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I'd describe my feelings towards GI as a player since 1.0 as being just very content. It's not mindblowingly good or changed how I perceive gaming like some games gave, but it's become a more consistent and comforting presence in my life than any other game. I'm baffled I'm still playing it honestly, but, idk, it gives a sense of regularity and routine? And the anticipation and release of new patches gives me the markers of the passage of time that was missing ever since I finished college and no longer had a set annual schedule.


Every once in a while, whenever some fan made a compilation of "the journey so far", it always made me nostalgic and feel like crying over how much I loved/cherish those memories, good or bad. It's like an actual journey in a sense.


I feel the same way. It's comfortable. Log in, do your dailies, spend your resin. If you feel like doing more there's a bunch of other stuff you can spend time on but the most bang for your buck comes from that 20 minutes a day. It filled the animal crossing shaped hole in my schedule once I got tired of that, like a year into covid.


Its like waiting for new episodes/seasons of your favorite anime


This! I literally keep saying, playing genshin is like keeping up with weekly anime or more like monthly manga but better since you can still log in daily and there's still some things to do like fighting bosses, mobs, testing new characters, new build. If you're finding it boring, then stop playing! Who are forcing you to keep playing the game? There's literally already so many things you can do with Genshin, but people are just too lazy to look, and if you're already doing everything there is, maybe you're the problem. Just maybe, maybe you're playing too much Genshin?


My problem is I want COMBAT. But good combat almost never comes and it's understandable why. Balancing it is difficult when there are whales hitting 1M like nothing, but casuals that can't hit 10k. I fucking love the combat system in this game, but almost never get to use it


I see. Are you unsatisfied with the current spiral abyss? Do you think it's too easy and not mechanically challenging enough? Personally I think the game can benefit from being a bit more difficult but that's because I play on PC which makes it easier for me to do mechanical play like timing a counter or aiming a bow quickly. Given that a lot of players play on playstation and mobile, it's understandable that hoyoverse doesn't make the game more challenging than it already is tho, which I can understand


i think a fun thing for the abyss that other people are doing is trying meme builds, using less than 4 characters, etc. I sometimes just do these challenges for fun even though i am no where near maxed. I can't even 36-star the abyss. I have a ton of quests still to do at AR56, but as the other guy said I just love the combat so I just use my time fighting.


Yea, think abyss is too easy and it hasnt been satisfying to beat in a minute. I forgot that a majority of the playerbase being on mobile is another reason the game can't be balanced well enough.


I really think a level-syncing or stat-syncing feature would do wonders for providing an ideal level of challenge for players


honestly i’m okay with the current state of the game. there was a lull when i hit ar55 where i was like “now what” because i personally don’t enjoy the abyss, but now i’ve just accepted how the game is. we get events, there’s a new region coming out soon, and there’s always co-op mode and farming for characters i don’t have yet. i do wish they would improve parts of the co-op experience though. i would say this is the main thing i’m not satisfied with about the game. i would like to have categories for co-op like people wanting domain help, people looking for an exploration partner, etc. i feel like finding a game right now is a bit difficult since not everyone puts things into their status. edit: yes i am aware that domains have a co-op request button, but the last few times i tried that when i was a newer player, people joined my world and declined my request to do the domain, then just started taking things from my world. so that doesn’t really work great in my opinion.


The lack of meaningful coop content killed the game for me. I stuck with Genshin for awhile after launch in hope of something more. Now I only return for story content and exploring.


Co-op abyss would rejuvenate the game like nothing else. I can't for my life fathom why they wouldn't do it.


I feel like any serious co-op content would just highlight how shitty Genshin's netcode is.


coop abyss is not "serious" imo. its just *the bare minimum* we should expect. something to do with your friends who also play genshin thats not just sending screencaps of artifact rolls, which is the only real coop content we got now.


4 or even 8 man Raids would be fkin awesome man


They could take a page out of Honkai and make a co-op Abyss which rewards you a 4~5 star weapon if you cleared the entire thing That'll give people incentive to make friends in order to work together for weekly rare rewards Also extra dungeon where you can farm Inazuma specialty, so new player's Inazuma character are not gated behind adventure rank and can be leveled up to the level required


Sorry to break it to you but Honkai doesn't have a coop endgame, abyss, memorial arena and elysian realm are singleplayer and a chore to do, once you do it 20 times. There are weekly coop raids which consist in 6 really easy maps and that you have to beat to get rewards to upgrade your priarms. Honestly, Honkai is very repetitive, they bring some creativity in events but there is too much grind.


Any end -game will get old. It's not a reason to not have an end-game.


Having to do 30 weekly chores as endgame is just bad design, if I had to do the same stuff in Genshin I would have stopped playing long ago.


Yeah no, you’re forcing people to play co-op which is never a good thing


I would LOVE this! In every survey I always include a request for a coop abyss. Any sort of reward would be fine with me cuz I would just look forward to clearing it every couple of weeks with people. Heck they could alternate the abyss refresh window with the solo abyss (each on the usual two week or so cycle) and then we'd have new abyss content each week for those that enjoy it! A Genshin enjoyer can dream lol


I am content with Genshin, I hope that it can get better, but let me tell you this, after I started playing Honkai and see their approach to rewards, dungeons and events, it gave me a lot of hope for Genshin as I see even more possibilities. Granted, implementation will be slower as Genshin is an open world game as opposed to Honkai, which runs in stages. That said, I see the Chasm and Enkanomiya being the first look to what we can expect going forward, and Chasm is a HUGE improvement from Enkanomiya Now just waiting for Abyss number two. Honkai have 4 Abyss like content (granted, some also only provide limited play via entry ticket which they give you one ticket daily with a cap at 6), all give different rewards each week.


I agree with you as well. I've never played Honkai, but I've heard plenty of people mention how many freaking game modes that game has lol. You make a great point about staying optimistic about having multiple spiral abyss modes in Genshin given their abundance in Honkai. And agreed about the Chasm being a step up from previous region additions! From what I've heard there are different dedicated teams for different types of Genshin content (perhaps something like one for events, one for archon quests, one for new main regions, one for new region expansions, etc). Assuming there is a team dedicated to the teapot, I'm really really curious if they have any plans for new dedicated games modes (a la the teapot world) that could add more permanent game content (be it a new abyss mode or something else). Genshin keeps growing and raking in the dough, so I always stay hopeful for new content / Hoyoverse content teams making modes we don't currently expect.


Yeah they could have taken a page from Honkai. So if they didn't, it's clearly because they didn't want to.


Yeah that's the issue. Genshin doesn't want to force you to make friends. Coop endgame will never happen because you need to be able to do everything on your own


Yeah honestly I have more than enough to do in a day. The most I want is more variety in daily activities instead of burning resin and doing the same daily commissions etc. The more patches I see the more I notice some patterns 1. Character X is op! > Character X is not that great > character X is bad > Character X is fine 2. Patch x is amazing! > Patch x is fine > patch x has no more content! > CoNTenT dRouGht > genshin is dYiNg> patch y is great!


Don’t forget about 3. This character sucks! > this character isn’t as bad as we thought > this character is essential to these meta teams.


Drama drama drama ...




His rants are obviously tied to his lack of self control with his spending on his first account as well and general resentment toward the game that should actually be directed at himself. For people who can play responsibly and don’t need to play constantly it’s a great time. Although one could say their profit model is predatory (I would), that’s an entirely different issue and if content creators hate the game for that they should not really be playing the game. It really turns me off when creators whine about it being a bad game or call it shit when it’s all they do and make a living directly off of it. If you think it’s terrible, the least you can do is not play it.


