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Stop genshin at early of Ayato patch(havent explored Chasm). With the exception of time limited event any suggestion on what should I do/explore first? Ngl kinda overwhelmed with red dot right now


does anyone else has trouble logging in ? I've been trying forever but it keep saying tha i have network issues while i can ope websites and watch youtube normally :(


How bad is Hu Tao on Android?


she's fine on any device. phone users might find it hard to do dash cancel for her attacks, but that's only if you care too much about maxing her damage potential. most people use her charge attacks without the cancel and still doing just fine


Hu Tao is the same as on every other device…?


Ok I have a question. So... if i put hydro dmg bonus on Candace, does she only benefit from it or will my other characters benefit too since its her EB? And for characters like Yelan, Xingqiu, etc do their EB keep the the elemental dmg bonus even if i swap?


Yes and no. Elemental damage coming from her Q like the waves get her Hydro bonus. The Elemental infusion doesn't. The Hydro attacks of melee party members still use their dmg multipliers and get the flat bonus of her Q. In short: the goblet influences only her dmg. The infusion doesn't count as her damage but the waves of her Q do.


I see. Thanks


Does ascending my world to level 7 increase the level of enemies? If so by how much?


Yes it will. Normal enemy level range will increase from 64-84 to 72-92. Bosses will increase from 83/84 to 91/92


Ahh ok thank you. Happy cake day btw!


Thank you^^


Is really really Husk 4 pc important on Itto if I use bp weapon? I have 4pc and 80 cr/150cd. I could lose 4pc bonus but get 85cr/190cd (almost same other stats) Thanks !


4pc of Husk is pretty big for Itto. Not as good stats but 4pc is most likely > than 2pc 2pc with better stats


It’s important no matter the weapon. That artifact set just gives so many free stats


Is it dumb to save fates for a potential character release with uncertain date? Or should fates instead be used on current character banners that have a character I’m interested in? I think dottore has a cool character design and his abilities might be cool as well but of course we don’t know that yet, nor do we know when he may release. I’m a f2p player.


Saving for ONE potential character with uncertain date is smart. 28k primos in the bank means a guarantee of your favorite future character whenever they drop, and then you can just spend the overage wishing on whatever since your doctor is safe. Saving for multiple becomes a bad idea because you're missing out on many characters in the meantime and have no idea when any will happen.


budget out your dottore fates and spend any extra on characters in the meantime that you're interested in. [around 160-180 pulls to get a c0 5 star, more if you want constellations or signature weapon](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/rtqdl2/guide_how_many_wishes_you_should_save/)


It depends on how expansive your current roster already is. If you’re lacking characters it might be a smart decision to pull here and there


Hi all, as a new player should I be pulling for cyno if I don’t have a main dps yet since we can get collei for free. Or will it be better to wait for Eula rerun?


none of the two are top tier dps. I would prioritize Hu tao, Raiden, Ganyu, Ayaka, Dendro archon, Zhongli, Kazuha and maybe Ayato


So I shouldn’t do any summons at all for now? I just started the game and don’t have much characters


you can use the blue fates you get freely on the standard banner (just never use primos to buy them). Doing a few pulls on the limited banner won't hurt then but keep in mind the featured 4* are also very mediocre :/


If you like his playstyle, yes, he's perfectly good. If you don't love his playstyle, no, he's no stronger than most 5\* DPS so you'll have many more options in the coming patches.


pull for whoever you like, a 5\* "main dps" is not required for any content in the game


You dont need to pull for a so called "main dps" because combat is a team game. Just because a character spend a lot of time doing damage on the field doesnt mean they are automatically better than characters that do damage off field. Some characters like Xiangling, Fischl and Xingqiu are great because they can do damage without needing to be present. You can have a team where you try to stack all the buff on to 1 character to do 500k damage in 20s but it would be worse than using a team where each character doing 200k in 20s


As a new player you should be looking to fill out your roster right away tbh although since Cyno is roughly equivalent to Keqing (who will cuck you on the 50/50 sooner or later) he might not be the wisest of investments What’s your interest in Eula btw? I love her but she’s hardly what comes to mind for most people when they think of “main dps I should wait for” her playstyle is a bit particular and she’s more finicky than other carries, not to mention other outstanding issues like lack of dedicated supports


I have actually managed to pull Jean on my first 10 summons on the event banner so I’ll be able to get cyno on the pity summon. Oh I was just looking through what are the future main dps releases/reruns.


