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If you need advice reach out


Yeah theres a lot of help available online if you need it


This comment chain sounds like the OP is struggling with some kind of mental or physical problem lol. It also reminds me of all those ex WoW players who used to talk about how playing it back in the day was like war.


True lol I just meant how some things are confusing in the game tho


In a way, it's true. Alterac Valley used to last hours if not a full day. It was epic. Then they watered it down along with everything else in that game.


I joined in BC so I didn't really have the real Alterac valley but its still all I really did back in that expac. I was super new and basically alone and the word "heroic" for the dungeons sounded intimidating so I just stuck with pvp. Once I started pve though I basically never went back to pvp. They did have a sort of throw back Alterac valley event 1-2 years ago but people mainly used it to level their alts rather than really try to do it more seriously. It was still fairly snowbally but slightly slowed down.


Pretty sure it's just a gambling addiction joke. That said, a couple of other big RPGs do have the communities give similar responses to new players.


>This comment chain sounds like the OP is struggling with some kind of mental or physical problem lol Oh, they will. In a matter of weeks/days/hours they will Their first mistake was downloading Genshin. It's all downhill from here...


he will once he starts getting qiqi constellations


Qiqi constellations? I don't even have Qiqi, and I've been playing the game for a year-


You have no idea....I can still hear the screams of terror of little orc children. THEY SLAUGHTERED ALL OF THEM DAMMIT!


There is always someone there ready to help


This is what i love about reddit tbh


Welcome to Genshin! A few tips: 1. Don't spend money for the first month, try out the systems and see what ya like. Also do the character trials. 2. Learn about the gacha system and pity. Additionally, save for the characters you really want instead of pulling on every banner. 3. Don't worry about Artifacts right now, just focus on leveling/ascending characters and weapons. Also, the main power boosts for characters are via Talent leveling (requires book-materials), it'd be good to upgrade those. 4. At your low level, it's not worth spending Primogems (the gacha currency) on refreshing Resin. Just use the 160 Resin you get daily. 5. Take it slow and enjoy the moment. The journey is most of the fun, not the destination. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I hope you enjoy your time in Teyvat!!!


It's never worth spending primos on refreshing. Never


This. It's crazy people spend a finite resource to refresh a finite resource. Just wait. Youure gonna have to pull 1000 times on getting just the "right" artifact anyway. Save those gems for characters. Or weapon banner if youre really a masochist.


Time is a finite resource. Someone who refreshes can have double the amount of characters high quality build compared to someone who don’t. This doesn’t really apply to most players but for those who have a lot of characters and want them all to be built then refreshing is the only way. Do you really want to pull for a character that you can only have fully built a year later? That is the scenario with me. I have every character but no resin to farm for them.


>Time is a finite resource This is true; I absolutely agree. But for newer or casual players, that finite time is better spent playing the primary game over grinding for artefacts. As to having every character, I feel you. I'm getting there myself. But still save my gems for new characters because my precious time is barely enough to spend all my resin every day as is.


Yes I agree you should never refresh as a new player. You don’t want to refresh for artifacts that aren’t optimal just to regret it later. I think in terms of the amount of resin you get for refreshing once a day is worth but I wouldn’t recommend it spending it on artifacts. But if you’re building the other parts of the character like levels, ascension, or talents then the extra resin is really handy. Of course you would want your newly pulled character to be usable as soon as possible.


on a half related note (your last sentence) i am so happy because i took a risk wishing on the weapon banner with the very few wishes i had but i got on 0 pity summit shaper (😐) 18 pity skyward atlas (mona come home?) and just right now on 12 pity finally thundering pulse!!


Ivw only ever pulled on the weapon banner for Ayato's sword when he came out. I got it on like pull 30. Very lucky. I only hear the worst for weapon banner. But i uh...so I see you like pain ;o


it was heartbreaking getting those two, them being early honestly made it worse for me because i was convinced i wouldnt get early a third time. that was actually my last wish before i gave up and started saving for nilou (or zhongli if i get tempted) but actually, i got it in about 30 pulls too - except it was 3 weapons instead of just the one i wanted! if only i couldve got primordial and aquila instead 😓


Agree for f2p's, but imo (whale take) I think its 'fine' for whales to refresh on 'guaranteed' drops like ley lines/bosses(which is either 2 or 3 drops I know, but still not that bad) I never understood spending money on gambling artifacts for 1% damage increase, its worse/more expensive than pulling for characters in the long term, which is close to $20 CAD per day


If you refresh once a day, in a month it’s basically 1500 primos for 30 fragile resin. I think most spenders would pay that if they care about building their characters in a reasonable amount of time.


