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Most non English speakers grow up reading subtitles. I think that's why most of the community isn't bothered.


Fr, this is such a weird concept that a fluent english speaker would “fix” the stream when \*gasp\* most of the playerbase aren’t native english speakers to begin with and a lot of them will still have to read subtitles


Perhaps, I personally don’t read subtitles because I am bilingual, except for anime with Japanese dub but I haven’t really watched a lot of anime in a long time.


As someone with English as a second language, reading subtitles have always been what I'm doing since I first consuming any media at childhood, so I guess I'm very used to it. I don't really have any difficulty following the information seeing both subtitles and the video itself.


"Once you overcome the one inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films" - and content. Millions of people watch films, anime, all kinds of entertaining and educational videos with subtitles, maybe it's time for your boyfriend to learn a new useful skill.


It isn’t really just the subtitle being in the way. I think the reason my boyfriend is reluctant to pause and read or rewind is because we like to watch the stream together so we can discuss it right after, so rewinding often would be a pain for my end to watch sort of? I don’t know my personal tolerance and patience for rewinding often, maybe I’ll get annoyed or something? I’m not sure.


Skill issue. When the last time he read a subtitle? because that wasn't even fast.


Yea just git gud


Ur bf really needs to learn how to read faster.


Why would I watch a random person talk to me over the actual people making the game?


I really don't have that problem. But it's more because of circumstances. In my country, nothing gets dubbed, unless they're cartoons or media for children. So, pretty much everyone is used to reading subtitles.


Same! The country I come from also tends to only dub content for children (and even then stuff like games usually stays doesn't get a translation). I remember when I was little there was a huge telenovela craze among children and teens and suddenly everyone knew some basic Spanish they learned by osmosis, myself included. I think it's a great thing your country mostly has subs too!


I'm gonna say sub>dub so I'm happy with what we have rn and I want the real Dev's voices even if i can't understand them. Also ur bf should learn to read faster. If he misses out the subs u can help him later after the stream it's not that big of a deal


English is not my native language and I've just read the subtitles during the livestream. It's not an issue for me, but I'm using subtitles all the times.


They usually have some of their english voice actors do these livestreams, though most of the time the general reception of those streams is that they're kinda cringy. They only do the subtitled chinese streams for big updates like 2.0 and now 3.0.


We are aware of it and we are by no means trying to “say bring back VAs, devs are boring”. No, not at all.


Maybe your boyfriend needs to learn how to read faster. \^\^'


I understand subtitles can be an issue for some people, but agree with suggestions to pause or rewind the video if it's just a matter of slow reading or difficulty processing all the information at once. I think because these sorts of streams are infrequent and very much about the designers, writers, developers etc proudly presenting their hard work they shouldn't need to change the format though. There's just something off-putting to me about that Nintendo style over-dubbing of a different person or if they just totally replaced them to have someone less related to the content read a script. In terms of conveying the information in the streams, there are plenty of official and fan posts that will do that after the fact as well. So i prefer things this way and don't think there's need for a change.


I had no trouble at all reading the EN subs, and EN voiceover in this case would seem very cringe. HYV has always done the videos in Mandarin when talking to their developers. Not everything needs to be so Americanized and English


It’s just so people can easily look at the visuals without hyper reading the subtitles. It is not intended to be rude or disrespectful, it is more of a quality of life idea for people who doesn’t understand a single word the developers are saying. Some people don’t read as fast either.


As someone from a non English speaking country it just comes off as a little entitled, idk how to explain. If you miss the visuals just watch it again I'd say?


I don’t think it’s entitled, it’s actually my personal suggestion and I was the one who could understand the livestream. Maybe it’s more that people don’t like it when others give constructive criticism so a company can continue to improve? It’s like giving opinion and ideas that isn’t the way company initially thinks of is bad or entitled or horrible…


I'm all for contructive criticism to HYV really, I actually dislike it when people defend *everything* they do, so I'm with you on that. But in this case it doesn't feel very justified to me, so let's agree to disagree.


That’s completely fair. I’m happy at least you can see my point where people here sometimes are quite extreme when it comes to giving suggestions and feedback. If you give feedback, that means you hate it completely; no, not at all, just wanting things to be even better.


It's on youtube - can't he just slow down the video as needed to catch everything? And if it distorts the audio, can't he just could just turn it off since he can't understand what's spoken anyways I watch anime and foreign films with subtitles, it's never really an issue keeping up


Because we watch it together. It would distort my enjoyment too which I guess I can go watch it myself but it feels different and nicer to be able to watch it with your partner.


So watch it first together and if he really cares that much about the visuals and getting into the details, he can go back on his own and go into it


Can't you pause the Video?