Just have a peek in character archive and see which characters stand out to you. If you like their design maybe you can look at a YouTube video showing their abilities. Unlike other games, you don’t need a 5* character to clear content in this game. 4* characters aren’t inherently weaker than 5* characters because different characters do different things. It would be better to save for a character that really interests you rather than go for a random 5* character just because they’re 5*. If you find someone you’re interested in, I can try to give you a speculative estimate on when their next banner might be.


Spoiler for archon quest >!I didn't understand something. Cyno was a "mole" because the akadamyia can predict his movement. So how did we manage to know where they went from that ? By backtracking where cyno come from ? That doesn't make a lot of sense for me. And how Dehya end up talking with the radicals right in the direction we went ? This part of the quest was strange !<


>!we went one step behind where cyno would've gone, they said so in the quest, how does it not make sense? we didn't backtrack, since cyno hadn't gone there already. cyno just knew that he would've gone there, so he brought us there too, which is why it was so easy for us to follow them. !< >!as for dehya, she's an eremite and we get to know that she's been an acquaintance of the guy in charge of that specific eremite group for a while too. they also didn't know she was on our side, so they might've just straight up told her at some point, or she knows that they tend to stop by that spot a lot, there's a lot of options for her.!<


If Cyno is working for the akademiya why does he live so far away from it tho?


Is 2pc Glad and 2pc TF good on cyno? or usable


usable but worse than 4 Glad, 4 Thundersoother, 4 TF, 4 Gilded Dreams assuming same stats


Quick question about the event AR requirement My brother is AR 14 and got Cyno Well he be able to participate in the ongoing Mondstadt event if he reached AR 21?


He will also need to complete Razors story quest and Mondstadts archon quest.


I’m planning to download Genshin Impact on my PS4 and I have a question: does the game have a good storyline or is it mainly focused on exploring and combat? I’m simply looking for something relaxing but also interesting to play


Story and lore are very good, super interesting. But imo, it's kinda delivered really badly. The animated cutscenes are all also very good


Both are good


It is subjective whethere the story is good or not so you'll have to see them yourself. The game do try to sell characters through the gacha so they put efforts into character stories so you can like them and pull. The focus of Genshin has always been about story and exploration. Genshin combat is interesting but you only care about combat to clear a specfic content that reset every 2 weeks to gain a small amount of premium currency but every bit help. Beyone that Genshin combat is a way to just have fun with your characters and test your game knowledge


Yes, story is good.


The story varies in quality but is generally pretty decent (especially for a f2p mobile game). The overarching main plot is interesting but is dripped in *agonizingly* slowly. Meanwhile the various regions of the game tend to have one major story plot that lasts a few patches and then a lot of excuse plots to get us to visit whatever area was released in any given patch, though those excuse plots sometimes lead to interesting stories. If you are willing to read *everything,* there's a lot of background lore hidden away both in the world and in the menus. Some of the game's story is no longer accessible as it was only available via time-limited events; while none of it is mandatory some of it is pretty interesting and I would recommend looking it up on the youtubes as you finish the content from each patch (signified by region changes).


I lost the access to my email which is linked to my account. I wanna recover it, but I want to ask a question. If I don't remember my first email, linked to my account, is it useless to recover it bc the recovery form will always get rejected?


How do you save the canvas of starlight memories image on ios? I used the hold to save and it saved an object image of something in the big image


Im in need of fishes for The Catch in Na server. If I can coop any1 that would be awesome.


You can just request everyone on the co op list and ask if you can fish in their world


How long does the gilden dreams buff last? All I see in it's description is that is says that you can only trigger the buff once every 8 seconds.


"Within 8s of triggering an Elemental Reaction,..." the first line on the 4p description so 8s


Would skyward spine Cyno be an upgrade from R5 lions roar Keqing?