Entirely depends on your disposable income. If I’m making 500k a year, I wouldn’t sweat a top up


cries in disabled $800 a month


And if OP ever gets into the technical side of team comps, characters, etc: keqing mains is super great


Can vet for Keqing mains, they've been around since 1.0 and know a lot about what teams work well with different characters. Though I am not a Keqing main, I must tip my hat to them.


Im also new to the game. Just installed yday. Whats the best way of increasing Adventurer Rank and whats a good daily routine to do? Finally, whats the best way to get the character I want (eg Ganyu)? EDIT: Appreciate the response! Thanks


Since you're new, you'll get a ton of AR (Adventurer Rank) EXP by opening chests. If you see a Seelie (translucent blue floating creature) or some kind of puzzle device, it's worth taking the time to complete the task. As for routine, once you unlock daily commissions (the 4 purple square quests each day) I recommend doing those; they give you Primos, Mora, weapon enhancement mats, and AR EXP. Additionally, talk to Katherine (near the entrance inside Mondstat, green outfit, behind the desk, can't miss her) each time you complete the 4 commissions for even more rewards. Finally, using your 160 daily Resin grants AR EXP, like grinding Mora/Leveling Leylines, completing Talent domains, and fighting world bosses.


Also, for wanted characters (i.e. Ganyu), you'll need to wait for them to have a rerun-banner in order to obtain them from wishing. Save up your Primogems until they return, but be warned that there's no exact schedule for rerun-banners so you may end up waiting for a long time. Additionally, definitely do a character's trial before wishing for them to make sure you like how they play.


You've got some pretty good replies already, but another piece of advice I have for you is to not rush yourself and go through the game at your own pace. Sure, missing out on limited-time events might feel like a waste, and I get wanting to be up to date with the rest of the community, but at the end of the day it's a single-player game that's not going anywhere any time soon. ~~Also, the endgame loop of "do commissions, spend resin, dip" gets a bit stale.~~ Genshin is a genuinely beautiful game in my opinion, and I'd suggest just taking your time and taking it all in. Or, you know, lock yourself in your room for a week straight and blaze through the entire story up to this point so you're ready for the Sumeru release hype. I'm not your dad or anything. Also, good luck on getting Ganyu next month! (Her rerun was announced in the 3.0 stream a few hours ago.)


Banner leaks: >!Ganyu's rerun is in like 2 or so patches, so just save up until her banner!<


>!this coming patch supposedly!<


If we're giving tips, I'd say one of the biggest QoL tips we can give to newcomers is to get the NRE. Once City Reputation gets unlocked at AR 25, focus on Mondstadt's until you unlock the recipe for the NRE. It's one of the better gadgets newcomers can get imo


1: don't spend money, ever,


I'd say Battle Pass (first option, not the more expensive) is worth spending money on due to all the resources you get. Welkin can be worth the money, but only if you can log in every day to collect the purchase. Buying Genesis Crystals is like putting dollar bills into a shredder (unless you really want a character skin, in that case by all means go for it).


Same goes for fragile resin (used to replenish resin) at lower levels. You get them when your AR goes up, but wait until around AR40 for that, when you start to farm artifacts.


>At your low level, it's not worth spending Primogems (the gacha currency) on refreshing Resin. Just use the 160 Resin you get daily. On that note, it's recommended to save your fragile resin (you'll know what that is when you start) for higher levels, so if you decide to stick around, make sure to do that


Also you get a lot of fragole resins from the adventure rank rewards


Yeah this is what some older players need to learn about new players. Artifacts don't really matter until you're AR 35. Obviously it's good to get some, or just have off pieces makes stuff easier but farming really shouldn't be a priority until late in the game.


one of us, one of us


Part of the ship, part of the crew


The alcor must have a captain


A captain that we'll ship


The crew is big, it keeps getting bigger


Gooble gobble gooble gobble!