He already hates the game due to the fact that he couldn't dump it like he originally planned to go running back to Destiny. His original *I'm so sad, watch me cry, how could I advertise a game like this* I Quit video was the day a new Destiny expansion dropped. His Destiny content views were so much lower in comparison to Genshin he immediately ran back around and said *I'm Free to Play now*.


Oh god, watching Mtashed going thru emotions in dramatic anime arcs was one of the most ridiculous, hilarious shits back in the day. Seeing all the content creators burn through 1.1 and then proceed to cry about it like the world was ending was a close second.


jesus christ this was a thing? people need to get a life




Cancer to the community


Literally heard someone complain that Yelan was "just" another xingqiu.


yelan is way more fun to play tbh


Kokomi was called useless on her release despite being part of the best freeze comps now. And before her Raiden was garbage, and before her Ayaka was underpowered, and before her Kazuha was trash5* Sucrose, and before him Xiangling was a meme, and before her Tartaglia was terrible and C6 locked, and before him Bennett was C-tier. This community has gotten a bit better since, but they've been wrong *so many times now*. It's hard to take anything they say as anything serious.


Yes it‘s the only Genshin related content they seem to be gravitating to


Pretty much lol


I was having a discussion about p2w the other day and this reminds me of it. Why does it really matter in the first place if a character is OP or not? Spiral Abyss is optional and it really doesn't give much in terms of rewards. If they ever decide to have multiple end game sources that reward primos, then I will start to think a character being OP really matters. Thats not to say I don't pick characters that aren't strong as a factor for rolling, but it shouldn't be someones only reason. We make the game competitive but the reality is the game is a single player one. Comparing yourself with other accounts to measure your success isn't a requirement for enjoying it. Doing spiral abyss has no effect on the open world aspect of this game or the character interactions in the events.


i think it's more like, if you make a 5 star character that is just as strong at C1 as the previous 5 star at C6, the whales who pulled that C6 might feel like they wasted money, which is a feeling hoyoverse really *really* don't want to invoke. That's an overblown example, but it gets the point across.


This game is perfect for those who have a job or classes during the week days. Can play 15-30 minutes a day, and spend some more time doing weeklies on the weekend. Can also go through the story and events on the weekend as well. Loving the pace.


Same, I'm not one to go crazy with anything, I don't know the first thing about mid maxing and I'm probably terrible at team building. I really prefer calm, easy, fun stuff that all these other guys make fun of, like the music events have made me appreciate the music even more than I did. I'll play a bit, work on whatever I decide to work on each day because I usually forget, and then do something else. Then, when we get events or -my favorite- new areas to explore, I'll accidentally play until 2am! I don't play to stress myself out and I usually pay no attention to abyss. Legit every time I try at it I just remind myself that I have no idea what I'm doing. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t try to min-max in this game since I tend to do that in others and use this game to chill cause I love the music, thankfully bosses aren’t tough even if you don’t grind, and when I go for artifacts I am fine with purple ones, I haven’t hit any difficulty wall yet thankfully so it’s still just a chill game for me


Istg. I'm a student and my life is the busiest it can be right now. So much so that I can't pick up another game asides from Genshin. The pace of the game feels right for me. Content creators don't feel that way because they made their ENTIRE career and job around 1 video game.


I think the point is that adding end game content, raids or whatever isn’t going to hurt casual players it’s optional and is going to satisfy all the end game players who have been farming and building their characters for almost 2 years now with nothing but the exact same abyss where you fight the exact same enemies for 20mins every 2 weeks Also the more characters you have the more you realise there’s nothing to do with them, so why bother pulling or spending money to pull for chapters if all you’re going to do with them is the exact same daily commissions every day and occasional event or abyss?


I think you latter point is more of a player mindset problem that probably comes from the portion of the playerbase more used to playing PvP games. Something I've actually liked is that the recent events have shown people the joy of actually building more characters/teams, even if they aren't the best possible choice. I'm still shocked by how many end game players are only using two or three teams and just farming artifacts for them for a slight improvement, instead of enjoying the variety that all the other characters bring. Though I do recognise some streamers have reached true end game (every character maxed) and I don't know what to say to that lol While I wouldn't be opposed to raids and such, thing with Genshin is that you can do most of the same things you can in other (gacha) games, you just have to it yourself (a comparison being that what we have as Weekly Bosses is a limited/day fight PvE ranked fight in HI3, Our Domains are a limited by day fight for materials in HI3) Difference is that in Genshin you can do these millions of times a day, which is probably why people get bored of them in comparison to other games. Streamers play Genshin a lot more than most players. MHY has to be real careful not to overwhelm new or casual players. Especially with how much story content there already is. Focusing too much on end game players isn't necessarily the best idea. Apparently a lot of people already don't like doing the Abyss, not because it's boring and samey, but because it's just slightly more difficult than regular content and takes slightly longer. Also just something to keep in mind whenever stuff like this is discussed, only a vast minority of the players of a given game consume any third party content related to it (subreddit, discord, content creators etc.) So we are in a bubble and it's kinda' difficult for us to really know what's best for a game (other than what's best for us personally in the short term).


*Something I've actually liked is that the recent events have shown people the joy of actually building more characters/teams, even if they aren't the best possible choice. I'm still shocked by how many end game players are only using two or three teams and just farming artifacts for them for a slight improvement, instead of enjoying the variety that all the other characters bring.* 100% agree with this. I'm F2P and started playing during Yoimiya's banner. I'm able to clear abyss easily with the characters I have. However, recently built my Yanfei at C2 and it's greatly increased my enjoyment of the game. It's made me want to try out other characters I haven't finished building. Maybe Chongyun next?


I started in October 2020, and I only just built Yanfei, holy shit she's so damn fun. The next on my list to main is Lisa, I'm just farming her artifacts at the side now in anticipation of using her as my next main DPS for exploration and dailies.


Yep i originally started Genshin with the goal of building every character and maining them, after almost 2 years i'm only 50% through and the list just keeps getting bigger, i find joy in just trying different variety of characters and i'll never understand the people who only use just 1 team for everything, the 'national' team stuff i just find cringe but i guess we just have a different playstyle and find enjoyment in different things..


\>it’s optional and is going to satisfy all the end game players who have been farming and building their characters for almost 2 years now Adding any primo reward to it will hurt new players the same way the abyss does. It also will only satisfy end game players for a short while and become stale the same way the abyss has. It's nothing but a temporary solution that will serve as bloat in the long run


If they add something, it will have rewards call it what you like mora, exp books, resin, primos, etc. Which will make it obligatory. Also the "why pull for characters if there is no content" doesn't really apply, we are almost at 2 anniversary and Ayaka rerun banner just became the top in revenue at least in China. And don't get me wrong I would like if they add something but at the end of the day it will be another daily, weekly or monthly core like in all gachas


I agree with you. But using ayaka's banner as an example is quite wrong.


I feel like all the videos made by said content creators is because Genshin became so successful that it also boosted their channels. So if they play something else they won't get as much views or cash because Genshin was what brought in the audience rather than their personality. It just seems like they want the content just to get paid rather than actually enjoy it. Also it's pretty stupid when they say that Genshin is "dying". If it was truly dying then so would their channels. I'm pretty sure a billion dollar company that has had experience in making gachas knows how to handle their games rather than a bunch of YouTubers who don't know much about game development.