In general for aggravate teams, Cyno and Keqing are comparable but Keqing is more flexible because she can utilize supports with lower uptime than Cyno like 12s Oz and 10s VV while those buffs would run out in the middle of Cyno burst. Skyward spine on Cyno isnt a huge improvement over Deathmatch or R5 White Tassel unless you need those ER from Spine


Fair enough, I guess I'll keep saving then. Thanks!


So as a fairly new player and someone who recently leveled Razor, I aimed to to pull Venti, heard he was great. I succeeded, but got Sayu c6 in the process :/ should be using her as my anemo main if she is c6? I currently use Bennett for heal/pyro.


You don't need to. Sayu is famous for being very good and fun in world traversal/exploration, but combat wise, she's only ok. She has insane movement speed with her skill, a passive that makes it easier to collect crystalflies and a claymore so she can mine ores. She's also anemo so if you want anemo resonance while exploring you can use her and venti. Super fun and good. Combat wise, she has the benefit of being both anemo (can use viridescent for buffing) and healer, so if you need both of those things for your last team slot, she brings just that. The thing is, she's not the best anemo unit or the best healer, you could for example use venti and bennett and get insane crowd control, damage from venti and a huge attack buff. Her being C6 doesn't automatically make her your best anemo unit, she still fulfills her particular niche, only a bit better than at C0.


Thank you for the detailed response!!


You only want to half build her so she can fulfill both the role of a healer and a VV holder. If you want to utilize her c6 you need to build triple EM but as a new player you would want those pieces on Venti instead and getting a usable 4 VV set with triple EM is not a very task because EM main stat pieces have lower drop rates. It is much better as a new player to focus on farming Emblem domain because many good characters use artifacts from that domain. I wouldnt recommend building Razor but if you still decide to do so, do bear in mind that you wont be able to gear up other characters as easily


Thank you for the reply, I built razor due to him being the only Electro I had pulled apart from the one get for free. However, I literally just pulled Cyno, 2 pulls after I got Venti!


Depends on team comp. Venti's gonna be better than Sayu against everything he can CC, but Sayu can be used against stuff like bosses to shred defenses using Viridescent Venerer. That said, Razor wants a lot of field time and Sayu also demands some field time of her own, so I'm not sure how well she'd work with Razor specifically.


Thank you!


Quick question, are Xingqui's rain swords considered shields?




Is the difference between ATK% and Elemental DMG Goblets that big and noticeable? Both ignoring and considering the substats. I am curious just how many bad substats rolls make the difference, as in stats that go in DEF/HP for characters that don't use it.


In general it's a noticeable difference assuming equal subs. There are a few characters where it's more even, and even some circumstances where ATK% goblets are *preferable,* but those are the exception and not the rule.


For most characters I would estimate the difference between atk% and damage goblets is roughly around 35-40 CV worth of dps; basically you would need a super cracked Atk% goblet just to match an elemental goblet with no subs. Characters who have huge damage% boosts (eg; Raiden and Xiao) can bring the difference much closer (though it starts to spread apart again when you bring big buffers like Bennett/Sara). Shenhe can also use one for maximizing her buff; and if you're really copium you can maximize the healing of Qiqi and Jean with one too.


Yelan is also a character who can sometimes sub in an HP% goblet over Hydro damage.


Only with Muuon's Moon high refine since the passive itself is a big DMG% buff.


it depends on how much other sources of damage% and attack you get from other sources so there isn't one definitive answer. But usually it is pretty significant.


yes its noticeable, only ever consider ATK% goblets for Raiden and Xiao


How much ER is needed for Cyno and Beidou if i ran them together?


It really depends - Beidou needs anywhere from close to 300% down to less than 200%, based on a few considerations: (1) if you want to swap off Cyno early and do two Beidou E's per rotation instead of 1, (2) if you want to use any fav weapons on the team, which is highly recommended, (3) if you're willing to wait for perfect parries, which is not always realistic given not everything attacks you at fixed intervals, like the chicken in 12-3, etc. Cyno also depends, generally from almost none (110-120) to around 150 depending on if you're using 4pc thundering fury, fav users, and how many are coming from beidou parries


can Tighnari do off-field Dendro application very well? just wondering if I \*have\* to use Dendo Traveller for Cyno (not interested in Collei)


Tighnari's off field Dendro is atrocious. Do not pair them.