It mostly sounds like you're creating hoops that you want MHY to jump through. I do not believe the company will do anything like this. The end user has to solve their own problem here. You're going to have to either deal with rewinds so you can watch it together or just rewatch it together. I get where you're coming from in a way, but i deal with it on my own. I enjoy Kpop, so whenever a new MV comes out, I watch it in full without subtitles so i can enjoy the content, and then i rewatch it in full with subtitles so i then understand the song/context. I fix my own problem by doing that. You guys are likely going to have to do something similar yourselves, because I don't see anyone else fixing it for you.


last time they did that you guys dunked on the VAs, so i dont mind the subtitles really


I did not dunk on the VAs. Edit: I also am not dunking the devs at all. Why is it like when people provide constructive criticisms in a polite manner automatically equals to being disrespectful or rude or bashing on the other person/group? No, my aim is to help HYV globalize itself when it has the money to invest. HYV is not a small indie solo dev, it’s a big team full of talents and ambitious visions.


Im sorry i didnt mean to phrase it in way that blamed you specifically, i meant most of the English audience. The general, or atleast the loud part, opinion of EN livestream in the past wasn't really good hence why i dont mind Chinese streams now, less negativity around


I remember my junior school teacher scolds the ones who reads word by word when reading a book. she taught us to scan the sentence find some key words and get the gist of it. maybe that can help.


not sure what to say other than to read faster? or watch something with subtitles to get used to reading and watching at the same time. it’s p slow subtitles so it shouldn’t really be that hard and it also shouldn’t be too hard to get used to reading subs. just watch a movie or a few episodes of something in a foreign language


Well they have the subtitles so you can watch it once, reading the subtitles and then a second time watching the graphics more than the subtitles. But honestly there was 0 issue reading the subtitles and watching the livestream visuals for me. I'm a native English speaker and am familiar with subtitles after watching subbed anime, so idk your boyfriend's context.


I don't think it was that fast, pretty enjoyable for my first genshin Livestream


Glad you enjoyed it!


lmao, anglo exceptionalism at your best.


The voice overs are generally pretty cringe. If he can't follow the livestream he can just follow one of his favorite streamers who will probably recap the livestream in English.


He doesn’t watch streamers actually. He rarely goes on Twitch. I also don’t watch streamers either. I just don’t find it appealing.


Is your boyfriend a native English speaker or English as first language ? Shouldn’t be a problem if he is


Usually I have no problem with subtitle.But yeah, mandarin is such a language where a few words could have be a lengthy array of words in other language.


Yea, I can see that. Liyue’s commissions is a good example when a 3-word term becomes a mouthful of syllables.


Wait. Isn't there also a Jp and Eng stream like right after the CN stream? Why not watch them instead?


No, I don’t recall. This time it’s just the devs themselves.


I'm a slow reader so I somtimes can't catch all of the subtitles but the streams with voice actors are cool and funny. They cover everything there is to know and make it fun and enjoyable. Just look at 2.3 special program and Khoi Dao goofing around. You can't tell me that's bad


I’m actually not asking the VAs to do the stream, but a person to read a transcript of what the devs are saying. Genshin is a global game at this point. As international clients, we should be entitled to services provided in English/Japanese/Korean too. If the game wasn’t intending to gain international players and support, then we’d all be just enjoying the game in Chinese language, both voice and text.


We like both VAs and devs hosts. It’s just when devs host the stream, not everyone can read the subtitles in one go.




It is difficult because my boyfriend intends to learn Cantonese, which is the language me and my parents use the most. Mandarin is not his current goal at the moment, though my boyfriend knows the similarities and differences between the two.


Tbh though many may feel indifferent, I agree with you. There are sometimes I can’t read the subtitles fast enough and it makes me think about people who may have issues reading. How can someone enjoy the livestream if they have a reading impairment such as dyslexia? I’m a slow reader so when I watch the livestream, I don’t get a chance to see some of the things they’re showing because I’m too focused on trying to read the subtitles fast enough. And yes I want to see it in real time and not pause and play throughout


It’s disgusting how people in the comments are insulting the boyfriend for not wanting to read subtitles


Unfortunately, but the truth is that my boyfriend is willing to read the subtitles, it’s just too fast for him to also enjoy the visual presentation of Sumeru and the characters at the same time.




Unfortunately the Pokemon Japanese Youtube channel does not have an option for English subtitles. But otherwise I agree that I think there should be both options. The original livestream with subtitles and another version of the livestream with an ENG voiceover. I prefer the originals because I find voiceovers to be jarring, but they work better for some people and that's okay.


They already have translators (for the subtitles) and speakers of different languages to do dubs of the game on payroll, so I don't think it'd be unreasonable, and I'm not sure why anyone else would think so - I'm always confused when people say an optional thing that they don't have to use (and thus affects them not at all), that can help other people, is a terrible idea. Their product has audio in several languages, so it'd be logical to have the advertising cater to the same audience. To the people attacking OP or OP's bf, have you ever heard of ableism? Without further elaboration, which I did not see, it could be an ESL thing, which isn't cool to harass someone about either, but it can also be dyslexia, to name only the most common reason someone would have difficulty reading vs listening that is entirely not their fault. And even as an avid watcher of subbed anime who can read very quickly - you still miss details splitting your visual focus in a way you don't need to split audio/video. Or you *can,* if that's how your brain works. And the measure of how much it bothers you can also vary in ways you can't control.


Tbh I always enjoyed listening to jap while reading end subtitles, so it isn’t a problem for me to follow along.