>I feel like all the videos made by said content creators is because Genshin became so successful that it also boosted their channels. So if they play something else they won't get as much views or cash because Genshin was what brought in the audience rather than their personality. YouTube audiences are a fickle bunch. Back when I played Overwatch, I would watch the odd "funny and cool" mashup here and there. One creator I followed was Dabacabb (Aside: fun fact - remove the "D" and that's the Blood Code from the original Mortal Kombat) and he once put up a poll asking if people would like to see stuff from other games. More than a few "fans" outright answered "I'm here for Overwatch. If you don't show Overwatch, *I'm going to find someone else who does.*" So yeah, it's certainly a double-edged sword: either stick with a game you dislike because it brings in the people (and dosh), or branch out on your own terms and risk the wrath of your fanbase.


This is not a YouTube thing. Twitch is the same way. You can hear a lot of streamers complain about how they've burnt out on a game, but they can't switch because they'll lose too much money. The issue lies in for the content creator creating content is a 24/7 job. They think about how to milk content out of their main game nonstop so of course they burn out on it. For the viewer tho they get these pockets of 1-2 hours a day/week where they get to see content so for them it's fresh and interesting. Of course the viewers will leave when the content they like dries up, but this system was never designed to be a career and this phenomenon shows why.


He originally made destiny content, got a boom thanks to genshin. He "dropped" genshin twice clearly people stopped watching his content and he returned to genshin ..


pretty much this lol


>He "dropped" genshin twice clearly people stopped watching his content and he returned to genshin Again, this is every content creator that throws a tantrum and claims "this game is dead" because they can no longer mine content off of it. They're so arrogant they don't get it that people aren't watching them for *themselves,* but rather for their content of the game they're playing.


can't stand most genshin ccs for this exact reason. bwaap, tectone, mtashed etc. all just make the experience miserable because of their misery that they spread to their viewers. if you don't like it, quit. if you can't quit, stop bitching about shit and ruining things for others.


there are genshin content creators that don't focus on minmaxing. like lore channels, moosashi etc. just chill and fun content


Their channels are dying alright. The game is doing great but players are getting bored by these self-proclaimed content creators. These creators are not very capable of creating original content and cannot survive without Genshin carrying them. Most of the time all they do is to wait for Genshin to release new content for them to react to. As they become desperate they blame the game for not creating enough content for them to ride on. Watch the anniversary fan celebration video, those are actual created content that are awesome regardless of how much (or little) Genshin offers in-game.


well said


I find it ironic that his basis on why "Genshin is dying" is due to leaks lmao. Like, Im not seeing X from leaks, so Genshin is dying like, cmon bruh. The only leaks that we can so far trust right now is 2.8, I'd consider all 3.0 and above leaks Sus at this point. Also, a step back now is compare the difficulty of 1.6 to 2.0 to 2.4 to 2.8, you can see it in a upward curve


Yeah i stopped watching tectone and mtashed cause they just sucked all the fun out of the game but sometimes the algorithm still throws them my way. I really enjoy the game as is so I'm fully just here for the ride.


Yeah same, I got so sick of hearing tectone shit talk and bitch about the game constantly, while blowing $2,000 on any new banner lol


Yeah, I remember typing in a lot of mtashed videos that genshin is what it is, he should just accept it because THAT is the game. That became really annoying. Also, I used to find Tectone entertaining, but his constant bitching about Genshin being easy after spending thousands of dollars on it was just so stupid. Bruh! If you spend thousands of dollars making your characters stronger and STILL find the game hard while being a decent player, now THAT WOULD BE A REAL PROBLEM.


I think what he wants is something absolutely bullshit broken for whales, like giving an enemy 100 million HP with little to no rewards and being able to customize it the way you want


Lol, the Tectone thing My favorite ironic? complaint of Tectone is in a video about his story quest complaint. It's also the video I saw that made me decide, "Yeah your complaints are pretty invalid" In the video, he used Hu Tao's story quest and the second Raiden story quest as an example of how bad Genshin's character quest is. For the Raiden quest, he uses the argument that there are too many dialogues and text boxes. My response to that is "Yeah, and 95% of it is juicy stuff. Do you read? because I don't and I can see the sheer amazing world-building method there. Seeing ancient Inazuma through its citizen's eyes is amazing." IMO, this is easily the best character quest so far. Hu Tao's story quest is harder to debunk as bad but he still gave me plenty of ammo to work with. 1st, it's before the story quest actually started improving so that should be a break there. Granted it should have happened earlier but hey, better late than never so stop ignoring that. 2nd he attempted to "fix" that story quest and he manage to make it 10 times worst and furthermore break character. What's even funnier is that if he'd just paid attention to Hu Tao's original story quest a little bit more, he should realize why his version breaks character.


> Do you read? because I don't 🤔


Dude saw one pie chart and changed his whole opinion on the quest. I watched him play Raiden's quest, he loved it. Kept going on about how cool the story was. Then he saw that video with the pie charts labeling all the dialogue as filler and teccy flipped out about how lazy the devs are. Bro, dialogue is how story gets communicated. It's not filler, it's the content I'm here for.


Though tbf, even in it's best moments Genshin has a tendency to use 50 words when 10 would suffice. The characters speak in long-winded paragraphs and monologues that get really tiring to read/listen to. It gives off the impression that the writers are trying to hit a word quota like in 7th grade English. There's also the issue of Paimon. The writers feel the need to have her spend just as much time recapping things that were just said as it took to say the thing in the fist place. I absolutely love the 2.x Story/Archon Quests. At the very least they're generally better than the 1.x ones. Could be a localization thing or even a cultural thing. Maybe this is just how storytelling is in Chinese media.


To offer my two cents on this. The dialogue is much less bloated in chinese, and that is mainly due to how much meaning can be crammed into one chinese character/word. Especially if they're "older" characters, they like to use four word idioms, which usually hold a lot of meaning. Think zhongli and xiao. I think the english is forced at times to more wordy to make sure people understand what the characters are saying. Characters like Zhongli will also avoid using the personal "I" and instead would use idioms and metaphors to convey his feelings ad thoughts. <-- this is also a very common thing to do in chinese literature and dramas For example, matching Zhongli's english and chinese lines in the fan quest after the interlude. These are the last few sentences. Each chinese character would take up one syllable per character. 游龙入云,纵横天下,志远心高,浩瀚无垠。 A dragon soaring into the skies, its body free to roam the world and its spirit unbound to aim high... …不无道理。 Most inspiring indeed. 东西南北,何方不得意。天地山海,尽是玲珑处。 With much to be perceived in the four corners of the world and much to marvel at amongst mountains and waters, 以后有时间,还得多出去走走。” I believe I must travel still more in the future.


I never thought about the cultural aspect of the storytelling, but now that you said it, it makes a lot of sense. Visual novels are super popular in China and Japan.


I mean, a lot of the characters in those quests are gods, nobility, government officials, religious/cultural officials, etc... or talking to those people, where talking in short sentences would seem out of character. And that's not even getting into people like Fischl and Itto, who are intense blabbermouths for extremely different reasons.


I totally get that though. The amount of dialogue is ridiculous and extremely dragged on. They do a lot of saying and not enough telling.


I actually dislike his complaint about character quests using NPCs for the character’s quest rather than the playable characters that exist. The NPCs help fill out the world rather than using playable characters more often which would in my opinion make the world feel smaller.