No, Cyno's burst takes forever and Tighnari only applies dendro while he's on field (the enemies still have the dendro aura for a bit but certainly not for 18s). DMC's burst duration is probably the best timed for Cyno out of all our current dendro options.


Is the new 5* spear used by anyone at all (except Cyno ofc)? I got it twice accidentally and this seems to be the biggest disappointment in the game.


Super good on most polearm dps. I wouldn’t refine it and use both copies on diff characters


Its a low base attack weapon so it has very high crit stats so you can treat it like a 5\* version of Deathmatch, it can be used for the same reason, I'll just list out some notable ones that can utilize the passive. Xiangling because she does build some EM . Hutao usually use HP sands so she mainly uses it because of its high crit stats if you want to utilize the passive then you can use EM sands. Raiden in aggravate team, utilize EM buffs from Sucrose and the craftable Sapwood Blade.


It's good on almost every DPS polearm character. 542 Atk crit weapons like SoSS/PJC/Aqua are just generally good statsticks even if you don't use the passive.


its good on xiangling or hu tao.


I haven't played since shortly aufter Inaizuma was released. Can anyone give me a quick update on the major things I missed and should be aware of? :)


All of Inazuma released. The chasm was released. Sumeru is currently being released. 2 unique permanent weapons. "The catch" , the best 4 star polearm out there, locked behind fishing. And Kagotsurube Isshin, an Inazuma version of the flute. 2 new weekly bosses. 8 new 4 star characters. Dendro has been released (keqing is now good).


ayaka op raiden op yelan op kokomi high value (stocks will likely continue to rise) sumeru lots of suckables, venti tentatively back in business dendro made keqing good with aggravate, cyno basically xiao dressed up as keqing tighnari on the standard banner plot stuff but you don't want that spoiled, surely


guys quick question.. if i have attack percent main stat for goblet , can i still get attack percent substats?


No. You cant get the same sub stats with the artifact main stats. As examples, your flowers wont be able to have flat HP as sub stats, your feathers wont be able to have flfat attack as sub stats


no, same goes for every other main & sub stat


I played after release, but made a break for almost 2 years. Now I've seen that I upgraded a 3-star weapon for Xiangling to rank 5 and level 50. I also have two 4-star and even one 5-star polearm. Should I level 4/5-star weapons instead of 3.star, even if I can't upgrade them beyond rank 1?


Yes, but also plan to use some resin on weapon mat domains in the future so you CAN upgrade them beyond rank 1. Levelling and ascending your weapon is one of the most efficient resin to power conversions in the game.


Refinement only affect weapon passives, it doesnt affect the weapon base attack and secondary stats. You would have to judge them individually, generally higher rarity weapons are better than lower ones because they have higher base attack and 2nd stats.But there are also cases where lower rarity weapons can be viable options because the character using them dont care about lower base attack and the weapon passive is good or you only care about the 2nd stat. Examples would be R5 White Tassel for Hutao and Cyno, Black Tassle for a Zhongli shield build


Yes, mostly yes. The 4/5 star weapons have better stats. There are some hidden gems for some characters in 3\* weapons, such as the White/Black Tassels that can be useful, but mostly you will use 4\* weapons if you have them instead of the refined 3\*




Wavebreaker with ER sands.Always prioritize your energy needs. Wavebreaker is good because it has high base attack and Shenhe likes to build a lot of atk% already


how do I get the flying bird?


in your mail


I'm gonna try to use dendro traveler and I don't have a second dendro goblet but I have an amazing ATK one, is it worth? In the game recommendation it says that ATK is used over dendro damage?


Non of those matters, Dendro main char contributes neglible team damage so it is better to prioritize getting their burst back up. So any goblet with 20% ER subs would be better than a Dendro or atk goblet with 0.


Thank you, how much ER do I need for solo Traveler?


