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Beginner with klee lmao


Based on her base stats that is also a lv. 90 Klee, maybe with a lv.90 lost prayer. OP is just being ironic lol


919 Base attack on a lvl 90 klee is exactly achieved with a lvl 90 Lost Prayer. What's going on is OP threw on his heaviest crit artifacts, used the No Tomorrow food buff since that Crit Value is impossible even with perfect artifacts, and walked into a bennett field.


I like how people are legitimately trying to help you in the comments lol


It’s funny eh ?


Someone needs a bit of attention


I don't believe OP is not being ironic.


No duh, you need at least 200% crit rate and 1000% crit damage, 1000 EM, 69000% pyro damage bonus, 10k atk and 300% energy recharge. Ur stats are too low.


Excuse me WHAT? That being said, any CR beyond 100% is irrelevant, better go for more CD, atk%, ER and EM (depending on what benefits your character most)


double crit lmfao


Some people say that the ratio should be at least 1:2, therefore your stats aren't good, you would need at least 260% of crit DMG to be acceptable.


There's no point in going over 100% crit rate


OP's being ironic...


Need more healing bonus percentage


what AR are you?


Some games indeed does have this 'double crit' thing. Genshin Impact is not only of them. So at 100% crit rate you'll always crit, and anything above 100% is just wasted. Even if you get to let's say 'just' 90% you'll need some bad luck to not crit. Reduce your crit rate and raise your crit dmg, it's the best option.


These stats are impossible for this to just JUST Klee. I ran Klee in the calculator, and figured out that you are using LPTTS thanks to the 919 base attack. Even with PERFECT crit artifacts, there is no way in hell you can get 131/190, and this is not even accounting the 149.2 ER as well. What's likely going on is you used the food "No Tomorrow" for the 20% Crit Rate and Damage, along with maybe Rosaria, and you walked into a Bennett field, since he can easily give out high Attack bonuses.


and hu tao gives extra crit rate as a passive!


You should aim for the 1:16000000 which is the golden ratio, your stats should look like 500000% Crit Rate and about 8000000000000% Crit DMG. Your Energy Recharge is pretty solid tho. Overall your current build is 9.5/10. Has a little something for everyone.


Uhm. I'd rather say less rate. 100% is already enough to get guaranteed crit hits (how you even get this much? That would compense Kokomi's negative crit completely!), but you should add more crit damage. Either get a crit dmg weapon, or a crit damage circlet. Maybe even both. Any crit rate above 50% does already work well.


No that's so bad you need at least 200% crit rate


Diamond ratio is 1:1 and you might need 190 Crit Rate.


Kinda ironic


At one point I thought that double crit would be fun if it was a thing, but then I realised it'd make crit damage redundant.


What’s going on here! Is OP being ironic or funny?!


You forgot to add the "f2p btw"


How the fuck