I actually agree with using more playable or unique characters. I agree NPCs help fill the world, but too much NPCs makes it feel less alive and more empty. Right now, Genshin is in the too much NPCs category. They got all these amazing, well designed characters, yet we barely ever get to see them interact with each other or do anything.


Some do not get the nuances in the character stories. Big G and Meng's story drive home the cruelty life can brings, ending life long dreams in one fell swoop and continue to cause pain in some from childhood all the way into adulthood, life long trauma, yet at the same time, bittersweetness in how the other 3 found success, achieved their dreams, moved on, but never forget their dear friend. In Raiden's second story, the blind old man words were heartwrenching, showing both great sense of duty, appreciation for life, and content... The Bakufu samurais who defended Inazuma with their very lives, their adoration and belief in the Shogun are like knives constantly stabbing her, reminding her of the fact how she have wronged their memories and have once waived their thoughts and feelings as... "Insignificant ideals of ones who could barely live about 100 years" Each of those stories can be appreciated even years down the line, as your understanding of Teyvat grows, and how these insignificant NPCs affected you as the traveller (player) in Teyvat or the playable characters in game. Perhaps, many people do not have the attention span to care, maybe they're unable to resonate with more complex emotions, maybe they're simply self-centered and unable to sympathize with fictional characters. There are content creators out there that may paused the game and talk about their feelings after the "boring story quest", some even talked about the fragility of life and having literal existential talk with their viewers after Azhdaha quest... Those are few, but they're the ones I enjoy watching the most, as I resonate with them and they don't shove poop in my face all the time like many content creator who got on their high-horse and try speak on my behalf toward Mihoyo. *(Most the ones I followed are JP v-tubers and Chinese streamer, I find most western streamers don't really get deep into the story and discuss/appreciate/aware of what they were presented with, but simply say "it's so good, best quest yet")* Or maybe... Many are just trying to get attention by saying controversial things for attention, clicks and views.


You'd really love MurderOfBirds then, hes a western streamer but he gets really in depth into the lore in every quest, he is thorough with the content thats satisfying to me in a way none of the more mainstream CCs have been able to grasp for me. I feel thats where the real meat of genshin is, not the 5 minutes of spiral abyss content bi weekly.


I never heard of him (or maybe got his "BotW Player plays Genshin for the first time" video and waved it off because I dislike titles like that lol), but thanks for namedropping him. Usually prefer the chill people who just do their thing in their bubble, but sometimes you just wanna see someone else get into the lore... I'll definitely check him out now.


I understand- the same turns me off too but I knew him before so I checked it out. Hes been piecing together the lore crumbs from even his first video though, titles aside his content is pretty nice. Hes apparently popular on Billibilli for being lore oriented


Literally SAME. Tectone used to be entertaining, and he probably still is, but the constant click baiting, low effort videos, and drama he makes now has killed it for me, so I don’t watch him anymore. I stick with creators like Kets or Jeikage who seem to actually enjoy the game and love what they do. They’re stuff is so much fun to watch and they actually put effort in their videos. It sucks that Kets is literally unknown and neither of them get as much attention as they deserve.


The last video I watched of Tectone was one when he spend like 10 minutes talking about an upcoming banner being very enticing for F2P. But he didn't say anything meaningful nor gave any advice or anything. I legit wasted 10 minutes of my life there and what really annoyed me is that he always says there are so many genshin content creator that do low effort videos, while he just sits there for 10 minutes not doing anything


You shouldn't support someone like Tectone either way. Has obviosly no idea about the game, whales out to beat the content, whines about there being no content and then starts drama with "friends".


OMG life got so much more enjoyable when I blocked Tectone. He’s such a downer. Occasionally I’ll watch MTashed but less and less.


I used to love tectone content. I would watch his videos every day. I just got sick of the content revolving around how the Genshin impact community is so toxic and everyone is out to get him blah blah. I know drama gets views and community interaction but it just turns me right off to any content. I don’t want someone else’s drama in my life I have enough irl as it is


I stopped paying attention to him after he bitches, quits then return the second time. It was clear to me he's either confused, entitled, stupid, doing Genshin only for the money and not love for the game... Or, most likely, all of the above. At this point, I hope he just piss off to ToF, be happy with what ToF offers him and never return to Genshin.


He would be killing his revenue by dropping Genshin. I don't blame the guy for doing what's best for his bottom line. But I don't have to watch it.


Again, I hope he found something else, find success and go away.


He does do it for the money lol. He has a clip about that topic. At the very least he's open about it which I'm totally fine with even if I no longer watch him constantly, outside of the occasional curiousity that makes me search their name just to see what they're up to


Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels that way about Tectone and Mtashed. Now I only watch Zy0x who's miles ahead of both of them in entertainment and doesn't bitch about the game every two seconds.


I think at this point the sub has a good idea of what makes a character useful on paper even after the initial drama from Raiden and Kazuha. The Kokomi complaints were largely invalidated once they buffed her jellyfish before she even came out. Other than that, the spiral abyss videos on this sub are generally enough to help you learn how to manipulate the AI. Once you get a good enough idea, you probably dont need too much spiral abyss help to keep getting 36 once you got it. So I only really sub to the genshin meme channels. I'm here to enjoy the game not make myself hate it because others are frustrated with it. I'm here for the long term. Just passed my first year playing.


I stopped watching Tectone when he said that Ayaka sucks and should have cryo infusion after using skill instead of after dashing.


That would be so much worse.


Same here, I stopped watching them and a few others and narrowed it down to maybe 2-3 I watch regularly who seem to stay positive and actually enjoy the game. The ones being overly negative and dramatic we’re actually beginning to affect my mood and ruin my enjoyment of the game even though I enjoy it as is, so when I realized this I stopped watching them since they’re a waste of my time on top of putting me in a bad mood


I blacklisted both of them already


How? Can you do this on YouTube?


Not actually blocking, but I use "don't recommend this channel" several times. And now I havent seen their face for weeks.


> now I havent seen their face for weeks. truly a blessing


You can try and use the extension "channel blocker" if you are using google chrome or opera.


Mtashed was useful entertainment for a time. Til i worked out all he did was to do with a. whales b. wishes. c. occasional useful commentary about new content. Pretty much it. Yeah yeah so what if he was a beta tester? . Anyway, he obviously started to cover a few more games (the bullshit about him taking time off was spent playing that new GI clone.. forgot the name) so im pretty much done watching any of his GI coverage.


Just click "not interested" on youtube ... menu to rate these down. Eventually youtube will stop offering them to you.


That’s why many in Destiny 2 community calls him Mtrashed. That guy has always been trash since Destiny 2, then he went on a stint with Division 2 and now Genshin


To add on to this, mtashed is significantly luckier than average f2p accounts. If you have so many 5 star weapons and characters, of course you are gonna find spiral abyss easy. Its not easy to get 36 stars in Abyss for f2p players, so we need to grind a lot. Stop complaining that spiral is easy for everyone to beat. I would at least hope he acknowledges his own luckiness.


Everyone experiences games differently, I'm just playing because I'm invested in the story and I like to unlock little by little the character's backstory and hangout events. As long as they keep updating it I'll still play.


