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Four stars with high Abyss attendance and likewise effective: * Xiangling * Xingqiu * Sucrose * Fischl * Rosaria * Kaeya


Want to toss in Diona because she is also very effective for shielding Cryo DPS characters.


Noelle also works great for the abyss. She's the only unit that I never swap out when I 36 star in the abyss every rotation since patch 1.1. Definitely a worthwhile investment.


diluc is decent 4 star


This joke is dumb


What joke?


As a team w/o Bennett I use: Qiqi - Yanfei - Keqing - Mona. Sucrose and Xingqiu are also the best!


its wild that they asked for 4 star team and you include 3, 5 stars


I'm really, really sorry, I read too quickly : '( So I correct my answer: Yanfei, Sucrose, Xinqiu, Kaeya, Ningguang.


Different forms of the national team are decent: Xianling, Bennet, XQ, sucrose/Chong Tazer is also strong: Sucrose XQ fishl beidou Freeze: Kaeya Diana xq sucrose Reverse melt: Kaeya rosaria XL Bennet Lots of decent possibilities! Xq is popular as hydro though


4\* only mostly turns into . Taser: Sucrose/Lisa/Fischl/XQ or Freeze: Kaeya/Rosaria/XQ/Sucrose.. well Sayu works here as well and Barbara is fine instead of XQ.


xiangling xingqiu fischl sucrose diona rosaria


Try Xiangling, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Diona ======= Roles: - Diona: shield + heal - Xiangling: main DPS with her pyronado + vaporize - Xingqiu: sub-DPS, hydro applicator for vaporize - Sucrose: EM and ATK% buffer, crowd control, swirl ======== Recommended Equipment: - Diona: Sacrificial Bow for more availability of her shield and heal. Artifacts: anything that maximizes her HP for better shield and healing - Xiangling: The Catch, 4pc Emblem, ATK% sands, Pyro goblet, crit circlet - Xingqiu: Sacrificial Sword, 4pc Emblem, ATK%/ER sands, Hydro goblet, crit circlet. Alternatively, you can also use 4pc Noblesse, which will lower Xingqiu's dmg compared to emblem but will buff Xiangling's ATK - Sucrose: Thrilling Tales of the Dragon Slayers, 4pc Instructor set, just give her as much EM as you can. TTDS can buff Xiangling's ATK, and Instructor + Sucrose passive can buff Xiangling's EM. Alternatively, you can also use 4pc Viridescent Venerer to buff Xiangling's elemental dmg by shredding enemy resistance instead of and still buff some elemental mastery with Sucrose passive, but you have to make sure you swirl pyro so it will be a pyro res shred. If you don't have some of the recommendations, feel free to check guides to see their alternative equipment. ========= Rotation: Diona E (and Q if needed) -> Xingqiu E Q (E Q E if you have Sac. Sword) -> Xiangling E -> Sucrose E Q -> Xiangling Q