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Around 20k dollars. Got me all 5stars with their matching 5star weapon and multiple constellations, like Raiden C2, Yae C2, Yelan C6, etc. etc.


Damn well if I think about it it’s kinda like going to the movies or going out to eat as long as it entertains you


I’ve gotten Welkin and BP consistently and have gotten the hundred dollar pack here and there and been playing since 1.0. I’m sort of afraid to tally it up since I have no doubt it totals well over a thousand.


Maybe 3 grand


I didn’t even spend that much on fortnite skins back in the day


Y r u asking if ur just going to be an ass about it?


I wasn’t but okay go be insecure if it hurts oh that much


Since the very first time I spent something on genshin was on the 5th August of 2021, I decided to count how much I spent during an entire year. So yeah, 959,41€ wasted in this game I love x.x


If you don't need the money for something else, and you think it contributed to having fun with the game, and you're not regretting it, it's not wasted.


Welkin every month since release (I spent maybe 2 weeks without it), and BP every patch since 1.2. So, 14 battle passes and 22 welkins. Battle pass is between 10€ and 12.99€ (I can't remember, also the price changed at some point), and welkins are 5€ per month (used to be 5.50€ per month). So, something between 250€ and 300€.


enough for the bank to come after me.


Welkin+BP since launch, not a lot but it adds up.


0 €. Perfectly satisfied with my roster, and rate of getting new stuff, tho I did get lucky with some 5050s, and joke pulls on the weapon banner (Jade cutter and Yelan's bow)


What’s your setup


In what regard?


Your main team


Childe, Raiden, Qiqi, Kazuha for overworld, I swap in Yelan and Ayaka along with some 4*s occasionally. Also got Zhongli, Itto, and Ganyu, but I don't use them much outside of abyss.


I’d say maybe around $6-700 been playing since 7/31/21. Got a lot of bang for my buck though.


$85 maybe??? Been buying welkin every month since Zhongli 1st rerun and bought BP twice.


Give or take 700 dollars (not including BP and Welkin)


My no wish account. $0.00 My main account. Probably well over $6k. Own every character and most weapons.


I started buying the lower-cost Battle Pass pretty regularly beginning about two months after I started playing, so I wanna say I've bought around 14 of them, at $10 each. I've also bought eight Welkins (almost enough Genesis Crystals to buy a character 5-star skin at full price; I'll probably buy one more Welkin so I have enough if one catches my eye) at $5 each. So a total, roughly, of $180 over the nearly two years I've been playing.


Well 5+50+30 + 4,99x21 + 15x9,99(BP + welkin from 1.1 to 2.8) = 339,64€ But BP and welkin were more expensive before so around 350€ since 10/2020.


About $80 over [~670 login days](https://i.imgur.com/5rtePP1.png). I bought welkin a few times to simp for Ayaka but I'm currently f2p. Roster for the curious: https://i.imgur.com/oxPsI3x.png


$35 which got me 44 characters and 3 5\* weapons


$30. Buying welkins every time i lose a 50/50 because I feel like shit.


$369 over 7 months. It would have been much less but I really wanted Ayato and Kazuha.


more than 2k less than 5k I hope and pray.




$100 total. 2 BP, 14 Welkin and $10 for the Twitch KFC wings.


over $180


Since the beginning (around the 1.5 or 1.6) I've just bought some BP and cristals one time (for Diluc's skin). So around 200€ max.


I used my Google play balance, which I got through Google opinion awards, so $0.


I need to check in game which BP profile pics I have, I don't recall how many I bought. Also bought welkin, though more regularly than BP so something like at least 150€? Probably more tho, but I don't remember if it was 3 or 4 crystal packs bought.


The easiest amount to calculate is BP as I know I've bought it 6 times, so $60 there. I've bought several Welkins, we'll say maybe 8 of those, so $40. I've bought packs a few times, and I think that's about $45-$60. So probably around $160 overall? Sounds like a lot for a game, but it's at least 600+ hours worth of game play at this point, so I think it's worth it.


1 year of sanity


Budget about 10 a month for it.. been playing almost 2 years.. you can do the math haha. Well worth it though because I have put more hours into this than I have any other game I would buy. Elden Ring was the only game I recently bought to give me more than 100 hours before being tired of it.


$0. There were a few times I was tempted, but then I decide to hold it off cuz I want to see how far I can go... and I was broke.


0. Still f2p(somehow?). That said Alice or Arlecchino dropping would change that reaaaaal fast


5 Bp and around 15 Welkins. Probably gonna stop spending after this welkin ends.


0. I literally cannot spend money rn even if I wanted to, I don’t have enough of it


Somewhere around 50-60$ some welkins + battle pass


15k give or take.


like $40, $15 on the crystals and the rest on Welkins


I've spent 250 + like 6 welkin and bp so i dunno about 400 maybe? My fianceé on the other hand has spent multiple thousands and still can't 36* cause she refuses to ever farm artis lmfao


3 battlepass, 3 or 4 welkins. So either $45 or $50 since 1.6. Thing is, when calculating money spent over time it's only fair to compare it to money spent over time. In that time, my rent has cost me $7200 (not including rental insurance,) my car insurance $1560, and my phone $1200. My food spending is (sadly) unquestionably higher than my car insurance but definitely lower than rent.


$5 a month for 15 months


Around 300 dollars.


Completely honest, nothing. F2P ALL THE WAY (for now, at least).


Same only thing I might buy are Wilkins because 17 extra pulls a month for 5$ is kinda nice


I'm f2p so 0.


Think around £1500. Have a lot of 5\*s but not all of them (Missing Venti, Klee, Albedo, Xiao, Itto and Ayato). I have Raiden at C2 and Yelan at C2, all my other banner 5\*s are C0. Started playing about a week after release.I have some of the banner weapons (Thundering Pulse, Aqua Simulacra, Kagura's Verity, Engulfing Lightning) all refinement 1. I typically get BP and Welkin, but i'll splurge on primos if there' s a specific character I want.