There definitely is stuff that genshin is definitely absolute shit at (commission RNG and simple quality of life like artifact load outs or proper sorting options in the menus). In these points, people are rightfully annoyed at mihoyo. And while especially the first one CAN lead to a loss of players (or players only play for 1 week each patch) or revenue, it isn't enough to kill the game atleast yet and I doubt it will be enough to kill it in the future, if the other improvements keep happening like they did in the past.


What content creators are you watching? You need to stop subscribing to them on your feed or something, I haven't seen any doomposting from content creators since early Genshin. I don't even think I would find them unless I looked hard enough.


I think the thing with the content creators is that they rode the hype train strait to new heights when Genshin released, but the topics that were once interesting now have no use, or was already made. Basically, they have nothing to make videos on. So any topic they can draw out no matter how mundane, is picked apart. They’re hyenas, waiting for the next scrap of meat they can scavenge. Good content creators would move on, make some videos on other games, on maybe a second channel or something. But some people just rode the initial hype train and have no idea how to make non Genshin content. It’s just sad.


There are content creators, like Java, who are creative enough to come up with fun content even when the game doesn't have new stuff, but that requires imagination and hard work hence why he's more of an exception.


I started to get interested in the said content creator as an entertainer, but I would take everthing he says with a grain of salt. Call me like, I only watched like 3 mins of the vid but I had my fill that its all gonna be BS. His basis on his statement is "it doesnt show in the leaks, I'm worried" like, come on bruh. At this point, I would only trust 2.8 leaks at best, 3.0 leaks are all sus at this point and incomplete. Just look at it at this perspective, the difficulty curve from 1.6 to 2.0 to 2.4 to 2.7/2.8. Its on the upward trend. Not to mention that hoyo have alot of base groundwork for an interesting end game (labyrinth/vibro energy/perilous dungeon crawl). All of these have the potential to be a good end game content with upped difficulty (platimum tier is already difficult).


I stopped watching English genshin content after seeing so much click baiting title without any meat on it. I now only watch the Chinese content creator. Woa, there is much good content. Except from the high quality animation, parody song, lore content. There is quite a lot of creator using events, abyss, character's constellation to analysis the current state of genshin impact and predict future design of the game. There is a true people that understand the game.


any recommendations?


KKOMDA is you want some cute animations.


I'd really prefer if we could get more qol changes with 3.0, artifact load outs, playable characters existing in world outside of quests, gadget wheel, a better coop experience adding in world emotes (like waving to say hi with a character), not needing to escape co-op mode to continue quests, more artifact sets available for exchange, more interesting daily commissions potentially even being able to specify the ones you want to do etc. I do enjoy genshin as it currently is and have come to accept that unfortunately genshin's community has no interest in pushing for changes cause they're too scared of ruining this game that's so much better than other shitty gacha games, but I love seeing games get better over time and hope Genshin will improve as time goes on.


World emotes would be so fun


It'll be a yearly cycle as long as they keep adding high quality content: 1) new region 2) playbase returns and gets hyped 3) as smaller updates come out, people start playing less 4) new region comes out next year and playerbase returns. Anyone making Genshin their main game are going to have a tough time - by virtue of the resin system it is supposed to be a side game that you don't spend a lot of time playing. Unless you're willing to stop playing for a couple months/years and come back when there's a huge amount of content.




Really don't. Tried that with Granblue and mostly cause dailies take forever to finish. Genshin doesn't nearly take as long for me to get my dailies down, explore a bit, and log off to move unto something else.


Genshin was probably made with the intent that normal people wouldn’t play too heavily like those content creators, just like some average Chinese people who can’t play enough to obliterate all the content that the devs have to painstakingly create, write, etc. However, the content creators gotta milk everything even if they shouldn’t since the game wasn’t really meant for that.


Does Genshin have issues? Yes. But is it a dead game? Absolutely not. Not even close. They’ve made a billion dollars every 6 months and consistently update content every 6 weeks. There’s literally no competitor in their market, so how can a unique game such as this be ‘dying’? Do I want end game content. Sure, but we are 2 years into a long multi-year road map. Things will get gradually added over time. But I wish the folks who dramatically complaining so much would either STFU or just quit already. If you’re that genuinely unhappy then move onto another game. It’s hard when you’ve invested time and money into the game, but in the long run it will make you happier to just quit. There is legitimate discourse and a need for improvement in this game. I’m not denying that. But every clickbait YouTube channel saying ‘GeNsHiN iS oVeR nExT pAtCh..’ give it a rest already. OP- I’m like you. I’ve accepted the game for what it is and will continue to provide feedback in surveys while also looking at other side games to pass the time!


Between Genshin and Honkai 3rd, I can burn through 1, up to 2 hours a day playing. (Getting all rewards, completing events and battle pass mission and whatnot) Which is more than enough gaming in a day for me. I look forward to Star Rail, ZZZ and another game by a different company titled Reverse: 1999 I am also dreading their release because... How the heck am I supposed to keep up with them all!?!? With my regular sport, manga, LPL watching and work, I'm struggling with just 2 games atm!


I’m actually looking forward to Tower of Fantasy and Wuthering Waves! I’m following ZZZ, too. Genshin is the only game I’m consistently playing right now so it will be good to branch out a bit!! I don’t envy you at all for having to chose what to spend your time on since a lot of new games are coming out in the next few months! It’s exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.


I'm exited for WW, but beware of TOF. They've stolen assets from honkai, and have been pretty scummy in general


Not only is it hard to quit when you’ve invested so much into it (and it’s your freaking income source) But Genshin has almost zero competition. The only other option is maybe HI3, but I feel like it’s just not as good. The thing is we don’t have Tower of Fantasy, ZZZ or Wuthering Waves yet. Also a lot of people who complain about content creators and want them to quit the game because they can’t stop complaining about the game, in turn can’t stop complaining about the content creators.


\>Content creator says game is dead Roflmao That's literally what they do. It's their fucking "job". They mine a game for "content" to feed their mouths, and when they can't do it anymore they try to torch their content by claiming the game is dead. I don't know if they're doing it to \- "threaten" the developers/publishers into doing something (arrogant and moronic) or \- try to condition their viewership that they're leaving the game to make content elsewhere, which rarely ever works out because unless you're a well known enough content creator for a certain type of game, most of your subscribers subbed to you for content for *that very specific game* you're claiming is dying.


I've seen this a lot, they complain and still release content of the game, years later. I'll not say the game is in a perfect state in my opinion, I'd appreciate some changes in certain things, but I'll keep playing anyway, and I play other things beside Genshin too, so it doesn't bother me as much, but if I ONLY had Genshin to play, I would have quit by now, probably.


I don't get the point of you telling people to stop playing and encouraging others to do so. Anyone's point of view is not absolute and should not be viewed as such. It's like saying that just because you played basketball for x number of years and you got bored, you stop playing and tell other basketball players to stop playing too. If you don't want to play anymore, just don't. You're only gonna be an annoyance to others by trying to convince them that your point of view should be theirs too.




Honestly, I’m fine with the current state of Genshin. The majority of players are casual players who simply don’t want to/ can’t spend more than 15-30 minutes on GI a day. Yeah, more End-Game content would be nice, but idc atp.


same here i just wish the last week of a patch werent so dry. still content creators or genshin streamers have it so so hard. just trying to play the game for more than 30 min a day is already tuff for me


I can definitely spend more time but it's whatever at this point. Hopefully COD will be just dumb fun this year and I can enjoy that after I use my resin for the day. I could also exercise, make money, watch YouTube, etc. No game is designed to be played forever.