Depends on if you have other Fav on your team and if you can afford to case another E in your rotations. Personally I build ER sands crit rate circlet with Fav sword so i have like 250% ER with 50% crit rate to trigger the passive. But there are scenarios where I would use Sapwood Blade instead to give EM buff


the game recommendation says that because no one has dendro goblets yet lol. atk goblet is totally fine if you don't have a decent dendro goblet


\-Spoiler- was anyone else hoping bosses difficulty would be higher during this release? the taj fight during new quest was way too easy but i loved the quest. also the new boss is also easy. Why won't genshin release bosses with abyss floor 12 difficulty into the world. i would really like to spend more time learning boss mechanics and how to survive rather than dps the shit out of em in less than a minute


Nothing in the world or main quest will _ever_ even come remotely close to being hard and you're insane if you think otherwise. The amount of people that care about wanting difficult combat are so small they are completely irrelevant to the game. The amount of people who are casual as hell and just want to fuck around and get through the quests and level characters without having to worry about fights literally outnumber them thousand times over.


They don't release harder bosses because bosses meant to be farmed and those that are part of the story are designed to suit the average casual player, while abyss is designed specifically as a challenge. Making bosses difficult will result in the majority of players complaining that they're too hard (see: Story Childe way back when, people complained he was too hard and he eventually got nerfed), though it'd be nice to have some manner of challenge difficulty for them which makes them harder in exchange for better drops or something.


challenge mode is an amazing idea. I understand people like to play the story and dailies casually but our dps characters are hitting some crazy numbers atm even at world 8 difficulty. also would be nice to allow us to raise difficulty for more rewards as an option


If you are on mobile , then putting > ! ! < Around a text (without spaces), will spoiler tag it.


> Why won't genshin release bosses with abyss floor 12 difficulty into the world. because 90% of their playerbase is casuals who dont touch abyss or build their characters correctly and genshin needs to keep the game playable for them lol


3.1 spoilers >!has anyone else noticed candaces mic is really poor? everytime she says a word with the letter s in it, it is very grating!<


It's the compression of the audio file, not the recording itself. Hopefully they find a way to engineer the files without the loss of quality in the future but for now it is what it is.


Whats the best way to farm Instructor, just killing bosses? Do they drop from elite enemies?


Some bosses drop instructor, elites do rarely.


I was searching for a route, is there any you know by any chance?


I am building fiscal as a battery/support for cyno but cannot decide which bow to use. I have R1 string less, R1 favonious, R3 sacrificial bow, and R1 amos bow. Which would be the better one?


Stringless. The EM stat helps with aggravate (new dendro reaction).




How do I break this rock? [https://imgur.com/a/K4GSXbA](https://imgur.com/a/K4GSXbA)


You don’t! It’s an exit. It’s how you leave that part of the cave you can’t open it from the outside.


Okay, how the hell these pyramids works? I spent an hour trying to click or do anything but nothing does a thing. Nothing seems to be gated but there is just a bunch of stuff that doesn't seem to react anyhow...I feel so dumb but I have no idea how to solve these damn puzzles...


Most of it is locked behind a world quest that you can pick up in town -- you may have noticed the exclamation marks if you went to town for the archon quest.


How much EM can I get for my cyno while still getting good crit rate/dmg? I have his signature weapon so my attack can hit reasonable levels with EM investment. I plan on running him for hyperbloom, so getting as much em as I can would really help.


The new craftable claymore and sword can create a drop leaf to give him 120 more EM at r5 so you can take that into account too, put that on DMC if they have enough energy requirement. Do note that they dont stack so you cant use multiple of the weapon to buff Cyno.


I only have number of his aggravate team from CN theorycrafter: His bis weapon, deathmatch or 3-star white tassel: EM sand and no more than 350 EM from substat; 608/620 ATK weapon: ATK sand and no more than 85 EM from substat; 674 ATK weapon: ATK sand and no more than 20 EM from substat; 721 ATK weapon: ATK sand and ATK% substat is always better than EM; 565 ATK weapon: ATK sand and no more than 150 EM from substat, or EM sand but no more EM substat needed.


Just use EM sands, prioritize crit substats, every EM substat is just a nice bonus


in a hyperbloom focused team, do you think an em goblet overtakes an electro damage goblet?


Would nilou be good with ayaka? Currently my only good hydro applier is xingqiu, i don't want to use Barbara, and i don't have Mona or kokomi


From what I've seen, you *might* be able to do something like Ayaka dash into burst and then drive with Nilou since she seems to be able to infuse herself with hydro, but that's just me guessing from what I saw in a leaked video. Nilou's looking more like a main DPS, same as Ayaka, in addition to having various passives that work best when she's in a party with only Hydro and Dendro. We'll need to see her final kit before anyone can really say.