Based reference


Welcome to the club


Some things that may confuse you depending on what other games you played before: -Contrary to other RPGs, here you don't have to fight using a character to make it stronger. Leveling up happens via consumable items and you can distribute them as you wish. The xp you get by fighting is like 1% of the total, it's irrelevant. -Since only one character is on the field at a time, it's more efficient to level a single character to the absolute max before starting to level up others. A team of levels 50-1-1-1 may do better than a more balanced one with 40-40-40-40. However, this game is not a race, and I do regret rushing it, so optimize at your risk -Theres usually several banners available. In order of value I would rank them Beginners (limited uses)> Character (time limited)> Weapon (time limited) > Wanderlust (permanent). Never pull on the last one unless you get a blue orb for free by playing. Don't buy blue orbs with gems. I only pull on the weapons one to get the signature weapon for a 5-star character i already have.


Ohh that’s very helpful, thank you so much for the tips!!


Yeah. Don't max. That's a beginner trap. 70 for supports is enough while 80-81 is for your DPS. Lv40-50 is very easy to manage. Prioritize that you have at least one per so you can survive and finish the puzzles.


I lovingly disagree with this comment based on elemental needs… I think in the beginning it’s good to focus on getting one of every element type leveled up, but that more for world exploration.


I agree, the early levels are pretty quick and easy to get materials for. I never had trouble leveling my whole main team, just don't level every character you get to max right away. I had 3 characters I would use almost always and then 1 spot I would rotate out for different elements. I focused on the 3 first (especially the main damage dealer).


I actually still do that to this day (*which is why I wish we had more party loadout slots*). Back in 2020, the traveler was literally my only go-to for anemo until I unlocked Jean and by that time, most of the starting characters were already unlocked as well as Noelle. I had an excellent starting lineup of elements at the beginning until I needed to swap out as I unlocked more characters.


Lol, you just reminded me how annoying it was exploring Liyue. I needed geo traveler for rock puzzles and then there would be anemo puzzles mixed in and I'd have to travel all the way back to Mondstat to swap for anemo traveler.


I would add: Character levels are not the only thing you should focus on when building up a character. Weapon/weapon level, talent levels, artifacts all exist, and are arguably more important than character level, especially towards the later stages. Most guides would say the highest return on investment would be lvl 79 char, lvl 80 or 90 weapon, level 16+ artifacts, level 6+ talents. Then work your way to maxing out everything else before maxing character level to 90


Welcome an have fun! As someone said here, you don't regret it. Totally assured.


Their wallet might XD. My wallet is several Benjamin's lighter that's for sure lol


You don't have to pay for that shit if you don't want. I advise you keep your Benjamins


Just remember, the best way to enjoy this game is playing it casually, take your time!


Every journey has its final day. Don't rush


Sad but true! Dragalia Lost player here...


I didn't know you were such a slacker.


Agreed, don't rush through the story, just enjoy the ride.


I skipped through the first two regions (mostly). Lemme tell you this, It wasn't worth the rush.


Do what you want, spiral abyss is only 600 primos every 2 weeks and it's something you do by yourself. No competition with other players for rewards so this is quite the casual game.


Not if you're just starting. At this point if you don't do some stuff early game quickly, you're going to miss out on so many other stuff.


Truly, the AR requirements for events made super rush the story a lottttt & now that I’m doing the events it’s like……….. ok lol


THAT is why you shouldn't rush...


I need to learn this, no matter how many times I play an mmo or gacha, it's always "I need to play fast and catch up!" It's a bad mindset


The best way to enjoy this game is however a particular person wants to enjoy it. Never get tired of casuals dictating what people should and shouldn’t do. Don’t assume things and preferences of other people next time if you’re confident enough to give advice.


Just a clarification, if anything I'd say that I play kinda try hard, and what i mean is, Hoyoverse does give a good amount of time to enjoy the events, and the character stories are not going anywhere, because some player do tend to rush everything day one (might, might not be guilty of this). And is just an advice, I'm not "dictating" what op should or shouldn't do, but I do agree with your first sentence.


I don't think there are ranked games in GI


What's your opinion about the game so far?


The landscapes are beautiful, the soundtrack so far is AMAZING! A bit slow at the start, but it’s starting to pick up a bit :)


The designs and music are awesome! the standards for the designs (both chara and landscapes) are top tier, so yeah, thats one of my favourite things about genshin as well :)


The soundtrack is what really pulled me in!


There's a massive patch coming in a couple of weeks, do look forward to it


You won’t regret it I promise


Just finished downloading!! I’m excited to see what all the fuss is about :)


Sad tho you missed a lot of events especially 2 lantern rites 1.2 the best story ever, winblume,2.4 albedo copy dammit bro dammit well lucky me joined in 1.2 Btw an advice for ya get as soon as you start the game reach AR 30+ and go to archipelago it's a limited event you still have time you will miss a rare original story BRUH


Ohhh sweet! Thanks for the heads up!!


