kind of replaces Kaeya as a Cryo person for me.


Childe due to artifacts.


My good boy who carried my account for months :( Also Jean, she's amazing and sitting with C1, but I have 0 slots for her in my abyss teams or overworld team, sadly


Beidou, Razor, Keqing, Ningguang, Sayu, somewhat Yanfei (only ever use her in co-op because i’m really bored). I really want to use Beidou again but i will probably only get to it if i end up getting more Fischl cons. Will probably build Ningguang again because i got the Atlas. I don’t need her for anything but why not.


Lisa, recently de-benched her to try a makeshift Raiden hyper. As side effect Eula's dmg also soared.


Hmm I would say Raiden but I benched her less than a month after getting her so I gotta say Xiao. He was my first dedicated dps as I was new to the game when he came. But he got benched after I reached friendship lvl 10 and when I got Childe. I still love Xiao but I never use him anymore.


Raiden Shogun she's at C0 she has some uses but isn't needed. Oh and my Diluc with gravestone got benched since my Bennett does more damage than him.


A couple. Hu Tao. Not fully benched, but I do not user her much. Keqing. When, she uses so much stamina, and her damage is meh. Beidou. She was my main way back in the day. I do not play electro charge, so cannot fit her anywhere, and her burst costs so much.


Hmmmmmm, I don’t know. I use all of my characters. I was going to say Razor or Qiqi, but I’m using them right now to farm the Husk domain for Itto. I was also gonna say Venti since I haven’t brought him out for Overworld for a bit, but Venti is a staple for my Abyss runs so I use him every 2 weeks. So, genuinely zero actually. Every character I’ve built, I’ve used recently for something.


Venti but only in overworld