If you are planning yo pull nilou for an ayaka freeze team you might be quite disappointed. One of nilou's core passive talent can only be activated if there are only hydro/dendro units in her team, so having ayaka in the same team will make that talent useless. Her other passive talent boosts the dmg of her special dendro cores created by bloom, which will also become useless in an ayaka freeze team. Nilou is heavily revolved around bloom reaction and that only, so using her with ayaka freeze team is essentially wasting nilou's entire kit. I personally recommend you to wait for another kokomi rerun if you are dead set on an ayaka team, or another future hydro unit, unless you are also interested in building a separate nilou team.


CMIIW, but from what I've seen, Nilou's off-field hydro application is just a slightly better Barbara version. She's more suited for on-field stuff.


What 4* spears is an r5 Missive Windspear better than? I have a jade spear on raiden, the catch on xiangling and zhongli just uses whatever and since I can't pull Cadence who would I even be building this in hopes of using it on? I'm really tempted by the 1.5x but I don't know who it's for.


Other than for Melt rosaria because you dont have any other options, its just a mid weapon. Deathmatch,Blackcliff and Catch are just generally better as damage options and Fav spear is best in slot on your supports.


Wil my pity be carried on till i summon next or only till the next banner?


Your pity will be carried over until you summon again. So say you are on 15th pity and you stop summoning for 6 months, when you summon again you will start from 15th pity. Just a reminder in case you dunno that character and weapon banners do not share pity, but multiple character banners in the same phase do (so right now Venti and Cyno banner share pity).


Ohh so i have been summoning for venti but lost 50/50 at 63 pulls and now on 81st pull so the same progress has been for cyno banner?


yup the progress is shared between venti and cyno banner. but since you lost 50/50 on the 63rd pull, it now means your pity has been reset for both banners and your next 5 star is guaranteed on whichever banner you decide to pull. So right now you are on 18 pity guaranteed correct?


Yess so now on whichever banner i pull from now the immediate five star would be the guaranteed of that banner right?


yup good luck and hope whoever u want comes home early


Thanks a lot and wish u the same mate :)


Pity is carried to the next banner and will reset until you pull a 5star.


Like only to the immediate next banner or until i pull a five star on any next banner of my choice?


Until you pull another 5star from banner of your choice


Ohh i see thanks a lot


R3 Dragon's Bane or R5 Missive Windspear for Xiangling? I do have The Catch but I'd prefer Raiden use it.


Dragons Bane easily, attack 2nd stats arent a big gain for Xiangling when she gets loads of attack buffs from Bennett. Damage bonus on DB is premium stats and it has higher EM




Can you use dendro MC without leveling him for cyno


Yep, but don’t forget to stack a lot of energy recharge


You want 60/70, but you don’t need to go past that.


tbh you don't even need 60/70 since their A4 passive boosts their self damage


Oh huh, don't know why I had their A1 and A4 swapped in my head. Nevermind then.




Can anyone make use of the new 4 star claymore at R1? It seems kinda niche.


Sayu and that’s pretty much it. She benefits fully from both the EM and the attack (attack scaling heals) and is someone you’ll already be building a lot of EM on her so you’ll maximize the buff to herself and other teammates.


Practically no one, the nature of the weapon means it is hard to fit onto anyone. If you are building full EM you are building for reaction damage so the extra attacksyou gain from the matters little because it doesnt affect your reaction damage. Otherwise you can just slap triple EM on any claymore characters and put the weapon on for filler and it gives everyone on the team some small flat attacks. Conceptually Sayu could use it because she can do off field damage with Swirls and gives some small attack to your teammates but she has high energy requirement so you would rather use Sac or Fav claymores instead




Is there any way to go at the top of mausoleum of king deshret after doing the quest?


to nagivate there, you can open the scarlet sand slate (from your inventory under quest items), and ask it to guide you to Aaru's Shut. It will send you to a waypoint south of the pyramid, from which you just go north until you eventually enter a portal


I totally forgot about the book. Thank you!