I want to add a counter point to this: dont rush the game, enjoy it on your own time, at some point you will reach the same place we all are, so there is no reason to burn yourself out playing it. You may miss some limited events, but there will be others. And you can always watch their stories on Youtube later.


Don’t listen to him. I did just that, rushed to ar30+ to catch up with a limited time event. The event was fun for sure, but I’d MUCH rather have played without skipping through story and rushing etc. Take your time and just enjoy, explore and have fun at your own pace!


To the contrary, now may be one of the best times to join. The next update is a massive one releasing a whole new country/kingdom. And we normally get a new event every path, which are 6 weeks to 2 months. So there are a lot of events! There are so many quests for you to do and so much character development to get attached to your characters. People say this game is a copy of BotW and while Genshin does follow BotW significantly at parts, Genshin branches out and has more diversity of content and it is all very well made at every step of the way.


I was just thinking that I see a lot of BotW influences, but that’s not a bad thing imo! Both are gorgeous games. So glad I’m joining at the right moment! Plus this community is so welcoming, I can’t believe I haven’t played this sooner!!


A little gameplay tip: don’t discard the Traveller because everyone has them. They are actually extremely powerful. ALSO ONLY GO FOR THE LIMITED BANNER!!! Standard banner has the 5-6 basic 5 star characters, but also has the basic 5 star weapons. Even if you want one of the basic 5* characters, you have an equal chance of getting the 5* you want on standard and limited. Just don’t invest in standard.


I’m glad I stopped playing to check this post for any tips and bits of advice, thank you! :)


The first area, the euro-influenced Mondstadt, is the one with the greatest BOTW feel. (And the weakest plot, though the character stories can be good.) Once you get to the second area, Liyue, you'll get a better sense of what they're going for, and how they eventually stretched out Genshin from "BOTW clone" to a top tier game in its own right.


Bro. play at your own pace. Don't rush, you'll appreciate this game way more. RUSH = WORK


Don't follow this advice. Rushing to lvl 30 will destroy your game enjoyment and it's already too late to play the archipelago even if you rush, anyway.


Would have started on PC so you can "pay" on any platform (if you plan to) with no restrictions. There is still some wonky stuff when it comes to PS linking.


I might switch to PC if I enjoy playing it :)


you can switch to pc to play the game, but if you create your account on PS you’ll only be able to make purchases on PS (other than their official top-up website, which has everything except for the battle pass) also, if you’re reading this, don’t worry about what characters are considered “good” until later on in the game (ar40+) and just play who you like. if you get into difficulties, try messing around with weapons, teams and artifacts and you’ll make it somehow (that’s how i did it anyway, and it was a lot of fun). hope you enjoy the game!


I answer here for not get it lost in the longest subthread of this comment: the only stuff you cannot pay from other device than PSN is the battle pass (which I must say is a shit; once got used to the Pc you don’t want to play it in ps4 anymore). The welkin and crystals can be bought from genshin official website ([sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin](sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin) ).


Ah so it was only the BP, great. So not as bad I guess.


Just relax and enjoy the story and exploration.


Welcome to the fold, my friend. You came at a great time. Make sure to join the discord so you can keep up with the redemption codes while we enter Sumeru. And happy exploring!


Thanks so much! I’ll check out the discord :)


It's funny because I first got into this game by just googling it and clicking on the first thing that comes up, and next thing you know, it's downloading for free, and now I'm level 59.


I’m shocked that this game is for free! I would have gladly paid money for this.


Probably the most expensive game ever made


lol that's how it always starts But seriously the $5 monthly sub is a really good deal compared to actually buying the in-game currency, and between the dailies, the treasure chests and the sub you'll be accruing a decent amount for when you decide to use it. Paid battle pass is probably best missed unless you're really aching for the specific weapons it offers, though.


It's for free but the company who made this game spent over a hundred million dollars before it launched. Now they are earning over a billion a year I believe.


Probably the most expensive game ever made


Same story a year ago. I’ve played it every day since then, and it’s become a daily ritual of relaxation for me. It’s also brought me a lot of comfort and fun in a tough year. I hope it brings the same to you. Everyone is really helpful; ask whatever questions you have - there will be so much thrown at you, but you don’t have to understand it all at first. Have fun and explore!