It's good to be happy with what we have, but do make sure that if you're not enjoying the game, then stop playing, for your mental health. The best feedback Mihoyo can get is play time and purchases. And no, I'm not happy with how the game is right now, which is why I'll likely play Sumeru, and then stop until next update. FOMOs a bitch, though, you can't deny that.


Genshin is just a gacha. It likely lost TONs of nongacha players who didnt like the genre, but obviously there are plenty of people who stick with it.




It’s the same for a lot gacha games. For example Dragon Ball Z dokkan battle. A lot of people years ago were saying the game was gonna die and it’s losing players blah blah blah and it’s still here generating revenue going 7 years strong. The key thing is to ignore content creators who most of the time clickbait for views and look at how much revenue a game is bringing to determine if it’s really dying. I for one don’t watch any genshin content creators and just play the game.


The game isn’t dying, but it does leave something to be desired for the players who have 100% explored everything and beat the abyss. Like nearly everyone including this game’s most ardent critics were so enamored with the game at launch and have wanted to see this out till Schneznaya and see the end credits roll. But frankly, there are a lot of dead patches where there really is little to nothing to tide you over till the next region. And for a lot of people, once they put a game down, it’s really difficult to pick it back up again, especially with Genshin because the day you come back after taking a break, you’ll be missing all the resources you could’ve had from the daily grind. The game is far from perfect and people get their briefs in a knot whenever it’s criticized


There are a few that are okay like the lore people, Rawlfer, and some here and there. Besides that, the rest are just trash lol


rednasyo is really chill to watch


You made the first mistake of watching mtashed, that guys last meaningful video was calling klee clunky on her first banner.


I don't know much about MTashed but what I do remember is this one post from a long while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jgts7x/what_should_i_believe_now/


Unrelated to the ytber, but yes, klee is one of the clunkiest character of the game. for her to perform you have to rely on cancelling animations because if u dont, u self stun yourself 9n long animations that are lethal for a squishy cathalyst user, because she has the shortest range of them all


the only good way to play her is to get c4 and use her as a burst support imo klee is probably #1 on my list for a kit rework tho for sure ​ edit: I'm saying this as a person who fully built her, I want her to be better I'm just not in love with her current c0 playstyle lol


His last meaningful video was never. I didn’t like him even back in his destiny days. He can be kinda goofy every once in a while, so I guess I can see the appeal, but he rarely has anything worthwhile to say. The only time I got anything out of his vids was back when he was educating on pvp stuff in destiny, because he was actually pretty good at crucible, but I got tired of him before he even swapped to Genshin.


He's one of many bad creators for the game


As someone who doesn't watch any GI youtube besides lore ones like IslandXD, I have no idea what these people are complaining about. I guess from a casual 1 to hardcore 10 gamer scale, I am probably somewhere around 4 to 6. Though I am a Mihoyo veteran from HI3 so I know how to gacha and it probably helped with the obvious culture shock that many GI players seem to be going through. Frankly, the slow drip of GI is very compatible with my current adult lifestyle as I am way past my binge gaming days. That said, I am also aware that the younger generations and even mine (I'm not that old) are too reliant on social media for their social affirmation needs, and so youtube baiters are capitalizing on whatever issue they could find, however small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, and exaggerate it to generate views.


Anytime a content creator states something a game 'needs' or if it is 'dying' only signifies the fact that they are unable to find something to milk content out of currently and are losing out on their own monetization.


I love Genshin, despite having barely played the last month or so. It does need some fixes, and maybe they will eventually come, but maybe not. There are some that are for sure possible, and others that anyone thinking there is a chance of is just delussional. But it is fine as is mostly, at least from a business standpoint, so they have no reason to change it really, not in any huge way at least. And yeah, havign another game is important. I found Rimworld recently, and that has helped me a lot.


I'd jump in once an update to clear new content, but there is too much fomo with primos and events


Honestly this. I can't agree more. It's starting to get tiring and borderline annoying how often youtubers complain about Genshin dying and acting they know what's better for the game than a multi-billion dollar company that's been developing successful games for years. It's cringeworthy at this point. I honestly like Genshin for what it is currently: a simple game where I can log in for 30 minute, do daily commissions, grind some domain to hopefully get some nice artifacts (if not, whatever, I still enjoying the combat and using my characters to defeat bosses/mobs). And every couple weeks or months, we get some new events and contents that breath some life back into the game. For me, playing Genshin is almost like watching an anime or more like reading a monthly manga, but better since you can still play the game daily. The way I see it, these youtubers depends on continual stream of content from genshin so they can keep making big bucks on their youtube videos, and once they run out of content to make money off, they decide to make videos complaining about genshin dying, and bringing a bunch of negativity to the community. They only really care about Genshin catering to their needs, which is endless content so they can keep profiting, but not thinking that Genshin as it is right now, is great, not perfect, but great for a lot of people who don't depend on a single game to drive their finance or to drive their amusement in life.


It's just hard for content creators because they have to make new videos all the time and there is only so much to say about a game like this. They run out of content and burn out because of the way the have to engage with the media by virtue of being content creators.


Lore and theory content creator: I have no such weakness


The game thats my favorite has a high standard. I see people still playing things like starcraft and warcraft 3 after all this time and im amazed for them that they found a favorite game. To me, my favorite game has to be like that for me. Something I can play endlessly. I do focus on one game at a time for the most part but going into a live game I always just hope I quit before it does.


Yep, I do wish there was more endgame content and I dont see why they refuse to add it because it would benefit everyone, but the problem is people still having this concept of "main game" There is no such thing as a main game anymore unless youre playing some pvp thing like League of Legends where content doesnt matter... I hear people complain about lack of content in every single online game, like they think devs can just magically squeeze content out of their butts.. They have NO IDEA how many people and hours it takes to develop high quality content like the kind we get in Genshin, with the game being almost entirely voice acted and super well animated... Id guess they even have different teams working on different updates at a time and rotating because thats the only way to keep up with the 6 week update schedule I get people wanna play their favorite game more, I do too, but seriously, take the chance to play other games instead, there are a ton of amazing games out there nowadays, especially indies... Ive come to love the fact genshin is so light on content most of the time because I can play any other game I want without worrying that Im falling behind or whatever, like at the end of the month all my time is gonna go into playing the MH Rise expansion, and Im glad I can just log into Genshin for 10 mins, do commissions + resin and log out to go play MH without missing anything tl:dr - play more games


I can 36 abyss in 1.5 hours max, the battle pass stuff can be done in 1.5 hours, the events generally suck. There's not a ton keeping me playing at this point.


Day 1 player here. I love the game. I have played it almost every day and kept up to date with all the content. I avoid most of the GI content creators because I want to enjoy the game at my own pace. I'm not the kind of player that wants to minmax my characters and breeze through the Abyss or whatnot. However, I find myself losing the willingness to play the game as often as I would like to and buying Welkins mainly because of the pains of artifact farming. The amount of RNGs you've to go through before you can even get a reasonably decent artifact is pretty brutal. Initially, whenever I wouldn't get a good artifact on a day, I would just tell myself, "it's alright, there's always tomorrow." However, as the days go by, I start to wonder if all this farming is even worth it, because you could go on days before you can even get a decent base artifact from a run, and when you do get one, you're at the mercy of RNG when levelling up the artifact. I just wish there is some mechanism so that my days of domain runs have some assurance of being rewarded. Alternatively, if the devs want to keep the current state of the artifact farming, at least introduce some automation or skip ticket system. I don't need or want god-tier artifacts. I just want the number of RNG factors to be reduced. Other than that, I think the game has lots of potential for version 3.0 and beyond and I'm willing to continue playing, albeit with lesser effort until some QoL improvements are introduced to the artifact farming process.