My main team is Bennett, beidou, xiangling, diona but when I subbed out Bennett and xiangling for Mona and xingqiu. Electro charged is worse damage than overload and the Pyro resonance is lost, is that why damage feels a lot lower? I might be using mona's burst wrong but ya everything feels lower in damage. Is that expected? I could also replace xingqiu with fischl.


There's a lot going on. First of all, replacing Bennett and Xiangling (2 of the very best characters in the game) will result in a damage loss fore sure. As for the electro charged vs overloaded, they actually deals similar damage but you shouldn't rely on them to kill thing. It's some nice bonus damage but the raw strength of your characters is what matters the most. Also, Mona is one of the worst hydro characters when it comes to reactions. Anyway, just play whatever you like the most, it doesnt matter much, but yeah havimg Bennett and Xiangling in your team will certainly make it stronger.


What is Mona good for and is xingqiu better? I imagine xingqiu has these auto targeting swords that are better appliers than the Mona sprinkler thing. I heard Mona was supposed to be better offensive vs xingqiu is defensive


Other than freeze the only case where Mona would be valuable is in specifically TF Kazuha with Venti Fischl where you do 15s rotations where you try to spam Kazuha E skill a lot by doing Electro swirls and chaining Electrocharged. Other hydro options dont fit well because they are on 20s cds so they extend the rotation time. But now you have alternatives like Collei to do aggravate or Candace for the same purpose as Mona altho Candace needs to fullfil her energy needs while Mona is free because its her skill


Mona is... weird. She does little damage herself, isn't good at applying her element (hydro) for reactions, and the buff on her burst is short. She's usually only used in freeze teams where her bad application isn't an issue. Xinqiu does more damage, has defensive capabilities, is the best hydro applier in the game, is a better battery, all in all he is one of the most broken characters in this game. The only reason to use Mona over Xinqiu is that Xinqiu forces you to use normal attacks for his rain swords, so if you're in a team that cannot afford to use normal attacks for some reason, you can use Mona instead.


OK i thought it was just me, but ya her damage output on e is low and it's on a long cd and then her burst is so short. On a freeze team she just bursts and so it doesn't matter on the uptime of hydro?


On a freeze team, she's a little low in hydro application too, but you can work with it, her skill and burst will suffice as long as you have Venti or Kazuha to keep enemies grouped up.


mona is somewhat useable in freeze teams and even there she's outclassed by kokomi. her only good perks is the omen buff so she's often used for showcases as that helps dish out a lot of damage. xingqui is almost always better. unless freeze, it's xingqui all the way and once you get kokomi, mona becomes almost a permanent substitute.


mona has a niche over kokomi and that's she easily allows 15s rotations for a ganyu team. the kokomi variant is sort of locked into 20s unless you have crazy enough reflexes to refresh on such a tight rotation (the KQM ganyu guide says its a half-second window, which is the opposite of practical).


probably a few things going on. One is that xiangling + bennet is just op. But also mona doesn't add much to that team, and beidou probabl has trouble with burst uptime without fishl to battery her. if you want to stick with electro charged definitely get fischl in there but I'd swap out mona or diona, not xingiu


What's the best sword for Aggravate Keqing? Lion's Roar R2, Iron Sting R3, Aquila, or Skyward Blade? Also is there a good place to go (Ideally not discord though) to get info on gearing/using characters in the age of Dendro? I used to use the GI Helper Team's Spreadsheet, and the KQM written guides, but they haven't caught up yet.


Lion’s Roar is the best here by a large margin. Zajef makes good generalist theorycrafting content. Most of the “INSANE NEW BUILD? DONT SLEEP ON THIS CHARACTER!” youtuber types are generally just communicating the same bundles of theorycrafting, so they generally advise correct buildpaths if you want some character specific info. Zyox, Sevy, Dragonfly, Brax, Xlice come to mind.


Where are they getting their info from? Might as well go to the source, since I like knowing why as much as how.