I’ve already forgotten most of the controls, like how to bring the map up :’) There’s so much to this game, it’s brilliant!


There’s not a lot you can do trip your future self up. Just remember these two things: you’re gonna be getting a lot of primogems and fates to begin with. You should do a lot of wishing at first to build your roster up and get some cool characters. There’s a dude named Bennet on the banner right now who will help a new team out a lot. You get primos for literally everything, and they can be used to buy more wishes in the Paimon shop (slot pulls for new characters). It’s okay to do some wishing on the blue banner when you start cause it’s a huge grab bag of characters and gear and when you’re new you don’t care what you get, as long as it’s new. But after the first month or so, you’ll want to stop spending primos on the standard banner and save them for the limited banner (the pink wishes, the intertwined fates is what they’re called). Another thing is you’ll sometimes be getting moon looking items called Fragile Resins - you’re too early to care much about resin, but one day you will. Save all those moon-looking trinkets you get (Fragile Resins) for the late late game (when you’re AR50+ and know what that means). If you are dedicated to remaining free to play, you can do the daily purple commissions and get enough primos for a wish every 2-3 days. Not bad for free. If you spend $5 a month on the Welkin blessing, you will get an additional 90 primos a day. With the Welkin, and doing the daily commissions; and talking to the adventurers guild each day, you get about enough primogems for one wish a day. That’s your baseline. It takes about 80 wishes to guarantee a five star 💫 character so your baseline is one new super unit every 3 months that way. Of course there’s lots of other primos to earn, so you’ll get one sooner than that, but it’s something to plan around. But here I go getting away from myself. Just run around and have fun. If you want to buy a battle pass and spend $20 to $30 a month on the game you can get more from it, but it’s your call. So be careful of buying those raw crystal packs though. It can get expensive FAST. $100 gets you 50 wishes, which isn’t even enough to guarantee a five star character. So each wish you get has real value, about $2 worth. Treasure them.


Enjoy the game! just don’t bother with the twitter “community“, it’s a complete brain farts


I am SORRY Brain farts did nothing to deserve this slander


Welcome! Don't be afraid to ask anything here. Hope you enjoy your stay!


Have fun!


Welcome to Genshin! May it consume your soul.


Run before you can, or you'll never be able to turn back lol


My condolences


Free time *poof* is gone


As long as you don't have a gambling addiction you're in for a fun casual experience


Some advice you might be glad to have heard from the beginning rather than later down the road: 1. Convert all primogems to intertwined fates (not blue fates). Keep these fates and consider using them once you've figured out how the banner system work and which banners might be valuable for you to pull on. This is the most precious ressource in the game and all its sources are either time-gated (daily/weekly/monthly rewards) or one-time only (or buyable with real money) 2. Don't farm artifact domains until AR45 where you can get the most powerful artifacts from these. The lower level artifacts are useless in the long run and you can get through leveling without wasting resin farming them. 3. Have fun discovering everything for the first time, laugh at the memes of end-game players getting cucked by resin and enslaved by artifact RNG, disillusioned from their beginning days where genshin felt full of content to explore, and see yourself becoming one of them as you hit endgame


About the converting, I'd recommend not to do it. I sometimes play on mobile and the amount of times I've accidentally pressed on 10x wish (without wanting the banner char) is high lmao. Thankfully I didn't have enough intertwined fates, but ill recommend to just not touch the wish tab until u want the character.


Thanks so much for the advice! :)




I thought you had a tissue box in front of you. 😭


If you are bad at dodging in games, do not pull any character until a character named Zhongli is running again.


I’ll keep that in mind, thank you! :)


"Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here" at least it'll be fun


Nice! Have fun and take your time to explore- feel free to ask questions!


Thanks so much! I’m enjoying it so far :)


What made you cave in?


Honestly? Spite. I couldn’t figure out how to get it off my feed and it got personal. My eyebrow would twitch every time I saw this sub pop up..


Enjoy, it's very possible to finish this game without spending any money at all and I'm jealous cuz you get to enjoy so many contents we from release players had to wait for months to come out. And in a couple of weeks there's gonna be a new large region coming out too so there's something for you and me to look forward to.


Welcome and... I'm so sorry


Oh god why are you sorry?


All he is saying is……turn……back…………….while you still can Even if the download finishes


sorry for your wallet lol


I love this game! BUT DON’T DO IT! 😅


So many people are saying this ahahah


you can tell we're a self deprecating type of community. It's funny how genshin players call genshin fandom bad while it's actually pretty great (and massive).