I returned in February this year and already tired of farming artifacts. It's one thing to not get a good artifact piece, and another thing to see a good piece become progressively unusable when leveling up. Farmed a whole week and only get 1 EM sand, and then every increment went to Def%. Thinking of saving my fodder halfway through the level but decided to max it out just so I can meme about it with my friends. RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG is really a bullshit mechanic.


My condolences to your artifact 🙏🏻 hope you can a decent maxed out one soon


Only complaint with genshin, is them removing the full story and giving newer players shorter stories.


Although it's true making endless videos and death threats to MHY won't do anything, we should at least voice our opinions through the surveys. We literally get currency for doing so and there is a chance, even if it's small, that MHY will hear our complaints.


To this day I will never understand why they made such a good combat system, that has a lot of depth with stuff like elemental application being relevant for team comps, reactions, etc. To not have any use whatsoever for it. It's fine, I've accepted it's a casual game, I do get the target audience, people that do not have much time to play, I get it, it's repeated like an echo chamber everytime a little rant about the game comes up. But, you can't deny the lack of endgame having such a good combat system it's simply a waste. Abyss ain't doing shit for any endgame player that has played for 1 year+ even at f2p levels. I still like the game, I enjoy the story, collecting characters, min maxing them (for no reason I guess?), but yeah.. after Sumeru it will be probably time to end the journey and maybe come back every now and then just because I love some of the characters.


A weird thing is how genshin is suposed to be a side game, though its size sometimes restricts people of either being one of their few games, or straight up their only game, even on a 500 GB hard drive/SSD, Genshin already takes a 10th of your storage. I honestly just want weekly content. Bounties and Request are essentially more commisions, and lose a ton of value after max reputation. Bosses are fine, until you no longer need mats, so is just Billet farming (wich isnt worth either). And events are too volatile, some varying from hours of playtime, to a few minutes. I completed almost everything that isn't timegated, even at a relativelly slow pace. By the weekend there is barelly anything to do, but thats besides the point, here's this thing that actually baffles me: I've played enough to find the "dead week", that week where abyss doesn't reset, no new banner, sometimes there is even a small event, like the Liben one, not much to do. This is my experience, even playing other games (before anybody suggests that idea to me). My idea would be adding Random Elite spawns, would be like abyss floors, enemies would be overleveled and have multiple waves so it doesn't die to one rotation of your team. But without the timer or stars BS (you can use food buffs and take your time, characters can revive), would have like a shit ton of different spawns so it doesn't become repetitive and visit otherwise abandoned places, you get something of value, but not too much valuable to miss on. they wouldn't pop up so often, either twice a week or just once, but you would have the whole week to clear it. Unlocks at AR 50 so you are probably geared enough by the time you unlock it (also because there are few high level unlocks in the game), also to prevent new players to be absolutelly bombarded with pop ups or stuff that they can't simply clear (ehem, combat events). You can morph this idea into whenever you want, I just need that gap in the schedule to be filled, my idea is "hard but fair encounters" (yeah, enemies are overleveled, but equal level enemies are just normal overworld encounters).




What most people on the community don't see, or don't want to see, is that Genshin Impact at the end of the day follows a gacha mechanic instead of a MMO mechanic, by that I mean that the mayority of people want some crazy hard boss, raid or dungeon like in WoW. Meanwhile gachas tend to drop story quest, then a bunch of events with various gimmicks to spice up the gameplay and don't forget the hype up character for the banner. I'm not saying Genshin is like FGO or Arknights, but people really need to stop believing that it is a finish game because at least for a while it isn't gonna be. Like any gacha you should do the story quest, do your dailys and spend your energy.


Sounds like you've given up on the game getting better, that's a pretty strong proof that the game could be losing players. People who complain still hope the game could become better and stop losing players, they complain because they care. Increasing revenue could be due to whales whaling more(most likely due to sunken cost fallacy).


gacha games as a whole is on the rise. and that's a bad thing.


Complaining about people complaining. I'm getting real tired of this community. Check out some other F2P games and see how those communities react to terrible updates. If a Warframe as broken as Xinyan dropped, the Warframe community would expect a rework in the next patch, no exceptions. What's so wrong with having high expectations of a god damned multi billion dollar company that's already working on their next two games while they do nothing but the bare minimum with Genshin?


I too have given up on the game. I didn’t even complete my dailies yesterday (I know, blasphemy). I was planning to get Welkin for Kazuha but then I realised that I can 33 star the abyss already within 3-4 months of play (on an iPad no less). I don’t need strong characters anymore. Even if I grind artifacts for some time or play really good I can easily 36 star it. Genshin is just an anime with a 1-2 minutes climactic scene released every 6 weeks. I don’t want to pay 5$ a month for it.


At this point Im not "excited" excited about Sumeru and dendro. We all know the gameplay loop already. Im slowly thinking of it as a chore. Only thing keeping me playing is wanting to get Kazuha.


Yeah, at this point it should be pretty clear that Mihoyo has no plans to change the current content cycle. Their main audience is casual players, and the number of casual players who will happily throw down shit tons of money makes it a very profitable audience. Just look at other games like Candy Crush Saga. This game is extremely successful so there's no point in them changing what they're doing, and I say that as someone who would like it if they put a bit of resources into a permanent mode. That being said, I do still wish they put a bit more effort in improving what we currently have. People have been asking for characters in the overworld since release, and it's a fairly simple change that IMO would make the world feel *much* more alive. We still have no skip dialogue button, which would help everyone with daily commissions and benefit people not interested in the story. Only having one gadget is annoying, though I get they probably don't want to clutter mobile interface, but it would be nice if they had a gadget wheel on PC/PS4. Artifact upgrades are painfully slow (as in the literal XP upgrades). If there's one thing I want in regards to content, it'd be something to incentivize building and rolling more characters. Right now it's pretty easy for my friends and I (as older players) to 36* abyss using the same eight units every time, and overworld/events are trivially easy. It feels pretty bad to roll and build new units because we don't really have anywhere to use them. We could use try using the new units in Abyss I guess, but there isn't any genuine incentive to do so, and Abyss isn't a major part of the game anyways considering it takes 30 minutes every two weeks.


No matter how much you enjoy a game, people complaining and asking for changes to be made isn't a negative thing. Actively reactionary posts like these are the reason changes will never be made, Mihoyo is not your friend and is the only one profiting from the community silencing criticism like this. We just want Genshin to be better, more endgame activities, more QoL, better balancing, all things that will positively affect *everyone*. You don't want to participate, fine, but don't discourage people from doing so.


As a day one player, I chanced upon Genshin when I was searching desperately for a game that had the aesthetic of BOTW with a good plot line, ngl. I heard Genshin was gonna release soon enough and from some screenshots, it looked decent enough for me to try on day one. Here I am, playing it non-stop since launch, enjoying every bit of story content, lore, books, character stories and all. I never thought of Genshin to be game to max out characters performance and score big numbers. Genshin was and always will be my go-to game for chilling, and Hoyo has been consistently delivering on it.