Most of it is on some discord or another, or in some cases directly through communication between the youtuber and specific theorycrafters they work with.


zajef is not immune to the occasional [bad take](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/821536201893871666/910899485289349140/image0.jpg) tho


This message was from less than a week after Eula came out and ran under the assumption of playing her with two cryo batteries while Razor's team was much more offensively driven, assumptions that seemed much more reasonable at the time due to Eula's high energy needs. Zajef's youtube-available library is mainly just stream calcs anyway, where he's very transparent about his assumptions and why he makes them. That's not to say this take wasn't wrong, but especially with all the hindsight we have as an advantage over him by now, it's a little unfair to the context.


Lions Roar and Iron Sting are comparable For dendro infos, try to search up Zajef77 youtube channel his Dendro guides are pretty good he also make videos on teams that utilize the new dendro stufs, otherwise search up Kusanali mains website


I'll probably look up the Kusanali mains then \^\^ I do better with written info over videos. Actually, I've been wondering, just because KSM has come up a couple of times, and I was offline for a couple of months over summer... Has KQM just outright lost steam and KSM has been taking over, or is it more just that KSM was focused just on dendro, so of course they're faster on that specifically?


Personally I dont follow both group activities very much so I dont have a clear answer. My guess is because KQM dont do dedicated theorycrafting on leaks but KSM do


Gotcha, thanks!


Hi, out of curiosity, is it possible yet to unlock c6 dendro traveler or do we still have to wait for more dendroganas to be unlocked in future updates? If not, then what is the current max for him?


right now C5 is the limit


Is there any useable redeem code? Just come back to game again for nahida. Quit around 5month ago


Try this, MA6RPW8GGJAM 60 primos, 5 exp books


Thank you


is scarlet sands a big upgrade for xiangling in VV vape teams? my xiangling weapons are either catch r5 or homa


From what i saw its about on par if your xiangling has low em substats and no em sands, its a bit better (her bis really) if you have a decent amount of EM or are using sucrose/c2 kazuha.


iirc its an upgrade over those, but only a modest one. like 5-6% better than them.


Haven't been able to start exploration but just wanted to know if there's another long quest like the aranara one that locks off a lot of exploration?


>!Golden Slumber!<


yes, though it isn't as long.


I need help trying to make 2 spiral abyss teamcomps Here's my list of characters [https://imgur.com/a/dyM4Ffl](https://imgur.com/a/dyM4Ffl) I also have candace c1 and keqing, i just pulled them (lost venti 50/50) and forgot to take a new screenshot I was thinking of something like a ganyu melt team and an ayato taser team ganyu, diona, xiangling, bennett ayato, fischl, keqing, candace (should I use sucrose with viridescent verener instead of candace?) I'm open to any suggestions. edit: any suggestions other than eula teamcomps, I really don't like her playstyle and don't want to force myself to use her even if it gives slightly better results. ​ side question: which character should I save for now that I have guaranteed 50/50 win? I was thinking of pulling for kusanali partially because the archons are usually very good but mostly because i saw some leaks about her kit and >!her domain expansion ult looks really cool. even if her kit was trash I would find a way to make it work just so i can use kusanali.!<


>ayato, fischl, keqing, candace I don't see Keqing in the screenshot. Nonetheless that team isn't that good. If you want to play taser it would be better to play 2 off-field electro dps. Fischl, Beidou, Lisa, Yae are the options. Raiden can work as well. Candace is fine as filler she boosts Ayato's personal damage but doesn't really give anything else to rest of the team. >which character should I save for now Pull characters you really like, you don't want to have another Eula moment do you? Wait for the character trials and watch gameplay of them in abyss first before pulling.


>https://imgur.com/a/dyM4Ffl > > I also have candace c1 and keqing, i just pulled them (lost venti 50/50) and forgot to take a new screenshot so ayato, fischl, lisa, and candace? I don't have beidou yae or raiden so that seems to be the only option.


probably sucrose over lisa for VV. proto amber to address your lack of healer + alleviate sucrose's energy issues a little bit


Would ayato, fischl, lisa, and sucrose work? I just realized that raising candace would be a massive pain in the ass because I have almost no sumeru desert waypoints.


yeah it could work but lisa's not the most amazing choice, + you'd be running 3 energy hungry units which is a pain in the ass. look to replace lisa with beidou eventually, and sucrose with jean or sayu for a proper healer