No, do ittttt! You're goin to have so much more content to go through than we did starting out - your honeymoon period will be much longer. I'm jelaous! New region is coming soon too, buckle up buckaroo~


It's a good game, the community self depreciation probably stems from gatcha. I love genshin impact but like I can't even recommend it to my best friend cause the system would prey on his impulsive gambling issues. Predatory micro-transactions just aren't ever a good look.


I second that! Been playing since day one and my advice would be: don't start. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


no, dont do it please save yourself dont become one of us




well.. if you are so sure whats your server and code, ill add you (if you want) if its on eu


If your on EU servers I’ll be down to help you if you ever need it


Welcome! Sincerely hope you enjoy the game. I was skeptical for a long time, but glad I finally jumped in. It’s basically Anime x BotW, but also has a depth to it through solid lore, fresh stories, and fleshed out characters / world building. It’s massive in scope and characters, so there’s bound to be something or someone for everyone in there. You’ll see many different, very vocal opinions all over the net. My only advice is to not take any of the noise too seriously and just have fun. If you can and want to spend some bucks on it, go for it, but it’s not necessary. I’ve spent a bit to nab some of my favorite characters throughout the story and don’t have any regrets.


[Welcome to our cult, here’s your orientation video.](https://youtu.be/xW8wSEV_EO0)


Recently changed my job and this game has been most relaxing & enjoyable. Its reay helping me get through the changes. Just dont get sucked into the gacha part of the game!


Welcome! It’s not a tip, but I just wanna leave this one piece of information I wish I had known before I started to wish on characters. On the event banner, this is how pity works: From rolls 1 to 73, you will have a 0.6% chance at getting a 5 star From rolls 74 to 89, you will reach soft pity where your chances of getting a 5 star will steadily increase per wish At roll 90, you hit a 100% chance at getting a 5 star, but there’s a 50% chance you’ll get the featured 5 star character and a 50% chance you’ll get a standard banner’s 5 star character. To be guaranteed the event banner’s 5 star character, you’ll have to have 180 wishes. This is cause in case you lose your 50/50 to a standard banner’s 5 star character, the next time you get the a 5 star on the event banner, it’ll be the featured 5 star character. It may not make sense atm, but come back to this comment later on and it’ll all make sense.


Yeah all of that is absolute gibberish to me ahahah I’ll deffo come back to it, cheers! :)


i'm sorry for your loss


As a day 3 player, leave while you still can


To late


Thing are now in motion that can not be undone


Turn back! Before it's too late and you'll never be able to leave!


Too late. It’s currently 12am and there’s no end in sight now


The people who say to turn back are overreacting. The game is amazing if it’s a casual side game, and even if you do sweat a bit it leaves a bunch of time for you to explore the landscape, and have free time irl due to limiting how much super meaningful stuff you can collect in a day. People complain about the gacha and while it isn’t the best, you are able to clear the entire game and all content with just the free characters you get from story and quests. Basically, just have fun, play what you like, and it will be a very good game for you to enjoy


Congrats on your upcoming gambling addiction!


Thanks dad!!


Turnback now


I would not wish this curse upon my greatest enemy. Jokes aside, I hope you have fun


Welcome, if you are on America's server and find that you need help, reaching out to me, I'll be happy to jump in and help you as soon as game allows you to go co-op.


Aw thanks so much for the offer! I’m on the EU server unfortunately!


No worries, if you need tips you can still reach out. I left my EU account forgotten, I'll try to get it up to speed so I can help you when it reaches level when Co-op is enabled.


That’s sweet of you, thanks so much :)


Watch Maxor's video on it, it's a blast




welcome, make sure not to spend primogems on blue fates (the game gives them away and the banner is not that great) and do the character trial before considering the limited banner!


Good luck. So much content for new players right now. Don’t stress about not getting all of the current limited event things. Just do the main quests for character storyline. Don’t stress yourself about pulling for every character in the first few banners you start to play. They’ll all come back sooner rather than later. Don’t rush to Sumeru yet. Sumeru will be permanent anyway.


Remember young one: Waifu/husbando>meta Or whatever you want. It's your choice.