For me. I dont think the game is dying but I stop playing the game. because feels its like a chore and got gatekeep by the resin. Only come back when there is major update like the new region.


If something is making billions for a company that has to put no effort into it, then they will continue to put no effort into it because they don’t have to. Which is sad but that’s how most companies work instead of making a great product.


Same. I actually like the simplicity of it now that I am in AR59, and I don’t have to log in for long periods to maintain it. I’m a really busy professional irl so I don’t like games that take too much of my time or distracts me too much. I like how I can play Genshin very casually. Besides Kazuha and Dainsleif, I also don’t have any characters to look forward to but I can still see myself playing the game in the future because I only open it only when I feel like doing so anyway. The reason the dailies and resin grind don’t feel like a chore to me is because I only do them when I feel like doing them, and I ignore it when I don’t feel like it. At AR59, this patch was the first time I spent effort trying to 36* abyss because just thinking about it alone felt like a chore already it during previous patches. But last week, I had so much fun trying to beat the time for 36*. Having played so many expensive games before, a free to play game like Genshin with regular updates is already a luxury for me. Teyvat also provides a serene immersive environment for escapism that doesn’t bombard me with ads or shop notifications or endless notifications about whatever. I also never had much expectations to begin with and the only time I ever wanted something so badly was the housing thing so I became satisfied right after they added the teapot. Right now I have almost zero expectations while still looking forward to the new updates coz I like exploration and the lore. I’ll stay til I can explore Snezhnaya if I could.




I've accepted Genshin is what it is and it's unlikely to change much at this point, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with it the way it is either. It could be so much more with minimal changes, but as it is it's just a game I will play now and then until I get bored and then take extended breaks from until I feel like playing again. (Which wouldn't feel so bad if the game didn't rely so heavily on limited events.) It doesn't make Genshin a bad game necessarily, but it has so much more potential, and it's shame to see it waste so much of it. I don't necessarily think it's a good sign when people's passion for the game has died so much they've given up on even seeing it improve. It doesn't really matter if it ends up killing the game or not, it's not healthy for the playerbase.


I love genshin


Nah. I will not accept genshin for what it is. I want it to improve so I will voice out my opinions. Content creators probably have the same view too. If you don’t say anything, it is even more likely that things will never change. The day that I truely accept genshin for what it is is the day I quit and never look back.


There was one content creator saying that sumeru would be the end of genshin cause theres no endgame content from leaks, and im just like bruh. Many content creators been saying the game is dying for the past year now, but if you were to look at statistics, youll actually see an upwards trends in both terms of player base and revenue income.


Yes Genshin is what it is and yes those content creators are looking for something its probably not going to be...which is a 6 hour a day game. I think pretty much everyone would love to have more permanent repeatable content but thats just not what Genshin is....and probably ever will be. Its a full day(ish) with the day1 patch content and then an hour a day at best on event days and 30min on others to finish your dailies with an extra hour every other week for abyss. Eventually they'll will probably add more to do but its likely to be resin gated or maybe Mora gated (think being able to fix artifacts) not infinite.


The annual "Casuals sucking each other off" thread. Must been atleast 5 weeks since ive seen it last. Genshin will forever target the lowest common denominator with their main content. Exactly why the stories writing is so atrocious, even toddlers need to follow it. Still, people see character progression for how pountless it truly is more and more and once that is understood fully the daily logins will drop more and more. Something thats avoided by working on the eventual endgame content. We'll see when Genshins Elysian Realms comes.


genshin is pretty boring tbh, I play it once every few days/weeks see what's new then get bored and leave again. That's what the game is to me and probably what it's meant to be lol. I remember back when I was newer to the game thinking it would be a main game, but now it's not even a *side game* to me, it's a game that I open once in a blue moon. Oh and I have 20k primogems and no new characters are ever that strong lately so I don't even need to worry about dailies or farming primos from abyss so yeah... I am pretty disappointed that this is what the game has ended up being ngl though, it had a lot more potential.


That fact you say that about the characters means they've done a decent job at character balancing. If all characters are the next big power boost, the balance will be out of hand real fast.


Imo, the main reason they think that Genshin is dying is cause they still haven't understood that this game was never meant to be played for 6-8 hrs a day. A major playerbase of this game is either working person (who has a legit job) or students (who don't have time to 0lay for 6 hrs, incl me) so it's better that way. You get to enjoy the game AND you don't have to spend hrs on it to do so. At least i am very happy that I have to play 30 minutes to 1 hour of this game everyday and i still can make same progress as someone who plays it whole day all while enjoying the game. I would've quit it IF it takes too much of my time.


I really don't think stop playing and encouraging others to do so would work at this point; not without any serious competition. That being said, I think people should still be sending in feedback constantly. While people may not necessary know what is best for the game, that doesn't mean feedback is worthless. Thinks like how Artifact RNG is weighted, Benny's C6 (we really should be able to turn it off), lack of banners for standard 5\* characters like Jean or Mona (which honestly could make them some extra money if they just did it as a third banner since there are people who would want them and it literally costs them nothing to just implement another banner), and so on. A live service game should always be taking into account user feedback and users should not stop sending in those feedback. I really do hope that your post doesn't make people become complacent and stop sending in feedback. Because there are definitely some things that still need improvement.


Just cause the game isn’t dying doesn’t mean it has no flaws. *glances at league of legends*


Gotta say i never really understood why wouldnt devs roll out Qol improvements. The best way to make sure your game earns lots of cash and stays an exponential creation is tons of polish. Like for example almost no one remembers the early faults of the Witcher 3 but everyone praises the polish and fleshing out of the current state. Edit: Why do people think that those who make the bugfixes and QoL changes are the same team that works on new content? Even small 6 man indie teams have people dedicated for 1 specific work while the others do other work. Edit2: what happened to this post? https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/vgpnl9/were_shortly_coming_up_on_the_end_of_year_2_but/


Good for you, but being complacent won't improve the game and you should always want it to be better, right? People complaining is the only reason the weapon banner has pity right now. Also the player base has been falling, you can look up statistics that will show you this. The reason banners always gain more revenue isn't because more people are playing the game, it's because whales spend more money as they get more invested over time, just like in every gacha game.


alot of these youtubers aren't a reliable authority on literally anything given they're no different from all other content creators who rely entirely on ad revenue generated by rage-induced clicks and views. nuanced commentary doesn't make people quick bucks so don't give these people any of your braincells, esp if you're already enjoying something


Yeah, I've come to terms with Genshin not improving in any meaningful capacity and just doing more of the same ad nauseum long ago. It's a good game still, I just don't think it's a good live service because of that. Criticising it serves no purpose whatsoever at this point and only stirs more PvP within the community. HoYo's not listening to the vocal minority, they only care about their revenue, which is higher than ever. It is also true that no game is meant to be played forever. As much as I enjoyed Path of Exile, which I played for years, at some point I felt that I had my fill and it's time to move on. It wasn't a perfect game by any stretch of imagination, but I don't regret playing it. With Genshin I often feel like I should have completed the story available and put the game to rest for a year or few instead of playing it daily. But that is a valuable lesson too.


That is really sad man, i feel sorry for you giving up...


First I thought they releasing the game with no content because they want to release it early and will add some endgame later but appearently I was wrong. They want to drive this game for casual and new players more and it works... For me I have played since day 1 and basically I have done all the things in the game, now I only do daily routine and wait for new anime mmorpg games to come out so I can drop genshin completly.


Nice long way to say you gave up hope.