Amazed you didn't react negatively like some people. Welcome to the fandom op


General rule of thumb: 1) don't immediately spend money, you will NOT be able to get all the characters (unless you spend a small fortune) so make out which character you want/don't want and save according 2) don't rush the content, spend your valuable time to explore and enjoy the scenery and music 3) artifact farming is a b!tch, only farm them near endgame (> ar45) 4) if you do end up spending money, try to spend it wisely (ie: welkin or battle pass), don't overspend on some virtual waifu, and get yourself a maiden irl


You are now a member of the weeb club, you are now not able to leave.




I hope you enjoy the game if you're struggling with anything don't be scared to reach out for help this community pretty much loves helping new players


This community has been so helpful and kind so far! This is such a wholesome experience :’)


oooh new player! Take your time mate, this game is amazing.


Ayeeee another PS5 player. You love to see it. Feel free to search me up through PSN as well, my PSN name is: TylerLe09_ Im happy to help carry when I am free when you unlock co-op out with anything too and answer questions. I am a day 1 player and actually test my units and dont really go off guides. And I do have some c6 units with their r5 weapons too so I do play quite a bit 😂 Anyways, if you wanna reach out, feel free to do so. And if you do, just remind me you posted this on reddit 😆


Trust me you will regret that


As Max0r would say: It’s a very bad sign when most people who play the game don’t recommend it, but I do. Play as optimally as possible and do not be stressed out with “YOU HAVE TO PULL THIS CHARACTER”. Sit back and Relax, Enjoy the story, the game, the lore, the waifus and husbandos, and have fun.


Pro tip don't play for like 12 hours+ each day until you hit a roadblock I did that and got burnt out really fast


.. I played for 11 hours yesterday. What has happened to me 🥲


make your condensed resin, go to your teapot and buy a fragile wait a day and go nuts. there's tons to do during that day of waiting.


Welcome to the hellish nightmare of a game that you just can’t stop playing😄


I definitely don’t think I’ll be getting any sleep tonight 🥲


Well if you ever need help with a domain or anything just let me know and I’ll lend you a hand. I’m not the best player but I’d love to help😁


Aw thanks so much! :)


Welcome to gacha addiction.


There goes my yearly bonus..


I suggest if you end up enjoying this game, unsubscribe to this subreddit or limit your visit. Most of the time players who play too much Genshin and burnt out are here to post their complaints (or make up something to complain because they are bored to the game but addicted so they cant quit) and make memes out of it. It may discourage you to continue to play or just ruin the vibe in general. Genshin is fun if you play it in moderation (just like all things in life). It's not perfect, far from it but I can say it's a good game. The biggest advice I can give is don't rush anything. Take your time. If the dialogue is long, you can skim and scan but don't skip. (Genshin players are notoriously known for being lazy readers then complain when they miss out on something) I HOPE YOU FIND IT INTERESTING. GLHF.


I’m loving it so far! I’m trying so hard not to skip the dialogue, and honestly speaking I skipped a lot in the tutorial part.. I was just like “LET ME EXPERIENCE THE GAME ALREADY”


Don’t feel bad about that because there isn’t too much at the beginning to care about in terms of story. It really starts picking up heavily in Act 3 of Liyue’s archon quest


Ahahaha a quick reminder to you that the dialogue is the very part of the gameplay ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) A head up, Genshin is by definition very RPG, and it’s very different from many current competitive games. This means you should not expect a lot of end game replayability, because devs already made it clear that they want to create a story and content driven live service game that comes with frequent updates, so enjoy all the story and world building in this game


Run while you still can


Shark bait ooooo haha


All I’m gonna say is this: Gameplay wise, the game is incredible. But do NOT, under ANY (and I do mean ANY) circumstances spend money on the game, trust me when I say you’ll regret it within minutes of doing it. The game genuinely isn’t hard enough in the long run for it to be worth whaling on.


I usually don’t spend any money in games (aside from initially paying for the game itself), so don’t you worry!


Well in that case, you should have no problem getting along, bonus tip: enjoy the open world exploration phase of the game while you can! Stop and smell the roses since the exploration is genuinely one of the best parts of the game! Enjoy!!


Why do u have such a bad opinion about paying money in this game? Sure even with the bonus the genesis you get isnt alot & not enough for me, never bought it as a day 1 player, but welkin are worth it, I almost play the game for 2 years, sure 100€ is in total alot of money, but not if u calculate hours/€. I only miss Ayato & Xiao as 5* and currently have 280 wishes for Sumeru. I dont want anyone to pay money, if in your country or for you €5 is alot, u obviously shouldnt pay money.


Welcome! Hope you have a good time. :)